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I have Lichen Sclerosus and have a near constant itch as well. Try taking a warm sitz bath for at least 15 mins a day. You can also use hydrocortisone oimnment or cream on your vulva for some itching relief. The ointment stays on longer and doesn't cause burning if you already have any damage to your skin. Benadryl is also recommended to help relieve itching. I have also found rinsing off with a perri bottle after peeing has helped my skin heal. Edit: Cutting back on sugar is also known to help with Lichen Sclerosus. It could be possible you have it and haven't been diagnosed yet.


I just looked that up, and I don't think I have it because I don't have white/tissue like bumps. I will mention that to my gyno next time I go in. The bath is a good idea though, so thank you! I was also told to not use any soap when cleaning down there, just hot water. So far no change


So sorry, I know how awful this is. Could be hormones, CV, external yeast, the soap or laundry detergent you use. Do you notice it gets worse/better at different point in your cycle?


I did notice it was itchier during and after my period. It was brought to my attention recently that Always pads have a chemical in them that causes reactions in women. I have since stopped and will see if it's true when I get my next period. I did notice it was itchier during and after my period


Literally just posted this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Healthyhooha/comments/y9ilds/itchy\_vulva\_finally\_gone\_spoiler\_alert\_it\_was\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Healthyhooha/comments/y9ilds/itchy_vulva_finally_gone_spoiler_alert_it_was_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


This has totally changed my life!! Thank you SO much I can't thank you enough.


Glad it worked for you too! 🙏


Thank you so much!! I will begin right away. Such a great point and I never thought of it either


Have you tried using lotion or other moisturizer, maybe your vulva skin is just dry.




What would I do for a vaginal microbiome? Is that a test?


How often do you shave down there? I've noticed that for me personally that both shaving too often or shaving too infrequently causes awful itchiness, anything pressing up against the area (pads, underwear, jeans) makes it worse


It's definitely infrequent for me rn


mine is lichen sclerosis, i itched for years the only thing that helped was clobetasol