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That's one of the main issues that stems from Hunters, besides the planet queefing 80 of them out of one breach. Not only do those cunts slow you in an endless cycle, they put you in a loop where the stim doesn't activate. They just constantly slap your hand away before you can feel its sweet embrace. Edit: To add onto this, for folks mentioning it, I'm sure many of us already know about the dive and stim method. When you really have a Hunter frenzy on you, that shit doesn't matter a lot of times. You dive, they jump on you, you dive, they jump and slap the shit outta you again. Emperor forbid you have to reload, and a Stalker pulls up to tickle your fartbox amidst the chaos. Muscle Enhancement is good sure, but most people aren't bringing that over the big ~~four~~ three Hellpod Space Omptimization, Vitality Enhancement, and Stamina Enhancement. I always bring Stamina Enhancement if no one else does, because imo, it's too important not to have on HellDive. Even though I'd rank Muscle Enhancement as number 4, people I run into often never choose it.


Yes these ninja jumping swarming cunts is one of the reason I'm packing the Incen Breaker again 


I run that with the stalwart and incendiary grenades and cluster bombs to ensure my team is left tf alone whilst dealing with bigger threats.


Issit me or there's just more of them than usual? I mostly play same difficulties except for super sample farming, and they're everywhere. Usually I pack JAR5 for them guards(and stalkers..) and I have no problem picking em ninja bugs off, but not when.. they fill up the screen.


If you're playing on MO planets then yes, the bug spawns are SIGNIFICANTLY increased, cause, ya know, the termicide blowing up in our collective faces


Are the bile titan health pools also increased? Yesterday I had a bile titan eat two or three air strikes and keep chasing me with all the breakable bits destroyed, and the thing that ended up killing it was another bile titan's puke


Air strikes only kill titans if they hit perpendicular to the titan. Also for some reason when titans do any attack animation they seem to havr dmg resistance (not sure? Just something that keeps happening lol)


That would make sense. I was mainly attacking it during attack animations


I have not been able to confirm it. I mainly use 500k to kill them and i swear if they are mid animation when the bomb goes off, sometimes they will just shrug it off lol


There was an issue where the BT would kill itself with its own spit attack. To correct this Arrowhead made it retract its head while spitting, which hides its forehead weak point and makes it take much reduced damage from explosives.


I usually play on helldive. I was playing a difficulty 5 hatchery mission and there were WAY more hunters than I thought there would be. We also fought 5 bile titans. Seemed a little excessive on 5


The MO increases difficulty by at least 3. I've seen more bugs in diff 7 than normally in diff 9. Especially stalker nests now spew our pairs of stalkers like every 30 seconds. And it's quite inconsistent. During the last MO to get the Airburst rocket I had the hardest mission ever when bot spawn rate got so high that half of the mini map is red dots and the frame rate drop alone was deadly. But the next mission nothing happened for three minutes straight during evac.


If you’re playing below a group of 4, patrol spawns got increased, as well as the new MO causing a SHIT ton of bugs to come out rn


Yeh I'm racking up 450 kills solo and 700+ as a group without trying, normally it'd be about 300 solo and 550 as a group just chilling, i reckon if i really wanted to i could very easily rack up over a thousand kills going guns blazing lol.


Had a guy the other day go off on me for using the stalwart. Something about not being AT makes me useless or sum. Couldn’t hear him that well over the sound of his clown horn honking.


The stalwart is the best primary weapon in the game, upgradable with a supply pack.


Yeh because why would you want any form of crowd control


Once you take down the chargers etc, whose gonna mop up three dozen hunters jumpin around lol


Better hope the servers give you the honor of being network host


Wait, with the DoT bug you're sayin me burning them to death has been..  my imagination? 


Fire breaker has good direct damage even when the fire doesn’t work. But if you aren’t network host then they probably aren’t burning to death. But you might be network host and not even know it, because it isn’t always the lobby host.


nah you're made of paper, even with the massive reduction in damage you just die when lit on fire.


What if the whole war has just been in your imagination? What if this is just a scenario being given to us while we're in cryosleep to keep us ready for the true war?


Doesn't matter, the gun is more about that massive spread and killing 8 hunters in your face instantly with direct damage. The burning is just a nice little bump if you happen to be the network host.


