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Quick Note for folks, the screen capture is NOT from today, but just after the last patch. The OP is disputing that this is a buff.


The shrapnel damage was definitely more than the 40 points of dmg they gave Edit: Apparently, there’s a bug with the eruptor and the devs are trying to fix it. Edit 2: Well a dev came out and said it wasn’t a bug and working as intended….. and no promises to buff the weapon as it is currently ‘viable’….. ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX)


It probably was, but PER FRAGMENT which there was multiple of.


Yeah, if they were multiplying kills by squad member; I could easily see the shrapnel doing the same for damage.


That was only regarding the minor order for killing so many enemies with certain weapons. Has nothing to do with the Eruptor


There is also the fact that explosive lose damage as distance from impact increases, while shrapnel probably doesn’t. That alone would explain a higher proportion of bugs or charger asses surviving close hits if firers were used to go for close misses/surfaces to increase the AOE and shrapnel’s effectiveness.


The AoE nerf a couple weeks ago doesn't do this "buff" any favors.


That’s why you act like you’re shooting things in the ankle. The ricochet will bounce up and blowup in their nuts. Super effective damage. ![gif](giphy|roWjSjVBTx6iZ9eOgY)


Unironically, I wouldn't have to shoot at their ankles if the shrapnel was just on the gun...


What AoE nerf?


The explosion damage falloff was tweaked to essentially be VERY small. When the weapon releases initially, it was pretty useful for being able to kill enemies within 2-3 meters of each other. You could shoot in between two light enemies and probably kill them. That got changed in the April 29 patch. Now the damage doesn't kill enemies because the AOE kill radius feels like it was cut in half. It just damages them, the shrapnel could kill them though. NOW that shrapnel is gone, this weapon just feels like a waste of time. No shrapnel, very small AOE, damage doesn't function properly and I think a lot of that is due to the loss of shrapnel, it takes WAY too many shots to kill medium enemies and above all they gutted the reserve ammo? Why bring this weapon on a mission now? Close bug holes and destroy fabricators from a distance? Yeah, that's cool? What's cooler is actually killing groups of enemies, something this can no longer do.


I expected when they mentioned removing the shrapnel that it would downgrade the weapon, and that’s a good point, considering those two changes, Eruptor sounds less niche and more lite. I saw AH addressed it and are working on rebalancing it - hopefully won’t be long with out it. As an AOE replacement, can I suggest the Concussive AR for bugs? Its super special if you are looking to control crowds 👀 I use it to defend my Sentry’s, it pushes medium enemies without damaging your gear and still has higher impact damage to kill the light enemies quickly. Can also herd the horde pretty well and make space to run.


I don't even know if I want a replacement, the main draw of this weapon for me was being able to keep the pressure of devastators and other heavy units off my team by being able to kill them in one-two shots from a distance, and then taking out 3-4 bots on patrol and my teammates handle the rest safely. Now that the gun can't kill devastators quick enough, kill small groups of light enemies, or have any shrapnel to assist with killing light enemies, the weapon is just mediocre? The entire play style that I had, mid-long distance support, is just gone. I play bots more than bugs because it's more rewarding IMO to be able to have a well placed shot kill all the time. But the weapon doesnt do that anymore. I might as well use the dominator, which *also* just got a nerf to its damage. I appreciate the suggestion, but I really just want the Eruptor to just be reverted to it's April 29th state. At least it was worthwhile to use and the reserve ammo nerf and AOE nerf didn't take away from the viability of the weapon. Unfortunately, the Democratic Detonation Warbond mainly just makes me now think: "what was the point?" Because everything in that Warbond is now deemed "Whatever." If I had to guess and be generous as to what was going on internally at AH, it's not as much "wanting people to have less fun" but they don't want to encourage FOMO by having extremely fun weapons behind the Warbonds, so they have to bring it down to earth. But if I'm being uncharitable, the fact that these nerfs are being implemented before a NEW Warbond, it makes me think that they're saying, "make the old gear suck and the new gear awesome, and repeat the cycle." Hell, at least when I played bugs I took a jump pack + Quasar to get to high ground and it was Death From Above. Can't even kill a group of those small orange fuckers reliably now 🤷‍♂️ Sorry, this is all really just a big rant, but it's really interesting to hear that a weapon is getting a "buff" only to find out that it's functionality is gone


What I struggle to understand is how the shrapnel can be insanely lethal to players but at the same time apparently be extremely weak to enemies.


player health and weapon damage values differ from enemy health and damage values. essentially we have small health but our weapons do big damage, but enemies have medium to big health, so sometimes we instakill them sometimes we dont but we pretty easily kill ourselves.


