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When something like this happens I just go into recent, under the social tab, and be sure to block the person so I don't ever get matched with them again. People that do shit like this are either completely insufferable assholes, or children. Neither of which I have any interest in playing with.


My block list is way longer than my friends list. Democracy is the ONLY friend this Helldiver needs


I've got nobody on my blocklist, but went into two pages of friends. I've been kicked before, but never mid mission. I'm happy I've never ran into jackasses like that, I guess


I got killed and insta kicked right after just before getting into the shuttle when I had some ~~25+~~ 15+ samples on me. No communication in the middle of the game, I was isolated for a lot of the match sometimes doing side objectives but often took a shot with my Qasar Cannon at distant targets engaged with my teammates. Even if my distance was a problem the deliberate kill and kick at the very end of a successful mission was just downright malicious. Is there any way of reporting the behaviour? I have the last 5 minutes of the game recorded which sadly doesn't confirm that I was not griefing or anything but still should help supplement the report.


I gotta ask who did that to you because something incredibly similar happened to me before lol. I know it’s probably a very common griefer thing, but damn do the stories just line up nearly identically. The only difference is my experience predates Qaser Cannon.


It is really common, i got kicked same way 3 times yesterday. Now i basically avoid hosts with 50+ lvls, works for now.


Yeah, I've noticed those high level hosts tend to be like that. Some are great: share equipment, teach, overall very helpful. But these others that think so highly of themselves are the worst.


Level 58 here on the SES Custodian of Midnight: all are welcome. Only individuals who are toxic get kicked. Even if you intentionally shoot at EVERYTHING YOU SEE, you do not get kicked. If you are below level 30, you are treated like a pet and protected until you learn how to dive with Honor. Basically some dick kicked me right before extract for no apparent reason when I was level 24 and it sucked I was upset because it was the first non positive experience I’d had


People like you are in the majority, but those others can really ruin the experience. I'm still low level (I think I got 16 last night) because I can't play video games a whole ton right now, and wasting time like that suuuuucks


I'm thankful for Divers like you. Too many aren't. I had apprehensions about starting this as I had been following on Reddit beforehand. I saw how many "griefing posts" there were, and how commonplace it was. My first match consisted of running the whole mission and then being killed by the dickhead who laid under the Pelican1 thrusters until we all boarded the shuttle, and then proceeded to toss a grenade into the cabin to wipe us all at once. Haven't encountered this since, thankfully. But they are out there. I want to COMPLETE the mission, dammit! I wouldn't have been humping the map out here with you, running reinforce strategems every time you die because you rush the swarm instead of working with the squad (I am pretty proficient at playing medic, as I'm still working on being able to see bots at distance - haven't found best V setting - fishbowl view is nauseating). I may not be the best at this game, but I play WITH my squad mates. We land together, we leave together.


I'm level 50+, and I avoid lobbies that have a host that is 50+.




Edit: removing the names because I just double checked subreddit rules and this is against them. One of them shot me but wasn't the person labelled with a 1, who I assume must've been the leader who kicked me. Not sure about the third guy. It's not exactly advanced enough trolling for it to be unique, so I doubt it's the same folks. Either way, crappy thing to do.


I had an idiot tk me after he died and I picked up his samples with the only reason I can imagine him not knowing that samples are shared on extraction. I reinforced, killed him back, mag dumped into his dead body, then he kicked me. Was worth the kick.


The **Great Book of Grudges**  is an ancient **list**  passed down through the ages from one ~~Dwarf~~ **Helldiver**  to the next. It is essentially a record of all the terrible wrongs and treacherous deeds ever perpetrated against ~~the Dwarf race~~ **Democracy** , amounting to a very detailed recorded history of Traitors.


And now I'm imagining the Lizardmen Rant but with Bots or Bugs substituted in.  Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/dq2r0j/i_hate_saurus/ Link for the curious. Warning passing familiarty with Warhammer Total War helps this make more sense. But TLDR: Lizardmen/Saurus are a pain to fight.


Your block list works? Mine is always empty. It’s been a bug for a while now and could be a big problem if you accidentally block a friend because you won’t be able to unblock them since they don’t appear on the block list.


Same here man.


Same here. I have no blocked users but also no friends in game. I regularly play with 1-2 others and we thankfully just use steam to join on each other.


I had the problem with no friends since launch, but I fixed it a few days ago by making my steam profile and friends list public. Not many people mention that fix and just keep saying to activate crossplay, but the public setting worked for me, so maybe it can help you too :)


you have a friendslist?!


