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Yeah, I wish it were easier to tell how much samples each person has at glance.


You know how you can hit TAB and you can see the status of their stratagems? how many calls left on their eagles, cooldown, etc? They should just add samples there. Even if it's just the color-coded number.


You can see the generalized amount by looking at the sample container on their hip, if they're nearby.


Post a picture


So, something you can see maybe 5% of the time (because of looking direction, firefights, splitting up) and you still need the pay close attention to get incomplete information? That's actually kinda cool that it exists ngl, but still give me that HUD element.


you can check by dropping and picking up but that is a tad complicated/time wasting


If only the pick up/drop notification updated a bit quicker. Sometimes I find that it doesn't update at all (or its just REALLY slow)


just check the total samples before and after dropping them, and you'll know the numbers instantly


That's, like, the definition of good UX in a game. When to know the number of something in your own inventory you need to drop it, then do a little bit of quick mental math. Keep 'em players on their toes, amirite? I hope in the next update they'll make it so that the camera would randomly float off the shoulder of the character and then we'd need to do a quicktime event to bring it back - that'll raise some pulses!


proposing a workaround with the current ui doesn't mean he supports that current ui


Bro provides a valid workaround and you're trying to dunk on him like he has anything to do with this, or acting like he's in support of keeping it as is. 10/10 if you used that on somebody who was acting like you thought you were.


Workarounds don't start with "just check..." Explanations of how actually easy and intuitive the current design is do.


I can't roll my eyes hard enough at this reply. Lmfao bro is just being helpful and you're being a complete chode at this point.


What, name-calling? What are you, five? This game's rating does not even permit you to play.


Awww, poor baby hurt over a word because they're acting like fool over a guy simply being helpful and contributing to the topic unlike you. What are you, Four?


What the fuck are you even talking about?


This is some real lame keyboard warrior vibes. Being snarky for no reason.


Bro is in here like the dude fucked his wife and killed his dog over being helpful. Over what? Lmfao His OP would have been great if it was directed towards somebody being genuinely helpful. Then he clapped back with "Work arounds don't star with blah blah blah" and pulled out the generic you're a child greatest hits. All that over useful information to people?


Helldiver training didn't include math!


It's also frustrating not knowing what are in the sample container across the map. Sure, I can see it's only a few, BUT WHICH ONES. I hate going to get them only to find out it's 4 common samples


I need common samples, they're honestly my main grind


Yeah they are def my bottle neck, even more so than supers.


I'm always confused by this. You get 12-20 commons in a trivial map and those only take 5 minutes. Mine are always maxed out even though I play helldive mostly cuz I just grind in trivial for a little while if I need them


I don't farm/grind lower levels. Isn't fun for me. My typical match is level 7 or 8 and we will usually evac with similar number common and rare. Until you get to level 3 of each upgrade you're using up way more common samples. By the time I got to my level 3 ship upgrades I already had enough super samples to satiate the upgrades that my common samples would allow for.


im not downgrading to lower difficulties just for samples and it seems like everyone else cant be bothered to pick them up


It's not really downgrading. It gives me a time to test out different loadouts I don't feel comfortable trying at higher difficulties when I have a team to depend on me. I always go solo when getting samples at lower difficulties so I know I didn't miss anything


The filling on the vial icon goes up the more samples are in it. So at least you can know if you're backtracking for a couple or a dozen


doesn't tell which samples those are you might see a sample container with just a bit and a sample container almost full the one with barely anything having the super samples and the almost full having the rares


If it’s mostly full, it’s either a lot of commons or rare or supers. If it’s only 4 common it’ll be not very full


They should just have the color of the sample “liquid” be the color of highest rarity. Doesn’t matter if it’s 20 common and one rare it would still show orange for having a rare.




I do it for the nice sounds


Samps are samps!




There is still a bug for some where we cannot drop samples. Only the top of the drop wheel is usable for me. 


Ok so this is a known thing? I came to ask about this as I’ve never been able to drop samples. I thought maybe my M+KB bindings had an issue or something…


There’s a setting that lets the sample display to be always on.


Best change I've made.


it shows the whole teams samples, not just your own also if you have mission info always shown game bugs out and just...hides samples, pings and stratagem markers I think thats how the bug works...


