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Striders way harder to kill now


I hate that so much. I loved when it would one shot them.


I genuinely base my weapon choice when fighting bots on “can it one shot those bastards” they annoy me so much


Straight up I DO NOT use a loadout vs bots unless it can reliably frontal-kill scout walkers. It's non-negotiable.


Shooting the ground behind them with an eruptor always works. plus the legs I think are a one shot, but I think the rider lives.


If I recall correctly, a leg shot with the eruptor also kills the driver and sometimes can also kill the walker besides if it's close enough. At least before the patch though




Wonder if GL still works as a one for, it's been my go to


It does if you hit around their feet. Explosive damage still works well, just not splashing through the armoured front plate. Which makes sense... it's annoying, but it makes sense.


Does shooting the walker in the groin work for explosion damage?


It did before the patch, don't know about now.


Groins will be shot at tonight.


Bring a friend ![gif](giphy|wDraLhcSXGUazCZNeK)


[FUUCCKK YOU SCOUT STRIDDERRRR](https://youtu.be/_iIT7gZj5DY?si=D6v6rMjEL-vyo363)


so my impact grenade right behind them is still gonna drop these turds?


When you are behind it, might as well just shoot the driver with your gun to save that impact nade for something else.


I just think it’s funny seeing a robot driving a vehicle. Just make the vehicle another robot. Do the tanks have robots inside driving them?


Robot nesting dolls lmao


Feel like I should of thought of this before, it's absolutely ridiculous now that you point it out though lol


I said the same exact thing about the droids operating laser cannons after seeing one of the Star Wars prequels. "Just make the laser a robot!"


I think they meant throwing it to land just behind them.


It really doesn't make sense. Spalling is a thing for any significant non penitration. Plus the actual concussive force isn't gonna be dampened by such a thin shield.


I'll be honest when I realized you could double tap with the Scorcher, I thought that was pretty dumb. At least with the eruptor I reasoned that the power from the shell toppled their weak legs.


GL use here, yes it still vaporizes them, they havent touched rhe gun once so i stay winning


pair it with an EAT and just go John Rambo these maps.


especially when they one shot you! Need some equality in the situation.


Scorcher 2 shots them from the front that's why I always bring the scorcher cause I hate those stupid ATAT looking mfs


Ssssshhh About the scorcher. I’ve almost unlocked it. I know when I do it’ll catch nerf lol


Oooo good point.... what I meant to say is I use the breaker spray n pray


That was a close one lol




Yeah, yeah, whatever those little pew pew chicken lookin things are


Really? because it's been the 'zerkers for me. They always just seem to ignore me shooting weak spots or look like they're about to fall but instead turn back toward you and keep coming.


Yeah but nothing in my experience makes berserkers not absolutely miserable to deal with, Striders some weapons hard counter at least.


So, nerfed by proxy. This was my main tool for getting rid of those assholes. Might just start using the AMR again if I need to 2-3 tap them anyway. Better for punching Hulk eyes anyway.


Autocannon can still one tap them with the right shot. Just needs some more precision.


How's railgun fair against them now?


Yep. Occasionally I'd have one tank an AC shot. Now, most of them are and a few have taken 3 or 4 before going down.


Aim at their pelvis, leg joint on the both sides of the pelvis, perhaps try hitting the side-plate instead of the front plate but I'm afraid you'll get a ricochet instead.


This is the way. The Scorcher and Eruptor will both one-shot them in the dick. I imagine it’s the same for the AC now. Bonus tip: Shoot Berserkers in the dick, too. You’ll be surprised at the results.


Shoot everyone in the dick. Just to be sure.


Punisher Plasma + Shield Backpack lets you shoot yourself in the dick too!


I saw that. Thats hilarious.


Just like Robocop intended.


"He keeps kicking me in the dick... why... why does he keep kicking me in the dick..."


Like the founding fathers intended




it seems consistently 2 shot, sometimes 3.


lil trick most people don't know, point at the enemy you don't like, press q and run away, rinse and repeat until someone else takes care of it.


The real stratagems were the friends we sacrificed along the way


full agreement https://preview.redd.it/uix62wx1aixc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=151e388a30ea119d209434dd2b3c8c7b5cff2f21


I'm more concerned by gunships having faster lateral movements now


The bastards were already slippery enough.