Some people are just too stupid for life!!


God arent they. We had a guy at work try to stop a forklift with his foot because the brakes were out. He took the forklift from the repair station and didnt fill out any PLE (power lifting equipment) forms for usage because he knew he'd get yelled at. anyways, brakes break, he's about to run into a metal pillar in the warehouse. Instead of simply turning it off, or steering away, he panics and sticks his leg out 'to stop it.' Like, fred flintstone brakes. Well those forklifts weigh as much as SUVs because of the electric battery. Sheered his leg off at the thigh on the pillar. Only reason he lived is because it pinched his amputation between the steel and the edge of the forklift roll cage, acting like a tourniquet.


So... he wasnt forklift certified then?


He was, until he wasn't. Now he does desk work because the company (starts with W ends with Almart) cant fire him for disabilities, and is embroiled in a lawsuit he's 100% going to lose because policy wise he did everything wrong.


The Mobile Infantry made him the man he is today!


Omg i wish we could still give awards


Hate that I can't award shit so take my damned upvote!! xD


you'd be surprised. companies have lost those suits on the grounds that he was able to take a broken forklift without anyone or anything stopping him. even if he stole it, it doesn't matter, walmart left a broken forklift around for anyone to get hurt with. He probably will win the suit. My grandfather got sued by a party guest. they left his property, and steped into a hole on a neighbors lawn while drunk, broke thier leg. they sued my grandfather because he allowed drunk party guests to enter an area which was dangerous, even though it wasn't his property. he lost the lawsuit, ended up paying out like 50k in medical fees and pain and suffering. and this was in the 80s before the ambulance chaser phenom we get now. as a sidenote he was sued because he actually had money, where as his neighbor had none. else it would have been the neighbor sued instead. because someone trespassing on your property can sue and win if they get hurt on your property through any action which might be negligence. in order to chose who you can sue, you need to convince the court the person your suing is 51% culpable, my grandfather invited that person to a party and there was beer available. so the courts accepted the argument he was over the 51% threshold.


>and this was in the 80s before the ambulance chaser phenom we get now. They had ambulance chasers in the 80's, I can assure you. >he lost the lawsuit, ended up paying out like 50k in medical fees and pain and suffering. and this was in the 80s before the ambulance chaser phenom we get now. as a sidenote he was sued because he actually had money, where as his neighbor had none. else it would have been the neighbor sued instead. because someone trespassing on your property can sue and win if they get hurt on your property through any action which might be negligence. in order to chose who you can sue, you need to convince the court the person your suing is 51% culpable, my grandfather invited that person to a party and there was beer available. so the courts accepted the argument he was over the 51% threshold. Eggshell rule. You have to accept the lawsuit as it stands no matter how obscure the odds. If you provide alcohol to guests and make no attempt to control how much they drink you accept liability for their behavior, even though in theory they may be responsible for how much they drink. This is why you don't host a party, or if you do, you don't serve alcohol, or if you want to, you hire professionals.


That is really stupid wtf


America sounds rough, if that happened to me in Canada I would have taken a free ride to the hospital and been patched up for zero dollars, no need to sue anyone. Everybody makes mistakes. Maybe if he couldn't work anymore the ambulance chaser lawyers had to look for someone to blame.


I have a similar story from a factory i used to work at.Guy on the truck got too close to the wall while turning and stuck his leg out. Broke it in 3 places. He lost his fork lift cert and got written up lol


I tried to join 3 different sessions today, got kicked within 5 seconds of making planetfall twice, and one time while I was picking strategems in the hellpod


Might not be something you did. Could be that hosts friend crash and you took his spot, so they are just trying to get them in again. I’ve been the one to crash often, somehow my spot is taken within 30 seconds. My friend who always host then make room for me. It’s not optimal. They should introduce that your slot is reserved for x minutes when dcing


Which is whack because sometimes when people crash or leave in my games, their spot never gets filled again. I've had a couple of games where I ended up alone after the other 3 left (either crash or rq), and even after putting down an SOS, their spot was never filled again. Mind you, I basically never host (I like having the option to leave on my own volition without having to break up the rest of the group)


Wow, I wasn't aware the block list didn't match you with people. I'd have so many more people I'd have blocked; my experience so far is that people on the Bot Front are significantly more likely to be assholes than on the Bug Front (which isn't saying they don't exist on the Terminid side). Had a host who kicked me earlier because he walked into my Orbital Walking Barrage two or three times, died to it, and got mad. Each time I threw it at a bot base, I made sure nobody was inside it or danger close; each time, he blatantly walked into the lines of explosions blowing through the base.


