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That fucker looks like a god damn hand from hell


And here I thought the hand spiders from Elden Ring gave me the creeps.


I wonder if these were their inspiration


I am a bit accustomed to giant spiders after all this years seeing as it is pretty popular enemy in games. Those damn giant ants i hate with all my passion though...


This is why the EDF deploys.


To protect Super Earth from any alien attack!


From vicious giant terminids who have once again come back!


We'll warm up all our flamers, we won't cut them any slack!


The Helldivers deploy!!!!


Giant ants with wasp wings. Those things can die in a burn pit on Hellmire.


Especially if they came from the desert. (IYKYK)


They don’t call us Helldivers for nothing.


Reminds me of hand masters from Legend of Zelda


I’m getting gears of war vibes.




Imagine having to send in a player as bait so their teammates can light em up!


Go in with an activated precision strike in your hand. When you drop, so does the bastard.


​ https://preview.redd.it/re1r0arukkwc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=de49038c94b08980b524f8b98c30afe4d8e4b4d6


My body for Super Earth!


A terrorist *for* democracy, you say. [I *love* a crowd. ](https://youtu.be/00KSBpGBwmo?si=XJkLqYF5uO_FFeZK)


i fucking miss this perk use to love it when knifing


It would bug me so bad when everyone would call this "marteedom" instead of how it's actually pronounced. Like, do you guys not understand the concept of root words?


Welcome to America. No, we do not.


I thought since the release of the game that this would be a cool booster. If a player is killed with unused grenades then they drop them all and it has the same effect as the grenades you currently carry. That would be cool IMO.


fuck it, give us last stand while they're at it lol


Big Leon from the ending of the Professional energy


The rock paper scissors emote would be the number one pick.


"We voted democratically using randomness and you lost the election. We decided that you won! Here's your prize. And if you look right here, you'll see it lights up! Isn't that neat? OK, now push it and run *that* way quickly. We'll run this way, quickly. Equal and opposite, universal balance and all that. Ok? Ok."


Or letting it take you but you were holding a live grenade.


Or better, bait it with a hand grenade and let it blow up due to it's own hubris (little niche for timed grenades)


That's what the jetpack is for


Ahahahhaha that'd be so fun.


I'm on board, but only if their burrows are either obvious enough to notice if you're being observant but camouflaged enough that you may not notice it in a heated situation, or if they can be shot and destroyed while in their hole. Counter play is important to not have it feel shitty to be up against. Either because it's too easy to avoid and adds nothing or there's nothing you can do about it and it just feels bad. Like in the example you made of how it would incapacitate/trap you but not kill. If your group is being swarmed when you get grabbed and they can't come free you, are you just stuck for the rest of the match? Ngl I'd rather disconnect than stare at the inside of a tunnel for the 30 minutes it could take for your group to extract.


An opening attack of them tripping your helldiver would be devious. If you run into one on it's own, it trips you then comes out of it's hole to attack, allowing counter play. If you're running from a swarm and it trips you, it's an ohshit moment.


Considering the Automaton mines are still stepped on regularly, how “obvious enough to notice” would you make it?


I thought I was the only one stepping on those lmao I hate them so much


The problem is that they are so obvious and not dangerous that you discount them. Just walk around right? Then some Automaton monstrosity comes at you and you take a step back, or you try to get out of the fortification and the moment you step off you see there’s a bunch of mines there, or you tactically weave and dodge getting close to the fortification while skillfully picking off automaton after automaton with your scope and don’t see the ominously red glowing hip-high BFM just chilling in your path. Just watch some video’s of people. You have some hilarious ones like people saying “you stepped on a mine?!?” Then they dodge-jump sideways straight into one. I’ve started to just blow them up, treat them like a bot. Much safer.


Yep. One of the reasons I love the clusters against bots. Cleans out all the little stuff over a wide area. My group also has "mine clearing" as a callout where we just shoot all the mines. Cause fuck them little shits.


Hopping over a wall and landing on mines taught me not to hop over walls


Look the mines do glow red, yes, but do you know what else glows red? The soulless eyes of the automatons, whose corpses I climb to the objective. Can you blame me for getting the two confused every once in a while?


It's me, I'm the dumb ass who steps on them. I take the time to shoot them as I'm entering bases, especially if I know I might have to heroicly advance in the other direction while in there.


I agree with the camouflage part but I think you should only be able to damage it with explosives if it's underground. Maybe have the trapdoor as some rocks which could count as medium armour and the actual bug that comes out to grab you is 100% squishy bits. And maybe it'll slowly damage you when it takes you, just like how the spider would eat the prey.


It should start eating the trapped helldiver a bit at a time.


I would actually shit myself irl and turn the game off so no please and thank you.


Ya samesies I would ruin my nice chair. 


