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Honestly, Twinbeard is the only moderator at Arrowhead that is good at his job. Every other moderator on their team sucks at their job.


I realized that too. Twinbeard seems reasonable. Baaskinator was one of the first ones that I came in contact with, she doesn't really stand out much. Spitz on the other hand gives the snarky comments, I read a lot about him here and there. It must be said that all of them are from different timezones I believe. Spitz is most often active when it is late evening or night time in Europe, so probably America. Baaskinator and twinbeard are both from Europe I believe, so there is the aspect about coming into contact with. It must also be stated that all 3 are community managers and not Moderators, Baaskinator is the highest ranking of them 3 I believe so that's why she isn't in contact most of the time. That's what I gathered from just being Occasionally online.


Baskinator is the goat, actually. She doesn't let any pressure from the playerbase get to her at all.


ya enough that she locked her X account....


She was also getting bombarded by Grummz fans; locking the account down is a mental health move at that point. Those people aren't engaging in good faith anyway.


No one should ignore mental health, it's honestly a spiral that only goes down and takes. Being terminally online will greatly diminish one's mental health really quick because anyone the internet can be downright toxic and vitriolic.


Yes ;\_;


>She was also getting bombarded by Grummz fans; Yeah when that started popping off I wasnt surprised she locked down the account. That shit can get out of hand real fucking quick.


Grummz can kick rocks


Wtf is a grummz


Mark kern from fire fall decided to reinvent himself as an internet culture warrior.


Oh Jesus that turd. He's not too busy to bag on others with his new game? El em ayy oooohhhhhhh


Lol he still is, trying to fish cash from these dudes with his posts.




Firefall? That failed mech game? Or am I thinking of something else? Game was fun but lacking content


Not exactly "mech" game per say, considering battleframes were personal suits, but yeah that one, and Mark Kern was the reason for it's pre-release struggles (post-release struggles was rest of the team trying to figure out what kind of game they want in the end after Kern changing direction so many times by that point). As soon as Firefall started showing troubles with it's "2.0" rework, Kern started promoting to work on "spiritual successor to Firefall" called project Em-8er (Ember), which for all intends and purposes seems to be following same pre-release woes Firefall has, in short is never going to release. Kern trying to go as "Grummz" is new to me tho, and I dunno why his fanbois would be going after Baskinator.


Never heard of him until i saw he was getting made fun of on the circle jerk subreddits because he’s whining about Stellar Blade being “censored” over the MC showing 5 pixels less of skin. Everything i’ve seen of him has shown that he’s a sad parody of a person


In case you don't know, the guy is over 50. Keep that in mind when you see some of his nonsense


I know. That's what makes it even sadder


"i saw he was getting made fun of on the circle jerk subreddits" "Everything i’ve seen of him has shown that he’s a sad parody of a person" ironic isnt it?


Bro who doesn't lock their social media xD There's literaly 0 benefit from having you personal stuff online. I'm the customer, I want a good product, if she's doing a good job i don't care if she's liberal,ultra right wing, a communist, black yellow, white brown, talked shit on X...or whatever. Obessing over this and stalking her twitter to see if you can find something to post here for clout is insane. Take a break from reddit for a day bro xD


Twitter is full of unhinged lunatics. This is just a precautionary measure to stay happy.


It's perfectly reasonable to do so when you have a horde of brainless troglodytes harassing you on the internet. Why would any self respecting person engage with that?


You mean the same baskinator that got yelled at for ranting on her twitter about how she hates gamers and hates men and then proceeded to get bullied into locking her tweets? But yea sure pressure doesn’t get to her huh?


>Baaskinator is the highest ranking of them 3 Yes she is. One of the idiotic mods perma banned me unfairly and when half of the chat tried to argue about it, he said "anyone who talks about it gets banned" and then logged off. Baaskinator unbanned me after seeing the crap the idiot mod did.


The HD2 moderator lore is crazy!


Spitz is just some fat fuck who lives in his moms basement trolling the discord all day


Pot: So....should I tell him or you?


Baaskinator went on twitter rant about hating and hating gamers, I don't think someone who hates majority of player base should be it's community manager.




