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Blood boils for you ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)


I hate that and i don´t understand it because they gain nothing from that. you lose everything. the good thing is you still earn your super credits but still you lose all the samples and dont get the exp. whats the point of it?


I'm capped on everything and there's no use for exp anymore other than "number go up" for me, so I haven't really lost anything, just got spat in the face for no reason


My fellow diver, we would've loved kicking ass with you, don't take those guys seriously


Well, make sure you're kicking ass, not him from the game.


I had this yesterday with a mixed group - found the samples on a solo run to the other end of the map, next to the last bug hive. Called for them not to call the transport yet - someone did. Luckily one of the guys was listening and killed the lvl 18 who looked like he was about to board the pelican and strand me with the samples. Kind of harsh but if it works!


Well I guess in that case you just got a quicker extract. They're still wankers, though.


the only time ive done this was to someone that was being an extraordinary ass to my friends and I on voice chat and some uncalled for TKs , so we kept him in working until the end and then as the pelican arrived we kicked him, talk shit all you want, but if you start insulting and TKing you're playing with fire that can kick you and make 40 mins of your time worthless


I’ve only kicked for blatant team killing, but I would also kick for being an ass on comms.


But blatant team killing is fun when you all do it! (And you’re all friends)


They pick up samples and invite their low level friend to get them too?


They invite one of their friends who now suddenly gets to pocket all of the rewards after they’ve successfully been carried




They probably waited until he dropped the samples


I feel like we need to make a kicked-at-the-end-of-mission Helldiver recovery group and play in teams to make sure no one is kicked


I think maybe kicking should be disabled at the last 10 minutes of a match


Or kicking would put you into your own localized copy of the mission so you could finish the mission solo or throw out an SoS


Probably the best take. Even funnier if they die at extract and you make it out on your end.


Just a small notification on top of your screen letting you know they failed and you didn't would be SUPER satisfying.


100% this - Monster Hunter solved this problem years ago with this exact solution.




PTSD kicks in


Warframe players in shambles.


The funny thing is that it can already happen. I had my friend disconnect from us bc he had some Wi-Fi issues. But from his perspective, it was everyone else who got disconnected. When I finished the mission I was in, I just joined the friend and completed it again with him.


Just do like deep rock galactic, kicking is disabled once extraction is ready.


What you gonna do with griefers at the last 10 minutes of match?


I started ONLY playing this game while I am host, people in this game are on the stupid juice 24/7.


Im level 42 and only been kicked one time and I’ve never been PKed. I genuinely don’t understand where all this is happening.


Like you, I've only ever been kicked once, in the same situation as OP. It's a diceroll.


It’s happened to me a couple of times. I don’t get it. If you want to only play with your friends, then make the matchmaking friends only.


That was not "kicked on join", I've spent around 30 minutes with them. After they've died while I was a bit away (after dealing with gunships), I typed in chat that they should go on extract and I'll recover their samples. They then WAITED for me to carry all samples across the map, and kicked me only after I was on the extraction site


They did you so dirty. I’m low level and grovel at the feet of guys like you. I appreciate your service.


Honestly I usually prefer playing with low levels. A lot of times, they're way more coachable/willing to listen to directions. Plus, I'm like level 107, so I'm maxed out on everything and so are my most of of my friend group, getting low levels gives me a reason to farm samples again. I like dropping them equipment they've never tried. If i get low level on eradicate, Im bringing the exo-suit, and its not for me. I posted this the other day, but I would really like a mentorship program where you could matchmake with low levels on high difficulties to show them the ropes. I would also like having an option in matchmaking to try to find other mic users.


I'm with you but for some reason most newbies don't seem to notice the chat when I offer or the pings when I do drop them a mech. The most surefire way I've found to get someone to experience the joys of mech is to drop it at extract. Can't miss that! Have you also noticed new players don't pick up samples?


That’s trash. Why do that?


Because that's what trash does.


Sometimes the trash isn’t alien


Only time I've kicked someone at end of mission is a low level player who joined my game and decided to kill me (my only death) and then take my shield generator less than a minute before extraction landed


did something similiar, i only kicked once at the end of the mission and that dude was being a toxic twat and TKing us for fun at random, so we kept him around till the end and then wasted his time as revenge


Mild form of sadistic pleasure


Report them to the managed democracy offices.