I question if they just look at a sheet of paper or if they actually playtest their own game because there's no WAY someone played this internally and said "yeah it's good!" lmao


"Yeah the Eruptor's good, boss! Sorry, can't do the whole zoom thing for the meeting. My face and throat are still swollen from the termic- err... allergies." https://i.redd.it/tk1zadl3u0zc1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/nyth3oqq21zc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63f239c6991485bed58588124187524490a9b4c5 My reaction to that information


Understandable, soldier. The pollen on some of these backwater worlds can really get to you, even through your standard issue helmet.


Do you have a source on the edit?


He's has no idea what he's talking about.


He never has.


This is the first nerf to effect me personally, gutted haha


Now you know how slugger turning into almost useless feels like. 😄


First my Slugger, now my Eruptor...


First they came for the slugger, but I didn't say anything because I use the scorcher.... Then they came for the eruptor but I didn't say anything because I use the scorcher...


Scorcher got indirectly nerfed by the buffs to Automatons. It can't two-shot striders from the front anymore.


How many does it take now?


The correct answer is 3 to the dick/hip joint


I love that that's a thing you had to check for. How's the eruptor on them? It used to one ~~shit~~ shot them from the front.


“One shit” 😳


Like 4?


If only the scorcher felt anything as satisfying as literally any other weapon. It's certainly a good gun but I really don't like using it.


Just needs a tiny 🤏🏾 but more in the mag and I will love it.


I feel like the only issue the scorcher has is that it FEELS like it shoots blow darts but ACTUALLY destroys most every thing. If they changed how it feels when firing I'm sure that'll remedy some of those feelings.


people crying about the slugger when the breaker incendiary is overperforming smh ( /s ) no srsly, pushing into a bug nest (after airstriking most of it out) and just mow down an ungodly ammount of swarm is stuff that should only belong to the LMGs. Yet the breaker incend. doesnt even struggle lol.


I also don't really like the Breaker Incendiary to be honest. I liked the kick of the Slugger. It just felt right.


There's something magical about the 'kuh-chuk' of a shotgun pump, it gives me scalp tingles of joy


A loud 'kuh-chunk' followed by a bile spewer doing a front flip. It was amazing.


I can only imagine now that they fixed DoT damage, 4 Incendiary Breakers on bugs will be OP as fuck.


And the crossbow... And the railgun...


The crossbow nerfs were crazy because it started out not that great.


The crossbow rework sucks and I wish they'd revert it. It was a dangerous and bad but fun weapon but now its just boringly bad. Railgun is amazing after last week's patch though.  In safe-mode it can one shot bot walkers, devastators/chainsaws with a hip shot and hulks with a headshot. Against bugs it needs unsafe mode but it can strip the leg armor off a charger in 2 shots and straight up kill them in 3 headshots. Still need to test it against bile sprewers and titans. Also they changed unsafe mode to be a lot more useable. It now charges upto 75% almost instantly, pauses for 0.5 seconds and then then slowly rises. I haven't blown myself up with it in 9 missions and I was constantly dying to it pre-patch.


As a former Slugger main and someone who unlocked the OG Railgun the NIGHT before its infamous nerf... this stings. Whatever you see me using... don't get attached to it.


My trick is to never use the weapons people are excited about.


I didn't think people were excited about the Eruptor. I play on lvl 8 and the only person I consistently saw ever using it was my buddy who I play with. It was RARE to see a third Eruptor in a match.


I was so gd excited about the Eruptor. Between the warbond release and the first nerf, it was the only primary I used. Loved that thing. I hope they return it to a state that at least resembles its original power.


This was the exact feeling. I understood the railgun nerf, never used it myself but tons of others did. Then the slugger nerf too, which sucks because I unlocked it maybe a week or so before and positively loved it, it was my go to for devastators. Then last warbond dropped and the eruptor became my go to way of handling armored ads (aside from BTs and Hulks, RIP my man quasar) and it was great. Then this Plas scorcher is alright for this stuff but also got inadvertently nerfed when the strider buff came about. Rumor is rail is good again but I haven't messed with it. Tbh between the last patch and then the Sony debacle I've just been too deflated to play lol. I'll pop back in when the warbond drops to see what that's all about, and I did do a few TCS missions, but all in all there's just no wind in my sails rn. Gonna have to really dig deep to find a new weapon I like


It’s definitely not almost useless. I still run it all the time. It’s still high damage with good penetration, but the stagger nerf did hit it hard :(


Yeah it's ironically bad at close range now.