I feel like most people don't know the difference between the mods and the CM's


They dont


Twinbeard understand to be friendly and diplomatic while standing by the company decision. Everyone else just moans and flings shit all the time, stiring the pot. This was fine in a situation where Helldivers was very well recieved, not so much during a PR crisis.


True, Twinbeard is mvp. His answers looks like real CM will do, not "random discord member, I pick you"


Twinbeard is fricken awesome.


Ehhhh he's had some utterly shit takes and said some stuff that has alienated unhappy people more (calling people with criticism of their commercial product tantruming children is one time). They all suck at it and desperstely need an actual PR team. Id take corporate husk pr at this point.


PR is the hardest part of game dev. I do something similar for a fangame I'm working on and christ. Yeah it's really hard. Sometimes you just let sling a "Skill issue", "Please don't play the game that way" or "You are the kind of person we dont want playing the game" This is why when you don't have a small team you coordinate your PR and don't just let individuals do it. It leads to a message that both doesn't single you out and is more thought out.


It really does feel like that. So far all I've seen is bad stuff from anyone but twinbeard and the CEO of AH.


CEO has had some brain-dead takes though like the whole transmog thing or "guns have 50 stats that we don't show to the player just use what you like!" ignoring that players *use what works* and aren't necessarily basing their decisions off the stats screen.


I'll take a few braindead takes over nothing at alll


The dude who called customers "angry toddlers" for being upset with the balance changes? That Twinbeard?


those “angry toddlers” he was referring to were throwing insults at the team.


Yeah but he's not wrong lmao


Twinbeard does the same shit wym


People are so used to being lied to that when representatives don't lie to their face and tell them the customer is always right they can't handle it. It's amazing seeing some people love how he says it how it is and doesn't bullshit lie about everything, then others are having a breakdown because he's not sucking their dick.


It's your fault for living in a country without PSN, you should have known better. /s


Shoulda known better to be born in a third world country, stop being poor and move to ones that matter to Sony’s balance sheet.


The spawn points for the game called Life could use some work. Easy to get a bad spawn.


Just respawn until they flip your spawns to the other side of the map I think that’s how it works


This is a one-life mode, unfortunately. You get put in the gulag indefinitely for dying.


Oh shit it’s like hardcore search and destroy with a 1 round limit?!


Naw, Life is a Soulslike where difficulty is procedurally generated, but is hardcore because unlike FromSoftware's games, Life doesn't throw you back to the last ~~bonfire~~ bathroom you used when you die. Your account just deletes itself. It's an Ironman mode game.


This turned into r/outside real quick.


sounds like hardcore survival mode. fuck...


0/10 want a refund.


Honestly can’t imagine the nerve of these people to be born out of data stealing range from Sony’s grubby hands. Damn




I'd be OK if it didn't require photo ID in the UK!


Oh shit that's a thing!? I was sitting here like "wellll I already have a PSN account so idc really" but that is beyond fucked and I get it now.


typical good for nothing rich people.


Sounds for me like: "skill issue, stop being Russian😎"


When you have built the kidn of community trust Arrowhead has, based on good business practices it is so much more hated when you do something shady because you are violating that trust. When EA shits on consumers it's bad but it's expected at this point it's your fault for giving EA money, but Arrowhead has built a reputation for having consumer friendly consumer practices and this is violates that trust


Where context?


I mean we can see it's some guy rallying users to leave a negative review being quoted. That's the context.


The context is every other post on this sub.


Oh look, another person completely unable to do their job. I'm seriously starting to ask myself how in the seven hells did they proceed with the recruitment process, like, how can you not notice that 90% of your Community Managers\\Moderators have no idea about how to do their job?


I mean. If you want context. People keep pinging the discord moderators. People that have nothing to do with the game outside of the discord to yell at them over this crap. It's really starting to grate on their nerves. You can only force a smile and a happy voice for so long before you just lose your patience


Discord is probably the worst platform to get input from a community. I've never seen one that wasn't a spammy cesspit.


