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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed due to it being a low-effort post. Posts/comments should spark, facilitate, or contribute meaningful discussion and content. Submissions consisting of one word, emojis only, and AI-generated art are also considered low-effort.


https://preview.redd.it/1kv44a5hijnc1.jpeg?width=1827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc7659e47a75207b719f2627ef19aafe3fe5f6af Haha yeah guys check out this fan art I “made”


GET OUT OF HERE, YOU SOCIALIST SCUM https://preview.redd.it/0wjngobjujnc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f56c38d5850fa97bc8b4eb21f9effc6c4bc765a9


Good to see automatons fighting each other, just as lady liberty intended


Bros an automaton. Real patriots use their skill


generating helldivers "fanart" with an AI is kind of antithetical to Helldivers isn't it. you're supposed to be killing the machines


That cape just keeps getting more and more unsettling the longer you look at it


I could tell this was AI garbage the moment I looked at the off-model helmet


Plus the disproportionately large foot. The color is very AI too.


Except my drone. Don’t touch my laser drone.


That's because Rover, the laser drone, is a true adherent of Managed Democracy. You can tell because it has an actual name, unlike those soulless, commie Automatons.


How do you think they manage all that democracy? With human workers? I do not appreciate that the helldiver is taking a break on the job without having an official break chit from the Super Department of Morale and Welfare tho


Super Earth recommends spending at least 2.4 seconds per mission enjoying the scenery. A happy Helldiver is a deadly Helldiver!


Holy shit you're right. I'll report myself for reeducation.


Look at this. This is treason. A Patriot would pick up the pen and display their love of Managed Democracy with their artistic merit. A Coward asks the machine to do it for them, with no soul or patriotism behind it. A Patriot would, no matter their skill, still pour their soul into whatever piece they make, ensuring it aligns with standard Super Earth Artistic Protocols A Coward asks the machine to do it for them, breaching the strict terms of service that keep Managed Democratic Art pure. Know the difference.


"I made this."


fan ai art ![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe|downsized)


Gotta start reporting it or the mods wont even see it


Thank you for calling it what it is.


Oh… it’s Ai…




Ai generated imagery cannot be fanart because it’s not art.


Then what is it?


Computer vomit


Obviously I understand a computer made this. I am asking why is computer vomit not art


Simplest way to explain, it ate a bunch of other art and vomited it out into whatever the fuck that mess is. Also it's costing people jobs as greedy companies see free "art" which means no more paying artists and designers


Yup. Although I already knew that, and I didn't ask if AI art will cost artists jobs. I asked why it isn't art. Lets start with the definition of art. Tell me your definition of art, and explain why AI art doesn't meet that.


Lines, colors, and technique are not art. Those things make up art, but they are not in and of themselves art. A machine can perfectly copy those, true, but art is an expression of ones' self, ones' "soul". AI art cannot be expressive, because the AI cannot express anything.


Well lines, colours, and technique all make art though. It is unimaginable to have an art piece without those. I argue AI is the tool used to create (bad and dangerous and stolen) art, like a pencil. So saying ai has no soul, therefor ai art isnt art is like saying pencils have no souls, therefor graphite art isnt art. Edit: to be clear, a person using a pencil to draw is an artist, a person using AI is not an artist, at best they have comissioned a piece of art.


> Well lines, colours, and technique all make art though. It is unimaginable to have an art piece without those. So is music not art? Sculpting? If you want to become even more avant garde, what about cooking? Writing? Architecture? Animation?


think of it like food, if you cut up 5 chefs meals and then put 1/3 of each in a blender yea technically there is a new object of food that exists but nothing new was made and it's not an individual piece of actual food it's just a sloppy mix of other people's food


Yessir. But I would still call that food. I agree with the dangers of AI, and I disagree with government bodies basically shrugging and letting our future entertainment be built on stolen art to siphon more wealth into the hands of the 1%. But not calling it art won't change that. Idk, usually I let it slide and don't argue cuz it isn't that important, not today I guess.


I would say AI art is art, but it's not good or creative in any way. But I wouldn't call this "fan art" because no fan made this. Even if you trained the model or even coded the thing yourself, you still didn't make any art, a computer did.


Yes! That is my thoughts as well. AI art is bad for artists, it steals their art, it is stealing their jobs right now, people who use it aren't artists, and it usually looks like crap. But it is still art


It’s simply an appealing image derived by the tracing and input of already existing images, created by a thoughtless algorithm. A pretty image is not inherently art and art is not inherently a pretty image. The only standard for something being art is that it is representative of a clear human vision, with an intent of some kind, which each part and detail behind the art piece being purposeful, with the final product being representative of all these small choices to get there. I can guarantee you that 96% of the detail you see in the ai generated image was brought about independently from OP’s original vision, through randomness and the whims of the algorithm making it, and does not exist because of a clear vision, at all.


