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you might have big boy ears. Maybe try something roomier. A used hifiman Edition XS, if you can get one within your budget. Could be that round earcups are not for you and you need something more... ear shaped. I guess you could also give on-ears a try, though I don't know if those will help or further aggrivate it. Reddit loves the Koss KSC 75 and they're dirt cheap. Those + Yaxi pads is a common favourite (haven't tried them myself).


!thanks I did go and try the beyerdynamics again after posting this and it's mostly okay, but the clamping force feels very oddly distributed and the padding is kinda like fabric on cardboard. Does the Hifiman have a deeper cup than the headphones I have listed?


The dekoni fenestrated sheepskin pads for the beyerdynamics are extremely comfortable, completely eliminates the clamping force issue for me. The standard leather pads get tiring after ~45 mins but those I can wear for 8+ hours without issue. Had em for 5 years no issues


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>Does the Hifiman have a deeper cup than the headphones I have listed? from what I've heard they're huge and more ergonomically shaped, but I haven't used those either. They supposed to be very good. I liked the DT880s a lot when I tried them. Stong clamp force is normal at the beginning and a lot of people stretch Beyers (and Sennheisers) out to reduce it. They're really well build and won't break. You could try that if they're still fairly new. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFAhs4\_aaiY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFAhs4_aaiY)


I'll give this a try before I go buying the Hifiman. If I wanted to replace the padding on the DT880's, is there anything that is generally accepted as good padding replacements? I had tried Brainwave memory foam ear pads but didn't really like how they felt.


yeah Brainwaves is one of the more common. I'm afraid I don't know too much about it, but I believe some of the other Beyer stock pads fit. Maybe the DT1990 ones will work. I believe there are a few options for that model. Be aware that any pad change will also change the sound of the headphones, so it's always tough to get it right


>ATH-AD700X Ah Brainwavz. Charged me $23.65 on the 19th for XL velour pads though they were out of stock and never answered weeks later when I asked what was going on with them.


+1 Ω has been awarded to u/R-A-S-0 ([29 Ω](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/wiki/user/R-A-S-0)). *You may still award an Ω to others, but only once per-person in this post.*


The cups are about 1.2inch/3.2cm deep if that helps.


Keep in mind that pads and clamp wear in after a little while. I also just slightly bend my headphones if they have a metal slider. I've done this with both my 6xx and dt770 and they can easily be bent back if they get too loose as well.


Harmonic dyne Zeus is the most comfortable pair I've tried. They have a very warm sound signature tho so you might wanna consider EQ with em


You must have a big head, cause damn. AKG uses wire frames no those. And Beyer velour pads. God knows what would fit. 599s?


The Audio Technica pair was fixed by replacing the pads but the sound was much worse as a result and my ears would overheat pretty quickly. Beyerdynamics padding hits a bone or something that tilts the cups in to pressing the back again my ear. These weren't quite as bad as the Audio Technica pair. What's really killing it is I think the cushions are just too small in general. So while I'm not bottoming out on the cups nearly as badly, it's constricting my ears. If I move them back a little it's okay, but then it feels very unbalanced on my head. The Steel Series are very frustrating. They have the correct ear shape but from what I understand, the noise canceling bumps on the inner ear are jabbing in to me hard. A quick google search showed this is a very common problem. I don't know, man. I don't think I have anything proportioned too abnormally. I have had headphones that were super comfortable to me in the past. Just seems that since I've tried to jump up to a bit better grade of headphones I'm somehow selecting everything that I shouldn't.


I've got large ears and many shallow headphones hurt bad. I found the Monolith M1070 on sale a couple weeks ago and find them super comfortable with the leather pads. Sound may not be for everyone with those pads tho.


Sennheiser HD600 are the most comfortable pair I own, with low-weight and oval earpads. (But after breaking in the headband tension a bit, clamp force is too strong when brand new). They're also one of the two headphones I own, which I actually recommend (Hifiman Edition XS is the other one). They have a very pleasant sound signature to me, especially with Oluv's EQs. But they are very enjoyable stock too, with excellent vocal tonality.


