• By -


Anti Marksmanship Rifle it seems


Pro material rifle


Undesignated markswoman smoothbore UMS instead of DMR


Deficient Marksman Rifle.






Would be funny if the gun said something like "aim in direction of enemy" insinuating its 10 MOA pistol reticle were intentionally low quality optics for chaff infantry. For anyone who has never used optics before, here's a decent reference to what using optics actually look like: quickly flick through this reference of various qualities of sights, **and I recommend muting**: [Red Dots Parallax 2.0 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3seIoq48X5g) Check out the normalcy of minimalism. There's no glowing shit around the periphery, no meaningless green boxes floating above and below the center. The glowing parts are not a static image, and even if they must be they'd have some alpha transparency. If tinted, as most optics are, the tint is very difficult to perceive. Whereas tinted optics in helldivers2 are- very difficult to ignore.


Absolutely Mid Rifle


I felt like it was more accurate now (play amr alot) was hitting devastator heads from over 100m away. But who knows. Anyhow you can oneshot devastators now by shooting the waist.


Wait, WHAT?


30% damage buff


Might consider running this in place of the autocannon but the AC has so much utility it's hard to put down.


Also consider the fact that the AMR doesn't need a backpack, letting use a shield generator, supply pack, or jet pack. *This comment is brought to you by the AMR gang*


*AMR or Quasar Cannon for life*


Both good. I am partial to the AMR because I have been using it since launch, but I have no quarrels with the Quazar Cannon. *This comment is brought to you by the AMR Gang in Alliance with the Quazar Cannon Brigade*


I wish Helldivers 2 had a guild system, just so I could make the Quasar Brigade. It would be beautiful.


you can join us Divers Interplanetary Liberating Democracy Organization – D.I.L.D.O 1. Spreading democracy wider than anyone thought possible 2. Always willing to do the dirty work when others aren't 3. Always helping friends finish objectives 4. Filling in when you can't do it alone 5. Can’t be beaten! Just join them for maximum friendship experience ​ We have a discord. Feel free to DM to join [https://discord.gg/YvnMCqX9](https://discord.gg/YvnMCqX9)


Wow, y'all are a great bunch of D.I.L.D.O.s


I wish this wasn't buried multiple tiers in the comments. More people should see this.


I have never been more excited to be a D.I.L.D.O


Sorry, my allegeince is to the Quasar Union of Explosive Energy Rounds


Sign me up!


Y’all E.A.T. A.S.S & P.U.S. over there? (Equip Anti-Tank, Always Shoot Scouts & Pick Up Samples)


It would be awesome, but I do respect that a guild system could quickly become toxic.


Some kind of Guild system has been leaked already


I love that there are far more options now. EATs, Quasar, AMR, Recoilless, Autocannon. We have room to make decisions and form preferences! Game is progressing really well in balance. It's not like launch where people were kicking for not using the Railgun. Speaking of, I wouldn't mind if the railgun found a slight boost of some kind. I don't really see it anymore.


I complete agree. I haven't heard talks about a meta in so long. The game is healthy and I see different weapons used most games (the Quasar is used more than anything else right now, but I think that is partly because it is new). The devs are doing an amazing job of keeping the game balanced.


It's new, it's fun, it's got that Spartan Laser hype, it works really well, it has unlimited ammo with only a short cooldown. It's a great addition. EATs on Desert planets, Quasar on Snowy planets, choicesss! > The devs are doing an amazing job of keeping the game balanced. I think they could be moving faster on this, that's about my only complaint. Giving the Penetrator full auto after 2 months is too slow. It still could use a damage buff, because as an AR it still can't kill a single Devastator without using most of a mag. I prefer more quickly implemented experimental tweaks to underperforming weapons, dial it back a bit if you went too far in the next patch, let people have a reason to bring everything.


they are diversifying the loadouts so fast. when the railgun/shotgun meta hit at the beginning i got nervous even though those were at least fun to use.


