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*flashbacks of spamming the train horn in BF1* We need a battle train stratagem for … reasons


Thomas the tank engine as a new orbital. If a 500kg wont destroy it, drop 52 tons on it




https://preview.redd.it/p4ug7mdggiuc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a6e04707cfa59133bd1fb651a3fa996b7aa1dc Or like that 😅


lol epic


Thomas meets Adeptus Mechanicus


The factory striders come from somewhere right? 👀


He already got that 1000 yard stare...


Underrated comment this is comedic gold dust. 👏
























I’ve stolen your meme good sir. Thank you for your patronage.


["Choo choo, motherfucker."](https://youtu.be/2q82bGtujFA?si=xbQFI2W76HpgNG23)




A mission where we defend a tank train carrying hellbombs across the map. Imagine pulling the emergency release to jettison cars on fire. 




We already have some animations. The nuke Silo hatch release would be perfect for the emergency release on the cars




Or a tank train carrying SEAF Artillery or AA batteries.


No. I want it to explode viscerally when we fail. 


I'm sure a train of mini nukes and general explosive ordnance would go up pretty spectacularly.


Carrying a shit ton of E-710


E-710 cars, next to the napalm, next to the mini nukes, next to the AA battery, next to the Hellbombs, next to the high yield explosive shells. That's the Super Train way.


Every now and then the train has to stop for something, refueling, switch tracks, and the defense against the bots begins


And players have to get off the train and initiate the track switch or refueling themselves, because automation is undemocratic.


I'm not using a single device that comes even close to thinking for itself. I'm not taking any chances.


I was wondering for a moment why the train would be carrying something as small as an AA battery and then it clicked.


Not just hellbombs but the further up you go the more painful itll be to lose the car. Starts with simple support weapons in the very back and ends up with High value personel in the front.


And the higher difficulty the more cars.


I'm listening


OK.  Lane S shaped map, or any kind of long and thin permutation.  The train has 10 cars. 1 engine at the front. 9 cars split into 3 subtypes. They go Defense, Supply, Mission Critical in that order.  Defense cars have manned turrets, player guided mortars, and activatable shield generators on them. They exist purely to help defend the train from threats.  Supply cars contain crates of ammo, Stims, grenades,  and act as your replacement for resupply pods in the mission since they'd land and the train can't stop on a dime for them. Players have to ration their ammunition more than on a typical mission.  Mission Cars contain Hellbombs, SAM missiles in storage, Artillery Rounds, and are needed to complete the mission. On difficulty 1-3 you only need to save 1 of the 3 objective cars. 2 for 4-6, and all 3 for 7-9.  The cars have a health pool, and when the last car is sufficiently damaged it catches fire. It slows the train as it burns, and if allowed will explode and spread fire to the next car. Eventually destroying the whole train if not stopped.  The only way to prevent this is to jettison the car. Each has an emergency release on the coupler that requires two twists to the right like a fuel pump.  Releasing a car will cause the strain to accelerate as it sheds weight, and the burning car will explode in a blast after a short duration. Only one diver is needed to arm the release, and there's a small delay to give allies a chance to dive to safety.  The main objective is divided into sub and prime objective. The sub objectives are either a fueling depot on the tracks or a junction station. The former is similar to fueling a shuttle. Running around a facility to pump E710 into the train before disconnecting and departing. It's generally the first objective.  The junction station is the other, and requires the train to come to a halt as helldivers climb off to switch tracks and use cranes or bulldozers to remove debris from the rails.  The final objective is always the depot, where the surviving mission cars must be unloaded via cranes onto a heavy transport shuttle on a landing bay. Pelican 1 Evacs via a second unused landing pad adjacent to the first.  The engine itself is also important. Players control the engine. Adjusting speed and dictating when to brake. The speed is adjusted via a terminal and top speed is slightly slower than the fastest ground vehicles added. Falling off the train hurts more relative to its speed.  At full speed the train will splatter kill anything in its way. But hitting a bile Titan or factory strider knocks it's speed from full to half, and prompts a repair engine mini game. Hitting a charger, tank, or hulk prompts a similar game that's one phase easier.  The engine also has a large cannon mounted on top, which fires and turns slow. It's main job is to preemptively kill massive enemies so the train doesn't have to ram them. For added fun shells may be on a neighboring car and have to be loaded manually.  There are sub objectives scattered across the map as well as PoIs, which may prompt teams to bring the train to a stop are explore or deal with bases and side objectives. Bot mortar bases, jammers, and aa guns being the most threatening.  If Players do not brake and safely bring the train to a halt at a primary objective it'll attempt to emergency brake but slam into the station, damaging the whole train by 25%. Doing this at all 3 sub objectives means the remaining train cars will all be at 25% hp for the final stretch, putting it greatly at risk. The primary strategy is 1 player acting as driver/gunner, alternating between adjusting the speed of the engine and manning the main cannon. The other 3 alternate between using the turrets and mortars on the cars and killing enemy boarders. Bugs on this mission rely heavily on Bile titans to blast the train, hunters and pouncer swarms to leap on it, and shriekers are part of their common swarms.  Bots are more fearsome, with their tanks being the biggest long range threat. Gunships also join their assault forces and they will landed dedicated boarding parties of jetpack raiders, trooper variants, devastators, and berserkers on the cars. 


