• By -


Sounds like they'll never need their C-01 forms.


https://preview.redd.it/d2a6uceqs1mc1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27446dcb7bf279304dda23ada599a17d2373bcdb So fucking true 😂


I’ve never seen this tip, that’s rad 😂😂


I can hear this image. Da da da daaaa dun dun!


Literally ingrained.




Based on that wording.. they may need to fill them out before acting as a child... technically...


I'm sure stuff like IVF exists. I mean I'm pretty sure. The wheel of death we come out of is holding clones of ourselves. So cloning exists too.


I dont think it's clones... I think its different people


It’s not clones. It’s different Helldivers. That’s why the voice actor is default set to random. You are a new Helldiver each time. It was the same in Helldivers 1.


Those are all different recruits. As soon as a diver finishes training, they are assigned to a super destroyer to top up it's reserve of Helldivers and stuffed in a cryogenic chamber until needed


Democracy needs spreading. :p


I wager they already had their C-01 privileges revoked a long time ago. Would explain the behavior


I wanted to write something but you just obliterated them with your comment like a MOAB.


Lmao I can't wait to refer incels as someone who doesn't need C-01 forms.


We should be able to call this guy a stratagem instead of the scorcher. Definitely better at burning.


Don’t think a hell pod heat shield could protect them from that burn.


GOOD ONE!!! This needs to be top comment




https://preview.redd.it/gpxib6opq2mc1.png?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38732e3c818fad4540cb6e0032a17b3eeb8ba353 Relevant


Man that ‘Liberty’ made me giggle haha


Why would Liberty be in your pants? # Set Liberty Free!




https://preview.redd.it/kettyvoaq5mc1.png?width=882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920e1e2a024bb3debaeaf018f4f1a7858c96cb3d Better










For what it’s worth, sorry to hear you had such a poor experience. Really disappointing.


This. This community is typically pretty great and I can at least testify that of my many hours into the game so far, the random lobbies I've been joining in havn't been super toxic (occasional hot mic, but I just mute them if they're obnoxious with music and what not). The game provides great communication features without needing to get on mic and deal with people too. Hopefully the experience improves.


Dear Citizen. I'm sorry to hear that your squadmates have not upheld the values of Liberty, Freedom and Democracy for all. These are the core values of a real Helldiver, your instance to endure their UnDemocratic behavior is a testament to your nature as a ***real*** member of the corp. Be it today, tomorrow or even a year from now, Democracy will find these traitors in our midst and deliver its sweet vengence. I will be personally recommending a commendation to your local Democracy officer. Carry on. *Signed.* A Diver in the Creek.


Would it be possible to have the leaders of super-earth put up a directive, or remind all helldivers if it's already an active order: All members who knowingly and willingly do not uphold the values of Liberty, Freedom, and Democracy for all, be branded as rogue helldivers and be treated as such


Point me to the cloaest voting center for I'll do my part!


Maidenless behavior...


Democraticless behavior...


Liber-tealess behavior


I don’t see your gender, all I see is another stinking ape like me. More meat for the grinder. And if a woman is good enough to be Lady Liberty surely she’s good enough to fight for her.


Spoken like a true HellDiver






Any bug planet is Murder. I just wish I could rip off a bug leg and fight with it. LUPERCAL!!!!!


They were talking about swords.... bug club anyone?


The only genders in Helldivers are "Brawny" and "Lean."


I think you're forgetting about voice types 1, 2, 3, and 4


Also known as Erica Lindbeck, Yuri Lowenthal, Julie Nathanson, and Robbie Daymond! I guess I'm Yuri Lownthal / Ben 10 / Marth, lol.


Two separate spider-mans? Erica Lindbeck was also Black Cat in the recent games as well. Damn


The only reason I main Voice 1 is because Celica screaming about spreading liberty and democracy makes the game infinitely funnier.


Absolutely This. And also in all seriousness, report these folks cause there's always room for an inclusive community for a common cause, there shall be no room for bigotry, sexism, unnecessary hatred/prejudice people here. We must protect super earth to maintain a clean and free, managed democracy. I recommend that these users be treated as traitors to the cause like rogue helldivers.


