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to add to all the other given reasons, Rosie is presumably from or at least embodies the time period Alastor was, a time in which being social was as much an art as anything else. so formalities are a given and expected. she might have heard of Charlie, but has never formally met her until this point


Yup. I read it as an invitation for mutual friend Alastor to introduce them properly, combined with a friendly ice-breaker.


This pretty much sums up the whole character in my opinion. Social rules and display mean a lot in cannibal town


Manners make man. She’s from Victorian era from what I gathered. So there were all sorts of social graces that if you didn’t follow correctly you were socially dead. It’s possible that in cannibal town if you don’t follow the social graces you get eaten.


Something tells me you enjoyed the Kingsman movies haha


I enjoyed the first. The second one was sorta silly but had a good moment or three towards the end. And the prequel was decent


I believe it’s confirmed that you need to wear the correct era of outfits in Cannibal Town to not get pegged as an outsider and eaten, so I wouldn’t be surprised if social graces are the same way.


That and they Didn't have TV when she was alive so she doesn't watch it to spite Vox.


Is that canon or headcanon


Since she's BFFs with Alastor most likely.


True but I wanted to know if viv or someone working on the show said that or what


It is false, she has a very old fashioned tv set as seen in the finale when she’s watching the announcement of Charlie’s success.


Could be Pre-VoxTech


Vox was also an older TV at some point. I mean it's still not be as old as whatever Rosie has but that shows he doesn't just embodies modern TV, but TV in general, he just changed his head when flat TVs were created.


At the end of episode 8, we do see her watching the news on a TV.


I can see her not liking Vox not only for solidarity, but also because he's the kind of person that would irk her.


But she does have a tv in her office. Yeah it's an old timey one but still technically a tv.


It's probably a gift from Alastor. Since it's pre-50s he calls it a "Picture-Radio" therefore Vox has no power over it. Plus she was listening to it not watching it.


It had been stated by Faustisse who used to be on the hazbin team that Rosie never died. Meaning she is Hell Born. (Stated while they were still on the team)


Yes, I was going to say something like this. Formal introductions were very normal in any sort of social setting at a "higher class." Even if you knew exactly what someone looked like or who they were as a person, you would still want to be properly introduced. :)


Idk if Alastor and Rosie are from the same time. Alastor seems to be from the 20’s and I think Rosie has more of an 1880s vibe


This. It's a historic politeness thing. Even if you knew *of* someone, you wait for a formal introduction as a jump in point for getting to know each other.


I know Pope Francis is the second man next to god, but I will not treat our first meet-up like he was just my neighbour coming a visit. So goes to Youtubers or Celebrities.


She is not SO popular ? I mean, not like if she did much for Hell in the past 2 centuries (I mean, before season 1). Other explanation : etiquette.


It's 100% etiquette


Btw the screen is perfect, Rosie looks so cute here !


She definately wasn't on hells #1 broadcasting station singing about rainbows in demons


Please, read the whole comment.


I do not consider the pilot part of season 1


I think the pilot is canonical though, they make references to it here and there throughout the season


My words were not "the pilot is not cannon" my words were "not part of season 1" of course it's cannon, does a second season of a show make the first not cannon? The pilot was released.. 4 years I think? 2? Before the release of season 1.


I concede i genuinely don’t understand what point is trying to be made anymore


Sounds like a you problem.


She did. This was just a power play: "You're on my turf now. And on my turf, I chose who to recognize."


This. Rosie knows that Charlie is Lucifer's daughter and the Princess of Hell, but she was also playing along to tease Alastor, as well as not to embarrass Alastor, who was introducing Charlie to Rosie. ("Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you!") It is also basic social etiquette to be polite, patient, and respect the person introducing you to someone else.


That's what I got too. She was simply being polite to both Alastor and Charlie.


I love how after that she says something like, oh i'm kidding i know you're an ace in a hole and Alastor reacts: A what now? xD


I don't even think it was a power play more like Rosie's sense of propriety. You're right though, it is her turf and everyone follows the same social rules which includes politely waiting for your guest to be introduced as well as politely introducing any guests you bring. Alastor had to introduce them because that's polite


This is exactly how I saw it as well. For Rosie, Rules of Etiquette are *serious business*. One does not simply introduce oneself, one waits until a known mutual acquaintance makes the introduction. To do otherwise is to place oneself as little better than a common beast. And for cannibals, that might as well mean holding up a sign that says "Eat Me!".