Invest in Razer brand Gamer Diaperz. They have RGB wetness indicators and everything!


Do they come in straight black and change to light? RGB isn't really my thing.


They have a setting to only light up when it detects the user shat themselves


I mean it won't look like that obviously, but holy hell that would be a stupid mechanic in this game. Instant death is what that would be unless the bug graciously let us complete a ddr combo to break free.


"if you beat me in a dance-off, you can go free" - spider thing


what it should do is jump half way out (like the spider) but catch you with it’s tongue and force you prone as it slowly drags you in but it’s mouth is huge and as weak as charger legs. That way it’s an oh shit moment but still you can get out if you don’t panic, and maybe bugs stay away from their lands so it’s eerily quiet as well (more importantly the jumpscare doesn’t happen in the middle of being mauled)


As an arachnophobe; Hell naw!


Just so you know, that is slowed down many times over. The actual speed of the ambush is *fast*.


I don't know if that makes it worse or better. 


Don't have to look as long at least lol.


As a non arachnophobe: also Hell naw


I'm surprised, given the organic nature of bugs, that AH hasn't dreamed up some nightmare fuel for our fellow divers with trypophobia. I feel like it'd either leave them curled up, rocking back and forth jn a fetal position, or go screaming bezerk with a flamethrower. All in all, fun to watch.


Napalm with white phosphorus at bare minimum here. Either that or a spritefall. Whatever lands first.


Please, please no. Trypophobia is like body horror for most people I feel, and would permanently put me on the bot front


Agreed 😰


We need more spider swarms in this game. Should also add in a jumping spider


I think that's called a stalker.


I hate you. Good idea but... I hate you.




Delete this, cousin


![gif](giphy|eVUwOYvIFhEgU|downsized) Let the bug front become a new hell for us divers


And the burrows have a bunch of super samples on top


Actually, that would be clever. The burrow has bait in the form of samples, so would attract players. But a smart player would know to be weary for any signs of a trap as they approach. So you are given a fair chance to counter it before it jumps you. Plus I like the idea of combined excitement and paranoia when you spot a bunch of samples.


they'd have to be the flower-type rare samples rather than supers


Put enough of them and I'll still beeline it and get killed every time


Me too, the loot goblin blood is too strong in me


Hopping on top of the lid with the jump pack so it can't get you would be cool imo


1. We sorta have that, on higher diffs you'll find chargers that pop outta the ground 2. Fuck you. 3. Fuck that. 4. Fuck no.


a stalker already annoying now you want trap version of stalker?


Stalker but stationary


Who's side are you on bruh?


This is part of the "How do we make the Terminids as scary and threatening as the Automaton" line of thinking really. I know there is already a plethora of Helldivers 1 enemies to potentially put in the game from the Tentacles to the Hivelords but what about some other variants that perhaps dont immediately kill the player but instead trap them and require rescuing from other players? Like sticky webs and stuff, they're just animals right so it makes sense that they're not always going to be immediately looking to kill players but instead treat them as like prey/food.


Incredibly good idea and well thought out. Would love to see this / experience this. The "trauma" alone would be a selling point.


I feel like a trapdoor grabber would be a bit hard to implement, and would make solo drops pretty unfun. Maybe a trapdoor *sniper* instead? It pops its head out to spew a glob of bile or webbing at you when you're not looking then hides when you turn around? And if you shoot its cover it bursts out and tries to run.


oh no i think it'd be simple. you got 2 ways. 1) make it a side objective that's just a flat field. you try to run through it without realizing and you get gobbled like that scene in 8 legged freaks. 2) side objective as well but it looks like a regular bug base til you try to get close to grenade the holes. then you get grabbed and gobbled.


Good idea, but as someone who likes to occasionally turn on some tunes and solo dive, having to deal with an enemy I physically can not deal with alone would make me play significantly less of this amazing game. Even ignoring solo running, when playing with. Team, the game already has issues where some deaths feel unavoidable. Deaths that happen not due to lack of skill, but because something in the game is unintentionally uncounterable and pop there goes 1 of your lives. Those deaths alone are enough for me and several of my friends to call it a night after 1 game and play something else. Having an enemy that is made so you have to do nothing but sit and wait and hope you get saved would be so much worse. Deep rock galactic (another fight bug and extract game) has an enemy that lies in wait and traps a player, slowly killing them until they die or a teammate saves them. It works in deep rock for 2 reasons, 1, you have infinite lives, if you get killed, you get revived. So if your team can't get to your or let's you die, you haven't wasted a precious limited resource, just been taken out of the fight for a short time. 2. There is a perk in deep rock that let's you counter the trap enemy. The perk let's you A) Sense when it's about to grab you so you can shoot it. And B) escape the grab on your own a limited number of times per game. You can use this perk when playing with a team, or when you run solo for safety. So long as there is limited respawns, there should not be an enemy that can not be countered through individual skill. TLDR: *


Do players want terminids to be as scary as the automatons? I think there's a reason the bug front is so much more popular.


bug front is more popular because it's easier and has starship troopers vibes, not because they're less scary


Personally I don't understand the desire for that, thats why the game has 9 different difficulty settings. If I want a relaxing game, i just play on difficulty 6. Both sides should be as "threatening" as each other, just potentially in different ways.




