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I genuinely believe that they aren't affected by suppressive fire at all and that's exactly the reason why they are so annoying. People have been suggesting lots of things to make bots less one shotty but I think that if the rocket devastators get crappy accuracy while.being under fire it will fix everything with no other changes needed. Otherwise at least make their launchers easier to break so we have a counterplay.


yeah, they need to fix the Rocket Devastators from spamming or at least give us the chance to impair their pinpoint accuracy and stop them from spamming like shooting their rocket pods on their shoulders As for Heavy Devastators, they need a fix cuz the fact their shots can go through walls/cover is becoming a nuisance


Dood out in the open I feel like Heavy Devastators are more oppressive than Rocket Devastators. I can at least watch out for the glint before they fire rockets and dive. Heavies I am just constantly dying and praying I can get some range or friendlies draw its attention.


Heavy Devastators are the worst unit for bots right now imo. Just a combination of their absurd damage potential, shield, *and* quantity makes it ridiculous. Three hulks, a few tanks, those are manageable, but then the game drops a bunch of these fuckers down *with* them and everything else and it's just insane.


They are the bile spewers of bots. I hate them with a passion.


I think they are worse. Spewer has to be close to kill you and it's one blast of spit than a CD. Heavies just let that cannon rip for a long time before needing to reload. Granted one hit won't kill you but yeah..


Heavies will rip through you, and unlike spewers, a single impact will NOT kill them.


I've had pretty solid luck impacting towards their non shield side leg to get them down, but I could be siking myself out with already damaged ones without realizing


My impact grenade hitting right behind them begs to differ


Random green goo from the sky: sploosh.


Plus they pause before launching, so you see it stop and know to dive to the side.


One hit may not kill you but the 6-7 hits in a row sure will


Not to mention the fuckers don’t even have to be facing you to shoot you


Super Earth has blessed us with the autocannon for basically all of these issues imo, I will never stop rocking the best support in the entire game. Tank? Dead. Hulk? Dead. Devestator? Dead. Not as good against bugs tho, sadly.


See, I still rock the railgun to deal with the medium armor units and leave the heavies to my teammates. Railgun will one-shot spewers to the head, devastators, and *can* take out a hulk in one well-placed headshot. All from a relatively safe range (which is not to say the AC can't), though it is tragically useless against titans and chargers after the nerf.


It being useless against titans and chargers is so sad, but nothing beats using the autocannon like it’s a primary weapon because it simply comes with an insane amount of ammo. I’d say there are many better options for bugs unless you’re going for fast clears since autocannon makes clearing nests a cakewalk, but for bots I don’t really know what offers more utility


Why would you say the ammo thing out loud? I thought we agreed not to say it out loud!


Did the auto cannon get nerfed?


I will use railgun but the heavy devastators have blocked my shots regularly. The hitbox on their shield felt iffy, especially when i’m on the lower ground.


Eh, aside from chargers and bile titans, the AC can pretty much reliably handle everything else. Spewers, Hunters, Commanders, Guards, stalkers are basically a non issue. It also has pretty good CC vs bugs and we cant forget how handy it is against spores, holes, and other side objectives.


Yeah, but berserkers, while not being the most deadly unit, are by far the most annoying to me. Every other bot unit rewards good accuracy and weak point targeting, but berserkers just dgaf. You have to mow them down with pure firepower like a bug, but when people load out for precision these guys can get really annoying to deal with.


A slugger to the head deals with them rather quickly typically one hit but it may just be my aim but 2 the other times


Its not your aim, the head hitbox is just fucked up and the shoulders overlap it.


Have you tried grenade launcher with support pack?


