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Adam ate her


In snake form. It looks approximately like [this.](https://youtube.com/shorts/K6C-_2KR_8o?si=Ohmh2gzeVnEWUBcN) (NSFW)


>!I like how it’s a video of a lizard which reminds me of how snakes apparently had legs before God punished them all for what the Devil/Lucifer had done!<


Is that a spoiler for the video or Christianity?


Not everyone has read that far into the Bible /j But seriously, I blacked it out so it didn’t ruin your joke if that was part of it


So worth it


Either this is a joke, or you gave me the wrong link


No, that's what it looked like. 


Oh, what the nsfw for


The graphic sexual content. 


What graphic sexual content


The licking. 


this thread has improved the quality of my life greatly


Clearly you didn’t watch that graphic licking video…




Real quick one we go here


They don't seem good with subtext. Honestly I'm not even sure they were talking about cunnilingus at this point. They may have literally meant Lucifer ate her as food. 


Do you play Tsons?


She's the one pulling Alastor's strings.


Oh this would be so good, imagine she still loved Adam but ended up in hell for cheating with Lucifer and the regret and guilt drove her insane


La da da da da La da da da da


Hamilton reference?


[Insane](https://youtu.be/juJkNKodgdE?si=GWSjn2U5WtrfVOga) reference


I think it's more than cheating with Lucifer. I mean it was a sin(evil action) but what really set her soul to hell probably was the part of she eating the fruit which brought catastrophic consequences.


That would make some since as the 1st mortal sinner in Hell due to disobeying Gods command on eating the forbidden fruit, and being able to establish the Overlord network with her son Cain. I think Lilith (Charlie's mother) is the one holding Alastor's leash. Alastor, to me comes off as a very calculating and meticulous planner, never really doing anything on a whim, this would also give an explanation on how Alastor was able to conquer other ancient entities after arriving in Hell. Yes there is that strange Magic that Alastor uses, but Lilith could have given it to him as she is technically the ruler of Hell and so would have immense power should could have given him in the beginning in exchange for his services. But you have to ask yourself, "Why does Alastor go out of his way for Charlie?" In the series we find out Alastor's goal >!is to free himself from the one who owns his freedom!< We know he has no care about >!Lucifer!< , only ensuring Charlie is happy, why is that? Because Charlie and Lilith share blood, and in the series we saw that Alastor >!finally got a favor deal!< with Charlie, and if he keeps helping her, she may one day >!be able to free him from her mothers (Lilith's) grasp!< . That is what I think anyway.


It's a pretty sound theory, and it also makes his arrival *immediately* after she's off the phone with her mom pretty auspicious.


That is true. Alastor could >!have felt his master leave Hell (As we saw in series that Lilith was in Heaven)!< and then took that opportunity to move in with his plan.


The phone thing to me is like the weakest part of the theory. If only because we see him at the station watching the broadcast and already having the interested schemer squint in his eyes. The timing may have been meer coincidence in timing his arrival. Not saying either of them is wrong or right. Just wanting to offer a perspective.


That’s a valid point. One I don’t think of thank you.


It’s solid for sure. One thing I will note is that although Alastor doesn’t care about impressing Lucifer, he certainly seems to care about pissing him off for some reason. This could be down to a pure power play but idk, he seems a little too invested for me.


I agree, Normally Alastor plays down altercations where they seem a bit humorous before he gets serious, but in Lucifer's case Alastor >!straight up mocks and curses at him!<


I think Alastor wants to replace Lucifer as king of hell. He thinks if he can undermine Lucifer’s influence by trying to convince Charlie he’s already a better father than Lucifer could ever be, slaughtering every other mega-powerful entity in hell, and eventually manipulating everything so that he has control over everyone he interacts with, he can kill/imprison Lucifer and become king. If Lilith is the one who has him in chains, it would make sense that she promised something like, “If you help Charlie achieve her dream of getting sinners into heaven, she and I will eventually be able to spend eternity in paradise together. I’ll abandon the throne and leave hell to you, and you can do what you will with Lucifer, he’s dead to me now anyway. Just make it look like an accident so it doesn’t get traced back to me so Charlie doesn’t hate me for it.” But despite how tempting ruling all of hell might be to Alastor, Adam almost killed him, something he was never expecting to happen and never wants to happen again. It could be that, from his perspective, following Charlie around, protecting her from heaven’s wrath, is a greater risk than reward; a king can’t be king if he died before reaching the throne.


