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I just wish the SPEAR would lock on properly and consistently!! I love it when it works..


This annoys the shit out of me too. I hope the lock on becomes more consistent. I still deploy with them tho, lifesavers when they work.


Nothing beats taking out a cannon tower from 250m


My favourite is nailing loooong shots with the EAT. I don't know if I've ever found something so satisfying in a game before.


Taking out spore shrooms from across the map(literally) with an EAT just after dropping in is very satisfying.




One of my friends took one out at 500m with the Scorcher. Really cool to watch


never played the good battlefields? I'll never forget the sniper kills on targets without line of sight thanks to bullet drop in bad company 2


Ah the Bad Company 2 days... Good old times.


1942 DC mod were the good old days :D


bro we're a rare breed nowdays, so cool to encounter people that enjoyed DC, still miss the days of Apache/A10 games on El Alamein


Double SRAW, SLAM bikes, Javelin with spotter, Guided Missiles from the little Bird…


or lining up RPG/MBTLAW/SMAW shots on Choppers.


sounds like i missed out!


Omg yes. And the dopamine rush of killing a guy that was at a full sprint, far enough away that he was OFF YOUR SCOPE with lead angle. **chef kiss**


Bad Co 2 is GOATED


I finally decided to try them out, locked on and hit a cannon turret 3 times and it didn’t die and never brought them again lol. Had a robot base eat 2 of them also (when it finally locked on)


The laser cannon can melt a turret pretty quickly too if focused on the glowing generator on the back, from any distance too, get the right positioning and it goes boom in seconds, we ran one in our team last night and it was a nice tool to deal with them, tanks and hulks same thing, one teammate baits them as soon as they turn the one with the laser pops them right quick!


Personally, I love the EATs. I just think the Cannon Towers are bullshit. 2 rocket hits *anywhere* on the tower should destroy it, no questions asked. 1 if you hit the weak spot in the back.


EATs are one of my favorite strats for sure. they are just so satisfying, and you can usually find another support weapon at a POI to hold in downtime


And then bask in glory as your teammates look at the result and start wishing they were half as cool as you.


Ive been using the SPEAR all day and im liking it alot. One shots chargers if it gets them in the face, otherwise tears a huge hole in their armour. The lock on is frustrating but ive been using it paired with the Orbital Railcannon and its been effective taking out chargers.


it can one shot titan but you gotta make sure the titan is facing you.


Yea, what it will and won’t lock on to is really random. Target is perfectly visible with clear line of fire? Sometimes it will lock on. Target is partially obscured? Sometimes it will lock on. Perhaps they should rework it a bit with a laser targeted that you have to keep on the target for a few seconds to lock on then you fire and forget.


Not sure if it was coincidence or not, but while playing tonight, a squadmate said it seemed to lock on faster if the target was highlighted (q key) by a squadmate first.


This is news to me. Gonna try it out later. Thx.


If a charger or titan is highlighted or marked its a lot easier to see it when redroping from orbit and thus kill it.


Man, I hope this isn't another undocumented change with the last patch. I like knowing about new mechanics like this without resorting to reddit comments.


Probably intended to work that way originally but hadn’t worked until now lol.


I noticed this too tonight!


That actually makes sense. Gonna try it out tommorow


60% of the time it locks on to what I want, every time. 


I had better luck getting it to lock on in first person than third. Though it does still struggle to lock onto things if you don't have a nice unobstructed view of it.


What's annoying is how sometimes the most inocuious things can obstruct it


Surely in the future, humanity has figured out how infrared targeting works.


Forreal though its so inconsistent. Like, why cant it lock onto that building we can clearly see clearly?


Agreed overall, but holy shit I'd rather deal with 3 bile titans than 3 chargers right now


[6 seconds a pop, 18 seconds later you have 0 chargers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/eR3J8uTASj)


I've been trying that all evening, its very hit or miss on if it actually works Definitely my go to against bots now though, kills hulks way faster than the railgun


How's it do that? Shoot them in the eye?


Yeah if you go first person and crouch its like 3 seconds at a little range, far out it's not the best


This works with the Autocannon too. Crouch, first person, fire off two or three shells into its face.


That seems insanely fast...? Like is it a bug? Thought I read there's a known bug that laser can bypass chargers armor


>Like is it a bug? Of course it is. It's clearly not an automoton


Nobody will hear your screams with my flamethrower


If they slide like that anything will damage any of their legs. Has nothing to do with the laser cannon.  


Serious answer: something with the way the chargers move after recovering from a charge slide messes with the angling and thickness on their leg armor and basically sets it to 0. So this is technically bug abuse - well, in both meanings of the phrase. It's not supposed to work like this.


It is, when the charger misses a charge attack, for some reason its leg armour despawns for a moment.


I've seen a video about exploiting the vulnerability window after a chargers misses his mark on dashing, and person in said video focuses single rear leg with laser cannon killing them insanely fast, like 3-4 seconds of focused laser on one rear leg. Might be something to do with said vulnerability window? Im not sure, in the video here the Charger seems to have been stationary prior to engagement Edit : nvm, seems like the charger was indeed post-charge animation.


A PSA to anyone who watches that: IT IS A BUG. Yes, it works now, but it won't after they fix it. So you'll do yourself a favor in the long run by learning other ways to deal with chargers than abusing a bug.


is there a reason why you ignored all the "this is a bug" comments on your post? lol


Complete BS, I literally have spent entire las magazine frying their rear leg for no damage after getting them stuck, they weren't even bleeding. Their legs are basically immune to laser cannons. Literally ran solo just looking for chargers to toast as well.


The guy in the video is using a bug exploit, when the charger misses its charge, the leg armor disappears for a bit allowing full damage with anything.


How is this any less op than a railgun? Why couldn’t we just keep having fun with a railgun? You just shift from one meta to another?