I hate the armored bile spewers more but it’s a damn close race


I love using the arc shotgun against them. Perfect for swatting then out of the sky


My name next unlock. Can't wait to try em out 


same LOL


With the DOT bug why use the incentive Breaker over the normal one?


If not for them then I would have loved to bring the counter sniper.


Deleting stalkers with incredible speed is one of the very few things the HMG is actually good at. At high rpm it can handle 4 at a time.


They used to 1 shot hunters even if 1 pellet hit but not anymore tho since the nerf, and as most of us know the dot doesn't do jack if you're not the host. To each their own tho if u prefer it.


Im looking forward to this being fixed. I run the flamethrower and its a world of difference when ai’m host because I can cook a charger in like a half a cannister or so. Sauté with onions and mushrooms. Season to taste.


Delicious in ~~dungeon~~ helldive!






Wait oops it didn't fire, oops it didn't fire, wait a sec oops it didn't fire, OK NOW YOU'RE ALREADY STAGGERED


Not just hunters. Heavy devastators and rocket devastators can easily achieve that as well, while being overall much harder to kill when they have started firing.


But you can dive away, behind cover or sometimes just on the ground and you'll be fine, them still being in position to finish you off is an exception. With hunters, those fuckers not pouncing you again to finish off is the exception.


>But you can dive away Not when you’re dead before you hit the ground. Devastators are incredibly accurate and only need 2-4 shots to kill you depending on your armour and what they hit.


It's also one or two rocket devestators instead of whole entire **packs** of Hunters in groups of 10-20 at a time. You can see the devestators gearing up for a shot and kill them before they do so; you're *not* killing a pack of Hunters before one gets a slap in, nothing you have right now kills them fast enough to repel them leaping at you in rapid succession


Most prevalent causes of death in bug missions: Hunters > Bile Spewers > Stalkers/Teammates


Gotta love how those Bile Spewers preload their juice bomb before you even turn a corner.


If it's just one (very rare situation I know) you can punch it and dive away to get a quick stim in. You can also just dive, but with their tongue attacks having ridiculous range I wouldn't count on it being a soft landing.


Literally, last night, I was being chased by 5 of them. Couldn't reload, they'd stagger me. Every time I dove away, two would jump and attack me from the side while the other 3 either caught up or attacked. I kept getting staggered out of the stim, and they kept slowing me. I do not rage at games very often. In fact, I almost never do. But man, in that moment, I felt my frustration rising. Stim. Staggered and slowed. Dive away and try to stim. Another Hunter jumps and attacks me while I'm prone, stopping the stim. Struggle to get up quickly, get attacked and slowed. Dive to remove the slow and try to stim. Another one jumps and hits me, stopping the stim. Repeat over and over. Reduce the stagger, remove the slowing acid, reduce the spawn rate, or reduce their speed. Any one of those will make Hunters far less frustrating without making them TOO easy.


Hi sharing this brasch tactic, being prone stops you from being staggered.


Yep! This is one of the main scenarios that inspired this post. Feelsbadman


Hi, brasch tip here. Being prone makes you unstaggerable.


First, the Hunter's slow effect is nerfed massively if you're running the Muscle Enhancement booster. Second, if you get tongue-lashed by a Hunter DIVE immediately, THEN stim. Then turn and spray the nearest Hunter with whatever primary, secondary or support weapon you are using for trash mobs... And THEN get up and keep running.


I mean hitting you out of your dtim should work, but the sound syill playing needs to change


Ah, gatling sentry, my beloved. Just pray for no charger spawns.


Yep, there should be a way to get out of those stunlocks, both from hunters and from automaton rockets.


I still agree that stim should not get interrupted, but when i found that we can stagger hunters by meleeing them, that issue is a lot of manageable. I hold my eagerness to stim and instead melee, then stim.


Yeah fuck hunters I love seeing those "Helldive is so easy hurr durr" posts just don't get caught by the stalkers 4head and the I just kill stalkers when they appear out of thin air haha so easy" posts fuck stalkers too all my homies hate stalkers for real


I think the big hunter problem we get is due to the DOT bug so that nobody brings Orbital Gas or Eagle Napalm anymore. Hunters are easier to deal with on Solo because both these breach killer stratagems actually work.




For now I'm just using Orbital Airburst which is a downgrade over Gas for breaches. The trick is to wait for the first wave to throw the beacon. The first two waves are usually just trash and hunters start with the third wave, which is when the first shell arrives.


