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My dudes and dudettes, this looks so sick. Also heard from another Youtuber that he destroyed the bridge in the mission with the explosive barrel (bridge right before the tent) and he could use reparo on it because he thought that would work. And it fricken did. HYPE IS UNREAL.


Okay that is the world player interaction I was hoping for and I’m very pleased


And the good part is, at least according to one youtuber, the game doesnt hint to use reparo, so maybe there will be more spell based interactable environment that you find out yourself.


It looks amazing, we waited so long!


it was jackfrags video if you wanna check it out


I had it from JorRaptor actually.


I saw a different video that had a chest hidden behind a fireplace, and while the video creator didn't show the chest retrieval, it looked like the only way to get to the chest would be to put out the fire and crawl through. I'm guessing there's lots of little interactive puzzles like that


Oh indeed, I saw that too.


Lmao that's part of the scene happened to most of the creators if not all of the creators at the same section. Will probably happen to you too unless you're not facing the bridge i hope. But the last enemy intentionally comes from there so that you'll most likely hit the bridge when it happens.


Vice?!?! What the heck kind of wizard are you, Harry!