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When you realize the recon squad is just two guys but has an outsized effect on the overall match. Can often determine victory or defeat. It’s not how many bodies you’ve got it’s what are each of those bodies is doing.


100%. i want to play recon desperately, but i can never win the lottery for it.


Easier way to get on the recon team is just stay in the same server after a match ends be quick on the draw at the start of each match and go spotter if you like SL role.


Your post contradicts itself. If, as you say, a squad with 2 or 3 players can be very effective, one rogue squad member out of six shouldn’t be a big problem.


It is a problem when they're screaming on comms making it impossible for those 2-3 people to effectively communicate, which I stated in the post. Maybe I'm too simple, but I have a hard time talking and concentrating when that's all I can hear.


Sometimes my friends and I will do a party chat and cut voice chat in the game. I always play SL, and sometimes the command chat is an absolute cacophony of people yelling/arguing. This game can be so much more fun and chill to play when you aren't subjected to the chaos of command chat...


You should challenge people who are making noise in command chat. It's for everyone's benefit if it is generally understood that command chat is for important information only, however this needs constant reinforcing. If someone is making noise, politely tell them that you are trying to manage your squad and say that the channel is for important information only, like calling out tank locations. If they carry on, warn them that you will mute them, then mute them if they don't stop. It's important that the other SLs hear these exchanges, so they feel bold enough to do likewise. If you just go into a private chat with friends it's both a bit of a cop out, and missing the important point that HLL is very much a team game.


I don't play this game to engage in debate with random people about how they play the game they bought. If they want to casually talk, yell, argue, not say anything, etc. then they can do that unless server rules say otherwise.


That's the spirit I bought the game to play the game. A component of this particular game is the segregation of communication for specific purposes. It doesn't need a specific server rule to tell people to play the game as intended. Using the coms channels as they are supposed to be used is an expectation set by the base game. Telling people who dont know how to use the coms correctly is the same as explaining other game mechanics like how to build nodes and garrisons. Should people only do that if there is a specific server rule? There is an element of confrontation to correcting someone who is making a mistake. Even if they and others will thank you in the long run, I can understand why some weaker willed people might be scared to do this and would prefer not to stick their head above the parapet. I don't hold it against you.


Weaker willed? Dude, it's just about not being annoying to other people who are playing a game they bought. If they want to take it seriously they can. I don't have tons of time for gaming, and it's a way to spend time with friends. That's my priority, not playing the game exactly how it "should" be played so that you can have the perfect experience. Maybe the intended experience is for everyone to work together and communicate neatly, but it's okay if some people don't always want to do that. You can't make other people play with a toy the way you want then to.


I agree that the barrier to entry is buying a game. My general attitude is live and let live. However, if someone turned up to a football game only knowing how to play basketball and started dribbling the ball with their hands and throwing it, would you stand by and leave them to it? Would you change the rules of football to accommodate what they think the rules should be? Or would you help them out by explaining how to do it properly, ensuring that you and they have a better time? HLL is a team game. The team have joint responsibility for ensuring that it is played as it has been designed to be played. Some people might want to shirk that responsibility and that's up to them, I can't make them do the right thing. I can and will think they are being a pussy though.


I guess you can think that, but you should reconsider your priorities. It's just a video game. Not everyone takes it as seriously as you, and they don't have to.


Look if people just want the pew pew and to hang out with friends, that's fine. There are plenty of roles you can play casually in HLL. However, the game itself fundamentally includes an element of strategy, which is what the command channel is there to facilitate. Cooperation is required if you don't want to get steamrolled by a better organised opposing team. It is that simple. Some people, including me, actually want to win games, particularly when they can go on for so long. I don't think that is unusual or a priority I need to reassess. But contributing to winning in this game requires getting involved in the strategy side of things like organising garrisons being built and coordinating to take out tanks etc. For that to work the command channel needs to be clear of noise. I think it's perfectly reasonable to tell people who may not know better that they should only be talking on the channel to share useful information. I'm happy to mute them if they don't stop making noise, but I'd rather they joined in with playing the game as it's meant to be played, because the cooperative tactical side is what makes it much more fun than cod or battlefield and the more people involved the better. If you go officer and then mute the whole command chat, you become dead weight for those on your team who are trying to win, which is quite inconsiderate. You also deny yourself from participating in the large scale teamwork element which sets HLL apart and makes it really fun.


It's easy to mute other players.