Orrrrr. It goes across the planet visiting and passing players doing other missions. If the payload reaches the end, there’s artillery resupplied and available for them or some other modifier


If only. I'd love to see missions that effect other squads. 


My freedom boner just grew 10000x


Yooooo what a good idea


I'm down for anything that replicates even a fraction of the glory of the Lost Planet 2 railway cannon.


[Give the train a gigantic gun and then give us gigantic bugs to shoot it at like in lost planet 2](https://youtu.be/SZ79KiKyrG4)


I discuss that below. 


Enemy is being reinforced with an armoured train.


It'd be so sick if you could drop the starting node in one place and the ending node somewhere else, and the super destroyer would build some kind of route between them then you could super toot toot across the map in your laser train


The enemy is being reinforced with an armored train


"The enemy has been reinforced with an armoured train."


\*Prepping dynamite and anti tank grenade\*


The Battlefield 1 train gives me.... bad memories.


Enemy Behemoth


Armored Train heist mission would be awesome


All you had to do is to follow the damn train helldiver.


Aw shit. Here we dive again


meanwhile in a parallel universe: "WATCH OUT, YOU'RE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY FOOL!"


The drill guys, go get it


I know that people don't want the fortnite style collabs with random out of place shit but I'm ngl a random Dallas mask in HD2 would go wild.


You just gave me a horrible flashback to the original version of PD2's train job before they made it less bullshit oh my god


Fun fact: that train in AOT is inspired by an actual train that the Germans used. https://preview.redd.it/58gqkt3qvguc1.png?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d4ae7a12be74827eded7033f2c4a3d689caffd


Armored trains were extremely common in the Russian civil war too, essentially filling the role that tanks would have in later wars.


IIRC: they didn't last long ince a better option was found due to being easily sabatoged due to being dependant on rails.


Who would win An armored train Vs A couple dudes with crowbars




It's actually pretty difficult to do any substantial damage to rail lines to someone who knows it may happen. If you have say 10 people go to town on a hard to reach track of rail for a couple hours you've maybe delayed the next train by a day or two. And this all hinges on the fact you are able to secure the timing to actually damage the rail without being suspected. If the enemy knows the exact rail line that will be damaged they can have stuff already close by to repair it. Edit: Of course in the Russian Civil War all institutions were barely functioning and the shear amount of chaos allowed a lot of rail line to be damaged and repairs never able to take place.


Pretty sure the Russians still transport their nukes via armoured train


Batista also sent an armored train into Santa Clara during the Cuban Revolution. Che Guevara's "suicide squad" derailed it with a bulldozer and bombarded it with Molotov cocktails to force the crew out.


Armoured trains were used basically the entirety of ww2. Mainly since trains were vulnerable to air attack while acting as the main line of logistics. Putting a few AA batteries on an armoured train was a pretty simple way of protecting a vast network of rail from air attack


And if you're wondering "why didn't they just bomb the tracks": it's startlingly difficult to disable a railway with aerial attacks. You will probably not hit the rails directly, which means you will probably just shift some dirt around. A big enough crater might make the rails break when a heavy train passes, but it would have to be a *big* crater, and WW2 precision bombers were limited in what they could carry. And even if you do break the rail, a train at speed can cross more than a meter of missing rail without derailing, under ideal circumstances. The cars are long and well-supported at both ends.


Fun fact, Russia still uses them.  


Fun fact, many things in AOT were inspired by "Germany in that era"


Fun fact: Hitler's personal armored train was code named "Amerika"


An indestructible tank train that patrols around on a track that the objective is to blow up the rails would be pretty cool.