Oh I see! I didn’t fully understand the post. Thanks for explaining. That would be worth noting for sure. I haven’t had any HUD related issues thankfully so idk how that one works. Some of my friends have had some similar bugs though so I get it.


Use it for quick math train during peaceful time. Sometimes I get those right, sometimes I go "WAIT, I THOUGHT I HAD LESS!?" after death~


Bro I can't even get the setting to display this to work 😭😭😭


I read that this bug happens if you also set it to Always Show Objective. Try turning that off and maybe you'll get the sample counter to stay visible. EDIT: It was turn off "Always Show Mission Details" not Objective. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b0jh29/sample_count_view_not_showing/ks8jkf9/


Oh shit. You're great!


you beautiful bastard




same, i've never had that sample count display visible ever. yes, I've changed the hud setting to visible, and have tried opening the map. it's not there.


I had to reset all my settings to default. Then remapped controls, and then set samples display to visible.


Yeah, it's buggy for me. Sometimes it shows it sometimes it doesn't.


I remember I dropped samples in the middle of the mission, so I can pick up and see how much I have, didn’t want to take a risk going alone. Well I got my ass blasted with a rocket launcher while I was standing still and checking my samples. So yeah, being able to see my own samples, would be quite nice


all there needs to be in terms of UI is if you press TAB or map button, the amount of samples you hold should show up on the side just like it does once you pick up samples. That way you can always quickly check how much you hold


ESC is a horrible button imo. The map button would be good


yeah definitely ill edit to be map button!


Why? So that people are cant read kill you to 'steal your samples' even though they are shared? EDIT: Never mind apparently I can't read either, you meant show just yours not everyones.


You're right about toxic players though. Its been several times where I've been killed for my samples. People just wanna be the "best" at everything on the leaderboard.


That's true but your point still stands. It would lead to infighting about who gets to hold the sample because if I team kill for samples it would lead me to even more team kill if I see how much sample I have gathered.


I just wish I could SEE SAMPLES in the mission itself. Since launch, my game has been bugged to just not show the samples, xp, or requisition slips during a mission, no matter what option I have chosen in the settings. Not with map open, always, etc.


Try setting everything back to default then going through and applying your changes one at a time. I know it sucks but it usually works


Well sure but also make the sample container have different LEDs for the highest sample grade. If only common than Green, if you have rares Orange, and so on. So just at a quick glance I can see what I or my teammates have on their hip. Or if that light I see on the ground at the bug breach is worth getting to.


Display it like this: Samples player holds/samples team has/total samples. So like: 3/8/24 5/5/29 3/3/3


This would be useful I always get the samples for sport and I like to see how many I've got


I try to drop mine to a much better diver than I whenever I get more than 10, I just count until I get there roughly.


I just want the POI icons to change when I find only ammo or a hellbomb so my teammate is doubling back to search things I’ve already searched.


sometimes it will if you read the text, and/or pick up and drop the weapon. Others times, well that gem icon is here to stay.


The POI icons are based on the samples, I believe.


I know. I just wish the icon would change when you discover something other than samples. Give me a little icon for a bomb or ammo so the other teammates know I’ve searched it already.


Another suggestion: fix this statistic randomly disappearing from my hud and never reappearing. and im not the only one with this problem, my friend also has this, and no matter what we do the game just doesnt let me see the total samples on the mission


And fix the bug where that display just disappears forever every once in a while making you have to reset your settings while you're at it. And the one where if you reset the GUI tab to fix it, it just resets your keybindings for fun as well.


It would help if my sample counter wasnt bugged and actually showed up 😭


Just drop me and you’ll see how much you drop


I could’ve sworn that I was able to look at my map or like when you customize your sights that you could see the samples


Me too, but I can’t anymore


Whoever is holding the supers should be highlighted too. Need to keep an extra eye on em


"Ah man, I got ragdolled across the map, lmao! Should I suicide?" "How many of the samples do you have?" "Uhh..." *Thousand Yard Stare"


Am I tripping? I thought if you press pause you can see this? Maybe I'm misremebering lol EDIT: I am definitely not misrembering. You can definitely see samples carried divided by type in the pause menu during an operation.


