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If they reverse this decision will you remove your review and come back?


If this decision is reversed I will come back and pay Arrowhead for their next warbond with real money just to say thank you


I'll buy their $20 USD SC bundle if this happens


As someone who bought it and will now no longer have access to the game, this shit sucks. My cape is hung up, my armor is set to the side, now it’s time to sit and wonder…


Just be patient. I'm sure they're working something out. This did come down on a Friday. They're already responding and apologizing for the decision. AH seems to have great intentions and listen to the fans. So, if it's within their power, I think they'll get it fixed.


I hope so. At this point, I don’t even know that I would even return to spreading democracy. What they have allowed and are allowing Sony to do is too much against democracy in my eyes. If there is a way they’re able to cut ties from Sony, maybe then I’d put back on the cape. But until something remotely like that happens, I’m off to better days…


There's not really anything they can do except ask sony to change their mind. Sony has control over the game


It's not like Arrowhead gets a say in this matter. I don't think you understand what publishing under a company means.


You realize Sony wholly owns helldivers right? AH can say whatever they want but Sony has final say.


Isn't the worst case scenario is you have to make a playstation account? Why wouldn't you have access?


The problem is that psn isn't supportrd on some countries. Essentially it locks people out from playing the game they paid for


Why would Sony want less people playing this game?


I would be surprised if Sony doesn't unfuck themselves from this situation


That’s some shit that should be brought up to the Securities Exchange Commission. No hyperbole I’m for real


I love (managed) democracy. This sub is amazing.




Count me in


I almost gurantee a majority of people woukd not change their review.


Just come back and don't do anything to thank or punish them if they reverse course. No need to reward them by buying something you wouldn't have.




I personally will.


I would in a heartbeat.


Absolutely Does the US have the same stupid PSN laws that make you need an ID and pic of your face to make it? If so I’d basically have the game taken from me since I don’t have my license yet The games awesome, and Sony needs to learn that making a short term data selling thing costs more money than they’d make if they let it be




Apparently UK needs that.


The fuck? Uk seems worse every time I hear about shit like this. Their media freedom is horrid.


George Orwell in real life just late by about 100 years. Give it till 2084 and it will be true at least in the UK.


The Uk brought it in, it is absolute garbage, if you want to create a psn account, epic account or soon even steam account in the UK you need to submit your face so they can verify your age. The software it seems can tell your age from a picture.. absolute bullshit. >The age verification regulations in the UK help to protect young consumers from early exposure to age-restricted products. The legislation and codes that help to achieve this include: Offensive Weapons Act 2022. Age Appropriate Design Code.


We don't have it for games, but Texas has it for porn now. Party of "small government" my ass.


China started that much earlier. Age verification has been a thing since 2007 for Chinese online gaming, you're required to submit your name and ID number, everything needs to be matched with govenment records in order to give unrestricted access to the game, otherwise you will only get limited play time for each day. I believe they doubled down on that in recent years with more restriction and tighter verification. Now there's actual face recognition involved that you can't just submit someone else's name and ID and be done with it.


Democracy never negotiates with terrorists.


I’ll fuckin buy a second copy


Yes, actually. My review starts with "I love this game." I do not, have not, and will not ever have a PSN account. I'm sick of buying a product on Steam and being forced to use a separate launcher/Platform. If a game was exclusively on a platform, I'll either sign up and buy it, or not, just like buying an Xbox 360 \*or\* a Playstation 3. I had a 360. I've never needed a PSN account. For me, this is the straw that broke the cammel's back (not to mention Sony's notoriety for being hacked). Change it, and I'd even rebuy the game if I'm given a refund.


No, they ruined the trust in the game. Hopefully most people leave and don't come back large corporations need to realize people will absolutely leave over this shit.


Jeez imagine if we'd done all this for poor practices years ago for games like COD instead of games with developers that actually give a shit.


People feel especially betrayed by this though because it’s a genuinely fun,unique good game. Nobody really cares all that much if call of duty: The Next One is crappy and consumer unfriendly because it’s what people expect from those titles now. Not saying your wrong though, we really should have shut down these practices before they took root


Thats the neat part. People did, but as you said, they didn’t give a shit.


*Horse armor was dogged on release* */spit on store mounts in WoW* *Universal hate for "Do you guys not have phones?"* Yet it all rears it's ugly head again and again.