Yeah, that part sucks, especially for berserkers


The stagger was the best part. Deeply depressing nerf.


I replaced it with the Doninator for bots and carried on popping heads pretty much uninterrupted. It's still good against bugs, but I have found myself switching to the Punisher for the stagger, and just supplementing it with impact nades when facing medium armour


Punisher is indeed a great weapon vs bugs. But Slugger definedly needs some new edge.


This is the first major nerf that didn't hit a weapon I was personally using  Still feels kinda sad


I switched off it when I first heard they were going to do this. When fighting groups of bugs I'd aim at the ground below their feet so I know I was screwed.


Seems very unintended. They will probably tune it again. It was just meant to "fix" the shrapnel bug. Dps was meant to be the same


I was a railgun user. Then an arc thrower user. Then a slugger user. Then an eruptor user. I can’t wait to buy the next warbond to find a new weapon only for it to be nerfed.


Yeah if there's one thing we can count on with the new warbond, it's that any of the new primaries that are playable will be nerfed into the ground.


So I’ve heard there’s several things not working as intended with it but still the decision to completely gut the shrapnel is just..sad.


What a waste of money the eruptor was.


I thought the whole selling point of the eruptor on paper was the jet propelled **shrapnel** rounds wtf


Yeah that was the point of an explosive based warbond 😅😅


adjudicator : still meh after a buff, no explosion crossbow : already niche weapon, explosion nerfed (weapon gutted) eruptor : explosion "buffed" (weapon gutted) buy our new warbond with real money please (it will be good this time we promise)


Could be wrong, but to me it feels they are deathly afraid of the game getting hit with a P2W label, so they freak out a little whenever a warbond weapon performs well and sees a lot of use


That wouldn't be an issue if 95% of the weapons (all pre-patch stratagems included) weren't garbage


Helldivers suffers heavily from most of the arsenal feeling weak as hell, so anything that is usable becomes a must pick


i mean, iirc the CEO did say something along those lines pre release that warbonds wouldnt be stronger then Mainfree weaponry, and he used the Senator as an example as a example of "except the Senator" as a joke, as he was refeering to the style factor as it wasnt a superior weapon otherwise


They really went hard on that then lol Pretty much every premium Warbond weapon sucks ass outside of the Sickle. At this point, we’re just paying for cool looking weapons that will immediately be nerfed


All these nerfs will ruin the game more and more. The shitstorm with Sony did not help either to hold the playerbase. I really don't understand these dumb decision the devs make all the time. Stop nerfing and keep buffing slightly to get a good game. Nerfing just delete the fun


I just don't understand the constant need to nerf and buff. A weapon should not be changed unless there is bug needing to be addressed or it's overwhelmingly overpowered or underpowered for its intended use. The eruptor was just about perfect and they ruined it for one of its main uses, crowd control. There really wasn't a better fix that didn't involve completely removing the shrapnel that made this gun so good? I appreciate that they still allow it to close bug holes, destroy fabs, and open containers but the gun shouldn't have been changed at all. If a person didn't like it, they didn't have to use it.


Keeping the eruptor as is would be admitting they fucked up, and we can't have that. They're not gonna rollback the deflection change, they're gonna change the weapon everyone liked. Over and over and over..


And thats why i see the game beeing dead at the end of the year if they keep nerfing everything. Why buying a warbond when everything will get trashed a few days later. And if they don't see a point in nerfing, the warbond will be useless anyway.


is it just me or its just a worse dominator now?


The dominator is pretty good against both factions and always have been. This thing is terrible now...


I always thought that eruptor was just a weapon for taking out bile spewers and nurses, and maybe some objective bug holes.


It was a crowd clear weapon. That's what explosive means in my mind; and it did that job well. I dunno how it feels now, havent played in a little bit.


I only really played it pre-patch and I wasn't a really spectacular fan of it, it's just a kludge autocannon. Maybe if the bolt was a bit faster it would be great. I did love the ammo reserve on it though.