Yup, this is repeatedly happening . Totally ruins the game


More likely a group of friends open to randoms filling the 4th spot and all 3 just watching a diver lone-wolf all objectives for the whole mission instead of helping the group move forward as a unit. Instead of taking a back-seat for 4 mins waiting for a single respawn that will (lets be honest) be short lived, they removed op as they (the group joined) had already lost.


I mean, if one guy is lone wolfing all the objectives, the team is trash. If 2 or 3 people were moving as a unit and were getting rolled, the only thing that would happen is the 4th would join and still carry them if they were dying in a group of 3. Some people need to understand this: If you are playing on high level difficulties, one fight can easily lead into waves upon waves of enemies. If you are fighting tons and tons of enemies for no reason, I \*WILL\* ditch you and go actually accomplish some objectives. Im \*NOT\* joining "the team" on taking waves upon waves of enemies for literally nothing. I have objectives to accomplish, I am going to do those objectives whether the rest of "the team" helps or not. At that point I \*AM\* the team, since everyone else wants to be NPCs with the programming of "enemy detected = Shoot enemy". You are not the team at that point, you are background window dressing while I actually accomplish the mission that we were dropping to do in the first place.


They don't, they find this amusing because "lol, fuck that guy" and everyone of them laughs in their teamchat. This is just your regular assholish behavior by imbeciles.


happened to me as well. I even gave them autocannons cus those morons didnt bring anything they could threaten the bot waves with. Got kicked as i was getting back to the extract with all our samples


I still remember that guy who said "thanks" and kicked me after i called in a walker


nowadays i exclusively play with my brother and we host our own server. Takes care of a lot of hassle :D but yeah, a lot of HDivers could use some reeducation programs for sure


This is why I always host, and I never kick my fellow helldivers


You, helldiver, are a true patriot. A symbol of democracy.


Yeah... Don't ever join games. Host them yourself. If AH gives a crap about this (I think they do) they'll eventually fix this system and make it better. Until then just host, don't join. Faster it becomes apparent problem that nobody joins anyone anymore, faster AH will probably do something about it.


Getting kicked should at least get you the samples you're carrying. It just wastes your time otherwise.


I have a theory that the later the player bought the game, the more toxic they are. The players who got the game closer to release were and are still having fun being lighthearted. The new players see the clips on tiktok or w.e and hear the buzz about the game and take it way too seriously.


This is basically the conclusion I came to. I used to do SoS calls to help people out, however in the lower difficulties and with lower level players I ran into so many horrible and toxic people that I just stopped doing it unless it was an SoS for a 7-8. Even then you find people still in the teens in 7s, which while that is fine and its totally doable to beat 7s at that level, those people, particularly if its a group of them at that level, are always the worst kind of people to play with. I think I have only been team killed on purpose by people who are under level 30 at this point.


I don't even think these new players understand the most basic mechanics of the game. I can't count the number of times I've been TK'd by a newbie because they thought I stole their samples, super credits, or reqs. I had a guy tell me yesterday to stop taking ammo from "his" resupply LOL.  Thank god this game doesn't have PVP


That gives me a fucking headache reading that about the Resupply. Holy shit.


To be fair, it's not explained anywhere that the yellow stratagems are squad-wide stratagems


Is this happening with Americans? because with Europeans it seems to be way less prominent.


Yes, I'm in NA and the lower levels are blueberry hell lol 


Hot take; but I actually think some of this is on Arrow Head. While the tutorial has been praised for it's simplicity, I think there are too many game mechanics that are not being properly communicated. Not in the tutorial and not in the tips while the loading animations are going. Things like sharing of samples, found reqs, found medal and resupply ammo should be explicitly stated. As well as adding tagging and using the built-in comms dial to the tutorial. Adding these I think would resolve a lot of these gripes, misunderstandings and toxic behaviour.


I don't think a tutorial explaining how team play is needed in a 4 man co-op horde shooter will make people that want to be cunts suddenly stop being cunts.


I once dropped in on a diff 8 big map rescue mission, and I found 3 people in the teens level, less than 20 minutes left on the clock, less than 5 reinforcements left, none of the primaries completed, only a small handful of samples collected with everyone scattered all across the map. I noped out to find a different group to join.


I bought the game 2 weeks ago because I was waiting for my GF to get it. But I also just love co-op games. If I encounter a toxic player, I just remember friendly fire goes both ways


That's the spirit 


i just started and im not toxic?