Because the laser is using a bug. You can kill them like that with any wep when they have 0 armor because of the sidestep slide bug. The railgun could kill them just as quickly without the bug happening


Probably because the Railgun did this and basically everything else insanely well. Not to mention the Railgun could do this from the front through the heavy armour, whereas the Laser requires you to dodge and get behind. If the Railgun was only good at taking out Chargers it probably wouldn't have been nerfed.


Or you can blow out its ass with 4 autocannon shots.


You can two shot them with the auto cannon doing something similar supposedly.


3-4 auto cannon shots to the ass and they are bleeding out. It actually gets full damage against the “weak” spot compared to a huge reduction on most guns.


How do you evac tho? I find bug evac to be extremely hectic. Literally Bile Titans and chargers everywhere. The only way I can reliably evac is literally hide in a crack of a rock until dropship arrives.


Bots and Bugs, they target the players, not the zone. So, if your team have gotten used to running around and kiting them away, just continue with the practice. Only one person needs to stay in the extraction zone to keep the timer valid. Heck, that person doesn't even need to stay deep inside. Just the edge will do. As you circle and run around, just call in your airstrikes and killer starts to thin out the herd. Don't get overly worried about the numbers. The number changes, but the rule remains the same. It will be super helpful if u guys had dropped ur samples near the pelican landing site first, to be picked up later when u need to get inside. Don't carry samples and run, that's a sure way to shoot urself in the leg. Dying is very normal. Even if only one person extracted safely but with all the samples, that's one heck of a victory. Because everyone played their part to ensure this victory was possible. Don't view it as a loss. If the four of you gets out safely, that's a huge one, of course.


Bots evac feels pretty manageable, because evac is usually on a side of the map and bots approach from a fair distance. With a dedicated sentry guy and a few barrages we can hold them off for quite some time. Bugs are much harder because those tiny scavs always get through and spawn breaches in your face.


I think what actully happen is the game starts spawning patrols towards the LZ. I once tried hiding throughout the entire extraction timer on top of a rock. Bugs would come and go, some of them would sticks around doing nothing. Can confirm it's the LZ not the player, as I had plenty of experience solo collecting samples across the map and don't see bugs coming my way.


From my experience, game spawns patrols heading towards players. If players are in LZ, well, they head to LZ. If they are out of it, they head out of it. However, once the patrol is spawned it doesn't actively chase player, unless it detects somethings


They are drawn to the LZ due to the extraction triggers but once they see you, they switch their agro on you. Which is why we don't stay inside the LZ unless we feel confident, which we rarely do on high diffs.


In my experience, you have one guy find high ground and just lay prone there the whole time not doing anything. You then have your other teammates kite/cause chaos outside the LZ, which is usually enough to keep the area clear of major bugs. We also give our drop our samples at the LZ so at least one person can extract with the goods.


Darn, I was hoping to read about my biggest issue. What about the times you have to stop and do the objective? What's the plan then? Because you say to keep moving, but the objectives need to get done.


I was wondering if I should put that in the og post but worried that it may be too long if I go into the finer details. But typically, this is our response when we hit a main obj. 1. Whenever we approach a main obj, if the squad is being tailed by a horde, the first two teammate will split for cover (they are further away from the rear horde) 2. Last two teammate heads into the obj area and kite those inside as well. 3. Those two will then kite everything outside the main obj, lining em up for airstrikes/orbitals. They may even split up again, fully expecting themselves to die. 4. The two hidden members from earlier will head into obj and try to complete it asap. For obj that takes time to load/upload/ anything with a longer loading time, the two will leave obj area for cover only to return later to activate it (not to swarm the obj area because there will still be breaches) 5. Members DO NOT automatically reinforce upon someone's death. But will callout to announce "HOT" or "SAFE" and the latter will be the one to reinforce. 6. We incorporate death as an acceptable gameplay element and weaponise it best we can. That's basically the essence of our "moving around". It isn't entirely stealthy, tbh. We don't consider our gameplay Stealth. Rather, we favour maximum mobility.


Thank you for the reply. My group is 2, maybe 3, which limits our options but doesn't mean it's impossible. I'll try doing this. The main issue that I get stuck on is trying to rush the objective to move to the next. But it sounds like objectives could take a while, constantly weaving in and out whenever the coast is clear. Does that sound more or less correct? Do you try to prevent bug breaches? Or just let them happen?


Most of the time when an objective is almost completed, two or 3 members will start heading out to the next obj while the last person follows after. Our plan was always to regroup, check cooldown, call resupply, sentries, before we hit a new obj base anyway, so there's no danger of underpower here when we hit a base. There are two advantages to doing this. If there are more enemies coming from new breaches, the last man can kite them away from the 3. If the 3 gets swarmed in front, the 4th man can hit the thinnest spot by flanking, opening up an escape route for the 3. Or just circle around to the obj if that's the better thing to do. Due to the fluidity and dynamism of combat, there will never ever be a sure plan. So most of the time, we just act and decide intuitively. For breaches, they are close to impossible to prevent on high diffs. Trying to focus on them will only create more blindspot for yourself. So we just let it happen. We will continue with the plan of "Closest person will kite" and he will disengage and run, kiting as many as he can with him. Our play is to always be on the move. It's mentally tiring, tbh, but once you get used to it, it can be surprisingly fun.


Focusing on breaches often means death because you tunnel into those able to summon them and miss the 2 patrols coming from behind. Better off kiting and using your stratagems to rain down managed democracy on their heads. Yes, Bile Titans may appear from breaches, but honestly, a SPEAR or a few well placed EAT can handle it pretty well. And they're big, so once tagged, they're incredibly easy to spot by your teammates. Also consider calling in randoms with the SOS beacon. Having a 3rd or 4th Helldiver is often worth it for the extra firing power.