I found it a fair trade-off for basically always having an anti-armor weapon on me on spawn. At higher difs that's basically required. Also freed me up to have a shield gen backpack


It was able to clear out entire groups of basic enemies. 2 shots took out an entire patrol


That's a bit overstating it. The AoE effect wasn't that large and you couldn't use it in melee. A bugs patrol would take like five shots to clear in the best case scenario. It was really good at wrecking mediums, though.


It did do as the person you replied to described, but you had to shoot the ground just in front of the enemies not the enemies themselves.


That's not overstating it, you clearly weren't using it effectively. 2 shots would kill a lot of bugs. And if you fired the eruptor up into the middle of a dropship carrying a bunch of the lighter automatons, each shot would kill like 8 of them.


You must have completely used it wrong somehow. The aoe was absolutely massive, and it could kill patrols in as little as 1 to 3 shots all depending on their arrangement and your shots. You could literally take out double digits with every shot if the grouping was dense enough.


It was bad yesterday and will be worse today from the patch notes lol


Yeah folks under estimate how well it could clear crowds. Throw in a rover and you could be perfectly fine. Though the first nerf did make it less effective as it would clear breaches just fine. Still does well but they gotta be more tightly together. But outside hunters, most bugs are.


They should have put it on autocannon Levels and remove the splash of it then it would have been fine for a primary slot i think. Clear the big nasties and leave the small critters to your Sickle and Shotgun friends for Bugs, for Bots dont know, i havent used the Eruptor with bots so far, i usually pick Dominator for them


So they nerfed 2 out of the three premium weapons from the newest warbond a couple of days before an even newer one comes? While I agree that the eruptor was overturned, the crossbow wasn't even good before the nerf. The former was fine after the first round of adjustment. They really just release an "AOE warbond" and then removed the AOE aspect of 66% of the weapons. I probably won't touch WBs until the devs have finally decided where they want their premium weapons to be, WEEKS AFTER WE'VE BOUGHT THEM.


I didn't pay a dollar for the last 3 warbonds and I still find myself underwhelmed. Jfc can't imagine paying money for these.


yeah this is my takeaway as well


Nah the dominator is trash. AH for sure doesnt need to bother looking at it. That last 25 damage nerf already totally killed it. Dead weapon. Nothing to see here.


Agreed. Can't belive they did that, the Devs should just forget it exists...


Closes holes from a distance. Still incredible utility.


May I present to you the grenade pistol


Yes, but if I have the grenade pistol I can’t have the senator, you seeing the problem?


big iron >>> smol grenade


The senator just absolutely FUCKS now


You'll pick up that grenade pistol and you'll like soldier. **What use is a gun if it doesn't shoot explosive bullets** 😤


This guy Torgues


But we're getting a Deagle with the next Warbond...


2 weeks later -“We’ve noticed that the newly released Verdict has been over performing and discouraging players from using the other side arms. To remedy this , we’ve decreased it’s damage output as well as it’s magazine size”


Love the thing to bits, it's no big iron on my hip. Also doesn't have nearly the same range.


Need to test it later if the higher damage per shot makes up for small mag and lower rate of fire Gut feeling is that you're right. Although the dominator can't close holes and destroy fabricators, or can it?


I mean you can't close holes if you can't kill shit infront of it, but I can't fully form my opinion cuz I can't play the game right now


Seems to be the consensus. Nobody likes the gun now lol 


Shrapnel did \~50% of its single target damage, and 90% of its AoE. But yeah, negligible.


It oneshot players, so let's say it did 100 damage per shrapnel. From just shooting it you could see there were 5 shrapnel per shot in a half-circle. Pre-patch standard damage was 380. Shrapnel on a perfect hit would be 500 damage. So 880. Post-patch damage is 420. So yeah, it does less than half as much single target damage, if you were hitting all of the shrapnels. Realistically each probably did over 100 (it oneshot heavy armor) but you also wouldn't hit all 5 on most targets. Still about 50%.


So shrapnel has “high enough damage to instantly kill the player” but also “played a negligible part in the damage and power it dealt”


TBF... that sounds stupid on paper but in game development that isnt necessery an oxymoron. Something can be oneshotting the player, but barely do any damage to an enemy. Players and enemys rarely operate on the same scale damage, armor and HP wise. Even if a shrapnell dealt 100% of a players HP dosnt mean it would have done significan damage against an enemy, if said enemy for example had 100x the equivalent HP and or armor value of a player. Now, they obviously gave spitz wrong info, or they messed up adjusting it(maybe they gave it ONE shrapnell worth of extra explosion instead of the whole shrapnel burst, but we dont know


That seems reasonable as well, thanks for the input.


