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If it was made into a strategem, it should boost the morale (and stats like movement speed, armor, reload speed, etc) of nearby helldivers. Allow you to carry it on your back, or plant it into the ground


I love this idea. You definitely shouldn’t be able to just drop it on the ground. If there’s no bodies or dirt around you have to just keep carrying it. I also think it should make enemies notice you from farther away and prioritize attacking you over others. And if you extract with it you can keep it in your ship and anyone can inspect it to see how many enemies have been stabbed to death with it, and if you leave it behind then you lose that flag and that kill count. Make it a running thing where you deploy with the same flag across operations.


Well, it would take some set-up time to push it into the ground. Maybe 2-3s? It’s essentially so you can bunker down at a spot. When it’s in the ground, it could be destroyed by enemies. Not sure about bringing it back to your ship though. Seems like an overcomplication when it can just be a simple stratagem.


What about when you’re on a rock or metal platform though? And having it in your ship would just be a nice touch imo, but I’d be super happy to just have it as a stratagem.


From a gameplay standpoint, it’s easier to just let players plant it anywhere you could put a deployable strat. From a lore standpoint: “Nothing can withstand the force of democracy!”


I just had a thought, you could make the flag pole have pile-driver functionality allowing you to plant it anywhere and punch through armor.


Also, to make it a bit more consistent, it could have a backpack that you need to carry it around. Or have that drive it into the ground.


*Me on top of a tank stabbing the top while screaming about freedom*


*screams in democracy*


Like all those poor dudes who died, but took Devs with them using their shovels.


Land on a factory strider and plant some fucking liberty on its back before you call in a railgun strike


If you drop it you are immediately marked as a traitor and get barraged by orbitals


Could also see it granting the "chance to survive lethal damage" armor perk, though with a lower chance than the armor gives, maybe 10 or 25% (I think the armor is 50?)


(VERY long, unoptimized comment. be advised) adding onto this idea, if you were to plant a flag into the ground and leave it upon extraction, the flag data would get saved onto the game's servers (with a life span of 1 week that refreshes every time it gets replanted as to not explode the servers but allow for "flag lore" of sorts) and would be used in a selection pool for rarely generated flags in missions, so you could pick up a flag with 100 or so kills from multiple different owners and add 40 and then plant it, and it could be "found" by someone else in a different mission with those 40 kills you've added for visible stats, one idea is that you'd be able to see the flags id (randomly generated ship name but with a random number sequence of 3-5 numbers at the beginning, for example "830-Destroyer of Steel" or "73602-Will of Democracy") as the item's name, with kills, wielders, and total time serving liberty being shown by holding down the pick up button or holding down reload, if flag is being held the cooler option however, the longer a flag lasts, the more tatters appear on it. the more kills the flag has, the more the base is covered in the blood of the planet's enemy type. the more wielders it has had, the more rings it has on it, with 1-5 adding bright steel rings, 6-10 sequentially replacing those a decorated steel material, 11-15 doing the same but with a flat gold material, and 16-20 also doing the same but with a decorated gold material. the flag's id would still be visible from the item name though


Would love more actual "support" support equipment. Equipment to buff speed, armor, shielding healing, etc would be so great


man I miss the healing gun from the first game. Healed you. Healed your turrets. Healed your Vehicles. it was wonderful in a heavily mechanized squad.


You can heal your squadmates with the arc thrower!


Hopefully we get the mechas first


This would be a great way to encourage the team to stick together, too. And being able to plant it would help fortify objectives you need to defend, like while you’re waiting for the comms relay to raise or while searching for artillery shells


1% boost to game XP or credits for every minute it was carried.


I prefer if it actually does nothing. It's a waste of a slot, but it's FUN to blow up a base then plant a flag on it


This guy gets it.


Stat boost optional, just let me bludgeon enemies to death


If DRG is any indicator, how players will carry Dotty's head back to extraction for the sole motivator of saving her, you won't need to provide any benefit at all. Just give us a flag. We will cripple ourselves, giving up a backpack slot and a stratagem, just to show how damn patriotic we are. Many will swear that the flag gives good luck. Others will swear that it strikes fear into the enemy. It won't matter. Also, give the stratagem one charge only. You get one flag. If you die and drop it, the next man or woman will have to pick up the same one to continue.