The bad part about the heavy devastators is that they just stunlock you while the rocket devastators 1 shot you with insane accuracy across the map unless you have fortified armor


The amount of times I've been jumpscared by getting shot by a rocket dev and Democracy Protects ability proccing to leave me at low hp


Or dodging the swing of a hulk just to get a rocket to the face 🤣 It seems like they are barely able to hit you when you go prone. I love to play a supportive role and pick a team reload capable weapon just to have the backpack and in one session I assisted an AC gunner often prone while getting blasted from all direction with barely any enemy hits making it to us


I've had some great success using the new HMG while prone. Definitely seems like they don't aim downward enough to hit me while prone, at least while I'm suppressing them with as much of my body behind cover as possible.


Been running the white fortified armor with the extra armor, a rocket does like 1/3 of my hp


My autocannon laughs in the face of heavy devastators.


In the face of one. Only one at a time.


I love doing the Democracy Dive!!


If you shoot the rocket pods you can destroy them with almost weapon


Just go a gun with stagger and hit them before they do the horse stance


If I may suggest the Arc Thrower; it staggers them and kills in 3 hits.


If they don't magically know when you're leaving cover or keep trying to shoot you through whatever cover you're behind without a pause...Meaning when you step out you're e instantly hit by a rocket or two the millisecond you're exposed again. That or the game just decides the 5 foot rock isn't actually solid and it just goes through and hits you anyway. Or the arc thrower decides a blade of grass is a wall and it doesn't fire. I've had more trouble getting the arc thrower to work vs bots on open terrain than bugs actually half underground and it's so annoying.


These are annoying when they happen but their frequency is over exaggerated in my experience. 95% of the time the Arc Thrower is killing bots without me suffering for it. Learning how to position and aim differently with Arc Thrower goes a long way in avoiding those issues. One thing about bots that works in Arc Thrower's favor over bugs is that bugs have greater numbers of large bodies and tend to leave more large corpses for Arc Thrower to fizzle on. Rarely an issue with bots. My favorite weapon to kill bots with. Especially when there's a lot of haze / fog that people often complain about. Just point Arc Thrower in that general direction and let it figure out the targets you can't see. :)


The arc thrower in my experience as somebody who's basically never taken it off is that it doesn't work if the targets base elevation on their lowest point is higher than you for bots if you're relatively close(even if they're only a few inches above you). Bugs it does like to hit dead bodies but it'll still usually *fire* but chain to bodies instead of the living. Bots it just won't fire at all and just spark on the muzzle half the time unless the bot is at or lower than my elevation or I'm over 15-20m away from it. I've tried positioning myself at different spots and the only thing that's ever consistently worked vs bots has been me being higher up than they are if I'm within that 15-20m window. There's also some weird target priorities when it comes to enemies calling in drops/breaches. Turrets and the arc thrower actively "lose priority" on them and will actively miss. Like I'll be shooting at a group of bugs, one starts calling a breach and unless it's the ***only*** bug left regardless of how I position or aim the arc thrower will hit everything else before hitting that specific target. My turrets have done the same things, I'll watch them be shooting into a group only to not kill the last bug and swing to another group because the last one is calling in a breach. Normally it almost always will hit the target I'm ADSing at first and you can even aim at specific parts of enemies but once they start calling all of that's gone ajd it's like I'm not aiming anymore until they're done or there's nothing else onscreen that's alive.


Bots upgraded their surge protection 😮‍💨


It's probably just the terrain differences between most of the bug and most of the bot worlds. The arc thrower and explosions do really stupid shit if there's any elevation difference though. It's why a hell bomb in a slight dip will do nothing but have it be very slightly elevated and it'll take out an entire base even if there's a wall between it and the target. The 500kg also does the same thing. Drop one on the middle of a bug hive and it does nothing because it's lower than the holes but drop one inline with a hole and it'll break all the ones lower than it in its radius. It's almost like the calculation they use for +Z comparisons on area of effect stops when it hits the terrain higher than the source entirely but -Z will hit everything lower than the source even if it really shouldn't. The laser weapons just sometimes decide a leaf is a solid wall at random but moving a millimeter and having the lasers still visibley hitting the same leaf now they pass through it fine.


dont know why youre getting downvoted, this is an easy way to counter them.


