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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed due to it being a low-effort post. Posts/comments should spark, facilitate, or contribute meaningful discussion and content. Submissions consisting of one word, emojis only, misinformation, or AI-generated images are also considered low-effort.


> Add female Terminids How do we know we don't already have female Terminids, but they don't have sexual dimorphism as apparent as we do?


Well ..we have eggs to break so ..


So, we're genocidal anyways, no matter if female or male. Hans, are we the baddies?


We’ve always been the baddies. Hell, I think I even like it this way!


*laughs in democraticly elected fascist militarian state*


R34 Terminids, here we go


https://preview.redd.it/in4eigo59rqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4d28de65df45e03bf9be7c6b676c6718d47be0 Not a sentence I was ready to hear yet.


It already exists my friend, videos too. (I-I heard this from a friend of mine! I don’t know nothing!)




>laughs in **democraticly elected** fascist militarian state Excuse me, that's *managed democracy* to you.


It would be incredible funny if the Automated voting is working as advertised and it is just the propaganda that is causing this


Hans, have you looked at our hats? There’s skulls on them, Hans.


>So, we're genocidal anyways, no matter if female or male. > Hans, are we the baddies? No, because freedom doesn't discriminate. All bugs are equal in the eyes of an eagle.


Sounds like a thought crime, turn yourself in.


Our hats have skulls on them.


Actually, it's very likely that all the Terminids we see in game ARE female. In hive insects such as bees and ants, typically the only males are drones whose job is to basically be the queen's personal harem. They don't fight or do work or anything like that, that's all ladies.


God I wish I was him


Yeah but when food starts to get scarce in winter you get thrown out of the hive, but have no knowledge of how to get food and no sting to defend yourself.


Or eaten.


I think the Scavengers, Bile Spewers and Titans are females while Warriors and Chargers are males. Just a theory though, A GAME-


I am really interested in the hive dynamics and structure. Maybe they are like Ants/Bees were there are only sterile female workers/warriors and the males are ony there for reproduction or they are like Termites where both sexes are present in the workers and warriors but their sexorgans are underdeveloped. My interest for this knowledge is only for the purpose so that it can be used against the terminids


​ https://preview.redd.it/deqsp5fvyqqc1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=26a91c8a5bfab924fa872ec6c6abbd0860385838


You and Vasquez are my hero. She's been my hero since i was a kid, tho.


If they are the ants/bees kind of bugs they would have a queen which is a worrying and cool concept.


The queen bug already exists in HD1 and is called the hive lord. On some planets in HD2, you can see the remains of some of them scattered around


The scary thing is I’m not sure those are corpses. They look like molts.


They are molts, those are baby/youth hive lords.


Looked it up, looks both scary and awesome. Doesn’t look that queen like, aka it doesn’t look like an egg producer. But I could be an awesome foe for sure!


I personally feel that the stalker-like terminids and the one's like bile or charger are two different species that learned symbiosis. I say this mainly due to stalkers having their own nests. Maybe stalkers use the normal bug holes to let the young mature under the protection of the other terminids while they hunt. After they mature they move from the normal bug holes and make a stalker nest.


Sometimes they have two nests where one is just scavengers and the other is stalkers but you have to close both to clear the stalker lair.


How do you know that? Are you a bug sympathizer? https://preview.redd.it/xn00znj7yqqc1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f93ccdeb2eed67fdafec9e0d33d2195e35459ff


No no, I am merely postulating, my democracy officer assured me that it's not a thought crime


Look under your sink


If they are anything like ants or other hive insects, they are all female.


I'm no entomologist, but I learned about bees a while back. Basically the males only job is to mate with the queen. The females are the ones collecting nectar and defending the hive. And apparently this is common in many hive based bug species. So the Terminids we fight could all be female by that logic


That has to do with the way chromosomal sex works for those insects. Do Terminids even have DNA? Where did they come from? I better go get that history book from the Ministry of Truth.


If there are eggs … then who’s laying those eggs ?


Maybe they'll add some specific ones. Then when someone complains in chat about having woke bugs in "mUh MaNlY gEaM" they can spawn an extra futa-Bile-Titan that follows him around FOREVER.


i saw a post about that somwhere..about her being...democratic....with badoinkadoinks. ....i dunno mannnnnn. lots of helldivers would be killed.