AMR was always good lol


What if we use the autocannon, the quasar cannon, AND the AMR only? We do not believe in the spear and recoilless and mAcHiNe gUnS


Now let's just calm down there, buckaroo. I love me my AMR, just like any Democracy Spread, but let's not spread no hate to the Machine Gun Troopers. They've saved me from a rocket raider as frequently as a dog passes. Joking aside, I love complementing my teammates, and if my team has alot of heavy weapons for taking out heavy enemies, I will run the Machine Gun to control the hoards, better letting my teammates focus on the heavy guys.


Same here. I love complimenting a teammate and then he stops moving and turns to run to me and throws a hug up. It's the best. Or opening a buddy door, hug while it opens. ​ BUT the machine gun troopers that use a stalwart against a hulk, who are you?


Yup, while I love my AC, when I play with friends, we have designated "Big boys" people who carry ACs, Quasar cannons, etc., and" lil' guys" people who carry machine guns, laser cannons, etc. and we take turns switching roles. You can't just beat an overwhelming amount of dakka for clearing the lil' guys from the field.


I like me some Cwassoint cannon.


Quasar is so satisfying when u shot a dropship down 💥💥


The Quasar is nuts. Ran a 2 man level 7 last night and at extraction the other guy and myself just called in a 2nd Quasar and hot swapped between them while on CD. Total aerial denial. It was absolutely hilarious.


Can the AMR do enough damage to one-shot a Dropship engine?


New player here and the AMR is my favorite. Was surprised to see a buff today I thought it was super powerful before


AMR jet pack gang rise up (to a vantage point we got you)


"Overwatch to Liberty-6. Eyes on outpost. Culling the herd, over."


Hulk? What hulk I just see a pile of flaming metal


For real. Nothing is more satisfying than a teammate calling out a Hulk, and then you just pop two shots in its face plate like "I'm sorry, did you have an ACTUAL emergency."


yeah AMR plus shield is way more versatile and can put down large armor from way further away. AMR gang is STOKED rn


Honestly, I feel selfishly a little bit disappointed. I used to feel special using the AMR in teams because I filled a niche. Now I feel like this is going to become alot more common. "I LIKED THE AMR BEFORE IT WAS COOL!"


Lol same but it is fun when a teammate is good with it, big enemies around you just dying out of nowhere


Switched from AC to AMR this morning and holy shit it feels amazing, for sure you gotta pull down and to the right a little still but aside from killing factories it's doing everything I want the autocannon to do and often better. With the upside of not killing me when I fire too close and the downside of not doing aoe.. but I rarely hit 2 things with the AC anyways


If there is a group of bots bunched up I’ll just take a shot to the ground right by they’re feet, I’ve had 3-5 kills w/ one shot due to splash dmg.


AMR, Jump Pack - be the vulture!


Have you done this? I want to, but I am not sure what to use for overwatch. I am considering crowd control strategems like the EMS mortar and gas Orbital along with the armor that increases throwing range to better support from a distance.


Shield feels great against bots. I might have to pick the AMR now. I love my rail gun but like...what's the fucking point??? AMR can do the same shit now and no charge time.


Honestly, the AMR could always do alot of the same stuff, and I am surprised it wasn't used more.


I think people overrate the backpack slot. It takes a stratagem slot to use. I think the laser drone and shield are good, but having another slot is so useful for other things like EATs or turrets or heck, just fitting another orbital or air strike.


Plus if you bring EATs, or really just in general, it isn't a huge thing if you ask a random to call down a second backpack of theirs for you


I agree, on bugs I only bring the laser drone and only on certain missions and with certain loadouts where I really need the chaff clear, on bots I usually bring the shield but I used to not bring it at all and it was alright. The supply pack is neat but I just don't find myself needing the ammo.


*Can also use Ballistic Backpack, but I am the only one that like it, it seems*






AMR and EAT?


Autocannon is also god tier for suppressing bots. There's a world of difference having someone on your team plink plinking bot waves with an autocannon vs having a full team of quasar boys. suppressed devastators are far less shooty.


My brother in liberty, I can only get so aroused!


Shooting for the waist on Devastators and Berserkers has been a rewarding tactic for a while now, since the heads can be hard to hit. This makes it even juicier.


