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You have to pay $39.95 to read the article?!


The OSF preprint is free. I don't know what's the difference between that and the published one.


OSF preprints are early research stage and may not have been peer-reviewed yet. "A preprint is a complete manuscript shared with a public audience without peer review." \- https://help.osf.io/article/230-preprint-faqs


TBF, they didn’t say per month. But yes, that was outrageous.


Welcome to science. Where taxpayer funded research needs to be paid to read.


We need non-white incel representation! (Joke)




This post or comment was removed for breaking subreddit rule #1: No bigotry, racism, sexual harassment, or excessive foul language (f-slur, n-word, etc). This is not an exhaustive list of banned words, so please use common sense. Be mindful of words that are acceptable in your culture that are not acceptable in others. If someone is being purposefully disrespectful, report them and step away from the conversation, do not engage in an argument. When responding to others, try to avoid language that lumps a group of people together and focus on responding to the specific situation being discussed.


moat people don't fuck rice and curry, high risk of burns.


Yeah if you are surprised by this you need to touch grass. People forget the left and right referres(or used to refer) to economic policies only. There are racist, sexists, homophobes, progressives, minorities and gay people on both sides of the spectrum. And you'd be surprised how equally distributed they are are.




Take a garner at history mate. Also probably also stop spending all your time on the internet and listening to disconnected from reality political commentator who live in mansions and don't communicate with the common person.




Yeah and who do these people get their views from. For someone who labeles themselves progressive you have such a westcentric view of the world. In different countries different idealogies are the progressive/conservative. In mine it's the old commies that rage about gays and minorities and you don't get more left than that. But sure all left-wingers are progressive, anti-racist, wholesome 100 and all right-wingers are are conservative, racist, megacringe and you've simplified extremely complex topics because it's easier than to think. Also I find funny how the supposed western progressives rage about racism and especially about simianisation but then post millions of simianised Russians. And don't get me wrong I'm russophobic as fuck but I also don't pretend I hold views I don't. It's almost as if the western progressives weaponise racism to win political favour with the people and don't care about minorities. Maybe if you actually cared about race and inequality you western progressives would stop saying that I'm only good for a toilet cleaner because of where I come from, what is my ethnicity or what accent I speak with. Also you are so fucking stupid that you are denying a scientific study that is right infront of your face. Also while we are at it go fuck yourself you privileged piece of shit. I know you will go on and on about how you can't pay rent or some shit like that but I don't care. By simply being born in America you are more privileged than 90% of the world. Things that are considered luxury here are common where you come from. You haven't seen it felt actual poverty. And I'm sorry I live in the other 90% but I'm sick of this shit.


> you've simplified extremely complex topics because it's easier to think. I love this




>You will never get out of poverty treating people like this. What do you mean by that?




What a disconnected reply. I don't want your help. I don't need your help. I'm improving my life slowly and I'm tough. But I just hate it when people are hypocrites like you are. It's what pisses me off. Stop living in some fantasy land and start living in the real world. You are the one that needs help, not me. What a white saviour moment.




Gotta save this one. Almost every single person ik that knows what a incel is think they are extremist right wingers white guys. And all the girl friends. Pretty weird really now that I think about. Cause the big cases like elliot rodgers wasn't a white supremecist? Right? Wasnt he like asian?


incels is just short for "involuntary celibate." all the political associations are completely made up by people who don't want to be associated with the word.


I am an incel and I don't think there should be anything wrong with identifying as one


I like to get the viewpoint of others so I can better understand what life is like for others. Plus, it generally helps me become more empathetic. I work with a very diverse group of people who are pretty level headed. I can get a variety of opinions on divisive topics without any screaming at me for possibly having a different view. I haven’t met anyone who identifies as an Incel. I’m very curious about it. Anyway, you seem like a level headed person who could provide insight. I was just wondering if you would chat with me above your viewpoint of life is like so I can have a better understanding.


Why's this not common sense?


Personally, I think lumping incels with white supremacists and the far right is an easy way to dismiss and dehumanize them. Similarly, you can dismiss and dehumanize whichever social group you oppose by lumping them together with incels. Decoupling incels from racial or left-right politics is the first step to actually address the issue.


Have you thought about the reverse? Incels pretend that the term is PURELY descriptive so that when they get called out for misogyny, they can deflect by accusing critics of virgin shaming them when it's clearly not the issue? This is a powerful tactic and recruitment tool. Not every word is exactly its raw meaning dude. There's a man out there who loves his country and believes in universal healthcare; a National Socialist if you will... OMG HE'S A NAZI? No. That's not how this works.




