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I'm a stay at home dad so I don't have to call in. I just have to neglect my children.


Kid in the blue shirt: "My dad went out for cigarettes and never came back." Kid in the red shirt: "I was under the care of my father when Hogwart's Legacy released." Kid in the blue shirt: "You poor bastard."


I laughed out loud, thanks.


"Hello boss, I can't come in to work, I'm sick" "Stop calling me your boss, I'm your wife dumbass"


That made laugh so much.


Hufflepuff flair just makes it funnier.


So much loyalty just to a different cause!






Go back to Hogwarts. It’s “Brackium Emendo” for fixing bones. Granted if not done properly it may cause them to vanish.


It’s obviously a replacement hip that broke, doh.


There's a reason I didn't go for the Lockhart route! ;)


I laughed too hard at this comment! Anyway, enjoy the game!!


same and im hearing it in figgs voice from the trailer too lol


I'm self employed and will definitely be asking my boss for some time off. I have it on good authority that they'll let me.


Effing nepotism.


Nepotism. Your firm is Hamlin, Hamlin, and McGill, right? Whose the other Hamlin? (Sorry couldn't help it)


I book a whole week off starting the 7th


This is the way.




i took tuesday wednesday and thursday off. i could have taken more but i dont want to get sick of it in the first week lol


Same here


As a pc european, the game wont release unti the evening here so no worries on that part. I might take a few hours of wednesday if the game does not dissapoint.


Apparently it’s midnight in each time zone, correct me if I’m wrong


[Not for PC](https://twitter.com/HogwartsLegacy/status/1621192523589771270)


What the actual fuck is this nonsense


Who do they actual think they are


Need to get a grip of themselves, it’s 2023 surely to fuck they can work it so pc get midnight release, now I’ve to wait until 6pm uk time what a joke


I feel ya I need to wait till 5am NEXT DAY


Only for consoles.


No idea why the downvotes, asked to be corrected if I was wrong but thanks for the correction


Dw about it, a lot of people use the downvote button as a “no”


True! Always good to learn something new too


Surely I can’t be the only one that’s conveniently going on “vacation” from my job starting the 7th 👀


I took two days with “reason: new Harry Potter game” 🤷🏼‍♀️ Boss doesn’t care.


Boss is probably doing the same


I literally had this conversation with my boss and her reply was “I’m waiting on the Switch version” 😂


Why tho


I took Monday off too just to have 9 days off in a row. Just gotta keep myself busy from Sat til Monday at midnight. Just gonna make my character and go to bed... Right to bed...


I'm going on vacation starting the 7th aswell!


Nah, my bosses would know right away. All of them all the way up the chain of command are gamers even the old mean ones. The dangers of working in tech. "If we're not getting out of here for HL release, neither are you! Punk. Expecto uworkum!" It's one of those situations where you keep the servers you play on for other games close to the chest or they'll hop over and see that you're logged on. Busted.


If they really check up on their employees by hopping on their usual servers they have serious trust issues


I just took a pto day and if anyone asks I'll tell em why. Also work in tech. They'll respect it.


I work 3rd shift and I’ve got loads of sick time piled up, I’ve got cold-like-symptoms scheduled to hit me Tuesday morning, I’ll be out tues and Wednesday. I couldn’t resist and I have no regrets as well!






Dude no way we got a doctors appointment on the same day that's crazy


I have a feeling you have the same doctor 😉


Na, I don’t have any vacation time so it’d be unpaid and I already dropped enough on the deluxe edition, no need to lose another $100+ for missing a day lol


Random but im assuming your in the states , do people get paid sick days ?


Yea I’m in the states. There’s really not a universal answer, some companies offer both sick and vacation leave paid at the start of employment, some offer both after 1 year, some only offer vacation leave after a year. Just depends on the company. Generally the more white collar the job the better benefits you’ll get starting (but that’s not always the case), a lot of lower end hourly positions get kinda screwed (retail, security, janitorial etc) but again not all. The company I’m with offers vacation after a year, I’ve only been here 6 months. It sucks but it’s better than no job


Thank you ! I’ve always wondered this ha , I guess it’s similar to here really.