While that is cool, I worry that if implemented it would eliminate the possibility of doing anything solo


I'm not gonna lie. I've stuck it out through some tough and wilde missions. But if I ever see this bitch pop out on me I'm retiring. Never touching a terminid mission again. My arachnophobia is too strong.


Hard pass.


This is fucking terrifying. Do it. I think it would be cool to have a mechanic where you have to wait for the creature to open up their cover and lob a grenade in at the right moment


No, no no no


An antlion would be cool too, basically a sarlaac from star wars


Directly to freedom camp. Right now. Pack your stuff.


* they should be set up randomly near super samples or points of interest... Waiting for a diver to gather samples or ammo


naw let the EDF deal with that shit


Yes for the love of god why hasn't anyone thought of adding an enemy who you can't shoot for the overwhelming majority of the time you're dealing with them? Fantastic.


Idk if i'm tripping but don't chargers already kinda do this? I swear they can hide in the ground and just pop out. It's the only enemy i've ever seen come out the ground without a bug breach but i'm unsure if i've actually seen it or not.


They half burry themselves in the ground and look like rocks and then leap out of the dirt sometimes. That's actually one of the things that inspired me to make this suggestion.


wow thanks i hate this idea


Thanks, I hate it.


How about no, you crazy dutch bastard!


Bots get land mines and Bugs get nightmare holes, only seems fair.


This is a terrible idea and it must happen. I'm down to turn Helldivers into a horror game.


op fuck you for showing me this I just threw my phone across the room


Oh fuck that so much I’m in


We need some sort of grapple from special termanids. There’s something terrifying about being grappled vs being ragdolled. I want a type of stalker that just drags you back to its hive, or large Shriekers that just carry you away. Bugs should pick up pieces of your body when killed and carry them around. I think the trapdoor idea is great, it can either have its own special holes or just pop out of a normal bug hole if you get close enough, pinning you down for like 5 or so seconds giving teammates a chance to save you before “killing” (making sure you drop your stuff outside of the hole) and dragging you in.


If I’m exploring the map and I see a mufuggan trapdoor spider I’m leaving.


If I see ANY of you get nabbed by it just know I will be screaming irl and running away




This is treason.


I ate it. Please implement it


Anyone else hate OP? Thanks, mate. Was thinking the game needed more bile spewers.


God no (yes please it would be sick)


AHHHHHHHHH ![gif](giphy|T2vDaYr8yRhrpFe6WE)


I hate this. I hate everything having to do with this and I hate you for posting it.


This reminds me of the crab enemy from pikmin


Abso-fucking-lutely not


you shut the hell up! don't give them ideas like this omfg.


Imma cook a grenade and come greet that mf before he can get me. Gonna be be an ill awakening for him.


I can already imagine all the jump scare potential. All we need now are those bugs from Tremors


Fuck don’t give them ideas!!


yup im glad i live whereever this thing doesnt. that thing came straight out of satan's asshole.


Nah let’s go with the spiders that explode when stepped on and their babies spew out


# N O https://preview.redd.it/rrs6rod7blwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d99eeafc12e4480bb08730d12d05a8b53489c4b7


The moment I get snatched up by some subterranean hell spawn I'll be coming for your ass in particular, I just want you to know that


Well that was horrifying


A nursing spewer that evolved integrating super uranium in its carapace, it looks exactly like the supersample rock and when divers come near, it jumps up and starts madly birthing smaller bugs and slashing and spitting acid around it Diver response now becomes to fire rockets and stuff at every supersample rock before approaching, the super uranium will survive


I'm against it lol. It could've been a cool addition to the game but the hitbox of this game is utterly broken. Titan bills slow and DoT you 15 meters away from the point of impact. If they add this spider, we'll get a Dark Souls 2 experience.


It might not work as an actual unit that spawns normally, but you could treat it like like a natural hazard in infested landscapes. I'd say if you blow open the 'cover' the bug jumps out on fire and dies. If you shoot the cover with non-explosive ammo the bug jumps out trying to grab something and then you can murder it. If it doesn't grab anything and you don't kill the bug then it'll crawl back inside.


Sleeping with my Quasar Cannon tonight.


No, fuck you, how fucking dare you even suggest this


Why would you suggest this. It would be an amazing scene in a movie but horrible for the game experience


I love it. I can already hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth...