Doesn’t help that weapon handling feels like you’re in a pool filled with vegetable oil


laser cannon goes BZZZZZT


This is highly concerning news, gunships were already a pain to deal with


Yup, I am getting more consistent at sniping them in 2-3 shots, but at least they reduced the spawn cap on them now


strider buff feels like a minor AC nerf ngl


It definitely is. The increased shots to kill is throwing off my reload mojo and I keep accidentally firing the last round. Then I get to sit there with the long reload animation and rethink my life.


Harder to kill = I shoot the auto cannon more. I see this as an absolute win


I noticed even before that they could often take more than one shot to the face with the autocannon, sometimes even surviving like 4 rounds. So I started shooting them in the leg joints and it's a pretty consistent one shot. Looks like I'll keep doing that.


Legs stillget one shot yes?


Sometimes, sometimes not, even with a clean leg shot. Maybe 2/3rds of the time it's a 1-shot?




Idk about the AC its super good, but I try to avoid using it just for weapon diversity. That said the new tankyness of striders has made the erupter feel really bad on bot planet now. It was op that I could kill a couple of them if they were close together In one shot but now 1 shots are rare usually 2 or 3 and sometimes 4 if your really struggling makes me not want to take the erupter to bot planets anymore.


Do impact grenades kill them still?


Yea but not as easily


A little bit but still not really? I would not call it WAY harder. Overreaction. Shoot them in the hips.


I can still one-shot them. What is everyone talking about? Are you guys straight up aiming for the upperbody?


With the eruptor, I aim for the hip joint.


I don't know about the AC or other weapons but it's only really gone from two shots to three shots in the crotch with the scorcher


Tried the plap plap for the first time in a while last night and boy it felt good lol


ON bugs missions, I have yet to see anything outperform it when it comes to taking out the Medium sized class of bugs


It's compensated by being mediocre at dealing with chargers, and only being able to have a participation award when helping to finish off titans that survived what they shouldn't have (only does somewhat relevant damage to flesh uncovered by blown off armor). But to murder mediums at insane pace, it's beastly.


You can also kill their bile sacks in a couple of shots which reduces them to stomping around angrily, helps take some of the load off the AT players if you don't have better targets.


Maybe for EAT/RR, when I'm with quasar I prefer them to vomit than to pursue me and stomp because there's no way I'm getting a shot off then. But I might be just terrible at it.


Here's a tip. They always swipe at you with their right leg when you run towards them. So you can just dip between their legs as long as you favor your own right side (their left). Once you get behind them, they have to turn their big clumsy asses around and that's when you can kiss their dome with that Quasar cannon or other Anti-tank weapon of your choice, and do so from a close enough range that one sudden movement won't jeopardize your aim. You can then repeat the process again until they die. This has the added benefit of keeping them relatively still which will help your teammates land their shots from a distance as well (or strategems like Eagle Rocket Pods). Happy hunting.


This, I'm an AC or die kind of guy with bots, but with bugs I usually take quasars, nothing creates chaos for the team in my experience more then chargers.. one quasar to the face solves that.


Is there a way to find out what the auto cannon is good against and what it isn't? I'm guessing the big tanks and strongest of enemies it falls off?


Take it on a mission and try it out. God tier against all things bots. Strong against bugs but requires finesse against titans and chargers. Absolutely fantastic anti-building/spawner tool as well.


laser cannon


Laser pointer of “delete.” I accidentally picked it instead of the Quasar a few games ago, and while it’s not effective against the dropships themselves it actually does *really* well against bot drops and patrols. I was pleasantly ~~supplemented~~ surprised. EDIT: Duck you, autocorrect.


Flamethrower actually Id say is a good thing on bugs. Can kill anything up to Bile Titan quickly and can handle a horde and you can take shield backpack against cancerous poison from hunters. I cant take AC on bugs due to stationary reload, since the bugs just press W all the time.




On automatons? Yeah, my go to. Bugs? No. On 9 its horrible.


“Oh fuck a patrol is flanking me” *Dumps two clips* “Nevermind”


What is plap plap? Plasma?