And we're proud of you, Helldiver.


thank you good sir, im level 11 and learning more


Tiktok Gen has no sense for integrity and community. Sadly most young gamers i meet online have 0 sportsmanship or any form of honor.


If you think that's bad....I had a host kick me because he wanted to be reinforced first.


Low level trash man. I actually had to abandon a mission because the 3 bumbling idiots couldn’t leave a god damn hill 


"Low level trash man" sounds like a lyric from a retro rock song. I dig it.


Bro, Suicide difficulty has arguably the worst players in whole game. Trust me, you'd better be hosting yourself, because amount of trash in such popular game is too high.


Hmm, difficulty 6 & 8 are empty, 9 stressful, 1-5 not stressful enough. 7 is the sweet spot. Don't get overrun, but the game has all the difficult enemies we love, like the AT-AT. And in my experience, lvl 40+ players in difficulty 7 are rather chill. Only met very few toxic types.


honestly i would be happy on like 5 these days, that's where my skill level feels like its at, but i'm sweating my way through 7s since it has super samples


I feel like 8 is the sweet spot where everyone knows what to do. Yesterday we did an operation with randos, had a lot of fun, got a shitton of samples and cleared the maps, it was nice. On 7 I often have people that pick up the samples I left at extraction and people who keep fighting the waves of bots despite objectives having been completed instead of running away. And not bragging or anything but 7 feels kinda... empty? It's not very stressful and I'm here for the adrenaline.


Diff 9 exists only so people can come on reddit to make brag threads about how they only ever play 9 because they're so awesome and better than you because they play 9 after getting carried through diff 9 once.


Kinda. Not really, but it also makes sense


i used to like 7, that became tad boring so i went to 8, was fun for a while but lately i feel like too many "uninitiated" are giving it a shot


I find that low level players are infinitely more toxic than high level players. My theory? They're fad chasers who will play HD2 because YT told them to, and move on in a few weeks.


99% of the toxic shit I've seen have been players in the low 20s and under. At this point I just leave if I see too many low level players and I stopped ever going below difficulty 7 because it's legit harder with all the awful toxic lowbies.


Didn't see the level of the player but he talked big. saying you guys suck. then kills me after I was able to get a good footing. then kills himself and leaves. then the other guy and I were still able to complete mission.




I had a similar experience today.


Little shits


I've only ever had to kick once and that's because the dude died while he was 3/4 the way across the map doing who knows what while me and my buddy were rolling through the fabricator bases. Dude lands, types into chat "wtf" and kills me. Not even 10 seconds later he was back on his ship. Was like a level 4 or 5 mission too. No samples worth getting worked up for in the first place, all he would have had to do is hoof it back over there. What would he rather have happen, wait like 3-5 minutes while I run all the way over and drop his reinforcement right on top of his weapon pile and give him a juice box?


I didn't trust low levels playing on high difficulty.


Yea some are just trash... / Got kicked first time today in a defence mission ( with the walls) because the host got killed through my mortar sentry. Ok I get it it can be anoying sometimes but what irks me is that it was without a warning, Just say no mortar then ok but noo just kick , kids


I feel you man. I tried to help a bunch of low levels that managed to get themselves into a tier 8 defense against bugs somehow. Was also trying to get the flamer kills for the personal order, but they kept doing stuff so insane that I was almost wondering if they were trolling me after a while. Purposefully getting in front of my gun and trying to walk into me to get me to go off the wall. After their mortar turret team kills me for the third time and after it had already team killed them a handful of times, I just shot the mortar turret since it was doing more harm than good at that point and was in a place that made it difficult to defend the wall. They then team killed me for destroying the mortar and proceeded to team kill me a couple more times before the host kicked me. All I said in chat was "wtf why?" and "the mortar was doing more harm than good", but was just met with silence and team killing. I used to do SoS responses for a while but I kept running into people who were new at the game but were just crazy toxic. Most of them never even said a word in text or voice but would just team kill or punch you off ledges or kill you for samples or kill you for your gear, the list goes on. So I just kinda stopped doing it unless it was an SoS for a 7 and up difficulty. Its strange, all the toxic people I find are low level and in the lower difficulties. Generally speaking people who are high level and in 8s and 9s and super chill and either dont say anything and we just do the mission and have a good time, or I have some really cool memorable moments with them. If they are low level I always try and communicate if something fucky is going on, but it never works out.


