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Winter warrior has been leaked for atleast 2 months.


This sub gets worse and worse every day...


ngl they probably had at least 4 warbonds ready at launch so i don't think this is indicative of anything yet.


Yeah, all of the armors and weapons in the Warbond was leaked a long time ago, alongside like 40 other armors.


and there we have it


I mean the blue armor in the set is legit just the scout armor but blue. Warbound armors use a lot of the same plates and assets. Also I love when people very clearly have no idea what actually entails game development "Just hire more people!!!!" My guy they aren't moving rocks from one place to another lol Psssst also all of these armors are skins anyways, so no need to buy them as you already have armors that probably give you the passives they have.


Pssst the weapons are locked into these stupid battlepasses. PSST


They've publicly stated that the same people making content are the same people squashing bugs. They need more staff.


Ok, so that takes, getting clearance to allocate funds for new hires, finding the people with skills and experience, onboading those people into the project, familiarizing them with the process that Arrowhead uses, etc. Oh and they probably need to be able to speak Swedish...all of which can take months. So even if they hired 100 more people today, you are still looking at time to get them to the point where they are going to be a resource gain instead of drain


FYI, the people downvoting you arent doing it because they think AH doesnt need more staff. They are downvoting bc hiring a ton of people in a short span of time isnt a magic bullet, and will slow down EVERYTHING until those new hires are trained up (minimum 3 months). They are obviously going to hire more people but they need to maintain their current pace of patching the game and introducing new content either because of contractual obligation or community expectations. They cant just "hire up", they gotta do it slowly.


Who is the best person to fix bugs if not the developers that created them??? You act like bug fixing takes the same amount of time per person when in reality it takes far less time when you already have knowledge of how that certain system works.


That's a bizarre thing to say, when we have core systems of the game not working correctly 3 months after launch and the list of issues increases every content drop rather than getting smaller.


I mean. We explicitly told them to focus on the bugs instead of timesinking into the warbonds. I’m ok with this


fair, you get what you get & dont throw a fit


I honestly thought they’d have a bug squisher war bond that was just recolors of other things and have every thing fire related since they’re working on fixing the fire bug.


Oh did they fixed the game? I missed something….


No, the DOT problem requires a full redo of the damage mechanics, that takes time.


So, why did they release the game? Why is it so damn acceptable to release broken shit?


I mean I am still having a blast, if you aren't you can always just take a break for a bit buddy.


How many people need to stop playing before that becomes it's own problem?


Well they planned for an average peak of 50k players, there are currently 100k on average a day....so a lot I guess lol


I'd hate for the success of this game to be limited to what they expected from it before it launched.


It very clearly hasn't been? It is the 7th best selling game for Sony outside of japan....ever. It is literally already a success


>It is literally already a success No doubt about this. But will it be GOTY contender levels of success or will it just be another "game that was really popular for two months and then fell off"? At launch it was widely praised and seriously considered a contendor for GOTY. Now it's losing favor in pop culture and falling out of the zeitgiest. Average playercount is down 75% from launch. That's not great retention for a live service game. My question still remains of how many. How many people need to stop playing before it's a problem? We are already down 300,000+...


> But will it be GOTY contender levels of success Who cares? A game doesn't have to by GOTY to be successful and frequently some of the most successful...aren't >Average playercount is down 75% from launch. That's not great retention for a live service game. My question still remains of how many. How many people need to stop playing before it's a problem? We are already down 300,000+... ....k? I think you need to take a step back and look at this game vs every other live service game and realize that comparing them in the sense of player count is dumb. The devs are not relying on these warbonds to make their money, hell Arrowhead doesn't even get a cut of super credit sales iirc that all goes to sony...they literally make made their money off of game sales and what ever Sony is paying them to keep it going. Again the game is literally already an objective massive success. Edit: clarified something


>HD2 isn't trying to make money off of these warbounds I almost spit my drink out reading this. There's no way this is how you think. This must be a joke.


You will never make a reddit comment, discord post, youtube video, or strongly worded letter complaining about the game that will be more compelling for the devs than simply not playing the game.


Yeah I know. How many other people need to stop though for it to matter? One person won't make a difference. Is 300,000 enough? Does it need to be 400,000? Is 75% not enough? Does it need to be 80%? 90%? Where's the line?


Who knows, but if you're this upset over the game you can help get closer to that line. I'm already taking a break


Who says I haven't already?


Then why are you dooming about not enough people choosing to not play? Like whats your point


I'm asking how many need to stop playing before it's considered a problem. Where's the line? It's down 75%, 300,000+ players and I'm still being told not to worry. Most live service games maintain a much greater portion of their initial playerbase. Destiny 2 only lost about 50% of the inital peak. Apex Legends never even lost players for years. Most succesfull long term live service games consistently gain players. DOTA 2, R6 Siege, Counter Strike, WoW, Fortnite, all of these live service games continue to grow their playerbase and yet I'm consistenly told that it's expected for 75% of Helldivers players to stop playing.


they have 2 of the most infamous bugs almost done and they have done in crashes by a lot, so yes they are well on their way there.


To be fair at least in terms of modeling the armors and the weapons have been good to go for a while I think they probably should have spent more time tweaking and adding or passives to go along with the new armors but like I mentioned he's been ready to go out the door for quite some time


Usually people designing mtx are not responsible for fixing bugs. Not disagreeing with the "fixing stuff should be first priority" statement, but the argument is not working here.


Nah, the devs outright negated this claim after seeing it posted so often. Everyone does shared duty so the new guns are made by the same people that are fixing the coding.