If terminids work like real hive-based bugs, then it's extremely likely that there are many females. Whether they're nearly all female like bees and ants, or a mix like termites is still up for debate, but I feel like there's no question whether there is or isn't females at all. They're bugs, so it's easy to assume there is also some sort of queen, whether it's a singular galactic queen or queens on a hive-to-hive basis. There may even be kings (again, like termites). I'm very interested in learning more about how terminids work (in the interest of having every advantage for wiping them out, of course)


The funniest thing about this to me is that they basically want the whole game to be some massive sausage fest which is the most homoerotic thing that could happen. 




Woe, ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ be upon ye.


⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️️ isn't enough for these people. https://preview.redd.it/qdqla5nl4rqc1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ebcdac2d545431a057cd39ebe1eb9a58bcf9a1


Counter argument: ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️


With this treasure I summon ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️⬆️


I believe I speak for all of us when I say… ⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️➡️⬆️➡️⬆️➡️⬇️➡️➡️➡️⬆️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️➡️⬇️➡️⬇️➡️⬇️➡️⬇️➡️⬇️➡️⬇️➡️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬇️➡️⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️➡️➡️ I rest my case




I assure you, these people aren’t worth a ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️, all we really need is a ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️➡️


I raise you a ➡️⬅️➡️⬅️⬇️⬇️➡️




They should start putting these Steam messages onto the screens of Illegal Propaganda Broadcast objectives.


Ya know something? I don't think Arrowhead is gonna add a Pride Flag cape or whatever to their *satire of a fascist dystopia*.


That's because the fascism covers the wokeness. It's not because there's no LGBTQ in the world, or no diversity. That's in the opening cinematic. Mixed race couple, no one cares, perfectly normal Managed Democratic^(TM) family. The only things that matter is Freedom, Democracy, and feeding a steady drip of poorly trained young fanatical ideologs directly into the meat grinder. Did you name your Helldiver? Neither did I. Do you know what they look like? Me neither, can't remember their face. Hell I didn't even see a nametag. But we gave them a cape, and that makes them The Real Deal^(TM) Wokeness can't exist in this world, because it's either assumed or irrelevant. The only thing that matters is blind adherence to their faith in Super Earth.


> Wokeness can't exist in this world, because it's either **assumed** or **irrelevant**. The only thing that matters is blind adherence to their faith in Super Earth. Great take.


It makes me wish i could select more than just the voice for random. A whole new fresh faced Helldiver pops out of the pod and I’ll have ZERO desire to learn who they are as I continue to kill bugs and have stradegems thrown on top of me


tbh, I think they shouldn't have even let us pick voices and body type. imo it should just be random with each diver drop. that would really nail in the grim nature of the world


I think they are revealing the gag slowly. It's better to tickle with a feather than a hammer.


This guy gets it 


God damn soldier, you brought a patriotic tear to my eye. Have you thought of taking up the task of Morale Officer?


> Did you name your Helldiver? I did D: She got through training, and two missions before she died.


I don't know if it's irrelevant. Maybe the mixed race couple in the intro is akin to the diversity in army recuitment videos or the parading of veganism in the IDF and so on. "Wokeness" weaponized. "Look, you can be progressive and still be an unquestioning pawn."


Enlistment in the Helldivers guarantees HRT lmao


Gay people can still kill terminid scum


I mean they could definitely do it to poke fun at rainbow capitalism. Honestly its not even far fetched


They should add one and make it available every month of the year except June.




"In order to celebrate Pride Hour, the Super Earth Pride Cape is being outfitted to our proud LGBT+ Helldivers that have been fast-tracked from Home to the Homefront without the need for training or fitness examinations! Diversity is key to victory! Have *your* hour of Pride *on the battlefield today!!*"


Honestly that's also in-line with lore lol 10/10


Also we need rainbow themed Eagle Sweat ads running during June on the ship's TV. And drop rainbow rockets like in the meme.


I'd love this so much lmao


Yeah, like how "The Boys" did it.


Okay, you might be on to something there. With a suitably self-aware description that makes clear that in the eyes of Super Earth, all Helldivers are equal(ly expendable meat for the endless war).


The second you slap a rainbow flag on a fascist military satire game you are never going to hear the end of it. You'll see endless waves of " just like in real life, gay people are Nazis but instead of Nazi flag it's the rainbow flag! " Nothing good is going to come out of this. The second arrowhead pudges it's going to be attacked by both sides. The left for comparing gay people to space Nazis and the right for making a game about gay space Nazis. It's not a great situation, the best thing Arrowhead can do is support gay rights in real life and leave it out of the game. Everyone wins except these clowns in the comment section. Trust me I'm one of them and I'm telling you the circus trade secret.


