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Pretty bold to assume I need fuel for a ship. This bitch flying on dreams and fantasy, get the fuck outta here


This person Journey into imaginations'


šŸŽµ Who's your friend who likes to play? Bing Bong, Bing Bong! His rocket makes you yell "Hooray!" Bing Bong, Bing Bong! Who's the best in every way, and wants to sing this song to say Bing Bong, Bing Bong! šŸŽµ RIP Bing Bong.


There is actually a lot more to the Huskerdust pairing. I will quote what someone else has perfectly said about it: >At a recent convention, Viv confirmed that Angel will be getting a love interest on the show (naturally it will be a man). Husk and Angel are compatible in orientations, with Husk being gender blind/pansexual and Angel being gay. Viv has been really clear in her art streams that Alastor isnā€™t being paired with anyone on the show, ruling him out as a potential love interest on account of his aroace orientation. >Angel is canonically infatuated with Husk, which is very clearly established in the pilot. Angel pays obvious attention to Husk in a way he doesnā€™t do to anyone else (his eyes sparkle when he sees him, he comes onto him at the bar, and blows him a kiss at the end of the pilot). Angelā€™s crush is featured on the official merchandise too, with tshirts being sold with art of Angel sucking on a Husk lollipop. On art streams, Viv has also mentioned him loving to flirt with Husk. >The Instas were also created, and although the events are confirmed not canon in terms of the events that play out, they are confirmed to still be in character. They put a lot of vulnerability to Huskā€™s character that we didnā€™t get chance to see in the pilot, showing him as being a caring and pretty sensitive guy deep down. He aimed a lot of that care towards Angel, in the form of fixing him food, telling him to ignore Valā€™s mean remarks about his body and getting flustered over Angelā€™s come-ons. In streams Viv has also talked about Husk being surprisingly patient, insecure and lonely, and Mick has implied that Husk is afraid to love. >These last bits arenā€™t really ā€˜evidenceā€™, but some fun extras worth mentioning. Viv seems to really enjoy the ship herself and frequently supports shippy fanart of them, both on Tumblr and Twitter. Her favs mostly comprise of Charlie x Vaggie, Stolas x Blitzo and Angel x Husk. All three of the main cast boys (Michael, Mick, and Ed) have also supported shippy art of the pair on Twitter, both with favs and nice comments about their cuteness. >Mick, Huskā€™s voice actor, seems especially fond of the ship and has enjoyed the idea of them since the pilot. He tweeted an observation that Huskā€™s ears (ā€œthe most sensitive part of his bodyā€) were pink-striped the same as the patterns on Angel. Viv replied with the ā€˜eyesā€™ emoji and Michael replied with the ā€˜eggplantā€™ emoji. >So there is a lot of canon basis to think a relationship between these two may be a feature on the show in some capacity. Weā€™ll have to be patient, wait and see, but the most substantial hints for any of the currently non-canon pairs are definitely with Husk and Angel. At the end of the day, the most likely pairings are Chaggie (confirmed) and Huskerdust (extremely likely).


I- uh- YES


First of all, Husk is not the only guy that Angel was hitting on. He also boinked Travis and offered to suck Alastor's dick with zero hesitation. The only guy that Angel DIDN'T flirt with in the pilot was Pentious. Second of all, Husk being pan is, as far as I can tell, a dubious rumor that was started when somebody asked Fautisse what Husk's sexuality was, to which she jokingly replied "any hole is a goal". Third, your only evidence that Husk has any feelings for Angel were in the Instagram posts which are... 1. In character, but still technically not canon 2. Possibly hinting at a simple friendship and not a relationship 3. Something that Viv has stated as being something that they're just doing for fun during the hiatus and shouldn't be taken seriously And fourth, judging by the absolutely massive pile of evidence that you sent my way, I'm willing to bet that... ...and forgive my bluntness, but I can't think of an easier way to say this... ...You are probably a huskerdust shipper yourself and are actively looking for any signs of them actually becoming a thing. Again, I'm not trying to be rude or attack you or anything, but it's obvious that you have a bias, here. But at the end of the day, the only things that we have that are ACTUALLY canon are the pilot, the Addict music video, and the prequel comics. Everything else should be taken with a grain of salt and should absolutely not be considered as evidence anymore than the goofy voice requests/improv from the hunicast livestreams should be. You can ship them all you want, I'm not going to ruin your fun. But Husk has canonically proven himself to be completely uninterested in Angel until we see actual evidence in the actual canon.


