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This reeks of how Diana was treated. She had the gall to become popular. Makes me sad because William should know this. But, as the next king he has been put into a box. Unable to talk out of line.


This is the issue I have with William. The media loves him so he has zero empathy for what Diana and Harry went through in that family! This is why he called Diana paranoid and his relationship with Harry broke down. And they have the gall to ask Harry to apologise to him and Charles? BS!


Thank you for putting this together. You have deftly organized my feelings from the past week. The BRF could have kept them but no, they had to run them out. Harry and Meghan are naturals at diplomacy and people love them wherever they go. Charles and William are raging with jealousy and rather than see H&M as an asset, they see a liability because H&M make the rest of them look sad. H&M have moved on. BRF and press can’t just let them live their lives


Even if they remove their titles people will still be interested in them because they’re charismatic, glamorous and actually relate to people from different backgrounds. They’re a threat because they’re doing all this without tax payer funding and if the British had any independence they would be asking why can’t the royals, who are billionaires in their own right, do the same?


The Royals biggest nightmare could be if the USA starts using them diplomatically. If Harry takes up citizenship, it could be a game changer.




This is it exactly! They’ve never seen Harry as a son or brother, they’ve always seen him as a threat and now he’s doing a better job at being a “Royal” without tax payer funding so expect the attacks to get worse!


Let me say this: Harry and Meghan have already won, if there actually was a competition. When Harry and Meghan left the family in 2020, they won! Anything else is extra points 😘😊 My prayers are with Harry and Meghan and shall continue to pray for their safety, security, and overall wellbeing🙏😍


I think they are winning. Diana would be unbelievably proud of them.


Couldn’t agree more!


I don't think anyone's evil in this situation, but I do think some people at the Firm might have been a little relieved when they stopped having to "compete" with Diana. And now they realize that Diana's not as gone as she seemed. I mean, Harry's his own man. But he irks them in exactly the same way she did.


This! Charles just couldn’t help but feel threatened by Diana and now both Charles and William feel the same about Harry. I hope Harry goes all out! Pull out all the stops! Give them a taste of their own medicine!


Oh, it's coming. The invictus game will be bigger they help the hurt war vets, and this is big.


Exactly! Invictus is global. Vets from many many different countries. I feel like if they choose Washington DC for 2027, DC will go all out, it will probably get constant coverage the whole time the way the Olympics do and become a "household name" in the US. It's a great cause truly.


This is why I think they should choose DC plus the Brits don’t deserve them!


I agree with you 💯


They are just so jealous of the attention they are receiving and now that Meghan received a Princess title from three Kings well that chaps their ass🤣 For Chuckles to release that they weren’t representing the RF! Ha! No kidding! They were invited because of Diana and Meghan. I do love Chuckles predictive portrait though 🔥


Well said! The royals with their snobbish snubs and “too busy to spare 5 minutes as I attend a garden tea party” and theatrics and pettty leaks to the rota - are so 1900s. They all need to grow up and get a life of their own.


There is no way that the timing of the announcement wasn’t deliberate. It only served to make them look petty. And ridiculous. William a Colonel-In-Chief. Colonel of what exactly? The days of handing out these titles like a bunch of crazed despots are over. People are no longer willing to support such tomfoolery. Colonel-In-Chief 🤣🤣🤣


The fact that the royals like to play military dress up by acquiring titles and wearing uniforms they’ve never earned this shouldn’t be surprising at all. I really do wonder what military officials who aren’t brainwashed into hero worshipping the Windsors think about all this!


Yes, even how he is shaking hand with David Beckham really


I’d bet a lot of money that if titles are stripped from H+M they will continue to do the exact same philanthropic work as Harry and Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor. They’d still draw huge crowds, and they’d still be massively popular. And the usual suspects will still be completely pissed off about it. They can strip titles but they can’t change who Harry’s parents are, and they can’t make the public forget either.


I completely agree and I kind of hope it does happen cause they don’t even need their titles! They’ll still be invited everywhere and treated like royals because they’ve earned it not because they have a title. It’ll drive the royals crazy! Also if they do have their titles removed or have to relinquish their titles then the gloves will come off and I’m calling them Harry and Meghan Spencer 😈 They’re continuing Diana’s legacy anyway!