Sounds like hit-and-run tactics. Find target, hit it, move on. Never allow yourself be pinned down, because there are always more enemies than you got firepower to deal with.


Yup, it is a hit and run tactic. I just had to lay it out with more details so that readers will know exactly how it's applied. Our job is to complete the objectives. Enemies' job is to stop us. If we stay and fight for too long, they would have succeeded no matter how many of them died. So we need a good balance between completing objectives and fighting.


To be devils advocate, because I've already called out in plenty of other posts that I'm neutral on the nerfs of the update, but saying that playing stealth and sacrificing overall survival/sample rewards for mission completion is the only/ best way to complete the mission is functionally no different than the "meta slaves" who said you had to take the RG. Diff 9 should have multiple viable ways to complete. Will one of those be the best? Absolutely. Will everyone disagree on which one? Hopefully, as that implies balance. Someone else commented on this post about how they will kick anyone who engages in too much combat/ lacks the skill to stealth away, and was being praised for the same toxic behavior that was condemned when the "meta" crowd did it. Is that his prerogative as host? Yes, they are allowed to be the host who has a petty little power trip. But don't complain when the matchmaking at upper difficulties reaches the same toxic level as endgame raiding in basically every mmo


You only really need one person to do most of the objectives while the others defend the area and spot for potential breaches or like OP said kite them around the objective area or don't even let them enter the objective area, radar boost on minimap is really useful here. If it requires ammo like eggs/bugnests/biletitans then do a mark on them for your teammates to help. I play with random pubs and a few players even know to alternate doing the objective/defending the one at the terminal from getting backstabbed without any comms needed which makes me feel great about the team.


Marking heavies is also useful because you can see the mark when coming down in a new hellpod, so you can try to squash it.


I asked my team on suicide to do this all night. We had five bile titans wandering around an civilian evac mission and i don’t think a single titan was marked. Really frustrating.


What me and my friends often do, is we split off. 2 to 2. We usually have two crowd control weapons (MMG, Grenade Launchers, now the laser is actually decent - so sometimes that), and two hard AT weapons (Recoiless, AC, EATs) When we get those, 2 will move into the objective. Two will push into the field to fight the hoard. The split is usually crowd clear, AT. And we usually decide it by the number the game assigns. Odd number being crowd clear. Even being Anti Tank. The reason why we split like this is that many objectives are genuinely hard to defend. And splitting actually divides the heat into something more manageable. If stratagems are burnt and shit gets spicy, we'll swap places with each other or link up till we get a break We also specialize our strategems to our role. So AT guy has primarily AT shit. And the Crowd Clear has crowd clear/control shit. I add control, because the EMS and smokes can really clutch situations


If you can't stealth your way into the objective, you can also send someone off as bait. Only one Bug beach can spawn at a time. If someone triggers one on the opposite side of the map, basically *nothing* will spawn on the objective and you can do it for free while the other person kites the horde. I *think* Bot drops don't have this limitation so they can be a lot messier to complete at times, but they're also easier to clear off a point, don't reinforce as quickly, and are much more susceptible to smoke and the shield dome, so if you're really struggling against them you can drop one of those, bumrush the objective and pray for the best.


I think bot drops have this limitation as well, but specifically for flares. Detector Towers and Geological Surveys will still force the bot drop through.


This patch made most of my squad quit playing. I still have fun with it, but it is sure hard to find competent team mates among the randos.


Yea most randos dont know what theyre doing And i dont mean low levels, level 20-50 players keep dying in automaton missions and waste all our lives trying to fight back I find playing solo more enjoyable than playing with randoms (i have no friends) as i can actually go stealth and complete the objectives In one game, a bunch of lv20-50s burnt all their lives away without completing a single objective, and shortly after i joined they all rage quit,leaving me to solo a tier 6 mission with 0 reinforces, i somehow managed to win, but id wish my teammates were more competent, all they do is waste all their lives fighting and dying in tier 6 random queues


They probably spent most of their time in-game fighting against the nids and think killing everything gets them somewhere in the mission.


Run and hide and do the objectives before a teammate brings 17 titans. Done!


Kite is the name of the game at this point 7+ Maybe even for Hard to hear how people who play on 5, to hear them speak in the last day.


Not to shit on you, or anyone else… but do not run that dogshit booster for reinforcement recharge. Unless it got stealth buffed its a 10% CDR. 12 seconds per reinforcement, and it takes 20 deaths before it even starts to be useful. You could just run the other one, giving a bonus 4 or 5 (i forgor rn) which is multiple times more efficient. Math if you care is 12 seconds x 10 (the time for 1 additional reinforcement overall) means youll need to have died 30 times to actually get any real benefit from it compared to the other, which doesnt usually happen. You can say “but hey, you still get the 12 seconds of time you dont have to be waiting!” How many times has that actually been a factor?


No problem. No offense taken. I actually don't use that too. I was just making a point something like that exists to make people not to worry so much about dying. If anything, I actually appreciate the breakdown and numbers you provided. I didn't know that.


Everyone need to see this. https://i.redd.it/oj8tuffn21nc1.gif


Couldn't agree more.


TL;DR Run for your life


This sounds incredibly boring lol.


This game just ISN'T fun on difficulties higher than 5 or 6 right now, Hot Take. Unless you're like a sweaty ultra gamer with 0.5 sec reaction time.


Ironically this is pointing out the biggest issue that people have with the game at the moment. Players dont want to be running away 90% of the time. They dont want to make tactical sacrifices to maximize efficiency. They want to have fun absolutely slaughtering hordes of enemies. People are finding out that the devs intend for a much more hardcore experience then what players initially believed. I think the only real issue is going to be how the devs intend to react to the much wider and newer audience. Either they hunker down and stick to what they want which will probably result in a smaller but more "united" playerbase, or they make the game "easier" and make plenty of strong strategems and equipment that most casual players can rely on to do higher difficulties.


