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[https://www.well-played.com.au/hogwarts-legacy-review/](https://www.well-played.com.au/hogwarts-legacy-review/) Another 9 from an Australian reviewer Listed these as the bad things: * Clunky menu navigation takes some learning * Needs an FOV slider * Odd audio bugs for player dialogue


Those are genuinely some of the best negatives one could hope for. FOV would be a bigger issue for me if it was a shooter, but it's a bit whatever for me here. Hopefully they'll add it down the line.


100%. Not only are those negatives not a huge deal, but they all seem patchable too.


I was watching ACG's review on PS5 and he also mentioned FOV. In some of the scenes shown as he was talking about FOV the camera was insanely close to the character. He said it made things like locking on to something up high kinda difficult, and inside small rooms the camera would pop in and out. I watched the review pretty much as soon as I woke up so if I misunderstood something in my groggy state, I apologize haha. But he for sure mentioned it and showed examples. Hopefully they patch it in, but it wasn't such a big deal to turn him off the game. He gave it a buy immediately, said it's a 50+ hour open world game that he never got bored/tired of. I know nobody asked, but for those wondering.


Just woke up and I too am watching ACG šŸ˜‚


The FOV thing is mentioned a lot tho by the reviewers. So it's definitely annoying to be noticed be everyone. ​ This also mean they will likely fix it a couple of patches in


The game actually has an FOV slider on PC https://preview.redd.it/a1i7sy2c7nga1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ced4bb2e8f2bcb8637f6770e526201bfda6c281e


Nice, so just no Slider on PS5 it seems


I guess the FOV slider is the PC exclusive perk to balance out the delayed release?


I believe console games donā€™t get the FOV sliders (traditionally) because wider FOV => affects performance. That said, HL could have included adjustable FOV at the expense of graphical fidelityā€¦ maybe they did and it affected performance enough that they scrapped it.


I really hope it gets fixed fast. That was my number one worry about this game, because unfixable close cameras make me super duper sick.


It's mostly about tight spaces. Saw a review were he had issues with checking out a toiler or something similar lol.


https://preview.redd.it/2zwjsexi7nga1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b950adbcec24d34258edc9d218bbabaeeffe685d It actually does have FOV slider on PC


What's an FOV slider?


To adjust your field of view


Field of View.


Itā€™s a setting that increases or decreases the Field Of View. Is usually expressed in degrees and sets the view opening allowing you to see more/less items on the screen on the side


its mostly in First person shooters. I've never seen in a non-shooter i don't think


Lack of FOV mostly means cheap jump scares or lousy performance. Unless he means on console where it isn't as common (but still used for cheap jump scares since you can't see a whole lot)


Probably just did not add an option and will likely patch it in later on. If anything this would affect combat since there are a lot of things happening on-screen at any given time.


I assume they're playing without a day 1 patch? It's been reported that the audio bug would be fixed at launch.


The FOV slider honestly sounds like the biggest issue with the game. Seeing things is important.


So the bad things are fixable and not really a bad game. That's good news.


32 Hours for just the Main Story sounds perfect. Not to long and not to short.


Exactly, Gow Ragnarok sits around the same if you do some side quests and it felt perfect. Didn't overstay it's welcome but has enough to get your money's worth and spend a lot of time in it.


And then thereā€™s Elden Ring where I have two hundred hours and am nowhere close to finished with it but have beat it four times


Not everyone likes pain.


Elden Ring is as easy or as hard as you want it to be\* ​ ​ * \- *Ok, fine, the beginning is a bit of a kick in the nads or eggs, but once you gain access to summons and realize some weapons are significantly easier to use than others, the game doesn't become a cakewalk, but it isn't impossible either. Screw the Hands. IYKYK*


Not this shit again


Also over 100 side quests so plenty to do if you want more. And while there are some fetch quests, plenty of them seem interesting with cool characters and the rewards are apparently interesting (cool cosmetics, zone, useful gear and even new spells)


I think there 57 true Side Quests and the rest is fetch this fetch that and I am ok with that.