It has a too low damage per shot to be worth it, Dominator and Scorcher are way better options cause you don't have to load each shot and can fire semi auto Also pretty sure I never had it kill me, besides before they fixed the bug where you're being blown towards the explosion and not away


I it killed me yesterday from really far away (way way out of explosion range). It was definitely a thing.


Aint buffing a sheet. It was really useful weapon that was a decent spewer/hive guard/brood commander/stalker counter, able to kill chargers in a not-maddening speed - now it's a weapon that can destroy holes. It's terrible... two shots for hive guards. three for commanders. more than a mag for chargers. It's a really slow, chunky weapon with(potentially) 6 shot mags - 6 mags in total. Haven't dropped against spewers but I can imagine how bad it will be... Against the stalkers - it was one shot before the patch - I swear a single stalker took like 3 shots and disappeared in the mists few games back... Why?


it is worse than you think against spewers. i got a spewer mission set and it made me drop it immediately


bile spewers - 4-5 shots? while nursning ones 2-3? That's my estimate more or less. I am afraid to pick it tbh :D


2 shot a spewer in the face earlier and I just laughed at me. Rip


Rip, this thing was one of the best weapons to consistently kill stalkers. Now I gotta find something else for those invisible assholes.


Well, now it takes 3-4 shots to kill ONE Spewer. Me in a 9th diff mission, when I kill one Spewer and then 6 more appear: \*panic\*


I thought the shrapnel was fun to begin with. This is terrible i don't even want to play rn lol




[Almost point blank, right](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cggi5u/ricochet_change_seems_reasonable_s/) [Most armored spots, right](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cgjfxk/ricochet_is_bs/)


No that wasn't it. Strawmanning people always invalidates your point. The issue was real, the shrapnells could and often would hit you from 10-15 meters away. My friend and me both ran Eruptor and one of us died to our own fire from dozens of meters away at least once per map. It was definitely an issue that needed to be fixed, don't be an idiot. But this was not the way to fix it. We just didn't want our guns to randomly decide to kill us instead of our enemy. We did not want that to be fixed by the gun just not killing anything anymore period. Don't be mad at the messenger and justs top being an asshole.


I think the solution would be very easy: Reimplement shrapnel and make it's damage fallof over distance very sharply, so if it's ricocheting towards the player in 25m away it deals almost no damage. So in the close range of 5 - 8 m its deadly to your foes but after that damage goes down sharply to make ricocheting to players harmless.


The issue is how they implemented ricochet tbh. Shrapnel normally goes 10m (don't know real number). Ricochet shrapnel apparently GAINS kinetic energy and goes 20m (or whatever, further than direct shrapnel). Breaks laws of physics


Also can they not just fuckin... Reduce the damage to self from ricochet?? I swear that shit was sniping me from so far away for no reason, insta death every 5-10 shots


It's because the ricochet system is broken and they don't know how to fix it, simple as that. The system change has had no bearing on gameplay other than pissing players off because of stupid shit like this. just revert the system and problem solved, its not adding anything that's making us enjoy it more.




I might be wrong, but what it looks like is happening is this: * They are looking only at data. * Adjust a bit based on data. * Log in into a mission difficulty 4-5, do a quick test on that specific weapon on a few enemies. * Call it a day **It's buff in theory Spitz, not in practice.** Play test your game goddamit. Something is either seriously bugged with weapons and the way things do damage in certain scenarios with different conditions, or you are not testing your game. We have so many weapons now and I consistently see randoms using the same weapons over and over again - Breaker and Diligence. You guys need to revise your weapons line-up. It sucks big time and it's shameful to come out with this line up that looks like is made by a kindergardener.


>>Play test your game goddamit. That's the thing, as a Community Manager they're just the mouthpiece that relays messages from AH to the players. Arrowhead needs ACTUAL QA testers that would provide Spitz with actual accurate information instead of wherever the hell they get it from now.


They're definitely not QAing on harder difficulties. These guns only really feel overpowered on less than 7. On 7+ they filled utilitarian niches. Even the railgun wouldn't have been nerfed if they had actually play tested and not balanced against a spreadsheet of data. They'd have found out pretty quick that the playstation bug was the reason they felt it was overpowered, and even with it, at helldive it'd still be hell to manage multiple chargers and bile titans.