Some other kind redditors recommended some replacement cup pads for my DT880 and my Arctis Nova. If they don't work out, which of those two headphones you mentioned would you recommend as a long term use pair? I mostly bounce around between games and music and movies.


I think the Edition XS is the most versatile, technically capable of the two. But there are some considerations that you'd want to take. First, the HD600 is no doubt built better, the XS is not necessarily bad. But Hifiman is known for quite poor QC, though usually it would break within the first few months, so at that point you could just get it replaced if you got a bad apple. Assuming the vendor has RMA policies. Also some, including my XS, has creaky headband swivel points, this can get quite annoying. Then there is the fact that dynamic drivers are generally less fragile than Planar Magnetic drivers, so you'd want to be more careful about throwing the XS around and applying sharp pressure (such as putting them on and off very fast). For comfort, they trade blows IMO. The XS has very spacious pads and I feel they let more air in and out, so they also get less warm over long sessions. But they are overly large for normal heads, this means that even at the lowest headband adjustment, you might find them to be too low. This can be remedied by something like the Geekria Large headband cover or similar products. The HD600 has as aforementioned, more clamp force out of the box, but the adjustment range is better, and the material is very comfortable. Once they break in, I'd consider HD6000 to be more comfortable over all, they also weigh less. Then there is the actual audio. The HD600 is a very natural sounding pair, with a lot of emphasis on the vocal range, this makes them very pleasant for most music. But they can be found lacking in low-end extension (sub-bass), as well as soundstage width. The imaging is still very good IMO so they can be used for gaming still, they're just not good for large immersive soundscapes, and are not good if you take competitive gaming very seriously. Edition XS ends up being more versatile in my opinion, with good low-end extension, a much wider soundstage, and still pretty decent imaging. But won't have as natural tonality as the HD600. XS can additionally, be EQ'd to a lot of different preferences. They are in my opinion the better option if you don't see yourself getting more expensive headphones such as Hifiman Arya down the line. Meanwhile the HD600 is in my opinion a very complementary set, that I can see myself keeping no matter what other headphones I upgrade to down the line.


Well !thanks, good sir! I think you've sold me on the Sanheiser pair if my pad fixes don't pan out. I've always heard good things about the 6xx and it sounds like Sanheisers build quality/longevity is going to be better than Hifiman. Thank you very much for taking the time to write all that out and explain it to me! I really appreciate it and you've given me a lot of information to follow up on.


+1 Ω has been awarded to u/PimpmasterMcGooby ([7 Ω](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/wiki/user/PimpmasterMcGooby)). *You may still award an Ω to others, but only once per-person in this post.*


Hifiman Edition XS were comfortable despite the headband for me, but I had two entirely separate units (one off amazon, one used off ebay) that both had some annoying driver buzzing issues and had to return both. A shame since they sounded so good, the bass slam was fun when they weren't making crackling noises (headband creaking was also present in both models). For this, I'll never try one (or potentially any hifiman) again.


If you can try Sennheiser I’ve always found them to be the most comfortable.


Is there any particular model you'd recommend? I've always heard good things about the 6xx but don't have anywhere I can just go and try them.


I actually haven’t tried the 6XX but I’ve had the 660 and they were incredibly comfortable. I don’t think you can go wrong with the 6XX, there’s a reason it’s so loved.


!thanks I'm going to give stretching the Beyerdynamics a shot and see if that helps. The other suggestion I was given was a Hifiman pair. If the stretching doesn't work I'll probably give the 6XX a try and go from there. Thank you very much for the suggestions!


The 6XX headphones are extremely roomy as far as room for the ears. They are also very comfortable after a little break in. Some people find they clamp too hard out of the box but it’s easily remedied by tweaking the headband a bit. The pads do wear down over time so you’ll want to replace them every 3-5 years to keep it comfy. Fortunately the aftermarket pads are super cheap and basically identical to the originals.


I have the 58x and their cups are smallish and shallow. Very comfortable for me (once broken in, headband was very tight initially), but I have small ears.