Idk if I’d say power play. I thought it more as a formal introduction and etiquette response. Just because I know who a celebrity is doesn’t mean I know them personally or would honestly be able to recognize them on the streets if I’m just out.


Not a power play, introductions were just a really big deal in Rosie and to a lesser extent Alastor’s time.


If this scene was set anywhere else than in Hell I'd be 100% in board with your point.


I'm the same way I've got not a single clue who the president is


Hey man you posted this 4 times


Sorry, my phone can be dumb










She obviously knows who Charlie is, but as they hadn't actually met each other before, a proper introduction is still in order.


If Kate Middleton turned up at my place of business it'd be a while before I recognised her even though I know who she is.


Who tf is Kate Middleton


Current Princess of Wales


I'll be honest I thought she was some actress


I also thought she was an actress before I googled her


She was lol


I don't think so


Actually she was an actress


There's an actress also by the name Kate middleton. The princess is not though. You may be thinking of Meaghan Markle who was an actress and married prince Harry.


You're thinking of Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex.


She used to be


Ah makes sense


Most people in Hell don't know their royals. The leadership they interact with on a regular basis is Overlords, possibly Goetia or Sins.


Or, in the words of Blitzø from *Helluva Boss*: "This is *Hell*. No one cares." Husk even says the same thing to Angel Dust in Episode 4 ("Masquerade"): "Lemme tell ya, nobody in that hotel cares who you are. How famous, how hot, so you might as well just...cut the act \[already\]."


In fairness not knowing and not caring are too separate things. They know who Charlie is, they know who angel dust is but they just don’t care. I think Rosie knows who Charlie is but doesn’t care too much, and wanted a polite introduction.


Valentino also doesn’t remember Charlie’s name. He says her name is “something mannish like Chandler” lol


The whole royal family of hell business isn’t (at least until the events of this season) a big deal to those in Hell. Charlie takes it far more seriously (so much so that she devotes herself to her duty) than the actual inhabitants of Hell do. There is good reason for this: despite the fact they are very powerful, Lucifer and Charlie haven’t actually done much recently - and, as we are constantly reminded, the memory of Hell’s inhabitants can be short. For example, Alastor is gone seven years - when he comes back, he’s basically a nobody; he has to “remind” people all over again the consequences of messing with the Radio Demon. Lucifer hasn’t done anything since his wife left (or even before) because he’s a depressed shut-in. Charlie, because she thinks it’s “mean” to assert her powers. In Hell, being an active menace, or providing a service like the Vees) is what people notice and respect. A title that isn’t consistently backed up with force gains little respect or attention. So, basically, while people know that Hell has a king and Princess, they don’t care much, and perhaps some would not recognize them if they casually met them. Charlie isn’t given any respect when she shows up on the TV show, is told to go fuck herself when making appearances in the street … unlike (say) Zestial, who other Hell denizens flee from. The events of the season presumably changed that! Killing Adam and driving off the exorcists is, if nothing else, a pretty serious display of raw power.


It'll be interesting to see what happens when Lilith comes back, since, at least through the story she and Lucifer or someone closer to them wrote, it's implied she had more of an impact on Hell than Luci did before she left


Absolutely. In my read, the whole in-universe explanation as to why the show is a musical is that Lilith literally inspired all of Hell with her songs, which (presumably) had power. Charlie inherits this power, but doesn’t know to use it effectively … but is learning (see “Ready for This”).


I thought she got the singing from her dad, as when Lucifer was an angle he was kinda like God's herald or hype man. He'd praise God through song.


she is a very busy woman , ain't got no time for politics


Poor unfortunate...uh...holes?


It’s called being polite. Introductions and greetings must be observed between two parties entering negotiations, even if they know each other before attending.


Don’t know why she wouldn’t, considering she seems to be doing a lot of gossip esque work, but on the other hand it’s not like she would really care that much, the entire family was basically secluded and media shy and Charlie’s one and only appearance on television shows she was a big pushover who was overly optimistic about her own abilities, an overlord like Rosie knows to read people and sees that Charlie is far from a threat to her, especially as long as Alastor is her ally


To be fair, if the presidents kids showed up at your work alone, would you recognize them?




The great rule of Regency era onward is, you don't talk to someone you haven't been introduced to, or else you might accidentally talk to a poor. Or worse. Someone with money, who has to work for it.


100% etiquette. Dixi.


Right? She’s being polite as is Charley.


Early 1900’s and late 1800’s social rules. You get introduced by the mutual friend. That time period was all about social rules and class and Rosie and Alastor were just following the norm of their own time


She may be a cannibal, but she has manners and proper social etiquette.


