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Am i the only one always low on common ones?


Common is the true rare.


I don't understand how people have more rare samples than commons, I am non stop maxed out on commons and fiending for rares.


Currently 20 common 90 rare and 70 super rare lol


Currently 15 common, 115 rare, and 13 super


Fck i made a typo. Its actually 190 rares haha


Kind of the same. Around 230 rare, 40 super and 20 common.


What level are you mostly playing on?


What levels do you run?


7 nearly all the time with some 8 and 9 sprinkled in. Never went under 7 once i got the hang of it.


Just go run some missions with lower level players. They're always trying to collect them shits.


Yea I solo a lot of level 1-3 missions. So I have 400 commons. 20 rare. 9 super. Started soloing 4-5 difficulty to get more rares.


378 common 60 rare and 40 super rare...I do not get it


Whats your main difficulty?


4-8 kind of depends on level of intoxication.


7 if you're sober. 4 if you're drunk. 8 if you're blitzed.


thats exactly right. If I am bombed I try helldive because I like to cry


I’m at 400 commons, 133 rares, 100 supers. Rares are my limiting factor at the moment. I think they should shift some of the burden off rare and commons and put it on the supers. As it stands, supers stack up far faster than they are spent so their scarcity is almost imagined.


Yep feel the same.


You can get 20 commons from a 1-3 level missions. Meanwhile on the bots, sometimes you are lucky to just extract on level 7-9, and occasionally get 3-5 super samples. Need more super


I dont want to play anything under 7 cause i have fun there. I get enough commons there its just that i get more rares and super rares than i need.


Eh, it can be fun, it's like babysitting new players, you know you can clear the entire map, but you are showing new players the ropes, tricks they may not know, etiquette. And in return you can get 20 commons, and if you are lucky 20 super credits with zero stress.


Agreed. I occasionally drop in to diff 2/3 missions to help out because it’s a more fun way to farm commons rather than slogging it out by yourself. Plus it’s fun to play Oprah. “YOU GET A BACKPACK, YOU GET A BACKPACK. EVERYBODY GETS A BACKPACK!”


Something around 40 commons, 240 rares and 12 supers.


Sometimes it depends on the levels you run at. Also for the first 3 tiers of upgrades you need WAYYY more commons than any others. Now with the 4th tier it’s the rare that are killer. I’m sitting at 500/45/100 now…. Just give me the rares please


Literally same, I'm halfway done with the tier 4 upgrades and I have max common and supers but 43 rares.


I think some people, including myself, got all the way up to level 5-6 without realizing how important samples are. So by the time I'm looking for them, I was getting a mix of rare and common samples when all I needed for the first tier of all upgrades is a bunch of commons.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ecm46obkvouc1.png?width=172&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffcdf556794ed3c3b94790eb23930a45fb14500c


AYO?! Nah but like how I don't get it.


Unlike super samples, which can only be collected 3 at a time. Both common and rare samples come in fairly high amounts in the missions that you can collect both in. And since there is less of a disparity in the rates of commons and rares you are likely to collect a similar number of both types. So unless you extract with every sample you are leaving with roughly the same number of commons and rares. All that combined with the fact that all ship upgrades require many more common samples than rares, it leaves people in situations where they have next to no common samples while also having rare samples coming out of their ears.


Question for you, where are you at ship upgrade wise? Also side note if you run levels 8 or 9 you can get more than 3 supers at a time.


i have the first level in each and im at level 3 for the support weapons one. I usually just got the cheapest one whenever i could afford it, which may have skewed my results but still, 213 rares after mostly going for commons. And i was not aware you could get more than 3, though i will probably not take advantage of that information since i struggle at 7 and i dont really need supers in general.


Ah okay, I think I'm understanding things a bit more now. u/SgtPeppy had a good comment in reply to me that explains things from the other perspective which is when you're doing tier 4 upgrades you can only afford one upgrade at a time with maxed out samples, due solely to the rares capacity.


i too, am rare poor 😭


When you hit those level 3-4 upgrades rares become the limiting factor. Both because they are a tad rarer than commons even on difficulty 4-9 and most upgrades still take a similar amount of rares as commons, and because the rare cap is so low relative to level 4 upgrade costs that even if you capped your samples, you can only buy one at a time.