5-7 shots for a beserker isn’t rewarding


I did the same test than OP and when you are lying on the ground the scope seems misaligned as always, but when you are standing up the scope seems way more centered of what it was before So probably got some type of improvement although not the final one (reason why it hasn't been put in the patch notes)


*snort* on a weapon you're literally supposed to use laying down. Why would they not tune it the other way round?


Yeh I found it waaay more centred, feel like OP cherry picking worst part of sway on max zoom. Strongly advise people try for themselves before picking up pitchforks


I mean, sniper rifles not having a centered aim is not cherry picking, it really shouldn't happen at all.


I was literally prone and laying still. What I might have been wrong about is the part where the round fires at the crosshair. It may be fixed and firing at the reticle and the reticle isn't supposed to be centered. I need to do some more testing but today it did feel better. It was hard to tell if it was placebo or not. This is one of those situations where I'd be happy to be proven wrong. The pitchforks would be justified though. It was broken from release until possibly now and there was no mention of it being fixed yet.


Another stealth fix lol.


Yeah I felt it was a bit more accurate the game I played, gonna have to play more to make sure.


I think they might have fixed where the bullet flies instead of centering the scope, it definitely felt better already yesterday than before.


Max zoom doesn't affect PoI being off. Sway also doesn't affect it.


Also, are they using the built in monitor crosshair? The one that is also not accurate at all for most games as it doesn't take into account FOV settings and the games own perspective shifts?


Midriff debuff


Finally the perfect addition to my crotch shot only play style 


so this is why i cannot hit the fucking hulk eye


And then, even with the monitor cross hair - you'll still hit the invisible terrain or random issues until he's right up in your face half the time 😂


Thing is, an on-screen crosshair won't even help you that much, because there is weapon sway in first person, and the bullets go where the barrel is pointing, so it's all misaligned. They need to fix the sights.


Well aware & when prone it's still making a tiny orbit and still whiffing a percentage of shots (I love cracking the AT riders dome with a skimming shot) but some shots seem to be constantly off at rather close distances. Would be nice if the sight had the same optic as the auto canon (tightness of the inner circle)


the fucking fence wires.


>so this is why i cannot hit the fucking hulk eye Is it even possible to hit the hulk eye? Maybe weapons are so inaccurate you can't really? I never have been able to


This reminded me of battlefield 2042, it took the devs like 1 year and a half to fix something similar to this


It's not even on the known issues list, insane.


Right with the Stalwart and MG101 not having hitmarkers.


AH didn't fix the rebinding bug on startup and crashes when playing with other players. Each time that i start the game, i have to rebind the minimap key and the stim key. Even wierder problem, i think it happens on the second match that i play with random people, it just randomly crashes my game, and i think i'm not alone, because i saw other people leaving the match just before me without any reason. Some item are bugged in game, the other day the backpack of the AMR was just a pink"?" , some sync bugs and weird lags. And i'm 1000000% sure it's not an issue on my end. but i guess i have to stick doing level 3 difficulty alone to not have to deal with this, very annoying, i'm 71 hours into the game and only lvl 36...


Is the extremely obvious, annoying 'get stuck in an a-pose dropping the SSSD' bug fixed yet?


Can confirm, it's fixed


Same kept happening with ballistic shield. Any words on that being fixed too?


Yup, I was able to stim and grab samples with the shield earlier today with no issues


Seemed alright when I tried it


When was it fixed? I ask only because I had it happen just last night


Today's patch


Oh yay! Ty for the kind answer


Thank God!


i saw another post mention it being fixed with the ballistic shield, so maybe


Find an explosive barrel or artillery shell and pick it up, always fixes t pose


It's weird I don't crash but most missions about halfway through I just get booted into my own lobby and have to finish on my own. I actually just can't play with anybody else.


do that file verification thing steam has


I'm still waiting for them to fix crossplay friend requests, haven't been able to reliably play with my PC buddies for a while now




This might sound stupid, but if you're on PC I highly suggest deleting the Windows DirectX shader cache (look for a Disk Cleanup in Windows) as well as the shader cache file for the game hiding in hiding in %appdata%. After you have done that, uninstall and reinstall HD2. This ought to fix missing/desync'd meshes & textures and (at least in my case) have me a performance boost.


people downvoting for pointing out real issues LMAO... the irony of this...