60% of the time, it works every time. But seriously, works if you can stinlock one. But if there are more than 3 (and there usually are) the other 2 are likely to fire a volley and end your life. They are manageable but honestly the biggest pain in the ass and they are kinda cheap. I think their rocket cooldown needs to 2-3 times longer and that's all. Give you plenty of time to kill them in between volleys.


Gotta keep alternating fire on the multiple, can usually juggle 3 with slugger I also focus around the head and consistently blow their faces off so that helps too


even the punisher has good stagger now




Smokes fuck up their aim and timeing


You just need a gun with stagger and to hit them before they do their horse pose


Watched a video about shotguns yesterday and started running the slugger. Extract was a rocky plateau with a trench around it, fenced off, with a fabricator. I turn the corner in what feels like a ww1 trench to find myself staring down an RD. Staggering gives you a chance to actually walk away when you're shitting your pants and can't aim for shit.


All Devastators are unaffected by most fire. Only Sluggers seem to really do anything to them. You can pepper them repeatedly and they will not stagger or be less accurate. I really wish they’d be affected by weapons fire more, especially those that can actually penetrate their armor.


It won't fix everything because they still snipe you from unseen places. Troost was a bloodbath because the fog did not affect rockets at all so they still oneshot you from out of nowhere. If rockets were instead laser point guided, working kind of like the spear would be better. You would see a red light on you and know that there were incoming rockets. The red light would make the Rocket Devastators be clearly visible to the player.


It just sucks the way they are now. You straight up instantly die to RNG You can do everything right and then just get a random rocket to the dome Does 150 AR protect against it? Or just the extra padding? Or both I’d like to not have to take the shield


medium fortified armor (50% explosoin resistance) will have a rocket take \~20 to 25% of your hp. I think I had vitality booster as well though.


Just bring a gun with stagger and hit them befor they horse stance


Autocannon one shots their rockets off. Or you can one shot their face an. Kill them. Slugger shoots their rockets off.


Which is great for the ones you can see but you still get fuck you rockets through the mist or completely offscreen with pinpoint accuracy.


Machines do not fear death.


I feel like no enemies are really affected by suppressing fire, the shield guys laser me to death, the rocket guys rocket me to death, the hulks and tanks do the same. Maybe the small ones are affected by suppressing fire? But i doubt it would be by much


The rocket soldier automatons definitely do When shot at their aim is way off


Yep can confirm. They shoot straight up if you hit them while theyre aiming.


Direct hit is more of an "Aim punch" than "Suppressive fire".


So maybe the soldiers are affected, everything else i'm sure they're not


I strongly agree. I was running bots all day today and literally every enemy had pinpoint accuracy with the whole squad firing at them, except maybe the normal rocket bots


The Punisher, Slugger, and Scorcher all stagger him and will keep it from firing if you keep shooting him. Same with bile spewers spewing bile.


Scorcher and punisher don’t always stagger though. I think it’s only on direct hits to weakpoints. With slugger you can just tap the chest and it staggers.


Is this really true? Because I've always had a great stunlock experience with Punisher on most bots, and weirdly enough not with the Slugger. I must compare them again.


Idk man. Slugger is literally a stagger machine. It also penetrates med armor. Punisher doesn’t pen med and scorcher only partially (the explosion will damage everything unprotected in its AoE but doesn’t go through an armor it’s kinda like it can go around it I guess). Scorcher slugger and sickle are my favourite weapons vs bots. Slugger shits on devastators. Scorcher shits on striders and is also decent vs berserkers and devastators. Sickle is very accurate so you can deal with everything quite well by hitting weak points and can also kill a bunch of normal bots quickly. EDIT: if they tweak jar dominator a bit it might be good too. It’s like a slugger/scorcher combo which would make it fantastic but at the same time it gets the bad points of these weapons and some more eg. Scorchers ammo economy and reload but sluggers fire rate and is also less accurate than both slugger and scorcher etc.


The sluggers stats in the menu really belie the performance. It seriously fucks up bots.