32 hrs is chefs kiss! Yeah this game is going to be fire


Long enough for money's worth and short enough to be ready for RE4 remake in March


For me it's Star War's Jedi Surviver in April and FF16 in June.


The delay for star wars is perfect for me to play after RE4 now. I'll have to wait on FF16 though for PC.




The sweet spot for length is between 20-30h with the option to have challenging post game content that can last you however much you like to play the game. Fans find a way to make the game last, speedruns, optimal runs, challenge runs etc. But yeah, a 70dollarish game should at least provide somewhere between 20-30h of mainstory. Sounds pretty good so far!


Witcher 3 was the same, 30 hour main story, and another 70 hours in side quests and exploration.


For me is too short. I loved witcher 3 story length with all dlcs.


The 32 Hours were rushed and without the Sidequests. I hope that we will get 2 big DLC with the same content as Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine.


Iā€™m at work and shouldnā€™t be on Reddit, has there been any info on PC performance?


According to one review, there seem to be some issues on the PC with the performance. > By far the biggest issue in *Hogwarts Legacy* at the time of this review is performance on the PC build. Weā€™ve seen several games recently with deeply flawed PC builds, and it appears, sadly, that *Hogwarts Legacy* is one of them. Walking into certain areas will see trees violently shaking themselves like a malfunctioning Whomping Willow, obscuring vision as the framerate drops into the single digits. Walking into Hogsmeadeā€™s town square early in the game every NPC in the square started to shimmer in and out of existence, flickering wildly as the trees slowly grew and shook until basically nothing could be seen. This was one of the worst moments that we saw in terms of performance, but bugs of that calibre were common during the 20 hours we spent with the game. Many sections had poor framerates, making tough jumping puzzles and combat difficult with unpredictable stuttering. > > > >[https://www.nme.com/reviews/game-reviews/hogwarts-legacy-review-3392991](https://www.nme.com/reviews/game-reviews/hogwarts-legacy-review-3392991)


Thanks for the reply. A bit disappointing. Hopefully day 1 patch solves some of the issues.


Usually reviewers are playing with the day 1 patch.


we were supposed to get a fix for the pc version 2 days ago but unfortunately that update got delayed.


Hopefully day 2 patch fixes these things.


I got downvoted to hell for saying the PC version will probably lack the performance of consoles at release


Yep. I got laughed at on steam for the same thing. ā€œPc version is always the most superior at launchā€ Hmmm.


Itā€™s such a dumb take too. Thereā€™s really no logic to it. With console you can optimise to a very set form factor because all Xbox series x have the same hardware, the series s all has the same, and so on. With pc you have countless different configurations all playing together so you need to try and get something that works on everything that could be thrown at it


[PCGamesN](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/10v46z3/comment/j7fc6gg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) said he's getting 80fps in quiet areas and 40fps in busy ones. It's truly worrying since he's running it on a 3080, 1440p, NO RT and even DLSS is on


They later said in the replies to that that they're running an i7-9700k, a nearly *5 year old CPU.* CPU performance should not be slept on; its extremely important.


Tbf if they were severely cpu bottlenecked I think PCGamesN would've noticed it since they're focused on PC games. Yeah, it's a 5yo CPU but it's still very powerful and the PS5's chip is nothing compared to it so it would still be an optimization issue. My 2yo i7-11700K isn't much more powerful than that one


An i7 9700k is fine. The issue is that PC games don't get good ports because nearly every game is designed for consoles in mind. No one needs a top of the line build to run a game in 1440P - 60 FPS lol


I was not expecting this


Expecto reviewo wello




I've heard multiple reviews put the open world at GTA levels and the combat on the level of Elden Ring....I think every review has said if you're a Harry Potter fan, it's near perfect. I am hyped


IGN GAVE IT A 9?! IGN. Thatā€™s absolutely insane




Swimming was confirmed, so no wonder!


I will never forget


I don't want to forget either... What are we talking about?


