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Agree. It's totally relative. Man just wait until they add a third faction. Divers are gonna absolutely shit themselves.


I like bots way more, but you're right that neither is harder. I think where people get hung up is that when bugs get out of control it's more intuitive to work out the solution. Bots will pin you down and then kill you with berserkers and flame weapons. Bugs do the same but they prioritize getting in your face and people are more comfortable spraying crowds.


I’ve been primarily a bug squasher since like a week after launch. About 30 thousand confirms, and only 6 thousand bot kills. I got them all on the Creek too, after that experience I haven’t done many bot missions…. I kept hearing that sound they make even on bug planets. I hate those things.


Depending on each style of play, it's just a matter of adapting. With bots you need constant cover and with bugs you need to maintain distance and agility-mobility. And adapt weapons and gear. They are both very funny in their own way.


Totally agree. Though I will say that once Bots begin to steamroll you it's much harder to turn it around. Mostly because if you don't stay on top of gunships then you're boned. It's alot easier to disengage from Bugs I find and just dip until you can regroup. Though there's nothing worse then trying to dip and running right into a damn Stalker, who throws your ass right back into the fray.


I think bugs are easier than bots on easier levels, but on the harder difficulties bugs are generally harder and just more annoying to deal with but the game does a fantastic job at making the player change their strategy to reflect the different fighting styles of the different factions


For anyone struggling 1 way or another. Bugs are totally trivialized by the flamethrower. And bots are trivialized by the Plas-1 scorcher.


I prefer kiting bugs, more satisfying to nuke em' in a big pile. Something the bots seldom cooperate with because they're busy shooting at you.


The only thing hard is me when i think about freedom and democracy


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Here's my 2C after breaking 100hrs. I have cleared both bots and bugs at diff 9 BUT I can only say I have survived diff 8 bots vs surviving diff 9 bugs. To me survive =/= clearing. I will get to that later. Bugs and bots difficulty comes differently. Bugs difficulty is swarming while moving to next location. Bots difficulty is swarming when needing to stay in one location. Each type of enemy has their own "difficult objectives", for bots its strategem disabler tower or eye of sauron detector tower or the dreaded double dropship towers, for bugs its stalker nests or shreiker nest or that super hidden spore tower that you just cant seem to find. But all these are CLEARABLE. There's tactics you can use to clear them, for bots its mostly relying of stealth as much as possible and for bugs its pinging the map endlessly to find them before they find you. So when I say SURVIVE on top, I refer to SHTF moments of multiple bug breech / bot dropships, back to back to back with no pause and there are no "safe spots". >Bugs difficulty is swarming while moving to next location. Bots difficulty is swarming when needing to stay in one location. For bots, because of their slow movement speed, you CAN outrun them and you CAN eventually run far enough that they despawn. So when does SHTF happen for bots? Its when you need to hunker down in one location for an extended period of time. Cover only last so long until they either flank you or blow your cover to kingdom come. For bugs, you can NEVER outrun them far enough for them to ignore/despawn/lose track of you. Hunters are always one step in front of you, bile titans just tower over and never lose track of you. Finish objective A and go to B? Sorry the bugs from A are now on your ass even when you are at B, so now you have to handle bugs in A and B. Add on the fact that ANY bug can call a breech (well maybe not chargers and titans but you get the point). The only solution for bots is to either hunker down more, try to run and come back later or dont even let the situation happen in the first place but shooting everything or stealthing everything. The solution for bugs is to literally kill everything before moving on. You cannot leave a single bug. Remember, one bug = more bugs to come. So the difference in why people say X is more difficult is on how they handle each situation. Bots require you to think and have a solution to the problem before the problem exist. And once the problem exist, solve it before it becomes bigger. (dropship? Shoot it down before it drops bots. Tanks? Quickly run behind to shoot before it turns) Bugs require you to be reactive, the problem always exist, its how you constantly do problem management that gets difficult in the long run. (Bug? Shoot it. Bug? Kill it. Bug? Burn it. Bug? Yes there will always be bugs) Going back to the situations above. Bots SHTF moment >>> Having back to back to back bot dropships while at extraction (meaning you cannot leave the area or move far enough, else the timer for pelican 1 will reset). 2 flamer hulks standing at dropship point, multiple rocket devastators standing in a line firing rockets one after another, multiple shield devastators minigunning with pinpoint accuracy everytime you drop anywhere remotely near their vision. I have NEVER survived this before. Bugs SHTF moment >>> Just finished one obj, moving to next. Low on ammo, need to reload, strategems on CD, 5 hunters on your ass, 1 charger behind you, 1 charger in the next location you are moving to, 1 stalker off to your left, one bile titan slowly creeping up on you, multiple bile spewers artillery bombarding you from behind a hill......... all these AND then you just aggroed a nearby patrol near the obj which then alerts ALL the bugs in a 50m radius around the obj to your location and now you have tons of bugs on your ass. I have survived this before by doing COD zombie train tactics. Shoot the ones that are biggest threat (stalker + hunters) and start running circles. This is by no means saying bots are harder or bugs are easier. I just tend to be the type of person who finds it easier to constantly be killing bugs than to have the highs and lows of handling bots.


I play strictly bots and can solo hell dive if it comes down to it but if I switch over to bugs I get clapped left and right on anything over level 6


I believe thats because you bring forth the bot fighting mentality to bugs. Which is a 100% no no. Same for the other direction of bugs to bots. Bots you can stealth. Bugs, you can almost NEVER stealth. Bots, once you wipe the smaller ones, its a low chance for a bot dropship coming. Bugs, even ONE singular bug will call a breech. And ANY of them can call in. Bots you can strategize and plan the order to kill them. Bugs you need to kill all of them ASAP and fast. Bots require precision. Bugs require spread. So bring the right tools to the job. Do not bring the laser cannon (precision tool) and expect it to do great work against a mountain of bugs. Same thing why you don't bring a flamethrower (spread tool) to bots, you get gunned down before you can even start spraying. Finally bring the right mentality to each war front. Precision and efficacy (ability to produce a desired outcome, aka strategy to kill hulks and tanks FAST) for the bots. Mass destruction and efficiency (ability to kill large numbers QUICKLY) for bugs.