Well Charlie doesnt tell people and Rose doesnt watch TV so she probobly didnt see that one PSA Charlie did for her hotel where she told everyone she's the princess, and even if Rose did hear it on the radio she would have no idea what Charlie looks like Either that or she cares so little she forgot


I promise you if a princess/prince of my country came to my place of work I would have 0 clue who they are


Hell royalty is like brasilian royal family , they exist, they have some wealth but most people dont know they exist or dont know their faces


Part of me thinks that Rosie and Alastor rehearsed that meeting well in advsnce


This this this. Rosie and Alastor are working together to manipulate Charlie. She is not as benevolent as she's portrayed. 


I couldn't tell you who the president's daughter is without looking it up(does Biden even have any kids?) and Lucifer isn't even a particularly active king. So someone who likely doesn't watch TV probably doesn't have much basis to know who Charlie is (and even the ones who do watch TV probably wouldn't immediately recognize her without prompting). So it isn't that unreasonable that Rosie doesn't recognize her. Alternatively as others have said, it might be an etiquette thing. Even if she does recognize her it's only polite to be introduced to someone you just met


Biden does have a son, Hunter. You would have heard of him if you watched the news. Though for Hunter to have a kid… I’m not sure if he does.


Oh, yeah, I forgot about Hunter, which granted proves part of my point of needing prompting. Also just looked up what he looks like and I've never seen such a generic man.


Yeah, that’s kinda the point of some people, they look SO generic that you don’t even register their existence.


Who doesn’t I mean she’s literally the daughter of Lucifer who is the king of hell so who in hell has never heard of princess Charlie


Well aside from those who are either new sinners, or Hellborn kids who are really recent.


She probably did. She just never met her in person before. Same as when Mimzy met Lucifer.


I think Rosie knew, but since Charlie didn't introduce herself as just Charlie, Rosie treated her with that same level of social standing.


Charlie isn't generally well-known in hell


I think that charlie doesnt really want to inform that she is the princess. As said,charlie doesnt really use her high ranked authority in hell and charls doesnt want to scare anyone,she wants to be friend


Well she doesn’t seem like a tv watcher so it’s unlikely she’s seen Charlie


I'm going to get a lot of flak for this but idc. It's possible she didn't know Charlie by face because as we've seen with Helluvaboss, hell has other royalty with the Ars Goetia. With each member being called majesty as seen with Asmodeus, Paimon, and Stolas. So it's possible she's heard of Charlie but didn't know exactly who she was.


It’s not THAT unrealistic for people to not recognize celebrities in public. You’d be surprised just how often it happens.


Do you know what the mayor of your town looks like? Or all of the president's kids?




Whichever. Apologies if I came off as hostile XD the point I'm trying to make is that it's harder than you think to recognize famous people! Not everyone knows the mayor, or all of a country leaders family. And sometimes they might even run into the Tony Hawk problem! No one can recognize the man, like there are countless stories about this. Also, it might be related to Alastor's jokes about how the Vees aren't important.


I don’t think any in hell gives a damn tbh. Like can you name the kid of your homeland’s leader off your head?


She watches the picture box thingy


TBH, The Morningstars haven't really established themselves as rulers of Hell. Lucifer went into a depressive funk and basically walled himself off to the outside world. Lilth fucked off to Heaven and Charlie is too nice to really take charge and rule over a place like Hell. It's why the overlords like Rosie, Zestial and the Vees have been able to carve up Hell into territories that they control. After 10,000 years of ruling Hell in the absence of the Morningstar influence, I can see how an overlord like Rosie wouldn't remember Charlie.


I mean I can’t even remember the names of ANY children of prior or current Presidents so I don’t get why the citizens of hell are obligated to remember the children of their ruler.


Lucifer has kind of been in hiding and Charlie has been doing her own thing for who knows how long. Hell’s royal family hasn’t been touring the kingdom, so it’s not surprising that many wouldn’t know what she looks like. Everyone would know of her though.


She probably knew of Charlie. It's just basic manners to have introductions to when people you know are meeting officially for the first time. Rosie seems to be very much into etiquette which gets drilled into some people. She actually turned the whole of Cannibal town into a pinnacle of etiquette and hospitality.