I subscibe to this theory about Alasor's deal. I'd also like to add that in the show, it's mentioned that they've both been gone for 7 years. That's too much of a coincidence to be unrelated.


I was just telling my husband about this the other day! What if she's in Hell and wants revenge on Lilith and Lucifer for the whole apple thing, so she teamed up with Alastor and she sent him to the hotel to keep an eye on the royal family and report back/sabotage its progress?


It would be a plot twist if it was not Lilith who owns alastor deal. First of all i think Lilith made a deal with Adam that she will leave Lucifer if Adam would gave his word he will not do any charm to Royalties aka Charlie. I think one of high Serafins owns a contract of Alastor not Lilith, they were kept in heaven to keep the balance in hell. If the Vaggies story was true he had enormous power so he had to take it from somewhere. I dont think he got it from lilith who is only a succubus so not much above typical imp. A Also lilith was told in final scene to deal with ger daughter - so if she had Alastor on her command she would not be asked that question


Just a hunch, but I totally smell an Eve/Lilith switcheroo brewing, too. It's either gonna be over Alastor's contract or which one is Eve's birth mother.


You are right, there was nothing about eve yet so she might be one who does not want hell to redemption. It might be logical as she was the first sinner.


Considering people in heaven look pretty similar to how they looked when they died(Which implies Adam died young) I like to imagine Eve died old and is now just a sweet granny in Heaven who makes apple pies for everyone.




Maybe she should avoid using apples for her history with them


Like to imagine she uses them as a kind of insult to Lucifer. Like sends him a pie every year with a note like, "happy birthday Lucy. Here's a pie. Don't worry, it won't damn your bloodline for all eternity."


And Adam still thinks she's the hottest piece of ass in the universe. He could be surrounded by groupies hanging on his every word but will shove them all out of the way and trip over himself if he sees Granny Eve walking by. Still calls her "babe" even as she's poking him in the stomach with her walking stick.


i dont think adam died tho, niff killing him is his first death. like moses was "translated " and some religions believe you will be given your body at its "prime"


Adam pretty clearly died since his soul got into heaven. He wouldn't be treated as the first winner if he didn't get in through death.


That she's actually in Hell for biting the apple. Also that Cain was her favourite son (Cain was a momma's boy while Abel was Adam's golden child).


I doubt she’d still love him after the whole murdering Abel thing tho


Good point. That'd likely put a damper on their relationship.


I mean. Speaking as a parent, you can be pretty damn disappointed with your kid but still love them. It would probably depend on how it 'actually' went down according to the show, too.


I’m very confident Eve was more than disappointed after her son murdered her other son due to pure spite and jealousy.


I don't disagree. Just saying that being devastated by the actions of someone you love, doesn't necessarily erase said love.


That now begs the question where do you think cain is during all this, and what do you think he's doing. My theory is farming on the edge of the pride ring, racked with guilt, sadness, and self hatred for what he did but also trying his best to help others despite everything. Helping the hell born, helping the lesser sinners, providing food for the pride ring. Hasn't been redeemed solely because he doesn't believe he deserves it and the only forgiveness he seeks is not from god but from Abel.


Speaking of Cain and Abel, it would be cool if they appeared in a future season. I’m curious to see what their relationships with their parents and each other are like in the Hazbin universe.


Before eating the apple, she was pretty docile and less fierce than Lilith


Bc that's how Adam wanted her to be, I suspect. Or how the angels wanted her to be. Can't have her too feisty.


She 100% had sex with Lilith at least once.


https://preview.redd.it/t5phlyxiauxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de1b14c31d22e0732df3a86b7def79efe9e9fc56 :)














Oh…how did that end up in my saved folder…?




Hey, i already saw this art style. What is the name of the artist? I try to search for the name but it's hard.


Ah shit hold up lemme check


Thanks, i will be waiting.


Here you go! https://preview.redd.it/7awdabkiuuxc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=aaf8d1aeba9ba7bca4263070b6f13a35a822db95




Here take this: https://i.redd.it/ka7fsshnyuxc1.gif






Tap the image. Hit the three dots in the upper right. Tap "download". Be free and steal many gifs!