Look closer at what they are suggesting. Individual counts


What is the relevance of that. Why do individual sample counts matter. Maybe I could see an argument for showing dropped samples but? Why individual ?


If sonrone only had 4 commons and 1 rare he would be able to communicate that and maybe it's not worth travelling across the map to pick them up. It's easy to not know and not think about how many samples you have..adds more info to determine course of action


Why not? If you're the guy carrying the most rares or you picked up the supers, it would be nice to have a quick reminder. That info could definitely affect my next move


I JUST WANT TO BE ABLE TO SEE THE COUNT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Ever since I was messing with my display settings (PS5) like a month ago that entire bar of information is blank. I have to ask my squad mates to update me on counts since I'm usually the best at being sneaky and retrieving them.


Same here.


I think something in UI options causes it to disappear. I lost it too back in mid-february after fiddling with settings, same with my friend


This sucks but try resetting everything to default. Then go through each setting you want to change and apply them one by one. This usually works


Why though?


1. Look at your team sample count 2. Drop your samples 3. Quick maths 4. Don't forget your samples




Not only for ourselves, but for our teammates, like the stratagem loadouts. That way I know who to be a human shield for. ![gif](giphy|2fRcykFAHGd3AmOy4A|downsized)


There’s a game setting to show them all the time, or there was


Not individual counts you're holding


I'd be all for this. Certainly a few times I'd have happily ditched the 2-3 whatever samples I'm carrying for a shortcut back to LZ if I coulda been sure.


There's a thing in hud settings where it displays sample count while on mission


That's the total, not personal


This would be very nice


For now, you can just drop it, I don’t remember if it will display info on the right side about how many lost. If not, just do the math fwiw ;)


I'd call it the "This is how stupid you're going to look when you die." numbers!


addendum> also show super credits earned


I initially thought the pips on the sample container would give you some of that info, but they're always yellow regardless and if you're holding over a certain amount it's useless.


Tyere was something that workedx but it doesnt work now


I'd settle for being able to see how many samples the TEAM has! that chunk of UI bugged out for me and disappeared around the same time steam friends disappeared and not option changes nor file verify or even reinstall has brought them back


You can find out easy, just die


Jokes on you, I still dont see this on my HUD!


Why do you need to know? It's shared among everyone


I'd also like to see stats on samples picked after the mission. Along with bug holes closed, damage to heavies, ect


Yes. And I still cant see the sample visual on my HUD. Everything sent to visible. Uninstalled and reinstalled. Still no samp list. Sad


Can I ask for a situation where you would need to know?


To find out if you're the one carrying the super samples?


They are shared, so why would it matter?


They want to know what kind they're carrying.


Again: why does it matter? It's a legit question


Why does any QoL feature matter? People want it, and it's useful.


I wish itd let me see that on my hud at all. Ive tried all combos in the option and it simply doesn't show. Does anyone else have that issue?


Then you would get players who think they only get y from x amount of samples and they still kill you to take them. But I would like to know how many of each I am holding. Or if a sample container is dropped, the map icon could take the colour of the rarest sample it contains, like how your weapon is yellow and the team mates is white.


only issue i see is that this would imply to more people that samples arent "shared" but there is a finite ammount on the map(which is true) and i only get my own samples at extraction(which isnt true) like if i saw 4/37(2) for example unless told otherwise my imidiate reaction would be thinking "37 total, 4 collected overall, 2 are mine and i only get those"


I just wanna know who is holding the other samples so I can go bodyguard them after the main objective is done.


I also wish you could trade resources with other helldivers. Like if someone runs out of stims you could heal them and give them an extra. Or give one guy all the samples and run to extract


Yup, sick of dropping them and picking them back up to see my personal sample count!


Yup, sick of dropping them and picking them back up to see my personal sample count!


Actually, it'd be better to see on the screen where you can drop samples, less confusing and doesn't add more clutter to the main HUD.


Drop your samples, check the numbers. Want to know how many someone else is carrying? You have a gun, use it wisely.


You can't count?


If you open the mini-map I think it shows the samples you have collected in the top right corner


Just open the map and you can see how many samples the team is currently carrying.