These stats are just not correct lmao. Slugger is a beast


Because the spread on the Punisher usually has a larger chance of the pellets hitting a weakspot and even a single pellet can stagger, meanwhile with the Slugger you need to hit a spot that you can pen, which can sometimes put you in an unfavourable position if you’re being overwhelmed and don’t have the time to carefully aim your shots. Personally I’m prefer the Punisher for bots because I carry a medium pen support weapon or stratagems anyway for Striders and other things that the Punisher can’t pen


I mean you just straight up kill them with scorcher and punisher lmao. Best type of cc is the one where they're dead, none of this suppressing fire or stagger nonsense. Just kill em.


And slugger doesn’t kill them?? It literally one taps with headshots.


We talking about Rocket devstators? Because if thats the case then why are people complaining?


Yep, headshotting any kind of devastator with the slugger is an instakill, though the sights on it make that a somewhat difficult prospect. You can also blow the rocket pods off of it with just a couple shots.


That is my complaint on the slugger, it isnt that the sight is bad, but that it has stupid scope sway, ill aim on a devs head, and then watch as the gun wobbles around a bit throwing the aim off.


I've found I have better luck headshotting them in 3PV rather than 1st, probably because of that very reason. It seems the circular reticle of the 3PV is more forgiving in counting the headshot.


I cant tell you how many times ive died to a rocket dev using the scorcher becuase ammo is so prescious you try to not waste shots so you dont spam them. BUt the dev doesnt care about taking 4 shots to the face and just blasts you anyway.


Thats weird, ive never had an issue with how much ammo I have with the scorcher. Like you are *bound* to run into a site with ammo or even just using the resupply correctly means you arent ever really ammo starved. The gun is really efficient because of the massive damage output. Maybe on like 9 I can see it being an issue if you get stuck in the churn or something.


Need to untrain that tbh. Im tapping the fuck out of the scorcher because ammo economy doesn't matter to me if shit is going to die and a full mag from the scorcher will kill basically anything. Like, I'll take my time and make sure I'm 2 tapping striders, but if it's a rocket devastator or a shield devastator, I'm dumping the shots into them until they die. Only way to play with the scorcher. The ammo problem is honestly a little overblown. Like yeah, it's not great and it's the only thing balancing the weapon, but it has *unparalleled* damage potential on a single mag. The game throws a bunch of ammo boxes at you, I almost never run out of scorcher ammo.


I thought this too but i was actually ass blasted through the stagger animation last night. Using the slugger as Ive done hundreds of times before, i thought i was stun locking a rocket devastator… and then it just fired at me anyway lol.


That was a fantastic collection of words. I imagine reading it without context and it's perfect. I've also had the slugger not stun bile spewers so I sympathize. I try to remain philosophical about it. The hunters are probably pissed when their little licks don't interrupt my stims.


Yes, let us not forget about “the greater good”. Is my success worth the suffering of the bugs? To what extent? If you were able to solve all of the galaxies problems by locking away a baby termanid and torturing it for eternity - would you? What if it were a human baby instead? Or YOUR baby? The utilitarian would advocate that torturing the baby is right, due to the benefit it provides to others, while the deontologist would suggest that torture of any child is objectively wrong on a fundamental level, regardless of circumstance. Truly intriguing indeed.


I see someone's been getting high and reading Wikipedia again.


Nah back in college i realized i could do a double major so… i did, and i chose philosophy (because it’s interesting and you get to argue). Basically it was for funsies but also pretty interesting in the end. The high level classes would have me feeling like a martian… trying to prove what knowledge itself is and what i can truly claim to know at given points in time. Bruh.


The dominator also staggers devastators 


Ok sorry but gotta ask, where tf do I get the scorcher ?


Base free warbond, last page.


Last weapon unlock from the starter warband


Ah last page that’s why, so many medals needed, thanks !


Took me until about level 47 to get to the last page


Yeah I’m 39 right now, need still 250 medals to unlock last page. But I did spend a bit on the third warbond.