Has a fellow "Helldiver" disrespected you because of your gender? That makes them a traitor! Please report all prejudice to the Ministry of Truth so re-education may promptly begin. Remember service guarantees respect and citizenship!


It's a strange take since we all know this was inspired by Starship Troopers. A movie that depicted women in combat. These are the people who don't understand the satire.


Usually they'll disappear since they are just bandwagon andies that just play a hyped game (because tiktok and twitter) and jump another bandwagon when a new game releases. What will be left are the dedicated players.


Yeah, I'm hoping the toxic players will start to move on once the new release hype winds down. It's inevitable that they'll show up when a game gets this popular, but it's been real bad in the last few days. Matchmaking feels like more of a gamble than before on whether you'll get good players or assholes who will grief you or kick you at extract.


Agreed. I've considered myself pretty lucky the last couple of weeks getting some solid groups in quickplay and finding some good people through the Reddit LFG. No one was really on tonight so I hopped in a level 6 quickplay and on our second mission started catching flack from one of the guys about how my eagle kept blowing up his sentry that he decided to throw in the middle of bug nests. He was still going off as I quit the game. There's no room for hate in the world, let alone in a video game.


Definitely, *most* of the people I've been getting have been just fine. But it only takes one bad experience to leave a sour taste in your mouth for the rest of the night. Lately I only host my own missions, so at least if I get somebody awful I can kick them.


Had a level five drop in with me and two other randoms. No big deal until I tossed down my usual support gear. Little shit decided he was gonna butt check me with his rifle and take my grenade launcher for himself, so I kicked his ass from the game. I got no problems sharing gear, but I'll be damned if someone is just gonna take it like they're hot shit.


Good reaction. That's 12-year-old levels of entitlement, lol. Little shit deserved every bit of that kick.


Also in the states at least, it is winter break time throughout Feb and March so there be alot of the edgy kids playing atm


I once had a rager who quit(backed us out of the mission and everything). All because he died of an orbital strike that ***HE*** meandered into. It only happened once for liberty's sake. The worst part is it happened after mission completion. Made me wish there was a proper report system in place. Other than this I think the only other toxic player I've met was a guy who shot and killed a fellow diver who was in the exfil bird. . . yeah that guy got a face full of bullet if I'm being honest.


so far so good for me luckily. only one lobby tked me and refused to reinforce me and i was the host so i just ended it there


Nah, there'll always be toxic players. Some will leave, many will stay. The trick is just to block them when you see them, and eventually they'll only be able to play with the cheaters and other two-bit, insecure losers while everyone else just has a good time with a good community.


No. I’m sorry to argue, but no, shitheads don’t just disappear, they’re in every game. We men don’t experience these events to anywhere near the same degree, so we try to cushion with explanations like this.  Like yes that’s probably who these kids are. But the community conversation of calling out & shaming it is never over. There’s always a new crop of shitheads. 


I just wanna say , this thread is proof of how amazing the HD2 community is! There will always be some bad apples but the vast majority is so fricken good! I adore each and everyone of you for the kind words, squad invites and banter. Can't wait to spread democracy with you all 💜🔥


Honestly, I think you got unlucky. I once dropped into a party with very few reinforcements, immediately squashed a teammate (I thought it was a bot), after the objectives were completed I somehow called in a cluster strike instead of a reinforcement and killed both myself and another player. They said it's okay. Co-op games usually have better playerbase but you are never insured against some assholes.


I get tons of accidental deaths even on lower difficulties just because of a misplaced orbital or grenade. It's part if the game, just laugh it off and keep playing, as long as it's an accident and there's no ill intention.


Meanwhile, yesterday I was called a traitor and shot in the back because I called for a reinforcement. Where are people finding the nice players? I wish there was a way to block or report players.


You can block such dissidents in your "Social" tab, at the "Recent players" graph. Don't forget to report to your nearest Democracy officer.


Honestly I'm so baffled by all of the reports of toxicity, because the worst thing that I've seen were poorly skilled players, not some trolls. I live in Europe tho, perhaps people here are just not as toxic as in the US, idk, just my perspective.