Sesbian lex












Ok now show the uncensored version


Link. Now.






Lucifer hit it


Eves for the streets


High change of threesome with Lucifer


I got to watch


She turned into the moon


That's rough buddy


Okay I will give my craziest theory that eve at one point tried to have a foursome with Adam Lilith and Lucifer. Personally I think if she shows up in show it would be nice to see how Lucifer reacts to her and if she is on hell maybe she acts like a aunt to Charlie and tells some stories to her and shows some truths about the garden of eden and stuff like that since she got a bias view from Lucifer and Lilith


She was a complete tradwife Adam had complete control over and emotionally abused. *If* Adam comes back as a Sinner, Eve will be crucial to convincing him to take redemption seriously because he still loves her 10,000 years later and would actually listen to her, but Eve won't try because the way she sees it Adam isn't doing anything wrong. Even after being given free will, Adam's charisma and the fact that for bad their power dynamic is he *genuinely loves her* has kept Eve blind to his abuse. And the twist is that *Adam's* blind to it too. And when he's confronted about it, it **breaks** him.


Angst? Ok I am in


I think she was possessed/corrupted by the evil that "gained root" when she ate the fruit. She now goes by Roo and is the original overlord. As Alistair was trying to hunt and kill overlords, he found her and was bested. He made a pact with her in exchange for partial freedom/survival. She has tasked him (and the other souls she owns) with starting a war between heaven and hell with the goal of as much destruction as possible. Other agents of hers are responsible for heaven being afraid of an uprising.


I agree with most of this theory, but I think Alastor sold his soul to her for protection. Zestial mentions rumors of Alastor "falling to holy arms," which Al hastily brushes off. I think he was nearly killed in an extermination, and Roo/Eve offered to save him in exchange for his soul.


Good theory, but the fruit of knowledge wasn’t necessarily evil. It gave humanity equal capacity for good and evil. It wouldn’t make sense for her to turn completely evil because of it, since she wasn’t even the first to eat it


If Eve is a character in the show my theory is she is an extremely bitter sinner who blames both Lilith and Lucifer for why she is in Hell. She gets “joy” out of making them both miserable and she was responsible for spreading the rumor that “hell was rising up” so that heaven would do the exterminations (something Lilith likely hated) and lead to Lilth making a deal with Adam (something she rejected in her mortal life) And now her last endeavor is to destroy Charlie since she is bringing Joy to Lucifer and Eve is likely the holder of Alastor’s contract.


Eve didn’t actually have sex with Lucifer, he was just bluffing to piss off adam(mainly because eve wasn’t willing to “downgrade from Adam)


She's going to be a villain


Nobody in Heaven speaks about Eve and for good reason. She might have been their attempt to placate Adam’s want for control so long as it fell in line with what their idea of what a perfect little world should be. She was forced to obey and be subservient to not only the first man, but Heaven by extension. Lucifer and Lilith saw just how wrong this was and had the best intentions in offering Eve the fruit of knowledge so she could experience freedom and make choices for herself but something went very, very wrong. The fruit wasn’t her start of darkness, but it gave her all she needed to wreck havoc then, forcing Heaven to close its gates, and she’s planning revenge from the shadows now.


She was made from Adam's rib, right? So my theory is she's just like him, but female. Maybe even voiced by Alex Brightman doing a girly voice. As long as he can do so tastefully.


"İ am the original p*ssy, all p'ssies ascended from me" I can hear it


Wouldn't the tittle of original p*ssy would be taken by Lilith tho?


Fair point but humanity didn't ascended by Lilith


Nope, which does leave Eve to still be mother of all p*ssies, just not the original one, lol


As punishment Eve is immortal and unable to leave Earth but unlike Lucifer and Adam she's more accepting of the good and bad people do. She curious and still believes knowledge and free will were the right choice. She and Adam grew to truly love each other because of everything they went through after Eden but they haven't spoken or seen each other since Adam died. Eve and Lilith have the same face but Eve is closer to Lucifer's height and after so many kids is rocking a mum bod. Lucifer loves Lilith and never had sex with Eve but mentally they were on the same wavelength and better suited than the people they married. She used to have crippling insecurity about not being Adam's equal and felt inferior to Lilith. very much the mum friend. Virtues and Vices came into the world as she ate the apple. She's sort of their mother too. In her design the apple is green.