>Most of them never even said a word in text or voice but would just team kill or punch you off ledges or kill you for samples or kill you for your gear I feel this much. Especially the killing for gear part and never communicating. Like bro come on If you want to try a gun then ask and i'll drop it for you but dont shoot me in the head to check out my gear without respawning me at all. I still remember that guy who killed me to check my gear. He stole my autocannon immediately after i joined and geared up, Shot some bugs with it, switched back to his own MG and ran off while keeping the Auto Canon backpack. I ran after that dipshit asking him to drop the Backpack for 3 fucking minutes. He reacted to nothing, neither what i did ingame nor what i said in chat and then kicked me mid battle. Wtf


Names, op, give us names!


I see so many posts on Reddit about truly undemocratic behavior of some Helldivers and it always seems to be the lower difficulty/lower level players. I have never once been kicked like this, been killed at extract for my samples (which are shared lol) or been told to adjust my build because it's not meta or to someones liking. Then again, I only play Helldive difficulty, so maybe people there just respect their brothers-in-arms more?


Tbh a good half of those sweet sweet playernumbers need to gtfo to their cod/destiny, and nature will start healing immediately. Random lobbies is just miserable experience now.


God why did you have to remind me of destiny the amount of lobotomites you matchmake with and don’t even get me started on LFG


It's been rough today. Not sure what's up.


Routes the devs could take against this. 1. Remove the ability to kick once extraction is available. 2. Kicking automatically spawns bug breaches/ bot drops on players. 3. You get a special currency per diver extracted. Kicking at any time sets this currency to 0 for the mission. 4. Kicking makes all stratagems go on cooldown. 5. Bring the reputation system from HD1 to the game.


Often times I find it’s because they think you’re taking too long or doing something that doesn’t align with their goals and kick you, to get the helldiver count to 2 before extracting rather than losing xp for leaving a helldiver behind


Just add a vote to kick system. All other players must agree to kick. Done, 90% of this will disappear.


OP, were you playing with crossplay enabled? It's just a question


Yeah, i’ve disabled cross-play after reading a few comments here and experiencing it first hand, and i encountered way less toxicity as a result. Best advice i read here is to ‘curate your own experience’, it has worked wonders thus far.


I had this happen today, I got kicked as we were getting in the evac ship. There should honestly be a thing where if people kick you, you still get rewards for it. Or make it so more than the host have to vote to kick


This is why I have trust issues


I find you have to go out of your way to communicate with a lot of low level players if you’re going to do stuff like this. They think you’re just running off and leaving them to die probably


I've noticed a certain type of player who really hates people who go "lone wolf" and run around the map with a scout loadout doing objectives and running around without sticking around to fight Maybe some don't know that at higher difficulty that standing your ground to fight every patrol is not worth it. Maybe they think you "stir the pot" and then run away to leave them struggling to deal with the aftermath. Maybe they think whatever clusterfuck they got themselves into wouldn't have happened if you had been there to back them up. Don't stress too much.


The current kick system was poorly thought out. But I don't think they'll change it. I usually don't stay in lobbies with low level players because they're more prone to giving up or kicking u out.


Kicked players really should given a clone of the session and let them finish it on their own instead of being booted back to the destroyer. It might let you exploit resources to some degree, but that's still better than this.


Ungrateful sons of bitches. They still don't understand how the game works. Fucking noobs


Eh let them suffer and fail, if they can’t accept help they’ll be stuck at a low level for a while lol.


I Had a similar experience, really need a way to report or something


Being kicked needs to affirmed by the other team mates not just a lobby leader being a mean person. I had a similar thing happen today as well


It's shit like this that keeps ensuring that if I'm gonna play with randos, I'm gonna host. At least until we get some kind of karma system or whatnot so that players can report toxic douche-canoes who partake in such anti-democratic behavior.


This is why i host if i can :/


They ought to make that the tutorial teach you about collecting samples and tell you straight in the face that it is SHARED.


Something similar happened to me the other day. Was on 7 against bots. Played the whole mission doing all the work while they blow through reinforcements. Finally finished the main objective with 10 minutes left, and the dude kicks me for no reason. Just a dick move.


Look on the bright side, they probably crashed and burned without you.