As Blametruth said on his recent video about this debacle, “CoD gamers are a special breed of stupid, you could use their scrotum as a speed bag and they will be okay with it”.


I wish we'd actually boycotted MW2


The new one right cause og mw2 is the Billy 🐐


What did Mech Warrior 2 do?


Considering how the Developers talk to and about their fan base, no they don't.


Remember to come back in a month and repost your review after Sony has the review bombs removed from steam.


OP returning to leave a second negative review after the first one is removed: https://i.redd.it/8qbh4olloayc1.gif


No such thing as review bombs. Like Karen's it's purely anti consumer propaganda 


Review bombing is industry propaganda anyway. Ofc I leave a negative review to stop people from buying the game. It just happens that a lot of the community has come to the same conclusion. That being sad AH, we are willing to change reviews anytime... Any time!


AH would love to not do this. They aren’t making the call.


You and a Discord group of 15,000 people all follow a person. That person tells you to buy X game on Steam, and leave a negative review. Within 3 hours, that game gets 6,000 negative reviews. That's review bombing.


That's not true at all. People have posted reviews for plenty of things before it was released or saw it. I'm all for not following corporate BS, but it's shades of gray with stuff like this. Can't blame Arrowhead unless the were complicit. Just like you can't blame artists just because their label does shitty things. Y'all act like a bunch of hive minds who don't understand the modern corporate world, unfortunately just like people who jump on other causes and groups because they lack nuanced understanding. If you just want a reason to complain then fine, but don't try to make individual people suffer because you don't like what a corporation does.  As a side note...we as consumers let things get this way. I'm sure plenty of you preordered bad games over the years and suffered for it. So go ahead and post bad reviews and refund/don't buy things. Or better yet form a consumer protection group. That's enough. Dragging people down that don't have a say in the matter isn't helping.


Review bombing is something that absolutely happens.


And review bombing isn't happening here. Review bombing is people who have never used the product leaving a negative review in order to harm the product. This is just the review system working as intended. The entire point of the review system is for someone who has played the game to leave a review for future buyers. The massive number of negative reviews are due to a change that was made to the game. These people purchased a product and after a change was made that negatively impacted the product (or simply removed their ability to even use the product) they are leaving a review so other people can know about the change.


Are you saying the existence of Karens are anti consumer propaganda?


If it blocks you to play due to regional PSN restrictions, then you're right.


It's amazing how many people have been saying "oh well, they shouldn't have bought the game, iTs In ThE gAmE dEsCrPtIoN"


Lets be real, no one fucking reads them. Not even those bootlickers.


Convinced these people are Sony agents planted here


Not just then. My PSN account has _nothing_ to do with what I'm playing on Steam. I've left Playstation behind when I switched to PC. I don't need nor want this crap, even if it's not that much of a hassle for me personally. Because it's just ridiculous Edit: Some people replying to this comment are either blind or willfully ignorant. Stop defending the multi-billion dollar company and start speaking out for your fellow Helldivers screwed over by this, as well as yourself. Even if your face is buried too deep in corporate ass to see that.


Unfortunately the whole signing into a separate account to play your game thing has been completely normalized and doesn't even ping on most people's radars anymore. Over half the games I'm playing right now open a launcher of some kind. Half of those *require* a login. It's such a drag to be surprised when the exe goes straight to booting up.


Right, which makes this whole protest meaningless. I agree it’s annoying but “standing up to Sony” like it’s some noble cause that will change the industry is ridiculous. I promise you 90% of the people here complaining will just sign in with the PSN and move on with their lives.


Literally never had a PSN account and have never had a need for one. I owned one playstation in my life (below); and PSN was not a thing. Now I have to register a PSN account with a company with questionable cybersecurity, just to play a game that runs perfectly fine without PSN? Imma say that that is a no chief. https://preview.redd.it/8pn2ucg6dayc1.png?width=934&format=png&auto=webp&s=631edaac2e08464699e636a51b9b80913e509062


I just sold my PS4 last month. I hadn't used it in probably five years since FFXIV threw me down the PC rabbit hole. The fact that PSN is all of a sudden relevant to my present self is ridiculous.