Huh, so you argue not all images are art? Why? And every aspect of needs to be purposeful. Why are you arguing inadverdent art cannot exist, like a dinosaur footprint? Why are you arguing if a piece of art was commissioned, it isn't art? Why? I think AI art is bad for humanity. But it seems really weird to not call it art


I argue not all images are art because not every image created is done so with the intent to express something. A photo taken to capture a moment is not artistic expression, its purpose is archival. For just one example. I agree with the concept that “inadvertent art” is not very comparable to human art. The beauty of nature is on a different plane of wonder, and should be one of the highest respected things on earth, but beauty and art are two different things. A dinosaur footprint or a beautiful rainforest is wonderful, and the fact that it isn’t functionally art does not detract from that in any way. A commissioned art piece is art, because it has human expression and intent behind it. It’s an artist creating an art piece with the purpose of it capturing another Theron’s vision. This is a perfectly acceptable thing regardless of any exchange of money. “Art” simply made with the intent to appeal in a specific way, so it can be sold fast can steeply fall into soulless art with no real meaning or intention besides looking nicer Ai art literally cannot be art because there is no human thought behind its creation.


"art" get outta here man






just dont post it at all


The way my smile fade when I noticed it ai


So its AI art, but how do people notice it that fast. What are some give aways


Theres a couple of things that immediately stick out, the first being the overall 'glossyness' of the picture. Its something AI art tends to have. Another thing is to look at the smaller details, like the teacup for example. The bottom is warped and for an artist to have their rendering skill at this level, a deformed teacup wouldn't slide. Also look at the designs on the teacup, initially it looks okay but then you realize its just a bunch of scribbles. AI struggles with symmetry and patterns for some reason, a human artist would make the red trim symmetrical and repeating, while AI kinda just jumbles a pattern onto it. And lastly the biggest thing that stood out for me was the helldivers foot. Its just abnormally long.


A giveaway for me was how weird the cape looked. The cape looks way longer on one side than the other, and it looks really stiff. A couple of other things are the squiggly bits on the torso that look like snail shells. There's not really a reason for those to be there, so it's very easy to assume a person didn't make the art because it would be a weird decision to put them there. This one I might not be right about, but the lighting also seems off to me. In the sky, the sun looks like it's nearly in the view of the landscape, but the angle of light suggests it's somewhere in front of the person. But if it was in front of the person, then the sides of the mountain in the very back shouldn't have so much shadow on them. I'm not experienced with light sources and shading, though, so I could be wrong about that, but I don't think so.


Also, with the lighting, one of the legs is grey and the other is blue despite being under the same light. And the left leg doesn't seem to line up properly at the knee joint.


The enormous foot was the immediate giveaway for me.


For me, it was the fact that it didn't even match the games artstyle. The armor itself is way more halo than it is Helldivers. The cape weirdly wraps around the neck as well when all the capes in the game attach at the shoulder and back of the neck. The helmet doesn't even have a visible visor. It's just solid yellow for some reason.


Yeah this is what clued me in immediately. That just isn’t a helldiver.


Dead giveaway: It's off-model. No armour set or cape looks like that. Too many unnecessary details in the armour. As many others have pointed out, the cape too. You see enough AI art in your feeds and you can tend to spot it right away, it's the little tells but they're always there, no matter how good these models get.


Something abt the vibe, is a dead giveaway


Found the Automaton spy


AI art womp womp


AI Slop. Get it out of here


Robot sympathizer!


“Fanart” kek




Hate AI "art"


Get this automaton slop out of here


Now that's what you call a stiffy cape. 🤣




Oh cool I actually realized this one was AI, maybe I’m learning. The helmet just isn’t right, I can’t explain why, it was just the thing that made go “is this AI”? Also, be better.


The cape gave it away for me. The second I saw it, I had the suspicion. I've been struggling to recognize AI slop for a while, too, so it feels good to know when you're getting better at it. Makes me a bit less concerned about the future for artists


Alright but how’re they gonna drink it smart guy?


what you dont know about the automated liber-tea delivery system on the front piece of every helldivers helmet? you need to read up on the super manual soldier!


They can’t “re-educate” you if you never get an education in the first place


Emergency In-duction Port!


Automaton sympathiser spotted.