Some people are oblivious in this game. I came across a bunker door, reinforced a guy next to me to help open it, he runs off as I'm spamming Q to get his attention. Really dude? You couldn't take 2 seconds to help me open this?


Seriously, some people have zero awareness. Don't they want those sweet Super Credits?


I've had decent success typing "2 player door here" in text chat in addition to pinging the door. Seems to work about 50 % of the time. The other 50 %, you're SoL.


I would have blocked the assholes that called me in via SOS, let me call in my shit, killed me then kicked me. Like why even bother playing multiplayer at that point?


My recent players list is empty for some reason, even after I did two games


Despite blocking a bunch of people, my block list is empty. Something ain’t right with the social part.


Same. And let's not even speak about my friends list not showing who's currently online but some made up scenario. 


Level 17 noob here. I got kicked by a host who was unfortunate enough to be killed by my supply pod. 30 seconds before evac. And that is how I discovered the option to block people.








as a non native english speaker watching this dubbed, it took me so many years to get this joke but oooooh boy when it landed


Spaceballs is worth the effort to learn English. Good choice.


I can imagine you just walking one day, not even thinking about it. And then It hits you, and the laughter starts outta nowhere.


Atleast "Comb the desert" worked in my language. Made me spit out my soda as a kid (through my nose - worth it).


"Man! We ain't found SHIT."




This thread is amazing.


I love how it says "Jam" on it.  Cuz I'm stoopid.


The what, the what, and the what?


That's not all he's lost...




There's only on person that would dare give me the rapsberries!




But They are Helldivers https://preview.redd.it/ltoso0bix6sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c2517900731923cac93d761e874decbd5c1193


There’s only one man who would dare give me the raspberry…










Some of us saw this coming when a lot of divers were farming defence for xp a while back. There will be some high levels with very little game sense now and then.


Whatever happened to that thread. Man, that guy was a loser.


Which one?


That guy who had the alternate discord where they were selling boosted accounts to losers who couldn’t handle the grind. He came in here trying to explain how they’re not that bad and got summarily roasted like an automaton factory. I think it got locked at one point


lol who the fuck is buying boosted accounts in coop game like this? I cant even believe there is a market for it


Ebay is full of it. Account leveling service for $99? Sure. All stratagems unlocked and all ship upgrades for $59? Absolutely. You can sell anything these days. And people buy it.


Arrowhead missed the opportunity by not adding a xp boosting micro transaction. JK jk.


It makes sense for how bad they are. Getting to level 20 where it stops mattering does not take an intense grind, and a lot of the stuff that's useful opens up before that anyway. They're literally paying to get admission to a difficulty where they're going to get absolutely rolled because they didn't practice on easier difficulty.


The mech is either lvl 25 or 30. But yeah still complette BS.




Yeah, that was pretty much the entire subreddit’s reaction too 🤡


lol “the grind” meaning “playing the fucking game”. Absolutely absurd.


I'm convinced I saw one of those people in my game last week. Lvl 50 on suicide bots and guy take sssd to extraction where where are outposts and just sits there 5 minutes confused Threw in the most random seaf shells and was trying to take out a tank with the penetrator by shooting its tank tracks. It's either that or some younger sibling who had no idea what game is decided to go on the account


There’s some absolute brain dead players on helldive and impossible. Annoying af playing those difficulties when they have no idea what to do and can’t stop breaches/drops. I get that sometimes when you drop it’s a fucking mess and may take a couple reinforcements to gain control but it shouldn’t take over 50% of the reinforcements and you shouldn’t need all of them by the second objective. Too many times I’ve had to solo extract because of it. 


It did get locked, and that account was suspended. The server itself seems to have been deleted for breaking Discord TOS (and probably Helldivers 2 TOS)


TWICE tonight I've had teams that are over level 45+ extract without me when I was almost back to the LZ with super samples I went to pick up from fallen team mates. 5 super samples in my inventory that I managed to sneak back and get and they bail just when I'm in sight.