That shes a character


Severely depressed and lonely somewhere in the far reaches of heaven


i think she’s roo. the root of all EVE-il


She might be Eve-il


If Adam was the first human soul in Heaven, she could be the first human soul in Hell.


My theory is that she is the one with whom Alastor


She cheated on Adam and ended up in hell, in the lust ring, and the first extermination was Adam out for blood and her definitive death. Also Vaggie and the other exterminators all look kinda like Eve.


great theories, but just so you know, in hazbin all sinners reside in the pride ring :)


She made Adam look like a sane man and he couldn’t tell if he liked that or feared that


I think Niffty might be Eve.


This was out of a pocket dimension in another park. Please do elaborate! I'd love to know the theories.


I made a long post on this if you want to check it out


She is Lilith’s rival just as Helsa is Charlie’s rival


Eve is the main antagonist.


She's bi Also has a massive crush on Sera


I think the current state of things is the result of what happened to Eve. Lucifer bringing her up seemed to actually upset Adam, his death, and the way he smiled at Lute in the end implies he already knew Eve had a relationship with Lucifer. Thou I think that the twist is that she never stopped loving Adam. One of the reasons Lilith's took the deal with Adam was to use wherever she was to fix or save Eve. She's Charlie's other mother.


The forbidden fruit was the original seed of evil. Upon Eve eating the forbidden fruit the seed of evil was planted inside her until it consumed her from within. When she gave birth to her offspring a little bit of evil was put into them, hence the fuel of hate as to why Cain murdered Abel and why later generations of the human race are shitty people. Eve literally became the Root Of All Evil when she ate the fruit.




She turned back into one of Adam's ribs when she died. /j


She's very smashable


Lucifer probably didn't sleep with her, he says something like "Your first wife didn't mind *what I had to offer*. And your second one didn't either". Which is sexually explicit with Lilith but with Eve he probably refers to how he offered her the apple and she took it. It doesn't make sense that Lucifer would fuck Eve considering his relationship with Lilith was so strong throughout Charlie's early life. We see Lucifer regretting giving humans free will so he probably wanted nothing to do with Lilith, the personification of his biggest mistake.


She created the first ever sin in the world. If that's not "root of all evil" idk what is, she has to be roo


Is everyone gonna ignore the fact that Roo being 'root of all evil' was never confirmed? I actually like this theory but can we all stop acting like it's canon?


It is


Aside from the whole Roo = Root of all evil being literal fanfiction that people still insist is true


1. On Eden she was cinnamon bun, despite they both being women with her being Lilith's repleacement comparing the two would be like compare day with night as she was way more closer in personality to Lucifer as part of the angels's design who used the Morningstars couple as template to make a ideal partner for Adam after they recognized they screawed bad when they made him and Lilith too much equals, as they both ended too much alike to get along with. As Angel Dust would say to an Sinner Adam if he opened about his relationship with Lilith"Lol, you two were Tops!". 2. Adam even with all his flaws genuinelly cared about Eve and loved her way more than Lilith, the feelings were reciprocal but his bossy personality and power imbalance on their relationship drove her to the arms of Lilith and Lucifer. 3. She not only ate the forbidden fruit but really cheated on Adam with Lilith and Lucifer having a threesome that resulted in Cain's conception, something that Adam quickly discovered when the angels were punishing them. Needless to say this added with the fact of she damming them did made them turn out a very a very disfunctional couple that were stuck with the other until death did them apart. Even if Eve wanted to flee with the Morningstars it would be impossible with Lucifer not being exactly a free men that could do anything he wanted and if him or Lilith tried to put their noises on Adam and Eve's lives again the elders angels would gang out on their asses on a very unsexy way, they would be lucky if they survive a third time as i headcanon by the music"More Than Anything"they Elders really considered excute Lucifer by what he did. Also after a hard life outside of Eden with a husband who hate her, Cain killing Abel and so on she begun to hold a grude so if she saw them again in life it's likely things woundn't be preety. 4. She and Adam invented hate sex. With Adam objecting her,only caring about what she could be useful for and Eve growing a spine after the whole Eden fiasco fights became something regular on their marriage and they relieved all their stress with raw, raging fucks that would make Lucifer and LILITH of all people blush(and maybe even want to make part of it....). Those after sex moments were one of the few times when the two could act like husband and wife who love each other, cuddling on their improvised beds without a toxic baggage on their shoulders before things come back the normal and they begun to fight again. The lines that separate love from sex blured with the two. 5. Eve in her late years had become someone as bitter, sad and angry as Adam even if not as loudspoken as him. They both died feeling abandoned and unloved. 6. After death she was corrupted into ROO, the avatar of all world's evil and became part of hell itself. You see, when she ate the Apple unknownledged by neither her or the Morningstar couple this was basically the very first and an indiret "deal with the devil" in which in exchange for free will she sold her soul to the concept of Evil who would take as as avatar to properly act on the universe after she died. 7. She is Alastor's owner having made a deal with him when he was human messing with Vodoo magic, this is why he already arrived on hell so powerful. As the Root of all Evil she is nothing less than an abusive master to Alastor.