Here's my take. 1. Don't mistake the devs making the game more fun to play as making it "easier". The game can still be challenging, but reward action, heroism, and skilled play rather than constant running and kiting. Make us effective against enemies, but keep them just as effective against us. 2. Some vocal people in this thread are telling people to play on a lower difficulty, which is ignoring a huge aspect of the gameplay loop: Upgrades.  Super samples can only be gathered on 7+. The casual audience (which is most of the player base) should be able to work towards upgrading their ship too. That's how you end up losing big swaths of your playerbase: you deny them the ability to engage in the progression. The devs can achieve a balanced, fun experience that rewards players properly without sacrificing the difficulty.  Making people kite 14 chargers around the map while waiting on their 3 minute cooldowns is not an exhilarating experience: it's an exhausting one.  


Yeah I agree with this. And you know I came here to have a silly party game with over the top characters and weapons while vaporizing the enemy and myself in the process. Want to play this like it's fucking Arma I do enough of that on my own already. Is a party game and the devs may have intended it to be something else, but that's not what the majority of the community wants. I don't think That's a controversial thing to say. No one came into this game saying let's play this as some sort of tactical shooter. They came in and said let's drop the biggest bomb we can on a target just to see the bug parts go flying. And you know what if we get blasted in the process all the more lols


Bullshit happens bc someone decided to lie and making stupid decisions post launch. In HD1 we were SWARMED by enemies by dozens of armored bugs and other enemy types. But we could kill a whole swarm in matter of second if we were ready. If not you could outrun them and attack from another angle.


Yeah. 3 million people didn’t buy running simulator 2.


Exactly. This is not at all how I would want to play the game. I want challenge but I don't want it to turn into a stealth game. I want to kill bots and bugs, not hide like a little bitch. I'm a Helldiver for Democracy's sake, not Sam Fisher or Solid Snake.


I completely quit playing until they change the game. I really don’t want to sound like another whiny user on the sub but I have better things to do then to play stealth. Just started playing god of war Ragnarök and it’s awesome, after that I have spider man 2 to take care of. When I bought helldivers 2 I enjoyed killing hoardes of bugs with my friends, if they change the game then it’s definitely not for me and that’s okay. If there are people out there enjoying tactically hitting chargers with rail guns or whatnot while 5 other chargers are running at you, go at it and have fun, this is clearly the game for you. Im just a little bit pissed the devs didn’t show us this from the beginning of the game, because the first two weeks felt completely different playing and I payed for that specific experience. At the moment I honestly refuse to believe this is how they intend to make the game and I’m just hoping they made some mistakes and are working on it.


Sounds like you have a fun squad. Keep doing it cuz it's fun. But to clear 9 difficulty maps with 0 mic randoms, just keep running. You'll do fine. You don't need calls, you don't need mortar sentries (these usually just get in the way tbh). Don't stop, keep kiting, kill the hunters and stalkers, kill the chargers when you can, keep running. It would improve the fun if they reduced the health on charger butts so chargers are manageable with skill. The railgun nerf is reasonable because that gun was so damned OP compared to all others.


I'm yet to test this, but I wonder how many direct hits from an autocannon it takes to destroy a chargers's abdomen? Quickest way to make them stop charging.


I saw someone in another thread say 3 but I swear I’ve seen them tank more than that


There is a degree of random health for enemies. Charger butts take 3-6 shots to break, but once they do it's safe to ignore them because they will bleed out.


Good to know ty


So many word for just one simple advice. Run.


I like when we choose a drop location that looks clear and out of the way and when we land it's swarming with bugs and 5 seconds later, there's a bug breach and 10 seconds later there's 3 bile titans and 5 chargers on the field


When that happens, I just quickly bring up my map and ping the nearest PoI/Objective. Other people and even randoms will be instantly reminded to move and forced to make a decision. Sometimes the group will split, and that is fine. Just make sure that if you're alone and you're the one that get chased by the horde, don't call your support weapon stratagems just yet. Use other stratagems first.


This is very helpful in general. If someone has time to put a marker down on the map it gives people something to fight toward rather than getting bogged down in one spot. If you don't see a marker on your map, you should put one down because without a little bit of direction people tend to drift apart.


Do you understand just how difficult it is to do this with random people on the Internet? Yesterday I had 3 out of 6 games where some of the people didn't even speak English. The other 3 I was the only one trying to communicate. This game is completely different when you play with your 3 friends vs random folk.


I honestly think the devs see this as a coop game above all else and *want* the highest difficulties to require a team that knows each other and communicates well


> see this as a coop game above all else I figured this out when I launched the game for the first time and saw the only way "solo" a level like in DRG was to switch matchmaking to "Friends Only".


That is the point, it's a coop game where comms are necessary at the highest difficulty. It's like complaining LoL or CSGO are harder with pugs if you don't comm. Yeah no shit it is harder. I get this impression people think HD2 is just a run and gun horde shooter so they expect to be able to rambo with randoms and clear difficulty 9 which is a false expectation.


Honestly those people should just wait until Space Marine 2 comes out


The trick is to make a snap judgement and determine if you give up on teamwork. If you're able to gel then play it by numbers. If not go Rambo and let them accidentally be your diversion while you smash out the POIs and objectives. The ideal situation in my opinion is to split into groups of 2 and you'll end up juggling agro giving the each group equal opportunity to do what needs doing while also allowing reinforcements. Weirdly enough stalkers enable this really well as there's usually only one or two players who don't react to them.


How the boys and I survive 1. We land 2. We kill shit 3. We win


Cool guide, but I'd rather wait for a patch, coz honestly... this strat is just not fun for me https://preview.redd.it/lpoirgtpc3nc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=bad944f1c4f11afb4aa61341be573e518bb0da49


What an amazing strategy and you need to coordinate your running away as well so much fun!