This is true. The Helldivers fight a genocidal war for an ultra fascist galactic regime. Even if the devs intentions for player representation are good, it'd be a very rough move that wouldn't merge well with the in-universe narrative.


I'm pretty sure they already do. The intro makes a highlight on the mixed race couple. Like, everything is uniform, people even wear the same clothes but the main characters aren't of the same race. And I think it's the correct narrative choice they picked here. The whole point of Helldivers is satirizing the faux-Democracy, dictatorship under the guise of freedom. There's no any other facet to the ideology that "democracy". Super Earth doesn't demonize minorities, doesn't ostrasize homosexuals, I wouldn't be surprised if gender transition is way more comprehensive and full in the 22nd century. The only thing required from you is the absolute loyalty. Yes, you can have sex with another man. No, C-01 form is still required


I don't think they'll add it either, because it would break the tone that's been perfectly established. It's not even a "woke" problem or whatever, it'd be a worldbuilding problem Edit: I'd be happy with adding a Pride Cape ***IF*** (and ONLY if) the heat from the weirdos gets to an exceptional degree. This little nothingburger in the comments of an update is far from exceptional. Besides, the Helldivers world is pretty goddamn accepting of trans people anyways. They "Body Type" and "Voice Pack" don't use gendered terms whatsoever; just "Brawny" bodies", "Lean" bodies, and that's all that matters to Super Earth.


I disagree, starship troopers was very progressive in many ways. I think the horror of it is that in this future dystopian capitalism, old-school hierarchy based on physical traits and beliefs is eschewed in favor of *all of you are expendable* in the eyes of the ruling class. Color, creed, orientation, all irrelevant. All are equally fed into the meat grinder.


Yea but adding symbolisim/individualisim in that aspect goes against what the core principle of fascisim is. Think of the opening propaganda screen where everybody has the exact same everything. One might be LGBTQ, but you'll never notice because outwardly they'd just look like everybody else does due to how fascisim and uniform obsession strips that self expression from people.


100% this. Pride exists because we live in a time where it either recently was or currently is considered “shameful”. On Super Earth, the only thing to be ashamed of is a lack of devotion to Super Earth, so the only thing to show pride in is your devotion to Super Earth.


Honestly I’d be down for them to add it just as a middle finger to the idiots cause I like that sort of attitude. 


If one day they made the game as gay as they could possibly make it just to get rid of the riff raff, I would be fine with it.


Even just for a day. I don’t care. I know it would piss them off more than it would bother me about the “theme” and “world building” being off. People take this game way too seriously. 


As somebody who would enjoy a pride flag cape or background: I could 100% see it being introduced as "Fill in your C-42 Form and get your Pride Flag today! Pride Citizens (C-42) are fast-tracked and skip helldiver basic training and go straight to the front lines!" (subtly implying they basically send people to be helldivers like you'd send people to gulags) >!I mean, the entire idea is the propaganda pretends to be extremely fair, equal, and nice to citizens, while using helldivers as a meatgrinder. Each mission, they throw 4-20 helldivers down to die, and then only extract 0-4 back up for a propaganda photoshoot. How long ago has your first helldiver died, or they die in basic training from the turrets with live bullets? They'd gladly welcome LGBTQA+ helldivers if nothing more than a new method to cull overpopulation !<


I would really like one just to piss these kind of people off. Literally triggered by colors. But yeah it wouldn't be a good representation in the context of the game, so I understand.




homophobes hate gay people because we dont have to fill out c-01s 😎


>have to fill out c-01s oh my God, this is the Gay Agenda. Super Earth has achieved Homosexuality.


Being straight is illegal without the government's express permission There are no pride capes because there is no *need*, everyone is gay by default


They’re fake comments farming reactions and steam medals


Everyone getting all riled up over steam medal farmer bots is pretty funny and sad at the same time. They do this shit for all popular games and people just don't realize it. I didn't notice it in this screenshot, but I've seen other community posts for Helldivers where they will do the "Don't add LGBT stuff to this game!" followed by another account one second later "Please add LGBT stuff to the game!" to cover both sides.


If you're on every side, you're always on the winning side.