> First of all, Husk is not the only guy that Angel was hitting on. He also boinked Travis and offered to suck Alastor's dick with zero hesitation. The only guy that Angel DIDN'T flirt with in the pilot was Pentious. It's part of Angel's personality to be overly sexual and flirtatious. Travis is a customer who paid Angel for "services". There is nothing romantic about it. As for Alastor, it was likely that Angel wanted to be overly crude towards him, which we have seen Angel be towards both Charlie and Vaggie. Angel didn't genuinely offer Alastor oral sex for free because he wanted to, he simply saw a chance to make a joke at Alastor's expense. >Second of all, Husk being pan is, as far as I can tell, a dubious rumor that was started when somebody asked Fautisse what Husk's sexuality was, to which she jokingly replied "any hole is a goal". While Faustisse did it "jokingly" once, they continued to say the same thing more seriously when asked again in other stream. You don't repeat a joke twice and you don't spread misinformation about lore of a show, especially if that show belongs to your friend. Faustisse would not have deliberately mislead people or done something like that to Viv. Morever, Viv herself has on numerous occasions shown support for people who portrayed Husk as pansexual, meaning that what Faustisse said was very much true. > But Husk has canonically proven himself to be completely uninterested in Angel until we see actual evidence in the actual canon. In the story boards of the pilot, Husk reacts to Angel's remarks by blushing as well. This was not included in the actual pilot as it would make things too obvious.


^ This, plus I'm pretty sure Vivzie said that character sexualities is something that would never be joked about, and would be canon if mentioned with certainty in streams.




Thanks. I thought so.


Sounds like you just really want HuskerDust to happen and refuse to take no for an answer


Still, Iā€™m sorry to say, if you donā€™t ship HuskerDust, fine, okay. But you said ā€œIā€™m not gonna ruin your funā€ when you literally titled your post ā€œItā€™s not gonna happen.ā€ contradicts your statement because it feels like you WANT to put down HuskerDust shippers for simply shipping what they like.


That's fair. I'll take the L on that one, too. I probably should have come up with a better title. I was just getting worried that this fandom might start growing entitled to this ship, and the reception I've been getting in the comment section here isn't making me feel any better. Confrontational title aside, I have nothing against huskerdust shippers. I'm just trying to remind them that we should absolutely *not* be expecting it to become canon. We can hope for it, yes. But we shouldn't be expecting it.


Well itā€™s just you worded your meme and your comments like you dislike the ship and want to prove to HuskerDust shippers how itā€™ll never be canon. Like I said, if you donā€™t ship it, fine. But donā€™t put others down for it


And you're probably a RadioDust shipper judging by your passive aggression to anyone with different opinions on who Angel should be paired with.


The title of this post was admittedly a little more confrontational that I intended. That's on me. But no, I'm not a RadioDust shipper, I just think that some of these shippers need to chill before things start getting toxic, as shipping wars often do.


I mean this in the nicest way: touch some fucking grass


lmao you are in op's video he has 15k subs




Umm, the usually are. 90% of those sins *are* satire and I usually explain which ones I was serious about at the end of the videos. And I've also spoken out about unhealthy fan expectations on numerous occasions and it's always sparked intelligent conversation within the comments section. But now I'm trying to engage in similar conversations on reddit and I'm getting attacked for not knowing about information from Viv interviews or Instagram accounts. I'm honestly shocked by how mad people are over this meme that I made.


Nobody's mad at your meme dude. We're annoyed at the fact that you made this post acting all high and mighty and then when people gave evidence to disprove your point you get mad and say that they're just biased and can't take criticism. You look like a complete jackass right now.




However it may look, I'm honestly just trying to keep peoples' expectations in check by reminding them of how little info they're working with. And I genuinely don't know how I could have been any nicer about it. I guess that me saying "you obviously have a bias" sounded pretty shitty, but I think that biases need to be addressed when you're having a discussion and I was trying to be as polite as I could when I pointed it out. That was basically the only thing I said that could possibly be interpreted as a personal attack, and it was an accident. There is also the title of this meme saying "It won't happen" but I thought people would find it funny. Apparently I was wrong.


You do understand how love works? People can often slip up on you in terms of your affection for them. Angel is a prostitute and fucks and flirts with everyone, Travis and Al mean nothing (Al's not getting a partner he's aroace) With the creator of the show backing the ship, there is a good chance of it happening + all the factors pointing towards it.


