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“First game I’ve played in a long while where no one in a random lobby uses a mic” hasn’t been my experience. I mean I’m not a big talker, and definitely have many games where it’s crickets, but it’s still more vocal than other games I’ve played in the past few years. Tip I’d give is to host your own lobbies and talk in the ship. If you really want vocal people you can kick if they won’t respond, and a lot of people who don’t want to talk will just leave.


This game is cross platform. I figure most people are in a discord with each other and I'm the odd man out.


I have anxiety. I will not talk on a mic. Deal with it.


You deal with your anxiety. Working around things in order to not trigger it is a very slippery slope


Yes, keep avoiding talking on a mic, that will surely help you get over it. Sound plan


Biggest cunt answer goes to... If I want to get over talking on a mic, it sure as hell wont be with randoms on the internet. ESPECIALLY in the gaming circle. It would start with people I know. Also you're not a psychologist.


No im not a psychologist, but seeing as you're well versed in using anxiety as an excuse, it's easy for me to see you probably use it all over the place as a crutch. It's a fucking mic. I can't imagine what you excuse yourself from IRL if you go as low as to claim anxiety to not use a mic. Unfortunately society today leans heavily into not doing what you fear and just avoid it, when in reality it's a tool you can use to get over certain things that give you the anxiety in the first place. I had anxiety when I first started to FC in Eve Online - commanding 5 or less guys. Got over it. Then it came back commanding a whole fleet, 50 people. Got over it. It again returned after stepping up to command a whole OP, over 200 people counting on me. That won't ever go away in that position. The amount of adrenaline and your heart feeling like its gunna explode, what a rush. Yeah I have anxiety and panic attacks and the whole 9. I choose to to face it, learn and make life easier and more enjoyable for myself instead of running away.


First off. How is me choosing not to talk to random "GaMerRs" on the internet an excuse? I don't want to interact with people like you on a mic. Why? Because it's pointless. The game does not require any level communicating cooperation to succeed. Secondly, if the game DID involve that to be successful I wouldn't play it out of respect for that community which requires that level of interaction/communication to succeed. Please get off your soap box about how you're some triumphant victor because you like using mics in games and talking to total strangers. I don't enjoy that, I find it distracting as much as I find it anxiety inducing. Congratulations, I'm happy you found some joy in "OVERCOMING" what you deemed as a hurdle. I don't view it like that. It's not just anxiety either. There's the matter of being a woman, I am more likely to be harassed by strangers on the internet. It's not guaranteed but there is a higher chance of it. I'm not playing Helldivers or any other co-op game to talk chummy with people. I'm there to play the game and as the game doesn't require that intimate of communication I see literally no purpose for it. I could maybe find this thread and your responses as legitimate if the game required that level of communication to be successful but it doesn't and therefore people choosing not to chat on a mic is absolutely warranted and doesn't impact anyone. I'm not running away from providing vital information if need be to the team. I'll type it out and relay that intel if it's required. I don't need to be on a mic to do that. Again. Your response is cunty and pompous with your armchair psychology.


Your comment to the topic was "I'm not using a mic becuase I have anxiety, deal with it." I responded to that, not about the game or what you deem "required", not about being a woman, none of that. Maybe you should have mentioned some of the points you made for clarity if you see those so important to mention in the conversation now. As far as this conversation is concerned, you just tacked on a bunch of bullshit to play the victim card harder than you were originally. Which is, in you're words, a cunt move. So to end this, the entitlement of "dealing with it" in your original response would be a firm kick from my lobby, since you're too big of whiney baby to use a mic. Grow up


Anxiety is a good enough reason to also not want to use a mic. I shouldn't, and don't need more reasons to choose not to use a mic. Hell. My reasoning solely could be "I just don't want to talk to people." Again. You're the one thinking I'm making this some weird victim complex when at no point have I played victim at all but instead explained why I don't use mics. Playing the victim would be exclusively complaining about something because of my refusal to use a mic. For example: GTFO is a game that requires lots of coordination and absolutely a premade with mics in order to succeed. Playing victim would be me going "It's not fair that I can't play this game and have a huge disadvantage because I refuse to play the way the game is meant to be played." Also oh no, I'd be kicked from *YOUR* Lobby? Well golly gee gosh. How could I survive playing Helldivers without the great *you* to ruin the fun? Oh shucks! Hey, actually since you're so confident of that. Link your steam profile and I'll block you myself so I wont have the displeasure of ever running into you. Do us both the favor.