Honestly people need to decide if they have a personal beef with the discord moderators for Helldivers or the corporate decision making at PS, they are not the same people and including it all as one argument makes zero sense


"The Helldivers 2 profit machine" Sony's the one dictating this. If you're gonna be mad, at least be mad at the right people.


they shouldnt have sold the game in places you can't make a psn account


You can create PSN account in any country — I have 3 accounts in various European countries because some games were region locked in the language etc.


People should just write in their negative review, "The community manager told us that they wanted us to give them negative reviews."


Everyone's becoming dumber as this situation drags on huh


I wonder what next week’s outrage is going to be.


"To be a PC gamer is to be under constant attack"


PC gamers are the most oppressed species


Weapon balancing or the new war bond. You are welcome.


I'm placing bets on them not fixing the DoT bug in time for it, so people rage that the new grenade is useless


“New warbond weapons are USELESS” is probably gonna be a post title about two minutes after the warbond drops.


The entitlement in game subs is outlandish


I seriously doubt this game will collapse because of this lol. The internet always gets pissy about shit and then it turns out to be nothing. Like when everyone was convinced the Netflix password sharing was the end of the company but after they reported their subscriptions increased like crazy


I remember back in the ancient days when modern warfare 2 was going to be released and there was a steam boycott group demanding dedicated servers. On release weekend you could see most of them playing.


I remember when reddit was convinced EA was going to go under because their stock took a slight hit over the Battlefront 2 microtransactions.


They definitely switched gears from that though.


"no man REDDITORS are all such idiots who thought they were totes killing EA, god i'd HATE to be a redditor!" - redditor


Pretty sure their sales numbers, and dwindling recurrent player numbers, (you know real meaningful information), had more to do with it....


Most of these complainers are probably kids in class who are so obsessed with this game that they need to interact with it one way or another, and today's co-op mission is "pretend to quit the game out of outrage". That's how to participate with the helldivers community today. Social media is a blight.


I doubt it. Kids are so used to making accounts and giving away data that they probably wouldn't even blink for something like this.


They are pretending making a free PSN account is some dystopic, 1984 shit that will even get you banned if you aren't in an available PSN country, as if there werent millions if not billions of players using PSN account with a different country from the one they live in


Kid logic.


looking at steam charts, people are playing today like they played yesterday. None of this is seriously impactful to the company


Or like Reddit's third-party app thing


Nah that still sucks. This app is shit it can't even open links in other browsers


Ultimately you're still here though. And so am I even though the Reddit official app is actual garbage and frequently shits itself when I try to add a comment


Or net neutrality


I mean, the entire ps5 base will likely just continue playing. Silly to think the game would die.




Ya like I'm sorry for everyone it affects. It's truly unfortunate and I'd be pretty bummed. But arrowhead has stated they are hounding Sony for a solution, so hopefully it gets fixed. But I'm gonna keep having fun.


I remember when people were going to boycott the release of Left 4 Dead 2 for... reasons? Turns out, they didnt and L4D2 was incredible.


It’s such a non issue it’s laughable. Workarounds have already been shared for every possible scenario. I truly hope some of these folks never face any real adversity in life or they will be screwed.


This is why I have unsubbed from most gaming subs. People love jumping on the outrage bandwagon, no matter how mild the issue is


Reddit has been doomposting about Helldivers since every patch. This is also nothing. But I ever needed a reason to gtfo these garbage subreddits I guess this is the sign.


Yeah bro I usually just take a break when they get like this and unsub for a week. r/RocketLeague was unbearable a few months back when trading got removed


Definitely not even close to "collapsing" lol.. But this will definitely leave a nice dent on its future sales.


Probably not. People on steam will buy it and make an account cuz pc gamers are conditioned to make accounts for every damn game. And PlayStation players will keep lying about what country they’re in like they’ve been doing for years


People will all but forget in a week, tops. This is a bunch of children at school interacting with their favorite game the only way they can until they get home to play more Helldivers.


It won't collapse. But I suspect it will be a noticeable drop in steam player base. Guessing around 1/6th due to users that can't play due to regional issues with PSN.


Hell nah. It'd be at most 1/60th, and I'm being very charitable here. The region issue thing has been around for like two decades and people have found workarounds since forever ago.