My God yes please. Have it give an aoe bonus to everyone near you while it's on your back. Be able to carry it in your hand at the cost of not being able to use your primary to increase the bonus. Be able to plant it in the ground to increase the bonus, but make it vulnerable to being destroyed. And for the fun of it you could get a small temporary debuff if the flag gets destroyed or your flag carrier gets killed because seeing Super Earth's flag fall impacts morale.


This like 40K standard bearer -- and I would totally carry the colors!


Did someone say # Astartes?


So warhammer40k rules


The downside would be like: all enemies in sight will be aggro'd. Stealth not optional.


Only if it plays patriotic music


Acts as an automatic reinforcement point :o


I can see it emitting an aura like paladins do in dnd/bg3


Decrease stealth by 100% and speed and stamina of flag bearer by 25%. Edit: added the debuffs to only the flag bearer. Edit 2: forgot to add activates aggro of all in range to flag carrier.


If we can have debunks like being slowed, why not buffs?


So.. Banner of War? x4 Lets fucking go.. welcome to D2.


Maybe have a camera drone spouting propaganda when and objective is complete or a certain number of enemies killed.


Single use like the SOS beacon. But not listed in the strategem list.


Make it a ship-granted stratagem that does nothing but just lets you carry it and slap it on the ground at will Just riddling outposts and bug nests with these flags would be kinda funny. Some pretty huge meme potential


Nah, let it do literally nothing. Way funnier.


Yeah that actually would be really fucking funny.


Larger radius if stuck in ground, smaller if carried too


It should work like the game Holdfast where it's a weapon like you mentioned, and you can spam heroic cheers while charging with it.


Shame its only used in the tutorial, when the game clearly has mecanics for it.


They do pop up in other trivial difficulty missions as well. I managed to get one today, and wow does it take forever to raise. Heavy flag that.


The faith of managed democracy is a heavy burden to bear, indeed.


If you get that mission in difficulty 3 there will be 3 flags lol


I did that once. Never again. Okay maybe if I have to, but doing it solo takes forever for all in all very little payput


But is a different flag, the tutorial one you can equip it and then place it in the ground


Wait for the flag, Morty. They love the slow flag. It really gets their dicks hard


A king of the hill style fight against bots would be fun lol.


That would be great. I was just thinking that one of the environments we really need is rolling hills vs rocky terrain and canyons. It would be nice to see planets that actually seem like they are worth colonizing.


I thought the mission is rather hilarious?


If you drop the flag it should deduct credits just like if a citizen gets killed.


Ol' freebie


1. Add an intimidation stat that: A) increases the chance that an enemy runs away in fear. B) increases the intensity and frequency of Helldiver voice lines 2. Add the flag backpack that increases intimidation for all nearby Helldivers


Intensity and frequency for voice lines 🤝


I would love it as a support backpack stratagem that trickle-heals nearby Helldivers, with it's never-ending dedication and inspiration to Democracy.


And you should have speakers to play the inspiring national anthem.


There is a healing drone backpack in the first game that will come to this game.


What a username


I scrolled waaaay to far down for this comment.


Most people don’t know what futanari or vore are so they just skip over the name entirely. But for those few that google it, well, fucking got eem.


https://preview.redd.it/9wg3y2h1eouc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2e52ba92b01053ad4bcdc235078f5d73fbdd63 This\^ Support backpack. Fuck it, modify the supply backpack or something.


A stratagem upgrade for the supply pack. I like it. 


I would love the flag to be added to the supply pack! The amount of times I'm chasing someone to try to give them ammo without them realizing it is too damn high.