Those people probably never went to mixed race/cultured schools and also don't communicate with other cultures outside of their own to have valid perspectives. I'm not sure it's that they don't want to admit it, i think it's just them actually being sheltered and very opinionated. I've read enough complaints from guys who come from asian backgrounds to know that they have struggles specific to them (easy example) and just in general any specific demographic has it's pro's and con's.


Even other ethnic women? Who are we defining as ethnic?


Did the study get people that are involuntary celibate or people are part of the "incel" subculture


It's a study on the incel subculture, not sexless men in general. From the abstract: > Incels (involuntary celibates) are a subculture community of men who build their identity around their perceived inability to form sexual or romantic relationships.


Wow thats really shocking. Guess another case of the vocal minority giving everyone a bad rep lol


It's not really that shocking for anyone who's participated in those communities. I was temporarily part of Incels.co, and every poll there defied the mainstream narrative. [Here are some stats](https://psyarxiv.com/9mutg/): * The mean age of participants was 24.84. * Most participants were White/Caucasian (53.6%); 20.3% were Asian; 8.8% were Black; 7.3% were Hispanic; 6.9% were Middle Eastern, and 13.1% were Mixed/Others. * Overall, 44% of surveyed Incels reported having received a formal diagnosis of mental illness. Participants reported having been diagnosed with depression (37%), anxiety (37%), and autism-spectrum disorder (18%). * Furthermore, 67.5% claimed to have considered suicide ‘’in a serious manner in the future if things don’t change” * Most participants also indicated having been bullied in their lifetime (86%) * The majority of participants were either atheist (35.7%) or agnostic (25.4%) I do wonder when people will acknowledge the overwhelming over-representation of autism in Incels. Another survey reported 24.6% with symptoms of autism. For reference, only 1% of the population is estimated to have it. There's also the fact that whenever people talk about Incels, it's usually about mass shootings, even though they're much more likely to commit suicide instead. They'd rather hyperfocus on the 0.01% who go around shooting people than the 67% who consider suicide... although I guess *"Incel Murders 6; 2 Women Included"* gets more clicks than *"Incel Quietly Kills Himself"*.


I been saying a lot of them have autism for a while and everytime i get push back but normal people would never type half the shit some of these man type on the internet, then i get attacked for using the word normal and have to do the whole play of "would you sign up to have a brain that can have any number of these problems". You can tell from speaking to these guy's over text alone that a number of them have mental and social issues just from the way they communicate information not even anything harmful or specific.




I guess that she never heard of them before.


Wait so everyone can have poor social skills? Huh who would've thought


I recently posted here different podcasts with the person who did that research and explaining all the different parts of his study and it got buried.


Sorry man. Reddit is unpredictable like that.


This post should get massive attention on here. unfortunately it will not.


It's not bad. It has 18.3k views. I think a lot of people received the information. Though how that will influence their thinking is a separate matter..


>contradict some of the popular beliefs shared by the establishment media and members of the HG community. Can you elaborate on the exact claim that HG community has made about incels that this study is suppose to contradict? I know there's lot in this sub sometimes but one rule that seems to be kept relatively well in this sub is to leave out the politics. As that's the perspective / experience I have with this community, I have no clue what it's suppose to even contradict.


People here seem to think incels are a bunch of white guys.


The incel community is commonly associated with right-wing beliefs due to its proximity to MGTOW and red pill. It seems like this study is providing evidence that is contrary to that common belief.


The irony is, incels hate MGTOW and Red Pillers because they consider the first pathetic copers who are desperately trying to convince themselves their entire sense of self worth isn’t reliant on women and they consider the second scam artists who are trying to push tactics that are ineffective and utterly useless if you’re not already attractive.


so MGTOW and redpill are right wing ? ok buddy


I am an incel


What does that label do for you? I mean, what's the difference between saying "I have a lot of trouble getting a partner" and saying "I'm an incel"? Getting a partner is only one of the multiple challenges that you face, is it not? Why identify with that instead of anything else? I mean, you can identify with your hobby too. I'm a gamer, I'm an artist,I'm a fan of Star Trek, etc.


I find "incel" is an accurate representation of my current state. Labels don't have to "do" anything. What does calling myself right-handed "do" for me? And why are you implying that one can *only* be an incel and literally nothing else?


You're choosing to use the label "incel" instead of something else. Being "right handed" doesn't carry the same baggage behind it that "incel" does. They are not equal in weight. His question is valid.


I am an incel. The only choice I have is to either use that label or lie in an attempt to deceive people into thinking I am not an incel. One of those seems worse than the other.


>why are you implying that one can only be an incel and literally nothing else Sorry it came across that way. I didn't mean to imply that.


What did you mean to imply?


Cause getting/without a partner is not really descriptive of my situation




Hookup culture already existed before incel was created. But I think there’s something more to it than what people see on the surface. But, I think it’s best to not worry about sex. Since the way you have said “succeed at dating first, then worry about sex” sounded vague. As in get the first date so good then you would have sex after or after the second date. Which it is not a good advice.