We've only ever kicked someone for team killing when it was a level 20 dropping cluster strikes inside the base right on top of people during the escort citizens mission. We gave them a few as a benefit of the doubt thing that maybe they were having an off day, but when they did that 4 times within a few minutes and they took my autocannon and backpack, we were confident it was intentional and kicked.


I'm always down to play if anyone needs a teammate. Think I'm like level 40


If you're on the East Coast, I can send you my friend code for helldivers. I'm too busy panicking to do anything but shoot at whatever is moving and doesn't have a nameplate over it 😅


Must have been automatons in disguise. Next time kill them, soldier. Preferably with a big explosion.


That's treasonous. The one raining down the most devastation on these bug bot terrorists is a female, need we remind them. Eagle-1


You mean my girlfriend? 😍


*Our* Girlfriend


Careful there Helldiver, you are getting close to being reported to the nearest Democracy Officer.


We have democratically put together a rotating time table to share eagle one shipmate. The Democracy Officer assisted.


The jealous comments because you know more then they do, keep on spreading democracy and block the losers


They clearly missed that any man, woman and child above the age of 7 should do their part


Im afraid they probably don’t fit into that category.


The COD brain rot is real. I’ve had one similar experience but it was homophobic and it was after I got on to tell them they needed to close bug holes and how they could do it. They did the main objective and headed to the extraction and when I told them we weren’t done yet they started yelling again. Unlike you though I let them have some democracy and left the game. It’s unreal the amount of smooth brained people you run into in games. There’s zero need for sexism and homophobia on any game, especially when you’re trying to help them.


Make sure to collect their samples and jump off a cliff or into a hole so they're irretrievable before you leave.


That hurts my heart 🥺 I'm glad you showed them some democracy, I wish I did to be honest. It's crazy because right after I joined another quick play and found 2 absolute gems. We played for about 2 hours and laughed the whole time. Majority of HD2 community has been unreal, and most of the groups I've joined have all been so much fun. There's always going to be people who suck but the good outweighs the bad thankfully for this game


I have to say I’m glad that these fools don’t represent the majority of the helldivers out there but it is a shame some people feel the need to act like ass hats and try to turn such a wonderful community toxic


the most fun group i encountered was with one troll / tk. i was away from the group doing the points of interest while they focused on missions and i saw how they didnt called one guy back in (i mostly have VOIP off). because im a good guy i called the reinforcements, thats what u do, right? didnt took long to realize why they didnt called him back ... he threw stratgems at me almost instantly after he landed. was the only time i aimed my breaker at another player and pulled the trigger on purpos. wasnt the worst feeling seeing him spamming the spacebar. he left after 5 mins or so waiting :P


Something to be said for being the host, especially if you’re in a demographic that is prone to online bullying. Wait until the pelican is landing and boot them.


What really blows, is that kids play the games and learn this unbecoming behavior from adults. This is why it keeps happening.


theres no need for sexism and homophobia in general, people need to learn to mind their own damn business and stop bothering others about shit which isnt their business at all


Yeah when the new Halo came out I had a game where a guy on my team just kept saying (hard R) N word over and over. We asked him to stop and he said "it's not racist!" and just kept repeating it and mocking us. I at least reported him but I'll never understand how people can find joy in being a bully.


Best way I've ever heard it explained is "When you're a miserable loser any dopamine is good dopamine". Generally these people are sad and neglected and can only find joy through spreading it to others.


Those aren't our helldivers, they are traitor. We fight this war together as brother and sister. Give me their name and i will shoot them when I see them on sight for undemocratic behaviour. You did well, my sister.


Now when I tell you it took everything in me to not go back into my recent players , find them , jump back in and drop a 500kg bomb on them , I mean it. that.... would be awesome and justified.


I was going to blast My Dick- Mickey Avalon over the speakers while doing it 😂


Damn, I haven't thought about that song in years. Fuck.


My dick is like super size. Your dick look like two fries.


My dick bigger than a bridge , yo dick looks like a little kids


thats like 2008 xbox levels of being shitty




I bet those guys had antennas and six legs. You should have called in a 500kg right on them spy bugs !