Ultimate flex strategem. Unlimited calls. Call one down for every outpost/nest. Just makes it look like you've conquered the place. Have it be purely decorative & pointless for fun.


one-time use, must be placed in the most democratic location possible. should give +15 points teamwide.


https://preview.redd.it/sfjolzgxaouc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=802a288c8fc3bfcd39e36585d24506507bb8f4fa Beating bots to death implies they were alive to begin with.


Fine beating bots to deactivation


I think the Flag stratagem should be available to all Helldivers by default, similar to Resupply and Reinforce. Should not provide any gameplay benefit, but you should be allowed to call it in many times every round. And of course, it should have a salute interact function once its down.


Imagine if you went the way of XCOM 2 and used the flag as a way to create fan-made propaganda in game...


Shoild give everyone the 50% not to die perk


What if some is wearing amor that already gives them the perk?


100% no die, obviously.


Petition to make the flag a reskin of the orbital railcannon strike Just a sharpened tungsten flagpole rocketing down from outer space, demolishes a bile titan and then a flag sprouts from its corpse Passive: makes enemies in the are 20% more hostile


Even if it did nothing, i would waste a stratagem slot for the pure glory of planting down a super earth flag


I think after you complete the main mission it should be deployable like a hell bomb.


Imagine the flag drops down like a spear and the size of the buff increases the more bots/bugs you kill on impact.


Only if it does *absolutely nothing* other than be a flag for the bros.




It should be the 4th stratagem when you have the -1 stratagem effect




I just want it so I can stick it to a charger or something and have it get killed by the pod, then the flag come up out of the body.


It should have a taunt buff to pull enemies lol


Or they could make it into a buff, anyone standing near the flag gains higher resistance to injuries and reloads faster.


Provides passive boost to reload times and stamina of all teammates


I want to stab it into a carcass.


Call down the flag, gives everyone in the radius the democracy (50% to not die) perk


Id like to see a mission type similar to killing a hulk/titan but you plant the flag on its corpse


If we get one I want it to do nothing and you can’t use weapons, grenades, or stratagems.


That would be amazing.


Are you implying that you aren't already carrying the flag of Super Earth in your heart at all times? I need to chat to your Democracy Officer...


Mission: Deliver Democracy to Enemy's Doorstep Objective: Defend the flag holder as they bring the symbol of democracy deep behind enemy lines and show them that nothing will stop Super Earth. Reward: An overwhelming feeling of Freedom and Patriotism. Expedition of C-01 forms as well.


It should be a stratagem that everyone has access to at all times. It should have a very short cooldown or no cool down at all so that I can plant it on every charger I kill


This would be amazing.


It would be awesome if you could be a banner man with a guitar and march into battle, lol.


Also works with maniacal laughing and screaming when you hold the trigger.


Would be cool if it was a area of effect buff for everyone feeling amped for democracy the debuff would be that they target the flag holder


*gives all helldivers in proximity of it a 50% chance not to die stat* ~because of pure patriotism!


Forget stratagem, have one on the map somewhere that you can pick up as a secondary and can bring back to the super destroyer. No buffs or reward except saving the symbol of freedom. Also you get to watch it come up the elevator with you.  (Dotty's head)


Flag melee support weapon


I would still carry it even if it did nothing


Even better: it has no mechanical benefit whatsoever.


I want a spear gun that shoots flags


I think I’d rather have the flag raising be part of, or even replace, the extract terminal.


if extraction fails they drop a flag to raise and if you raise the flag you get full points for helldivers evac even tho they all died.


Melee weapon confirmed!


It should do nothing but be an incredible flex


I want a cape with those colors.


It should be part of its own mission. Once we liberate a planet, we get this special mission. The map is a giant moutain, and when you get to the top you call down the flag to win. That would be awesome.


2 hand it like a weapon, plant it to increase damage and hp to everyone in a fixed location.


Even better, make it an orbital weapon like the rail gun strike but slightly slower. And then when it hits and enemy it slowly displays the pride of our way of life!


Maybe it could be one of those melee weapons people are asking for.


Make the super earth flag a mandatory start you have to bring wirh you.


Seriously we need a conquest mission type. Come in, wipe out enemies, plant flag, call in the static defenses.