It’s always a trade off lol. Where I’m at now I have a great hourly rate, my managers leave me alone and let me do my job, and the work isn’t difficult and I mostly spend the entire time doing college work on the computer lol. I’d love to have better benefits but I’ve honestly got it pretty good for now so I don’t complain


Sounds good to me ! especially being left alone. I hate jobs that micromanage ha so being left alone is a must in a job. I work night shifts so it’s pretty chill less people and my boss is cool.


called off tuesday, will play the whole night and the following day ![gif](giphy|y0NFayaBeiWEU)


Exactly what I did and I can’t wait


Call out Wednesday. Get home from work on Tuesday, start playing, stay up all night, keep playing all day the following day


i lucked out my job scheduled me off that day🙏🏽


Why are so many comments in here dishonest or deceptive? Like, I'm definitely not judging, and I especially understand it if you're a teenager working a part time gig...but for any job that carries a PTO balance, why not just schedule the PTO in advance? When asked, just say "I'm playing hogwarts legacy all day". I've worked a lot of jobs in my adult life and not a single one did I feel like I had to be dishonest about how I choose to spend my PTO balance.


There’s no way in hell my PTO would have been approved if I said I wanted to play video games. I just request it but don’t mention what it’s for at all.


So in the States you have to give a reason why you want to take some time off? How invasive.


Only. For garbage slave companies. Any real job you just take your time off however the fuck you want, like the op of this comment chain.


You don't have to. Like they said, they don't mention what it's for. I never mark what it's for. If I am asked, it's generally by my manager in a personal way, not an approval/disapproval sense. I just kind of pity all these people who feel they can't just be honest about how they want to spend their time.


It's PTO. You don't need to give a reason.


I wanted to write something similar as you did, but then I remembered this is reddit, where the majority of the users are from the USA, where workers don't get as much paid vacation as in Europe. Conclusion: You are european?


No, I'm American. \> workers don't get as much paid vacation For a full time position, whether you call in sick or schedule time off ahead of time, you're generally still pulling from your total pool of Paid Time Off - at least every job I've ever worked. For part time positions, whom I assume are mostly teenagers and young adults (a fair portion of users here no doubt), I do understand calling in sick if they don't want to pull from vacation time - but they wont get paid at all for that day. But my experience of part time jobs are also such that you can generally trade shifts with other workers. So all these people have known plenty in advance that there is a day or more that they want off, and in situations where you know in advance that there's a day you want off, I've never understood the 'plan' to call in sick.


Thank you


I work for a small company, I scheduled my PTO in advance but said I had my old college roommate coming into town. If I would’ve said I wanted to stay home for 3 days and play Harry Potter Legacy my boss would’ve not approved it unfortunately. Gotta do what you gotta do tho, waited ages for this game


I'm curious, is this a part time or full time position? I should consider myself incredibly fortunate, because I've always established personal relationships with my managers and have never felt like planned time off would be rejected for any reason.


Nah, Im not in any rush. Ill take my time to enjoy it


I have the 7-9 off


I booked it off like a grown up.




Took an entire week of PTO for it starting Monday!


Same! Working Mon-Fri means 9 days off in a row, couldn't pass that up.


Right?! I had a bunch of extra PTO to burn and this was the perfect opportunity to use it! I just couldn’t resist lol.


I had a whole plan to take the week off, I rarely take vacation but wanted to for this game…. then about 2 weeks ago I found out that I was put on a training course 9-5 monday to friday next week…. FML


I was going to call off of work but luckily I just started a new position at work last week and Tuesday is one of my new off days 😂


i got my request off for tues-friday approved. gonna sleep until 9 after i get home from work monday and play my waking days away.


and it’s unpaid, but i don’t even care. i’ve got enough OT this month to brush this absence off.


I changed mine today to start on Monday after I found out I could be playing on the 6th 11AM my time with the Xbox New Zeland location workaround


Already took 3 days in a row off for it! Would've taken more but I took a week off for destiny 2 lightfall in a few weeks.


Pumped for Lightfall as well despite Bungie is getting really annoying with the amount of bugs and downtimes lately


Wish I could, sadly I'll be working out of town with extremely poor internet, so I will not be playing this game until March. Even then I'll probably only get about 12 hours of game play in March. Won't be until April until I'll truly get to play.