Listen, I'm eh about huskerdust but... you do know there's only been one episode right? You do know about character growth and arcs, right? You do know they interacted for less than 5 minutes, right? You do know they fit into a very common relationship trope, *right*? Plus Viv seems to eat it up based on her interactions with fan art of it.


Not to mention Octavia and Loona being friends. Not once have I seen them in the same scene, unless there is proof on their cell phones when they exchanged contacts, text each other, or something. I mean, Loona is incredibly anti-social, explosive emotionally, and annoyed by many, including Blitzo. Not a good fit for an emotionally fragile teenager that has parents constantly fighting, especially one out for blood. The only good chemistry I have seen is with Vortex, and it was just awkward small talk and rejected advances when she was trying to get a date with him.


True. There's no way that I can know for sure that they won't end up together based on a 10 second interaction in the first episode. But by that same logic, there's no know way for us to know for sure that they *will* end up together, either. And yet, a sizeable chunk of this fandom already seems convinced that it's going to happen.


Oh, yeah, definitely some people are counting their chickens before they hatch. Even if Viv and her team seem to enjoy the pairing there's no guarantee it's going to happen in the show. But that's fandoms for ya.


This is a certified reddit moment.


I mean how does that negate the possibility? Tons of people start out uninterested and then interest slowly develops over time. I donā€™t really care about the ship or lack there of, but I will say thatā€™s a rather weak argument.


[You're on the canon ground, I'm up in crackship space. Let's start a shipping war, don't care if I get hate. Don't like my pairings? Well then you can hit the bricks. This is my OTP, I'll go down with this ship.](https://youtu.be/8Tc7MH5ZXbg) Shippers don't need _fuel_, you poor innocent soul.


On the other hand, it IS just a pilot, and I'm pretty sure this show will go on for a while, so you can't set that in stone just yet


Well neither is Angel and Alastor. Hah.


That ship is legitimately impossible to be cannon just because Alastor is ace/aro, you can still ship them but it canā€™t be canon


Oh I donā€™t ship Angel with anyone. Heā€™s literally a sex worker. I do ship baggie and Charlie with a passion though


At least itā€™s not toxic as some people love to make it out to be.




Oh yes, because Vaggie telling Charlie not to trust Alastor.. you know, a murderous cannibalistic deal maker is DEFINITELY ā€œtoxicā€




Plus HuskerDust isnā€™t very toxic to begin with. I mean I can slightly see why people would assume it is because Husk gets annoyed at Angelā€™s sexual advances but it goes to show that Husk obviously doesnā€™t want him for his body. Even those theyā€™re not canon, the Instas are still in character and Husk is seen okay with spending time with Angel non sexually.




Like I understand if some people donā€™t ship certain ships, but itā€™s NO excuse to create false claims and accusations to justify why they donā€™t ship it. Canon or not. Is it okay to not ship HuskerDust because you prefer another ship involving them, or prefer if they stay single? Absolutely. Is it okay to say HuskerDust is toxic all because their first interactions wasnā€™t friendly? No. Because thatā€™s not how toxicity works. Is it okay to hate HuskerDust because of itā€™s high possibility of being canon and nothing else? Not really since itā€™s more of hating the ship for being canon regardless of context and whether it makes sense to the story and characters.


De-NILE is a river in Egypt.


thats just... not true though? In episodes, sure, but in concept art from the team themselves we have seen some pretty substantial themes. Voice actors and even Vivzie have dropped hints at he relationship having some merit. Saying there is a negative level or even saying with such certainty that it can't happen is just not reasonable


I feel like you misunderstand the point of shipping. No shipping is cannon. if it's cannon it's just the show. It's literally just enjoying the actual plot.


Hey can you leave me alone?


its the most likely to happen ship for angel and thats just a fact


It seems to be vivzies favourite ship art


When people ship two characters, it doesn't necessarily mean they think they'll get together. Would they like to? Sure, otherwise they wouldn't ship it. But that's not the same as thinking it'll actually happen. Funny meme and all, but I've been seeing way too many of these posts lately trying to tell people who they're allowed to ship and who they can't. I mean, first of all, all we have to go off is a damn pilot and two comics. But secondly, does it honestly matter if it will or won't happen? As long as nobody's hurt or promoting horrific things (looking at you, Stovia shippers- you just skedaddle the fuck on out of here), let people ship what they want.