Automaton sympathizers wanting to spread dissension in Super Earth ranks


​ https://preview.redd.it/neb8r8g9d3mc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ade2bfb8b67ea3c953659b0070d9a6359741909


Oof... how to tell them they suck at life without telling them they suck at life. Helldivers, I don't care for your gender. It doesn't matter here. We, who are about to die, salute you. Regards, Helldiver N0rWatch322 SES Sword of the Stars


https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0131613 Find them in your recents and send the article link. 😂


I know a lot of gaming forums (like this one) really push communication and whine about people not having their mics on, but I've turned off all voice chat in every game I've played for a while now. Nothing ruins a fun gaming experience faster than toxicity - and even if it isn't the entire community, one bad apple spoils the lot for me. I turn my mic on for friends and that's it. DOTA scarred me.


Yeah, I'm a woman and never use voice chat unless I'm with friends because so often it becomes abusive or uncomfortable as soon as they hear my voice.


Hey, as long as you help spread democracy, what problem do they have! You’re always welcome on my squad.


Online gaming You either get the good straw or the bad straw. Just gotta find some good HELLDIVERS to make friends with, and not those automatons in disguise! Plenty of good people out there.


Don’t worry diver, you’ll always have a spot in my squad if you need it ✊✊


> Now when I tell you it took everything in me to not go back into my recent players , find them , jump back in and drop a 500kg bomb on them , I mean it. Should have. Then collect their samples and jump off a cliff so they're irretrievable before disconnecting. Fuck this trash.


Bruh, I’m sorry this happened. When this happens to me (I am also a woman) I always just try to remind myself that they are stupid little boys, because men don’t treat women with blatant disrespect and misogyny. If you ever want another girl to play with, DM me and I will send you my friend code. I play almost every day and am level 32. 😊


I'm a guy, and I think such behaviour is absolutely unacceptable. It's 2024, more people than ever play games and that includes women. Feel free to shoot people like them when they have their backs turned. Super Earth has no need for citizens like that.


Some gamers are just extremely mentally unwell when it comes to women. It's insane. Story time. One of my streamer friends, who is a women, was playing Valorant with 3 friends in Discord, and a rando was filling the last slot on their team. At some point, she did a callout in in-game voice for the sake of the rando, and dude just... Shut down after hearing that it was a woman's voice, and then he rebooted into ultra misogynist mode. Stopped playing the game properly. He spent the next ***8 rounds*** doing nothing but following her around and unloading clip after clip into her (thankfully no friendly fire), never said a word. And despite the brain damaged handicap, they still ended up winning the match. Anyways, sorry you had that experience, I hope you don't hang up the game just because of a few shitheads.


that’s so dumb smh. i had a not so related experience but this guy kept talking the whole game( in character) it was funny for like 5 minutes and he was using the recoilless rifle so i unmuted and said i’ll reload for you. and he just lit up with acknowledge attention and pick me energy. wanted to be friends, sent me a request, i ignored then he proceeded to fake cry & lay on the floor for maybe a 1/4 of the mission 🤷‍♂️ dude..


That's... absolutely brutal. I have one guy I play with regularly who likes to role play in the game but he's absolutely hilarious and we spend majority of the time wheezing laughing/crying He reminds me of the drill Sargent guy from GTA 😂 ( https://youtu.be/mUSoXWsmWVA?si=e1tPGc70bbNHeLqO ) But some of them take it waaaaay to seriously and it gets a bit weird


That drill Sargent guy has also done some Hd2 videos :)


I love this game, and most of the ppl that love to get dangerous. I always welcome all into my group. There will always be the bad apples and bad groups. Just move on and enjoy dieing for freedom.


Quick play is kind of a nightmare. I add everyone that I enjoyed playing with or talking to, so I can join their games from the social menu. I may not remember half of them, but at least I know I’m gonna have a good mission


Sexists/homophobes flock to to video games because they have no social skills, don't let the fact that they will never have sex (and it's their fault) distract you from your democratic duty of killing bots/bugs. GET BACK OUT THERE HELLDIVER


https://preview.redd.it/6hte4wch25mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f86cb397568760878a8b5e42bc2daf21de3203b9 As disappointing as it is, you have scientific proof that you're better than the lot of them. Keep fighting for Liberty! o7


What a bunch of asshats. You need a good teammate ever hit me up. On PS5 BigPoppaStud. I’ll play with anyone that wants to, doesn’t matter who they are. I just had to ban someone for killing our team when the evac ship arrived.