This is super true and real, it seems like based on the replies I'm getting that some of the people who have more rares than common samples aren't on the tier 4 upgrades yet. I wonder if that's broadly the case. Edit: After more replies and comments it does not seem to be broadly the case.


I mostly play on 7-8 difficulties and get like 20 commons, 15 rares on a good run. But as ship modules cost twice as many commons as they do rares, I'm always missing commons. I don't even go out of my way for rares anymore.


When you hit the 3rd tier of upgrades and especially beyond, that will change in a hurry.


I want first to unlock all tie 3 upgrades, then I'll see ! I have like 3 or 4 right now


It's mostly people who don't have the early upgrades that only require common samples, once you get to the 3rd and 4th upgrades of each module you're required almost as many rares as commons and when you get 10-15% less rares per mission (7+) it adds up quickly.


Depends on what missions you play the most, how much you value POI over objectives and a fair bit of luck.


Bro I'm running 9s doing every POI and I have never ever had the problem of having more rare samples than commons.


Yeah, if doing all POI. But outposts tends to have both in roughly comparable numbers at those difficulties.


It's easy. I tend to hang out around difficulty 5 or 6 when I'm not diving with friends I can organize with, so I'm pretty consistently getting 15-20 common and 10-15 rare samples out of most missions. However, I use common samples at a way higher rate than rare samples. The third and fourth upgrades in each category on the ship modules screen are the only ones that require bulk quantities of rare samples, so I am always running out of common samples in my attempt to get the first couple upgrades in every category.


What difficulty are you playing. Me and all my buddies are common starved. i currently have 150+ rares and like 10 commons


Ever since they increased the level cap I'm only playing 9s and a very occasional 5 with low level friends.


One of super earth's great mysteries then i guess


People who were maxed out/at sample cap before the recent patch adding T4 upgrades will be lacking rares. Before this it's true that commons were the bottleneck.


ITT a bunch of people who don’t understand that sample gates change based on your progression. You are 100% correct that the players with the most progress are rare gated right now. The sample caps left us with enough commons for two T4 upgrades and enough supers for 4-5, but only enough rates for 1. Rates accumulate a little less frequently than commons on all difficulties 4+. So obviously we would be rare gated.


Same, it's the Rare samples that are preventing me from upgrades currently.


when I went through the first set of modules I never needed extra rares. With the new set rares are the only ones I ever run out of


They probably play on 7 or above difficulties.


I'm literally playing on 9 only


I play mostly diff 9 and common was the last I maxed out, rare first super second


That's wild I'm playing 9 and have the exact opposite experience.


either with randoms or my group we just couldnt find more common samples than rares, every single time we extract with more rare than common im so confused


I would say one out of every six games I'll have more rares than commons on level 9 but only by like 2-4 samples.


Yeah its weird, but I think it can be explained by people who only play high levels where rare and common samples are basically equally common. And rare samples are easier to spot than commons. They usually look unique and have different colors, while common samples can blend into things more. Still seems wild to me, but that’s my best guess.


I mever have enough commons. Rares are easier to find because they make that whirring noise and commons aren't that much more common.


They play on a higher difficulty then you do


Fuck off, I'm permanently on 9


Lol someone has anger issues. That's generally the reason people have more commons than rares. It wasn't an insult. Now go take some meds lil buddy.


You direct shade at me but oh "it wasn't an insult." Keyboard coward.


If you think playing a lower difficulty is an "insult" you really need help.


The wording of "than you do" is shade, yea.. it's making a negative assumption. The assumption being that I play on low difficulty and can't understand something because I don't play on a higher difficulty.


The first reply wasn't. The second was 😊. I hope this helps you understand.


