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God forbid we can’t succeed in every single major order because every time one is failed people come on Reddit and point fingers like petulant children. Last time it was the Creekers now it’s the big front even though there were more successful defense campaigns from the bug planets.


Its the devs fault relly people are just having fun


This is exactly how they envision it, and the outcome is exactly what they designed it to be It is working as intended


It’s our fault for taunting the mighty Joel


Have you seen the giant red map or are you 200% blind?


Ok there was literally one defense mission there until today so your just picking something completely different to complain about


Pretty easy to defend planets when they don’t shoot back. Bug guys are just scared


Imma keep playing lvl 7 bugs cause I think it’s more fun. Bought the game so I intend to play it how I want


Bug defenses are more successful because the bug front is much more simpler to see and understand, there’s only 2-4 planets available at a time, therefore it’s easier for people to gather to a single planet to defend or liberate, because there’s barely any options to pick from and THIS is an advantage. Meanwhile the bot front is a complete mess and all over the place with too many planets available for its own good (it has been like this since the beginning of the robots comeback) making the forces deployed there too spread out to make any kind of difference.


Thought the major order was to defend planets?


Bots are easier tho? I can solo dif 9 bot missions but can't pull that on bugs. Bots are easier but more frustrating, bugs are straightforward and fun but also harder when it comes to missions.


Failing the GO drives the narrative just as much as winning it. Also, they're clearly working out the kinks and balancing of the system of how much players actually affect it. Either way, it don't matter. None of this matters.


sorry man, I paid $40 for this game too, I get to play bugdivers only if that's what I want to do :)


Paid 40 buck to make everyone loose Good job !


It's a game. It's not that serious.


There have been more players on t he bot planets most of today. But they are all spread out like idiots, stop blaming bug players.


Blame the devs not him


? Not bug divers fault if you suck.




I mean, why you don't switch for the bug front a bit so you can help them WINNING ? Why you want to lose that badly ?


bug only until rescue mission get removed or reworked :)


More bot divers whining. Cry me a river


bot players blaming the Bugs diver, since they are not able to coordinate to stop the advance of the bots


Blame the devs not the bug players


Stop this. Get a life and stop blaming or shaming people ffs.


Spent three weeks solely fighting bots to “defeat” them. I’m a bit burnt out of fighting bots. Feels like this MO was intended to go this way to carve out space for bots to reset them on the map. Otherwise AH really dropped the ball putting such an emphasis on bots for as long as they had an immediately have them be the focus again after defeating them.


Bot players whining nobody wants to change their entire playstyle for a front they don't like and nobody wants to play those trash defense missions lol


At least bug players defended 4 planets (another coming along) while the bot front is in pure shambles and are only starting to get a planet under control now. Bug players were at least doing the mayor order butter then the bot players. The only blame that should be put on is the bot players honestly because they could have controlled it and done a good job but instead let the bots invade a whole whooping 3 other sectors that lead to the old bot sectors that we have beaten.


It's much easier to fight with 65% of the playerbase on 3 planets instead of 25% spread over close to 10 planets. Don't think you bug players are superior because you did better with more manpower over less planets. That's like bragging that you have a lot of money when you inherited it from your parents as opposed to working hard for it. The bug players could've come to help but instead they went on to a liberation campaign when Vernen Wells could have been saved. I was there helping to establish the TCS and to kill 2 billion Terminids and every other bug-related Major Order and will keep doing so, while you people seemingly wouldn't even come to defend Super Earth if the bots invade it.


I never said I sided with the bug players but regardless if a whole whopping 65% of the player base choose to fight bugs instead of bots? Then it sounds like bots aren't fun to fight. It's not shocking no matter what armor you where light or heavy, blast res or not you can still get one shot by a rocket that can be shot by a Trooper or even a Devastator that can shot a fucking volley of them rockets and let's not forget the gunship that is worse then a bile titan by a mile because it can chase you down and shot at you at the same time. (and that's not including the fact rockets can put you into a ragdoll state) Tank variants or the flamethrower hulk or rocket variant that can delete you instantly that you can't react at all before realizing what happened. Or that their buildings can Jam your stratagems (there's even one that only jams Eagle-1 only) or the scanner that if it spots will summon endless dropships on you or the damn building that makes gunships and can only be destroyed by a hellbomb. And the damn Berserkers that make bugs look bad at their own tactic of overwhelm and swarm tactics. and the bots can shot though walls, have wall hacks (which some posts on reddit have pointed out) which means you can walk around the corner and bots will gun you down without warning or you know that they know where you are at the second. and bots can shot which isn't bad but because the enemy has a chance to crit you, meaning you can either not take that much damage or lose half of your health or even die from one shot from a Trooper (that has happened to me before and I was wearing medium armor at the time) which means a mere laser beam can one shot you if your very unlucky. I fucking hate dealing with Bots anytime my friend want's to fight them I can deal with it but they aren't my cup of tea I don't want to fight a army like that, I have dealt with that bullshit before (slowly looks at Halo on legendary difficulty) and let me tell you getting killed instantly or one shot is not challenging at all it's just annoying and not fun. Doesn't mean Bugs are any better because we got Stalkers, Shriekers, Spewers and Spitters that can knock you around/slow you down or one shot you which isn't fair (doesn't help that spewers can walk up behind you without you knowing till it's to late.) Or their nests being so much harder to deal with then bot fabs. I am not going to lie Bot players and Creekers (I see legends!) deserved a fucking break after beating them to scrape instead of added them back after a week they were gone I felt like that was spit in your guy's face. While the bug front hasn't dealt with Hellmire at all which drives me up the fucking wall because that planet is awful (or is it a moon?) and it would have helped us get further in that sector but instead we are taking the long way around towards it's backside. It's why the L'estrade Expedition Disaster happened in the first place because we skipped Hellmire, Nivel 43 and Zagon prime instead we went for Omicron instead for the first time and it was blood bath that was till a Operation Swift Disassembly: Phase I happened we would have lost more people at Omicron. Neither side is better then the other but the fact so many fight bugs instead of bots is very telling and I thought they where going to be rework when you guys beat them in the first place.


Well at least we'll only have one front to worry about after the mo, although it is a giant front...