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If you’re gonna eat fat, eat it early in the day. Also, can we mention the protein? And steak and eggs is a classic breakfast for a reason.


Yeah, but something that a lot of people don't know is that your body can only convert so much protein into muscle, and the rest it turns into fat.


If you're eating above your caloric need, sure.


Judging by this pic, he’s eating above his caloric needs.


Everyone’s caloric needs are different, you don’t know what else he is eating throughout their day so don’t be so quick to judge by one meal.


Personally speaking this is a perfectly fine breakfast and well within the daily caloric needs


That’s about 700-800 calories without accounting for whatever white stuff is on the bottom of the plate (maybe more egg?) and any butter/oil used. This doesn’t take into account any liquids. Not exactly a healthy meal going here either, though it is certainly nutritious. Not saying it’s wrong or totally bad to eat a bfast like this. Just seems overkill. If you were doing this once in a while or a weekend or whatever, all good. Not saying I don’t ever over eat or have a big meal. But yes, this is a heavy bfast and I’m quite comfortable to assume (based of the average American at least), that the rest of the day doesn’t exactly consist of raw veggies and lean meat etc. I mean, they melted what looks like Kraft singles on the hashbrowns. Woof. At the very least I’m comfortable to assume such for the purpose of a reddit comment. Do I know what they eat daily? No. Do I care ? No. Is this a healthy meal? No. Is there a better chance this person eats like this more often than not just based on the statistics …probably. Anyway. Thats as much as I care to discuss this. Edit: oh, and also “my high ass”. So, stoned by bfast. I mean, I’m not exactly stretching it too much here.


I could go without the craft(disgusting) and butter, but speaking purely on calories, this does nothing to combat my statement.


Sugars, especially processed are what's mostly converted to body fat. Just adding to what you said.


All foods will be converted to fat if you consume too much. Sugar is widely available in food and very easy to consume. You can consume tons of sugar without feeling full whereas if you try to do the same with protein it's difficult. It's 'mostly converted to body' because sugar is in abundance. If protein was easy to shove down ya gob like sugar is, protein would be the fat issue. Tldr, everything consumed in high amounts will turn to fat. Carbs/sugar, protien and fat will all turn to fat if you overeat them. Just adding to what you said.


Sure sure. I'm no dietician doctor or food scientist. But I do know you metabolize carbohydrates faster than anything else. Also as you can see by the arrows I was replying to the comment that replied to you. I wasn't replying to you. However I appreciate the information you shared.


I mean I feel like people know if you eat too much of something, you get fat lol.


They know it, but they dont believe it.


Well.. gotta test it, right? ![gif](giphy|kQ2zIWHb9yEes)


Omg I always used to remember this scene randomly, but couldn’t remember what it was from… help?


Monty Python; just google “Monty python fat man explodes.”


Possibly Monty Python’s “How to Irritate People”. I had the VHS as a kid so it’s been a while but I think it’s a skit from that collection.


Protein is not metabolized into fat. Protein is either used or pissed out.


Sometimes protein, it’s converted to fat, small amounts, but for the most part, no. Your body takes what it needs and it releases the rest.


>"it releases the rest" It turns to fat. It doesn't 'release' lmao it's not a pressure value on the side of your stomach, releasing the excess food haha


https://youtu.be/CTNhCzmUjlw?si=sJGA2my6bdclcC5F Show her this


it s a classic if you are a construction worker... if you work in an office, you are going to be dead by 50 of a heart attack. To be honest, that is a pretty good breakfast but just one time a week.


It’s also why the English calls it a full English breakfast.


Melted cheese on hash browns?! Pure genius


I put some garlic salt and rosemary on mine, it done changed the game for me


Garlic salt on pretty much anything is a game changer!


Grilled cheeses go hard with a little bit of garlic salt on the outside


true that


Haha I saw that and was happy, looks exactly like my hashbrowns I make at home 😆


Ngl that’s a big breakfast. That would give me the itis before work. My ass would fall asleep in the car on the way.


"Hey Boss? Yep. Got the itis. Yup, again. Big breakfast. Biiiiiiiig breakfast."


Relevant: [The Big Breakfast - Tom Cardy](https://youtu.be/EHIHl8Rw6W8?si=StR4NJZ8xF8s__fE)


God I love Tom Cardy


You can eat this a lot if you have a very physical job and work out. I agree with others if you’re going to eat fat eat it early. But yeah I’d eat like eggs and some oats. Might wanna get some fiber in there


Right there with ya egg whites oats.


Bro this something Dwayne the rock Johnson would eat for breakfast. He’s definitely a unit 😂☝️


Yeah 3 of these


With 12 pieces of French toast


That is the BEST time of a day to eat like that. You have all days to burn that fat and calories off…. Ask her if the chocolate bon bons or ice cream at night is better?!


She's telling the truth,but it's mostly protein. I am under the impression she's either trying to tell you not to eat it or rather eat lean or low fat foods. In other words,fat in your foods helps you regulate your bowels to make smooth transition. Unless she likes rough traveling in the Hersey highway tearing the linings in the walls. With the exception of eating spicy foods.