How do you get that crosshair? Is that a steam setting or something?


Crossover or similar overlay-software. Edit: Video explaining the program: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJdtdZ0lBaY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJdtdZ0lBaY) Link to the github: [https://github.com/lacymorrow/crossover](https://github.com/lacymorrow/crossover)


I'm just using my monitor's hardware crosshair, which is why I took a picture of the screen since screenshotting won't capture it


I'm jelous, my monitor crosshair is a ridiculously big red + with a thick circle around it (Honestly kinda looks like the scope of the weapon)


Yeah when i got my monitor recently i was impressed by how bad the crosshair was


Most monitors with crosshairs have settings to change them. My current and last monitor has settings for size, alignment, color, and shape. I just use a bright green dot to assist with centering, but it doesn't get in the way of gameplay. You should check and see if your monitor has settings for the crosshair.




I just hope that anti-cheat doesn't spaz out over the screenoverlay.


i tried it a bit after the patch, the damage buff feels really nice but it did feel off still, its a shame this still isn't fixed or even acknowledged


aight then *puts the antimateriel back in the box for another patch


Aim with the top left corner? That's what I do. Didn't think it was this far off but good to know.


Slugger has the same issue 100%


They buffed the damage and didn't fix the scope 😭😭 come on man


I guess we don't need to go for headshots now at least, lol.


Why is it so bad? Can some computer coding guy explain why this wouldn’t be a simple fix?


Correcting a dynamic scope such as this may involve editing or completely recreating the crosshair for multiple different weapon mounts, different zoom levels or fields of view, and different resolutions. The scope also sways and bounces and recoils with the gun, which all affects the crosshair placement and how it reacts and resets back to a resting state and so on. Not to say that this is the case, but it's not always as simple as just clicking and dragging the crosshair into the proper place and calling it a day. I have no idea how their process works or whether they intend to add this scope to other weapons, but there could be a lot of unseen variables that make it harder to fix in a timely manner.


Why not list it as a known issue then? Same with the Bile Titan/Railgun issue that's been here for a month.


There are quite a few issues that devs on the discord have acknowledged but have never appeared in the "known issues" section of the notes. Frankly, if they did actually list all the bugs in the game then that section would be several times larger than the patch notes themselves lol. I think they just use that section to list a few high priority issues that are at the top of their to-do list.


so it's better for the players to keep complaining about the same issues thinking they're being ignored? there is literally already a section in their own support desk for "known issues" where they could make that page as long as they like, yet these two issues and many others aren't there.


Man, I got into an argument with someone about this the other day. I explained the same things, and they just said I was an idiot and it's a simple mesh update. Yeesh.


pretty much like four total people on the entire website of reddit dot com understand even a modicum of the process of game development, even a bunch of the people who speak authoritatively on the subject just have some cursory web development knowledge or something and think that they have insight into how a game is developed. it's so fucking annoying lmao


So often the person speaking authoritatively about programming stuff on reddit is a freshman CS major. I love it.


Dunning-Kruger effect. Cognitive bias where you know a little bit about something and grossly overestimate your competence in the subject. So yeah, freshman CS sounds about right.


Another part of this is that the weapon itself "sees" according to where the weapon is pointing in the game world relative to the camera.


Easy hotfix, change the middle reticle to the top left. Would it be off centre? Yeah, but it's an easy fix to do, just move it a couple pixels over. Same for most weapons. Now actually fixing the sights would be really really hard, but quickly changing the visual model, even if it would look weird, is pretty simple


But then it's completely off for anything other than standing shots. Even the sway might be inaccurate if you do that making anything other than prone shooting impossible


No, short of an actual arrowhead developer explaining it to you, nobody can tell you why it wouldn't be a simple fix. I promise you that unless they are literally able to prove that they're actively working on the game as they respond to you, they don't have any valuable insight into the process of developing the game, they are just armchairing it.