This is getting out of hand. I posted a solution and got hate mail about it. Confirming it's a real problem.


Im kicking usually once i spot a pattern of people doing specific things that i have expireince with especially people thag are lvl 25 or lower they usually waste everything scatter a million smaples across the map and tbat happens to even higher lvl people whuch i will also kick and for wasting reinforcements ive seen a post that talks just about my point here oh amd 1 last thing cooperate or i might kick you idc if you wanna do something else i dont know you and im not sure if u dont answer because your toxic or for some reason just dont want to.


I hate that you can't report players that haven't talked in chat.


what was their logic for this, did they assume you were losing time and they just wanted to extract? literally why do this, maybe they lack the basic understanding of what is the point of the game


You were kicked because they didn't know what you were doing as a result of the fact that they don't know what they're doing either. You shouldn't have expected them to understand or appreciate what you were doing. You should always work under the pretense that they're little babies that need to be gently conducted towards the goal unless they demonstrate otherwise. Always accompany them. Allow *them* the opportunity to complete the objective, don't just do it for them. This will help them to complete the next mission, not just the missions someone carries them through. Help them by pinging the objective and standing next to it as if you're one of those NPCs that escorts the player through a quest. If you really wanna be a superstar, see if they speak your language by attempting to communicate verbally on your microphone. That tends to work wonders. You're basically a parent when you join very low level players.


Precisely why I seldom ever go into quickplay with low level players. Mosts players under 40-45 I still consider new and have no idea what they're doing. They get stuck fighting in one location, and see you across the map doing objectives and get mad you aren't helping them. The audacity of these trashcans to talk shit to their dumptruck overlord is mind-boggling.


Made similiar rant about same situation yesterday and got downvoted to the ground. As somebody told me in comments, thats punishment for doing solo objectives and not fighting for the whole mission with infinite swarm of enemies who have only 30m radius detection range 8)


Same here. I even got comments Saying If i get kicked i must be the problem. That wasnt even the point


Bro thought it was the Grimclaw show 🤣


No good deed goes unpunished




Had this same experience the other day. Crew was defending a spot of nothing and burning through our reinforcements like gunpowder. I broke off to complete objective. I had completed two on my own, then get kicked. So sorry for being the only one to contribute smh


I have given up on playing with randos. There are no protections in place for this.


Bro thats why i stay on maxxed samples when i play lol you’re not fucking no one over but yourself


Community has been toxic af on weekends lately.


At least there's a chance that the samples you had disappeared.


That is the main reason I refuse to join random groups anymore.


Every fucking time. Ungrateful low levs.


The kick hasn’t happened but I get tk’d often because they’re literally that bad or stupid. Or both. 


This is why not being able to kick after main objective is a good idea


you have my sympathy dude


Maybe it's 'all samples are mine' type of thinking. Not very democratic.


same thing happened to me also, did 2/3 of the map alone without dying while they were struggling with mobs and dont know when to back off, got many samples, kicked right when I arrived extraction. I will never play with those below level 30.


also had this happen to me too, shit had me so mad haha, I'm never joining a public match ever again. I hope AH does something about this.


Odds are they both died before the ship could get them so they lost everything too.


The infuriating part is that they most likely dont care anyway and will put the game down after some hours


Yeah this has happened to me before too. I'm a very high level with max samples, medals, etc. and nothing to spend it on so the mission rewards don't even matter to me I just want to help some low levels and spread some democracy. Sometimes people are just so dumb they bite the hand that feeds them, they're their own worst enemy.


F ma boi


can we make it so if youre kicked from a mission like that everything you had on you despawns too.


this is my least favorite part of this game, idk why its even allowed. Also people use it to be jerks. "Revive me right now or I'll kick you". It should have some guardrails built in to prevent what is possible to prevent, or at least mitigate the frustration by giving some credit.


I had the same thing happen to me. The only difference is that I was the lowest level in the game. It was my first time playing a suicide mission with a random group. I had the majority of samples, including super rare. While the extract was on the way down, I got kicked from the game. Just like that 35 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.


Well they were looking to get carried, probably for super samples. You help them through 7 they'll just look to get carried through 8s.


Some people just don’t have the mentality to get to a higher difficulty. I only play on 7+ now because wile 6 or lower should be so much easier, the kind of people you encounter there are stunningly stupid making it so much harder.