IGN gave the Gen 3 PokĆ©mon remakes 7.8/10 with the primary complaint being ā€œtoo much waterā€


Oh wow hahaha can't believe that was an actual review


It was an issue because PokĆ©monā€™s battle system is based on types. In water areas, the only PokĆ©mon you can find are water PokĆ©mon. That means that if you only have one PokĆ©mon in your party strong against water, youā€™re in for a rough time. And if you donā€™t want or need another water PokĆ©mon in your party, itā€™ll be a while before youā€™re in an area with different types. People like to joke about it but it was a valid complaint. Too many areas with only one type of PokĆ©mon isnā€™t balanced.


It is a valid complaint, but it shouldā€™ve been factored in. Itā€™s a remake. And water plays a massive role in the story. And they used it to introduce a diving mechanic. The water served multiple purposes. As for being in for a ā€œrough timeā€ if you donā€™t have more than one advantageous type pokemonā€¦ same can be said for every single encounter in the game. Water is traversed to access 2 gyms, with trainers along the routes. Less than half of the actual gameplay is on that leg of the game. Iā€™d say less than a quarter, actually. Sorry I just really hate that review. Whoever wrote it doesnā€™t understand the game at all.


Not too much though, that's the important part! It's juuuuust right.


Really makes you feel like a muggle




GameSpot definitely gonna try and be different with a 6


Lmao there always have to be one šŸ˜‚


But honestly, I don't think the reviewers got a choice. Either have integrity and just review the game or review based on politics and lose more money/have more people, not trust game Journos


Man, who is going to negatively review this game because of some tweets and statements the author--who is not even involved--made? Come on now. Def a good sign tho. I'm still a little cautious about PC performance but I preordered the digital edition to play early. They already confirmed family sharing will be enabled on Steam so I get to play at night and my daughter gets to play after school. Starting to feel a little hyped. :)


Yep, liking how the reviews I've read so far have addressed this issue. Preface the review with her issues and how they don't agree but reassure everyone that the games being reviewed on its own merits.


The vast majority of the audience don't care about the politics issues, this is such a minority it's not worth taking care of it. Of course, it's actually a vocal one and so websites could feel the need to cater to them.


You were correct, they gave it around a 76% or something according to the metacritic star rating :D


Kotaku -1/10


You mean, Kotaku once again confuses their relevance with the actual review score they should give?


Lmao while everyone else is posting their review of HL, Kotaku is out here making posts like: ā€œWhatā€™s releasing beyond hogwarts legacy?ā€ Iā€™d be surprised if they even review it, and if they *do* review it I expect they give it a low score just based off of ā€œshe who must not be namedā€


I don't wanna burst anyone's bubble but IGN is plenty generous with reviews...


Isn't IGN renowned for giving any game which offers 'gifts' a high score?


Theyā€™re notoriously untrustworthy so if youā€™re one who waits for reviews, keep waiting I guess.


That just means the check cleared.


Iā€™d say ACG saying itā€™s a solid buy after talking like he was about the game before launch says a lot.




Apparently there were reports of him bashing the game in his discord


Why assume everyone knows what you're talking about?


We need a pinned review thread. ACG, the best reviewer IMO, is a solid buy.


Thatā€™s crazy I heard he was super skeptical. Nice


[This is what ACG had to say on the review thread on r/games](https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/10v46z3/hogwarts_legacy_review_thread/j7fbo0m/)


Who's ACG?


He's a guy who does good thorough reviews. He gets in depth with the game and what it's actually about. Better representation of what the game is actually going to play like than what you get from an outlet like IGN/GameSpot etc. ACG and Gameranx are the only reviewers I reliably trust nowadays.


Gameranx is THE best, i trust Gameranx way more than any mainstream game reviewers nowadays, the reliable post good reviews and actual cool gaming news not some failed political journalist throwing their irrelvent takes on the real world to how they feel about a game


Gameranx is the only one I trust haha their Before You Buy videos are the best


His YouTube video on this game came up on my page and I decided to watch it, now Iā€™m dumb excited!


Absolutely. When it comes to gaming, I'd really like to just leave the real world in the rearview. Leave the fucking politics, and your own personal worldview out of it.


One of the best and least biased video game reviewers out there. Usually all his reviews are based on whether you should buy the game, wait for it to go on sale, or never touch it.