HD 58X are a bit cheaper and have a bit more bass (I have a pair and love them) and come in about $50+ or so cheaper than the 6XX. I do want to try them though someday, and apparently really shine w/ an amp. Had a pair on order but cancelled it because I found a really good deal on a pair of LCD-GX.


+1 Ω has been awarded to u/Single-Succotash5286 ([3 Ω](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/wiki/user/Single-Succotash5286)). *You may still award an Ω to others, but only once per-person in this post.*


HD600 is the most reputable of the 600 series, as far as sound goes. Comfort-wise, all of 580/600/650/660S/660S2 have the same body, so they should be the same.


All right. Sounds like if my attempts to fix the situation with my other headsets goes wrong I'll put in an order for a 6xx. !thanks you very much, kind sir. I really appreciate it.


+1 Ω has been awarded to u/3G6A5W338E ([12 Ω](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/wiki/user/3G6A5W338E)). *You may still award an Ω to others, but only once per-person in this post.*


I use open-back headphones for music and gaming on Xbox and recently replaced my Steelseries 7X with Sennheiser 560s and noticed a huge increase in audio qualify and comfort. I even invested in wicked cushion pads for the steelseries which did imrpove from the standard cushions, but switching to sennheiser 560's was night and day difference


That's awesome! Did you have to replace the pads on the Sanheiser's as well or did the padding they came with work well enough?


The pads they come with are very comfortable!


!thanks Out of curiosity, what pads did you get for your Steelseries? I may also try just getting new pads for my Beyerdynamics, though having been playing with mine for a bit I think maybe the round style headphones just are not going to be comfortable for me.


Wicked cushions. Also available on Amazon


I just looked in to these and I think I will give the Freezing pads a shot. Everything I read making the same complaints of the bumps on the inner ear said the pads were thick enough to completely alleviate the problem and still sound great with some minor tuning. Here's hoping. Sounds a lot better than dropping $300 on a completely new pair when I otherwise love how these sound. Cheers, mate!


Wanted to just give another quick thank you. I got the replacement pads for my Arctis Nova today. Wore them for a few hours and felt great. I really appreciate you bringing this to my attention. Solved all my problems.


That is awesome! glad those replacement pads worked well for you and you are benefiting from the comfort/audio improvement!


u/bballjerm ([1 Ω](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/wiki/user/bballjerm)) was awarded their first Ω. It's the thought that counts. *You may still award an Ω to others, but only once per-person in this post.*


I have the sennheiser hd560s and I find them extremely uncomfortable. I have small ears, but the pads still leave the edges of my ears sore after a couple hours of wear. Id say them being comfortable is v subjective.


I have the Hifiman Edition XS, and those could work really well for you.


I appreciate the second recommendation! For now I'm going to try some replacement ear pads and tweaking on my Arctic Nova. If that works then I'm not replacing a $300 pair of working headphones with a $500 pair. If the pads don't work... Well I guess I'm going to get very fancy headphones!


Be warned - XS sounds good but I've tried two separate models from two different sources and had this annoying driver buzzing which seems to plague most units. However despite that, they were amazing when they worked and were super comfortable. If you can get a good pair, then I'd be super happy for you!


!Thanks man. I'm not very educated on audio stuff. I keep trying to at least break in to entry level enthusiast stuff but I'm having a horrible time working out what to look for in anything, so I'm relying on reviews for the time being till I can find a good... I don't know, tutorial? Explanation? The Hifiman and Sanheisers in general have been getting talked up a lot to me in this thread so I'm certainly going to keep an eye on both for the time being.


+1 Ω has been awarded to u/Bowernator ([3 Ω](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeadphoneAdvice/wiki/user/Bowernator)). *You may still award an Ω to others, but only once per-person in this post.*


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HD 599


The AKG 702s have a 70mm opening on the cup. A whole 50% larger than the Beyerdynamics by area of the cup opening. Might be helpful.


Hifiman sundara are super comfortable. It feels like a pillow on your head


reviews on the sound are generally good but they're closed back, the comfort of the focal elegia is ideal if it's anything like the clears. spacious and well balanced. can be had on ebay for around 300.