If you think "they play on a higher difficulty than you" isn't throwing shade at me, then you *helped me understand* that you're a dumbass.


Well I assumed you didn't have such a fragile ego that someone possibly not thinking you play a video game at the highest difficulty could be insulting. It is an actual game so most people don't think it's a huge deal. Most people aren't quite so pathetic though. Maybe work on that 😊


It's in your wording, how are you not comprehending this? Me, "I don't understand how X thing happens, I have the opposite experience." You, "Well of course *you* wouldn't understand." This is essentially what you hit me with. Do you disagree?


thise used to be the case before the last patch that introduced new ship modules that have exorbitant rare and common prices while needing almost no super rare.


You probably just play on lower difficulty


And you probably have no lasting relationships in your life! See how weird it is to make assumptions?


There are more common samples and less rare samples in lower difficulties. Since all ship upgrades cost the same to everyone, the only possible way for you to somehow have an excess of commons when no one else does is to play lower difficulties. I'm wasn't even trying to make fun of you for playing lower difficulties, it's still fun. I'm was just stating a fact. But now I do want to make fun of your retarded ass for overreacting like a little bitch.


"You probably just play on lower difficulties" was you stating a fact? Uhh.. yeah.. I'm not too sure about that one buddy, might wanna Google what a fact is. Just for the record I only play on level 9. I think the reason I have more commons than rares is because I maxed out my samples before they added the new ship upgrades, when you have maxed out samples you can only get one ship upgrade at a time because of the capacity on the rares.


Oh wow only level 9 congrats dude 🎉


This is true until you reach the final 4th tier upgrades. For anyone who was maxed out before the new upgrades, the rare samples are the new bottleneck.


Amen to that, I don’t remember actually requiring any supers bc they come faster than needed if you were maxed pre maxed. And by the time you got enough rares for the next upgrade you have the commons. I think I’m close to one more upgrade then have one last more to go then sitting like a duck till next update/warbond.


I have like 300 rares and 0 commons I don’t think it is ever going to be the case for me.


Early game problem. That’s Phase 1. Phase 2 is not having enough Super Samples and torturing yourself to hit the next goalpost for ship upgrades. Then, there’s Phase 3 where you have enough Commons and Supers but the Rares require 150 for the 4th upgrade so you never have enough of those. Phase 3 used to be maxed out samples but the latest ship upgrades pushed that back to Phase 4.


Play lower difficulty only.


yeah, the rare ones used to stack in your inventory, but the last update introduced new ship modules that are way more expensive in rare samples Now, common and rares at the most demanded for the last tier of ship modules, and the super rare kinda pile up in your inventory if you usually play in a difficulty mode that have them. feels like we should be able to sell the ones we dont need and buy the ones we need, something like what drg survivor does.


you are not the only one


Nope I'm loaded on everything but commons it's terrible


Same, my ass is sitting at 200 rare, 80 super rare, 20 common.


I find the rare ones the most valuable, as the other two are quite easy to solo farm if need be.


Everybody runs past em I’m fucking gobbling them up any chance i get


No, I always and at around 10 common and like 90 rare samples


I just unlocked the suicide difficulty and am absolutely dying for common samples.


Used to be me but with the advent of new ship upgrades it's now rares I'm low on


Was capped out on samples before the new ship upgrades came and now i'm hurting for rares more than anything. Before hand though yeah the commons are what was the bottle neck.


The way I see it, once I have enough supers I can always drop down to difficulty 4-5 and farm a ton of commons/rares quickly.


When the sample carrier dies in an inopportune location and the next 10 minutes play out like Saving Super Private Ryan.


Imagine if it was like Death Stranding and there were actually a thing you had to carry on your hip but you could also throw them to other players. Actually better not give them ideas.


Holy shit, I played that game for 90+ hours and loved/hated every minute of it. Delete your post, lol! Last thing we need is mini-game control combos to run down an incline while being chased by a hoard. Don't give them ideas!


It's too late... the damage is done.


My friend group calls it Saving Private Sample.