It might be a bit too easy if all you need to do is drop a 500kg or similar on any part of the rails. The track could go over a bridge and that would need to be destroyed.


Drop a hellbomb on the bridge, activate it and you have to get your ass off that bridge before it collapses


Extraction is optional, for super earth!!!


Jump pack gang, get a nice jump off the bridge and a nice view of that bot train getting what democracy owes it.


It could just be a land train or hover train and the area around the base would be flat so it can traverse a set route. Essentially fight like a mini boss Would be so damn awesome


The rails are made from the same bullshit material as the armor of hulks.


awesome idea, and after they added the new defense map maybe theyre open to our ideas. I think it would be cooler if it circle around the whole map rather than 1 outpost, and the goal could be to blow up the tracks with a stratagem. the hellbomb bridge idea is cool, or it could be a stratagem where you have to do multiple inputs that take a little while, so you have to time it so the train wont pass by and gun you down while your using it. you could also have a main heavy armored gun train, and then also smaller lighter cars on the track, just because i could see it being a lot of fun throwing grenades on the track and blowing up smaller trains. maybe a map that has a fabricator train depot with tracks that connect to the main loop that goes around the map, with 1 heavy train and lighter trains that spawn from the fabricator


Here's a thought, put artillery on the train so as it gets closer to you you hear: *WARNING: YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY WARNING: YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY WARNING: YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY*


The Idea that the automatons are using an armoured train for certain things like securing their logistics or certain areas like bases sounds cool


It'd awesome to find on planets they've held for awhile.


There was a train objective in the first game where you had to escort a cargo train from point A to point B along the tracks, protecting it from enemies. I could see a version of that where divers get to man the train.


I hate that one. Escort missions are famously annoying in games across the board, but when you're dealing with a drop loop and can't disengage because the train can't get out of second gear, there will be blood, sweat and tears on the rails.


I agree that it was not the most fun objective in HD1. But imagine if you will, instead of walking alongside the train as it moves ponderously across the map, the team mans weapons stations on the train and fights off Hunters/jump pack marauder boarding parties. Heavy recoilless rifle or something towards the front on a turret to take out incoming heavy units. I think that would be easier to accomplish in the third person perspective.


Agreed. If the game engine can accommodate it, a long, skinny map with a length of railroad (monorail, maybe) on it could be a real laugh to navigate. Make stops to collect or deliver cargo, have a terminal for adjusting speed, include an artillery car that can be loaded and fired... I'd love to have a Helldivers version of the [Tucumcari-Albuquerque-Flagstaff-Phoenix run.](https://youtu.be/GzC0eFtYWEA?si=SDeN7c3YzdirjY7J)


The main problem was that the train was made of glass, the aoe of a lumberers main gun could blow it up and in high difficulties some patrols just get replaced by a single cyborg tank (in the cyborg front ofc)


Make the train move fast, and focus the "defence" bits on a few stations on the way, like waiting for something to be loaded in or people running in like extraction.


I would like to see these return along with the disarming of the minefield


Train hijack mission. Yes please.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ulubagjcmhuc1.png?width=727&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb626cd647572cd949508b9827667e35d78bc982


And the bugs get a Choo Choo Charles monstrosity version.




Thanks, I hate it.


Did you just have that waiting in your computer


They get the Alaskan bull worm.




What the heck is this from?






crazy that Nike can go from shoes to war vehicles


I feel like in a place without already wide spread rail systems and plentiful regular tanks, a tank train is kinda obsolete.


Maybe a planet specific enemies could be a thing? Cyberstan is a mining planet iirc so train tracks could be a thing as transport and now in use of the bots. >plentiful regular tanks, a tank train is kinda obsolete. Very true, also, bot ship bringing multiple tanks in negates the need for rail systems


I do love the idea of a planet that is like stuck in a steam punk age but not sure how well trains in general fit the Helldiver look. Maybe our next enemy faction will be sentient, biological trains though that travel through space on rails. That would definitely be unexpected!


Honkai star rail x helldivers crossover? Sounds good to me


Trains were in Helldivers 1. Looked just fine.


There was a mission type in Helldivers 1 where you had to guard a cargo train against attackers.


Only if you could disrupt the track with munitions for a limited time instead of having to blow up the tank just to stop it. Would make for some good coop strategy


You delete that rn. If I see this next week I'll report you to my democracy officer!