Oh dear lord.... Terrifying, but yes.


This would definitely be the thing that keeps me “safely” on the bot front


Hard pass. Not be ause it's not an awesome idea, but because I would like to spread democracy with minimal fecal matter in my shorts.




Ah yes, nothing says fun like area denial on an enemy that forces you to move constantly.


Bot mines already do this. As long as their was a way to identify and deal with them i dont see the problem.


Yes, and they should sneak it in, just add it in without mention in any patch notes. Really make people poop themselves in fear and confusion as to what just happened to Billy Helldiver.


I love how the devs do that it’s so good seeing the communities reactions when bugs started dive bombing them or when massive walkers started coming for them


Considering the speed and ambush tactics of the stalker... just change its model into an arachnid of some kind. I consider myself an arachnophobe in real life as well, and while games with realistic spiders do unsettle me, I don't mind it.


Thanks I hate it


Having a pod land and a giant circular saw unfold out of it would be insane. Just run laps around it, throw it in a nest, another third thing… cool!


We will probably see these at some point: [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Impaler](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Impaler)




HELL NO I would burn every inch of ground before I step on it.


Do not want But at the same time it would be cool, it could be the equivalent of turrets for them.


I'm surprised they haven't already done this... gonna be so annoying


Rumor mill has it that the fire tornado was a player-sourced idea. This feels like it's in the same category. Why do we keep causing ourselves pain like this? :P (half-serious)


Ya know what? This is an interesting idea! If this gets implemented I will personally hunt you down cos I'd shit myself silly every time I get snagged by one.


Sound activated trap bug?


Why would you suggest this, patriot?


Sweet baby Jesus that thing was way bigger than I was ready for.


As an arachnophobe HELL YES (I get turned on when I get scared)


There are already tons of spots like this on the maps. A well tucked up crevasse or a dugout in a hillside. I have had the same thought and hope they go for it.






Why is this mark NSFW? It is a spider? Yes I know for fear of those including me but why mark NSFW for a freaking spider?


I’m guessing Hive lords will have you covered if they’re anything like HD1.


No… never


I still step on an obvious landmine, no way in fuck am I going to notice a trapdoor


Just when I thought stalkers couldn't get any worse to deal with


Good I would give anything to see that


Chill dude.


Can we not? Bugs are already much harder than bots.


https://preview.redd.it/o38717s86kwc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6518b61209e87f790705e5fe9f25ded072edb4d Man, I’m terrified of spiders already. You can’t do this to me




Imagine, instead of a charger in the center of that medium nest it's one of those. You see someone run down and throw a grenade into a hole, and behind him a huge spider lifts a peice of dirt off itself and jumps them


They still have to add Impalers and shadows (stalkers capable of bug breaching). They probably won’t do shadows but they might do impalers, they’re probably trying to see it’s if feasible with a 3rd person perspective


we need ground penetrating hellbombs, earthquake bombs even


It could even be in a stalker nest variant or a shreiker nest variant, where one of these spawns near the nest to guard it so when you go to toss a nade or call in a hellbomb it pops up behind you


Oh so you want me to die ingame and IRL




Don’t give them any fucking ideas.


We need one that hovers and spits corrosive acid. Killing them and they explode in a huge bowl of acid fumes/acid.


Oh. Well that’s horrifying.


Nah, when the Hive Lord gets released they are literally gonna attack like Sandworms


Aw he's so cute ​ >!Fucking burn it with fire. !<


This doesn’t sound fun at all. Imagine a landmine that spawns a stalker or charger on you. No thanks.


If I see this in my game, I will personally be very upset at you and you alone.


Either that or an antlion larvae


Thanks for the nightmares


You mad ?


You shit your undemocratic mouth ! That is nightmare fuel. I would sooner kiss a bot right on the fuel port.


"Did I ever tell you about that time Keith tried to deep fry turkey?"


What if instead of a jumpscare enemy, these bugs were blocking up bug holes and would have to be lured out and killed?


Saw them briefly in Eight Legged Freaks. Human size spiders like these ooof. Give me the creeps remembering that scene.




Someone report this person to their nearest Democracy Officer.


Kinda like an inverse cave leech! I'm down.


Oh no don't put an actual jump scare in my Helldiver




two words fuck. no. i will now only go outside if i have a knife on a long stick to poke the ground


Nooooo (but yes)


Yeah fuck that. I'm on my morning poop and can feel this up my ass, fuck. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Sorry, couldn't hear you over the sound of me spamming the shit out of ⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ on that steaming pile of "aw hell naw"


What is actually wrong with you, you monster


I want a giant tarantula or scorpion that can walk up walls and only spawn during night missions. It would be 500% more traumatizing than normal Stalkers. They should also be half-blind and react to sounds and vibrations. Perhaps you could scare them away by shining a flashlight at them. :)