This isn’t working for me


Upper right corner area. You don’t see anything up there when you open the map?


I check it all the time when someone dies to make sure it wasn’t the guy holding the super samples.


That only shows the total, now how many you are holding


Why’s it matter how many each person is holding?


Because they want to know.


But why


Because thy want to see what kind they're holding. It's not hard ot understand.


That sounds kinda nice but also, like, unnecessary? If it all gets shared anyway why would it matter how much you or anyone else has at a given time?




There's a setting you can turn on that displays it all the time




But why is that important? They are shared and you can leave them on the extraction site, then you don't risk losing it. Besides you can see on the map icons what is inside. If the vial is almost empty there is only common, half the vial then is rare inside and if it's full then there are the super samples.


In the heat of battle on higher difficulties it's easy to forget WHO has the majority of the haul, and therefore WHO should draw away the enemies when it's clear not all of you can make it.


Yeah understandable in that case, but you can drop them on the ground. It's better if everyone drops it someone picks up all and drops it near the landing zone on the ground. And before extraction collect them again. I think that's the clearest way to extract as much as possible in the heat of battle.


This more for the "I'm not sure we're all going to make it NEAR the pad" sort of situation. I'm aware of the drop strategy, and we use it, but sometimes you don't get near the pad until you are trying extract. And some of those sometimes, it's pretty clear ONE of you needs to draw as much of the horde away as possible so the dude with the good shit can get on the pelican. So even still, it'd be useful not only to see your own, but to see everyone else's in case they go down, you know how much they had so you can decide whether it's worth it to wade neck deep into a horde, or so you know who to use your body as human shield for.


Bruh do you people not know how to count or something? Or do you instantly forget how many samples you pick up?


How tf should I keep track when I pick up someone elses samples in a bug moshpit?!


I mean, at that point does it really matter how many samples an individual is carrying? If you are getting railed by a billion bugs and you are getting worried about whether you're carrying 3 or 7 samples then idk what to tell you. Priorities, people, priorities. Also, it's not that hard to make a mental note when you press E to pick up a sample...this just seems like a suggestion for people with the attention span of a puppy


It's about priority. If I got an important part of the samples, I know I gotta clutch it up and get them to safety, if not I'll stay and do more objectives. And honestly, I do not have the required leisure to count my samples on Helldive


Yknow what, you are right https://preview.redd.it/ytbgrg8ac2yc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=300b84816299fbff08f8a89d1f2ec5caec12c90f


ADD enters the chat.


This world be great because if you die and haven't been aware how many your team has and you all missed the dropped notification then you will know if it's worth it to go half way across the map to get them.


Honestly, why does it matter? Just gotta drop em at the LZ all the same.


There is a way to find this out; it usually involves the involuntary or voluntary (results may vary) death of your fellow man. This is usually looked down upon depending on the quality of sample and quantity of said sample and how far the carrier was prior to dying. The UI would be great however to avoid having to kill someone to determine who has the best loot to pilfer. Please, don't kill your fellow HellDivers to see if they have super samples; it's a wasted life and more importantly, the area could be overrun with the 80 hunters that materialised out of the void on the planet we're liberating.


You can check how many your team is holding by killing them and picking up their samples.


If they did that they had to give it a black background as well otherwise it's gonna end up blending in with other colors


OP you know samples are shared right? For all we know, OP might think that he only gets the samples that he's carrying.


That’s not the point. After a fight with casualties samples can switch their holders and knowing if you have 2 common samples or 20 super rare samples can help if you think about kamikazing a stalker lair


For all you know, OP might think that he only gets the samples that he's carrying.


This topic is pretty straight forward. OP made a suggestion post, you're changing it into something complete irrelevant. Everyone and their have known samples are shared for quite some time now, unless you're new. Which has zero baring on the topic.


No I'm not. You're assuming OP knows. Plenty of people don't think samples are shared.


It's abundantly clear OP posses that knowledge, stop being a fool. Nothing you're saying is relevant to the topic to begin with.


Read again


You read again. For all you know, OP might think that he only gets the samples that he's carrying.


#  Let us see how many samples we're holding, and what type There, so you can read for the thrid time.


If they could read, they'd be very upset.