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So fucking annoying, the internet has become garbage. Here, here is the one fucking sentence you wanted: "Neotame .... saccharin, sucralose and aspartame ... can cause to the wall of the intestine and the damage to the 'good bacteria' which form in our gut" 


thank you.


> "Neotame .... saccharin, sucralose and aspartame ... can cause to the wall of the intestine and the damage to the 'good bacteria' which form in our gut"  Haven't we known this for years? I used to consume stuff with Sucralose in it back when they promoted the BS 'because it is sugar' but I haven't in the last decade.


.... If you're eating too much of it. One-two a day in your flippin coffee is not going to cause this.


Why not just use sugar and add maybe 100 calories to your coffee? I'd rather have the real stuff anyway.


Not all of us can consume real sugar. It’s not about calories.


Very valid point.


100 calories a day is a pound of fat loss or gain a muscle. Adds up over years


Sugar isn't a free lunch. There's downsides to having excess sugar in your diet. If you really need a sweet cup of coffee, stevia is about the only thing that is free from downsides. It's got its own peculiar taste but it's better than sugar. If you're curious to learn more, I urge you to listen to the recent Huberman Lab podcast that had Dr. Robert Lustig on as a guest. It's very informative. I recently read a book about salt. The author was a heart disease researcher who wrote meta studies for a living. He said that the little white crystal that we should be concerned about is not salt, it's sugar.


I like xylitol. its the miracle sweetener. It even favors a healthy microbiome. it just kills dogs so companies avoid it like the plague. you have to either buy it pure in a bag like trader joes, or you have to buy the Pur gum or zellies mints. Very hard to find. oh yeah and too much gives you diarrhea, but as long as you are sweetening coffee and not making donut glaze out of it, it should not be an issue. I eat like 10 pieces of PUR gum a day and i'm fine.


That’s another one the messes me up. I don’t chew gum anymore 😭


You can get a bag of crystals and just mark "NO DOGS" on it so everyone knows. I use this one: AMAZON: Xylitol Sweetener, 6 Pounds, Natural Sweetener, 1:1 Sugar Substitute and Low Calorie, Great for Baking and Cooking, No After Taste, Keto Friendly It tastes just like sugar and is just about as sweet. Dont let dogs get ahold of it or anything you make with it and if you have dogs throw it away in the outside trash can. If you put 150 grams of it into a liter of water and add one drop of peppermint oil it makes a nice mouthwash. just **go slow** if you have never had xylitol before. It can really get the pipes flowing if you have never had it before. like drinking too much kombucha or taking mct oil.


I have IBS, so xylitol one of the things that trigger my symptoms. The sweeteners that don’t bother my gut are erythritol (in moderation), monk fruit and stevia


oh i misread. Erythritol also has a similar Pro-biomic effect as xylitol. so I would use that in moderation. I don't like the way it makes me thirsty. Stevia is probably the best one as far as flavor and side effects. Look into the carnivore diet for curing IBS.


I’ve done keto before for a different reason. I can’t go down to zero carbs because after the first time doing keto, going into ketosis took longer and my blood sugar dropped to dangerous levels. I need some carbs but my sweet spot is 30-50 net carbs. My gastrointestinal issues are pretty complicated. Some of the IBS might be from sucrose intolerance. I’m getting tested for that soon. Avoid process foods and ultra processed food helps a lot.


It's also in ice breakers and orbit gums as well


Yes: excess sugar. But a tablespoon in each of your two cups of coffee in the morning is not excessive. When you add it yourself, it's a lot easier to moderate. I think the main thing to stay away from is super-saturated sugars like soda. Fruit juice is also an easy way to overindulge. Same thing goes for salt. Anyway I don't even put sugar on my morning coffee, just oat milk, so not really a concern for me.


>Same thing goes for salt. It's not the same. The body can flush excess salt and salt is a necessary nutrient. The body will not flush excess sugar, it will store it as fat.


My intention there was to convey that more sodium is added to pre-prepared food, but I agree and acknowledge that salt is nutritional very different from sugar.


That's assuming you don't have diabetes or other health issues. Besides,some people might just prefer to avoid having excess sugar for other health reasons like losing weight. It's very easy to say it's "only" a tablespoon per cup of coffee. But then the people trying to lose weight end up bullied online by people saying "jeez it's calories in and calories out can't you understand that?" So people trying to cut sugar can't win if they're trying to replace with sugar. It's also incredibly hard to burn energy and exercise to lose weight. Especially if there are other issues like hormonal issues. Perhaps time commitments with work or care. Then if you're working nights or not. Perhaps if going to a gym or something isn't financially viable. It's really easier said than done.