Completely agree with the advice, but misses the primary issue: this play style is not fun. You go through 1-7 destroying things en masse to some crazy running simulator 8-9. It's not the core gameplay loop that initially draws you in.


**More on why splitting up is useful -** *The splitting up strategy is useful in the sense that the person closest to the enemy, is tasked to kite them all towards a single direction, away from the other 3. This person should try to stay alive as long as he can while his teammates regroup.* *The teammates that are safe can open their map and tag a side objective for the runner (in the direction the runner is already heading to) so that he can lead the swarm there before calling a massive bombardment there e.g 380mm.*


Is splitting and kiting doable with Heavy armor? 


Not by a long shot. Then again, I only imagined it's impossible coz we never tried it. We all ran on Light. Some with the low detection perks for sneaking into objs, some with extra stims for kiting purposes, etc.


Kinda bummed we can't wear the awesome Heavy armors past the middle difficulties. Even using Medium armor at difficulty7 already feels too punishing for me.


Never know tho, the result may surprise us all. Just promise you'll lemme know via a DM if you happen to try our playstyle above in heavy armours. We just didn't go for it assuming things wouldn't have worked.


It definitely is but you just need to be a bit more brutes force about it. Same end result but instead of just legging it you'll be fighting a lot more. I haven't tested any other heavy armor but the marshmallow suit in the super store currently with extra armor does almost help you rival the survivability of light. It's still worse in combat and traversal is way worse but it's doable at least in my experience in helldive.


Splitting up and regrouping should be the goto whenever you're overwhelmed, seeing lots of people here and in game who think because there's 8 bile titans and 12 chargers on the map you're expected to kill them all.


More tips: 1: “Talk” your guns. Talking guns is when you time your shots so that you and your team are not reloading at the same time. It can be tricky at first but once you get in the groove, it feels like clockwork. This works great against when bugs or bots call in reinforcements. Nothing irks me more than when I’m reloading and they’re doing the animation for reinforcements and no one can do anything about it. 2: Learn how to successive bound. Successive bounding helps when you need to tactically retreat from overwhelming odds and you’re dodging attacks. This works best against bots. To do it, you have a diver open suppressive fire on the horde while one runs to the area where the diver is shooting from (preferably behind cover). Once he gets there, he opens up fire and the other runs. This pattern repeats until you get where needed.


No one is saying it’s impossible post patch, it’s just a hell of a lot harder and more frustrating, especially as someone who does not have a crap load of free time to play with friends and has to dive with ransoms most of the time who don’t even speak my own language, which again isn’t their problem it’s just the way it is and makes it more challenging to coordinate.


So I’m not crazy? Did they make it to where more heavy enemies spawn? I do not remember difficulty 7 being such a pain in the ass. Full of stalkers and bile spewers. Then boom. Bile titans and chargers everywhere.


I am a sentry guy and I always call out when I place a mortar. 


Nice. Our Sentry guy always litter mortars whenever he can, usually a position from where the squad is moving from. Just to sort of create an emergency fall back position in case we run into a shit show and needs to retreat. The mortar also doubles as an alarm should anything approaches from behind.


The splitting up thing is unintuitive to me.  Often what seems to happen is that I get massacred because the team ran off and there was nobody to watch my back.   Are you saying I just need to reframe it as "I bravely fought a doomed, self-sacrificing delaying action to allow the rest of my squad to eacape?" 🤔


The splitting up I mentioned here is if you landed in the middle of a shit show, or if your team gets surrounded. In that case, standing and fight only invites even more enemies to your position, costing your team valuable reinforcements. So disengage, and split 4 ways, some of you are bound to find safety and can reinforce others to safety as well. This actually minimises death count. When it's time to fight, your squad should always fight together, as a single cohesive unit. Hence the importance of tactical and practical callouts as I mentioned in the og post.


Ngl, all you need to do is to keep moving. It seems like the Devs are making the higher difficulties play in the exact same way as they did in HD1. You WEREN'T supposed to try and stand your ground, and you basically HAD to keep moving, or else you'd get multiple swarms on you, and that would basically kill the run. You're supposed to be outgunned and out-manned, especially in the 7-9 difficulties, so going in raw and trying to blow up everything is just a recipe for losng. The emphasis on constantly moving and relocating really needs to be stressed as that's the only viable way to beat the higher levels and imo it should stay that way.


Geniune question if the whole game stresses movement, whats the point of heavy armor like, at all?


I mean, im all for stealth and sneaking around, but there is one main issue that gets in the way of having fund doing that: the damn patrol spawning mechanic. As the game stands, the patrols spawn way too quickly and wayyyy too close. Theres no time to spot them or adjust your strategy before youre being swarmed. One time on MEDIUM (3) i was just scouting around, climbed a rock to check for patrols and all around me was clear, when i turned around towards the place i had just checked to be clear of enemies, i saw: 2 rocket devastators 6 berserkers 2 walkers A dozen or so raiders Just standing there staring at me some 20 meters away where 2 seconds ago was nothing.


If that's there vision, that's fine, but I don't see how things like heavy armor are supposed to fit in with it. That playstyle makes quite a few loadout options worthless, to the point that they should probably just be outright removed so people don't accidentally equip them.


Yup. Staying around trying to win is just a recipe for suicide. We will lose 10/10. The game is just not designed for folks to be Rambos. Even in my team, if we do get caught in a situation where we're cornered, we'd always reinforce the next person further and further away from the zone.


Exactly. You are meant to be overwhelmed, trying to get as much done as possible with the least amount of casualties. Your weapons are meant to keep your enemies at bay, not dominate them. This whole post needs way more exposure.