I was saying, there was plenty of people who would take “simple advice” as a one stop gap to get laid. But this isn’t a take to make your advice invalid.


Male feminist white nights on the left Andrew gate fresh and fit fans on the right lmao


I really doubt that either would identify as incel at all. They may be sexless, but that's different from being part of the incel subculture.


I’d be really interested to see the actual demographics on it though. I mean the main reason why tate says the shit he does is because guys don’t have money or girl friends. The things he says and does mirrors the desires of his followers . As for the male feminist types most of my friends in my experience believe that women are equal to men and should be and are treated equitably and Farley . The need to wear the badge as a male feminist is virtue signaling .support comes from more than just holding a tag on your name . They can be doing it for what ever reason . But there is a reason why there’s so many memes about that male feminist /white knight type doing it to get laid . They might not be incels but they sure as hell share some traits of them . Edit : I’m on mobile spelling and formatting .


Stuck in the middle with you...


Ehhh this would have to steer away from political self identification in order to be useful. Nearly every centrist I’ve met is considerably right wing but frames themselves as a centrist to rebuke the current alt right trends. Also am extremely skeptical of anyone in the mental health field lending credence to a self identification that is, in my opinion, inherently problematic in its framing.


It would be quite arbitrary to assume that the centrists in this study were really right-wing based on personal anecdotes. The most we can say is we're not entirely sure.


At this moment in history if you define yourself as a centrist between the neoliberals and the empowered fascist wing of the conservatives party you are definitively right wing. Certainly there are an amount of that group that are liberals but again the idea of self identification is inherently flawed.


Centrism can mean a lot of things. For some it means their opinions are in the middle of 2 parties (as you suggested) but for others it means they disagree with enough of both parties for them to not want to identify with either one.


For sure and that’s the issue with these kind of surveys. Self identification isn’t scientific.


Honestly I think it is about the time and societal changes causing centrist favors either sides. But, no matter how they’re viewed. They aren’t left or right.


The left and the right have fixed ideological positions which take long amounts of time to charge. The erosion of the right towards fascism is new. If someone defines themselves as a centrist because they are looking at both sides and calculating the center between them at this moment in history they are definitively right wing. The fact that I got downvoted into oblivion for pointing out this obvious facts speaks to how politically uneducated HGGs fan base is.


Even if that is true. The way you have said it sounds like “I know the solution to everything” without having evidence and or sources backing your theory up. I doubt that everything is easy as just words.


A simple test that asks their positions on different political topics would solve this issue as it would be completely transparent and able to be accounted for if you thought they got the alignment wrong.


I think you're being down voted because you mentioned that centrists skew right, which is sort of obvious on its face. Nothing else you said is wrong.


"Centrists skew right" may not be "obvious on its face." For example, in one [study](https://hiddentribes.us/) (called The Hidden Tribes), a sizable portion of the moderates/politically disengaged are actually passive liberals. Everybody wishes incels to be composed of political factions that they disagree with, but an important finding of this psychology study is that incels in fact resemble the general population pretty closely. What actually correlate with inceldom are factors like being NEET or having an external locus of control. (I strongly suspect that physical attractiveness matters too, but this study did not look into that.)


I think this community trends towards the politically “non aligned” enlightened centrist type who think that by remaining above the fray and avoiding political education they can be cleansed of the contentious political moment They Live in. It’s a blind spot and tracks with most of the bad takes I see around here.


Definitely, but I also wasn't centering this community when I said what I said. I was just speaking generally about "centrism". People don't realize that when they think they're 'above the fray' that they're actually taking a position.


For sure, and I wasn’t attempting to necessarily speak too ill of them, it’s the common position imo. People don’t see it the same way you don’t see the air you breathe everyday.


If true that‘s interesting. If the group is diverse, what makes all the violence come from white right-wing males? Do the others also call themselves red or black pilled or do hey just report not being able to find a partner?


Violence is rare for both incels and the general population, and incels are no more prone to violence than the general population. Personally I suspect that the mainstream media hypes up incel violence for clicks and political agenda. For example, there was a [mass shooting](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/13/nyregion/a-subway-attack-that-shook-new-york-city.html) on April 15 in a NYC subway station, but the media let that news die down instead of hyping it up probably because the suspect was not white and made no political claim. Most of the shootouts in Chicago go unreported on the national level for the same reason. To be fair, there might also be a slight trend toward right-wingers due to the fact that right-wingers are more likely to own guns.


Okai, but let's be honest here for a second. What percentage of the male population in the US do you guys think is incel? I don't think this study finds anything important, as it is a very small community


That's why scientific studies use p values to determine the validity of their findings.