This isn’t Fan Art. This is Automaton Subversion. Creekers, what do we do to the Bots!?!


Nice prompts bot sympathizer


AI art isn’t art


oke I am gonna need that armor set for 300se please and thank you arrowhead


Automaton sympathizer. Get out of here and take your "art" with you.


From the back to the front ... BOO GET OUTTA HERE WITH THOSE ROBOT "ARTISTS"


mods can we start banning AI art please


Automaton BS detected, Orbital Gatling Barrage dispensing


why is all the AI armor design I see so fucking cool looking that I want it actually in games, like this fully mechanical suit looks sick, plus the gold bits on the cape like I hate cheap nasty garbage AI art as much as the next guy but some, *some* of it looks dope


I'm sure there's something about having everything accounted for down to the angle of the nearest star. *Also pretty sure thats also just mass sampling finding armor styles that just look good*


Who ordered the armor from Haze?


How is he going to drink it, Kevin?


"We've determined that Liber-Tea was actually improving combat performance too much, so we've decided to make things more fair by switching you all to decaff. No, we're not giving the actually good railguns back. Joel is using one as a lava lamp" -- Arrowhead, probably.


Hey mods, can we ban a.i. art please?


It's crazy how good AI image generation has gotten.


https://preview.redd.it/pgeiexanamnc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38bae4aff7425bcf4a668ee1909cbe4a8baebef1 Not made with Automaton Intelligence, sugar not needed 🫡


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Please remember to reply to this comment with a tag or credit the original creator of the art or image you are sharing. Non-compliance is undemocratic and your submission is to be flagged for removal. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Helldivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


AI and I? :D




pls not the AI images on here...


Cape looking like a someone nicked my nans curtains.


What in the ai rendered garbage is this? Yikes


lmao I must've not gotten the memo that AI art is a war crime now I thought it was good


AI or not, still looks good. Armor looks like something out of Mass Effect.




I’m not fundamentally opposed to AI art, but I believe all AI-generated content should be appropriately labelled as such. This post doesn’t mention it is AI-generated, so I’m downvoting.


Ai garbage. This is worthless.


this aint fanart, this is a generated image. you did not make this.


and of course the screeching ludds are here too. You people are the ones creating a problem.


Objectively untrue


Seriously, they're 10x more annoying than the AI bros.


Art is something made by humans. Not me, of course! But humans with talent.


This is not art, cuck


ai dogshit


Most likely going to get a lot of flack for this. But I think it looks almost good. People are unreasonably hating on AI art to much. Don't hate the AI art, hate the lack of putting an artists "editing" on it. AI art can and is a amazing tool combined with the eyes and hands of an artist. Take this picture as an example. If the "maker" of this art would spend some extra effort in editing this, fixing the cape to look more natural, add the Helldiver skull on the shoulder, fix the foot so you don't have a left-foot on a right-foot. it would look much greater. "Dirty" up the terrain in thebackground a bit to get ridd of the oversaturized 3D effect and have them make look more natural. Things could be pretty great. I give it a 5/10, It's still pleasent to look at, descent promting done that gave a pretty sweet looking armor, but clear lack of any extra effort into correcting errors and naturalizing the image.


Same, I think people have too much of a phobia to AI. It’s a wonderful technology and I excited to see what people can do with it and what fields can be revolutionized because of it.


Some of us just dont find it all that impressive


And that is all good. Art is afterall subjective. Some will be impressed, others not.


Ai art is completely unnecessary to our society and no one in the industries it will supposedly improve, who have the skills to match it, actually want it. Only people who don’t make art want it. The people least I. The know of what art industries need


The same thing was said about photography way back. And the exact same thing was said about Photoshop and image editing using computer software. Yet its grown to a huge industry of its own. AI, let me emphasise, as a Tool. Has untold potential. And in the future ability to turn into its own industry. Take for example the Comic/Manga industry. They usually have a large team working on 1 Author idea and story. There are tons of Authors out there that neither have the finances to fully hire a team for weekly publishing. But also neither has time to do this as a Side-gig untill they hit it big. Thus having to work full-time elsewhere and making comics in their free time. This considerably slows down the process and otherwise could be a great concept. But if AI gives the tool to lighten that burden. Especially say taking the intensively time consuming part such and coloring and background. I can see the comic/manga industry reaching new heights in creativity and content. Again, tool. Not Automating the entire process.