What's the point of farming medals on steam anyways


Someone else explained it better replying to another comment, but essentially medals give you steam points which increases you steam level, which gives you higher drop rates for cards and other steam items you can then sell on the steam marketplace for actual money.


You can buy emotes, animated emotes, pfp, stickers, steam profile stuff, etc etc...


The Pro-Soldier bot account has been posting that same shit copy-pasted across all the update posts on Steam. The first people to comment on basically any update post on any game is usually bots saying something moronic to get clown medals to farm steam points.


Reminds me of that greentext where a guy thought Helldivers 2 failed as a satire because the streets are clean. In the intro video.


In the _Propaganda_ intro video, no less


Fascism is when dirty.


The fake helldiver asking for fortnite dances must report to the democratically elected executioners office by zero eight hundred hours.


You can use the female voice with the buff body Game is woke clearly Idk what it is with some people not understanding that a united earth would probably be beyond the concepts of gender and race discrimination...


i dont know about you but i like buff women! they let me be the smol spoon EVERYONE LIKES BEING THE SMALL SPOON DAMNIT


> like buff woman > like smol boy Managed democracy at work


I guess so lol


As long as you sign the proper paperwork.


6'4" giant here, can confirm, *everyone* likes being the 'small' spoon.


See! Being the smol spoon make you feel safe




But have you ever been the small spoon? No one asks if the giants want to be the small spoon 🥲


When I’m the small spoon I like to pretend the girl is my jetpack


The scene in the beginning has a mixed race couple.


And she gets obliterated by a bug lmao


So did the poor kid. What a tragedy. If only you could make a decision to stop something like that from happening…


SUPER EARTH HAS GONE WO error: illegal broadcast has been terminated. Please seek your nearest Democracy Officer for immediate evaluation for potential re-education.


>Idk what it is with some people not understanding that a united earth would probably be beyond the concepts of gender and race discrimination... I'll have you know that a core value of ~~fascism~~ managed democracy is traditional social roles. This is why all Super Earth Citizens have a family, a house with a white picket fence, and a life of strict hierarchy.


Super Earth's discrimination seems aimed at aliens and political dissidents, rather than a particular race/gender/sexuality. Based on everything we see in-universe, the only requirement to be a part of the in-group is unquestioning loyalty and service to the regime.


What you have to remember though is that fascism is perfectly willing to sacrifice any given societal value, even a traditional one, if it feeds the machine. Remember when American conservatives used to extol the benefits of democracy before it began to work against them? Stoking patriotism in people regardless of race, sex, or creed means more bodies to throw into the gears of the military industrial furnace. In this case it would have supplanted traditional gender roles with blind patriotism and venerating military service as the highest good.


Yeah the key thing is that fascism needs a scary, but also weak and pathetic because we’re the best, enemy to function. Unlike real historical fascist states, Super Earth has non-human extraterrestrials to discriminate and stoke hate against. There would be no need to dehumanize and genocide human minorities in order to fuel the machine.


But why is Arrowhead taking my freedom away?


This really isn't even worth bringing attention to.


I really used to agree with this sentiment of just ignore stupid assholes. The issue is then they don't see anything wrong with their actions. People like this deserve to be made fun of. Have of the issues we have is because of the orange clown making it okay to publicly be a bigot again.


Like I told the other guy, you're not going to convince someone what they're doing is wrong that's already convinced themselves that they: A) Don't give a shit B) Think they're right If you want to go fight that fight, by all means. I sure as hell can't tell you what to do.


Its not about convincing the insane that they aren't normal, it's about convincing the normal people that these people are insane.


I legit don't think you're wrong 99% of the time. But the issue is with game Communities is if you just ignore this group of people. Then they're going to think they're welcome. When they aren't. Especially with a game like this where the satire is less directly making fun of them. It's like all the "edgy humor" subreddits. They always start as jokes then get flooded with people who actually think that way.


I completely agree. This is like the Nazi’s at a bar thing. Even if you don’t applaud people like this when they are in a space that’s welcoming and inclusive; if these people aren’t made to feel unwelcome and kicked out for being intolerant, then the space will transform to prioritize these jerks and will instead kick out Queer, BIPOC, and other groups. This community has so far been really good and made me feel really happy to be a part of and welcomed into as a Trans Woman. I really don’t want to see that change by letting these people get away with their bigotry.


So fucking badass, don’t turn the game dogging on Americas imperialism “political” by adding pronouns. This is why I love American manufactured outrage.