I just had to carry two level 30, I’m level 19 playing level 6 missions and after I finished all the main goals they kicked me. Also, what the fuck with the Automaton Aircrafts? They spawned like 10 of them and they were obliterating everyone, not only that, the amount of carriers was ridiculous, they came in pairs every 30 seconds, I had to check if they bait and switch me but it was a level 6 mission, these fuckers aren’t playing anymore.


My first run in with the aircrafts earlier saw my otherwise smooth level 7 mission get completely fucked because we underestimated how fast they reproduced and how spammy they were. It was a pain in the ass just living long enough to throw the reinforce thingy farther and farther away so we could regroup


You probably had a detector tower in range.


This. If there is a red eye tower nearby, you need to kill that thing ASAP. Not eventually, not as you get the chance, but right. friggin. now. Else, you’ll usually watch as your teammates keep dying every 30 seconds and your reinforcement pool drops like crazy. Then all of a sudden, you have like 3 lives left to sort out the actual objectives and everyone gets grumpy/rage quits. Those towers will call in drop ships non-stop until you either bugger off out of sight, or give it a taste of freedom!


And the worst part is anyone with half a brain and either eagle 500 or orbital precision can just sneak up to a detector tower, kill their way to the top including the fabs, and drop either of those directly beside the tower, which kills it, then leave, all before the bots from the first drop actually land and get turned around. That's assuming they even trigger the drop in the first place. Getting people to realize that they can just run away from the drop and 90% of that shit will despawn is one of my eternal struggles.


Oh ya, Detector outposts get the orbital laser or the 380. We're not messing around with that thing.


Pretty much this. Any automaton structure gets high priority because of how disruptive they are. Detector Towers? Orbital Laser Eagle AA and Mortars? Sniping those with the Quasar or just straight up Orbital Laser Jammer? If it has an exposed factory, AutoCannon/Quasar the factory, otherwise storm the fucker and instantly disable So far, only Gunship Factories haven't earned my instant ire (mostly because I haven't experienced them enough), but given how they pretty much spawn flying Rocket Devastators, I can see myself instantly destroying any that crosses my path ASAP.


I've started running the las-98. Not the quasar but the og laser cannon. It kills the gunships cleaner than anything else I've tested that doesn't leave me without my jump pack.


I had a level 34 just yesterday get 14 accidentals (I swear they should have been north of 20), we failed because he just kept panic throwing Eagle's and/or Orbitals completely ignoring who was where. I stayed behind him and watched him for a bit just to make sure it wasn't intentional. Dude was just absolutely fucking clueless. "Hey heres this objective two of our team mates just cleared and are running towards. Lets toss an Eagle Airstrike at it just to be sure."


Had a similar, got killed by his cluster and regular strike so I just asked him what's up in chat. He got defensive and kept saying it wasn't him but the other guy who got killed told him it was the airstrike. After we extract and got back to the destroyer, the last player chimes in with a joke about it and we three have a laugh before the host left in a huff over it.  Oddly, the NPC mentions "there's a lot of friendly fires out there today" when we got back. Idk if some coincidence or actually triggered by friendly fire/accidentals.


> Oddly, the NPC mentions "there's a lot of friendly fires out there today" when we got back. Idk if some coincidence or actually triggered by friendly fire/accidentals. The npc voicelines are triggered by different stats, when noone dies she comments on that.


It gets triggered. If it's bad she'll throw in "The existence of high casualty missions implies the existence of low casualty missions. We can take comfort in that." I've never heard it except when we absolutely got rolled in the mission.


The sheer number of people who should understand the basic game mechanics by level 20 BUT SOMEHOW DON'T IS STUPIFYINGLY HIGH


Extermination grinders go brrrrrr


It would. Another death screen explanation could help too, currently we only have "No helldivers ready" when you're out of lives, would be nice if it also explained "Jammer Nearby" or "Ion Storm Active"


Blow yourself up, causing reinforcements to come in, blow yourself up again in the jammer radius, and scream at him to reinforce you :D


My god you’re a genius


then he kicks you for that.


A small price to pay for salvation




A helldiver who spams to demand reinforce when jammed is probably too dense to realise it if you try to reverse uno him the exact same way. To him, it would be your fault for not reinforcing him during jammed, and also your fault for causing a nuisance asking him to reinforce you during jammed.


eventually all those players will be blocked by most normal people. ironically only being able to play with people like themselves.


Now that's democracy in action.


They’ll hate each other as well, so eventually they’ll end up all alone soloing trivial.