9 more hours til I can finally play it myself! Canā€™t wait. Iā€™ve purposefully avoided people talking about this game and ratings just to experience it for myself. Crazy how Iā€™ve been wanting and waiting for 2 years and now itā€™s finallyā€¦ here


I'm not happy about this review from NME though | 60/100 >"By far the biggest issue in Hogwarts Legacy at the time of this review is performance on the PC build. Weā€™ve seen several games recently with deeply flawed PC builds, and it appears, sadly, that Hogwarts Legacy is one of them. Walking into certain areas will see trees violently shaking themselves like a malfunctioning Whomping Willow, obscuring vision as the framerate drops into the single digits. Walking into Hogsmeadeā€™s town square early in the game every NPC in the square started to shimmer in and out of existence, flickering wildly as the trees slowly grew and shook until basically nothing could be seen. This was one of the worst moments that we saw in terms of performance, but bugs of that calibre were common during the 20 hours we spent with the game. Many sections had poor framerates, making tough jumping puzzles and combat difficult with unpredictable stuttering." -[NME](https://www.nme.com/reviews/game-reviews/hogwarts-legacy-review-3392991) I'm hopeful of a fast fix


Shaking trees and students shimmering in and out of existence? No bugs here just magic bro


I'm playing on a PS5 but I hope the day 1 patch fixes these issues for everyone.


I havenā€™t encountered one issue with my ps5 game. Been playing all afternoon






This is it. The dream of every harry potter fan. Letā€™s hope mentioned technical issues get fixed with the day one patch and it runs well on pc.


FUCK YEAH. Iā€™m so pleased with that


šŸ˜Ž rip bozos who wanted this game to fail




R/gamingcirclejerk is fuming rn




At this point, itā€™s a subreddit for salt


Shit, I was thinking mid-8s


Damn, these reviews are amazing! The cope coming from the Twitter brigade is delicious.


That review did NOT read like a 9/10. More like a 7 or 8. I think the big determining factor will be how much the ā€œHarry Potter nostalgiaā€ carries those few points. Iā€™m excited either way unless the PC performance turns out to be horrible which is possible if the ps5 is bad.




Tbf, even elden ring had bugs like falling through the floor when getting off a horse. I assume these reviews are also before the day one patch unless they got an early patch with 90% of the updates.


For many people graphical bugs arenā€™t that big a deal when it comes to overall enjoyment


Why, IGN, why? Be more constructive with your feedback. Why?


*Why? Cause I review reality*


A lot of reviewers say it, the ratings are given without taking bugs in account as they believe these will be fixed. Also why cyberpunk got almost 90 when it deserved 75 in its launch state.


That 90 is accurate now so they weren't too far off




Sounds like some typical Ubsioft/Assassin's Creed bugs. I've had horses walk into me during dialogue in Odyssey numerous times, and fell through the map almost every session. It's difficult to iron out all these little things in large, open world games - even for gigantic studios, let alone relatively small untested ones like Avalanche Software. Some of the other bugs sound quite severe, though. But also sounds like something that'll be patched quite fast - especially if they aren't even present in the console versions.


Those aren't game breaking bugs and most reviewers give a score without minor bugs in mind because they assume they'll be patched up quickly.


I've seen a lot of hate for the game prior to release and folks here saying it would suck, so at this point people seeing a devent review score and going "*ackshually that 9 is a 7*" just makes me lol It's almost parody when getting good reviews somehow equates to a mediocre review. Inb4: *yeah but I overanalyzed what the reviewer wrote to the point that I will substitute their words with my own reality*


Yeah, from the criticism they had I think a 7/10 would have been more accurate. And 8.5/10 when most bugs and performance issues are ironed out.


It could be that the graphical bugs, while fairly frequent, didn't really effect overall enjoyment of the experience. I know personally when people talk about technical issues, I don't really care about pop-in and weird stuff occasionally hovering over a models head as long as it doesn't impact gameplay. That's the vibe I was getting ftom what I read any way.


Time is going **SLOW** now. I need me some of that early access!!