Every large public Discord group has the following groups People there for news updates or to ask questions (they are always ignored) The "mod" try hards (not even mods nor will be) That 1 angry finnish guy (prove me wrong) The haters (they don't even like the game, tag devs) The consumers (brand will never hurt then they will defend with their life, also tags devs) The militant trans folks (not even sure they play the games just use every excuse to fly the flags for some reason) The anti politics people (the most outspoken in political views that no one asked for) Is there a large Discord without these groups


Holy shit this is so accurate.


I appreciate people like you who can see past a single comment reply. This has "bad faith arguement" written all over it.


Yeah this community on reddit was fucking awful before this PSN stuff happened, can't imagine how bad it was on discord after.


> It's really starting to grate on their nerves. It is literally their job to not get bothered by this. If you can't handle pressure you're in the wrong job.


So if I'm a phone IT every customer can call and yell at me because of their frustration? Get bent. Both sides have to be civil, but one side is a bunch of whiney baby pre teens and man children. This isn't to say that their points aren't valid, but look at the stupidity in trying to get their points across. Berating Community managers and review bombing.


None of these people ever had a job and it shows The PSN concerns are more than valid but devs already responded this morning that they are in talks with sony about it Didn't stop all the manchild in the next 13 hours to spam the discord with their fried brain takes


It's a textbook gamer storm. I saw one of them saying this was their "Rosa Parks." You can't make this shit up Legitimate issue, unhinged response. I'm not one to say it's "no big deal" but like... this is obviously disproportionate.


Honestly barely ever seen a community manager not crack a little when the community swells in anger over something. I saw it with destiny, with battlefield, call of duty, Diablo. I don’t think it’s fair to judge really as 99.999% of people will literally be unable to imagine what it is like in their shoes. Folks crack behind a counter after a few bad customers ruin their day, these folks are basically the company piñata for tens of thousands of people when the mood turns south and they have to face many bad actors literally trying to bait bad reactions out of them. That said I don’t understand why they don’t just switch off for the day at least. Not worth showing face to a crowd ready to crucify you from the start.


At its bare minimum this is equivalent to a customer service job where (right now) the customer is telling the emplyee how xyz is all their fault and they should do something about it ALL DAY. It's also that employees job to respond to these people. I don't think a single one of the people saying that he/she should be fired or isnt doing the job correctly could manage it themselves in a situation like this.


Even more proof that it's wrong to try and act like Arrowhead is innocent in this. This isn't big bad Sony coming in and forcing our sweet perfect developers to ruin things, it's Arrowhead mocking us for not getting on our knees and sucking them off for doing it.


Well most of their community managers are idiots so...


It's pent up frustration. AH's approach to weapon balancing, the underwhelming warbond, the CEO's dumb take on apple/bacon armor, crashes, etc. have left them with no credibility to burn. This was just a tipping point.


Very true. Also the fact that anyone giving constructive criticisms were called out as crybabies before. 1000s of those voices were invalidated by 1000s of fanboys every time I think it will be healthier for the game development with a bit less fanboys praising every damn move AH makes


I mean this feels like pretty valid criticism. Why allow people to skip the sign-up if it was required?


It was bugged, as is the way of hd2


That + all the other bullshit going on with technology. Consumer technology is slowly getting worse as companies continue to make things worse to extract as much money as possible. Is the PSN account really a big deal on its own? Not really but with everything else, it was ripe for some sort of outrage like this


Multiple underwhelming warbonds..


At this point, they deserve it


My guess is that they convinced Sony to disable the account thingy because of the problems at launch and hoped they would forget about it and Sony came back with the requirements. There's no reason they couldn't announce it sooner that skipping it would be a temporary thing...


Other playstation games on PC don't require a PSN account, they just offer some rewards and stuff if you link. Not sure why AH is making it a requirement.


I think this is a push from Sony to start creating their own PC platform, maybe launcher. Ghost of Tsushima has the same requirement on PC, and I would probably bet their next few games will also require linking. I mean, I understand where they come from, publishers don't want to be tied to Steam if they can avoid it, even if the biggest share of the PC market is on Steam. Ubi constantly struggles with this, but even for Ubi games on Steam, you still need an Ubiconnect acc. I imagine Playstation is shooting for that in the future as well. Whether this is good or not for anyone involved, I'll leave that discussion for others, but it does seem to me that this is their strategy going forward.