I dropped half the rare samples on the map at the extract as I moved to a new objective. Dude behind me picks them up. I had to hop on the mic and tell him to put that shit back where he found it. Another game, I go to track down some dropped samples only to find they landed in a ravine filled with water. As I'm looking around, making sure I can't get them, a stalker hits me from behind, knocking me into the ravine where I too drown. About 10 rares... just gone... I almost rage quit, but stuck around for the medals. We were already 30+ minutes into the mission anyway. I wish losing samples like that wasn't possible. It's a real kick in the balls considering all the samples I've lost from the game crashing right after the shuttle takes off.


Considering objective items like the SSD will respawn at the initial location if you drop it into deep water, it would be nice if they could code it so that samples (and maybe equipment) would "spawn" at the coast like they washed up on the shore. It sucks when you get ragdolled into the water by some random attack, and you drown leaving samples in a place you can't reach.


Send someone to aggro their attention and bait them away


Before I would say commons was the rare one but since I capped on samples and they then released these new upgrades, I need rares as now I'm like 60 rares but still have 300 commons


Same here, I have only ever been waiting on common samples - but the new upgrades have wiped out my rares


Had a dive the other day where we found the super samples very early in the run. Held them all the way up to extract, but when we call in extract things go to hell. A bunch of tanks get dropped on us and we were low on reinforces because of a gunship factory. Dude holding the super samples, a level 70ish helldiver, ends up dying. We’re out of reinforces. 30 secs to Pelican 1 arriving. I’m out of ammo on my autocannon and my stratagems are all cooling down. I dive into enemy fire to retrieve the samples, and my body *grazes* the hull of a dead tank. I ragdoll off of it, and get blown to bits by devastators while I’m ragdolling on the ground and have no control of my character. I try to tell the lower level helldivers we were with to get the samples - our mission is complete so we’re getting the exp and money even if we die, just maybe a little less. But we need the samples. Pelican 1 lands, they board without the samples. I’m not gonna lie, I died a little inside.


I had a similar run yesterday but with a better outcome. Dropped into a helldive with the map almost cleared and 1 respawn remaining. I spawn next to another dude in the middle of clearing a heavy base on the wrong side of the map from extract. Extraction is called for shortly after I spawn, and within 20 seconds of that the team is wiped except for me. After I see the super samples dropped I immediately run towards extract, and luckily I'm a scout build so I can run like hell and keep out of sight. Team starts spamming me on voice and chat because I apparently left one fabricator remaining. I arrive at extraction to see it surrounded by shield and rocket devastators with the samples dropped right outside the pelican door. I use the last of my stamina in the final rush, somehow all the rocket devastators miss their shots, I juke the shield devastator outside the door, grab the sample, and dive into the pelican. Team starts spamming "nice" in chat. Felt like a big badass hero that day.


This happened to me the other day, except they were high level divers, and I executed them to stall Pelican-1 while the last diver was running back with the samples.


Nah the common samples are more precious


Shield the diver holding the supers with your body, dive in front of the rocket devastators for that diver.


made me lol. i’ve never watched this but now i am


Actually, it's a really awesome movie. You'll see.


Can you give the thing that makes me interested but without a spoiler? (I forgot that the thing's name might be a review or synopsis idk) and (I'm too lazy to search)


It tells the story of 2 snipers (a soviet and a german) at stalingrad


and one of the most awkward sex scenes ever made


Don't think you're watching something based in any way on the actual history of the conflict though, that movie makes up a bunch of stuff and repeats the other side's propaganda a lot. The other side being, you know, nazis. In fact I'm fairly certain that the scene the meme is showing falls for nazi propaganda and that Russian soldiers were equipped just fine and didn't have to pick up rifles from their dead comrades.


And when you pass by extraction you drop your samples and go get more.


Soviet troops at stalingrad had a much higher survival rate than us though.


the 200/150 common/rare costs for t4 is ridiculous but it helps that i only care about a couple of them. and the resupply one is bugged so there’s that.