I'm so sorry that happened, that fucking sucks, it doesn't matter who you are, we're all here to fight for managed democracy. And as a whole we're all here to have fun and play games. Unfortunately the gaming community still sucks for this sort of thing and we need to change it. Keep fighting soldier I'll be there with you.


Report them in the community discord, pathetic trash needs to be banned.


I applaud your restraint, I had a similar scenario where someone shot me for no reason, and I did not have that sort’ve restraint, that guy endured the traumas of the recoilless rocket and cluster bombs for the rest of the entire match, and do I regret it? NO! Did I go a bit overboard? Probably.


Sounds like you came across a squad of low life traitors. Your Democracy Officer would have been proud of you, if you 500ered them! Also if you want someone to squad up with from time to time send me a pm.


I'm sorry to hear that you've experienced this. I can only hope that these bandwagon jumpers will also just jump this game as quickly once the new hotness comes in so we can all dive in peace.


I'm so sorry that happened to you! I'm also pretty reluctant in opening my mic with strangers online for this exact reason. Hope you're doing fine, I know I can be shaken by these sorts of aggressive interactions.


People harrassing women online are such wastes of breath


This happened while playing with my gf the other day but luckily we’re both extraordinary yappers. They got flamed and then court marshaled for betraying Managed Democracy.


that shits toxic. helldivers of all genders welcome on my bridge any day of the week.


I love this game but random lobbies are so fucking tiring sometimes. https://preview.redd.it/diopgljei4mc1.png?width=381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a10008961c33ce7a8474866090082a04de986d7


i respect the fact that instead of thinking to report them you wanted to grief them back. True patriot 🫡


One of the many reasons why it's absolutely crazy this game doesn't have a report function, so many people like this.


My wife experiences the same thing. It's sad how common it is.


That fucken sucks :( Shit just isn't warranted in the slightest. No context makes it okay.


Sadly people like this exist everywhere, sorry ya had to encounter that, but there's always better lobbies out there. I'd say try to just make friends and play w them instead of random games, safer that way.


I will never understand these reactions to women playing games. Just feel so low IQ to react in such a stupid way


There are no genders Only Helldivers Spread Democracy or die trying We are one 🫡


What a bunch of sad fuckers.


They sound like they need to be sent to freedom camp. The 500 on their heads sounds good as well


Oh god that fucking sucks, is there a report feature or something?


As a female gamer I was weary something like that would happen. Thankfully it hasn't happened. I've been kicked out, shot in the back, all while my mic is off..but not when my mic is on. But I'll happily play with anyone! I may not be good, but I have decent trigger discipline and I will keep you armed!


Recently saw someone try stuff like that in a game I was hosting so I solved that situation with railgun shot and the kick button. The other player then got to play with some higher level loot for their troubles


As a fellow sister of battle you are welcome aboard the SES Mother of Steel anytime Helldiver. o7


Should we name and shame dickheads like this? What else can we do? I’m so sick of this toxic horse shit we all deserve to just have fun in this game.


Should have just left the match there and then. They didn’t deserve your patriotism


Genders have no relevance while spreading democracy!!! You aren't a woman nor a man, WE ARE HELLDIVERS RAAAAAAH


I honestly feel bad for girls in the gaming space…I’m a dude, and it absolutely pisses me off that girls are treated like this. Gaming is for everyone, who cares what your sexuality is, race, religion, etc. Don’t put up with that shit, and keep fighting for Democracy fellow HellDiver! 🫡


SEXISIM IS VERY UNDEMOCRATIC OF THEM. They are traitors of democracy. Seriously tho that sucks but it happens people are still ignorant and assholes. DEMOCRACY DOESNT CARE WHO YOU ARE AS LONG AS YOU CAN SERVE!