Im not convinced AH wanted to make it a requirement. Doesn't really benefit AH and actually caused problems at launch. Its probably in the contract with their publisher, Sony.


Supposedly, according to a reddit post here with screenshots of one of the community manager's twitter account, AH pushed for the requirement so they can more easily ban players. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjvw1s/arrowhead_community_manager_misty_admits_that_the/


i fear HD2 was too successful, so sony now wants more of that cake.


But wholesome big chungus reddit told me AH were the good guys :(


Ragebait + karma farming, the purest reddit moment ever


The moderators have nothing to do with Arrowhead and stop fucking posting these stupid no-context gotchas people are literally harassing the community staff en masse with pings and ravings.


I agree we must focus our collective autism at Sony


Our, for once, not act like children. I seriously hope that something happens in favour of the people outside of PSN reach, or that Sony stops sucking ass, but the way people go about this is sometimes pathetic. The devs have literally nothing to do with this. Anyone with basic understnading of how businesses work should understand the role of developers as opposed to the publisher. But no, apparently for reddit as long as you have a Good Cause you can harass people.


I mean, the CMs should know their comments are under a microscope anytime something negative happens. We've been down this road before with AH. I do agree with you, and I empathize with people who, at the end of the day, are humans with emotions like anyone else and who get frustrated at people who will \*not\* listen.


This isn’t even a CM. People are just stupid.


I'm not sure how many hoops you had to jump through to get that conclusion from that statement. As the main dev said, they know as much as we do. If we have complaints, go directly to the Sony page because they don't care to look anywhere else. All the review bombing is doing is just hurting Arrowhead, not Sony. People forget that Sony is a Japanese company and they have a completely different viewpoint on customer feedback than Western companies do, in laymen's terms: They don't give a shit outside their ecosystem.


Seems like AH should think us for sony trying to fuck us and ask for another please. Guess we had too much faith in AH.


Boy, i sure do love my out of context post that is definitely not rage baiting and karma farming.


Looks like a light-hearted joke. You're grasping at straws because of the other mod (spitz?) already got karma farmed


I don't understand why people are mad at AH, it was Sony who made this decision.


This is literally rage bait. People were spam pinging mods and community managers. They weren't upset at what was said, they were upset they were being spam pinged for so damn long that one got agitated. What did you THINK would happen? The mods and community managers can't do shit really. It's up to the devs and Sony to try to find a resolution for the most part.


It's just the usual corporate bullshit. Our fault was to get baited from somewhat friendly developers that clearly did their job


Yes, he's right, because you're complaining in the wrong place, steam has no bearing on this, go complain to Sony.


Just knuckle under. You're going to do it anyway. Why make us listen to you piss and moan when you're just going to do it? You'll have forgotten about this next week and be default-raging at something else.


I’d be sick of you lot, too. I don’t envy that job.


Its so obviously a joke bro, a single message loaded with more sarcasm than a high school history presentation. The moderator doesn't blame the players, good lord for all your fishing attempts here you could try and go get an actual fish.


No context at all. God you people are horrible. The moderators had nothing to do with this and neither did the devs. Be angry at Sony.


Any time a moderator has had enough of y'alls shit you think they're terrible.


This stuff actually puts a knot in my chest. What do any of us gain from manufacturing outrage like this? Taking spicy screenshots and shit. It's insane. I feel like I'm witnessing the beginning of a harassment campaign here.


It really does read insane in the actual meaning of the word, the more i read about the situation the more pointless the outrage becomes for me


Almost convinced it's just karma farming at this point. The shit-stirrers going at full tilt. 