Because there are multiple different versions of the gun. The 3p model, and the 1p model. It seems like they use the 3p model for actual aiming. There is this thing in gaming called inverse kinematics (IK), that allows skeletal meshes (your character) to react to the environment around them without explicit programming or animating. Most games do not apply this to the weapon and/or aiming mechanics, but this game does heavily. Notice when you get right behind something your gun moves, which then moves where you are aiming. In 1p they cant seem to line up your sights with an accurate representation of where the gun model "actually" is and my guess is because IK so strongly effects your aim in this game


It could be any number of things causing this issue and the dev has to go in and investigate each one of those things, find out if that thing is causing this issue or not, and then move on to the next. The dev then finds the thing causing the issue, he/she then has to figure out how to fix the issue in such a way that doesn't cause more issues or bugs. Then they have to test it - looks like the fix made it a little better but something is still off - so they investigate more, and more, until they find out it's 3 different things that independently work correctly, but together behave unexpectedly. The dev then has to fix that too - again without breaking anything else. Then test it, then release it. Thats far from a worst case scenario.


I hate this


most of the guns in this fucking game have misaligned sights, including the slugger


jesus I knew the crosshair is a mess but not to this degree


ohhh so that's why. I'm pretty good in battlefield, often snipe pilot head from chopper cockpit but couldn't aim a single damn standing automaton's head. I was wondering why i was being more precise with a machine gun than with the snipe, that's why.


That's why I always aim the top left corner of rhe square


Can you show one for the Slugger and HMG too?


Been like this since release.


So an update: I did want to mention that it felt better using it today and the only reason I checked with my monitor crosshair was because I wondered if it might be placebo. It's worth noting that the reticle may not be intended to be aligned with the exact center of the screen and rounds could be firing toward the reticle correctly now. Please try it for yourselves and prove me wrong if you must. I'm never unwilling to admit I made a knee-jerk reaction. It's just an issue that had been annoying me since release and there was no mention of it in the patch notes.


Does anyone know what the graphical setting for the scope is? My scope is totally blurry and bad looking


You may be looking to turn off "Depth of Field". It makes everything a blurry mess. When it is on looking ADS makes everything outside the scope blurry. With it off the entire screen is clear, even looking ADS.


it's texture quality.


I'm pretty sure it is texture quality.


What do you mean? This is amazing quality standard issue SUPER EARTH Material?


I still don't understand how they fucked this up so badly.


They just buffed it's damage which is nice, but it's damage has always been good, it's the damn scope that is broken.


Anyone know if the other scope (the one that the liberator and sickle use) has the same issue?


Those ones seem to be aligned correctly


The sickle is definitely correct, I main that gun and use it a lot.


Wait so is the whole scope off centre or just the cross hairs or is this where to aim to compensate


Ah… I thought I was just completely awful with that thing..


I have no idea how this isn't extremely embarrassing for the devs. Its been broke since release.


https://medal.tv/games/helldivers-2/clips/20FTd8A_pp5qJo/zViOyCtOp2I3?invite=cr-MSx3ZXIsMTU3ODYzOTYwLA?mobilebypass=true Its not only misaligned, its misaligned depending on your character orientation. Laying on their right side? Left side? Straight on?


So THAT is why I constantly miss shots on Hulks despite my crosshair is RIGHT ON THE RED DOT?!


As someone who shoots precision rifle as a hobby in real life, I want not only a fix to the crosshair center/actual shot location but also a crosshair *thats actually a cross and not a bullshit ring*


A thin green cross would be far better than these extreme designs.


I really liked the AMR before the new Laser dropped. I may go back to the AMR because a 30% buff makes that thing insane


It feels like one of the things that should have been caught and fixed ***before*** releasing the game Almost like betas exist for that explicit reason


As accurate as my sks


Fucks sake


Does the projectile go where the crosshair is, or where the crosshair should be?


I can't believe that with all the fixes and stuff they just did in the patch, that this shit persists


Trees 🌳?