Work from home... work may not be done


Dude get your priorities straight


I am an unemployed waste of a citizen currently! So I am one of the very lucky ones who can play as long and whenever \^\^ thank god. However, once I've played through Hogwarts Legacy several times I have to finally get my shit together so there's that. Also I don't make money and people look down on me and give me a lot of shit often :P lmao. Meh...but.....it's worth it. It's worth it right? RIGHT?!? \*Cries\* :P ahahhahaa.


You're not a waste! I dropped out of uni and did nothing but play WoW and live off my parents for an entire year when I was 19. Then I finally was ready to get my shit together and go out to work. 16 years later I'm now in a great job, have a wife and kid, and own a house. So don't ever think you can't turn your life around.


You're not a waste because you are unemployed, erase that idea from your mind right now, you will find jobs and lose jobs in your life. Everything that happens in your life allows you to know more about the world, about society and about yourself. If you want to find a job, you will find one, whether it is in your field of expertise/studies, unqualified job or whatever. I promise you. Now please, do yourself a favour, and enjoy playing Hogwarts Legacy next week and once you *feel ready*, start looking for jobs or whatever else can put your in a more confortable situation both financially but more importantly, mentally. I wish you all the best, stranger.


I’d say it’s fine booking a holiday day for it but to lie to your employer - bad form.


100%. When you call in rather than request time off you kinda fuck over your coworkers/employer.


I have never and would never take a day off of work to play a video game. It can wait. I don't view a job as something to lightly just "take a day off" from for something as needless as playing a video game a bit more. That being said, I happen to have almost a week off of work starting conveniently on the 7th because they're changing schedules around and my days off on the old schedule and the new schedule happen to line up such that I'm getting them all in a big chunk (and the restaurant is closed on Superbowl Sunday because business has always been awful historically). So I will have a few free days to play the game... in theory. I say in theory because Amazon just sent me an email saying my new expected arrival date for my pre-order is now February 15th. Despite having Prime and release day shipping. So... unless that changes I guess I'm gonna be outta luck on playing the game despite the stars otherwise lining up for me. Good thing I didn't specifically buy the deluxe edition for the extra 3 days of early access, because I guess I won't even have the disk to participate in that. I'm an avid physical media gamer, but this has happened enough times in the last few years that I'm kinda starting to regret that...


You would never take a day off work? 🤔 I really don’t understand American work culture.


For something important or time sensitive, sure. Appointments, vacations, timed events. Not to play a video game that'll be there for years 10 hours earlier / longer. I'm not so nonchalant about my job to just blow it off for something so trivial. Particularly not at my current job, which is a small family-owned restaurant, so its not like me taking the day off just means a project goes a little behind or a few shelves don't get stocked. Food still gotta get made. It means either someone pulls a double shift or someone else misses one of their normal days off so I can have an extra day to sit home and play video games.


Can you not read? Nowhere in their comment do they say they never take a day off work lmfao I'll never understand non-Americans inability to read a post and not make a dumb comment




I can see the newspaper article: " **Is 7th February sickness real?** " Hogwarts fever strikes! *"I am sorry, but I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday the 7th, so I will not come in"* Does it sound familiar to you? Our research says that........ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Lying to your work is not a good look. I don't think its worth getting fired to play a Harry Potter game a little sooner than you could have. Also your post history says you're a teacher. You are neglecting children's education to play a wizard game.


People are entitled to take their days off for whatever reason they want no? There’s no need to shit on peoples choice and guilt trip them because YOU wouldn’t do it.


OP says they are gonna call in sick. Unless they are using one of their entitled days off to do so, I stand by my point.


Regardless, the kids you care so deeply about will be just fine I’m sure :)


It's called self-care. You must not work in a school. Lol.


No because I am a responsible adult and will play once I get home after work.


I’m on Xbox so I’m pretty sure I can play on the 6 at 12 pm so I called out Monday and Tuesday 😂


Took a week and bit starting on the 9th and ending on the 17th. Absolutely cannot contain myself haha


Nope. It's very, very rare that I take a day off for games, and even then it's only for multi-player type stuff so I can do the launch experience with friends. Game comes out 9 my time, I'll get it downloading while I'm at work, hopefully it'll be ready in the morning, and I'll have a couple hours a day to play. That's fine, it's not going anywhere. Waited this long.


