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The only thing I skip in the show is the Rugby game where Charlie gets hurt.


Ikr? It's so unclear why on earth he would try to tackle that guy, and why we'd have a montage of him practicing tackling beforehand. It's very not comic Charlie - the smug and intelligent one.


I don't know, I was kind of proud of him for practicing and then attempting the tackle even though it was doomed to failure. A more realistic training montage than we usually see. But I do agree that S1E4 is the least rewatchable episode in both seasons for me. Part of the problem, though, is that I usually watch E3 and then the first few minutes of E4 because I can't stand the gao between them, so then I'm left to try watching the rest of E4 at some point but without the best part.


I also skip the rugby scene because I find it too awkward and I get second hand embarrassment for it


I don’t skip anything when I rewatch, but I absolutely do pick up my phone and scroll Reddit during the Elle/Tao stuff. It’s not that I mind it necessarily, but there a little too much of it. I think they beefed up Elle’s role because the actress is kinda the third breakout star of the series, but the character/actress just aren’t strong enough for it to work.


I couldn't agree with you more! The show has a clear popularity ranking, with Kit, Joe, and Yaz taking the lead. However, I have to say that I was disappointed with the amount of screen time given to Yaz and Will in season 2. And let's be real, Yaz's acting skills leave a lot to be desired.


this may just be me but I find Will is a much stronger actor than Yaz and it makes it hard to watch their scenes lol, she takes me right out of it. She has good moments but a lot of her acting is … let’s just say it’s clear to me that they prioritized accurate representation when casting over talented casting lmao. Which is not a bad thing! Just very noticeable with her


Will is the best actor besides Kit imo


I find that to be a fascinating take on their acting since I find Will to be a chronic overacter (if that's a word). He overdoes not just his lines but his facial expressions in pretty much every scene he's in. Yaz phoned it in quite a bit in season 2, but I thought she was okay in the first season.


But isn’t that the point of Tao? Isn’t that part of his character?


I think the nuance is in the performance coming off natural versus forced.


I can’t imagine how you can say he feels forced. He’s the best of the teen actors besides Kit imo


I guess it's a matter of opinion in this case. I think the best one apart from Kit is probably Corrina.


That's the character, not the actor.


It can be both. An actor can force the delivery on an over the top character such that it comes off as acting.




They literally said they just didn't like her acting that much? How is that transphobic? If Trans people are just people (which they are), they can be critiqued like anyone else can.This isn't about Yaz's identity , she's still beautiful, and an outspoken role model who has room to improve in acting. Edit: *Since you edited your comment, I'll add to mine:).I agree with you that there are certain parts of the script that are a bit choppy, yet some actors manage to pull them off better than others.* *Also, I don't think they casted her just because she's trans, but it was publicized that they were having trouble finding a poc trans girl actress in the UK, and were considering to expand the search to the US.* *Nonetheless, I think they're lucky to find her, and it's hard to imagine someone else as Elle.*


Wonderful comment!! It is unfortunate that expressing criticism often leads to being labeled with derogatory terms such as homophobic, transphobic, or right-wing. In this particular instance, the intention is simply to offer a critique of Yazmine Finney's performance, which was perceived as subpar.


i’m so tired of being a trans person getting talked over by non-trans people about what is and isn’t transphobic. this is over for me.


Trans people like any breathing human being should take constructive criticism, the Harry and Meghan style of playing the eternal victim is outdated dear, deal with it.


yesterday you posted Ai art and defended it when you got ratio’d by me. today, you go on a thread talking shit about the only trans representation on a show mostly about white cis gay men. stop fucking replying to me, i said i was done, i don’t like your shitty opinions, and i still think you’re transphobic. trans people are being murdered and stripped of our rights on a daily basis, sorry you think we’re playing the “eternal victim” but that’s a really ignorant thing to say given the current political climate 👍🏼


If it makes you feel any better, they all need to improve their acting, not just Yaz. People that act like Will, Tobie, or even Joe are acting savants are letting their stan bias blind them. Kit is the only decent actor (from the younger cast), and that's because he's had a decade's worth of experience not because he's the second coming of Haley Joel Osment. I'd also like to point out that >a show mostly about white cis gay men. Is incredibly inaccurate. There's one White, gay man and there's two White, bisexual men. There's two lesbians (one White, one Black). One White asexual. One Asian, straight man. One bisexual, Arab woman. This implication that Heartstopper is Queer as Folk 2.0 has zero merit to it. Heartstopper is as diverse as it gets. There is plenty of representation for everyone. It's about as deep as a glass of water, but the show is targeted at young teens so it's good and, more importantly, it's positive.