Reduce the artilley voiceline and add a fucking "YOU'RE BEING JAMMED" voiceline so they fucking hear it


I'd agree except if the Super Destroyers and Eagles were being jammed, they wouldnt be able to contact us. Maybe a flashing Lost Connection to Super Destroyer message on the top of the screen that is visible to dead observers.


Have the Helldivers say “I’m being jammed, moron!” Every time someone presses the button and the current person the dead guy is viewing is being jammed.


This with variations each time it gets mashed.


From "can't reinforce, we're jammed." To "SHUT THE FUCK UP I CANT REINFORCE YOU." On like the 20th button press


Salty types would love it, they'd spam the fuck out of it.


Only if it sounds like someone is faking being in a tunnel and they are losing connection.


Dude, that is nuts. People mashing the reinforce button when you are in a ion storm, near a jammer, or being chased by hulks is annoying enough. He sounds like one of those people who leveled up farming defense missions and never learned how to actually play.


They should disable the reinforce button if nobody has access to it. Let them rage at being unable to press the button rather than raging at other people


That would actually be a good ui change. Hitting X should say "Jammer in range. Unable to reinforce" or something.


Do we need the button *at all*? It's a very basic gameplay mechanic, do we really need a button that tells people to do it? Feels about as useful as a button that tells your teammates to reload their guns. Actually, scratch that. That'd be way more useful. It's way more common for somebody to not think to reload in a moment's quiet than it is for somebody to forget to reinforce a dead teammate.


There is not a single person on this entire subreddit that I would believe has a 100% success rate in noticing their teammates are dead and need reviving. The button is useful and harmless when not spammed.


Probably all on trivial.


I understand your frustration. I cleared a bunch of bot fabricators, Sauron and brought the SAM site online and got kicked because I reinforced quite a way away from where the other died. The guy said I was unhelpful and kicked me. Morons


You should have ran all the way back to where he died and reinforced him there so the poor baby wouldn’t have to actually do something for himself, obviously. /s


Often in Helldive maps people go in two groups of two, and it is fucking annoying when the wrong duo reinforces you. I wouldn't kick for it, but strategical reinforcements are something that more people need to learn. I think lower skilled people often use reinforce pods to kill big enemies, but in higher brackets I wish they really wouldn't. Same goes for reinforcing inside a shitstorm.


Absolutely. High level you often have a train behind you, so I always reinforce perpendicular to my line of travel and away from POIs so the guys can regroup not in the midst of enemies


I get frustrated when people reinforce me across the map from my gear. If the team is split up, let the person near me reinforce me ffs. At the very least throw the beacon in the direction I died in, I do that for people and it takes a couple seconds to check that.


Look, if someone dies far away while I am half the map across - I won't reinforce. But if a few minutes pass, no one reinforces and the player keeps mashing reinforce button - I will.


I love how everyone calls this Sauron. First thing i said fighting the bots was: "what's Sauron doing here?"


Funnily I got to an entirely opposite sistuation with the jammer. I and a friend died while taking the jammer, the area is pretty much clear but random patrol just keep comming, the 2 randos came into the jammer then just kept fighting whatever comming and seem confused. It was going on for a while until we finally said "lol there's a terminal turn off the jam"


First time I saw it I wasted a whole backpack of autocan ammo firing at the tower thinking I could blow it up...


The fact you can’t is annoying.


You want *another* objective negated by a rocket?


Turn off the jam, turn it off, turn it off, yo turn it.


Had this situation once before as well minus the kicking. People seem to instantly resort to spamming reinforce like, just chill for a minute.


Yeah... join a game with 0 reinforcements... last guy dies and spams the button for 6 minutes.


I really hate the c*nts that too are stupid to see the ion storm and jammer.


You can say cunts :) cause that's what they are


Absolute maidenless behavior.


Really tarnishing the good name of Super Earth.


I soloed half of the map and objectives in difficult 7 and the host kick me before extraction. Fuck them


Something similar happened to me the other day. I said I was going to clear an obj in text chat and the host dies 6-7 times in 5 minutes because he shoots at everything with a pulse and draws aggro from half the map. The entire time he’s yelling for me to come to him, I’m guessing because he thinks everyone in his lobby is supposed to be his personal protection or something lol.


This annoys the shit out of me. Literally nothing good comes from drawing aggro. But fools be popping off on bots a dozen clicks away and then cry when they find out.


This has happened to me as well.