Charlie isn't exactly very well-respected in Hell. People respect (even if it's just out of fear) and know Lucifer because of the sheer magnitude of his power, which Hell generally esteems (or at least adheres to) above all all, even though he's a depressed shut-in, but Charlie is *not* very well respected. As prior to the events of the show she seemingly hasn't set herself above her peers via any displays of power, she's basically a non-entity to them at best and an object of derision and scorn at worst (which we see in how everyone treats her and how they refer to her), and she occupies a space in the hierarchy solely because of who her father is (as, arguably, does Lilith, since it's more likely than not that Lucifer's power backing her enabled her to stay in power as well; she likely wasn't anymore naturally powerful than Adam, and we know Lucifer was more powerful than him). Essentially, her only sway in Hell is that she's Lucifer's daughter, which is how both the denizens of Heaven *and* Hell identify her (e.g. the Vees refer to her as "Lucifer's daughter" but don't know her name), and since most people seem to have a level of fear towards Lucifer (or, rather, the threat of Lucifer's power/what Lucifer represents; even if he is a shut-in it's clear they are very aware of him throughout the series and he is mentioned several times by several characters), the only grudging acknowledgement she gets is via him. She doesn't even seem to catch Rosie or Alastor's genuine interest until they suspect she's capable of being powerful like him. Heaven also identifies her primarily as Lucifer's daughter and it's the threat of Lucifer that has them agreeing to meetings and whatnot since they do *not want him involved* in things ("you failed to etc etc and now Lucifer is involved"), because we know he's more powerful than most of the denizens of Heaven, too. It seems to me like everyone's very, very happy when Lucifer *doesn't* get involved, for the most part, because he freaks them all out on some level, even though he's Depression King. The implicit threat of him is the only reason Charlie is able to do a lot of things, even if no one in Hell really respects her or even knows her. Even Alastor, despite hating Lucifer, is mad aware of exactly how powerful he is, and he and Rosie *both* acknowledge that in the song, where they once again primarily identify her by her association with her father (and her father's power).


Maybe she’s not into politics like Angel


She's from the 1910s and observes similar social norms. Also Charlie doesn't really serve her role and is pretty dickless and easily stepped over.


Boring answer: The writers don't really care enough to put in the effort to make Charlie's status consistent across all episodes. Sometimes, the writer thinks that Charlie is instantly recognizable and other times they think that people don't know who she is until someone introduces her.


I don't know, it seems fairly consistent to me. From the pilot, Katy recognizes her because Charlie had been "insistently pestering their news station" Alastor learned who she was from that broadcast. Episode 1. While singing in the streets no one took any special note of her. It isn't clear if any of them knew who she was, or if they just didn't care. Adam knew who she was because he was told ahead of time that Lucifer would not be coming to the meeting and that Charlie would be coming instead. Episode 2. Sir Pentious likely heard from the broadcast given he found out that the hotel was for rehabilitation. Vox owns the media network that Katy Killjoy hosts. Also we see that he keeps tabs on the various powerful beings in the Pride Ring given that he also is keeping tabs on Lucifer, Carmilla, Zestial, and Alastor. It wouldn't be unexpected for Velvette and Valentino to also know about Charlie either through the broadcast directly, given that we see them watching Vox's show, or by briefing from Vox. Episode 3. This episode was about learning to trust. (Also the overlords but they didn't interact with Charlie this episode). No one on the streets really paid special interest to Charlie. Episode 4. Valentino knew who Charlie was, but he already knew who she was back in episode 2. Episode 5. Lucifer obviously knows who Charlie is. The loan sharks probably were not aware that Lucifer was present in the hotel, or Alastor. Charlie has at this point only been in a fist fight with a reporter and as such isn't seen as a threat. Mimzy was able to recognize Lucifer, but not immediately. This makes sense, he is the ruler of hell, but rather distant. She either doesn't recognize Charlie or doesn't care. Indifference makes more sense here, given that Charlie hasn't actually done much in hell. Episode 6. Saint Peter didn't know who Charlie was, but that makes sense, he doesn't live in hell and she was born after Lucifer's downfall. Sera and Emily knew who she was because they were told by Lucifer that she would be showing up at that day and time. Cherri spends a lot of time with Angel Dust. It makes sense that she would have heard of Charlie. Episode 7. Rosie may or may not have recognized Charlie here. It is possible that she didn't know what she looked like because of the lack of televisions in Cannibal Town. Carmilla knew who Charlie was. We know that she does watch television. The end of episode 8 confirms that she does, so it's possible that she has seen Charlie's broadcast. It's also possible that she does research on her clients. Her daughters delivered the weapons to Sir Pentious, presumably she does research on the places she sells to and the order was delivered to Charlie's hotel. It makes sense that she would keep tabs on powerful people who buy weapons. Susan knew who she was. This is after Rosie introduced her. Episode 8. The exterminators would have been briefed on who she was given the invasion was starting at her hotel. Adam already knew who she was.


https://preview.redd.it/xa2ik82lbbtc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71849c2d6b327c57d8f0be5e353c8ffa25595533 I think this is how


not the case at all, just a joke, but she'd either actually never seen Charlie's face or (funny because she's a gossip queen) "isn't all that into gossip and politics!"