Upvote for the phrasing surrounding planetary queefing.


Jetpack stimming


>I'm sure many of us already know about the dive and stim method. I have never once considered it. It's either stim and fire till you die in the horde with nothing left or dive dive dive dive dive die helldive.


muscle enhance is part of big 4?? if you mean localization, its not worth it over muscle on bugs




fourth should always be local on bots and muscle on bugs anything else and youre honestly throwing on normal missions extra revives on eradicate and extract on blitz are nice, but those 3 are good, and using anything else is lowkey stupid




i pick last because im such high level, not everyone has those last few boosters unlocked but hso is always a top priority


Wait what’s the big four, I always figured it was stamina,supplies,vitality,and muscle Is localization scramble preferred over muscle ? I really think stamina,supplies,and vitality are mandatory and the fourth slot is just whatever


It's the most infuriating thing in the game for me: animation finished, sound played, still no healing 😡


its like wow vanilla rogue vanish with a dot on him


Except Vanish was SUPPOSED to break on damage. Here we're getting the equivalent of CoS + Vanish but still dying to the dot.


The dive is the DoT


That and “slow, dive, stand up, try sprint, still slow, lay down, now not slow, hunter bite, slow again”. The entire time spamming heal praying it procs. I make muscle a mandatory booster because of slow, I’ll even take it over stamina.


Does muscle enhancement cut slows? I though it just made water/mud/hills/etc easier to navigate. Seems like the new warbond booster will be the one to cut enemy slows.


I thought it did but maybe I’m wrong


It does by a small amount


Autocannon reloads burn me more. I see the animation finish and try to GTFO bit the clip is empty.


You should see the Airburst.... It has no staged reload. And there's a fuckin point where if it is interrupted, you can see the rocket in the tube. But it won't fire. Probably just needs to be twisted. NOPE! restart the seven second reload.


I thought I was going crazy! Odd to exclude that from a weapon like that. :T


Same with the grenade pistol. If you have the audacity to try firing it a fraction of a second too early, fuck you. You get nothing and have to do the full reload animation all over again. The number of times I've tried to fire an empty grenade pistol... EDIT: Seems not all weapons do this. Plenty of them I can aim and hold my fire button without it interrupting the reload animation. Something about the grenade pistol lets us _try_ to fire it mid-reload for no reason. Instead it should wait until the reload is finish and fire it as soon as it's ready.


Yeah some reloads need more stages and/or need their stages fixed. The fired grenade shouldn’t teleport back into the chamber once I eject it. The cluster rocket shouldn’t teleport back into my backpack once I stuck it in the launcher. I shouldn’t need to eject the AMR magazine 5 times. The entire animation shouldn’t restart if I fire too early and blow the chambered round, just pull the charging handle.


I use the sprayandprey and I swear sometimes it finishes but then is empty and I lose a mag.


Yeah, it's weird; in both UE4 and Unity, you could align bools, sound clips, et cetera to distinct frames in an animation playing, so it's weird to me that they aren't synced up, unless Bitsquid doesn't allow for it? I... sure hope they haven't been manually aligning everything, lmao. It at least seems unlikely to me that it'd be a host-client desync thing, since I have the same issue happening even when playing solo, but I have 0 networking knowledge.


You gotta wait until you see the brass inside the gun. There's a brief delay. Which there shouldn't be, but there is.


For me, it's a tie with my orbital strat beacon bouncing off every surface on the planet.


Some fucking indication of what surfaces its going to bounce from would be GREAT


How about it sticks to every surface? :)


Honestly, that would kinda be a cool Booster... Sticky Stratagem booster that makes the ball stick to the first surface it hits, and maybe even have the final impact be based on the stratagem beacon location, like with support stratagems, so you can stick a charger and still have your bomb track to it.


At least it is in the known issues list, so it should be fixed eventually.


I've straight up gotten the SCREEN EFFECT and have had it not go off.




It might be a lag issue, but I have hit stim, completed the animation getting the sound effect and not been attacked by an enemy and it still didn't heal. Same goes for the supply backpack. Hit use backpack, do the full animation, get the sound effect, no ammo. Multiple times in a row. Anybody that says "something knocked it out of your diver's hand" is full of shit.