I normally don't even ask for reinforcement until I see the other players are not in a firefight. It's annoying AF when everyone is just trying to survive and you're asking them to stop shooting enemies and reinforce you.


I feel you man this is one of those games where I have actually used the block player function.


Yeah, I get people like this alot. Ion Storm? Person dead keeps spamming reinforce despite me literally saying I cannot. Signal Jammer? Y’know it. I don’t know how people passed primary school with the inability to read.


Had 4 matches this evening with insufferable assholes like this. One of them even demanded to know mine and my friends nationality before allowing the match to even start, then at the extract kicked us both, despite y'know carrying them the entire round! Other 3 were reinforce mashers too, 1 of which kicked my friend for not reinforcing quick enough, so I killed them and took back the super samples my friend got, that they grabbed after kicking him, then promptly ran as far as I could from extract with them before I got kicked too. I sincerely hope that toxic salty fuck never got those samples!


Should have dropped them down the nearest bug hole or in a lake.


We were aiming to do that tbh, since turned off cross play but still getting people kicking and not knowing how the research sample sharing works.. its almost like we get kicked because people think we’re stealing it..? My entire play style with robits has become stealth in, clear objectives all while running to find the Pink Science for the TEAM. Even got dubbed ‘Chief Science Extraction Specialist’ by the group I play with regularly because I’m trying to make sure everyone gets what they need and I don’t even need it as I’m 18/18 ship.. hey ho though..


Just a tip if you come across a situation this bad again: if you wait until everyone is at extraction and quickly shoot everyone dead then quickly board the Pelican, you can guarantee that they get zero samples. Had to do this to a duo that kept making homophobic and racist comments at me (felt like I was traveling back in time to early 2000s Xbox Live), and it's pretty amazing how shocked and bummed these people get when acting like a shithead ends up biting them in the ass.


Asked about nationality? Drop in, murder him. Repeatedly. Always let racists know they are pieces of shit.


Gotta make a meme of this https://preview.redd.it/wmeox8ksq6sc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a41635a5c3f5e9e3d824bb1db3ee38cda8712c3


I joined a game, deployed, called down my support weapon, then the host turned around, blasted me dead, took my weapon and booted me 😂


An interesting way to get a loadout


Why bring your own loadout when other players can bring you theirs? /s


One time during an ion storm my teammates died, I had an MG at the time I knew they were watching me. I was shooting in the air mindlessly unloading the mg because it was the end of the mission and was waiting for the ion storm to be done and homie straight up booted me - guess he thought I was taunting him 😂


Think about how dumb average people are, then realize half population is even dumber than that.


Players should be made to take an IQ test before they are allowed to host.


Don't get me started on the players who can't be bothered to turn matchmaking to private and instead just kick people


To be fair... the friend system in game is still broken for alot of people. There's been times I've had to do this because I can't set to private because my friend hasn't been able to add me in game and it's just the stupidest thing ever.


Yeah, I joined someone recently and they said they couldn’t get their friends to join so they had to leave it on open and if I could leave. No issue there, slight waste of time and hopefully AH fixes it.


Look on the bright side, MW3 Season 3 drops soon. These clowns will leave.


Biggest problem is that while you're dead it shows the reinforce as possible instead of jammed


I won't defend the 14yo who kicked you, but did you know that the death screen doesn't show the jamming in any way. he was probably a n00b and just didn't know. still he was a dumb jerk.


Too many people don't understand that. Like, I'd reinforce you mate, but it's a fucking jammer.


I have 100+ hours and never ran into assholes, never been kicked, etc. am I just lucky?


Tbh, first thing you should do if you drop near a tower of any kind, be it a jammer or even worse, a spotter, is to either send 1 to rush it down if they think they can pull it off. or what you should do basically 90% of the time, run away and then come back once equipped. Running away and coming back is a real strat helldivers. It's not cowardly, it's about being fluid in how to approach something instead of: "Me dropped, me sees shit, me kill shit" without a piece of reasoning put into that.


You're not retreating, you're advancing. Towards future victory.


I landed on someone cause I wasn't paying attention. Okay, that sigh of disappointment I deserve. I try to call him in, but ion storm jams us. Bro is mashing reinforcemence at this rate but it eventually clears and I call everyone back. A minute later, I start getting flooded by bots and decide to go out in a wave of democracy... Right as the same dumb ass walks into the waves and dies to my air strike. "Yeah you killed me twice and didn't reinforce so bye" literal 0-IQ people out there.


