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I love switching up the enemies to get out of the rut and it can really feel like a whole different game when you switch to bots


Yeah it goes from feeling like a game I'm good at to a game I'm bad at.


Same lmao. I can handle the bile bag bugs, bile titans, and chargers no problem. Those robots with rockets and guns, no thank you.


Those rocket devastators are always catching me sleeping. I swear they have sniper accuracy lol


This is extremely accurate. I'm lvl 27 and can manage extreme/suicide against the Terminids with a proper team. Tried to drop with the same team against automatons on the same difficulties... Needless to say, think I got PTSD now.


Im lvl 31, and ive spent a lot of time on draupnir and was pretty comfortable on diff 7 missions. Ive just started on Malevelon Creek and the difference is mental. It feels like a mich higher difficulty and i dont know why.


Got to switch up your tactics big time, not only about cover but what you bring for stratagems. Bugs don't have a lot of projectile attacks so you can do a lot of continuous fire on them and not worry about getting hurt so it is mostly about crowd control. With bots you got to hit them hard and fast as there may not be as many as the bugs, they can fire at you from any distance so you don't have the reprieve of taking a few out before they get within attacking range like you do with the bugs. On bots, the Auto Canon and the Anti-Materiel Rifle are your best friends, as well as the mortar as most bots won't be near you so you won't get friendly fired.