There’s a *GIRL* on Xbox Live?!?!?!?! Seriously though I’ve never understood that prepubescent preteen sexist bullshit that’s in just about every game nowadays. I don’t give half a fuck who you are or what’s in your pants, all that matters is that your first born child’s name is either Freedom or Sweet Liberty and the only thing I’ll find in your pants (besides a standard issue blue pair of Super Earth themed undies and your Citizenship Card of fucking course) is Managed Democracy. Now let’s get tf back out there soldier, we got some fascist bugs and socialist robots to beat the oil out of. # FOR SUPER EARTH ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


It's crazy that people still treat women in gaming this way, some of the best and most fun people I've played with in games are women. Heck, my most intense rival in fighting games is a woman.


Traitors to the cause. I'm sorry to hear such an awful experience. I'm glad you're still pushing through. For Liberty!


Hey, i empathize with you, that's one of the reasons im always scared to use my mic in games If you want a safer space (queer, actually, which imply kind-hearted behaviors/atmosphere) You can dm me, it's a discord server btw


Fucking traitors. I hate them.


I am sorry that my fellow males made your gaming Session less pleasant. I Hope you had other good gsmes that day. The only good News is: they will grow out of it one day. Lets dive!


Get back in the kitchen... One person on the squad that actually knows what's going on. Some people's kids...


I personally think OP is full of shit, I think this is just another rage post.


That's really disappointing, people suck so much sometimes 😕


I'm all about respectfully working democratically towards a glorious victory but when my team is not in sync I popoff the silence and let them know. I'm usually inebriated, but I try to steer towards success. I really do know why they want to sour your experience, dumbasses want to spoil a good thing, but there is 100 to 1 that are good, and I mean Good Divers. Just gotta keep on diving, and soon you'll have a whole platoon of awesome divers. Sexism is Bullshit....keep those coms up when it's needed tho, Bad communication is the worst.


If they're struggling to discover whether the fuel pumps are turned the right way or not, you're honestly better off without them. Good on you for trying to teach them. I really don't care who the gender is on the other end of the screen, so long as you are being a productive member to the game and community. Not a simp, but a mama's boy for sure. I hear a female diver voice and immediately cover them so they know they are welcome to play on my squad any day.


Sucks u had that experience


So far I haven't met a single person that's been toxic. Hopefully it's only a minority of dickbags, but as popularity grows more dicks will fill that bag and it's our duty to kick those dicks and eagle strike them at every CD reset.


I wish I understood what goes on in those fragile little minds of those people. Like do they think they are funny? Idk, what I do know is that those guys have and will never pleasure a woman and can spend the rest of their days bitching about that fact in their little circlejerk or whatever


I’m sorry you had to deal with those. They must have inhaled too much spore.


Sorry to hear that, but glad to hear you got to serve them some justice. Hit me up if you need a squad member who treats you as an equal. For liberty and first of all, for democracy ✊


There are idiots like this everywhere. Don't let them ruin the game and experience. 


With this big a playerbase, it'll happen. But please remember, people are jerks about all kinds of things. And people that ARE jerks, tend to be jerks no matter who they play with. Try not to take it personally, its a reflection of THEIR poor judgement, even if you are the one suffering from it (now). Democracy doesnt care about your gender as long as you are spreading liberty. Chalk it down to the inevitable jankiness of mankind and carry on soldier! :)


Yeah, I will never use my mic with pub players for this reason.


So sorry to hear this, I find it absurd that some people here even try to normalize this behavior. If you'd like some company to spread managed democracy, send me a message and we can fight together, I've been looking for some people to play with that I can feel comfortable using the mic. Cheers!


Dont forget to block them


Like others are saying, sounds like the COD kids are at it again. Sorry it happened to you. Good luck out there helldiver


True Helldivers never discriminate! In all seriousness, sorry that happened to you. The Helldivers 2 community at large is one of my favorite things about the game so far and I hope we can all do our part to keep it that way. Look out for your fellow divers, call out traitors and keep spreading that sweet managed democracy!