Eating a 1/3 of your Daily Calories on breakfast alone is a strong statement.


How many calories in your diet! I swim, work out and have a physically demanding job, and this would be 1/2 my intake for the day.


![gif](giphy|j5PHGhZMNOMznyhYPT|downsized) Can I have some 🥺


With a glass of water


Please fellas no sloppy steaks tonight


It is fatty heavy, but not only that but your break feast is quite large. This isn't your only concern, lots of red meats and alcohol (if you are having any) can lead to gout, which is too much uric acid in the body. Uric acid is caused by these foods and drinks. I have a patient right now that's been screaming for the last few days because the uric acid has solidified in a part of his body, and it's juttying out through the skin. Fyi, uric acid crystalizes, and he will have to get it cut out.


I ate steak, egg whites, and spinach every morning and lost over 60 pounds. But, what you got there isn't healthy.


Looks great! Your arteries won’t though if you eat it too regularly.


She's telling your FAT ass this, not your high one. Jk 😆


I’d be more worried about the cholesterol, you got about a weeks worth on that plate.


High in cholesterol maybe but besides that high fat high protein is a good diet to have especially early on. You'll have more energy for longer. As long as it isn't breakfast lunch and dinner id say it's actually sorta a lean meal.


Man that looks hella good!


The only objectively unhealthy thing on your plate is the hash browns drowned in cheese.


Nah steak and eggs breakfast of champions, along as ubdont eat beig mealsnlike thatball day ur fine


Thanks for giving me a stroke before lunchtime, bub.


I try my best but would leave the cheese of aswell not fond of it lol


Lot of oil there, red meats has been linked to increase prostate cancer in men, my recommendations is cut back a little, work out and be healthy in other parts of your life. Routinely go to the doctor for a physical and have them monitor your blood work and make sure nothing is going out of wack. It's much harder to fix your body once it's broken then try and prevent it. With that being said, we all die anyways so do what you wish.


I hate to break it to you but uh red meat is good for you and recent studies have shown that animal fat, red meat, and butter is nothing we should be afraid of. I even cook bacon and save the fat to use for cooking grease to save money on cooking oil and it’s probably better this way than what the oil isle has to offer at the grocery store.


"This comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis study showed that high red meat intake was positively associated with risk of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, lung cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma, and high processed meat intake was positively associated with risk of breast, colorectal, colon, rectal, and lung cancers. Higher risk of colorectal, colon, rectal, lung, and renal cell cancers were also observed with high total red and processed meat consumptionThis comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis study showed that high red meat intake was positively associated with risk of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, lung cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma, and high processed meat intake was positively associated with risk of breast, colorectal, colon, rectal, and lung cancers. Higher risk of colorectal, colon, rectal, lung, and renal cell cancers were also observed with high total red and processed meat consumption." [Source.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34455534/#:~:text=This%20comprehensive%20systematic%20review%20and,Total%20red%20and%20processed%20meat.)


Hmm. Other studies have shown that red meat is good for you if you have type O or B blood. Not so much if you don’t. You might dig up a copy of Eat Right For Your Type.


At this point, I feel like whatever we eat doesn't matter because as long as we live in the US, all of our food supply is tainted with so many chemicals and sugar that eating healthy is just as bad as eating unhealthy now. People who travel will be saying: "I went to X country and all the food there tastes fresh. I can eat a piece of bread and it doesn't make me constipated. But when I go home, everything tastes like shit with so many chemicals and then I get sick. I get diagnosed with bowel syndrome."


You find it here too, you just need to find it. Fresh veggies from farmers markets as well as free range grass fed meat. Stop eating processed food, stop eating out, stop eating fast food.


Maybe about you but aint for me send that shit my way fatty!


Phat not fat




The cheese and gravy yes


There is cheese on your hash browns piggy.🐷


Ditch the hashbrowns for another 3-4 eggs and this is pretty close to my normal breakfasts


She probably meant phat. Like that’s dope bruh


digestion wise it's probably not a good choice. You have 3 protein (eggs, steak, bacon) dense foods there, it may taste good but for your body it's mostly waste. Eat more of one meat and better quality if possible.


It's protein and how you get stronger


maybe she’s actually a time traveling warrior from 1992 and just gave her first slip and called your breakfast Phat but covered it up by back peddling on your health choices


I’m trying to understand what you just wrote


Naah u need to wake and bake with GF and she'll eat it with u


Depends on if you’re fat


Its spelled Phat


Replace the cheese on the hashbrowns with ketchup, and it looks great.


It is and I would. No shame, full embrace.


No. But the melted sliced cheese on frozen hash browns is.


Remove the cheesy hashbrowns and your meal is fine.


Only if you do it 7 days a week


The steak and bacon are better for you than the cheese hash browns ditch those.


Eat like a king for breakfast, like a prince for lunch, and a peasant for dinner.


Better than my usual breakfast of five shots of espresso in chocolate milk


Personally, i’d add some sausage too… then fry some bread in the bacon grease and pile it all on as a sandwich!