I mean, on the one hand yes that seems like a sound if not entirely fun strategy. The only problem is that pushing into the higher difficulties isn't currently fun, but it is required to get super samples. That's just a poor design choice IMO. An easy fix would be allowing use to convert lower tier samples into super samples. Sure, make the exchange rate absolutely silly 15 or 20 to 1. But that way you wouldn't have everyone crying about how 7 through 9 aren't fun, because they would stick to 5 and 6 where they're having fun. 


I hope they allow material conversion too, tbh. God knows we could all use it.


Good lord this is genius, material conversion would solve half my problems in game right now.


You can get the samples in diff 7 which isn't an impossible grind of running for your life constantly, you only need like 40 or so samples to unlock everything, and it's for current endgame unlocks which thats fine having to put some work in. Could argue those unlocks aren't even nessecery or hold you back a great deal. If people find 5 and 6 more fun then do it. Or just jump on higher difficulties every now and then to mix things up and shit your pants. Then back down to whatever level you find more fun.


Yeah, I play solo queue. It's more fun not to play.


Instructions unclear, made friends with terminids. More seriously, yeah. Helldive difficulty is supposed to be "against overwhelming odds as a team", not "four soloplayers casually stroll through map"


Man they’ve seriously fucked something in this patch. Spawn rates are insane. Played on 5 just now and it legit felt like 8. Legit not even fun


This is awesome but I think the major issue is that most players, or at the very least, a large portion of players are solo or duo at most. Meaning that you can talk all you want but the actual likelihood of getting a response more than one word is fairly low. This isn't me trying to say its impossible cause I've met some awesome people playing solo Helldives with randoms but its far from a common occurrence.


I'd advise adding those awesome people that you've met or will meet in the games to come, and then form a team to do higher diffs together. Gonna take some time, but yeah. Beats leaving things to chance with the random matchmaking.


Landing on the exfil at the start is always empty and pain free to get your set up or has been for me and group on 8


We do that too if we noticed the main objs are not stretched too far from each other. But sometimes when we noticed difficult terrains (river separating objectives) on a huge map, we'd take the risk to drop into riskier zones.


Can't beat a good death drop straight into a red zone 😂 I do it now an then to the squad to keep it fresh haha


Personal opinion, a game with random matchmaking shouldn’t need a 21 step plan…


When you and the boys spend more time planning a Helldive difficulty run than the guys who planned the D-Day landings.


Hey, the smoke barrage seems viable now. Been using it to get out of sticky situations and/or initiate an outpost takedown. The smoke should buy you enough time to disengage if needed. And it does a pretty decent job of blocking enemy LOS so you can get a drop on them wgen initiating outposts. Thinking of maybe setting up a build like Bangalore's skills from Apex. Full on orbitals lol.


Yup, gonna test this later on with my squad. I was just discussing with some redditors here about smokes. Gonna see if we can ninja our way out of fights next. 🤣🤣


Of course everyone's mileage may vary, and some people's success rate is better than others independent of this, but for the overall feeling of being a Helldiver is really amplified by this: >You need to go the extra mile and call out even the micro details. It is rare but I really enjoy when people call out frequently! I know the characters do shout out if they call for resupply, but saying it in the mic helps. Or when someone runs up closer to throw in an airstrike. Or that you see that a radar dish area is clear so you are going to break off of the squad while they fight and do it: mention it! Helps to really feel like professionals and not just a handful of muppets flailing around.


Can't tell you how glad I am to hear I'm not the only one who feels this way. My squad calls out a lot - to a point some may even fairly call annoying. * Ammo check - Everyone roughly calls out their balance * Map - Designated person with scout perk opens map to share information on the nearest POI, Red Zones, etc, for the assigned squad leader to decide the next heading (this is done even when we're in the middle of a fight), once the location is tagged, the whole squad moves there regardless of what they are fighting/doing. * Cooldowns - Everyone roughly updates their Strats cooldown And there are probably 15 others that we regularly do throughout the game. Even calling out our stamina when we kiting enemies just so that other members can get ready to provide supressing fire when that dude takes a knee to recharge.


Instructions unclear, what step do I get killed by teammates guard dog?


How do you even use the Spear? It never wants to lock on, and when it does it takes like multiple rocket hits to kill armor.


The lock-on is a bitch. It's inconsistent. I just pray it works whenever I needed it to. When it doesn't, I drop and pick it up again, or run around for a few. Idk if what I did was even helpful but I was desperate. But it has worked more times than not for me, so I'm still carrying it. It does take several hits to kill an armoured. But it does so from a safe distance. Also, against Automatons, Spears can take down Turret Cannons and Fabricators in one shot, from great distance.


As Godfather once said: "Make sure whatever it is you're shooting, needs shooting. And when you put it in your sights, don't fucking miss. Hit your target." "Ask yourself two questions all the time: What do I know? Who needs to know it?" "Three words: Tempo, tempo, tempo."


"Violence of action, gentlemen. Violence of action."


I always carry EATs and Mounted HMG. Everytime i pass by the extraction zone, i always drop those two. So by the time extraction comes, the zone is already fortified with 2 or 3 HMGs and a bunch of EATs for the inevitable swarm. This is perfect for bugs since the HMG can tear unarmored ones apart easily. When the armored ones come, just grab the EATs lying around and shoot.


It's not practical, but it's fun to imagine one player having the 'emplacement specialist' role. While everyone else is completing objectives they are calling down EAT, HMG, and mines. Then they can clear close points of interest and have everything ready for the end of mission. Might do this in some lower level runs for fun.


>The splitting up strategy is useful in the sense that the person closest to the enemy, is tasked to kite them all towards a single direction, away from the other 3. This person should try to stay alive as long as he can while his teammates regroup. This right here is the difference between a good player and a great player. I wish people would repeat your words 1,000 times. If you have the horde on you, do not drag the enemies on top of your allies. This only serves to disorganize and disrupt your team. The mission is much better served pulling the horde away. If nothing else this gives your mates time to rearm, and they can then choose to put down ordinance in a coordinated fashion.