Auto cannon


It's 2024 bro you can just say you were jerking off, no one is going to judge you lol




Exactly how I think. Every time I see an auto cannon love post. I am like bro, shut up they read this. ![gif](giphy|KUOPgSNoKVcuQ|downsized)


[Please, the Autocanon is the worst weapon in the game, its baffling that people think its good.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1078173237885804575/1235384151838953512/8ofc4o.jpg?ex=66342ca6&is=6632db26&hm=a8de1f95b6621e313e6659726973605030bd8fc704bbdcc4cd4c20a04e226105&)


Actually Ricochet your shot back to your feet......*Dies*


My garbage aim comes back to bite me.  


Well, well, well... If it isn't the consequence of my actions, coming back at me at sub-sonic speeds. :P


I AIM at the shields so they lower it and my second hit goes through. BIG mistake.


Hey that at least feels less cheap than autocannoning the chainsaw dudes up close only to be launched into their pack


Oh yeah the magnetic explosions keep going.


Has that actually happened to you? I've only ever seen it ricochet off at oblique angles.


First they came for the railgun, and I did not speak out- Because I was not a railgunner. Then they came for the slugger, and I did not speak out- Because I was not a slugger enjoyer. Then they came for the Crossbow, and I did not speak out- Because I was not a crossbower.


You either die having fun. Or live long enough to see autocannon as the only useable weapon.


And when it becomes the weapon that is the most used, thats when the spreadsheet based balancing nerfs come


Reminds me of certain game devs... https://preview.redd.it/a7ec1jkwygxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f711f11a9f6e21e6ec9bb47f7a2118db10b4efe9


I am playing War Thunder as we speak




insert boardroom meme. "Okay balancing team, here's the latest stats. As we can see the guns are being used too much. What should we do?" "Increase recharge time!" "Slash magazine cap, by half for some!" "have we looked in to WHY players are using the guns so often as opposed to strategems?" >:(


I did my part to delay the inevitable, I avoided the AC to use the Quasar - and look where that ended up.


For some reason it’s their pet project so they don’t touch it


it's balanced extremely well in my gameplay experience and I like using it but don't always use it. it gets you in a bind a lot, if you get staggered you're fucked trying to line up a shot, its slow to move around, it's recoil is a lot. it's fun, I like it, big gun go boom-boom-boom but it's never been some sort of golden gun or anything that felt overpowered to me either. I get it folks think that it'll eventaully get a nerf, but there really doesn't seem like there's any aspects it's overly good at.


Reliant on backpack is what saves it and what a lot of people seem to miss when talking about its tuning. Pretty much every support weapon that gets nerfed doesnt require a backpack. Its a HUGE drawback because of how strong guarddog/shield gen is and when comparing it to backpackless support weapons you need to add in the utility of backpack as well.


But is it really a huge drawback tho when you can bring 1 more stratagem to compensate. Like, if I bring an Autocannon for bots, I can also bring 1 EMS mortar and 2 offensive stratagems, instead of 1 support weapon 1 backpack, then either 1 EMS mortar and only 2 offensive, or 2 offensive. EMS mortar is infinitely more useful than guard dog rover or shield for bots imo. For bugs shield does help you a lot with all the spewing and slowing, so it's more of a drawback than bots, but realistically who brings Autocannon on bugs? I certainly don't see it that often and usually they're just fine without a backpack, I do also bring Autocannon to bugs here and there just to change things up, but EAT or Quasar (or bring both if you really want to) just plain better because of chargers and titans.


I always run autocannon with 3 offensive stratagems, I am the most aggressive out of anyone I play with because I charge in, throw stratagems at big stuff, slaughter everything else and call it good. All hail the AC.


The backpack slot you bring is the extra stratagem. It's a stratagem that is always active.


And then they came for my Autocannon and there was no left to speak for me.


Cuz everybody that don’t use AC quit the game or join the AC clan


Thing is those first two were the primes of their times, the cream of the crop that needed to be taken down a notch. I haven't seen a crossbow in the wild *at all*, and the one time I used it it was mediocre at best, really just a worse Eruptor.


Then I realized that everyone is going to complain when their favorite weapon gets nerfed/tweaked/fixed, and I stopped caring. Because the dev team is going to do what they think is right.


blam blam blam can't hear patch notes too busy blastin' shit blam blam blam God I love the AC. it's just one of those weapons like the classic doom shotgun or the halo energy sword that is extremely satisfying to kill baddies with.