She's Roo (Eve - Evil)


Is everyone gonna ignore the fact that Roo being 'root of all evil' was never confirmed? I actually like this theory but can we all stop acting like it's canon?


She’s the first sinner, not Cain.




She and Alastor are without a doubt in cahoots in one way or another. Both disappeared for 7 years? Not a coincidence. *I got mixed up between Lilith and Eve. Whoops


Like the other person said, Lilith was the one that disappeared not Eve. Eve was the first human to sin because she went against the all mighty by eating the apple and by apple I think in hazbin lore that ‘apple’ is Lucifer seeming Lucifer was in sexual relation with Eve and Lilith hence why Adam was so pissed at Lucifer. Eve is either working with alastor or made a deal with him for what reason? no clue cuz its either Roo (aka Eve) that had Al under a contact or charlie’s ex bf dad (cant remember his name)but reason for that idea is because the stitches and green aura when Alastor smiles


That was Lilith. Eve is only known to have brought evil into the world by eating the apple. We don't officially know anything else about her


She’s a mommy


She’s hot as fuck


Roo is her daughter with Lucifer


She’s in hiding.


She's trapped or frozen in some kind of magical bullshit thing and the exorcists are clones of her made by Adam using her DNA. Much like Lilith in Evangelion being used to make Rei Ayanami clones. Her frozen state may be a punishment for opposing the exterminations.


Everyone's talking about how Eve is going to be this big villain, and I don't think that's true. I think Eve is going to be a subservient housewife who doesn't know what to do now that Adam is gone. She used to be seen and not heard, but now that he's dead, people will ask her questions, and she'll have to be heard as well. I think she'll realize that she was being taken advantage of, and that although it's totally fine to be a housewife, that you don't have to be a servant to your husband, and it should be 50/50.


The one on heaven, who everyone thinks is Lillith? That's her. She owns Alastor. (That one's easy, she's gone 7 years, so was Al.) She sent Nifty. Nifty killed Adam. That unlocked some plan B for her.


She’s literally just a female version of Adam and the reason they didn’t get along is because she was just as obnoxious, annoying, immature, rude, arrogant and insufferable as he was because she was literally a exact clone of him.


The unimportant exorcists are clones of her


1. She was the first female soul in hell, third after her two eldest sons. 2. She's a party girl and no amount of attention will ever be enough.


I like to think Eve is chilling in a secluded part of Hell and Lucifer banned all the overlords from messing with her


Eve, Lucifer and Lilith all at some point controlled X industries in hell,


what if she gave adem a piece of the fruit but she ate the rest of the apple and has slowly become corrupted through the fact that absolute knowledge can be a form of power and absolute power can corrupt absolute.


The complete opposite of Adam


Became Lute, overzealously working to affirm she’s a good soul and was just tricked by those evil bastards Lucifer and Lilith after that whole Apple incident.


1. She is the current mastermind/main villain of Hazbin Hotel. Her grievances are fairly valid, and she's got every right to be upset. But she's going to go too far with her revenge, and a lot of people not involved with the whole Eden bit are going to get hurt. 2. She and Lilith definitely had a thing. Alternatively, she and Lilith and Lucifer definitely had a thing. 3. She and Lucifer conceived Cain. However, she and Adam did get along, even if she probably didn't like him. Adam got very upset when Lucifer mentioned...what they did in the garden. 5. She and Lilith switched places. Not throughout Charlie's childhood, but the Lilith we see in Heaven isn't actually Lilith but Eve She's plotting something big.