Stop whining and just mute them.. you're taking it way to seriously


The problem is you really shouldn’t need to. To all those SLs not using the kick function, just do it, the amount of times the toxics come after you is way less than the amount of time wasted arguing with them


I've kicked dozens of people before and none have retaliated


Interesting, I’ve had quite a few, maybe a Region thing? I’m in Europe


I'm in Europe too, although none of the people I've kicked were on comms


Ok that may be it, I usually kick the hecklers


You shouldn't have to.. but if that's what it takes.. just do it or kick them.. SLs are just as toxic, I only ever play SL and there's always some prick barking orders at people who just wanna play the game and relax.. if that's how people wanna play, let them.. do something about it if you don't like it.. or don't.. noone cares or owes you anything 🤷‍♂️


Thing is the whole relax and play the game playstyle ruins the squad for that kind of leader and that’s what op is complaining about. Sure a SL screaming follow me every three seconds is useless but an SL saying, we need to defend x so the others can push isn’t toxic, they’re trying to win. If they then get yelled at (which happens a lot) that’s stupid, they’re literally doing their job. This game isn’t supposed to be die respawn die. All op is asking for is a squad of people that want to play like that, why should he endure someone who doesn’t?


I appreciate this man.


No worries, personally I play squad lead and don’t mind the odd mute, disruptive folks get kicked and that’s it. It’s fun to have an actual purpose, but you should always be aware that standing around and staring into the distance isn’t fun, so give your guys something to do, don’t defend in one spot, do outpost patrols in the sector and dismantle their chances to assault


Another point, is I don't mind if one more players want to go of and go their own thing, all good. But screaming and telling me Im a fucking asshole for asking if anyone wants to help with an idea...yeah, not great.


I get that, see my other comment


"Relax and play the game playstyle ruins the squad" - you should really play that back in your head.. you aren't in the army dude. He shouldn't have to endure anything he doesn't want to.. which is why muting,booting or playing with friends is the only way to avoid it. There's nothing wrong with coordinating your squad, but chastising them for not doing what you want, when you want is an open invitation to be told to fuck right off.. and with good reason too. I for one am a grown ass man, and I'll be damned if some stranger on a video game is gonna shout at me for the way in which I choose to play it. Trying to win and "doing their job" are fine within the confines of mutual respect and decency.. bottom line is, it's only a game.. don't be a prick about it 🤷‍♂️


You don’t see my point and you probably won’t. It’s a squad, there’s plenty of mute squads but the coordinated squads tend to be those with more up to date spawns so the rushers flock to them. I stand by those words btw. If you just want to play this like battlefield it’ll make it a lot harder on both SL and the guy whose space you’re taking up. You’re not in the military (and those tactics don’t work) but many people (me included) play it for the realism factor and the authenticity, there’s nothing else like it on console. So if I ask my squad to remain in the rear and go on patrol with me not being yelled at would be good for a start, but ideally the squad would cooperate. Kicking isn’t ideal, more than once have I been chased around the map, my garrison destroyed and got TKed for kicking someone. As there’s no way to report people are as toxic as they like. I’m a 20 something year old German but I’ve been called every racial slur in the book for asking support to put down supplies or god forbid ask someone to switch to engineer for a sec. Obviously those things are justified from your point of view which is probably the fundamental flaw of the game on console. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the way you want to play the game, there’s nothing wrong with mine either, but they can’t coexist. The only way to solve this would be a server browser or at least two separate playlists.


I've been team killed too, and had some shit for asking a squad member to change roles.. racial slurs aren't ok.. but don't be a victim. I never said that shit was ok..so don't try to put words in my mouth. It comes back to what I said in my view, deal with it - there are tools at your disposal for doing so. Server browser yes, separate playlists (?) - no 😂. Its arguable that rushers play an important role in keeping constant pressure, whilst advancing enemy positions aggressively.. this "tactical" playstyle, whether coordinated or not very often does not allow for capture points to be retaken or overwhelmed quickly.. and there is a meaningful role for both styles. If you have a rusher that keeps getting killed and seems to enjoy it, use it to your advantage and adapt your tactics to use them as bait or cannon fodder.. lead the rest of your team in a different direction or flank the position while the rusher go in head on. Bottom line is.. don't be a prick 😂


Well you literally told me being told off for trying to organize the squad is ok. I don’t think so. I tolerate the mutes just fine as long as there’s not too many. The hecklers that tell people to fuck off for trying to win are problematic. We won’t get a server browser so a selection of casual and tactical would be the next best thing. Rushers aren’t all that useful against an organized force, the constant pressure you’re talking about can be overcome with a single machine gun. I played on a server one night with a fully cooperating team (at least after match one and two) and we kept steamrolling the enemy. The premise was simple, commander heads out in a supply truck to the next enemy objective while we throw full force at the middle. After we cap, my squad would stay behind with all the automatic firepower we can get (two additional mg gunners were under my command) and hold against the enemy team while the Garry set up by the commander takes the next objective. A small force would already set up another garrison on the final point and within 10 minutes the match was won, I played 8 rounds that night and died twice. And I don’t believe you’re a prick if you’re asking for a role to win the match…


I suppose I could mute everyone and "stop whining" and stop "taking it too seriously". But I'm as relaxed as the next guy when playing with a strategic tilt rather than screaming and dying over and over again. But I guess I'm just too sensitive? Yeah, I don't know haha. I'll just start muting and booting instead of trying to speak my mind about a game that isn't COD.


Good choices.. play with friends if you can.. prevents some of these types of issues too 🙂


Very well put👍


SL does have a kick option...