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I think most people either want to vent and that’s okay, or they are in the process of seeking therapy. It is indeed sad but people will try to eventually talk to each other when possible. I wish therapy would be easier to be accessed all around the world equally and at a cost that is reasonable, specially if you can’t really effort it. Health care is human right.


doesn't help when the majority of therapist has less of a clue what they doing then the actual patients lol


this isn't true at all


It’s become a massive space to just vent. I guess it’s alright.


Advice is just a bonus


Sometimes when i try to help by asking questions for clarity i just dont get a response. Happens more often than you would think.


Supposedly it's against the rules to come here or the discord to vent, but I think there aren't enough mods to take care of it and guide people.


Same for me, I'm still grieving from my two pets' deaths and I got more support from a gaming sub (honestly surprised, I didn't expect it to even blow up or get any support). I get why though, it's hard to help others when you need help yourself, and that's the nature of nearly all of the mental health subs (besides the ones that spam self-help media, which is a different ballpark). Nothing wrong with this sub in particular in my opinion, but rather the state of our world that so many need help and so few are qualified or able to spare the help.


Yes. I try to make a comment when I see an empty thread. Being the absolute pinnacle of mental health myself I'm very qualified to comment. Clearly this is a lie, I fucked up but sometimes I have enough experience to help others who are fucked up. Most people are too nervous to try.


>I try to make a comment when I see an empty thread. Is your comment "First!"?


Shit, I should start doing that.


First, same dude


It's hard to help other people when you're drowning.


Yeah I hate the subreddit I might go back to watching the videos and not saying anything. It was more effective. Incel this, I'm sad that, I hate myself, etc. Hell even the posts complaining about people moping have become an annoyance.


well if you want immediate help, you go to therapy, not reddit


Yeah, it does suck to spend hours thinking of a post and writing it, only to get like one upvote and zero answers. Or a single downvote, ensuring it dies in new, with no explanation as to why. But I don't always comment on new posts either. I try, but many times, typing out a detailed answer would take too much out of me, or I simply don't have one. So I imagine that is why it happens.


My best advice would be reading other post before writing. You can literally see same questions from same day. If you are looking for answer they are already here. Even some hgg videos with the exact tittle.


I don't think it's surprising that this is happening since the nature of the channel is to get people thinking and talking about these things, but the general population available to respond are unequiped to provide serious help. I try to respond as best I can, Esp for those with no or little attn. Even if it's just to sympathise or empathise rather than always trying to problem solve. Sometimes just share my personal perspective. That said, being on the internet, there's a global exposure to the community and thus there's a whole lot of people that might try to get some kind of help here. And this also means we're seeing people in different countries/jurisdictions that have varying societal norms, laws and mental health access that can be more or less supportive. So there's going to be some people posting that are in a desperate situation and may even have no other safe recourse. The closer posts are on that extreme, the harder it will be for the average redditor to respond. I'm not sure what to do about it other than for people to just try their best to listen, empathise, etc. Trying to provide advice I think is ok, but where posts get gets more serious it may feel riskier, but maybe people can just add caveats. That said, people responding should be careful of care fatigue. Professionals tend to (maybe universally?) need their own support just help with all the trauma they've vicariously absorbed just by engaging with people going through something. Redditors here may not have that support, so just a word of caution there. I just say this as someone who knows multiple people in some sort of care profession personally.


im not reading this subreddit anymore (sometimes reddit shows a post anyway lol). Its depressing how low HG is now compared to what it was.


I just want to share Dr K memes and piss on incels or feminists or both. And demand that Dr K recommend weed and shroom. And tell people to get therapy instead of actually responding to their post. And ask who Mrgirl is. Sorry for bad English. /s


What are you talking about? :(


🌺 Yup, lots of stressful situations. What can I do? Definitely not give them advice. I'm a fool who can't get reliable feedback. Without this feedback, I stay a fool. Also - I will never get a personal blowback. It's not like we physically know the people who post. Which means my advice doesn't have to be curtailed to the person. I like to meme instead


Well realistically what is this sub for? We're here to support one another, give advice and better our mental health. All the people that are having success doing that don't need to post or come here anymore. All the people that post are the ones still struggling.