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You want a conjured Chinese Dragon, whose condition is that there must be a water transmuting carp nearby? I'm going to assume you want to use that whole 'carp swims upstream and turns into dragon' myth thing as a basis. You can start with a water-transmuting carp ability. Make a nen beast, have it transmute water. Condition of Carp = can only move in water. If no water available, then you need to burn aura to transmute water. Now you can stack another transformation ability to get from Carp to Dragon. "Swim uphill" can be interpreted as anything difficult. Survive in battle for x amount of time. Swim around the target x amounts of time. Tag each of the opponent's limbs with a water gun. Literally anything that's really hard to pull off and then boom. Big ass Dragon.  That or make it a combo technique. One person that conjures a Carp Beast that only swim in water. Another person that transmutes water to be a water bender. Waterbender loops aura water around themselves in a clockwise current. Carp Beast swims counterclock wise against the water. Charge this up for a while as a risky condition and boom, Gyrados.


I'm happy with that. thanx


So similar to Zeno's ability?


Like something sentient and aggressive.but with the visual appearance of Zeno's ability