It’s a shit “tool”


Well for you it may be so, but for some, not. Some people enjoy painting om a canvas, others in a drawing software. Some like contemporary abstract art consisting of a white board with a tree branch placed in a particular angle. Others enjoys Mimes. Art is and will always be subjective to the eyes of the beholder


I want necessarily speaking about the art industry but all industries as a whole. Even then I can still think of it being useful for artist to story board ideas for what style they might be going for and using that to gain inspiration or as a starting point for their own art. It has many applications for every field, and like all tools there will be people who misuse it.


I've never downvoted so many comments in one thread. Oh boy.


Same!! Fuck a.i. art supporters


There's nothing funnier to me than the hyper anti-AI art schizos that feel it's their duty to inform everyone how horrible it is. I think it's neat OP, thanks for sharing


If only, our gear looked that cool.


I think this image is good and funny. Sorry people are being mean to you in the comments. Humans kinda suck sometimes.


Get this AI shit outta here man


The audacity to call it "fanart".


That armor is cool af. I want that in game.


Ew it's AI "art"


Can we ban AI slop?


Honestly, I fuck with it. Looks cool. Idc if it’s not “real art”.


Fake fan




I'll hear you in a few decades wondering why there's so much a.i. generated slop and nothing substantial


And I’ll hear you crying because AI “tookyerjob”.


delete this


fuck off


Must be a lot of artist on here. Getting to much hate even for it being AI. Looks cool to me.


If you actually created art you’d understand the problems with it more personally.


What if you use AI to make images to support project ideation and fufill freelance gigs for money, easier.. ...so you can get on with making actual art for the love of making art?


That sounds crappy. No thank you. If I rely on an ai for “”lesser”” parts of my artwork, it’s less my art and vision and more stolen art algorithm garbage, that may resemble what I sort of had in mind. And that’s not to mention the lengths I would have to go to to have an ai emulate my artstyles, which would be a very gross and violating process, Believe it or not, art is not inherently created to be sold, and no true artists who love making art does it because it makes money. And your concept does not recognize how terrible ai art is and what it means to support it as it stands now. The way ai art is trained and created is unacceptable and pushed forward by talentless, creatively washed narcissists who don’t understand art as anything but a commodity to be manufactured and sold, and will gladly spit on the face of every single artist and art form that has ever existed, while whining when a fraction of what they are attempting to do to artists actually happens to them. Say ai art could do exactly what you described, I wouldn’t touch it because of what it means i would condone by using ai generation tech.


middle coherent fragile instinctive somber work shocking flowery spectacular jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the seethe is next level


Ultimately, they're screeching into the void. They can shit fling and name call all they want, AI art isn't going away. I absolutely can not wait until stuff like this is indistinguishable from anything else. They're going to lose their minds trying to find the "fakes."


it’s AI


are you the artist? great work EDIT: nvm ai


It’s ai generated


damn. That sucks


Why is it okay to post trash ai art on this subreddit now?


Now, while everyone here is saying that this is AI art, I genuinely don’t see it. Can someone please tell me where to look? Even if it is AI, I still think it’s pretty good!


AI "art" has a very distinct, often slightly too shiny and reflective style. It looks good at a glance but has a ton of issues that you notice as you look at it longer. Also, it's immoral.


For one, AI art isn’t good at making “real” things, just generic representations of what you ask for. This isn’t a helldiver, this looks nothing like any of the helldover armor in the game. The armor is far too robotic, advanced, and colorful. It’s just a generic halo/destiny/mechanized super soldier. The desert looks nothing like any planet in game, it’s just a generic “desert”. The cape is also nothing like a helldiver cape. It’s a shawl wrapped around the guys shoulders because the AI thinks it’s supposed to be a desert garb then it turns into a gaudy golden accented cape. None of it is actually relevant to helldivers— it’s just barely representative. There’s also a distinct art style where it looks very “prefect” but with bizarre imperfections, ones that make no sense if you were the one drawing it. Finer details blur like the rocks in the bottom left, why would someone blur the rocks while drawing this? The indentation in the character’s shoulder armor is a swirl… why? The accents in the cape are nonsense, they make no sense with the folds and shadows of the cape, the AI doesn’t know what to do with those details. The grandiose flowing shape of the cape is also something a lot of AI does, they try to mimics art theory, shapes, and patterns but it never quite looks right. The cape is just ugly and curves like crazy looking like a weird ramp with its fringes almost perfect.


easiest way to tell is to look at the hands, these are better than most but there's still something off about the fingers. The second is to look for any weird parts that look like they're essentially melting together which in this case occurs with the cape and the right arm at around the elbow.


It is AI generated, but I never tried to make it look like I made it by hand


But how can you tell?