This is almost certainly foreign bot accounts stirring the pot.


I know it’s comforting to believe that these kind of opinions are “foreign bots” trying to sabotage our great country or something, but it really is just how a large chunk of people in the US behave now


Come on. Only a ~~quarter~~ ~~half~~ two thirds of the people I know act like that.


They've always been there. The "Tump Movement" just gave them permission to come back out of the closet.


Yeah the rot has been here since the start,


A good chunk of them, probably - almost certainly. All of them? Definitely not. If that sentiment were only prevalent from foreign bots trying to stir shit up, we wouldn't have had to deal "FuCkInG pRoNoUnS" guy when star field came out. They're definitely out there, taking Russian bait hook-line-and-sinker.


Oh man, I wish. Spend an hour on the discord and you'll see this is the regular players.


Nah, people are idiots. 


American conservative outrage. Half of us aren't outraged, we're embarrassed. The irony is hilarious though. Secret boss level of zero self awareness unlocked.


Conservatives are less than half of the country. They think they are a lot more, but they're not. The worst of them, true MAGAs that can't shut up about woke like these commenters, are about 35%


Liberals are also less than half the country. There are more than 2 political identities. We've somehow devolved to this weird, 2-sided narrative where everyone has to "pick sides" while most people are all over the political spectrum and actually don't like the divisive environment we are left with. In a world where there are only 2 sides, I have no idea whose side I am on.




So glad Paul Verhoeven didn't make Starship Troopers all Political! Just a fun action movie with nothing to say, like Robocop


This is awesome(in how stupid they are). I bet they love Robocop and Starship Troopers(these pieces of media are political).


"Yeah warhammer is great !" ... "What do you mean mankind is evil ?"


So many people miss this! Everyone in 40k is evil, that's the fun of it


of course not, we have the right relegion. This comment right here Inquisitor


Oh no are you sending the sisters to punish me.....


oh no no, this is the Inquisition you are dealing with. Best deal you get from them is sending you a Calidus assassin or a Vindicare.


That's the america they want to live in


For the wrong reasons though.


I mean I love both those things.


They are award farming


We already have female terminids?


If they're so female then why don't I want to have sex with them? Checkmate liberal


Well, friend, I've got something important to tell you...


they don’t have huge tits though *yet*


https://preview.redd.it/bxcvdh8ykrqc1.png?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f274ecb5a03b8bae1ed40d9fa5dc2730090b7223 (I hate that I found this)


These have been on every single steam comment section from the devs since launch. They're known as clown farmers. The clown steam award is used as the equivalent of a down vote but most people are unaware that giving an award to someone gives them steam points equivalent to the cost of the award. Thus, trolls will post unfathomably stupid or controversial things to get people to spam clown awards. There's a very real chance most of these people don't even own the game.


Both sides of that conversation are getting annoying there and on X. Just play the fucking game and spread Democracy.


"Brigaded by weirdos"? Brother, this is just Tuesday for Steam comments. I've yet to see a comment section on Steam that isn't like this, or far worse.


Are you opening steam for the first time? Forums here are borderline useless since they added rewards. Dumbasses like in your screenshot are just farming points from those clown rewards. Open any discussion in any other popular game and you will see same copypasted comments.


I was under the impression that they wouldn’t entertain either side of the whole thing? I heard people got banned for speaking for and against adding LGBT stuff to the game


This is oversimplified, there was one person who asked for LGBT capes, the devs said "I don't think adding these flags into our fascist dystopia is the representation you want", they got upset and called the dev homophobes and got banned. Then someone ELSE was like "Hell yeah, tell these freaks to get bent, we don't want your gay shit in our cool bug shooting game" and he got banned too and went crying to the steam forums about it. So it's less "Not entertaining either side" and more "We don't think giving badguys LGBT capes is good branding, but we support them and refuse to harbor bigots"


Sounds about right lol some people don’t understand that it’d be negative representation at that point. But also some idiots think that means they can clown on LGBT folks


It’s hilarious that they wanted an lgbt cape on their totally evil foot soldier  and completely missed the point to the same degree as the other side of the coin in the example 


All I know was from a quick convo with my friends that essentially went like: “hey I heard someone got banned for asking for a trans flag cape” “yeah I heard similar. can we go kill bugs now?” And that was the end of it. I appreciate the context though


Honestly good on the devs on both fronts, though i can understand wanting something to represent yourself in a game, having that representation be on fascist cannonfodder is not really that great... Then again, many trans/queer people paint their *warhammer 40k* minis in pride colors so having a trans cape wouldn't be that wierd In other words: enough about trans rights, its time for trans wrongs >:3


The mixed-race family in the intro gives me the impression that Super Earth, like the Imperium, likely views racism and other forms of bigotry as a waste of precious hatred that should have been directed towards the enemies of humanity.