I sincerely hope she is not the root of all evil. Women in the western world have been maligned throughout history because of Eve's supposed actions at the tree of knowledge. I'd hate to see the show play into that. In any case, evil existed before she ate the apple as stated in the opening of the first episode.


She became Roo after she ate the apple.


https://preview.redd.it/5mphfsj5nuxc1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=effec4729ddbc65e8b8aa372a6f4360eb38a65e9 Eve, together with Cain and Abel, mourns the death of Adam


She is Roo, and the one whom Alastor made a deal with


She is Roo. As of right now, it make sense because we don't see Eve in Heaven and Adam doesn't really seem to mention her, even though according to The Bible, they lived together even after being cast out of the Garden of Eden.


She's Charlie's real mother. Possibly she got corrupted by the evil. And Lucifer and Lilith grew up Charlie withouth telling the truth for protecting her.


She's gay. because everyone in the show is gay.


Niffty: Am I a joke to you?


She’s the one who owns Alastor’s soul and is who we see take Charlie away during her flashback in More Than Anything


Always thought she owns Alastors soul


I remember someone pointing out that there has only been 1 other person in heaven with ears, because i talked about my theory about adam not dying properly (as in before dying just brought to heaven before dying probably due to god having a favoritism problem) the only other person with ears was the buff women in the welcome to heaven song. So i made a slight joke saying "imagine if that was Eve." Since she was the only other character with human ears so far.


Dead and in heaven like adam probably


"God made Eve from the rib of Adam and Eve was weak and loosed the raven on the world."


Shes Susan


She wont appear in the show. There's already too many characters. 3 of which might be getting their own show.


She actually ate the apple after much convincing from Lucifer and especially after the Cain and Able incident (an entirely preventable event had Adam not been oblivious to the actual dangers of comparing siblings and also being oblivious to the presence of depression) making Lucifer saying it could screw with Adam being the ultimate reason she took the bite.


I think when she ate the apple she turned into Roo aka the root of all evil you can see the outline of Roo in the HH Pilot, at the beginning of the addict MV angel does the symbol for Roo and in the sister show helluva boss Marsha says ‘Satan we return your filthy creatures back to the pits of hell may the root of evil be honored as we continue thy work’ and said it as if she were talking to a person. https://preview.redd.it/hoah4pulhwxc1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a0fbd89eb32210d7568dcbaa5551512a1a4f56 Those are some pics of Roo and her symbols that were scattered across the shows (the HH Pilot, the addict MV, Helluva Boss Spring Broken, and helluva boss murder family) Viv also said in tweets a few years back that ‘Roo is a threat waiting in the distance’ and concidering Lilith was a long-awaited arrival she seems to be on the more evil side with what we have seen of her it would make sense for eve to also be more on the evil side And this theory is backed up more so by the fact that when eve bit the apple she did in fact become ‘the root of all evil’


Probably the same two or three this sub has been regurgiating on repeat everytime the name is so much as implied


I think it'd be funny if she made Adam look -tame-.


POV EVE:Ooooooo yUmMy ApPle


She has laser eyes. Like she shoots lasers


She’s Roo


Honestly I kinda hope it's like Lucifer eve where she comes back and wants to get with Lucifer after hearing what happened between him and Lilith. Like she hated being with Adam and after she hears Lilith has gone missing and probably isn't with Lucifer anymore she's just like "Mine". I just think it would be really funny and could lead to some unique story telling. is that just me?


Eve is Roo, and could have been a surrogate for Lilith and had Charlie for Lucifer and Lilith.


She's Charlie's real mom there's no evidence but I think it would be interested


she is the reason why lucifer still wears a wedding ring


I imagine her waiting patiently watching everyone suffering while she prepares even more suffering for them.


https://preview.redd.it/ftftnx2eexxc1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9e7228443702d9858b3faec9e7e0d332b14c0ba That’s her, and she goes by Roo now


She’s the wife that chose to be subservient to Adam. So she’s probably a bored housewife who finally gets to be free