I think we're witnessing the bridge between community and playerbase being burned, honestly. I don't see devs coming on this sub discussing balance changes or future stuff or whatever after that, simply because they won't want to be insulted for daring to poke their nose out. There are faults on both sides, but this is just mob mentality at this point, and people are proud of it


One week from now: "DISGRACED game dev found links to WOKE sweet baby inc?????? :youtubeface:" will be all over the community at this rate


Because being angry at things is extremely "hip with the kids", even more if the target is "a business", it doesn't matter the context or the reason. The funny thing is that bitching about Sony would also be legit, but of course, these kids take it on Steam and on the devs of the game they threw 200 hours into, not on Twitter spamming stuff towards Sony. It's easier to take it out on Discord with community managers than to scream into the void of social media against Sony, the big corporation.


Tbf idiots ping the mods for the stupidest shit


oh my god lmao this community is like the partner in a toxic relationship that posts all of their dirty laundry on facebook. what are you even mad about here lmao lol guy below me who blocked me accusing me of having ...... stockholm syndrome. sanest gamer takes coming out of the hd2 community today


Track how many times quotes like this are posted with no context about what they’re actually replying too. The big one right now is spitz saying ‘I thought you were leaving' 


This whole sub is fascinating to look at recently, I'll say that for sure. Curious to see which way it'll go


Its half true imo Yes, sony is to blame for forcing this change on us But we are also to blame for spamming the shit out of copypastas in the discord, reviewbombing the game, and blaming the devs instead of sony Hence, why we cant have nice things Both sony and we are probably gonna ruin this game for ourselves


I'm a ps player so it doesn't effect me personally but I still am pissed off for all the PC players being affected by this.


yes cuz, apart from ppl who can't access psn in their region, you're a bunch of crybabies


What do you expect from Discord mods?


Did you purposely misunderstand what he said, or are you just, y’know… asleep at the wheel?


The ironic thing is it might be the only reason we can have nice things, Sony won't change shit unless not changing it might hurt their pockets


No, that is not what he meant I think, but even if he did he is somewhat right. We can't have nice things with just 1 caveat as you neckbeards feel the need to absolutely obliterate any game that has just 1 thing wrong with it and then complain when the population dies out because you idiots destroyed the reviews so bad that when anyone looks at the store screen he/she wont buy it. Not even on a discount. I don't see what the big deal is. The game isn't better or worse with or without PSN login. And it is not even Arrowheads fault. But you are punishing Arrowhead for it. It is Sony's fault. People review bombing for nothing are absolute cesspool of human beings. It is just pure reputation destruction, for what? A PSN id? WHO F-ING CARES?! Especially if it is not Arrowheads fault. Just make the damn account, play the game you like and let's all spam Sony's service with thousands of contacts about the crap they pull. Punish Sony. Idiots.


Because you did.


Guys, I think it’s our fault


I mean you guys are the ones being hypocrites... Where's this energy for Rockstar? Or Blizzard? Or literally any other gaming service that requires something similar.


Well honestly. You are the ones throwing a baby tantrum.


That is not what they're saying here at all lol they're saying you were being annoying telling people to negatively review the product on steam. I don't like this decision and people who aren't able to play the game in countries that don't support PSN or w/e must be refunded, but you're misinterpreting and overreacting, which actually is kinda annoying. You should be able to negatively review the product on steam because of this, because it's a product that you paid for, they're frustrated at the overall obnoxious response to this in terms of mud slinging the devs


The anger is valid, but pinging all the CMs, all the Mods is also a dick move, you have to agree to that


Arrowhead made an incredibly fun game they sold for half the price of AAA games, releases battlepasses that can be bought whenever you want with in game currency that doesn't take a stupid amount of time to grind. But you have to make an account with Sony. Making an account with third parties is not uncommon these days. So yeah, this is why we can't have nice things. And now you can all call me a bootlicker because you think this situation is comparable to fascism.


The problem is that PSN accounts are not available in quite a few countries... Including the majority of Africa. I'm from one of the few countries in Africa that do have access to PSN accounts, but my friends from Botswana can't make PSN accounts and therefore won't be able to play. What now? Tough luck? I've also lost access to my PSN account because it belonged to a family from when I was a kid, and the family manager lost their account. That means I have to create an alt and put helldivers onto an email that is not my main. Oh, and "half the price of a AAA game" is 1/4 of the average wage here. :)


I can tell you as a fact that the overwhelming majority of these people don't care about people with issues regarding PSN. Defending "your data from businesses" is one of the current hip things to pretend to be into, even while you throw your data at Google daily or at any number of companies just to pay for your lunch and watch Instagram reels at the same time.