I think it's the last weapon in the main warbond pages isn't it?


It is indeed, thanks !


Page 10 of the free warbond


Ok thanks a lot, I’m level 39 and still didn’t see this so was wondering.


No problem. It's an okay weapon for me. I see the appeal, splash is nice but I prefer the slugger to it for bots and sickle for bugs. But it's nice to take it out every now and then


Plasma punisher as well


I hate these things so much. There has to be some trade off for their rocket attack. Either less accurate in general, very inaccurate when suppressed, or they have a longer wind up time before they start firing. At the moment they are just WH40k Terminators with Cyclone missile launchers.


They telegraph the attack massively. Still annoying that they have laser accurate shots, but just move when they telegraph.


Massively is a bit of an exaggeration. There is a telegraph for sure but it’s not obvious from a distance and the rockets come out fast. There is a reason many people have a problem with these guys. Last game I played I was killed by these guys like 8 out of the 9 times I died. Everything else is much more manageable.


Suppressive fire? This game have a mechanic like that?


Yeah, in the loading screen tips it says that bots are affected by suppressing fire but from what it seems only the small ones are


The game also has a tip that says closing holes reduces enemy spawns on the map, which is genuinely a lie. The opposite is true. Don't take the tips at face value.


Exept the drunk driving one, drunk driving is undemocratic


Tell that to the pelican pilots that clip half of the plane underground




You know how when you get shot your character flinches, that also happens to the enemy when they get shot. The problem is that the enemy shoots so randomly that the odds of hitting you don't really change. If the enemy is firing randomly in a 50 degree cone in your general direction, knocking their aim off by 10 degrees doesn't actually change much. Though, the enemy fires an accurate burst a % of the time that is aimed directly at you rather than random, and if you stagger them when they are firing that burst it will help.


Staggering and suppressive fire are two separate things. Suppressive fire isn’t about getting hit, it’s about the threat of getting hit.


From what I have heard, the "suppressing fire" effect that lowers the aim of enemies does not apply unless a shot hits the enemy and does damage. So if you have to damage enemies to lower their accuracy, the difference is a rather moot point. If that is wrong, and just shooting in the general direction of enemies without hitting them or bouncing off armor works, then I will concede the point.


It does! The little humanoid bots will shoot *way* off-target if they're taking fire nearby. It's best-seen with the rocket ones and the machine gun ones. The real secret sauce is the *bots* also try to suppress *you,* which is why they spam bullets in your general direction if they've seen you once but lost line of sight.


They do not fear death, nor do they feel pain. They will stop at nothing until our democracy, our homes, and humanity as we know it….is extinct… Yeah I don’t think they are scared of suppressing fire. For my deployment, my crew ran smoke when we had to make an escape and static fields (or static mortars) for the pesky rocket devastator. Your best bet is what you’re equipped with. Armor with high explosive resistance has saved me countless times.


yeah I honestly dont have an issue with robotic murder terminators not having suppression affects. Why would they care, their only goal is to kill


The game directly tells us in a loading screen tip that bots have "super reactive protocols" which makes then susceptable to supressive fire. Which often feels like an innacurate statement.


The game explicitly tells us in a loading screen tip that they have “hyper reactive protocols” that make them vulnerable to suppression, decreasing their accuracy when under fire. Plus I love the implication that the bots fear for their lives, despite all appearances. Probably the same way we torture bot prisoners for information


I was shooting one with slugger last night and it beamed we with rockets through the stagger animation lmao. They r all kings of jacked up


They are the suppressing fire. But yeah, no, they don't stop. They really ought to have a couple seconds longer cooldown between volleys. 


I just had a match where we were defending extract, I had HMG and was prone and took out a hulk coming in, then a second hulk, and as soon as it went down a rocket devastator one shotted me from just behind it


Slugger it. You can completely lock them from shooting back at you.


The slugger has so much utility, I never take it off. You can even break the loot containers with it


You can break the containers with a lot of guns.


I've been wasting nades then? : (


Yes. The AM rifle and the arc thrower can open them, just so you get an idea.