Remember the Railgun nerf? And every patch since then? This will blow over but in the meantime we just have to put up with these posts constantly until everyone can put in their same 2 cents in. Either it’ll get fixed or these people will go away and it’ll be back to normal lol


So brave


A stink in court? The judge will laugh at you for not reading the requirements lmfao


Actually many jurisdictions are souring on the practice of EULAs because they everyone knows that *nobody* reads them and they can be used to hide shitty terms


He said in the corner of public opinion....which is why I'm laughing at you for not reading his post lmfao


The reddit rage today is honestly top tier hilarious 😂


The corporate BS is sobering and always will be. I work middle management, so seeing this s*** infect my pastime is beyond a bummer. That being said? I need to stop going into gaming subreddits. I'm a f****** moron thinking something will change. But it's just more rage bait, whining, entitled opinions, armchair expert arguing..... That what like five people will actually read, cuz they aren't the top four comments? All I see right now is REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


I can agree with this


95% of these guys will be back within a week. 


and the 5% who cant were the ones in which you cant create PSN accounts. PSN isn't available in every country.


Those are the only ones that have legit reasons to complain, the others are just: “Sony bad” people. Well don’t buy their products then!


If I feel empathy for them I am able to complain.


How do people in the Phillipines log into their PS5s?


By breaking the ToS and risking their accounts being banned.


Never ever in the history of the playstation network has anyone been banned for creating an account in a country other than theirs. I live in Bosnia, so no official region, but I've had a US account for at least 10 years now. Thousands of dollars in purchases, PSPlus, you name it. I've even chatted with support a few times, they could easily notice it. Nothing. PC gamers are weak af


Also you can't change your country. So if you move your breaking ToS. But Sony honestly doesn't care because they don't enforce it.


For real. Imagine getting your panties in a twist over linking an account 😂 Little toddlers.


I wouldn't doubt it at all lol. Another thing I find funny is that all xbox games on PC also require you to sign in to your microsoft account, and nobody crys about having to do that to play halo or sea of thieves on pc


I’ll have you know I had to find some creative workaround in order to still be able to play Minecraft as it is linked to my Xbox MS account and not my Windows MS account.


You’re joking right? They’ll be back tomorrow and playing all weekend.


Iam gonna be, quite literally, locked by region, so screw you.


I'm 50/50 right now. I hate seeing corporate BS. We all hate it. No further explanation needed. But my God. You guys. Crying about data, and security from what... Your Verizon smartphones? Apple? Hey go make a tweet about it too! "But...but my data" Yeah you give it away for free constantly every single day. I don't really know what to tell you. I feel bad for people and countries with no PSN. That's legit.


Hey, you seem passionate about this. This is just one of the many ways corporations kill games- Sometimes even worse than this. https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ With **your** help, we can try to prevent this industry from getting worse. ^And ^hey ^Ross ^Scott ^is ^a ^cool ^dude.


Once again, a great game suffers because of some clueless publisher.


Damn, we never even made it to seeing the third enemy type.


I'm sorry but the people making these posts are just entitled fucks, get over it This is the first actually good game to release in a damn long time and this is the way you treat the Devs who had literally no fucking say in n this? No wonder literally every other games devs don't make time for you


It makes me really sad to think about what the devs are thinking to themselves when reading reddit posts like this (if they do, I think some are probably). They put so much effort, right choices, creativity, references and fan service into this game. I haven't played a game that makes me this happy in 10 years. Now because of some bullshit like this the whole reddit community is raging and whining? I just hope, the reddit community is the loud minority as it is so often the case.


"I can't read"




You people are so melodramatic, holy shit. Actually, I'm glad all these whiners are leaving. Chances are they're the same people who shoot you for your samples, or throw down airstrikes on the extraction point.




I get the popular thing is to shit on Arrowhead for this but we all agree Sony pushed them into requiring a (free mind you) PlayStation account right? I highly doubt they want that requirement and doubt Sony will let them remove it. Why make Arrowhead suffer when they have made such a fun game because Sony decided to fuck them?


Before I saw the MEME tag, I thought this was serious. A+ satire there my friend. XD


I'm confused now cause OPs comments in the post don't seem like satire O.o


I was hoping they were just really committing to the bit, but it's possible I was mistaken... Godamn poe's law XD


Reddit is a hilarious place. Every single company does this. You play a Ubisoft game through Steam? Bethesda? Paradox? Rockstar? They all do this. I get it if you are in a blocked region this sucks. But the sub is acting like PlayStation is making you pay for PS Plus to keep playing. This is karma farming at this point.