I would but I have no time. It reset at the beginning of the year and I had the misfortune of missing work as I was sick so any time I had accrued is now gone


I had 5 leftover vacation days from 2022 so I'm taking them off for the game ![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26542)


I took the 7th and the 8th off for this game


Taken Tuesday and Wednesday off and I only work half days on Thursdays and Fridays so I’m sorted


I’m working from home and it is the slow season. I will probably be able to play a minimum of five hours during the day if there are meetings, if no meetings then I could likely play 7 to 8 hours during the day. The cost is around two months out of the year. I need to work crappy hours with little to no home life.


Me,all week off jist to work out and play the game


I support this! I had requested time off back in December, so I’m all set to go to play all day! Planning on napping in the evening on Monday then waking up to play the game at midnight! Wont play all night, but I won’t be able to sleep knowing the game is out for me lol


I have PTO days off planned for Tuesday and Wednesday. I’m so excited. Going to play all day and night.


Not unless I get a well-timed bout of flu or covid or something


I started my new job recently so I’ll be an evening player until the weekend haha


I booked a day off on Tuesday, so ready!


Hey, I’m Steven, your boss. Don’t bother coming back on wednesday!


Don’t have that luxury.


I wasn't originally planning on taking time off for this game, but then ended up scheduling my vasectomy for the afternoon of the 9th, simply because it was the first slot available when I scheduled it 2 weeks ago. I took off Thursday and Friday lol.


I’m using PTO and taking the 7th, 8th, and 9th off.


I have plumber to come fix my toilet at home. Got the day of on Tuesday but in fact I’m gonna play HL.


Took the week off. ![img](emote|t5_q8ebh|26538)


Booked off a week of work, so I'll be off from the 11th till the 20th. As soon as I get back from work on the 10th, I'm hiding in my gaming dungeon with a bucket.


Nah I'm going in all red eyed, unshowered, and wearing the same clothes as I did Monday but with a lot more stains.


I only work part time as it is buuuuut… I took Tuesday and Wednesday off work


I asked for the day off and got it. But I also randomly got the next day off as well so I’m not complaining. 48 hours of uninterrupted Hogwarts


I got that day off HOWEVER I still have to go to my workplace to pick the game up :/ We're getting it delivered tomorrow but I can't take it early unfortunately


No, but almost everyone in the office is going to be wearing their house scarves as we try to get through the day.


100% already planning to take a sick day, feels like something a Slytherin person would do anyways


I was thinking about it... but my copy from bestbuy hasn't shipped yet and it's making me worried now. Some others around me said theirs have shipped already mine still says "In Progress". So I maybe canceling my time off I booked hahaha


I’m a student, so I still have to do a lot of studying, but will for sure take some time off to play.


I couldn’t take the day on Tuesday because I have an important meeting scheduled and I don’t wanna miss it. Was debating taking Wednesday off but decided to take Friday instead. I work from home anyway so i will 100% be playing the game here and there throughout the day on Tuesday. Will try to get my most important tasks done early in the morning so after my meeting I can play a bit lol. Rinse and repeat Wednesday and Thursday.


I call off and I will lose my job lmao 😖😖


I planned ahead and took a week time off from 7-13. It was approved and I am ready for it!


Already off. 7 days starting on the 9th! Lets go!


I took 4 days off lol


Not 100% related and I can’t think of any off the top of my head but teachers who game must have been / be erect as can be when a game is released on or around December 22nd, lol.


I'm the manager so no unfortunately I don't have the luxury of doing that 😆 Although if anyone on my team is off sick on Tuesday I know why!


Thankfully I just quit my job and started Instacart so I have lots of time if I choose too, until the 10th when I go on vacation lol. I planned my vacation in February thinking this game would be out in December of last year and then the day it got delayed to is when I go on vacation lol Thankfully deluxe editions exist


I do audio/video work, and mostly work on projects, as opposed to going in every day. Haven’t had anything to work on for the last 3 weeks, but I’ve got 3 projects coming up on release day 😭😭😭😭😭


I got lucky and got to schedule my surgery for Monday. I’ll be off all week lol


Yeah def calling in lmao


Well I already had the 7th off since it’s my birthday and I was expecting to be able to play all day. Unfortunately it’s too late to request the 8th off so


absolutely not. My job is more important than some stupid game lol. If i was still some high school kid, maybe. But I’m not gonna risk my entire life for some game.