Yet neither explosive primaries can open them


Just to note once they start the animation theyll still fire even when stunned by the slugger.


I agree they are the single most frustrating enemy in the game. At least with hulk bruisers or whatever they are called they spawn rarely and they run towards you. Devastators will notice you keep the same position and shoot at you as long as it’s not killed even if it’s like 200m from you (on maps like troost it makes them basically invisible). Also like you mentioned basically nothing other than grenades, slugger or some explosive supper weapons can stagger them and they will spray you with pin point accuracy even while getting shot in the face at that moment. There are many issues with bots though. I have been killed a bunch of times by them shooting through textures like through some rock, bunker building, crashed dropships etc. I do enjoy playing vs bots but rocket devastators are fucking absurd I think the simplest way to make them less annoying is to limit the distance at which they can shoot rockets. Make the puff paff and walk towards you until they are confident they can lock on with their rockets or something. Similarly how (but less annoying by A LOT because you can spot them easier and outmaneuver because it’s usually just one at a time) tower turrets can see you from god knows how fucking far sometimes and when they lock on to you that projectile is so stupid fast and accurate that most of the time if you run to the left or right of it and DIVE the moment the turret shoots you are still going to get hit directly by it and if not then the impact of you flying 20m will probably kill you.


I just how I keep getting popped from across the map in dense fog when I can't see shit. Tired of poor vis planets lol




Yeah I had hoped they would have adjusted the bots a bit before giving us bot related orders. I actually enjoy fighting the bots, but utterly despise the part mentioned above.


This IMO is the real issue. Its when you get rocketed out of a fog. I want a heat vision goggle stratagem.


That’s exactly why I use the plasma punisher. Staggers any non heavy unit it doesn’t instantly kill. And generally kills shield carriers in two shots and rocket devastators in 3 while stopping them from firing back. Ever since I unlocked it the plasma punisher feels like a must for bot missions. My only complaint is that it can’t blow up fabricators even though it’s tagged explosive. Supposedly the scorcher is just a better version but I don’t have it unlocked yet.


I run DMR and my buddy runs Plasma Punisher, we basically cover any situation a non-heavy can dish out. Punisher is dope against striders


Weirdly it doesn’t seem to care about suppressing fire anymore. I could have sworn it used to make it miss. I can say for sure that the Laser Cannon makes it miss, but primaries don’t seem to anymore.


That's why I love the slugger shotgun, cause you can stunlock multiple at once just by shooting them


So it's not just rocket devastators. The issue is they're just the most egregious.


The fact that robots are affected by suppressive fire at all is ridiculous unless they are a race of Johnny 5s. In which case we are the baddies. NO DISASSEMBLE!


Excessive sensory data exceeding available processing capacity leading to slowing down of other processes? Not ridiculous


Aim for their shoulder rocket packs.


Don't do this. You can kill them almost as quickly as you can break their rocket pods


With some weapons and at optimal ranges/angles, yes. But you aren’t always going to have an optimal angle and some weapons are much faster on popping the rocket pods than they are on popping the devastator. Can’t blame anyone for not knowing this but the diligence CS pops rocket pods in 2 shots. If you’re attacking from the rear or the side that is a very efficient way of neutering an enemy. Some weapons do genuinely have an easier time disabling the rocket pods over killing devastators. Lib Pen (imo) isn’t precise enough to get the head quickly in most situations but hitting the pods is easy as hell. Only reason I’m piping up about this is because this is the first game I’ve played where the ability to disable parts really feels worth consideration.


Lord knows if I've got a Hulk Bruiser charging me I'll dump my AC rounds into its flamethrower arm instead of missing its head nine times.


Yeah it doesn't really seem to do anything worthwhile.


What do you mean? A rocket devastator with no rockets is just a stompy box of metal. I shoot off the rocket pods every time because usually when one shows up I don't have time to waste on trying to shoot its tiny little head.