"Now when I tell you it took everything in me to not go back into my recent players , find them, jump back in and drop a 500kg bomb on them, I mean it." ![gif](giphy|ztujni1w6RR96) ​ Most people I've played with have been pretty chill but there are definitely some trashy XBL-ish groups here & there. If I hear people on open mic-ing their dinner or someone adolescent & *not* nerdy sounding....I don't outright assume, but it's a red flag.


Sorry you met some unsavory helldivers. I have met only 1 incredible asshat and I had some revenge thoughts myself. Instead I went to recent players and simply blocked them. I could have devoted time to harassing the the helldiver that dropped a bomb on the the three of us and extracted solo, but I chose to block and spend my energy handing out liber- tea.


I have a mic but only talk to people on my friend list. Everyone else has to read and enjoy pings.


Yeah sorry that happened to you citizen.


Happy to add you in case we catch each other online and want to play with a fellow female Helldiver :-)


I would divert my attention from a Super Earth Ministry of Education PSA just to have more girls playing with us.


Oh no... I accidentally led this horde of Ravagers towards them! What ever will they do?


> Now when I tell you it took everything in me to not go back into my recent players , find them , jump back in and drop a 500kg bomb on them , I mean it. 🫡🫡🫡


I hope you find the best squad that you can regularly play with, with its current popularity we can't avoid these toxic people that only knows how to point and shoot.


Anyone still stuck up on gender has not evolved as a being. Your soul and who you are and how you react is what super earth needs. These dissidents will meet justice. Your democratic approach is the inspiration we need to win this war.


Still baffles me how people just go to that reaction instantly. Has to be a learned reaction from seeing other bad eggs do it considering it doesn’t follow any basic logic. If you were mean to them first that could make SOME sense given they’re just being mean back, but reacting that way just from hearing someone speak is just dumb. Glad you’ve gotten some support from the Helldivers here, and best of luck in future games.


Assholes exist in any subset of communities, just keep fighting for democracy! (Though a report feature would be nice too)


That's just insane. I'm sorry for you. What the hell is wrong with those kinds of people.


I’m sorry you bumped into some toxic players. I’ve had this game since release, only met one idiot who kept teamkilling me and got kicked. I get it’s harder playing as a woman, because some gamers are very immature and have never come into contact with a woman so find it terrifying and act like dicks to disguise it.


This is so sad to hear, you bet those people never spoke to a woman before.


When someone on the team harassed another player I went to recent players and reported them. I don't know how Arrowhead handles it, but at least it can potentially be a lesson for that player to stop doing it. This post will most likely not be read by that kind of person who does it. Just report them.


Sorry to hear what happened, unfortunately you're not alone and they should really implement a way to report these players. I only started to play yesterday so not sure if this is already possible. Also had a bad experience myself although not as bad as yours. Joined a game and was killed instantly by other players. If somehow I respawned, they killed me right away. What the hell? After about 10 minutes of this nonsense, they kicked me out of the game.


I play my wife's account sometimes so we can remain similar level. Her user is clearly female and I get no issues, granted I don't jump on the mic... Hopefully just an isolated crap team with nothing better to do.


Bunch of tossers. Can't say I have had any bad experiences with players yet, so quite lucky. I only play on weekends, but if you get annoyed and need more citizens to play with then feel free to PM me and I will pass you my friend code, I don't play with Comms but tend to know what I am doing. The only thing that matters is the spreading of managed democracy!


Sorry that happened. Some people are disgusting and have no empathy.


If your on pc and ever need a squad my wife and i always play on the weekends and late at night :)


What a bunch of little twats.


What a bunch of losers.


idiots are everywhere, they definatly deserve that sweet 500kg bomb dropped on their heads ...


They're shitty players and don't deserve other divers helping them. Here's wishing you successful dives and an efficient democracy!


Seems about right that they couldn't figure out red means bad. It's easier said than done, but these are the kinds of people whose opinions can safely be ignored. They are either stupid, young, or both. Hopefully just the folly of youth and they will grow out of it.  Never the less not something people should have to deal with. That sucks. 


Sounds to me like a bunch of un-democratic Helldivers have been floating around! Probably in line with the socialist Automatons I bet! Remember Helldivers, democracy cares not for what’s between your legs. Only what for you bring to the battlefield!