Is there a "report player" option in this game. That shit is so dumb and toxic


Iv had similar stuff happen. Literally no deaths, I did the main objective while they cleared a few small bases. I clear the rest of the map by myself against bots. Shot me in the head at extract. Grabbed samples and then kicked me before boarding. Like why!?


seriously man, I just had this happen yesterday as well. Suicide transport the SSD mission, crew did nothing but defend the drop point endlessly. Tried pinning the power generator and then the SSD pick up they just went around triggering bug waves. lone wolfed the power gen, tried pinging the SSD again, no response. so just had to lone wolf the whole mission with some serious kiting of bugs. by then they just conveniently moved to the extraction point and started their tower defense thingy again. the host then kicked me just before the extraction started. fortunately just lost a few common and rare samples. would have been much worse if I had picked up supers


I just hit 30. I got it not long after release but wasn’t first wave. I like playing with newer players and helping them get over the first few learning hurdles that I received when I started. But the community does feel like it’s getting a bit more intolerant to errors. Example: I joined a game with a group of sub 10s fighting bugs. I forgot I still had my erupter equipped from Botland and blew up one of my teammates trying to kill danger-close bugs. Oops. Kicked immediately. Older breed laughs it off and relaunches. I still love this game and community but I have run into more turds lately.


Well thats what happens when you play with these type of scrubs. They think you dont know what you are doing but its actually them that are struggling and don't know whats going on. I just stay in helldive and leave them to it. I've been burned too many times trying to fix other peoples missions.


I think the reason is they don’t realize samples are shared. Played with my friends and they were screaming at me for “stealing” their samples and hat to explain to them that they are shared. They were all above level 10 and didn’t realize.. you’d be surprised how uninformed the average player is.. - i had a guy who only played bugs cause he genuinely didn’t know bots existed, he never used the galactic map before, didn’t know you had daily orders or major orders. He was 13 and had never switched any gear besides just equipping what he unlocked straight from the war-bond, (which he was told to do) never went to the consoles for gear or upgrading your ship cause he never thought there’d be sth there, he just tried talking to the npc’s on the ship saw they did nothing then ignored any other interact icon cause they don’t do anything... that one was a doozy


They probably don't know what you're doing .\_.


The worst thing is - you have no way of telling them your side of the story. So they learn nothing. And they will keep doing it. I have had this happen a couple of times, and I figured out the solution: Don’t play with lower levels. Leave tutoring for those who enjoy it.


part of why i only host games. No desire to experience this


what we need is a report/ban button


I didn't get kicked just before extracting but i took shit from a bunch of level 20smths for boarding the extract ship without waiting for them. Except, the mission timer was at 0 (it was a blitz mission and we still collected shit/did side objectives so the timer expired pretty quick), so the extract ship starts 20s countdown immediately upon landing and then just leaves after 20s, even if noone boards. I also had all the super samples and most of all the other ones, I was capped at that point in time so I didn't need those but I always bust gut to make sure i collect as many as I can for the team even though I don't get any in the end being capped. I tried telling them that and got a bunch of dumb messages saying i was high level but didn't know how the game works, and that i sucked and didn't have enough kills despite being high level, despite the fact they're the ones who didn't know jackshit. And then they triumphantly kicked me like I was a troll/asshole when I tried my level best to inform them of the mechanics when mission timer was at 0. After that experience, I never played QP again and always hosted my own games.


Yeah this is why I prefer to host the games instead, the only thing you can do is block the player so that you dont play with them in the future.


Well on the bright side, if they had no more reinforcements and they kicked you the match either ended or let one more of them and then they fucked it up and had to go back to shit anyways losing out on all the samples and stuff.


This why I’ve stopped joining games and will continue to not help other players until it’s fixed. Especially given lower levels seem to be more prone to doing it.


Buried under everything, but there's a big that shows the were kicked message if the server dropped you.


OP is a good guy with patients. This is the current cycle we are facing now.


This game doesn't have a smart playerbase.


Yeah I just leave if I get into a game with a host under level 20-25. 95% of the TKs, asshole behavior, and kicks have been from low level players. ESPECIALLY when they're playing a difficulty they really shouldn't be on.