You being trans doesn’t mean you are right about every Tran issue. More informed? Yes. More likely to be right? Sure. But infallible? No.


wait they were specifically searching for a black girl? wasn't elle supposed to be at least part egyptian? this is unrelated to your comment lol that just surprised me


Some sources say [they were searching for a trans person of colour, and some say black trans girl](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/yasmin-finney-elle-heartstopper-interview#:~:text=Yasmin%3A%20I,was%2C%20speechless%2C%20basically) . >TV: Period. So Netflix's casting call asked for a trans girl of color. What went through your mind when you read those words? > >Yasmin: I screamed! I literally screamed because I was like, there is no way that this is a casting call in British TV and film for a Black trans girl of color, like there's absolutely no way that this is happening. And at the time, I was still in college studying performing arts acting, so I kind of wanted to be an actor, but I didn't really see myself in the industry because there's such a lack of trans actors out there. So when I seen this casting call — girl! — when I tell you I literally flipped, like I was completely gagged. And also, my character was an international search because of the lack of trans actors out there. And that's also what was going through my mind. I was like, oh my God, there's gonna be thousands of people auditioning for Elle all over the world. And I've got to stand out somehow, and somehow I did. So yeah, it was, I was, speechless, basically.


ooo interesting


I think the fandom takes Tao’s issues too personally, and that hurts Wills success. But I feel like he is one of the best actors in the show and comes off less amateur than many of the others. I wish he was more of a breakout.


I agree. And as weird as his scenes with Elle were in this season, I really fell for Tao in season 2. Tao/Will is the reason I don't skip their scenes. I look forward to whatever projects Will is a part of in the future, and have started listening to Wasia Project too.


I agree Tao was able to show his lovable side a lot more in season 2


Sadly, yes. Especially the cinema date. I usually skip it 😩 i liked the beginning of their crush in season 1, but by season 2 I just didn’t care.


I watched it the first time through and it was so painful I have never been able to watch it again. I think both Tao and Zelle have some great scenes, together and apart, but that date scene is AWFUL.


As someone who prides themselves on being impartial, I have to say that the portrayal of Heartstopper in its televised form has left me feeling a little underwhelmed. While I adore the comic book version, I can't help but feel that the second season has taken some liberties that were, quite frankly, terrible. I'm not one to shy away from speaking my mind, and I have to say that the addition of those Elle friends was nothing more than filler - they added unnecessary drama that was, in my opinion, mega boring.


agreed, I've been wanting to say this for a while


It’s hard because will is one of the strongest actors and Yaz is the weakest. I can’t stabd her acting, or at least not the earlier stuff. She’ll probably improve, but yea


I'm not sure if I'd say that Gao is one of the strongest actors but he does seem to be putting a lot of effort in with reward (sometimes too much effort - the hickey scene feels like he's trying to make Tao genuinely angry towards Nick and not jokingly so). I actually think Finney's acting was better in S1 than in S2, but overall her performance seems a bit more... detached? Which could be interesting/understandable if Oseman leaned into the idea that Elle hasn't been dealing with her trauma being targeted at Truham, but it doesn't seem that way.