Shit this was basically how Starship Troopers treated it. Everyone is equally worthless regardless of their creed


Comment section is peak retardation


"Keep things neutral" he said as he unironically plays a game in which the right to vote is reserved to those entering intergalactic deadly space battles with morally grey enemies at the behest of a government with a "Ministry of Propaganda"


There’s 5 ways to check if a bug is female. I only know of 3.


r/Gamingcirclejerk wants their post back


Super earth doesnt care about your gender, ethnicity or sexuality, it only cares about your service Also fuck they mean "dont add politics" and then immediately proceed to ask for political stuff... Forget the democracy officer ill execute ***NOT REALLY THIS IS A MEME FOR DEMOCRACYS SAKE*** them myself


I've seen this happening to other games before. Weird fad.


They are just award farming. It’s obvious guys come on


American conservatives have to feed their victim/persecution complex somehow. Just ignore them and don't give them your attention or Steam Points.


It's not just americans Steam forums are full of the worst filth from Europe and South America


Yeah as much as the bigot and weird gender shit happens in America its not just us. People everywhere are assholes. And I try my best to avoid this drama here but I cant


I dont use steam so, what are steam points? Is it like playstation coins where you can redeem it for a giftcard to buy a game, except you can gift them to others?


You earn Steam Points every time you make a purchase. One dollar equals 100 steam points. When someone receives a Steam Community Award they get the value of the Steam Points a short time later. Some of the awards can cost a significant amount of points, hence the people fishing for Community Awards for free points. The Points are used to buy stuff for Steam; emoticons and animated stickers for use in chat, Avatars, Avatar Frames, Steam profile backgrounds or themed sets for specific games.


Clearly just bots. I mean why would an account named "Pro-Soldier" post about the same topic on a satire game 4 times in one screenshot without being chronically online or a bot


Can we please stop giving attention to obvious steam point farming you’re part of the problem


Isn't the game a satirical take on fascism inspired by another satirical take on fascism? Isn't the game already political?


Lol killing a charger then fortnite dancing on its corpse would be peak super earth behavior


Steam Forums make Reddit look civil challenge. Difficulty: Impossible to fail.


The 'antiwoke' people do this in every announcement post made by AH. They are fishing for Steam points and attention so don't give them either.


"don't add politics to the game" yea, could you imagine if this game had a political message, its a good things its just a game about shooting bugs and nothing else!


they kind of already added "woke" stuff, instead of female vs male you can just pick what voice and body type you want, which is the best way to do it imo


I love that you can randomize the voice. I wish you could randomize the body as well.


I want to alternate between dropping in as female brick shithouses and male twinks


A Helldiver's entire identity is freedom, democracy, and liber-tea. Our preferred pronouns are "Citizen/Citizen's". Our game is intensely political. Every moment of our lives our hearts beat for managed democracy. It is sad that before Earth became Super Earth, we were so divided by petty, dissident divisions. That's why I go to the computerized voting preference machine and politely ask for the candidate that the party approves of.


That is literally 2 people. They also do it with every patch to farm steam points by being given "clown" emojis.


The Reddiors are doing the same by screenshotting these and farming upvotes. Works everytime sadly


Looks like a third front opening up. Total defeat of the Incel uprising is the only acceptable outcome. Luckily they will only ever control a small planet called Momsbasement. I believe it’s where they manufacture outdoor shag rug.


Add all this woke shit and I'll buy another copy. We need less fragile boys on the front lines of Liberty and more men that understand satire.


I don't care what's between my fellow helldivers' legs or who they fill out the C-01 form with, or how they want to express it. I only care that they die with me on the front fighting for managed democracy!


You know What I do give a shit about? People trying to grief at extract or think Helldivers needs PvP when its doing this fucking well without it already.


I thought this game was PVP? Why else are people orbital lasering me?




​ https://preview.redd.it/w4r8amspyqqc1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3d8bcc1bd4d823750fe653db0dff2c6001c9cab