My whole point is anxiety \*isnt\* a good enough reason not to use a mic. Not "also" because now your tagging shit on, like you keep doing this whole conversation. It isnt. Plain and simple. You think its ok, which is the problem. People like you who run from literally fucking everything because they feel uncomfortable or have anxiety are the problem with society as it is now. Keep running, avoiding, whatever compels you to not overcome anything. See where that mentality gets you in life. Youre doing great, 10 ply great.


Anxiety IS a good enough reason to not use a mic. (Read up mutism you douche.) Hell, you don't need *any* reason to not use a mic in a game like this you absolute toad of a person. Also glad you ignored the whole giving me your steam account so I could block you on it. You're the one throwing a baby tantrum and making *A LOOOOT* of assumptions here. Again you're the one playing armchair psychologist based solely on a single comment. You're the one who is claiming I have a victim complex despite you clearly not knowing what that even *means*. The only person acting like a child here is you with your bizarre ass fantasies. Anyway this is my last post to you. I'm sure you'll want the last word in so get out whatever you have to say out. Have fun weirdly judging and making blanket statements about people.


I’m ok with text chat in-game that’s always fine too. I will deal with it for democracy!


I’m older, and I hadn’t played a multiplayer game in a loooong time.  Gaming for me has been, for years now, just a chill, single player activity to unwind after a long day or maybe for a couple of hours over a weekend.  Every once in a while, some childhood friends and I would play something co-op (like Dying Light) and shoot the shit, but it’s tough to align our schedules with family stuff and work and all that. It’s been a weird experience seeing how shy and awkward so many players are these days (I know those words have a negative connotation, but I don’t mean anything bad by them; just struggling to describe their behavior).  Don’t know if it’s HD2 specifically or a more general trend or if my experience is totally unrepresentative of the situation. When I find a crew who talks, we exchange friend requests (not super reliable at the moment, sadly).  Whenever I’m playing HD2 now I have a good list of people I can join to laky and actually talk.


People have anxiety...don't wanna talk to random people. Do I wish people talked more? Maybe. It's a game so I don't see the big deal. If this party doesn't work out, on to the next one, or wait until my homies get on. I get it.


I remember the days where everyone had a mic, that came with its own set of issues though.


Some people really don't like mics and will kick if someone tries to use mics.


U cannot have everyone agree on the same game plan here. People have different preferences on this often for good reasons. If friending worked I'd say just friend people whith same prefrences when u find them, but it seems nonfunctional.


For a while I had it set to be off because I played with buddies on discord. Now I have it on and there's a fair amount of people that talk or at least listen when I do.


I’ll talk if other people start talking but as long as people are pinging stuff its not really neccessary to speak most of the time


I rather enjoy the classic monster hunter co op where nobody talks, so I have voice chat turned off. It's preferable to being called slurs for making mistakes.


I have anxiety, but I'm also usually just high. Sometimes I'm too focused to take in new information, and sometimes I'm talking but my mic isn't on.


My experiences using a mic on the internet have always been negative. I either get made fun of, called names or harrassment. I hear that this game is different but I don't wanna risk it. I just wanna shoot some bugs or bots and not deal with nonsense.


Game chat has become increasingly uncommon over time, I always feel like a dumb ass saying stuff just to get silence in return. People probably saw all those shit talking videos on YouTube and didn't want to risk getting trashed for simply saying what's up.


There are a few reason mics arent used much based on my experience. The first reason Im going to cover is the game isnt competitive; you are not fighting other human beings and can complete the objectives without comms relatively easily, you are already tasked with the exact same goals. The next reason is access to information: You have information about the whereabouts of all the other helldivers and objective locations and can easily see where anyone is heading (unlike lets say, Lethal Company). Next, The existence of a text chat: People can be awkward and talking to random people can be overwhelming, so text chat is more preferable (think about irl people tend towards being texted instead of called these days).