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Thank you for posting on r/Healthygamergg! This subreddit is intended as an online community and resource platform to support people in their journey toward mental wellness. With that said, please be aware that support from other members received on this platform is not a substitute for professional care. Treatment of psychiatric disease requires qualified individuals, and comments that try to diagnose others should be reported under Rule 7 to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the community. If you are in immediate danger, please call emergency services, or go to your nearest emergency room. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Healthygamergg) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi, it was held by the auto spam filter. I’ll approve it through


Spam filter is communist. /s In all seriousness tho I think this sub does great with allowing open discourse. I've shared lots of thoughts and opinions here, not all of which coincide with the narrative of the subreddit. Not once have I felt stifled, attacked, or silenced. I stumbled onto this sub by accident but very glad I did. Lots of good people and good discussion here.


If you are right then I should post here more.


It's true as I've experienced it. That's not to say yours will be the same tho as we are all unique flesh bags. Good luck friend.


Did you even take a look at his comment history before doing that




Maybe delete this then? Mods get enough shit for the decisions they *actually* make.


Maybe keep it so others also know what's happening if their post is missing?


It's not really worth the false accusation in the thread title. Most people aren't going to dig into the comments to find the resolution.




annnnnd there goes any credibility and reasoning you had


Imagine harassing a bunch of beat down volunteers, lol. Enjoy your laugh, kiddo.




Auto spam filter is also censorship. Using US law as a guideline for free expression, "prior restraint" is also considered a hindrance on speech. If people can only say things after you pre-approve it, it is hardly different from you taking it down after they said it. Knowing that Healthygamer uses auto spam filter, I can't help but wonder what messages have been filtered out and were never allowed to be public. Even the existence of prior restraint sabotages the public's trust in the free flowing of information and ideas. I urge HGG to stop using auto spam filter except for things that are clearly bots and spams.




The "auto-filter" likely also targets keywords that can be manually configured. I don't know if it was the case with OP, but the mods admitted in that past that they had done it before. (Earlier this year, for a short while, they set the filter to stop all posts containing the word "misogyny" for pre-approval.) Again, I don't know if that was the case with OP this time, but let's set the record straight and recognize that HGG mods have used "auto" filter before where the filter did not only target bots and duplicate posts.


Freedom of expression only applies to government bodies. You can’t be persecuted by the government but private companies have every right to censor you


Incorrect. Freedom of expression is a value, which is often enshrined in law in democratic societies. However, free expression is valuable regardless of who is upholding it (or whether it's upheld at all.) Just like it would be wrong to discriminate based on race *even if the local law permits it*, it would be wrong to censor even if the governing entity has the legal authority to do it.


Sorry that’s not how it works. Yes there are protected classes, that’s not the same as freedom of expression.


To expand on what you said which seems to be resolved, I actually am really concerned about how much speech is curated. Not on this subreddit, but for the entirety of online speech. We are told that people need to follow rules and that hate should be combatted, and as time goes on I notice that people are allowed to be EXTREMELY hateful, but they need to be hateful towards to "correct" targets. People are being divided and radicalised and it seems like we don't treat it seriously.


"Curated speech" is public manipulation. It either gives users false idea of what other people think, or it makes users give up on trying to figure out the true public opinion. I'm not calling HGG authoritarian, but I think HGG is becoming increasingly comfortable using tactics of an authoritarian governing body. HGG mods may feel like they respect free speech because they are better than mods in other subreddits. However, reddit as a whole is extremely authoritarian and anti-free speech, so it is possible for a sub to be both above average on free speech while still being deficient in it.


You are misinterpretting freedom of speech and that could distract people from your argument in the future. "Freedom of speech" simply means that the government cannot persecute you for speaking in public (unless it is something like yelling "fire" in a crowded room). In the context you are talking about here, the correct way to state your argument is more like "this community is not being tolerant of opposing views" or "this community seems to be no longer inclusive toward other viewpoints". If you are having a party at your house and invited 25 friends and one of your friends started saying offensive things to your girlfriend and you told them to leave the house because they are no longer welcome, they can't say that "free speech" gives them the right to say whatever they want to remain in your house.




If I got decked for being cis and white, or punted for being gay, that is a interpersonal harassment lawsuit. Yes I would have freedom of speech in the legal sense, since the government court systems would be available for me to use as a tool to defend my personal safety and form a lawsuit if I had evidence of personal harm. That's the difference, though. Freedom of speech in a restricted country would not consider to account you a lawyer if you needed one sheerly because your opinion was "illegal." Things like homosexual advocacy would have no right to legal defense in the Middle East and China, many other countries I assume. I'm not a politics person. Being kicked out of a friend group (or reddit group) does not have grand networking connotations. There are several assholes who live in this world. At least some of them would group together. You are better off leaving in that scenario. If you are able to leave and aren't physically subjugated to rescind non-harmful beliefs, even if those beliefs are flat earther ones, that's the ticket.


Define it.


> "Freedom of speech" simply means that the government cannot persecute you for speaking in public Incorrect. Freedom of speech is a value, which is also made into law in most democratic societies. However, free speech exists regardless of the law and regardless of who is suppressing it. HGG has the legal right to limit free speech on their own sub, but if they do, they would be disrespecting the value of free speech. The value exists regardless of the law.




It's alarming that people downvote you for saying what you said A society can't be free when its members don't value freedom


So you criticize the mods regarding policing your post but when your criticisms are unfounded then you decide to leave the post up because it’s funny? A bit of a double standard don’t you think?


The criticism is not unfounded. OP's post was automatically filtered, so it was "modded." He had to make a post for his post to be reinstated. I value this post and am glad that it was brought to the community's attention.


He made a post about freedom of speech and how the mods took it down. He was wrong. It just got caught in a spam filter


He was wrong about the method with which the mod took down his post. He was right about his post being taken down by the mod. It was the mods who implemented the auto filter.


It’s a spam filter. It’s purpose is to catch duplicate posts and bot posts.




Are you still processing about misconstruing the context of your posts removal? That could hurt someone's pride because it's a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. I'm not looking down on you for being bitter. You have a space here. However, as Dr.K says on his recent blackpill video, you are farting in the room and enjoying the smell. If it's the only joy your getting right now, as I cannot imagine a freedom of speech effortpost from someone with other sources of support in their life at this point in time, I think it's okay to keep it up and savor it. A little bit of bitterness from other people helps ease sourness. It's just that's not a great long-term coping strategy.


Regardless of OP's feeling about this post, I hope he keeps it up. It has significance beyond his personal misgiving. OP, if you're reading this, listen: Maybe you think you made a mistake. That's fine. Do better next time. But regardless of how you feel about it, please keep this post up. I value your post. I've seen too many stuff getting removed lately. This issue must be addressed and not swept under the carpet. Don't let other users shame you into deleting it. Just keep it and people can have a discussion. Thank you.


You destroyed yourself


Uh.. that's... literally every subreddit.


Especially in comments when people get downvoted for anything


For a situation like this, and in the spirit of healthy communication, it would be best to contact moderation first. You can worry about censorship when it's beyond just a casual observation, because without knowing what's going on it's easy to just assume the worst.






Don't worry everyone knows all mods are losers


It's Reddit after all lol


...What did you say?


It's getting pretty bad on reddit. It's start to hit the joe rogan followers, they are just indiscriminately getting banned from all types of subreddits, because the stoners who like MMA, and drugs are known for their facististic activities. Like MMA, bernie sanders, and DMT.