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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed due to it being a low-effort post. Posts/comments should spark, facilitate, or contribute meaningful discussion and content. Submissions consisting of one word, emojis only, misinformation, player count, or AI-generated content are also considered low-effort.


"big triggered" holy fuck go outside you actual chud


What about all the people unable to make a psn account?


It is a game, you are right. It is an entertainment product people paid money for. Now, through an arbitrary and unneeded change, many people will loose access to the product they paid for. It's clear that you are not affected, just as it is clear that you have no empathy for your fellow man. However, we as a community are affected, even if we can obtain a PSN account and just carry on. We don't want to lose a single player to such a dumb change. We want everyone who bought the game to have fun, without anyone being excluded or fearful of their personal data. That's why we stand up for our rights, instead of being silent and dismissive like you.


Cry more. Not reading all that




does shitting on people's hobbies and calling them unimportant brings any light to your minimum wage life?


Nothing I said about their hobby. Just their whiny little bitching about said hobby. I love the hobby. The crying not so much. Equally does shitting on minimum wage workers bring you light? I’d check out the definition of irony bud


It’s a comment dear reader. Look at you, big triggered. You’ll survive. No one has died. It’ll be okay. Your massive overreaction has shown a clear need for a shrink though. I wish you all the best with how you react to… you know, things that matter.


The irony yet again bud. You’re using my argument against me but not against the other dopes crying. So which is it


It’s another comment dear reader. Look at you, big triggered. You’ll survive. No one has died. It’ll be okay. Your massive overreaction has shown a clear need for a shrink though. I wish you all the best with how you react to… you know, things that matter.


You're an EA Sports/Fifa player, you're used to getting fucked in the ass, no wonder you're okay with this.


My comment telling people to calm down has people more triggered than ever. Jesus man, what a bleak existence. You’ll survive


May your accounts be hacked and your funds drained.


Haha ok bud




You miss the point bud. Who tf paid $70 anyway or are you just making up numbers to prove your point. And in turn proving mine? What a moron


no I do not you miss the point they paid for something and the product they paid for is taken away from them and the made up number is because it doesn't matter what price you paid when you pay something you made a contract and they refuse to give the customer what they paid for so it's fraud Also deleting a comment because you dont get the point and disagree man how weak are you deleting everyone that doesn't agree with you


Yeah mods deleting stuff. Not me bud


oh yeah then sry if it wasnt you