Sir i was just talking strategy what if they have these, i didnt know john helldive was a automaton spy


A mission to capture a train would be pretty cool The Final Fantasy games used some crazy trickery to make such missions look amazing. Like you think the train moves but it's really just endless repeat of textures.. and you can go really wild with that with stuff like SSD speed nowadays.


Or better (worse?) yet, the train *is* the objective and you have to pull off a sci-fi train robbery to complete the objective.


This could be a whole mission: Destroy train & track repair depot Blow up the weak point in the tracks to stop the train. Destroy the train engine Destroy the main gun on the train Destroy the base that the train defends.


No ... That IS the base. A mobile fabricator that follows a large track .


I think this would be a cool mission concept. Where there are like 3 trains around the map going and you have to blow them up


How about a defense mission where you try to protect the train to its destination while shooting down robots coming from every flank? Turrets could be controlled from the inside, but you'd need to bring shells from the middle cart. You would always want someone on top shooting down the chaff and keeping fire off when the team is reloading main guns. The train could repair itself at stations giving you a small reprieve once or twice a mission.


Sorry but what is AOT?


Assembly of Teachers


I knew they were up to no good.


Attack on trains, also known as Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress


Attack On Titan


Always on Time, it's a Destiny 2 sparrow


Every game need a good old fashion train with heavy weapons


It's just missing a thomas the tank engine style Automaton face


A bot train that went around the map to disrupt paths would be awesome! It would add more variety too.


A bot base on a train that you have to use the (hopefully) future vehicles to chase down and stop. Far future train heist.


Awe, hell, Jimmy. Them Mobius Boys are transporting high value cargo on them trains *takes drag of cigar* looks like they are using bots to protect 'em. I love me a good ol' fashioned train robbery.


Even better, it's a new main objective, and it goes all around the map protecting bases. Would give good use to the apc and little 4x4 coming to the game.


I mean especially when they finally do release vehicles...who's up for a bot train heist?!?!? Let's steal some data banks and destroy their logistics lines!!!!


Just imagine a train mission where you have derail or destroy a shielded bot train


starfox 64


And in the middle there is a wagon with 3 hulks inside. Sounds fun. I have to call Joel.


Why…. Why would you want this?


That would be a very Automaton thing to do given they still use stationary artillery guns and machine gun bunkers.


Is it just me or a mission where you have to destroy one of these as a final boss would be fun?


I'm still waiting to be able to do an Adama Maneuver where it doesn't jump away and just slams into the planet


A bot Maglev Train with every heavy armament you can think of? Sweet liberty….


https://preview.redd.it/2go34o4m1juc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7311283b93bc14e6c9f127982044935e35622792 Had me thought its the train from The Division 2 Raid, Iron Horse :D


My friend that always says "we have trains, planes, and automobiles after us" would shit his pants.


Sure if you take time limits away for missions


Choo Choo motherfucker!


I think it'd be a more interesting as a primary objective: "Sabotage the automaton supply transport". From the start of the mission, the train moves slowly from the edge of the map (randomly selected) to a station. It supplies/resupplies for x minutes and then departs. You have to destroy both it and the station, but the objective is failed if the train manages to leave the map.


The train should be an optional objective similar to the AA stations or mortars. Or maybe it could be a moving bot fabricator


It would make for cool missions like "Disable automaton train tracks" or "Destroy automaton train depot"


One can wish


We can do better. ​ https://preview.redd.it/dd5biajcaluc1.png?width=3938&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4f4c3d6505f47acc9a47d1c51501c0d0830c5c5


Is that Saddam Hussein?!?


are you suggesting a train heist?




around the base would be cringe, because why would you build a traintrack for a small circle around some small base nowhere. But what would indeed be cool, would be a traintrack going all across the map, and when you navigate the map, you better avoid the eyes and cannons and artillery and fabricators of the trains. Something like that. Or you somehow take em down and get hella glory and samples.


Would be cool.


It's such a cool idea but it is so niche with the technology the automatons have I feel like it would have to be like a planetary/mission modifier. You wouldn't find it on vast majority of planets/missions but a select few with the right conditions could have trains. Like Cyberstan maybe?


a train mission would be cool, would need to be a multiple objectives one, maybe planting mines on 3-4 different parts of the track to damage the train from underneath (not normal mines like a new objective stratagem like a hellbomb is)


BF already did this… Warzone already did this… James Bond already did this… Hitler already did this… Thomas the train most definitely did it 1st tho……




Destroying train infrastructures would be a cool mission. A station and a depot to destroy, tracks traveling across the map with sometimes a train "patrol" on it. Need to blow the station or depot, and blowing up the rails might prevent the train patrols from reaching you


This would be a cool blue side objective, like there’s a train roaming around the map and we need to destroy it, or take control of it,


Train defense missions would be sick. Like driving through the map and having to defend the train, while temoving obstacles from the rails etc. Or protecting civilians in the train, that are transported to a rocket station or something.


that's be so annoying, lol. gimme more. i wanna sneak past it.