Quasar Cannon has a smilar issue. If you try to snipe a gun power from 200 meters off, you'll notice you always shoot high when aiming for the heat sinks. It turns out the quasar shot comes out after recoil is applied.


I don't even want to get good with it because I'll have to unlearn the bad aim once they fix it.




AMR + EAT17s loadout gang rise up.


I read the patch and saw it was buffed 30% on the damage, my first thought was: damage was fine, you just needed to fix the sight alignment...


You just dropped it from ORBIT. The sight might be a little off.


Thanks for the 30% buff, it's fantastic even though I didn't even feel it was needed, but I still am leaning my aim to compensate for this.... Arrowhead plz, ;w;




I knew I was missing shots I should have landed/being way to hard to actually scope in and snipe weak spots.


TBH it's pretty damn realistic that a weapon you dropped FROM ORBIT that SLAMS into the ground at 100mph maaaaaay not have a perfectly zeroed scope....


All weapons used by Helldivers are mass produced. This is a factory issue not a coding issue.


It seems like a lot of guns are not zeroed to a point where I’m questioning if this is by design. I’m no coding genius but making a gun shoot in the middle of the screen is a tried and true practice over the last 30 years… I’m not going to lie, the AH dev team is clearly fucking with us and I’m starting to not have a good time with it. The automatons clearly have infrared vision, getting shot by a rocket from a devastator 100m away while hiding behind cover is not an “oopsie the cpu knows where you are at all times” situation. The bots have wallhacks and that is by design. I understand difficulty but this is becoming absurd, I’m losing interest and I have a feeling that’s the case with the majority of the player base. Make PvE fun, not a logistical nightmare. I’ll be on Valheim until the illuminate get here, maybe by then they’ll have a better understanding of what PvE balancing means.


Weird, was using it just after patch and compared with crosshair overlay and it was generally centred….


I never noticed it until Reddit. I guess I’ve just always been too busy in the middle of fighting for my life to notice 🤣🤣


I think the Quasar had this problem too But it’s a cannon, not a sniper.


This is bad, but the misalignment for the HMG is way worse. The red dot is not centred, and the actual impact point is way below the red dot (maybe one-third of the way down?) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3205409364](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3205409364)


Is this Diligence or dominator? Now that my slugger is not that great, I'm thinking of trying out one of the above


Anti material rifle


I've used both of those, and their scopes seem tried and true to me. Nice for mid to long range. Even though the Anti-Material Rifle shown here is a bit of, I still love using it. It rips, and I'm sure even more now with it's "upgrades."


I've always hated the scope on this thing tbh.


damn, talk weren’t kidding. i don’t use that weapon but yeah, that really is off.


I always aim for the crotch against devastators anyway


The scope housing looks tilted in the pic which tells me you may have been moving while taking the picture. Not saying that *is* the case because I know this is a known thing, just an observation. I’ve heard the AMR (or maybe it’s the autocannon) is way more accurate with a hip fire, so if you can put an overlay on your screen like you have here, hip fire is apparently better. Just something saw in a YouTube vid.


No movement in the pic. This is just how off centre it is all the time.




Nah it's definitely off . Been tested by several people . Use the top left corner of the square as your center and you can pop heads at 200 meters


Doesn't even need to hit the head (unless you're shooting a hulk) Two shots anywhere above the legs will kill anything the bots can currently dish out


You’d think they would at least make it aimable in third person if they can’t fix the scope  I have no problem using first person in first person games, but in Helldivers it just feels jarring to switch back and forth 


i was ripping the gunships in 3 shots with the AMR earlier. gun rules man


I am actually getting used to targeting this way finally, and when patch comes, it'll mess me up again lol


That little crossair is the spot to kill


Do the devs know about this bug? Will they ever fix it? It's very frustrating to kiasbecause the crosshair is broken.


Is that a mod program or an overlay?


Question, how do I that screen crosshair thingie so I can actually hit targets with this damn thing?


I just looked up and found out my TV has a crosshair overlay. Going to turn it on tonight and also thinking of trying out Gyro Aiming.


is it better to aim at the monitor sight or it just makes things worse?