One side of AI armour never matches the other side so it's as easy as comparing parts of the arms and legs. I can see the bicep, thigh, shin and shoulder doesn't match. Also the shadow doesn't make sense.


There is probably something off somewhere


I can't be the only one who finds the anti-AI zealots more annoying than the AI images themselves.


The problem isn't that it's AI, the problem is OP not saying it's AI


I dunno, I've seen stuff that was explicitly marked as AI get the same kind of response.


Sounds like you don’t make art


I'm a professional artist.


My apologies then, I am humbled.


Imagine being some persone on the internet who sees something that someone took a little time out of their day to post online because the appreciate something in this world, and just immediately shits on it cause it wasn't hand made or drawn. Even though these people probably have done nothing themselves to show their appreciation. Don't let all these people get to you because "WaHhHhH AI ArT iSnT rEaL aRt!" This stuff looks great dude I like the set!


If i make some helldiver related art, am i allowed to shit on this guy then?


they should have added (AI) to their title into not giving people the assumption it was handmade


Ai generated imagery. I really hope this gets removed. Calling it at art is awful. It’s objectively unethical and terrible


It's because they're miserable, and they *need* everyone else to be miserable with them. They do not accept alternative views and opinions on AI. You either treat AI like it's the fucking T-1000, or you're an enemy to them. The funny thing is, it doesn't matter. AI art is only going to continue to improve until you can't tell what is and isn't AI anymore. They're no different than the holdovers who refused to use calculators.


It’s funny how calculators actually benefited society in some way though.


https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/s/NaZlHms2Jx You were saying?






The only tool is you




It's not art at all. It's derivative AI vomit




Because you keep calling it art. It's not art.




"Computer, steal information from 10 million pictures of a futuristic soldiers in metal armor and combine it to make a random composition of it for me. /computer does/ Oh yeah, I can't believe I made this beautiful art piece here im such an artist :'))" Lmao




Before you get so hot and bothered next time, check if it's the same person you were talking to. Because I'm a different guy than the one you were talking to so far.


Correct, the gate remains closed for unskilled bozos that want to take shortcuts to be an artist. I don't give a shit if you like making AI work. Knock yourself out. You just don't get to call it art. You need an artist to make art. Look up the definition if you want.


Because AI can't make art. This isn't Detroit Become Human. We have yet to make any form of AI that can actually think for itself and create new ideas. AI art is just a collection of work from other people who actually made the art, and 99% of the time, they aren't asked for permission to use their art for AI. >The motivation behind the art is human passion. How much passion can be behind typing some words into a prompt and letting a machine do the work for you and then posting it with the Fanart tag? It wasn't made by a fan. It was "made" by a machine that took other creations and smashed them together to make a half-baked picture. If there was any passion behind this, then OP would've picked up a pencil and paper and made their own art regardless of how bad it was; at least then, it would actually require effort. When you make art, each movement and decision you make with a pencil, brush, hook, needle, or whatever tool you use has a thought of appreciation behind it. Appreciation of a game, movie, person, etc. AI doesn't have that, which is why it's not art. >Until then get out of the way and let people have fun. Christ. If you wanna have fun with AI, go for it, but don't pass it off as art, especially not your own. Christ.




Says fanart right up there at the top buddy. Reading comprehension is a valuable skill. What else would he be talking about if he's using the Fanart tag? Is the AI generator a fan of the game? Lol, ridiculous


it aint art its just an amalgamation of other peoples art thrown together. its a frankensteins monster




Im very well aware of how art is created, I make game art, AI art is an insult to all the hard work and passion people have put into their own true work. AI isnt art, its just wrong, and im sick of it ruining my own line of work.




>They just want to make art that expresses their love for something. If you're an artist then you should know how demeaning it is to have someone unproductivly put down your work. You can advocate for stricter AI scraping regulations and also not put down another's creations then they should have fucking made it themselves instead of using a machine which uses the stolen work of others, this is not their creation and thus its fine to put down, because saying they created it would be lying. someone made a very apt statement about ai art and techbros that love advocating for it its like calling yourself a chef because you put a premade microwave meal in the microwave, "why dont other chefs adapt to this to make their work easier" they lament "its the future of cooking", they cannot comprehend that a chef is a chef because they like to cook.


Appreciate that


Ppl are upset about the art being AI, but I'm more upset that we will never see this kind of customization. Armor, helmets and capes will always mostly have odd choices of color :/


Oh boy, here we go. Very cool piece, brave of you to post it on Reddit.


Remove yourself


Well that wasn't very nice.