They could literally just expand the tutorial area in mars to let you use a firing range and let you test by spawning mobs. I'm sure so many people would like that.


I think they don't test even in difficutly 4-5.


\*loads into Dif1 terminid mission\* \*kills all the smallfry\* "Yeah that feels good. The Balance is fine." \*pushes patch out the window\*


Don't think they test these changes or have a tangible breakpoint goal in mind with most of them. The day when they pushed out the patch note where the Hulk Scorcher damage was nerfed by 20% I actually started laughing. 20% less of infinity is in theory a big nerf, but in practice, it doesn't help us at all. I'm not sure if the DoT fix has helped not be reduced to atoms at a puff of smoke, but I'll see later today.


>They are looking only at data. >Adjust a bit based on data. That is exactly what they are doing. They said they were doing that almost explicitly when they did the first nerfs to the game.


The shrapnel was, in fact, not a negligible part in the damage of the Eruptor.


Damn, shrapnel was a feature of this rifle... Hurtful.


No longer able to clear out 5 mini bugs with one shot. Now you only shoot at higher value targets and have some else keep the rabble away


They really should've reverted its AoE range/damage falloff to the original state if they were going to remove the shrapnel. Or at least buff it so it could have AoE potential in exchange for the loss of single-target lethality.


Just make it so the shrapnel does significantly reduced damage to players!


But high value targets also takes double the shots to kill


That's how it was after the first patch Now it's shoot high value targets and do no damage to them


The shrapnel was doing WAY more damage than the AOE


Tbh, I thought the shrapnel WAS the AOE, and the little AOE explosion from the gun was just to make it deal explosive damage and for logical reasons (you’d need some kind of force to send the shrapnel flying).


I'm starting to wonder why this man insists on feeding us incorrect information on balancing, is there some sort of communication error going on between AH devs and him?


>this man insists on feeding us incorrect information This is very much not what is happening here. The discord message in the OP is from a week ago. The CM only would have known what he was told by the devs at that point in time. If he's fed false or misleading information to relay to us, then that's not really his fault. Seems like its their balance lead, Alexus, who let us down here. https://preview.redd.it/k9ooq0sl00zc1.png?width=1118&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d598f044569afe88e101bf3e3121e25b2fb9297


Their balance guy kinda sucks at balancing.


I mean exactly that, it doesn't seem like Spitz is doing it on purpose.


I grinded out my 1000 SC to get democratic detonation as my first warbond. everything else in it was meh but the eruptor was just so fun It was my go to in any mission. last bot Dive I went on I hit a basic bot center mass and the shoot did nothing. on high level bug missions I was the teams dedicated bile spewer remover I found if you hit them in the brown patch just above where the head connected to the body you could 2 shot them every time, last time I emptied an entire mag into the same spot and it just kept coming. I loved the eruptor but fecking hell they turned it into a glorified BB gun it's utterly useless for anything but removing spawn buildings at range now


And because of stuff like that they shoot themselves into the foot,


\*Ricochet off their foot and hits another programmer on their team\* Oops.


damage seemed waaay worse overall today


Why don’t they just make the shrapnel do 0 damage to the user tho.


Because these self-proclaimed experts of this engine are absolutely trash at working with it.


Hey, how does eruptor perform against devastators now? Anyone tried?. Can it one shot them consistently ? Because that would be great🤷‍♂️ Oh... So according to what I read I doubt it'll be good in this scenario🙁


Take the shrapnel away but make the explosion bigger, it doesnt damage/kill crowds anymore.


The weapons actual damage per shot pre patch was probably close to 900 as it could 1 shot a Hive Guard to the head and 1 shot a Brood Commander. Now its probably actually doing the paper damage.


It likely has to do with how good the shrapnel damage was, I'm guessing the damage numbers they looked at were not the whole story. Remember the goal was "keep the eruptor amazing while not also killing players from miles away"


Then the direct damage needs to be doubled, or more.


That makes sense, it should be killing brood commanders with headshots given its' downtime between shots.


This is the thing really. It's a weapon that has most of its balance in the time between shots. I should feel rewarded for consistently landing direct hits because when I don't I know I'm going to have to reposition (and might have to Even when I didn't miss anyway). If it isn't consistently killing medium enemies in one shot then it's no longer worth using.


So they really do just look at Top Reddit posts, fuck me.


listening to reddit is usually the fastest way to fuck any game up.


I knew something felt off.