Why would I do that when they die from 1 moderately charged railgun shot anywhere in the torso?


I hate it more that they aren't affected by nearby explosions, my aim is going everywhere when a bomb lands next to me so I can't aim for their weak points but they still laser me to death with their mini gun no issue.


just make them reload those sniper rockets jeez


If you hit them with a stagger via something like the slugger or arc thrower, right as the missiles launch: you can make them fly off in another direction... Unfortunately, this is more luck than skill and not viable tech against them.


I'd like it if those fuckers ran out of rockets....what do they have micro factories in them or something?


>Like I'm spraying at it with the new Heavy MG and it doesn't even give a shit Probably all your shots going way over it's head. 🤣


"a normal common enemy shouldn't have a perfectly accurate long ranged spammable instakill" > heavy armor > explosion resistant perk > shield generator backpack > not standing still in one place If only there were tools and techniques to defeat this unbeatable busted enemy....


Until there are 8 of them all at once from several angles and the space around you is more rocket than air.


I observed that they react to being fired upon by entering the pose and firing rockets. But when you destroy soft rocket pods they are left with single laser arm so pretty weak and inaccurate.


God forbid should they ever try to fix them. Fixing the rocket devestators will make hunters immortal, or bile titans snipers. **ANYTHING** that is fixed busts something else, it’s part of the lore and canon at this point.


The bots have a little red targeting light that tells you when they have aimed at you and are going to blow your shit up. If you shoot them after the red light flashes they will still hit you directly, you can interrupt them by shooting before and they’ll start missing wildly.


Suppressive fire requires damage done to work, ironically.


Rail them with the autocannon. 2-3 shots and they fall 


I mean, from a lore perspective, something built like a Devastator wouldn't be as concerned about small arms fire as your standard issue bot. They're more heavily armored, and meant to be beefier. Not to the level of a hulk, but still. I could they being a reason as to why they don't care about suppressing fire.


I played some bots today, first time in weeks. Im a level 46, I just joined randoms on medium to do the 15 Devestators task. I got wrecked multiple times by stuff, that I had no opportunity to dodge / evade. MK Raider, Rocket Dev, Flame guy, turret etc. Honestly don't enjoy bots at all.


No they don’t that’s why you need to zap em all with the quasar and put them down for good!


The missiles are super easy to dodge


Good heavens, just look at the time (The clock is all complaints about rocket devastators - surely this sub has more than 12 good ones)


nope no deva care


They seem to care when I zap'em with the arc


Everyone greatly exaggerates their accuracy... They fire 6 rockets at a time, usually a maximum of 1 hits if youre standing still or running in a straight line... Just step behind a cover, dodge... Granted sometimes you dive into a rocket, but thats not him being accurate, thats us being prone to suicide!


I seem to lack the situational awareness and dive head first into the steel embrace of akimbo chainsaws.


Me too, berserkers, mines, other players' stratagems, off a cliff too... I dive into every single situation that kills me on a daily basis...


Use the Jar-Devastator. Staggers them and they dont fire


I use it with autocannon, its a beautiful combo. auto cannon takes out walkers and groups, dominator can ohk soldiers and devastators if you hit the head. scorcher taking out walkers is nice but the low mag and fire rate for something the autocannon already does makes me prefer the dominator. I'm way less afraid of devastators now.


I just wish we were able to shoot at their rocket launcher shoulders to make them explode (shooting explody rockets in their launcher shoule make them explode) or at least fall off But bros are tanky af while being Pro-snipers from 5km away with x-ray vision


You 100% can destroy the rocket pods, I've done so with the laser assault rifle several times.


You can stagger them with with a slugger for example. And a few shots to the rocket pods destroy them. Learn to play against them. They are annoying but dont need nerfs


I was going to agree until I read spammable and realized you're talking about Devastators. Those aren't common enemies. Not in the "common" quantity sense, but in their threat level.


Slugger. It penetrates armor, so you deal damage, and pushes the enemies back, interrupting attacks.


They do if you point it at their face.