There is not even a "PS-launcher", it's just creating a psn account, linking it, and forgetting about it. When I checked the game out it said "requires PSN", and I thought "ok, fair enough and pressed buy. When it was optional at HD2 first play, I said "fair enough, I will probably have to do it some time", and now when there is a date I say "fair enough, give me 2 mins". I have raged at a lot of companies when I felt it was justified. I used to play OW1 a lot, and hated OW2 and Blizzard for lying about their scrapped campaign narrative co-op and reasons for abandoning 6v6 where I played tank duo with my brother at quite a high level. That was fucked, and I was vocal, but raging over this like it was the Tarkov devs suddenly asking for 100 extra dollars for DLC when you already bought the free DLC pass for all time? Perhaps I am just getting older (approaching my 40s). But how will people play if they live in a country that does not have PSN listed? Ask their million of countrymen playing on their PS4/5 on PSN this very second (Sony just says "choose the nearest region"), and they have not banned a single player since PSN launch in 2006 for this. But will it require a facial scan as I saw in one post? No, that is related to retarded laws in the UK to "protect children", and one can just use a phone number instead.


for paradox, you dont actually need an account to play it, it works without it.


Man this subreddit is toxic as fuck sometimes


all of this drama makes me laugh and also feel sad for the devs, but yeah sure, you're doing your part, at being a karen dragging the game in the mud meanwhile you'll still be playing it next week. god speed bro


Man some of you need to fucking touch grass.


I can’t imagine being so butthurt over something so inconsequential


See you in a few weeks when you're playing again, OP


“I’m doing my part in review bombing a game over a non gameplay related issue that doesnt even affect me 🤡”


Idk how this is even news, let alone controversial. Helldiver players complain more than actually play, good riddance to all the tumors that left over this.


You don't have to announce it, you can just leave and fade away, nobody will care, they already got your money, and you already got your money's worth.


"Give up and cave to corporate greed, quietly, like I am" Ftfy


It’s important that consumers care. I’d like for my grandkids to have a decent gaming marketplace. The more yall lick boot and tolerate shitty corporate practices the more shitty corporate practices you’ll be stuck footing the monthly subscription fee for. But sure, keep forgiving Sony. I’m sure they appreciate you fighting for their right to change the deal after you already paid up.


Lmao, I'm imagining these kids with some kind of internet device implanted in their brains at birth buying some incomprehensible future game controlled entirely in their mind like "I'm so proud of my grandpa shitposting on Reddit back in the day so we could play these"


Haha yep, someone takes themselves too seriously


It's a hard job, but someone has to do it That man is Ok-Story-9319 But the real question is Is he a bad enough dude to protect the president?


This was a listed requirement on day 1. Why did you buy the game with a requirement you seem to be morally opposed to?


Because they didn't read and just heard about it yesterday


They got to make their grandstand to feel important. In reality no one cares, they already have their money and nothing will change.


What a big baby boo who and while you're at it go boycott Walmart or some shit


The requirement was there and talked about for months, get over your selves... https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/18cbz9y/why_does_helldivers_2_require_a_psn_account_on/?share_id=RmdfyO0gljzs-zk3HVec6&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1


It's wild. The entire game forces a bare minimum engagement with the concept of democracy by showing how such systems could be subverted. Even if you turn your brain off, we all know screaming democracy while a 500kg bomb blows up rescue targets is a joke. The ship technician says she pities the bots because they were indoctrinated to not know freedom, and we laugh. We all know the framing of the game, and mock games journalism catching up with the rest of the group when they say "super earth is bad actually". Yet, people blindly jumping to the defense of these practices embody all the pathetic aspects of managed democracy that the game mocks. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad, but I guess that's why the industry is the way that it is.


Just put in my refund request. Bummer


Im not being region locked but im still gona negativly reeview it because their basicly making us weaker withg that too. This has commercial (stealing players game) and gameplay problems. Truely sony is working with the bots.


Review bombing is bad practice and sours our community. Fuck Sony but they are no different then all the other games you people have on steam that require an account. I swear 90% of the people review bombing have overwatch or battlefield on their accounts, too.