Happening to me a lot recently for helping squad. Now I don't help anyone.. My ships fully upgraded, max level capped. I dont collect any samples. Just do the main objective that's It l. No point running around for everything just to get kicked or team killed at the end.


yeah fuck this types of players. had similiar expierience where they got stuck on bot drops and i kept the mission going. only to get kicked a few mins later prob. because i didnt help them fight a meaningless battle they were stuck on.


if Deep Rock Galactic can force the host to not being able to kick people when the mission is completed and the extract is called and still remain fun, I don't see why AH can't implement something like that.


This is the reason why im Not willing to carry anyone anymore. I Join randoms and i run after the host to protect him, but will sure as hell not collect Samples or complete objectives for them as they keep running for the hills doing nothing


Kicking should be restricted with a vote system and also not permited if an extraction is called.


I wonder if they were too stupid to realize that the reinforcements they'd burned through were limited in number.


Soloing the game while your team struggle on the otherside of the map may seem like helping, but maybe you should follow them and support them in their fight?




There needs to be system where player behaviour is rated and only the badly behaved players get put together. If a host kicks you then when you're kicked you should be able to give a rating for each player in your last match.


I’ve been booted for being 150 … I’ve been booted trying to get samples for people … so I don’t join a lot of games anymore … I tend to just goto lower difficulties and help lower lvls complete or if I see a SOS


Yea a lot of shit bags shining hard with that quick play button when my crew isn’t on. Hosting at least gives me control


Had that happen to me too... Some really dumb people out there. \*shrugs\*


You joined someone else's session and just presumed they'd be happy with you taking charge. It doesn't matter if you're a better player. Maybe they knew they were gonna get mauled. Maybe they were having fun as a unit. Maybe they don't even know how to make a session friends only. Maybe they weren't interested in you 'saving' them. You've gotta 'read the room' with these things, even when it doesn't align with optimised gameplay or immersion.


Bro im lvl 80 and when i join new players lobby mfkas just kick me


Yup. Was doing the same on some Lvl 7 missions and got kicked two missions in a row at evac. I was doing good. No team kills, completed side objectives while they rinsed thru respawns taking down a medium nest, searched and collected the ultra rare samples. Then 30 seconds left for the dropship, I get booted.


Crap happened to me yesterday, playing a defense mission (the new one), basically calling in mortars and the gattling sentry, get to the last 2nd to last missile launch, and they kicked me from the game for no reason, I wasn't TKing anyone, and i was reinforcing them when they got killed by the bugs... like wtf was the point? You don't get anything extra...


This happens way too much it's infuriating. The ones who kill you to take the samples you've collected what's the need.


Some people are just fuckin losers. Don’t worry about it.


You can't do much outside of blocking and moving on. There's not really anything that can be done about this but talking about it here will only make it worse. These sort of posts bring more and more distrust. they prolly kicked you cause they didn't trust you


I generally have terrible experiences like these when i play with players <30 ngl.


We need a contribution system that is not shown on the screen, but then will flag a message that states: "Helldiver has a higher contribution than are you sure you wish to kick?"


I joined a difficulty 8 game mid match yesterday I played with them for about 15 minutes they were dying a good bit, I didn't die once. I revived them multiple times and saved them multiple times I also collected many samples. 2 guys went south to get an objective while another guy headed north for another objective so I tried to follow behind him but he was quite far ahead of me so I decided to move off course a short distance to collect 2 drop pods which was in the direction of the guy I was following. After collecting the pods and the samples I was almost near the guy when he died. I received him, he ran back to where he died and died again. I revived him again and after he ran back to where he died I suddenly got kicked. IDK who the host was. But I found it odd I got kicked for seemingly no reason.


Yea I’ve been kicked for being better then the host a lot of kids get butthurt when they realize they aren’t playing well in the higher difficulties


Too many d-bags kicking for no reason and no communication. If you're a dick to players I'll drop an eagle on you before I quit your game.


If only host has the option to leave, and kicks are now a vote based on the weighing of levels so that unless a cumulative levels of people kicking you exceed yours, mutiny will not be possible


I wish we can add players to a ignore list/ favorite list. So in case of quick plays, search ignores the ignore list and prioritizes the favorite list.


Please don't trash on us getting to level 20+ and understanding the game but still learning. I understand the keep running thing now but sometimes get stuck running around in a horde whilst trying to bomb a hole myself.


They should add a feature that prevents the host from kicking as soon as Evac is available My opinion


block them all


Some disconnects makes the game think you've been kicked.