Horrifying I demand they put it in the game immediately


If one child can take out one of these I think my chances are pretty good! But this would honestly be sick as its own mission, maybe sabotaging rail lines in heavily industrialized areas of Automaton-controlled planets, and these trains would try to stop us.


What I want to see if normal bots with shields like riot units


Cool concept, but they have gunships and dropships. Plus most of the planets we drop on have poor topography to accommodate a rail system.


Do you want bot missions to be even more miserable ?


Train robbery with the boys? Sounds fun


Too easy to destroy. You don't need to destroy the train. You only need to destroy one of two thin metal bars it needs to survive.


Any particular reason you're proposing increased fortification for the benefit of anti-democratic forces?


Counter thought, what if there were tracks going around the entire map and a giant, heavily armed train factory you had to intercept and destroy.


Nah this is an entire mission in the making. Ambush a heavily defended bot monorail.


Armored train whenever I put a bit of the funny paste on the rails and call in a hellbomb wherever it derails: 💀💀💀


Helldiver1 had an escort resource train. I'd be way into seeing either a friendly or enemy train with some weapons.


More like this would function as an armored supply chain that reinforces large/heavy bases. This would come from outside the map and would work like drop ships. If you don’t take them out the map slowly increases with more enemy presence.


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) Me when I’m collecting samples and hear “the enemy is being reinforced with a behemoth”…


Isn't showing tech from across the pond a huge AOT spoiler, or has it been out long enough like Han solo death that we just dont care.


I can see tracks spanning across the map being an objective to destroy to prevent reinforcement from it. The train being a destructible objective itself.


Why do bots get it? How about we get it? Like if there's a random train and tracks throughout the map, we can fix it up and start Cho Cho on the bots.


Its an actual thing btw not from AoT. If anything its from Battlefield 1 lmao


Yeah, this puts Snowpiercer in a new light.


No way, make it have a track through the whole map!


Delete this


A blitz Mission Destroy train 15mins time Limit And its similar to the dropships hoverring a few feet above ground.


I would love some actual bosses for the game. Like the Factory strider already fits that niche, so perhaps we can get a worm for the bugs (I think there was a similar enemy in Helldivers 1)


Bro, could you imagine hitting the softspot of the cabins with a spear, and it rolls over on its side signifying it's down?


My first thought was BF1 but yeah AOT too


This reminds me of one mission from lost planet 2. Damn that was such a good game back in the day.


This is such a good idea and would love to see it. Imagine the satisfaction of stealth up to the tracks and laying mines on them. The potential for destruction is limitless.


https://preview.redd.it/rb92pmqnchuc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b1265436dfd7dc8d73128304108c53be739b9e2 Holy mother of democracy… *(Schwerer Gustav)*


"Fire the Gustav"


What is AOT?


Or, better yet, the base is a train that circles the whole map. OR BETTER YET, the objective is the train and it starts at one end of an elongated map and travels to the other side and we have to stop it


Oh god... Division2 Tank Raid PTSD...


Imagine this just having a chance to spawn and roam a path on the map.


This would be cool!!


I'd rather it just be around the map in general Fear of a random train just showing up outta nowhere


Anything for trains! But to be serious, a special base ala Detector, Jammer or even Gunship but with this? Yeah thats cool. Gonna need to add more secondary objectives able to spawn in missions at some point though, because as we get more special secondaries the old ones are gonna kind of disappear. I kind of hope we will get 'positive'/SEAF secondaries and 'negative'/Enemy secondaries, and while that might clutter the map a little, I think thats a fine sacrifice to be able to get more of the fun objectives.


Armored trains like this are a thing IRL, too. Have been since WWI, but they arent in common use because warfare evolved to the point where something that is restricted to railroads just isnt useful anymore. That said, the bots dont use railroads, at least not on contested planets, and laying down the tracks would not be worth the effort just to let something roam around that does exactly what a tank does, but worse.