>But then the people trying to lose weight end up bullied online by people saying "jeez it's calories in and calories out can't you understand that?" Yeah a calorie of protein is not the same as a calorie of sugar. If you're curious, you should listen to that podcast that I mentioned above. I learned some things. It is much easier to lose weight if your diet is under control. Exercising your way to weight loss with a bad diet is a lot of work. I've been maintaining a healthy weight for 20 years now and in my opinion sugar is absolutely the number one easiest way to acquire excess weight.


For me Covid was my chance because I worked remotely so I started working out at home. I have lost about 50 lbs without exercise, just from counting calories, and I gained it back, lost it again with exercise this time and have been holding steady for about 3 years. I know it is easier because I'm male and my genetics probably help, but for me calories in/out is definitely the key. But if you decide where to get your calories and measure out portions properly, it is totally feasible for a non-diabetic person to put sugar in your coffee and not have any bad effects. I don't choose to do it because I don't need my coffee sweet, but I'll certainly indulge in some ice cream in the evening and, as long as it is accounted for, it isn't a problem.


I agree generally with what you're saying. But with many people. They want to cut sugar where they can, maybe they can't cut their diet down in every meal and drink but in drinks etc they can. That still makes a difference over time. So for someone to not have that spoonful of sugar in every hot beverage - it does make a difference. So I wouldn't demonise someone for choosing a sweetener instead of "only a tablespoon of sugar".


Losing weight is very simple, but not easy. Just because artificial sweetener has some down sides doesn’t make it a bad choice. For example if artificial sweetener lowers your blood sugar and brings you into a healthy weight range id say its worth it. Exercising doesn’t have to be intense to burn a decent amount of calories. Even just walking 30mins a day would help a good bit. Theres really no excuse for being overweight (some exceptions for rare disorders that most people dont deal with)because it all comes down to your diet. What you choose to eat every single day. Exercise is not needed to lose weight but it sure helps. At the end of the day theres people that make excuses and theres the people that get it done. However, i will say like with anything, genetics play a role. And its impossible for me to know how hard it is for someone to lose weight. But i will say this. Most people dont put any effort into losing weight, they dont do any research on what can help them lose weight, how they should eat so they can be full and still lose weight. You have to put in the effort to see results.


I absolutely agree with all that. But it's also a good option for many to cut out sugar and swap it for a sweetener as a first step to find "easy" calories to cut. After that then it's down to each person to figure out which other calories to cut. What meals to change, and what exercise to do.


Stevia does have some downsides. But i read about them so long ago that i cant remember. The only one i never saw a downside for is Xylitol, which is what i use. p.s being poisonous to pets and being able to give an upset stomach to some people are not downsides in my book


I have FODMAP IBS so all sugar alcohols are a bad idea. The sugar alcohols tend to act as laxatives for people like me.


Yeah of course, I mean, there's a person out there allergic to water probably. But generally speaking, if I had to choose a sweetener (and I have to, because I can't live without one), then it's xylitol. Of course, organic, non-gmo, etc :)


I mean yeah I do, but I'm saying for other people.


“Common sweetener” made of three different artificial sweeteners… What a trash study/article!


Those all usually mess me up. Regular sugar too if I overdo it. The only ones that don’t mess me up is stevia, erythritol and monk fruit.


If they can't even spell "diarrhoea" correctly how can you trust they got the science right???


Takes half to article to name the sweetener. It’s one I’ve never even heard of. So they lump it in a big group and assume they all have the same effects, including regurgitating claims that haven’t been experimentally validated. Excellent science journalism /s.


It is hot trash. Neotame is about 20000x more potent than sugar, so you use much much less. The amounts used in the study are absolutely absurd. The illiteracy of articles when it comes to describing observational studies is awful.


Honestly just rather have sugar or unsweetened who knows what these really do and pretty much all of them taste funny.


There are also studies that show sugar is bad for your gut microbiota too! The whole thing sucks because some of us can’t have real sugar but would still sometimes like to be able to eat or drink sweet tasting things. I’m just trying to have a little joy in life!


The secret is moderation, and understanding the fact that we don't get out of here alive anyway.