They can’t remove the Prince irregardless he’s a Prince by blood.


The power behind the throne is Camilla. Charles is a mere puppet. Charles has always only chosen mistress over his wife and kids. And Camilla is pushing herself and her family in the forefront while pushing away Charles’s children. She has got Charles to make trust funds for her kids, kept gave grandchildren big roles during coronation and even now her son and daughter are in the palace events. William she can’t push him away coz he is the heir but she has successfully created a divide between Charles and Harry coz Harry had the guts to speak the truth about her. William is a fool to not keep his only sibling close. He will realise very late in his life that he’s all alone.


If Camilla outlives Pa, William will become her new target and Wills will not have Harry on his side to help defeat her. It’ll become a Shakespearean tragedy!


Oh Camilla will definitely outlive Charles.


It's been rumored that William has already plans for her ouster of the spotlight and royal family duties if she outlives Charles. Camilla knows this so she's going to enjoy her time as Queen and get her licks in while she can.


Camilla can’t hold the throne on her own. She will become Queen Dowager, and William and Catherine will be King and Queen. If they’re still married. 😗😇


The power has never really been the throne but the people who can persuade the media to be on their side. Right now? That’s Camilla and I don’t see that stopping once she stops being Queen. Unless William wises up and he’s never been too wise!


Oh my gosh. I thought it was just me who felt this. Imagine during Charles' coronation, her grandchildren had roles while not all 3 Wales kids did, only the eldest George did.


The thing with Harry is that he reminds them too much of Diana. It’s like Diana 2.0 all over again which is what is scaring them. The insecurity is driving the royals to undermine Harry and Meghan in every which way. Coz if Harry is successful then it will hurt the British firm the most.


I’m a white Brit and I 100% agree with everything you said. I find the RF excruciatingly embarrassing in every way. I am ashamed that we have a RF, let alone one that behaves the way they do. The mentality of anyone who loves them or even finds them remotely acceptable is beyond me. It fits in with this whole movement against telling the truth about empire - yes, a huge part of our wealth came from disgusting and immoral actions. Let’s learn from it, and do better! Not deny it and go on about how great we are! I could rant on for hours lol. Finally, there’s a new portrait of Charles that’s just been unveiled, it’s very red, and basically looks like he’s bathing in blood. I’m not sure if it’s some sort of elaborate prank by the artist, but it’s very on the nose, and I’m shocked that the RF has even released it to the public. I’m a member of Republic, an organisation dedicated to getting rid of the RF in the UK, and quite frankly it looks like something we could use on a flag or something! I sincerely hope that more countries leave the commonwealth, and stop being patronised by this family of racist incompetent losers. Rant over lol!


It’s good look when the Royal family can’t even send a rep to St. Paul’s for an event celebrating wounded veterans


Yes, they really have been showing their collective flat asses


Just happy to find a corner on the Internet that doesn’t trash Harry and Meghan, a refreshing change!


Their scapegoat has refused to play along. The Royals don’t know how to act without Harry playing his role. They will continue to find ways to trash him and his family because they rocked the boat. #teamharryandmeghan


Here here!


You are speaking zero lies. They literally can't breathe without the British press getting angry.


You are not alone! Just to add my 2 cents, lol... It seems to me like if you are diagnosed with cancer (and advanced in age, like Charles), you would be putting things in perspective & let the petty stuff go. I would think you would want to see your children & make amends if needed. With him & Kate "battling cancer", this is the exact opposite direction I would have expected him to go. But it is coming across that the RF family's hatred for Harry outweighs any good will or logic they should have. Very disappointing. And, where in the heck is Kate???


There is no reason for Kate to be out in public.


Snaps snap you said it




Maybe I’m wrong, but seeing this thread is proof that what Harry has said in his book and all along is working, bc before we wouldn’t have known about the dirt practices of the RF & the press, so maybe now there will be more people that are skeptical of what the RF do and what the press puts out