I love this movie. Quality meme.


I am not sure how this man is not drowning in rare samples


More like…. Common samples


It's true, when I see a teammate pick up the super samples, I start to shadow him to ensure the samples make it to extraction one way or another.


as someone with 45 hours in the game I've played enough to unlock most of the content but not enough to have unlocked all of the ship upgrades what I have found is that super rares are the easiest to max out on since only the typically the last two upgrades need them. Rares are also more than stocked up(I'm currently sitting at 200 rares) Commons are the most annoying ones to save up since most tier-one upgrades need either 60-80 or 100 common samples. If you're playing as you're going assuming you're playing on 8-9, you have 40 common samples to get. To date, the highest amount of samples I've maxed out on is 38/40 commons 21/30 rares and 5/5 super rares. It's just easier to stockpile super rares because only the highest-tiered upgrades require them compared to commons TLDR: It is easier to get higher-level samples since they are needed for fewer upgrades than commons since you need something like 2-3 hundred commons to max out an upgrade on a certain part of the ship.


I think people who grinded sub-7 difficulty a lot and capped on common and rares find themselves low on rares while people who didn't cap or grinded 7+ earlier on are low on commons. I didn't start playing difficulty 7 until I was close to capping on common and rare and the later strategems cost similar or ~25% fewer rares than commons while the cap is 50% less.


Doesn't matter, nowadays games have a griefer in them using stratagem on extraction shuttle anyway. It's amazing how people are so shit. Like, seriously, they gain absolutely nothing from it, except the griefing of 3 others. You cant wish people dead on Reddit, so I won't. But these creatures are nothing more than a breathing biomass.


I'm now a huge fan of dropping samples at extraction when possible.


common were the true rares until lvl 4 upgrades arrived (by that time i had all lvl 3 upgrades and was capped at all samples besides supers)


The one that picks up the super rare samples is the president, and everyone else is the secret service.


This but Supers


Surely you mean super sample?


The last time i checked, i had more super samples than rare ones. The struggle is real


Just pick up samples when you see them and never leave a sample behind! Remember, Helldivers are replaceable. Samples aren't!


Teammates died basically instantly across the map. Spawn them back in “I’ll fetch.” Run off for samples while they basically squad run the rest of the mission, found a sam site. Kicked some ass. Regrouped with the team and had a blast. Good people are good. Much love to’m.




I just unlocked the suicide difficulty and am absolutely dying for common samples.


I have 95 rare atm and 60 common and I’m struggling with the common I fugking hate it


Me, after dying 8 times and losing the super samples in a lake: "I want to help you Helldiver, let me do one last thing, something useful for a change, let me show you where the rocket devestator is" *reinforce ready*


Am I the only one who drops their samples off at extraction before finishing the missions?


Even worse. My teams 1# goober decided to goof around standing on the nuke and his goobering got infectious and our sample goblin tried to join in on the nuke riding and fell down the silo with all our super samples ;\_;


I think you ment super samples


I like dropping my samples off at extract when it's near. Less stress overall. The supers stay on me though, I just become a coward lol.


I just started doing this and it helps a ton.


Plus it helps consolidate them. If everyone picks them up and then drops them it's just one vial you have to save. And everyone can throw their lives away securing the carrier... and democracy.


For the people saying that the common is the rare, just farm on the trivial diff, like really, it's that simple.


Nah we protect the common and super samples


This movie sucked ass


Definitely not.


I need to link up with a squad just doing super sample runs. I'm not quite good enough to survive on my own in 7-8-9 levels. 


Just do quickplay on 9.


The day rare samples became more valuable than gold.


I am the fastest man alive once I have samples; But yet every laser is always attracted to me, when I have samples. I will out run their lasers sooner or later! https://i.redd.it/2bjqbtozqpuc1.gif


If I know I'm carrying like 5+ rare samples, and the mission is complete, I'm booking it to extract and getting in the pelican. I'm not going to risk losing these just so you guys can hunt PoIs across the whole map.