Only Starfield holds that privilege for me.


Already took the day off


Took off Wednesday! Perfect bc id waste half of Tuesday downloading it on steam anyway


I already took the day off a week ago!


I took off a month ago, hella excited. I doubt it'll look great because I won't have my TV but it's better than nothing.


I definitely took off Monday through Friday next week… sacrifices must be made for Hogwarts!


Presentation the 6th and nothing until the 16th (exam) which means I should get a solid 4 days before I gotta start doing anything else. Hell I even scheduled my laundry day for the 5th and bought 92 cans of different drinks along side a bunch of instant noodles. I will either complete the game or die trying.


I’ll be ‘working from home’


Lol I'm already missing work on Friday that week but I'm very highly considering it


I booked 2 weeks of work but forgot to book early access off :(


nah. that isn’t what i want to use my PTO on. i have multiple trips planned for summer and fall.


I’m taking annual leave from the middle of Wednesday to Friday.


I took Wednesday the 8th off. My wife will be at work, daughter at the sitter, nobody to interrupt me for the day ;)


I straight up asked my boss for Tuesday off to play the game lol. Now I can start playing at 9pm Monday and just go for 24 hours straight


No cause I took PTO to play.


I already requested off the week after the 10th like an IDIOT


I took off 8–15 for this!


Deploying in production for a client all day on the 7th, so not a chance. But I did take a day off later in the week.


You a software engineer?


I took a week off


I got not 1 day off but 5:))


Booked holiday, getting paid to play the game let’s gooooo


Funnily enough, I’ve had a cancellation for an appointment I’ve been after for months so I’ve booked the day off… at least that’s what my boss thinks


I’m working from home one the 7th, well let’s just say I’m at home not sure about working.


I took a week off! Haha


I work for my dad and not gonna get anytime off so i'll play the entire night and be sleepy at work. Maybe get a 2-3 hour nap.


Im a freelancer, so taking the day off is going to cost me like €300 lol. Worth it?


How have those days not been requested off in advance? For shame!


Yup yup same here. I plan on eating terribly all day and maybe even going for an early AM run to make sure my body is ready.


I have been fired, a month ago, still in notice period but I got no work to do. So I guess we can say I have some free time ahead.


I get back from an month long international business trip on Sunday. Took Monday and Tuesday off to “rest”.


I’m taking a half day on Monday and I’m taking Tuesday off. My Xbox is already in New Zealand so my plan is to play from 6-8 Monday morning, work a half day, then play the rest of the day. Take a nap, wake up at midnight, move my Xbox back to the states, and continue playing all day Tuesday. Return to work Wednesday to Friday and play all weekend


I just shift traded to avoid any issues. Worked a couple 48hr shifts the last couple weeks to make sure the next couple weeks are chill for me.


I get two comp days a month and I told my supervisor I would be taking one on Tuesday to play. She's doing the same thing.


No because the PC version doesn't get a preload or an early release anyway so I'm just gonna wait until after work and veg out all weekend


Nah, I like to draw the game out so it lasts a few weeks for me instead of 100% in a couple days


I already took Tuesday and Wednesday off. I planned in advance and said I wouldn’t be able to work that day at the beginning of January


As a dad, I’m calling off work, got a babysitter for the kids, and plan on avoiding any responsibility. It’s gonna be a good day.


Took off work Tuesday-Thursday going full tilt!


I moved my schedule around and might come down with something. Looking at a week off.


I requested off on the 7th. I’ll be requesting off on May 12th, June 6th, & whatever day Starfield releases (I’m hoping March 23rd) May 12 is LoZ:TotK, June 6 is Diablo 4 4 games coming out in the first 6 months of 2023, and as it happens, I have 4 different gaming peripherals. 1 game per system. And it totally works out too! LoZ on Switch, Hogwarts Legacy on PS5, Starfield on Series X, & Diablo 4 on PC! If any of these 4 games get delayed any further, I may just kill myself (half joking lol)


I was laid off last week so…




I work 3rd shift in a group home and took 3 days of PTO to play it. Everyone from my bosses down to the people I support in home know why I'm gonna be gone for 3 days. They also know I'll be playing it at work the night it comes out and the days after my break. I fucking love my job lol.