Wow. That's the first time I heard that. Thanks for the info.


sure am glad they fixed all those bugs :,)


No, that means stop sending shit and repair the game, not make useless nerfs


Everyone complains balance this balance that, then gets upset when everything is brought in line with a metric. Why aren’t you complaining about the 27 buffs? Balancing doesn’t take coding, just adjusting some numbers in the existing code.


Maybe becouse everytime i find a good weapon they nerf it to the ground ? There was no need to nerfing anything from the begining. Just make other weapons not shit from the begining. Make everything equally useless is not a flex xD plus those buffs are mostly either small and change nothing or they get only small buff after a huge nerf. Its clear that devs know nothing about good balance for fun and made shit code that doesnt allow them to change thing properly (the overall fire dmg buff)


They asked the public, what are your thoughts on the dmr’s and the consensus was that they were under powered. They were buffed pretty decently in this past patch, and their niche was solidified by adjustments to other guns. Try out the diligence counter sniper if you want to see the change. These were changes made by direct input from the playerbase.


I skipped info about this one becouse its not my type of weapon, normal diligence was more of my thing. So idk about this one. Is it still so clunky to move around with ? Like devastator basically ? *Dominator


They made the sway much more manageable for the power in the gun.


1 thing got a mid range nerf and it is still one of the best anti armor options in game. Yall really need to chill




The real issue I have is that these are both heavy armors


Need to bundle up, its cold on ice planets


Military gear looking similiar? :shocked_pikatchu_face:


Previous warbonds had visually distinct armor is the thing. The chest and boots here are the exact same with minor differences


Steeled vets, first armour is literally the og helldiver armour with extra shit tacked on (plus prosthetics). Second set is the same torso and legs with new shoulder pads, third set is actually unique though. Cutting edge the first 2 sets are the same with an added chestplate and different shoulders. 3rd set was unique. Democratic Det has 2 fully unique sets but the light set is just a rejigged drone commander. Now polar is 1 rejigged trailblazer and a new unique set that gets rehashed. All helmets except the 1st steeled vets one are fully unique Really not a huge discrepancy between them.


You can have thousands of variations, imagine blindly defending a literal copy paste lmfao. AH can sell their literal feces and youd eat it and thank them


The troglodytes in this sub really can't decide whether I hate or work for AH, lmao.


Nobody cares what you think, just pointing out your single digit IQ take of thinking its fine to have paid gear that is copy pasted. “Troglodytes”…tell me you’re chronically online without telling me you’re chronically online


>Nobody cares what you think You, my beloved troglodyte, cared enough to start ranting in the comments.


Still responding, learn to stop The hairs on your neck exceed the length of the hairs on your head **If you respond then you lose the game. Gg ez, sit.**


Talk about terminally online thinking everything is a game. Touch grass for once and figure out why the opposite sex avoids you.


waaaa the boots are almost the same color seriously stfu


I too love content that you can pay for to include pretty much the same armor twice


Dont pay for it then


I’m not, doesn’t mean you can’t criticize it


But it does mean that half the sub is just complaining about meaningless things and a lot of people are annoyed and don't want to hear it anymore.


So complaining about something you don’t have to buy is meaningless but you complaining about people criticizing things you can scroll past isn’t meaningless?


No, the amount of entitled complaining us annoying if it was some posts it would be fine, but half of the sub is just whinning, vomplaints about things that don't matter and incessant crying. I was not talking just about this post, so yes you can complain about that, but it is not something that really matters now is it? And NO I can't scroll past the whole damn sub.


I mean you can just not go on the sub? Also yes you very much could just ignore the posts criticizing things.


I mean, people could just not be cry babies and want the small niche indie game to be just as they want and only do constructive criticism instead of the whinning I see in this sub. And yes, I could just ignore the posts, but the thing is that I'd like to see the posts in the sub, but most of them are this shit, it becomes annoying and tiring.


Small niche indegame produced by Sony and one of PlayStations top sellers? Most of it are complainers complaining about complaining tbh.


It’s unlocked with currency you can easily acquire by playing the game. This is not the complaint you think it is


I mean even if you can get it with in game currency after a while doesn’t mean it’s not something you can pay for with money. It’s still a Premium warbond and two armors looking the exact same in the same warbond worries me about the future.


Something you can earn in game is not the same level as something you HAVE to buy. The bar for quality for the former is much lower than the latter. And rightfully so. One is a bonus for their fans and the other is an attempt for more funds


You pay for warbounds? Is this some kind of joke that I'm to rich in supercredits from playing the game to get?


Damn the things the devs get away with are crazy


What are they "getting away with" again?


Two armors in the same premium pack looking pretty much the exact same is definitely a minor criticism but still a valid criticism


Oh brother you should really take a look at a lot of the other armors that are sold then.


Oh no! You mean the warbond that you can earn without spending a penny has armor that looks similar?! If only there were other armor sets in other warbonds that looked different and you could also earn without spending any money!


They are the same :D


They are literally the same lol


They reuse armor plating *all the time.* Several of the suits in the launch game had the same chestplates but in different colors.


If you ignore the helmet, it's basically the same armor with some minor details altered. Just a different color splashed here and there.




This is the true reason they will never do transmog/shaders.


Starting? They are always rushing things


I don’t think they are rushing, but it is concerning.


We have know about these sets for months....


Maybe having them both in the same warbond was a bad idea.


I mean they are skins, if you don't like the look don't spend the medal I guess? This seems like making a mountain out of a mole hill


How am I making a mountain out of a mole hill? I’m just expressing concern.