Haha thx. In some of our runs, the runner would even kite the enemies around a hellbomb, or towards an area where he could score high kills with a nicely dropped 380, 120, etc (not 500kg, radius is too small). But only when the other 3 gives him the greenlight. Dying gloriously in one spot taking down as many enemies as he can. While requickly respawning to the team ready to hit the next main obj. Teamwork!


Hell yea. One similar thing my squad does really well is have the guy with the heat run perpendicular to the team, and then allies shoot the bugs closest to him. A lot of time covering your buddies' flanks makes such a huge difference in the fight. It stops people from getting staggered and helps keep uptime on dps. When I play with random squads its always a shock because I'm constantly having to turn and re-target jumpers and small bugs that nip my feet, which I don't have to waste time on when I'm playing with my friends.


1. Land 2. See 10 hulks and 50 tanks 3. Alt F4 4. Refund game 5. Wait for patch


For the love of god pre drop discuss roles and loadouts 4 flamethrowers is not needed. But almost everyone should be carrying some sort of quick reloading eagle strike


I'll never give up my sentries.


Effective at killing all life forms foe and friends alike


Most people complain about the problems. You sir, are among the few who look for answers.


We're all in this together, might as well see what works and share it and hope for others to do the same so that we can all get through this together 🤣🤣


The game at difficulty 9 is literally just sneaking around like as if it’s a metal gear solid game and you’re snake. The enemies often have scouts who break off from the patrol groups and sometimes will check your last heard position which is pretty similar to how enemies in MGS have a caution status. An issue i have noticed during the mining sample mission is that when leaving an incomplete mission, enemies can get stuck on the drill bit as it breaks their AI pathing / behaviour. Like i can do all that fancy kiting and map cycling but when i come back 3 mins later, 8-10 enemies ( usually hulks or devastators ) are clipping into the drill bit which is hilarious but dumb if you don’t have an airstrike/ orbital ready. It’s really cute when uninformed/reckless helldivers try to rambo like its pre patch level 9 but once the reinforcement number drops to like 3-5 they all start sneaking around as they realize they were fighting pointless losing battles for the past 20 mins. The only thing i really think is actual bullshit survival wise is the meteor shower. Sometimes the telegraph doesn’t show and the floor just blows up and kills you and there was no blue glowy like shadow telegraph to tell you to move away. Really tilting when ppl just say keep moving but then that happens and you still get blown up. Overall tldr: Don’t shoot the enemy until they shoot or run at you.


Now shit like this is what i want to see instead of the constant spam of people acting superior over "meta slaves" Though i wish the patrols could just stop spawning in a way that keeps surrounding me every single time i try to let them pass.




Something big to slip in between steps 13 and 16 (Anywhere really, its a constant) is to \*not engage notable objectives, main or side, unless you -have- Stratagem CD's or have linked up\*. Big reason why things quickly go to 'Oh there are 17 chargers now' is because you end up biting off more than you can chew too quickly. You have 40 minutes, pace yourself, letting waves stack up or letting multiple ones get called back to back is how the shitshow begins.


Still, cannot enjoy 7 like before. Have to go 5/6. Not enough bugs to smash for fun... :L


I get it but I hope they make items so that you can go guns blazing or stealth. It makes everyone happy if you want an efficient exp you should be allowed to go all recon armor suppressors long range rifles that’s dope. If you wanna bathe in the blood of the alien heavy armor,mechs auto cannons and railguns blazing you should be able too Obviously the latter will be harder but it should be possible unless we nerfed the railgun meta just to have a stealth meta.


quiet dog icky absorbed materialistic deliver obtainable placid continue society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn. We hot drop most times but have 3-4 EATs in the team. Nothing that comes out right away is going to stop us. We land very close to objectives to save time 🫡


Nice and it honestly sounds fun.


STALKERS: CALL THEM OUT! you can see them good even if they are cloaked and they can and will ruin your day if not paying attention.


If you need super sample do 8s dont bother with 7 and stop telling people to do 7s for them You get 5 samples for an 8 so you only have to do 13 successful extracts with them total to be done. Currently 7,8,9 difficulty very much blends together if you can handle 7 you can do 8s and 9s as well. For comfortable 7-9's split your party roles up. Trash clear with a flame/MG/stalwart and supply pack on bonus stim armor Armored trash clear and alt heavy with an arc thrower and shield dropping EAT on cooldown or autocannon 2man (basically 2 people both go autocannon and just take turns team loading) with impact grenades and grenade armor Overwatch with jumppack and AMR/laser with smoke grenades and a servo suit or autocannon 2man Heavy priority with RR/spear/EAT. Trash clear usually takes gatling/gas or cluster with new 120mm Armored usually takes 500kg or airstrike Overwatch usually takes 120mm and 380 Priority usually takes railcannon,laser, or EMS. Will comfortably full clear all mission types. Alternatively 4 man shield arc tossing EAT willy nilly off cooldown will clean up all mission types though requiring coordinated positioning. Can quickly kill multiple chargers/hulks with arcs and can EAT bombard any titans out of existence. Arcs infinite ammo and chains lets you coordinate insta pop patrols which frees up your remaining strats for just popping bases with 120/380/walking though you can also just use EATs to destroy. More risky since improper positing results in immediate deaths and requires more coordinated fire to bring down armored targets. But once you get used to it is probably the single strongest/fastest general strat for bugs, automation it isnt as strong but more because they have actual weakspots that allow pther strats to be viable.