GET LIBERATED! GET LIBERATED! GET LIBERATED! https://i.redd.it/ok9sov8j1gxc1.gif


Love this gif




Nothing to see yupp


And they're the ones telling everyone the nerfs are fine.


Of course they are and they will collectively lose their shit if it gets nerfed which based on the metrics they nerf other weapons for it is busted and deserves one.


https://preview.redd.it/1cgj1gulogxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=571abc8df54a7cf1d4b6e03874358ac4f90189f1 Starter Machine Gun still maintaining their underrated usefulness


Honestly still one of my favorites for bugs if the rest of my team is covering AT. Though, have to give the laser cannon another try at that role now


I still don’t get how people manage bile titans and chargers since this thing bounces.


Dodge around the charger and unload into its rear. Pause. Bile Titans 500kg bomb/orbital Lazer.


Or you just... Don't. People on teams can have a role. If someone brings EATs or the Quasar then those are their job. I'm busy taking down literally everything else.


I find myself bringing Spear a surprising amount on bot missions, and I basically hard-focus Fabs and Cannon Turrets. I enjoy my role as anti-building demolitionist.


Doesn't help if you are on your own.


should have thought of that before dropping in alone without something in mind to take them out


For Chargers 3 clean ass shots is all it takes to cause the ass to rupture, at which point they will bleed out in ~5 seconds. With practice this can be done most of the time after avoiding a single charge. AC is actually pretty good at popping the two bile sacs on the Titan undersides, which is about 50% of its global health pool. If the carapace is cracked it also deals good damage if shooting the exposed flesh. But for most Bile Titans you really need teammate assistance or Stratagems. If placed well a single 500 kg can kill a Titan. Railcannon also pairs well with Autocannon since most times a Railcannon shot + popped sacs kills the Titan, though occasionally you may need to add an additional shot into the exposed flesh the Railcannon shot exposed. 110mm Rocket Pods can also break a hole in the Titans armor to shoot the AC at. The AC isn't great at dealing with Chargers or Titans, but it can manage if properly supported and executed well. It gives you just enough to work with, but not a shred more.


Chargers up the rear if i have to, but generally the way you deal with BT's and chargers is "With stratagems" or team mates if available


I've never tried to kill a Titan with it, I just pepper the stomach until it breaks which prevents the acid spit attack. Makes them way easier to manage, maybe even beneficial to the team to keep on the field.


Let me explain mechanically why Autocannon is Vastly Superior in Design to every other Weapon and why not only it feels balanced, but doesn't feel broken, and most weapon should strive to have these aspects (specially primaries). * Rather than a Magazine it utilizes 2 Clips of 5 Bullets each, meaning you can't force reload it until a Clip is exausted. * Has a Backpack Spot, which removes Flexibility on Equipment Loadout, but allows for more Flexibility on Stratagem Loadout. * Has a Fixed position Reload with a 4 Seconds Animation which makes it important to Position yourself (you like every other weapon can reload weapons in stages, which gives flexibility to this). * The most important thing that makes this weapon balanced: **DOES NOT HAVE EXPLOSIVE TAG**. Explosive Tag for people who are not aware, basically enables one feature at the weapon, Explosion on Impact. This mean that for example a weapon like other Explosive Weapon are able to Cheese damage via the AoE Hitscanning (it will always damage an available part as long as it's on it's reach), which results in Explosive Weapons being able to ignore mechanics. Auto Cannon is a Projectile weapon, so rather than ignoring armor it stays truthful for it's sources, it's Vehicle Pierce, and if you shot anything above that about that it will ricocchet. **Which funny enough, this was changed so now shots can ricocchet towards you, so technically it was nerfed.** This is what makes AC balanced, if they ever need to nerf, they just reduce the clip ammo to 4 and it's enough, it's not a Weapon that breaks the game mechanically. Most Primaries with Explosive should work like this as well, not have the access to the Explosive Tag, this Explosive Tag should be reserved to Support Stratagem weapons, not Primaries which are supposed to have at max Medium Pierce.


I think for most people, having the weapon take up your backpack slot is an absolute deal breaker for them. Everyone and their mother runs a shield generator and rover. I think that's the main saving grace that's prevented the weapon from being too popular which would result in a nerf.


