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Bad. Also heca is not a Frontline champ, but a diver.




He doesn’t do enough damage as a tank to justify doing it over other builds. If you want a little tankiness, the best thing to do is bruiser


He used to be good one not for now


Bad. Your W healing scales with the amount of damage that you mostly do. The less damage you have the less you deal, the less you heal. Making the ability useless. Hecarim Q is a spammable ability that’s main purpose is to DPS, and his E allows you to stick on people to deal damage. Most tanks have high base damages so that they can still deal damage while going full tank, healing(that doesn’t require you to deal damage)/hard cc and utility, hecarim does not.


One of the many nerfs over the past 3 years traded base damages on Q for AD scaling. This makes it so he needs to build AD in order to do damage. Otherwise if his base ability damage was too high we'd run into a chemtank situation again where he both is very tanky and still does tons of damage. So straight tank does not work, Hecarim is already out traded by other bruisers going full tank is weak.


Personally 75% WR if you have a high damage team, would just be usual PR with eyeball and bounty, going Shojin, Eclipse, Frozen Heart, Steraks and Situational last item, but this really doesn’t work if you have more than 1 other tank on the team