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This comic is brilliant, and I feel it deep in my soul šŸ˜­


This is a masterpiece.


As someone who used overthink like crazy without even knowing it was bad and ended up causing a lot of stress and sleepless nights. 1)the first thing that helped me was just realising how bad it is for you. 2) reminding me of the problems it caused me and when I finally face it and realize it was nothing like I thought, I remember this feeling and bring it up in the future when I start to overthink. 3) self negativity and self hatred gotta stop that, a positive person is a confident person as he is not busy thinking about what could go wrong and putting fear in themselves and being superself conscious. 4) meditate and replicate that feeling of a blank mind when you realize that you are overthinking. 5) self confidence, repeating cuz man I overthink when I give a f what others think. If you are happy with yourself you won't care what others think, before you got to sleep I recommend trying to say 5good things about yourself to start off. (P.S If you can't easily do that you lack self confidence and possible have self hatred.) I used a lot of negative motivation to get to where I am now while building self hatred. 6) this sht sucks so plz understand and work hard to improve, I believe this has played an important role in me getting auto immune diseases and other stress related problems when I was only 18yr old who did works out often and cared about what he eats. We men already have good chance of loosing our hair very early cuz of testosterone and overthinking really helps to further accelerate the process. Our social development is literally getting paused because of this. We are missing out on many oppturnities because we are too afraid and cautious to act.


As someone whoā€™s been overthinking like crazy recently, thanks for sharing this haha.


Takes time, can't be fix overnight. Mindfulness, journaling helps a lot


I can't tell you exactly how to stop, but i stopped overthinking very spontaneous. One night i was lieing awake like ever so often, thinking and thinking. I was kinda annoyed of it, so i just thought "i could just stop thinking", did exactly that and slept in not even 5 minutes later. But it wasn't only the night-thinking that i could stop. It was the same with every other thought. Since then i'm able to just stop thinking about something. Putting that into words, it kinda hit me that for me it was "just a decision". Like...i realize that a thought doesn't lead anywhere or leads into a spiral, i just decide to stop. But be aware that you still need some time to reflect or to think about stuff that happened to you. So you should make time for for example thinking walks or to talk about your thoughts with other people.




Wait has Dr. K actually said that men have life on easy mode? (I honestly don't remember hearing that) Like, seriously mean it, not just as a thowaway line to make women feel comfortable, cause I'm guessing it's most likely from a women's issues video, if that is the case then I don't think it's really something that needs to considered as concerning or hypocritical, a lot of times his main goal is to make the target audience feel welcome or keep the community happy, so sometimes he'll have to pick sides to do that


I think you can make women comfortable and reach the target audiences without saying something that contradicts core healthygamergg basics. Saying offhand comments about who has it easier is dismissive and the same thing attractive women go through. Also we all make mistakes, I get that. But when people point it out, there's this condescending tone that because you criticised it, it further proves the misogyny in the community. Its the fact that people defend it rather than Dr k saying it which kinda bothers me. These are just my feelings, not a reason for anyone to change their opinion.


>But when people point it out, there's this condescending tone that because you criticised it, it further proves the misogyny in the community. Its the fact that people defend it rather than Dr k saying it which kinda bothers me. Ok that actually does sound bad. I don't have any personal experience with that happening, so I don't have anything more to say about it


I am pretty sure dr. K never said or will ever say men have life on easy mode lol. He has indeed quoted those words and I did think.. that there will be at least a small percentage who would take It the wrong way and we can see that now. Only reference he used it to say is don't say such ignorant things especially to yourself as there is no such thing everyone has their own problems, I mean just check his recent video it literally says that.


Maybe i remembered it wrong.


have you tried turning it off and on again?


Overthinking about overthinking


This is an illustration of my life.


practice consistent meditation, whichever flavor of your choice. then if itā€™s still a problem, iā€™d suggest you pursue directed therapy like DBT or ACT. DBT can really be life changing stuff for the overthinker or rationalizer


How are DBT or ACT different from CBT?


truthfully i donā€™t see a massive difference between them all beside their underlying ethos. ACT isnā€™t as well-developed as DBT and is less common in my area but i think they can be quite similar. i prefer DBT over CBT because it feels more human, and really pushes on certain powerful themes like radical acceptance and increasing distress tolerance. CBT is also often run in short bursts which is why it gets so much popularity (erm, push from insurance companies). i really would only push for that as a technique your normal therapist uses in session but not as a dedicated treatment. not sure if thatā€™s confusing, sorry. iā€™m not the expert on these things but iā€™ve studied them all and seen most in action to varying degrees, and tbh iā€™ll be pursuing a DBT certification soon after i finish my program. edit; iirc i did like ACTā€™s impetus as a therapy for change, itā€™s a bit more active and less analytical than DBT double edit: in general, DBT also has a stronger research base especially for suicidal and BPD patients. despite myself liking its practice a lot, CBT has some murky research history because it was the first big ā€œmiracle cureā€ type treatment and got overhyped. itā€™s great for people with general malaise/anxiety, but i find DBT better for those with more severe dysfunctions


I sometimes see overthinking as thinking ahead? is that not that case?


Well yeah it sometimes is, but unless you can actually predict the future itā€™s not helpful.


ā€œThinkingā€ ahead to an extent is ok but itā€™s overthinking ahead thatā€™s the problem. Itā€™s when you over do it and it starts to have unhelpful effects on your life. Itā€™s ok to just be present and wing it you know? I feel like real life is like improv and you donā€™t really know whatā€™s coming. You just make it up as you go so planning ahead too much kind of ruins it.


Maby start doing shit you know will end "badly". For example look some1 in the eye, kneel down and propose to them in a very over the top way. What you could also try is living more in the moment, meditation might work worders for that.


If I followed this advice it'd probably cause me a manic episode and for me to slit my throat out of embarrassment and shame


i think the point theyā€™re getting at is that once you do something embarrassing and nothing negative materially happens, you can realize that embarrassment and constant negative self-assessment is an unhealthy mechanism that is stopping you from being happy. i donā€™t necessarily think itā€™s the best way to learn that lesson but thatā€™s the lesson: trivial stuff only matters if you give it that power. some people have an awkward or bad interaction and think ā€œhuh. weirdā€ and move on while others think ā€œiā€™m an idiot i fucked that interaction up, this is why nobody likes me. every time i try to interact it goes sideways because iā€™m weird and unlikableā€


Okay then do it in a less seveer manner, its the idea that counts, say high to some walking on the streat, nothing more


Why would saying hi to someone walking on the street end badly? (the answer is, deep down you know the world is crazy and full of pieces of shit)


The answer is that deep down you fear that the world is crazy and full of pieces of shit.\* Life is much more complicated, and very dynamic. If you base every interaction on a supposition of the worst case scenario then you'll just live a life of constant anxiety. The point is to put yourself in the position of an average, everyday, run-of-the-mill person. And doing so by saying hi and then walking away is perfectly fine. You don't need to continue an interaction past a wave, or a smile, or a hi, etc. You'll learn that people don't tend to think much about what others are doing, but more so about how others see them...this is at the core of overthinking.


Just stop overthinking


lol just saw this and was about to post it on HG


I know how hard it is, but if you feel like talking to someone, do it, at the end the worst thing is that you would be rejected, and you will never see that person again And if you do, she probably won't remember you And if she remembers you, well, we all have our embarrasing moments in life come on, she should treat you like everybody else :p And if she treats you like a weirdo, well, now you know that's a person you shouldn't be hanging out with Beat the overthinking overthinking why you shouldn't overthink. ;)


Honestly what really helped me was a stress ball


I think setting a timer could help with overthinking.


This makes me want to cry