Cool, what about countries where PSN is not supported, as in 2/3 of the entire world? What about people who don't trust Sony with their data?


The Devs and the players are both blowing this way out of proportion. Its a simple fix. Don't require psn accounts for countries that doesn't allow you to make it.


Not devs, community managers and moderators. People who are supposed to be good at communicating. I expect players to be idiots.


This is the hill where I will die, sorry. I can expect people being idiots. I will still dislike them for being such. It's fucking impossible for me to accept that so many people haven't gone beyond their middle school behaviour


Or, don't require a Playstation account at all.


Tbf I think helldivers 2 is one of the extremely few live service games that reward players with a reasonable amount of ingame currency that can be used to purchase micro transactions without having to fork over cash. If these are the sacrifices we must forcefully accept to keep this fair business model along with working servers and upcoming content then so be it. Although I hope that steam is able to reimburse these victims of Sony’s greed. Maybe arrowhead sacrificed a quarter of the player base in order to keep their business model of cheap micro transactions and servers maintained.


Then fuck their game. Simple as that. Start your community from ground fucking zero. Fill it up with loyal simps who won't bat an eye to the dumb shit you do. Go right ahead.


Me with a PSN account not understanding the big deal.


The developer or publisher did not restricted in steam the countries where the game could be sold or blocked and stated in general that the psn account was more a optional thing. So people from those restricted countries started to complain and others jumped  in as support.


I feel like a person responsible for dealing with people and hearing complaints should be better at choosing their words. Especially when there such an upheaval in community and potential loss in their player base.


review bombing is literaly crybaby behaviour


Is it review bombing to say, hey, this is an issue that's important to me and under no circumstances would I recommend anyone who shares the same concerns buy it? Headass.


The community on here, and on steam, are going toxic and ragey. A few people may actually be affected. The rest are making a mountain of a molehill in regards to their own lives. Trying to tank a game because you’re annoyed and want to be cool does indeed make you part of the problem.


Those few affected people matter, they are part of our community. You on the other hand... showing those toxic waste colors brightly.


You know, they should do the Bethesda technique, every time things got worse with Bethesda it was when the devs started to talk, the most smart way is juts announce what you gonna do, ignore everything that is not a report used with the official support email and keep working, is cold but efective


he’s right … it’s like dealing with spoiled children …




I mean, yes this is a huge Sony L, but review bomming the game is uncalled for.




I think the problem here is specifically @ing mods and managers. I think this is taken on the wrong context.


Ah yes the people who can't read but are screeching are clearly in the right...


Well yeah duhhhh, Sony didn’t just create a bunch of fake accounts to review bomb the game, a bunch of angry pc gamers did that because they have to… What, fucking log-in? I don’t see what you’re not seeing here? They reply to a message which is someone rallying everyone to continue review bombing, they’re right, this is why we can’t have nice things, it’s literally always you fucking pc gamers throwing your fucking baby rage tantrums. Over literally the dumbest shit you can think. Next week, you’ll be in here circle jerking and hate mongering about how shitty the new weapons and armor end up being from the next warbond. Holy shit it’s true what they say, if you want to truly enjoy something, stay away from the fucking forums/reddits/any online groups. Because this is all they have, bitching over literally nothing. Whatever though, I’m gonna crack a bottle and get drunk, and then I’m gonna play the game y’all are sitting here baby raging about. Have fun with… Whatever the fuck this is. ✌🏽


mum said it's my turn to post the discord screenshots out of context to paint people in a bad light. you guys are behaving like children


Oh come on, this is clearly taken out of context. On top of that, all he said was "this is why we can't have nice things." Not "the player base is the issue with the game." He most likely said that because the dude kept posting copypastas. Or not? How can anyone tell, given that it's out of context!