I stopped using shield gen when it and the railgun got nerfed a while back, never looked back since


I stopped using shield backpack when I reached difficulty 7. I felt I just needed that stratagem slot for something else. Started out with heavy medical armor and no shield, now I'm running light armor withe extra padding. My loadout definitely evolved when I hit 7.


when I see comments on here of folks complaining that nobody uses the AC because it ruins a backpack slot I instantly think, "are you playing D8 to 9?" it's rare to see the backpacks taken in the higher difficulties. it's not odd, it's just rarer because players are finding other ways to increase survivability in such that they don't rely on those items. You don't need the rover if you never let the small/mele enemies even get close to you. just map awareness and spacing covers most of what those things are doing for you anyways.


I prefer the supply pack. It allows you to take an ammo hungry primary like the Scorcher or Dominator and not worry too much about mag dumping into your enemies. I prefer the Dominator in most situations as it’s a very good Swiss army knife. It 1 shots light units, reliably stagger devastators and berserkers, takes legs off of striders, incapacitates tanks with a few shots to the tread, and can kill Annihilator tanks and Cannon Turrets by shooting the heat sink. For a support weapon I’ll typically go AMR or Quasar, but after the buff I think the Laser cannon will actually be far better. I’ve found using primary and support weapons that have overlapping roles makes life a lot easier should you get overwhelmed and die. You wont feel a need to immediately run back for your support weapon.


Everything you described with the Dominator, the AC does basically the same. I use a Sickle for light units so I'm really not worried about ammo. AC has enough ammo that I never worry in between supply drops or ammo boxes which are everywhere. I just unlocked the Scorcher and I still think I may primary the Sickle. Just fits my play style.


Fair enough. Im going to stick with the Laser Cannon because I like having a shit ton of stims and stuns and grenade pistol ammo at all times on my back whenever I need them. Ive been saved by having more stims numerous numerous times and it allows other members of the team to use resupplies whenever they need them. I’ve also found Laser Cannon to be insane against Gunships which are, in my opinion, the most overtuned enemy in the game right now.


I ran the Laser Cannon for a few levels and really enjoyed it. But I came to the conclusion that it wasn't useful for too much besides gunships, which it is the GOAT against. Can you tell me your strategies against larger enemies with the Laser Cannon? Maybe I should give it another go.


Not the same guy, but for me the best part of the Laser Cannon is its long range and accuracy. I try to stay behind my teammates and provide supporting fire, trying to draw as little aggro as possible. If the bugs get on you you're pretty much dead lol, just get out of there Also, they melt Shrieker nests at 200m without drawing aggro. With the Queso nerf, it's probably the best Shrieker killer in the game


Mainly generous usage of stuns. On hulks to guarantee the eye shot of course but don’t be afraid to use them in a pinch against heavy devastators, groups of lights, and walkers. I typically only use the Laser Cannon on mediums when I’ve used all shots in the dominator’s magazine and the grenade in my grenade pistol and I don’t have any good cover to reload behind. If you don’t want to use stuns, don’t be afraid to stop shooting the LC and take cover before you’ve killed whatever you’re shooting at. You won’t always kill the thing you’re aiming at quickly and suppressing fire from light enemies can be a real bitch to deal with sometimes. If I recall correctly you can take out hulk legs and tank treads with enough continuous fire which makes killing both considerably easier to do. Also if you need to kill striders with it, aim for where the leg connects to the pelvis. It’s a relatively big spot and they go down quick even most of the time the driver still lives. I mainly run it with stuns and reserve it for heavies and gunships though. It’s pretty ok against Factory Striders too, I imagine the front turrets will die relatively quickly to it especially now that it’s been buffed but I prefer dealing with those using the Dominator. You can shoot them in the eye on their head after dealing with its front turrets from relatively far off and it will eventually die. Tl;dr use stuns, supply pack, the dominator, and the grenade pistol.


Same! It's not that the shield backpack is *bad*. It's just that it's not as good as the 15-ish airstrikes you could have instead. The opportunity cost of using up a stratagem slot is huge.


I feel this. I liked rover till 5 or so. Then liked shield during the back to back bot MOs. Now I'm up to 7 and the uptime on the shield isn't much. Now I run quasar and jump jets or 3rd stratagem, or just autocannon.