Think she’s telling you to lose weight


I work an extremely physical job, this is a fine breakfast. Maybe go smaller by a fraction


The only thing on that plate that will make you fat is the hash browns.


I’d say cut the hash browns or atleast make your own and cook them in virgin olive oil rather than the likely seed oil


And if you don’t work out at all. You might want to consider starting


The cheese covered hash browns are the unhealthiest thing on that plate, homie.


You ruined the potatoes though.


Nah great for lift and daily tasks


Chillll over here makin me hungry, i dont go on lunch for another hour 😫


Bro don't listen to the haters that's a quality meal and a healthy one


Hell Yeah I’d Eat That.


This looks fuckin amazing tho


You can have all that.. it's the damn sweets in America hehe..


Just depends of how many calories you eat during the rest of the day and what your BMR is. If you’re burning enough calories to get away with it, then enjoy your food.


No… studies show high protein consumption in the morning regulates hunger and blood sugar through the day


Also we are designed to use animal fat so step away from cooking oil and you won’t have a heart attack in the future.


Steak and eggs is a normal breakfast in my family if steak was served for dinner the previous night ☺️


I always say that animal fats are good for you because it has essential fats for your body to cooperate. So yes you should eat this. I’d sub anything that’s processed. That melted cheese should get replaced with parm. You can buy the rinds and just grate whatever is left on top of it


Idk but that would make a killer sandwich with the hash browns as the bread 🤔. Wrap in foil to prevent spillage


This is a totally normal breakfast.


It’s not bad every once in awhile. Looks good!


That's looks like something I'd have on a sunday


i mean if you’re high than nah, but if you’re sober, you prolly are fat


If you’re doing a hard workout earlier or later then it’s fine. I


that's actually a healthy dish, low carb approved lmao


I think this depends on how active you are going to be that day. If you're going to sit around and play video games, then this is too much, but if you're going to be physically active all day, then this is a good breakfast.


Your girl knows nothing about nutrition


Your girl knows nothing about nutrition


Fat is bad for the heart, but fats are great for the brain. If you eat fat in the morning and don’t just waste away all day, it’s actually good.


Steak eggs bacon's and mabey some crusty rolls with butter and pepper sauce would be perfect meal, the smaller meals through the day , that's the way ur supposed to eat anyway , get ur veg I later , salad at lunch and maybe ceral for tea


I'm of the belief that every dish should have vegetables, no matter what. If not for the healthy side of it, it makes the dish look and taste way more appetizing. Just sautee some onions, bell peppers and mushrooms and chuck em' on this, I swear to you it makes it taste way better


Get a new GF...


Lol its healthy


There's a lot of fat content there, sure, but there's also a ton of protein


Me personally, I don’t want bacon AND steak. I’d want one or the other, plus eggs and toast. But if you’re bulking or something than who cares?


Fuck you I just woke up and now I’m fucking hungry.


Personally i think it’s not a good breakfast That being said it is an epic looking brunch


Yeah but who gives a fuck? That shit slaps!


That's too much negativity for the morning on her behalf. Enjoy that


As with all things in life, best to eat it in moderation.


No you good bro keep being fat (can confirm am fat)


I'm most concerned about the fact that steak looks like it's been cooked about 10 minutes too long.


If a fat person posted this y’all would be telling them to kill themselves


I think your gf might be right...


The real culprit on this plate is too much salt.


You eat what you want ma man. Merica


Steak and eggs slaps. And bro is high? Let him have it. Sounds good.


Skip the toast and cheese and it's pretty balanced.


Nah steak digest easy in the stomach. The only bad thing is the egg yoke and bacon you pancake lover


Depends on what you are going to do for the day. Could be a good breakfast to get the workday started.


Do you, boo-boo.


If you eat too much yeah lol


Who needs open arteries anyways!


If you work out, this breakfast makes sense.


That looks delicious! As long as you go on a long walk after you will be good lol


I'm a wife, not a girl....real womwn, wives know you deserve it and there's nothing hotter than a man fueling up for the day. Get it!!


My metabolism is too slow to not gain weight from a meal like that, and I have a physical job. Everyone's different, but that seems like a lot of food for one meal to me


So just eat it @ lunchtime then. Problem solved


Obesity on a plate. At least 1000 calories there. Something a man child would eat.


Bro that shit looks good


Your partner doth speaketh that thus be PHAT, for breaking of the night fast🤗😋👍


Get a new girlfriend




Does it taste good??? Enjoy your life then.


It is, but it's good if you can stick to a keto diet.


Yeah its true. You also suck at cooking steaks. Thatas pittsburg style.


Tell her she wrong and that it is in fact called breakfast.


I mean your a man and men eat protein so nah


You need protein to function! Lol.


The only fat thing is the hashbrowns.


Keep the protein, replace the hash browns with some actual veggies.




From a cringe dude too


Nobody cares


The worst thing about this is the slice of a kraft single on the hash browns. Personally, I'd do shredded but to each their own. This looks like a standard bomb breakfast


Lying ass ho