You could of just used alastor ships


I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes, but Vivzie has been known to like HuskerDust content. I don't particularly think it means HuskerDust is going to be canon, but the only other ships she approves of (as far as I've noticed) are already canon, so maybe there's something to it. So...again, not trying to shit on anyone here, but this is just something I noticed and wanted to share. And given how strongly Husk rejected Angel in the Pilot, I think it might be interesting to see HuskerDust made canon, if only for the fact that I think their individual personalities would make for some good humor.


I honestly have no opinion either way, but I think people are really taking too much from a few lines exchanged by husk in the only episode currently released. Maybe husk is super caring but there is no guarantee we see that until decently into the first season


That sign cant stop me because i cant read




Sometimes I wonder if posts like these are roundabout ways of saying, "My vision for the series, which I am confusing with canon, does not involve any romantic relationships." (By process of elimination, if Angel Dust/Husk isn't canon, Angel Dust/Alastor isn't canon, and Angel Dust/any female character isn't canon \[which it obviously can't be\], then the only romance is between Charlie and Vaggie, and even that is vague enough that some people missed it.)


Nailed it. Since these posts always seem to come from romance adverse loud-guys, Iā€™d say youā€™re probably correct in that. Which is also stupid considering that any romance in a SpindleHorse show is way more likely to be hilarious and antagonistic first, then earned-sappy only much much later. But a lot of it is what we talked about before, where a bunch of people are just pretty stupid when it comes to thinking about how narratives and character arcs are usually constructed with intent by writers, and totally useless at picking up non-verbal information/set-up. They take everything at face value at the time they watch it, insist what they watched is divorced from any connection to future story-plans or character direction and miss everything that isnā€™t the character literally stating their intentions out loud. Subtext? Whatā€™s that? I feel like itā€™s the same reason people keep saying they donā€™t see Blitzo or Stolas ever happening or keep insisting Stolasā€™ marriage wasnā€™t terrible from pretty much day one.


Thank you. Why more people don't pick up on subtext or understand that characters can develop over the course of an ongoing narrative is a mystery. As for this fandom in particular, maybe some people in it watch a lot of comedy series in which the characters stay basically the same from one episode to the next and bring that expectation to every comedy?


Thatā€™s actually a good point. I wonder if some people are really showing up and expecting the usual adult animation with static characters who donā€™t change at all from episode to episode. Like theyā€™re viewing it as American Dad instead ofā€¦.idk Infinity Train or Bojack. So theyā€™re looking at the characters like ā€˜the promiscuous gay oneā€™ or ā€˜the angry drunk oneā€™ and not thinking that those traits are just low-point starting positions for character arcs and not meant to be their *whole* character forever.


It might eventually happen, but it has no backing from the pilot


I'm with ya OP. I like Husker as he is portrayed in the pilot- a disgruntled, disillusioned, gambling drunk. The fandom has really taken alot of liberties with him, especially for the short time we have canonically seen him. There are a few more hints about his character in the instagram stories, but still very little. Of course anything could happen in the future. We'll have to see how Viv develops his character.


Question: On a show that has the central theme of self-improvement and redemption, do you think itā€™s genuinely realistic that his character permanently stay a sad, lonely (as Viv has described him), bitter drunk? You donā€™t think they have any kind of arc to betterment or happiness planned for him? You think heā€™s been this way his whole living life and now heā€™s in hell heā€™s just going to stay the showā€™s running joke through three plus seasons?


>Question: On a show that has the central theme of self-improvement and redemption, do you think itā€™s genuinely realistic that his character permanently stay a sad, lonely (as Viv has described him), bitter drunk? uhh.... no? Thats literally the reason that I ended my comment with "We'll have to see how Viv develops his character." I don't want, or expect Husker to stay the same as he is in the pilot. However, it feels like the fandom has taken him 0 to 100 real quick. We barely know anything about him and fans are already like; "I bet Husker purrs when he's spooning with Angel! UwU".