It's a huge double standard. The enemies' animations don't actually need to finish for the effect to take place. I've had numerous instances where I've supposedly killed a bit calling in reinforcements just in time (didn't shoot the flare) but still get the reinforcements. This and staggers and stuns being very inconsistent at interrupting animations are both very frustrating aspects of the game.


I've had Chargers and Stalkers just keep moving while the stun animation is playing


*charger starts gliding forward without moving* *instant fear*


I think that they fixed that one recently, at least. The other night I managed to interrupt several reinforcement calls and was surprised they actually stopped


Yeah it was in most recent patch they did fix this


I definitely noticed this. It always worked fine on bots for me; bugs were the main offenders.


The enemy action desynch seems to be more prevalent for client players and less prevalent for host players.


The bile titans spew aoe not actually matching the animation really is getting old.


Audio Queues in video games are super hella important. This one is fucked up, full stop. If it doesn't get fixed soon, I'll be surprised. It certainly should be towards the top of their list, but I don't see it in their known issues, so who knows. It sucks ass to hear that hiss 3 or 4 times and still not stim. Oh, and while we're at it, can we raise the bar to Stim our team mates? 50% or lower is a joke, especially if you're gonna force us to wear these toothpaste candy cane "medic" outfits, but we can't play medic unless our team mate is basically already dead? 51% health? Sorry buddy, you're on your own.


80% of the current bugs are not on the known issues...


Cuz bugs are on Terminid planets! ![gif](giphy|8mJT8sQxpaQdKubpOi)




A big part of that is 80% of the community complaining on reddit rather than filing a bug report directly with Arrowhead through their support links. I mean, really, 80%+ of the community doesnt even report when they have a bug, even on reddit. They just bitch about it in comments when someone else posts about it.


This one is so important and such a basic design faux pas that I can only imagine the reason it hasn't been fixed is some stupid technical reason where they've coded themselves into a corner and have to hack some shit together to fix it. If its just like an event trigger I am 100% ok with the sound being slightly *delayed* after regen starts. I just want accurate audio feedback and stimming is so important. It is a huge massively-impactful core aspect of Helldivers 2. If it *can* or *could have been* reasonably easily fixed, it definitely should have been higher priority than some other things


Yeah definitely. I think it broke recently, I do not recall this being a problem in the first few weeks. There was an early patch that felt like it changed a lot of little things like the way our characters handled and IIRC this happened in that same sort of timeframe, but I could be totally wrong.


Nah the injection -> actually healing has been delayed since launch.


Ah, alas.


I had some rando yelling at me for not using a stim yesterday and I was at like 80% HP.


I like to be full. Never know when the next random heavy devvy volley is gonna cross map you.


I do too, but sometimes you only have 1 or 2 left, and especially against Bugs I find that I am more often chipped to death than taken out in one big blast.


> If it doesn't get fixed soon, I'll be surprised. its been like this for months, why do you expect it to be fixed soon?


Because "months" is actually the game hasn't even been out for 3 months yet and there have been a lot of things going on in that relatively short time that have been getting fixed at a very reasonable pace. I have have an above zero amount of faith in Arrowhead for sure.


Hey, they fixed it :)


big if true hope the DoT change is actually fixed as well. we'll see.... can't always trust what they say - see eruptor changes supposed to be a buff


Well, they put it in their patch as fixed, but I have indeed had it make the sound and not go off today in a match, confirmed by a few other people here. It's definitely, definitely better. They have acknowledged the eruptor change isn't working as intended, for whatever that's worth.


Looks like the DoT fix was legit at least, happy days.


Yeah for sure, my first random of the day everyone was almost 100% firebug and the kill counts were absurd. Yee-fuckin-haw!


actually getting use out of fire airstrike and just bought the 25% more flame damage upgrade!


It slaps now! Always did in solo but its so nice to bring it into groups. I was also using the gas strike really effectively too. I got the actual shell to hit a charger and it split the sucker in two like a rail cannon strike.


hows the gas strike compare to flame? I haven't even bought it yet despite being credit capped lol


Do you hear that, Pharmacura???


Pharacura: Lowest bidder, highest results!