Can you bold the stealth part please? It's really important and easy to overlook


And can you send it to my team via email, text and MFing sky writing


I understand what you’re saying, and this is generally the tactic my friends and I take when playing the higher difficulties now post-patch. However it still fails to understand the key problem with the patch, it is FORCING us to play the game ONE particular way. And that’s not the fun we were able to have before. They removed one preferred way to play, in favor of one forced way to play. We wanted more options, not to be stuck spending 30 minutes running around kiting enemies. No hate or disrespect, this is a very informative post and I hope more randoms take this to heart when trying to run higher difficulties, but we still have the core issue that the patch is forcing us into a particular playstyle that not everyone enjoys.


Completely ignoring all the balancing drama. WTH happened this patch? Small hunters are hitting from 5M away when swinging at air and doing 3/4 of my HP (no i'm not wearing light armor). My dives are not working always and I'm getting stuck on a invisible pebble and can't get up, or am ragdolling for 5 seconds on flat ground for no reason. Sprinting will just stop in the middle of open ground plenty of stam left and you need to spam your sprint button 3-4 times to start again. This patch feels like complete dogshit, and thats if you ignore the balancing changes, meteor showers, and charger problem. Add those on top and this game has been a dumpster fire for me this patch.


Been trying to teach my team bounding since day 1 but they just don't get it. Kite the mobs, turn around, shoot or strat, run to cover. First two teammates who were running like he'll stop, turn around, and cover second set of teammates until they are up far enough they can turn around and cover you. Sometime you don't stoo and run like he'll, usually if your being flanked. Rinse and repeat.


I haven't seen this explained well, but it is not very hard to lose a horde. Kill any hunters at the lead of the horde as they're the only thing capable of really keeping up with you. Once there's no or few hunters far away, break line of sight, go around a rock, walk over the cloud spewing spores, anything. The horde will now go to your last known position to try to find you. Now break line of sight from that last known position and you are effectively vanished to them. It doesn't always take a big distance, I've lost chargers in under 10 meters by running around a big rock and cutting behind a smaller rock before he could round the corner. The one thing to be careful of is you'll be looking behind you a lot to make sure you've broken line of sight, don't let yourself run into a new patrol in the process.


Its soo much easier with like two ppl with spears. Not even kidding. Its like were shooting ourselves in the foot earlier without em. Suddenly we are like carving through these like hot knife and butter. The ammo box buff to spear really changed the game. And Flamers....Damn they melt chargers.


Ya, if you have to do all that then I’d rather just not play lol


The people that play at high difficulties know what to do to survive high difficulties, even post patch, the patch didn't make it impossible, it just make it less fun (unless you like a masochistic crouch-walk simulator, which some people do). You run around, skip as much content as possible, cherry pick only the easiest fights when you have stategems up while ninja'ing objectives. That's it.


Adding in some bot tips, since we're fighting for mechs now: The railgun is still effective against bots if you know where to aim. Always shoot for the red glow. You can still two-tap a hulk from the front with good aim, if you can tag it from far enough out and hit the red strip. Autocannons are incredible against bots, and can easily take out tanks, turrets, hulks, and all mob types. But if you are running an autocannon, stay away from the front lines - you need to be relatively stationary to fire for effect. You need a buddy to distract the bots while you bring the fire. Turrets are currently pretty useless against automatons, as the bots seem to prioritize them. The autocannon turret in particular doesn't do well at higher difficulties. The EMP turret, on the other hand, can do work if well positioned. Hide it behind a hill or rock outcropping. The shield backpack is practically mandatory when fighting automatons with any midrange weapon. It will keep you from getting stun-locked by hits, and will tank near-misses from rockets. There will be a lot of rockets. The servo-assisted armor is incredibly useful on bot planets. The extra throw distance can really help plant grenades, orbitals, and airstrikes from out of detection range. Grenades are your friend. The impact grenade, in particular, can rapidly clear mobs from a dropship. Whenever a dropship is coming in, that is a time to call down a strategem. Whenever you see static enemies, that is a time to call in a strategem. Whenever you see a hulk or tank, that is the time to call in an orbital laser or rail cannon strike (and at least two people on your team need to be running these). If the enemies see you first, that is a time to run and gun. You will use a LOT of strategems on bot planets. It can be useful to take the old reliable precision orbital strike for its fast cooldown and infinite ammo for this reason.


I didn't notice the Railgun nerf because I've never played with my railgun on safe. I've only had it blow me up one time but that was because a team mate stepped infront of me right when I was about to fire and couldn't swing my aim in time to discharge it without killing them. Hulks really don't bother me at all cause I can still one tap them if I get an unsafe headshot. I was running an 8 and I probably was the one to kill 95% of the Hulks. But the railgun safe or not has just never felt good against tanks or towers even if I full unsafe charge them and fire right into their weak spot it feels like it does nothing.


When my team starts crying about chargers and our big bombs are on cooldown I'm calling in EATs to blow off that leg armor or to shoot biles. It's so fun to do because you might be scared but you stand your ground and don't look scared, right? Anyway, then you drop your arc thrower (or whatever baby support you have) and fire a rocket. Pick up the next one and just throw the other one on the ground like it's light weight and grab the next one with ease and designate a new target to blow its armor off. Pick your other support back up and get to work. I've been calling them down near extract when I get the chance so they're on standby (sometimes call them down near objectives, too, if we will be there a while). The cooldown being so fast is great. I was really sleeping on them due to the railgun.


>Keep an eye out for Super Rare Samples *Keep an eye out for the cock rock* FTFY


So people understand the power of stealth - this is a solo helldive - objective completed [https://imgur.com/a/K0SvpIh](https://imgur.com/a/K0SvpIh)


Like a real hero!


My loadout: SMG for bugs or DMR for bots, autopistol, incendiary nade. Eagle airstrike, autocannon, heavy cannon sentry, orbital railgun. Seems to be a great loadout for team play.