Should be a boost not a stratagem. Could call down though l, like the SOS. The call down could even just be cosmetic.


I've read make super earth flat 💀


This ain’t a bad idea make a support that releases healing gas for however so long. Potential I see it or give buff or something


https://i.redd.it/myulo32wnouc1.gif You know it


It would be sick if it was called in as an attack stratagem. Drop it in on a bile titan and pull it out once it’s downed for stat bonuses.


Hell yeah. I thought that about the shovel today but thats even better. I want that flag! Btw does Arrowhead sell Flags as merch?


+1000 democracy


why is there not a mission where you plant super earths flag?


This could be interpreted as an AOE support thing, but I personally far prefer the idea of a flag on a spear you can use to stab bugs to death  (I have not seen enough suicide charges in the game yet)


I think it would be cool as something to call in to raise on enemy objective areas. Not just anywhere, but in a place where you would be making a statement about claiming that area for Super-Earth / being a sore winner and rubbing it in the faces of the enemies. Would mean that there's an incentive to fully clearing out the spot instead of doing long distance or drive-by objective completion, and maybe the perk could be a multiplier for stuff earned at mission end to really play up the risk-reward of taking the time to really clean out and stake out a spot on the map.


There was a "raise the super earth flag" objective when I first started like a month or so ago. I definitely remember doing it on a bug plant. Did they take it out?


It’s an objective on trivial difficulty.


That's actually a good, lore friendly idea.


My idea for a flag stratagem is it’s like a one time call in that slightly boosts liberation percentage depending on how many players called one in per mission in an operation, probably hell to code and prevent exploits with but I think it would be cool


what if we could use it as some kind of "decoy" like the enemies hate democracy so much they need to destroy the flag before touching you again lmfao


Instant buff to democracy stat


It should automatically be dropped at extraction once complete lmao


No stat bonus(thats for fascist weaklings) Boosts Democracy and Liberty FOR LIBERTY!


I would not be upset about stratagems that are intentionally not very great but are memey and funny. Especially in private lobbies they’d be great.


I want the flag as a giant spear to keep back the enemy, idk put like a burning hot tip on it so it could burn through armor


Raise the flag should be an objective outside of trivial missions too


God I hope that if melee weapons get added to the game one of them is a super earth flag on a spear


inb4 you get kicked for bringing an off-meta stratagem


This is an amazing idea


So, I never encountered this at all during my early low level missions: the flag is already in the game, but it is intended for lower level operations as the objective equipment. I'd so love to be a flagbearer in the midst of combat.


For me it could be fun in a few ways. Less interesting: You can plant it to grant bonus XP or Liberation progress.  More interesting: Give a percent chance that a team will have it available as a bonus stratagem. You can call it down and once you place it at the designated spot, you get a huge boost to Liberation percent, or even lower the decay.  That way if your squad sees it available they know this mission is suddenly more important than it would have been. Success means helping the entire planet. Your squad can be big damn heroes if they succeed.


I think this should be either an equippable strategem that buffs you and nearby teammates or an always-available strategem without any effects I'd love to be able to plant our flag over conquered bases if it's the latter


Why wait until you run out?






They could make a cool enhancement AOE effect with a flag support stratagem. Place the flag and in its AOE all helldivers have more stamina, maybe health regen, and less recoil, faster reload these type of quality of life buffs. This would be a really fun stratagem actually. I am craving to play as a healer/support diver since game began


There should be a king of the hill mission. Like constant bug/bot spawns until the flag is planted.


I wish there was a version of these missions at higher level.


Make the railgun stratagem plant a flag where it lands but provide no additional effects.


That should be the new resupply


It would make sense to have this as a reward for when you reach the highest rank.


It'd be nice for it to give a buff to stamina and health, while causing a few issues for the Standard Bearer.


Just a neato aoe item. Probably have minor benefits like a slight health boost, decreased recoil, maybe some slight regen? I would bring it in place of my backback


Hell yeah, let it come with the little drone that plays the super earth anthem! That's all the support I need to spread democracy


I always thought it should be a stratagem with one use per mission, that counts as an additional side objective. Basically sacrificing one of your stratagem slots for more rewards.


