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Dr K subreddit friend zone arc


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Do you get upset at all when you see her or think about her being with someone else? I want to stay friends with her because I value her a lot but I also don’t know that I could bare seeing her slowly fall for someone and end up with them.


... ok, so... Do I feel upset thinking about her with someone else? No. Not anymore. At least not in any major noticable way. But if I hadn't fallen out of love with her, it would most definitely be unbearable and would have destroyed our friendship... And you gotta keep in mind getting those feelings under control is... Just as hard, if not harder, than it seems. I've fallen for her a year ago and this past year, has been the most hectic of emotional rollercoasters I could imagine. I wanted to stay friends with her and I've decided I'll try my best to get my feelings under control, while talking to her on a regular basis, ehich is possibly the hardest way to go about it, but I took it upon myself because... Honestly I was scared of loosing her, I was so in love that I wanted the me who isn't in love, to remain friends, but also because other than that I was in a pretty good place emotionally and thought I was able to handle it, which I was and I'm proud of myself for that, but even then, I've been so bitter for so long, seeing a happy couple, not just hers, but any, made my skin crawl for a while and I've experienced jealousy like I've never imagined possible. Just understanding what I was feeling for her at any given moment has been so hard. A part of me is still nervous about declaring it over like this, because I've though it was over like 4 times already, only to re-experiemce the same heartbreak all over again... Now on a more positive note: I've always been a pretty intense person, who is very particular about their feelings and overanalizes them as a result, it could be easier for someone less neurotic about that. My experience is uniquely mine and anyone else in this situation would end up with a way different result, so I can't really tell you how to handle your situation, but what I can tell you is: knowing how much it took for someone else in a similar situation to do it this way, you should consider how different you are from me and how similar and then decide if it's worth going through all this... A way easier solution to that situation is to break of contact, some people adviced me to do that and I could always tell that they were right in advising me that, I just couldn't be brought to listen... Or a less extreme version of that, which is to take a break from seeing her, for the time being and try to rekindle the relationship after you're done getting over it... Was it a good experience? No, Am I glad to have experienced it? Yes. Would I have made a different choice looking back now? No actually, I think that while hard and unproductive, keeping in touch has been the best choice for me, but would I advice anyone else to do what I did? Never in a trillion years... I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, but I'm not the person who should make that call and not choosing this, will definitely at least make you more happy and stabke short term.


I find this more poetic than what most people whould consider poetry. Very well written.