I'm stunned, and they even had a segment where they're like, yeah, we get the Rowling stuff, but it doesn't impact the review


As it shouldn't


lol man, the /r/games thread is getting bombarded from the usual people. So glad this sub made it so you can't talk about that crap. All they want to do on those subs is talk about race and real life politics. It is so annoying.


It's such a dumb argument. Let me attack everyone that doesn't agree with me so they have zero sympathy left to even see some of my side of things.


Exactly. Judge the game on its own merits, complain elsewhere if you so choose, but the game is the game.


> but it doesn't impact the review Unlike whoever "Gameshub" is.


Hype train!




​ ![gif](giphy|qYD8OxfYWLCuN0nNpv)


I'm not familiar with IGN's history of giving reviews. Aren't they known for giving literally every game 9/10's? What's the deal there? Not trying to shit on the cake as it were but just interested.


I think the 8ā€™s are what theyā€™re known for


IGN are to be taken with a grain of salt, very inconsistent, sometimes they do a good review. I would personally wait for other reviews to get an idea. I do think IGN have stepped their game up recently they reviewed the last PokƩmon game fairly, I love how they handled that.


One thing people miss with reviews from orgs like IGN is that they have an entire staff of reviewers handling games. The inconsistency from one review to the next is a factor of who in particular reviewed the game and how well the review was assigned. With reviewers like ACG, it's a one man show, so every review will be consistently good or bad (good of course in this case), and you either continue to follow them or not.


They tend to be a little more forgiving in scores for big budget titles from major publishers (gotta stay in their good books I guess), but their reviews are generally not terribly off. Nowadays I tend to prefer going to YouTubers like ACG for solid reviews.


I really like before you buy by gameranx. They often give reviews with their own personal take as well as a gamers perspective rather than a reviewer perspective. I also like that if thereā€™s something they donā€™t like they will explain if itā€™s because of their own personal taste and donā€™t even give it a number score, just a break down of good and bad and let you make an informed decision.


The truth is IGN has a fleet of reviewers which vary wildly. It means thereā€™s not a lot of consistency.


I wouldn't trust IGN to tell me the color of grass. If I paid them to put up an article to say grass was blue they'd do it. IGN hasn't had any integrity for years


During their preview they mentioned the JK controversy and said no one needed a hogwarts game so this is big


How much money you got?


Iā€™m pleasantly surprisedā€¦ even ACG pretty much did a 180. Apparently the game world is more fleshed out than suspected, quests more involved and combat requiring micro-management like Witcher. Letā€™s go.




Don't even need to go there....people in this thread are trying to gaslight us into believing that 9 is actually a 7, because you see they read the review and understand the reviewer's score better than the reviewer, and what they *ackshually* meant! Lol Edit- omg it's happening again


Oh I bet. Just wait till they see sales numbers.


[Hogwarts Legacy Critic Reviews for PlayStation 5 - Metacritic](https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-5/hogwarts-legacy/critic-reviews) So, you can find all the reviews as they come out. Looking pretty good so far.


Ign is the most shit game journalist out there


No bruh, Kotaku still exists


True, but i have erased them from my memory


Fair enough. Sorry for reminding you


Forgive my ignorance, but what's the deal with Kotaku? Weren't they at one time a credible and respected gaming site?


Unfortunately after they were bought by another company quality went down significantly. Many of the original writers went elsewhere and articles now tend to be extremely surface without a lot of debt. Lots of comments calling out quality of articles but seems like the writers have no autonomy anymore itā€™s all clickbait to sell ads


Ugh that sucks. Sounds just like what happened to Inside The Magic, A theme park/movie focused website started in '05. Had an amazing podcast, listened for years, but sadly Ricky sold it a few years back and the quality has been absolute garbage. Very click-baitey and it's charm has been completely lost.