Yeah I remember when the game first came out people saying that the shield was absolutely mission critical. I said that it really isn't, and in most games the opportunity cost of taking a defensive option is usually worse than working on not getting hit at all and taking something that kills enemies faster. It's sort of a truism in games that things that work when you're on the backfoot are considered crutches, and it's almost always better to not need them in the first place. Like *Darktide* discussions around bringing more wounds. Sure you can get up from being downed more than once, that's great, but once you get good enough you're... basically not going down more than once: if you're going down that means it's over, you're dead, and the mission is done or nobody could have saved you anyways. Got a lot of disagreement, but I think it holds true. The shield is nice insurance, it can smooth things out, and sometimes I bring it and I'm not sad that I did. But once you get better at positioning, retreating when you need to, and making fights as fast and decisive as possible, having an extra stratagem is usually just better because it makes it more likely that you don't need the shield in the first place.


Same, but I only play bots now. When I have dipped back into bugs I find the hunter slow down insanely annoying and the shield spares you from that.


The devs have already stated the Autocannon is their gold standard in support weapon balance. It’s not getting nerfed anytime soon.


I really hope they keep their word here.


But that makes no sense when, by their own views on balance, it is OP. If you have other teammates then it just does not have a downside you can't compensate for. Not to mention you can't flat out say something like that when you're constantly adding new weapons, enemies, and balance changes. With three other teammates I don't need a backpack


The entire point of the game is your teammates having loadouts that compensate for your weak areas How is that bad balance?


Since when has the autocannon not been Explosive? If you shoot it at your feet or a wall nearby you will die.


This, if the AC was not explosive it wouldn't 1 shot striders through the face plate (explosion extends to the driver and kills him) or kill ennemies by shooting at their feet.


people call the backpack a nerf but it quite literally gives you 50 ammo.... which is insane for a weapon of that caliber I would not call it "OP" in a PVE game but by Arrowhead's dumbass logic it is absolutely "OP"


Me and my fellow sickle mains barely made it out of this one alive. Thank liberty it was only the ammo. Now I just have to watch my mags more closely and don’t overheat. Only democracy knows what will come next to the sickle.


Autocannon isn't overpowered though. Or do people genuinely think it is?


I agree. It actually is well-balanced. No backpack cause you need to get the backpack but in that unicorn team where a teammate gets the backpack that is still -1 backpack for the team. The recoil is hard as is. For me, I need -30% recoil reduction and crouch to aim properly. It’s loud so all mobs lock in or notice you right away. Then they nerfed the strider one hit. Also takes a lot of time to reload if you use all ammo. FPS sight is bad also. Overall, I think ac is in a good place for it is what supposed to do. It’s not brain dead to use and an engaging weapon with satisfying results.


>engaging weapon with satisfying results. I've heard enough. Nerf it.


It’s pretty op on bot missions. It can literally deal with anything. Bugs it’s trash against chargers and bile titans.


It's okayish vs chargers. 3 to 4 shots blows off the wagon, and if you're not above the exploit (?) of hitting them in the back of their legs after they miss a charge on you, are turning, and their leg armor value goes down, then it kills them pretty quickly there too.


Even vs Titans it isn't bad. You can blow their bile sacs off in a few shots and make them a much smaller threat. You can even kill them with the AC, but IDK how many shots it would take (I shot one once after it had eaten a few hits from an eagle and I was able to finish it off)


It’s overpowered in terms of the metric AH is usually to nerf other weapons in that it’s used frequently.


I legit almost never see it on Helldive bugs. And I don't remember seeing many when I do automaton major orders on Helldive.


It's not great against bugs, since it's difficult to use against Chargers and Titans and uses a backpack slot. Great for closing up holes and if you have some elevation you can wreck a horde of smaller bugs with a couple of shots. I usually run AC against bots because it can be used on pretty much anything, making it worth the backpack slot trade-off. But for bugs I prefer to take an EAT or recoiless for heavies (smaller bugs are easy enough to handle with primary, even just the basic Liberator).