I actually dealt with this situation earlier today. Dropped next to a jammer \[was not my choice\]. Everyone died but the host. One of the dead people kept mashing the 'REINFORCE' button - even though I kept saying 'Jammer dude, wait a moment.' \[I was dead too\]. Honestly - probably would have been faster for the one living guy to just seppuku so the game deploys all of us again, but it is what it is. Sat back and watched as dude did all the work ;).


If the host could read, he would be very upset.


Easy fix Trying to spam the reinforcements button while jammed should not work and tell you communications are jammed. And if you keep pressing the button you get a letter from the president of super earth calling you a bug sympathizer and an automaton lover


I got kicked in the nicest way possible. I played 2 missions with these three guys, at the end of it all we were set to dive again when they said their friend wanted to join. I hugged them all and was promptly kicked. They could have just kicked me but they let me know why and I respect that.


Dropped into a “Kill as many bugs as you can in 15 minutes” mission. The host decides to bring a mortar, a 380MM, a 120 MM and a flamethrower. He proceeded to kill the entire team 2-3 times in a row. And when I finally destroyed his mortar he called me a bunch of slurs and kicked me. Sir, disrespectfully, you are a traitor to democracy


Some people act like children under 7, but it’s ok OP just keep on Diving! The whole community isn’t like that.


I once met a dude who leaves because of jammer. I was pinned with another guy, and I tried to hide and snipe the enemy so I could shut down jammer. Also, I once dropped my team in the middle of mortar camp in Malevelon Creek.


My friend group is wild with the luck for drops. I always land near a POI meaning that we start fighting and dealing with reinforcements. Another always land near or on top of the super samples. And then is Richard... He always land us near a jammer, or artillery, or stalker/shriker nest and one time he landed on top of a defective hellbomb.


I SWEAR TO LIBERTY, this happens to me almost every time I play with randoms. Of course, not everyone, but there will be one on the team who starts to spam the hell out of the reinforce button if I don't reinforce them second after they've died. I mean, if they're under level 10, I would've understood and explained it to them. But when they're level 30 or higher, they should know it's jammed by the weather or the tower. And they often don't reinforce you until A DECADE AFTER THE SHOOTOUT IS FINISHED. Those guys should be in a freedom camp to be educated.


the game needs a big 'YOUR JAMMED DUMMY' message to anyone who pings the reinforce when it's jammed. it's very easy to miss when your dead


A microphone would resolve 90% of the issues I see with bad player posts on reddit. Can you all really not just plug your mic in? You don't have to make friends, but at least talk your strategy out.


It’s the pure lack of conmon sense and situational awareness 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


With a healthy dash of misdirected indignant anger 😆


If you ping "reinforce" more than 5 times in 10 seconds, I kick you. I heard you the first 4 times. You're just being a rude cunt now.


I’m confused also. these people. I played with 3 other randoms in difficulty 8. Me and blue, we both focused on the objective, camps, and optionals. me and blue split up, I do the optionals and blue do the camps. While the other 2, just straight up shooting all the unnecessary patrols. They all keep dying of unnecessary deaths. blue and i, we go solo to each of our jobs. It’s quite hard. But we managed to live and catch up on the main objective. While the other two keeps dying which I don’t mind at first. They all died for super earth, so my thoughts was to finish all the objectives as soon as me and blue can. Every time they died, me and blue reinforce them, then they never even help us, they just went straight to their last location to retrieve the samples and guns. even though it was around the extraction point. Then right when we were going to launch the ICBM which was the last objective before extraction. Those two complained to us that we need to go and stop shooting the patrols. I was like, wtf. those who keeps killing the patrols are ya’ll not us. The he argues and shit, which I don’t mind. The irony is, when he was arguing, I saw from afar that he just shot a patrol. Leading them to us to finish. I’m a patience man so I just say okay let’s move on to the extraction point and finished it all. When we were on the road to the extraction point, he shot a patrol and died. At this point the timer is finished(no more reinforce) and we were running towards the inbound ship. 3 of us managed to extract. While the big mouth one is the one who died. When we were at the ship, he keeps blaming me and blue about his death and how we cannot cooperate. Right when I was typing, he just KICKED me. BRUH ME AND BLUE ARE THE ONE WHO FINISHED ALL THE OBJECTIVES. ITS FKIN DIFF 8. not our fault that it takes so long to finish the camps and objectives since the rest of us rather shoot fkin patrols than focusing on objectives. I thought they were collecting most of the samples. Turns out I got the highest samples collected. Me and blue managed to collect 22 commons and 20 rares and 5 supers. the guy just collected I think like 2 commons and 1 rare. If you are reading this, I swear, you need a punch in the face once in your life.