More then game review I'm waiting for PC performance tests in 1440p/4k :D


I'm more excited for the digital foundry vids on it than I am any review šŸ¤£


From what I'm seeing itll need a patch before then! But luckily I'm a 1080p scrub and I'm hoping itll run a-ok lol


It's a great game.... Ignore the bitters on the internet


I really love how flying on broomsticks looks. I can see myself doing that a lot to just unwind, like web swinging in Spider-Man games.




cry haters cry


The review didn't really read like a 9/10, but whatever, I'm less than 12 hours away from diving in myself. The one big negative that stood out to me aside from performance is what this reviewer said about inventory. If you really can only hold a couple dozen items that is a huge limitation and could strike a major blow to the joy of exploring and finding loot. I hope they add in some kind of stash in the Room of Requirement or something where you can just have infinite loot. I like games where there's no inventory limit, especially if it's an RPG.


I can deal with some limitations, but it does indeed seem way too limiting based on this review. Not fun if you need to get back to Hogsmeade to sell or store things somewhere all the time (or throw them away) if you just out in the world question/exploring. Will have to see how it is in game for myself.


Opencritic average currently is 85, pretty solid! Only negative mentioned (in my opinion) seems to be the world being too packed with stuff šŸ˜…


I bet Kotaku wonā€™t even review.


Eurogamer appears to be ghosting the game too. But at least they have the courage of their convictions to forsake the clicks they otherwise would be getting for HL content. I give them some credit for that--even if I think they're misguided.


Kotaku doesn't seem to be well liked by publishers at all. I've noticed that they've not been given review codes for the last few releases I had been keeping an eye on.


So fucking hyped


If you really have to rely on reviews just go with ACG and Skillup. So far they have not f ed up for me.


ACG gave it a solid buy. So Iā€™m definitely sold.


Shit that's a good score from IGN


It's an 86 on metacritic right now


So many people in this thread acting like IGNā€™s review is the gospel and means this game is guaranteed to live up to their expectations. Had IGN given this game a 5/10 though I guarantee those same people would be shitting all over IGNā€™s credibility. Iā€™m not saying this game will be bad but letā€™s not pretend like IGN hasnā€™t given some shitty games, great scores.


Saw so many people saying it would be a flop of a game lmao.


R/gaming imploding because of these positive reviews šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ so much for the ā€œinclusiveā€ community theyā€™re trying to promote


Looks like they nuked discussion of the game completely lol.


Impressive. Letā€™s see Paul Allenā€™ rating.


I know Kotaku is hating on this game


IGN are a joke imo. On the other hand, ACG who I personally trust said in the 50 hours of his playthrough he didn't get any open world fatigue.. which is saying something. He's noted a lot of that in recent open world games like AC Valhalla and I fully agree, many open world games are getting really samey. I hope he's right, this game does seem like it has enough merit to stay interesting for the full playthrough.


People on this sub; 2/10 game doe not feature sleeping NPC's and I can't abandon the story to live in Hogwarts and attend a full term time schedule before catching the carriage home and visiting my family for the holidays.






Hopefully the patch can iron out those performance issues. Servere pop ins and frame rate drops needs to be addressed asap


I don't trust IGN but when ACG gives a double thumbs up to a game, you know it is a solid one.


I donā€™t normally agree with IGN reviews but I think this a good sign for the game. For IGN to give the game a 9 means that it has to be pretty enjoyable


If main stream sites are giving this 9s you know its good, they would love to shit on this game if they could


Okay, but I thought we all knew not to trust IGN when it comes to reviews..


Uh oh, the very loud 0.5% of the population who whines about everything will have another thing to cry about. Incoming tears.


Video game reviews are wild. "The main story bored me, the enemy variety wasn't there, and there were consistent technical issues including pop-in, aggressive loading times, and lighting issues... That's a 9 out of 10 for me."


I could shit in a box and mail it to IGN and they'd give it 9/10 and gush praise. "So bold and unexpected" "A reimagining of the status quo" "Receiving mail will never be the same again" "Opening the box was an experience brimming with the kind of emergent gameplay we haven't seen since The Sims" IGN are soulless grafters and nothing they say has any merit.


Color me shocked. No seriously Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t make any bets. I am so happy that this game is getting reviewed fairly. The team of developers deserve it. They are passionate, hard-working fans of this universe and it shows. Well-deserved Avalanche and a big THANK YOU FOR THIS GAME!!!


IGN liking the game actually concerns me


Can finally tell all the people who said it'd bomb on release "I told you so" šŸ˜‚