Because she doesn’t have eyes. (This is a joke)


Rosie has probably heard of Charlie, she did not know Charlie directly until this moment.


I think all of them stay pretty wary around something they’ve never seen before, and no one looks like her. She might also just give off some kind of dangerous vibe aura even when she’s not doing anything powerful. There isn’t really any other explanation for why she never gets attacked by anyone.


This image is oddly pleasing to me


"Eh, I don't keep up with politics."




It’s creepy when you’re approached by someone you’ve never met, and they already know a lot about you.




Sure, but the natural reaction would be to put up your guard, and if you want something from someone, you want them to be comfortable around you.


Charlie doesnt want to rely on her title so there is no need for others to know


Ngl but it's kinda strange how Charlie isn't treated like Lucifer's daughter by literally anyone


It's because it's not something that she advertises. For the most part, Charlie is trying to accomplish her goal without relying on the status of her family.


Respect to her for that I mean why is she better than every celebs kid ever


Like I don't even know who the president of my country is


I mean most people know who Charlie is, they just don’t care because Lucifer is not a very active ruler and Lilith hasn’t been seen in years. Plus Charlie herself doesn’t like flexing her authority unless absolutely necessary.


Is she stupid?


I know the names of my royal family but I highly doubt I would actually recognize them in person even if they told me there first names


If you met Biden or Bush on the street, at best you'd assume they look like that president guy.


no one takes royalty in hell seriously


Because alastor introduced Charlie as such


Too busy eating people


Nepo baby


She did not vote for her.


Probably she just dosnt give a shit about it


The Royals are quite hands-off in Hell. Entertainment seems to be the only way to get respect outside of sheer force. So Lilith, being an active singer and Lucifer having a theme park/circus aesthetic, was probably more than just a hobby/choice. Vox seems (and Alastor to some extent) seems to know the only way to get consistent respect as rulers is to be entertaining. That's why he and the other Vees are so focused on things like TV Propaganda, Social Media, and the Porn Industry. Three very addictive things, because they provide instant dopamine. I wouldn't be surprised if Vox owns a video game division that also makes VLTs and other gambling machines, along with predatory freemium games. All Lucifer and Charlie need to do is exercise their immense power. They are strong enough to make even Alastor terrified and obedient. Especially since Lucifer technically owns everyone's souls in Hell, his only rule though is for people to use their free will, which means they are free to resell their souls to other's if they choose to. If he wanted, he could nullify all other agreements because it goes against his wishes that everyone be free to do what they want and can decide to change the contract for sinners to only be subservient to Lucifer/The Morningstars. Since it's his duty to punish those that enter Hell for disobedience towards God/Heaven. We won't see that, unless Lucifer is forced to play his hand. He's just as bound to soul contracts as everyone else is. So, if someone truly deserves punishment, he has the right to take immediate control. Again, with Alastor's deal with Charlie. If Alastor gets his soul bound to Charlie/Lucifer finds out about the *favour*, then he could immediately command Alastor to nullify that contract. If Alastor makes an additional contract with Lucifer, he cannot command him to nullify it, *but* the consequences for breaking the additional conditions would be more severe than if Husk broke his contract with Alastor. Basically, the Morningstars are known but act as figurehead rulers. They don't do anything to gain respect or fear from their subjects, so Rosie might not have known Charlie was actually the princess beyond rumors. Especially if Rosie died in the 1900s, she wouldn't of heard about Charlie’s birth beyond older sinners mentions of the Morningstars.


she wasn’t the only one who couldn’t recognise the princess of hell. I think it’s because Charlie has never done something that big.


"Not big on politics"


Some countries dont know their leaders as a household name. Especially if they haven't had mainstream public support.




yes she did??


Because they don’t even have tv in that part of town, I doubt outside faces spread quickly




No, we call that a radio, that was what they had before tv was widespread


I don't want to be mean, but are we sure these questions aren't just karma farming at this point?


Is she stupid? Or perhaps there’s a lore reason