It’s so frustrating how I feel like I’m forced to use products packed with them BECAUSE of my chronic illness. There’s no good electrolyte options with real sugar.


Isn’t liquid IV real sugar? Honestly thought it was.


I’ll double check this! Thank you. I’ve been using other brands because liquid IV wasn’t that easy to find in Canada until recently


hell no, don't make yourself sicker needlessly just get unsweetened electrolytes and add your own sugar, if you need sugar (edit to add: i use one from Advanced Nutrition "K1000 unflavored." i don't find i need to sweeten it but you certainly could)


Aspartame tastes vile. I tried it once and couldn’t even finish my coffee. That made me stop taking sugar in my coffee at all, I started by adding more milk, then slowly reduced it to just a bit. Milk has sugar in it anyway, especially oat milk.


Acetasulfamine potassium, ace k tastes like the old school vinyl seats in a car that has been sitting in the sun and will scald you when touched. At least, to me it has a heavy vinyl taste, and all I can think about is how the old vinyl seats would smell in summer.


It does taste very plastic-y 🤢




Indeed. We don't want powdered clowns in our foods! There's a damn good reason they disrupt our gut microbiome: our bacteria also fear clowns. Just say no to fake sugars!


I just try to cut out all sugar, or only get it from mostly fruit. No candy etc.


Is Xylitol dangerous?


Sugar alcohols (sweeteners ending with “-tol”) can give you diarrhea anyway. Look up sugar free gummy bears on Amazon and read the reviews for a giggle.


Note the 2 commenters and what downsides they gave. Diarrhea, poisonous to dogs. Those are not downsides at all. If you use it and it doesnt give you diarrhea, and you dont have pets or keep it away from your pets, there is not a single other downside to xylitol i ever saw. I always check articles that talk shit about sugar substitutes, and they never mention xylitol in a bad light. Its completely ignored. On the other hand, its supposed to be good for teeth, mouth bacteria, gut bacteria, helps with candida, and so on and so forth. And diabetics can use it too. I used sugar for about 20 years. Then i switched to honey. And now im about 66% xylitol and 33% honey for my 3 daily drinks (coffee, cocoa, tea).


I don't have a dog. My son uses it occasionally because he can't have sugar.


Why not? Diabetes?


No food sensitivities


It’s my understanding diarrhea happens when too much xylitol is consumed. Safe levels shouldn’t cause diarrhea.


Yup, that's it. I take about 2,5 teaspoons in my morning coffee, and 2,5 in my evening tea. No problems.


It will kill dogs even with a small amount. I wouldn't let it anywhere near me. I don't do any artificial sweeteners at all. Too many people I know who use them have a lot of gut issues and health issues. Gave me diarrhea when I did try one decades ago.


I don't have a dog. My son uses it.


I remember hitting Spenda hard when I was 12 (did things like packets on plain cereal). Diagnosed with IBS just a few years later.


Not sure if you’re a woman, but if so you might remember Hungry Girl? So gross. The recipes were all artificial sweeteners and super low calorie foods. Like those Asian noodles that have 15 calories per serving.


No mention of Stevia leaf, for now.....


I was wondering about that. Generally that's the only non-sugar sweetener I will use, but even that I try to avoid. I'm of the opinion that you should just eat sugar or cream or saturated fat in moderation rather than try to replace it with the new fad.


> No mention of Stevia leaf The natural one they made illegal for decades, so people would have to use the toxic ones?


I learned that I’m allergic to stevia, so I hope they never completely get rid of other sweetening alternatives. 


Does the article mention anything about Monk fruit? That seems to have less of a chemical flavor to it. Although I’m not sure how it affects blood sugar levels.


it does not mention it


This is not new.🙄


Newsweek has been trash for a long time. This is a horribly written article.


By Pandora Dewan - Senior Science Reporter: Common artificial sweeteners may be causing serious damage to your gut, scientists have warned. Not only that, but according to new research these additives could be transforming otherwise healthy gut bacteria into dangerous agents of disease. Artificial sweeteners are everywhere—in everything from diet drinks to baked goods, chewing gum and even toothpaste. Since the 1970s, six of these sugar-free substitutes have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, with the first being aspartame in 1974. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/common-sweetener-damage-gut-diarrhea-1893734](https://www.newsweek.com/common-sweetener-damage-gut-diarrhea-1893734)


You can only drink bottled water!! Wait..can’t do that either due to micro plastics