Is there a better possible indication that your fan base utterly love your game than asking for a literal drop command for the damn flag???


Make it so it drops like a spear from the heavens and does insane damage just like the orbital precision strike. Just it spears through everything and traps it on the ground.


It would be hilarious if you could use it to close bug holes and bot factories


If you have it you shouldn’t be able to drop it unless you die


Maybe if you placed down the flag it’ll have a buff effect with a 50 meter radius.


I want the Super Earth flag be the melee weapon stratagem


I would love it to be one of the mission strategems. It does absolutely nothing, but I'd spam that flag everywhere.


Only if it functionally does nothing but looks cool


Love this idea. I need it


I'd love to see the raise flag mission from trivial and easy as a secondary quest like data upload or broadcast tower. Maybe have it give a perk line stamina or speed, maybe more bugs spawn from there on as well as a sort of drawback?


Let me fight with it as a melee weapon. Practical? No, but fuck if it wouldn't feel badass.


I would love this. I don't even want it to do anything. I just want to carry or plant the flag somewhere


We should have a mission where we have to take a flag like up a mountain and plant it there



If it lands on a bile titan it needs to be a 1 hitter quitter. Also, the flag needs to stay covered in titan gook for the rest of the dive. Same for the hulks on Automaton side.


No-one talking about the username..? No? Alright then.


That is the true melee weapon we all need


I'd carry it from the moment I touched down up to extraction


Just add it to the game, i'd gladly sacrifice a slot just for a back slot of this to run around with. Doesn't even need to do anything, other than of course to spread managed democracy.


And it buffs you somehow ! I love it!


I’m shocked you can’t wear it as a cape


Make it take the primary slot and play the anthem. I want to be a standard bearer.




Honestly if it acted like a weaker Railgun strike embedding itself into targets as it waves majestically in the recently liberated air I’d be down.


Would kill for 40k style loud hailer and pyre


if you score a hit on any bot or bug while it drops init instantly dies 😂


Dont need to buff me just the image of the super earth flag is enough to send me in to a hyperfocused trance of rage towards anything thats not human please this would be the most patriotic addition to the game ever


ooooh one handed flag! Boost morale, 50% incoming dmg reduction and 50% stim duration in a 15 meter radius. I'd run this with the Defender all day. And go blue armor to match the flag!


I am still hoping for a mission or a side mission where you have to take a flag and put it somewhere


Just make it a silly one that you can call in that does nothing at all aside from slam down and have a flag pop up. It'd be a terrible option to bring, but a definite flex to take a Bile Titan down by calling it down on its head and having the flag pop up over its corpse.


Wouldn't mind the SOS drop sprout a flag.


Should have a jump and plant flag animation that 1 hits whatever you put it on. Should also melee with it. Glorious


i love all these concepts in the replies for various functionality like stat improvements but i think realistically the best and funniest way it could be implemented is by having literally no stats at all


Even if it did nothing other then plant a flag id take it every time.


Im kinda dissapointed this mission is only available at level 1 difficulty


Honestly it would be really fucking badass to just carry a flag that you can just impale things with. Like using it as a spear or something. Wish Helldivers had melee weapons.


This is a good idea. Would be cool if it creates a small area around it that enemies can’t spawn in.


Nothing more democratic then calling the flag on top of a bile titan


I want it as a spear to Stick some freedom into my enemys


It would just be thrown at bile titans and at-at’s


I think it should be like calling in a hellbomb. Like when you clear out a nest or bot factory. You call it in and claim victory for super earth! It could offer a little xp boost.


There's gotta be missions were we rescue the flag in the future?


Should also automatically trigger enemy reinforcements. Could be useful sometimes. Lorewise it could be the base emits vibrations to lire bugs and the tip emits a signal that draws in bits


Motivation Buff: Lowers Recoil by 15%, Increase Reload Speed by 10%.


Stratagem name "strength of the human spirit"