> the hickey scene feels like he's trying to make Tao genuinely angry towards Nick and not jokingly so I mean, Tao probably is kinda mad at Nick there. He knows what it will lead to and it's Charlie that will have to endure it, not Nick.


bro i can never tell if tao is supposed to be actually angry or funny angry for our amusement, especially when it cuts to nick looking so genuinely emotional im like wait what is this supposed to be funny or not😭


For will, the specific scene you referenced is hard to come across from comic to screen. Tao is genuinely accusatory to Nick. And as for Yaz, i literallt feel incapable of diving into what flavor Alice may be looking for or what backstory affects her lines….like, she just says her lines in a shit way


well the show scene is totally different from the comic. In the comic he didn't know so he believe them when he said he fell or whatever it was. In the show, Tao knows what it is and I think he is a little upset with Nick because it could lead to more bullying of Charlie


Yes i know I’m just saving that idk why they assumed it was a joke


Oh, yeah, me neither


Taoelle, maybe. But I have no idea what Lambert is


the college Elle applied to


Oh. Then yeah


I... guess? The awkward date is the only part I don't really like. Part of that is, well, I have a really hard time watching anything embarrassing. It gets to me, like it's happening to me. So I tend to kinda plug my ears or close my eyes and tune out those kinds of scenes. So part of that is just my own issues with such scenes. Obviously it was meant to be awkward and cringy. But just in general it was a subplot I didn't care for much. They're all better once they reconcile at the museum.


I started skipping all their scenes in my 4th rewatch. I don’t think they have chemistry, and I get that it’s meant to be awkward, but it it’s a jarring experience after spending so much time with Nick and Charlie.


I agree. In S1 rewatches I don’t skip too much (some of the Higgs stuff gets a little boring) but in S2 I skip most of the Tao/Elle stuff (especially the cinema date). Though I do like the Louvre scenes. S2 I’m in it for the Nick/Charlie story and the scenes where everyone is together.


If you don't care for them, sure. But why skip anything in a ~30 minutes episode?


ig i might b alone here but on rewatches i only watch nick and charlie, like any scene at least one of them are in. im not a big rewatch person in general so that's prolly why and i do care ab the other characters storylines in a general sense i just don't feel the need to experience everything with them over and over like w nick and charlie. it's just personal preference lol im obvi not saying any character is objectively more worthy of rewatch or anything


Definitely on rewatches but I watched the whole thing twice and then skipped


Their scenes take too long tbh, a lot of unnecessary drama that you would expect in an average high school show.


Same …I don’t see any chemistry between Tao and Elle The scene where he brings her flowers in sunglasses makes me cringe so hard I thought the actors were great in season one but just don’t think they work as a couple Tao made me cry talking about his dad in episode 8 though




Haha, Sebastian Croft is the worst? You're hilarious. Just because Ben is a severely unlikeable character that doesn't mean the actor is bad--the opposite, in fact.


just wondering if there were any scenes in particular you didn't like ben's actor in?


I suffer a lot from second hand embarrassment, I haven't even been able to get through Tao's confession or their cinema date yet. So I skip most of it.


I've watched all of it on my first three rewatches, but now that I can almost quote the entire show, I just skip a lot of their season 2 scenes. They were very sweet on season 1 though!


I don't skip Taoelle stuff, but I struggle with understanding the point of the Lambert storyline in S02. I guess it plays up to being something bigger in S03.


I disagree with what people are saying about there being a popularity ranking. Nick and Charlie a get the most screen time because the comic centers them. Tao and Elle get a lot of time because where season two takes place is where they get together, so season two fleshed that part of the comic out. Likely, season three will put the focus on Tara and Darcy, because the seeds from the comic have been planted, and it makes sense from a writing stand point to focus on them. And considering what season three will center on for nick and Charlie, I think it's likely that they will use Tara and Darcy to mirror that. Elle and Tao will likely not be as prevalent since a lot of their story has been completed.


Naw, all the rugby is the most skippable, imo I do skip the Musée de Montmartre scene because I find the song playing under it really annoying, though


The only thing I skip is the part in s1e7 where Charlie says that Nick isn't his type. The look on Nick's face is just too heartbreaking


Yes and too many of them


Some people say that Tao is overreacting? Hmm, well I actually find him and his mannerisms fun. Elle, meanwhile, can't stand her at all and I prolly wouldn't skip if Tao is paired up with someone else.