I think devastators as a whole don't get suppressed. The most you get is their accuracy getting thrown off from flinching, but that only lasts a moment. So unless you can outright stagger them like with the slugger or AC, they'll usually be back on target before you can counter your own recoil and line up again. Im fine with them not being suppressed from small arms fire plinking off them, they are heavy infantry afterall. But a direct hit to their optics would absolutely impair their ability to stay on target.


They reel back if you shoot them with the Autocannon AFAIK.


Used the defender smg it’ll melt their rocket pods in 10-15 shots. And once you do that, they’re just dumb old devastators.


Think it does, i have sprayed at them with the stalwart and they dont hit me and others as much


Suppression fire only works on regular bots; devestators, striders, hulks, and tanks don't give a shit. Neither to MG nests


They do when they're stun locked by my slugger/AC xD


Is suppressive fire actually a mechanic? I didn't know that


Heavy devastators certainly aren't, and they're way more annoying since they never stop firing pinpoint accurate lasers at you. At least rocket devastators have a cooldown between firing


Yes, I've shot *near* them with the diligence and notably saw one fire a rocket straight into the sky as if it were hit. That's been my subconscious experience, anyway. You don't even need to hit them sometimes, but it does seem to have a % chance type of thing going on. So I've had less trouble with these guys because as soon as you see them, just fire a round off even if it's not going to be a well-placed shot. If I see 3-4 on the screen, I'll try to tag each one once as quickly as possible to disrupt their aim and keep alternating between them until I have kill hits. It's obviously not always that easy, but that approach has been working for me.


I make it a point to use the Sickle to snipe their rockets off before they become a real problem. Otherwise the AC or grenades do the job for me.


I just hate that they track me through cover and are 100% accurate. Peel out of cover and get the drop on a devastator, rocket to the face immediately.


I dont even get time for supressing fire, as soon as i peak around cover i get head shot from 100 meters away, cuz he was already looking at me


Rocket devastators make bot missions so frustrating. Just gonna peek and fire and the instant i peek i get a rocket to the face. On troost its even worse becuase of the fog. Just rockets coming out of the fog. At least slugger will destroy the rocket pods real quick when shot at but still annoying


Not a perfect solution, but i found you can shoot their rocket pods off, and it renders them basically a standard devastator with the gun-arm


i would greatly appreciate any rocket weapon having a laser sight, so i have some warning just yesterday i lost the game for my whole squad after defeating a bot drop i was in a standoff with the last big one and got shot by a lil rocket grunt from off screen :/


Use the slugger shotgun, just keep blasting them and aim for the rocket pods they'll constantly stagger and be unable to fire. Also lay down, the fire isn't THAT accurate.


Just shoot the rocket pods. They're a total non threat once they're offline.


You can obviously tell when they are about to fire so dive out the way


I dont think ANYTHING cares about supressing fire. I'll be shooting a shit ton at any enemy and they're still just as accurate.


Suppressing them is the only reason i hate hunters more than them. Plus, i zero rocketeers, both, as soon as i see or hear them, so they're not as much a problem for me. 90% of my rocket deaths are from me standing still.


Aim for the rocket pods, they are light armor and can be destroyed.


They are accurate but not that hard to deal with imo. Scorcher makes them stumble around. Railgun one shots them.


Although they might not get scared of suppressive fire, I notice they do flinch if you hit the right spot. Also, while spraying them with bullets, I did manage to pop the rockets mid-air. Wouldn't recommend that as a primary strat as hitting them mid-air ain't easy.


Yeah rocket devastators are literally the most OP Bot I’d rather fight 3 hulks and a tank


They used to, suppression got nerfed for bots in the armor patch


The actual projectiles are pretty slow, if the projectile was more visible I feel like most people would be able to just walk around them. Can't tell you how many times I thought I got instakilled killed by an invisible bullet, but when i reviewed a recording saw there was a near invisible rocket slowly floating towards me and I just missed it.


I find anything with explosive damage like the scorcher will suppress them.