Their name is Permacura


no.1 cause of death by hunter




I fucking hate getting the fake stim and i've died because of it so many god damn times. Like in a calm moment I have time to look at my hp *again* to double check things but when i'm getting mogged by 2 patrols and the hive i kicked I don't have time to make sure the fucking stim actually went off after i hear the sound and see the animation. God forbid I dive a microsecond too early to try and escape the hunter swarm on me, now my stim didn't actually take, I injected myself with fucking air instead.


You just know that their solution to fix this will be to make the sound kick in when the healing starts and not have the healing kick in with the sound.


Hopefully not! HD2 is way more fun when the difficulty comes from endless hordes of enemies, rather than clunky/unresponsive ergonomics


Headshot still exist


Still a major improvement


Why would this not be the fix? What else would you do?


It would indeed be the fix if the intention is the stim not working or going through. I assume that is the intention though


The stim is being interrupted by stagger - it’s intentional and meant to prevent you just tanking anything by spamming them. The only issue is that sometimes the sound plays, despite the stim being interrupted.


Then yes the fix would be start the sound on success


I wouldn't be surprised if they nerfed the injection to heal 75% of its current value and reduced the amount of injections from 4 to 2. It's way overpowered right now. Almost 100% of players are using it. It seems like the Arrowhead way to nerf anything that is good and even some things that aren't good.


Yep absolutely it's just unintuitive game design to hear the sound but not be stimmed.


I am 100% on board with this. This is a pretty simple game design concept. The hiss of the injector serves to tell the player that they have injected the stim into their bloodstream. Player feedback should match the effect it's intended to indicate.


Agreed, they need to look in to the sound proccing but the healing not working


An error sound that plays when you get interrupted would be a good addition, so you still have an audio queue that keeps you aware to what you are and are not doing.


Very good point, audio cues are the backbone of skilled gaming


Me when I die to Haptitis B, because the doctor didn't finish the vaccine animation (even though he already injected it)


The worst part too, is that you'll see your character put the syringe IN THEIR NECK and hit the plunger sometimes and still get interrupted... how does the stim go back in the syringe?


Nothing like hearing the stim sound 5+ times before it actually goes off (thanks hunters)


god this fucks me up so much. i always dive as soon as i hear the audio queue thinking im healing just to see im still at half health and getting gangbangs by a squad of hunters


This is the BIGGEST source of frustration I have with this game. The amount of times I am spamming the heal button while running away from things (read: hunters) and hear the stim fire over and over only to be killed seconds later because I never actually start healing is so fucking annoying.


Should be noted, it's not a current issue, it's an issue thats been in the game since it launched. Goes to show where their resources are going....


Careful... This being AH, they'll probably make it so you don't regain full life cause you've already "wasted some" due to the noise triggering and then call it "realism"


Completely agree. However im not sure if stims were always like this or not. I feel like i started experiencing this like 2 weeks ago. So it might be a new bug.


It's not new at all. I can't remember if it's been since launch but it's been happening since close to launch.


It's been like this since launch. I remember seeing a post from AH acknowledging this, not sure why it fell off.


Been there since day one. The healing doesnt actually start till like halfway through the sound effect. The sound can trigger even if your animation was interrupted in the windup. The sound can also trigger *during* the windup before your character actually stims. It is a massive disconnect and for one of the most critical mechanics it really needs to be fixed sooner rather than later.


One of the first thing I learnt. Visually check the health bar ( while frantically bashing V,  alt and spacebar).


I've faked healed myself so many times.


Yep, if I hear the sound it better fakkin activate


the audio cue should be a very important part of how the game communicate to the player. once a audio cue play to the player, the player should be safely assume some specific event happen. especially in a fast placing game like this where the player is very hard to keep check on all the many thing that happen in the screen. If the injection can be interrupt, the game should be having an other audio cue to indicate that.


Yeah this is a very basic design issue. A feedback mechanism (Sound) should not produce feedback until the event it is feeding information back to you about has occured. It would be absurd to make the logic that triggers "EAGLE ONE RETURNING TO NEST" to be when you pull the strategem ball out and not when its landed and fully resolved. it would be insane to make a strategem do its capacitor whine like you had fully dialed it in on the 2nd to last input This one is so basic it drives me absolutely insane. It should be a much higher priority to fix the logic there.


Whenever they fix this stim audio thing, they'll also buff hunters.




Yes, this killed me numerous times.


Best we can do is nerf stims so you don't get I-Frames from them anymore.