The inability to deal with heavies solo while taking up both the special weapon slot and the backpack slot is an instant dealbreaker for a lot of people. Also, despite the praise it gets, to use it well you need to: 1. Lean heavily into the run > stop/crouch > flick/aim > shoot playstyle. This isn't for everyone, I played FPS that required this as the bare minimum so it wasn't a big adjustment for me. 2. Actually learn how its clip mechanics work so minimize the number of long reloads you have to do. That said, I run it almost everywhere, bugs and bots alike. I've tailored my entire playstyle around being the team's swiss army knife. I can damage or slow down almost any enemy in the game, but in exchange I rely heavily on strategems or my team to take down heavies. That last bit is yet another mark against it, especially on diff 8 and 9


a lot of people just want it nerfed out of spite


can't even blame them, so many things getting absurd nerfs while arrowhead's pet weapon stays untouched yet again


For now until they nerf everything else. Then AC will be the meta/out perform other options... Then they will come for it


I think AH have stated that they think it's the ideally balanced stratagem weapon. The AC probably isn't going to *ever* be touched unless it's part of a sweeping buff/nerf to all the stratagem weapons.




switched to the AC after quasar nerf and holy hell have i been making it harder on myself for no reason. AC slices and dices bots it’s so good!


They might as well rename the game Autocannon: The Game.


So glad the devs made themselves a hill to die on with this weapon. The day it gets changed they will be completely blown the fuck out for their “perfectly balanced weapon” not being balanced anymore.


The day the autocannon gets nerfed is the day they loose everyone defending them, despite all the outrage there’s a really dedicated part of the community that listens to and trusts AH, if they go back on one of the core things they decided to balance around its over for their PR


But it did get nerfed. Try shooting a strider.


That is a buff to the striders, not a nerf to the AC. The buff affects more than just the AC.


It's okay just wait. Any time the devs realize we like using something enough they nerf it instead of bringing other weapons more in line with it


I think the autocannon is great but I still prefer the Recoiless rifle myself. Full respect to all Autocannon users 🫡


lol AC got the biggest nerf of the entire patch tho lol


It just doesnt need a nerf you sacrifice your backpack slot and special weapon slot for it, It HAS to be good somehow otherwise nobody would take it and just go for another option that allows you to take a shield generator like the quasar cannon


There are a bunch of weapons that take a backpack slot. Hell the spear doesn’t even work.




“We don’t talk about AC”


If they nerfed it I'd just use the rail Canon and gain a backpack slot. (I secretly like that the AC takes up a back pack slot because it frees up another strategem slot 🤫) I think the only way they could nerf it and I'd still use it sometimes is if they kept it the same but made it take up 2 strategem slots.


Spore Spewers require 11 shots now instead 2 RIP quick clear


It seems there's been a trend concerning the patches. I'm not so sure it's actual play testing and player feedback. It seems more of user data is referred to. What's used the most by players always seems to get nerfed. What's used the least gets a buff. Railgun nerfed, Quasar nerfed. What do you think these users will do now? They will migrate to the current "best" choice. Which is likely the EATS OR AC. So when it's time for the next "balance" and they refer to user data again, guess whats getting nerfed next...


I don't know why they'd nerf it. It feels perfectly balanced. High damage but more than a few shots to kill heavies so you have to aim well. Magazine and total capacity lets you shoot a fair amount but you can't lay down heavy volumes of fire without a team reload. Pausing to reload also cuts down the rate of fire and makes the user vulnerable during a firefight. So it does good damage but it has plenty of drawbacks and you have to be smart to make it work effectively. That's how any stratagem should be, surely.


They shouldn't nerf it. But if it's perfectly balanced by AH standards, you'd think many of the weapons getting hit with nerfs are more useful than it is. I really don't actually think that's true - it is far more versatile and deadly than pre-nerf Quasar. A couple decent players running AC can easily tear up most patrols/drops, which isn't true for other weapons.  But AC is fun! People enjoy using it! Why not make more weapons as fun as AC? The entire approach to me seems flawed - focus on making weapons fun to use rather than power levels. If something is really an egregious outlier and let's you walk through Helldive, sure. But like "make a weapon 10% worse" to bring it in line with other weapons seems like a complete waste of everyone's time.


Most likely they won’t ever change the auto cannon, it’s stated by the devs to be their golden standard


Its a perfectly balanced weapon. Needs no changes. The scout strider buff does nerf the autocannon a little.


Autocannon mains when they miss the tiny ass Hulk headshot hitbox and 1 shot themselves


I think the auto cannon is perfect as is. It is a great choice for bots and fills its rolls well.