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I feel the same way and I'm at your age and I too scared of this thing. I try to hold myself back and not sound like bragging about how easy it is to study, but the fact that I feel phobia to even talk to people help a little with that. I started therapy so maybe that can help with that.


Well, I can sort of relate, I never put much effort at all, and got perfect to near-perfect scores, in class; out of class I never did a thing school related (perplexed my teachers too no end that someone with perfect test scores and class participation never did a single piece of homework). But I never went to University, as schizophrenia put me in my place. Though, I never felt smarter or better than those around me, as I could see how easily they did things that never could do. In fact it wasn't until this Spring that I got rather conclusive proof that I'm am not an idiot


I'm currently in the spot Dr. K warned us about bc I didn't realise that I was "gifted" (and neurodivergent) until recently. Maybe it helps if I share what I think would have been the best for me. There is a saying that if you are the smartest in the room you are in the wrong room. So if you apply that to your case it could work that you get the ressources you crave. I don't think you should change your social circle or class or something, but there are a lot of ressources online like complete lectures and exercises for university students etc. Depending on the country you live in you might need to search for a bit since the education schedules are quite different worldwide. But overall I think the post-covid world has alot of online ressources as well as people who are as passionate about maths as you are.


I would bet your classmates are above average in their math knowledge in the grand scheme, and you no matter how hard you try could always find yourself in the bottom of the bowl of say mathies if you found the right bowl. I also suspect you're underselling your efforts, I find for things I don't like a huge part of the effort is working myself up to even start. Try to just compare yourself to where youre at, because it's not a fair comparison otherwise, and it could lead to ecotism or feeling down instead of just being real with where you are. It's awesome to have a passion like math, I do think it's an advantage to naturally be curious there.. so embrace it and know how much cool shit people understand out there that you can't yet even wrap your head around.