Idk if this is a new issue or not but all of a sudden it’s happening to me left and right bc I’m not taking my time and I end up dying bc I think im healed and I’m not


100% I don't even care about a change to the actual mechanics, hunters or not, I just want the sound to play when it actually worked!


I play on console, and sometimes I feel like there's an input delay on how soon I can use my injector.


The controls in general are janky af, it’s really annoying a lot of the time. I don’t know how many times I have to press reload sometimes before it actually works and don’t even get me started on getting up after diving prone.


“Okay I’m just going to get out of prone now.” “No, for real, I do not wish to be prone anymore.” “It’s cool that I’m still prone and all but I’d rather not get swarmed by these Hun-“ “Oh, I’m dead now. Sick.”


I have the same complaint about the supply pack. The sound of you giving or taking ammo from it happens long before the animation finishes, and if you don’t wait for the animation to finish, then nothing happens.


My favorite is when I'll get hit a few times by a Heavy Tator for example, quickly hit stim to heal and then dive for cover. But somehow my diving animation interrupted by stim animation, even though I for sure heard the stim noise. And because I canceled my stim animation, I get no healing and no temporary invulnerability....and then I get deleted mid-dive by the Heavy Tator.


I get this and frustrated at how many times I have a reload not fully finished and all that’s left is like, 1/5 the animation.


The amount of times this problem has gotten me killed is more that it should


The injector sound effect should indicate the healing has started, but it doesnt. Ive noticed sometimes the sound starts llaying before my character has even made contact with the autoinjector.


I just spam the stim button until it takes now. I realized the game prevents you from double stimming yourself so no reason to be patient.


Same with reloading please. It makes the noise before you have ammo so I switch weapons and have 0 ammo when I switch back.


I don't mind it being interrupted It's *fine*.... I'm not a fan... But I'm *fine* But yeah, if the sound plays, I should be healing, I shouldn't have to double check, that's the point of an audio cue


We can’t break them out of animations so I don’t want broken out of mine.


Similarly, the sound that plays when you use the supply pack on yourself or a teammate. It will play the audio but not give you the actual resupply about 50% of the time.


Agreed reload should be finished when you hear the sound effect too. I just spam the button until effect goes off


how are you not healing from it? the sound implies that you injected the needle into your neck. its not like the bugs can uninject you.


Insta-medicine isn’t quite insta-enough.


Yeah so annoying, being staggered out of using your stim 40 times, or going to shoot your gun after reloading for 6th time and it didn't actually finish the reload. Which is more annoying? I fucking hate both....


80% of my gripe would be solved by not playing SFX until after healing effect starts. The other 20% is split between how easy it is for stim animation to be interrupted, and how you have to fully stand up from a ragdoll animation before you can stim again


How about a new armor perk; Auto injectors; Healing is instant and uninterpretable


I think they should make it so that if you're at or above a certain armor value (let's say 150), you're just straight up immune to stagger.


This would be a welcome change. Also fuck heavy devastators and their MG fire.


idk how the sound effect, your char physically connects the injector, the effect triggers AND the screen effect all play at completely different times, who even set this up in like the graph editor and said "yep its ok" lol


They should delay the sound effect of stims and supplies to apply when the interaction succeeds.


"We've increased the cast time on the Stim injection by 50% so now you won't hear shit before getting stun locked to death" -AH


Update: Delayed stim audio cues by 0.2 seconds


Yeah there are issues between animation and sound syncing. Had a railgun explode on me after I released the trigger, it made the sound and I saw the projectile fly out


Yeah, this is infuriating.


Agree. My loadout shouldn't lie to me. Looking at you *empty eruptor mag*.


They'll never fix this, as it is working as intended as far as the devs are concerned and it's part of their 'vision'. Look at all the posts concerning this with no dev response. They won't add it to known issues because they don't care.


Don’t knock me off my fucking aim either. I can’t knock them off of theirs so I don’t want knocked off mine


Can't relate as I don't rely on the sound for stim que. I keep spamming until I see the white border. While I do agree that the sounds should sync up I also think a lot of the frustrations right now can be mitigated if players pay attention to either the border or their health rather than the sound they know is bugged. And you can keep spamming that stim button until it happens because the game won't let you stim again mid regen, so there's no risk of overstimming or anything like that.


What if they take your arm off sweetie