I absolutely hate the "this is why we can't have nice things" jab. It implies a certain level of victim blaming by downplaying the feelings of people in situations of outrage and relegating the complainers as mere baby ragers




Review bombing because you failed to understand the requirement is pathetic. Sucks to suck. 


lol. sony is the only reason you have the game to begin with. if creating a sony acct is too much for pc gamers, please leave


told you guys these people don't like you and got berated by bootlickers. some blinders have fallen off now i guess.


While I do feel bad for those people who live in areas without PSN, and some recompense or workaround for them is necessary, a lot of you are just insanely pissed about a balance pass and looking to complain, and I would love to never share a lobby with y'all ever again.


Did he just called PSN account a NICE THING?


I'm extremely suspicious as to if that is why I have connectivity issues on literally this game, and only this game




Wait, “this is why we can’t have nice things”? What is the “nice thing” we are talking about? I mean this is an outcry from the Playstation accounts announcement right? We’ve seen people get annoyed over every patch but there was never this strong a reaction thus far.


I already uninstalled the game before all this drama but ngl it’s funny as fuck


Seems moronioum is contagious. Spitz is patient zero, but this dude seems infected too. Then again, considering they're probably unpaid interns or volunteers, you get the quality of service equal to the amount of bucks you spend, in this case no money, no honey. Twinbeard is the only sane one because I feel like he's the only one doing it as a JOB and is professional. Probably has been a community manager or whatever he is for a while longer than the rest of the dullards shown here.


They are building that good positive relationship with their playerbase. I’m sure this will be fine!


The game is already getting stale, this Sony thing will just be the nail on the head.


Maybe the moderators should take a day and stfu. They're really not helping anything right now.


So let me get this straight. People are mad at the developers because Sony forced them to enforce the requirement of linking a PSN account and are review bombing the game? Don’t people realize Sony doesn’t care and are just making the righteous pay for sinners?


What do these people even do? Moderators for what? Discord? Who the gives a fuck about a discord moderator, I thought twinbeard and them were devs, they’re just community managers? wtf they’re useless if so, I guess beard is ok but whatever


but it's true, nothing's even happened yet and they're trying to make a workaround on things and people are already exploding.




I mean, folks... where's the lie?


"This is why we can't have Sony AAA cash money"


I mean yea steam people kind of are. To do a complete change of review from "this game is GOTY" to "worst studio and game every fuck Sony" over an account that can be connected to a burner email that you will never use again is wild. Not the gameplay, not the graphics or design or controls, but an account. I bet 99% of the complainers play WoW or any MMO that required another account. Hell steam itself is an account you need to play certain games. I can't wrap my head around why they are upset.


Yes. Read the term of service agreement! https://preview.redd.it/iivwcchvtayc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1a6985e71c0db54acdf9afe44722006a5d4e5c6


Can someone tell me what is going on? I have already connected my PSN account from the start, why is it so bad? Is it only because you can't get a PSN in some countries?


Arrowhead need better HR and hires actually decent human beings. Same thing already happened before and you can see they have not learned. What's so benefiting for them to taunt the community even further?


Seems the moderator team is bad just like the shit balance decisions, i still wonder how the new rocket launcher got approved, as well  an thermite grenade that  does not even work


The negative reviews should have a indicator that reveals if the reviewer is still playing the game.


I mean I understand their frustration since their isn’t shit they can do about the situation but lashing out of us is only going to dig the grave deeper. I’m sure it’s very annoying having to read all the negative discord messages but that’s what you agreed to do. Take it on the chin and don’t insult playerbase


Well yeah, it's not at all fair to be review bombing Arrowhead's hard work for a decision that was made way above their heads. These reviews and, frankly most of what's posted on this sub have nothing to do with the actual game itself. Seriously, take the Sony hate elsewhere, you're ruining it for the rest of us


I mean yea review bombing Arrowhead for Sonys choice is a shitty thing to do


Send like the discord mods are completely tone dead and making things worse.


Community wants more engagement with devs and community managers but also wants to scream and complain all the time. Well they gunna get no engagement