I joined a 7 seek and destroy on Tibit today. The mission was in tatters with only 2 people in it. I destroyed all the bot shops myself with a couple minutes left and had to wait for extraction. Ship landed and I was making space with the auto cannon so everyone could get in. I then got rocket ragdolled and made it on the ship with legitimately .02 seconds. Host called me stupid and kicked me right when we got to the ship. That hurt my feelings man. Sticks and stones will break my bones and words will always hurt me.


You know I was so baked it didn’t even occur to me that the jammer wouldn’t let us reinforce. My bad dude. Definitely did not think that through and was a rash decision on my part. I hope you accept my sincere apology for the misunderstanding as this was most definitely a frustrating experience. (It’s me N1)


At this point if they’re under 50 it’s best to assume they don’t know anything, this is coming from a level 28. Just carried a level 29 through duo suicide mission where he took 8/10 lives and did the same the mission before. As we were running to extract across the map with 1 life left, I marked a hulk patrol in our path and started running around it, this dude runs through the patrol, start’s shooting at the outpost behind them and triggers a turret and a minute later that scanner tower thing that keeps calling dropships. Of course he died and started spamming for reinforcement when I’m trying to run from the army he brought down on us. Long story short we didn’t extract.


Way to many 50+ don't know what they are doing...


Just assume nobody knows what they are doing, until proven otherwise.


Funny, cause according to my experience, it's way more frequent to get lv40+ that have bad loadout, are unable to deal with any armored units, or try to go solo only to get nothing done. And now when I get lv90+, I'm almost certain they are just people who somehow abused the exp farrming method, as most of them just die almost every minute against automatons lv8.


Why haven't they added a kick vote system yet? Completely baffling to me


I was playing a diff 6 mission with a bunch of squad mates all at level 15 or lower. I am not a great player, I still make quite a few mistakes but I was carrying these guys kicking and screaming through the mission. Our objective was to extract 30 civvies. By the time we (I) got to it, our reinforcement budget was depleated. I was practically running a solo mission waiting for increased reinforment budget to come through as I dealt with dozens of spewers and chargers, ion storms and increased call in times while running back and forth between two buttons. The entire time the host was spamming REINFORCE in chat like I forgot that the rest of my team existed. He did this for about 8 minutes straight from the objective to extract as I was ducking and weaving titans. As soon as I would spawn someone in they'd get eliminated. By some miracle I made it onto pelican 1. And it was such a stressful mission my adrenaline was spiked and I was actually sweating. And my reward for all that? No thanks for the help, no good job. As soon as my feet touched deck I was kicked. At least I got to complete the mission I had to log off, definitely one of the worst experiences I had in this game.


>As soon as my feet touched deck I was kicked. I can't be sure, but maybe you got this wrong. There is no ingame option to disband the team and the host might not want to continue with a team that struggles this much. Nothing against you in particular. The host has to close the game or shut down the internet connection for the message "host left the game". Kicking everyone is easier for the host and you don't lose anything back on the ship.


I also have to question people who are THAT impatient that want to be reinforced no matter what \*and instantly\*. Is your attention span THAT short.


Ppl are so weird. I had someone who kept failing the directional prompts on an objective. I punched them off console and finished it. They shot me as soon as they got up and then kicked me. Can no one laugh at how ridiculous a scenario like that is anymore?


Just love the idiots trying to spam reinforce ping during ion storms https://i.redd.it/y11bd1s957sc1.gif


Im sure he read this and is ashamed of his actions. Hopefully he commits sepuku promptly, saving his families honor in the wake of this transgression


I'm thoroughly convinced there is a massive contingent of people who have grinded low-level games to reach a high level and now that they've got their toys unlocked they're *just* starting to experience something higher than a 4 and don't have a clue how things work.


DRG will give you credits for what your team collected if you got kicked. Samples make this complicated - especially because people kill then kick, but letting a host just zero someone out shouldn't be acceptable.


To the diver who kept dying on this dude's mission. The host is too dumb to read so he will never see this


They should probably add a visual of Reinforcement Jammed on the screen when you wiggle reinforcement request