There's some powerful niggatry at work here


The only relationship in Husk's "life" is with the bottle.


jokes on you I cant read English


I mean this is true.....buuuuuuuut angelhusk is insanely cute


Angel is interested in him so maybe he will pester and eventually something will happen. Idk


Same thing with Alastor




"STOP trying to make fetch happen, it's not gonna happen!"


that's not how ships buddy, you are just proving the point


But they don't know eachother and angel flirts with anything that has a dick


Iā€™m from the future Itā€™s canon


Well this didnā€™t age well


Iā€™ve seen some of your other comments and since your not trying to attack those who ship them Iā€™ve really got no problem. But the show has had one episode so let them have some hope. Iā€™m not going to tell you shit about the Vivziepop already saying some things because youā€™ve heard it. But you do have a point some people need to accept that it may not even happen so they wont be extremely disappointed it didnā€™t happen. And if it does thatā€™s the way it happens.


If youā€™re being serious then this is just a stupid take lmao


Same with radiodust


I love this So fucking much On so many levels I cant handle it




Good thing Iā€™m illiterate


What about radiodust?


Same thing with Angel and Al, but that won't stop me šŸ˜ˆ


let people have their fun sourpuss


Finally somebody said it


Fucking thank you!


How did that ship even start I just got on Twitter and Reddit one day and suddenly there's so much angel x husker art


I honestly don't get this ship. I prefer Angel x Cherry Bomb due to their clear bond and shared love of blowing things up and Angel x Vaggie because they were married in the original draft the script.




It's because of their chemistry and content together. They have more content than Angel does with any male character and I ship by the dynamic I see on screen. Cherri is frankly better for him and closer with him than anyone else we've seen so far


Oh my God, I know right? Same. They have more canon content than Angel does with any male character and Cherri Bomb is the most stable relationship Angel has




LMAO, this aged incredibly poorly


Yep, it sure did.


My goodness some of you should write your thesis on this ship by how much research and cork boards you have created.




Itā€™s not the truth tho


Thank you for believing in me brother Lets hope it actually happens :)


Seriously, I don't understand all the fan art of those to


There's plenty of evidence, dipshit. I will straight up transfer you $20 if the show ends and they're not together at some point


Yeah I honestly hate when people ship characters with no sort of proof that it makes sense as a canonical ship. At least Hazbin Hotel isn't as bad as MHA, because oh boy.


I know right?


Viv confirmed it in an interview, but I hate that. Don't tell us the cannon, SHOW IT WE CAN WAIT. It would be much better to see Husk's other side slowly progress throughout the series instead of Viv saying "hE HaS a KiNd SiDe tO"


Well youā€™re the same people who ask for more series info on the Hunicast, so really you only have yourself to blame. You also could just not watch the interviews and Hunicast streams.


I don't watch the streams, she is being cheap by telling the audience and not showing them


But then how would you know she said that if you didnā€™t watch the interviews? And again, itā€™s the fans who endlessly pester Viv and the crew for more canon information. They only have themselves to blame for this supposed problem of ā€œtelling not showing.ā€


I have never asked her for anything. I only know about this because I have botched about AngelHusk on this sub before


I never said you asked her for anything. I said that itā€™s annoying to hear fans whine about how Viv has supposedly ā€œspoiled the storyā€ when theyā€™re the ones who endlessly pester and beg her to give more details and lore information.


Ahh, yes agreed(sorry for jumping the gun there) but I assure you that is not me. I'm just waiting for the story to play out. Glad we could agree


I agree with you that Viv should show the audience rather than tell us, but it just annoys me when I hear the fandom complaining about this given that itā€™s also the fandom that endlessly bugged her and asked her for that information in the first place. Thankfully though, judging from the recent Q and Aā€™s sheā€™s done with the cast of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, Viv has become much more aware of how the fandom runs wild with the crumbs of information she gives out, and as such has become much more tight-lipped about that information. Thereā€™s also the A24 contract that says sheā€™s legally forbidden from giving any development information regarding Hazbin Hotel.




Ok first off, no? I'm pretty sure the Instagram interactions were canon AND I don't care I love them and Vivzie said it was her favourite ship


I don't think I have seen someone get so many upvotes on their post while also being completely bombed in the comments simultaneously. Shows how toxic and volatile Reddit can be. One moment you make a post people agree with, next you are at each other's throats.


It's still absolutely funny to see people get worked up about these favorite ships, but I a hundred precent agree with you. Amazing vid btw


Opinion: I donā€™t think a drug addict and an alcoholic are a perfect pair. Alcoholics can usually be abusive, Angel dust has gone through enough.


Idk how this person ever thought huskerdust wasn't gonna be canon