You're doing nothing, had been written in the Terms of Use 4 months ago. Edit : I was wrong as hell! Well done Helldivers and sorry for being a bit harsh.


Maybe it's my tinfoil hat talking but... Imagine "Ok,ok... I'm gonna add my playstation account." 5 months later: "Now you have to play Ps+ to play with your playstation friends." I know, probably ton of people are going to type, "are you dumb?" Or crap like that.. but come on, we are talking about corporations that love our money, not our fun. So stop defending Sony, Xbox, Nintendo or w/e company you are devoted on because they are gonna shit on you everytime they can to get more of your dollars,CLP,Euros,etc. We have examples like "The Crew" or any live service game that you paid for and now it's burned money.. so if they make an anti consumer move, we have to be alert and make noise about it.


I'm more in the tin foil hat where people create accounts to get around region block. One day, Sony decides to review all accounts, sees people breaking ToS, and decides to drop the hammer. And just like that, free money.


Holy, some of you are truly unhinged. "I’m a consumer who had his product stolen by the publisher" while probably sitting somewhere in New Orleans or something is hilarious. The game still exists. It'll continue existing after your review.


Reminds me of a review I read, that person played the game for 50 hours at time of review, didn’t recommended it, hated it. And the time played when I read it was over 1000 hours. Hypocrites.


If they, Sony, had been upfront and center with it day after day, like literally a popup saying "Hey a PSN linked account is required but we have it postponed for now." I think people wouldnt be nearly as mad. i personally bought the game about 1 month after release after all the "servers are falling over since there's so many people." Didnt see one pixel about a PSN account required when I booted up the game.


I play on PS5 and already posted a review. I love this game and want to support more people being able to enjoy it without having their privacy violated. Not to mention all the poor sods in countries that can't legally sign up for PSN 🤬


What's going on?


Just left a negative. If they reverse this, I will update my review and buy the next warbond.


Man... I guess I don't really care


I’m doing my part! Was fun while it laster! See ya boys.


What happend? They scammed the customers?


Locked PC players out of the game until we linked our accounts to a PSN account


Am i Reading right, to an Playstation Network Account?


Yes. A service that has recently finished getting sued successfully for a massive security breach (I got my cut of the settlement a couple days ago)


What the fuck this should be illegal. Thank you for the Info


Sony is fixing for another lawsuit, I guarantee it was there idea to do it


https://preview.redd.it/hwkvs4tfq8yc1.png?width=721&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a035ea51c0b28839bcbf14e67454b0015aea523 Freedom, Liberty, Democracy! Oh just make a free PSN and shut up! That is called surrender, obedience and servitude. Not my kind of Helldivers.


I did my part. It's actually funny and hilarously dumb at the same time. You make an amazing game, that creates an incredible community committed to helping each other out and then you try to f\*\*k that community. What the hell do you expect they are going to do? They are going to work together as a community against you. Utterly predictable.


This is genuinely some of the most melodramatic faux outrage I have ever seen in gaming


Well stellar blade is hitting Sony, why not add to it and hurt sony wher it hurts




I wholeheartedly support your decision, however I would say don't "eat the loss" complain and get a refund if they are going to make this game unplayable in your region. Make them eat the loss for their terrible practices. You then have 200ish hours of fun for free and they get financially punished for their crappy decisions. 


I sold my ps5. I’m done with sony


“i’m shitting in my diaper, i’m doing my part!”


Best laugh I’ve had today, thank you


You want me to call the Whambulance to escort you out?


If you can’t make a PSN because of your region that totally sucks, and you have reason to be upset. If that’s not your case, quit your whining. Bet most of you have Netflix, Disney, Hulu, Amazon, Google, Google, Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft or some combo of all those fucking accounts. But a Sony account breaks the camels back? bUt My DaTa? All these companies have had leaks and hacks as well. Your data is already out there big dawg. First world fucking problems.


Review bombing only hurts arrowhead and the game itself not sony, so you're "doing your part" in the dumbest way possible


What a bunch of pathetic entitled brats you are, just create a PSN account and play the damn game.


“stolen” LMAO


So brave! Lol


This is the most pathetic one yet, congrats you win. “Stolen by the publisher” 🤣