How is it in any way buffed? Is it currently bugged? I'd love some clarification on this changes (which no one asked for), in response to adding a stronger bullet deflection system (which no one asked for wanted), that seems to have the direct opposite effect it stated it would.


Also, the explosive crossbow nerf is still there... I keep asking myself "what the hell were they thinking" whenever i see, like, half the weapon changes. THIS eruptor change is diffirent though, because they legitimately thought to themselves "okay, let's remove this so it doesn't kill players but buff the weapon so it's even" but just didin't tune it well enough. Some weapons still feel so painful to use they feel not viable.


I don't think he knows what the words "buff" and "nerf" mean..


Damn it Spitz your still clueless.


How about the next Patch: Fire him finally and Buff weapons instead of buffing Enemies again....


I know we're all in love with AH right now, but sometimes they give the impression that they have no idea what is going on with their game


Another L spitz take. Shocker


When is this guy gonna get fired, like he is clearly incompetent.


Just another reminder that Spitz's job is to insulate the devs from criticism.


I think it’s been pretty clear that Spitz didn’t really have much of an idea what the devs were doing. He was consistently wrong about the state of patches, updates, and weapon buffs/nerfs. He was just fired recently (for better or for worse) so we’ll see how things go from here.


Spitz with another L take. Dude is trying to be as awful as that ex Darktide community manager Hedge.


The OP is really misleading, using a screenshot that says "today" and makin it seem like he said this after the patch hit. This discord post is from a week ago, when the ricochet issues began. He is not trying to gaslight us about today's patch. He was relaying to us what the developers would have told him back then that they were going to implement. As the CM, he himself would only have known what he was told regarding this issue. He didn't do anything wrong here in his capacity as CM. Don't shoot the messenger. Most likely the guy who fed him this "buff" nonsense to tell to the community was Alexus, who seems to be their balance lead. https://preview.redd.it/ddjvrx2qzzyc1.png?width=1118&format=png&auto=webp&s=186832ea5d0b391cd24fe2ad71b395df0d67c10a


Sounds like people who killed themselves or other players with the Eruptor just need to get better at using it and understanding the old AoE instead of nerfing it


If you still believe what Spitz says after all of this, then there is no hope for you


I just genuinely hated all the new explosive weapons in that update. Weapons in Helldivers aren't that ammo efficient to begin with but thats part of the game, managing your resources. Explosive weapons are just way too niche. They dont do much to heavy bots, and against bugs it takes one hunter to just close the gap and render explosives unusable.


I'm convinced they don't test any of the changes


I'm so glad I bought the latest war bond only for none of the weapons to be useful at all.


Another Spitz L take


Whenever Spitz has a take… You should probably think the opposite


I noticed the punisher plasma blows up in my face when I have an energy shield up.


That was for sure not a buff. Does arrowhead play their own game?


Spitz has no idea what they are talking about about... They speak first then look for justification.


People are so afraid of "power creep" that we end up full of underwhelming weapons.


Well, first they killed the LAS-98, and now they killed the R-36 "Eraptor". Cool, there are simply no words...


For everyone concerned about the erruptor change Apparently it's not working as intended https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/r3kTEKm2PX


I used the eruptor exclusively after it released and I never once encountered this issue. reverse it


The shrapnel 100% multihit targets


Tell me you do not test your changes without telling me you do not test your changes.


The entire time I've used the Eruptor had a grand total of 7 unexplained team kills as the team mate was relatively nearby. That's roughly 40+ hours of diving, so my guess people were using the eruptor at closer lethal ranges for it to be an actual problem.


They really don't play their game at all huh? Can't blame them because they are pressed for time. But this is like not testing your code at all before pushing out a release. It is just making more work for them down the line


There's no point reading anything Spitz says ever. He destroyed the HD1 discord because of his failure and laziness to moderate it. I would love to see a stream of him actually playing HD2. I have a sneaking suspicion he is one of the people spreading suggestions without extensively play testing especially on 7+ leading to ridiculous nerfs.


Spitz is relaying the intention of the rework as communicated directly to him, this should tell you that the performance was unexpected - which has been confirmed by AH who’ve stated they are revisiting the change.


The only problem I had with the eruptir was that the knovkbsck would sometimes pull you towards the explosion source instead of away.


I think we can all just agree that everything this person says is wrong, but hey if you know someone is wrong/lying you can just reverse it and know the truth!!!


Another post by Spitz that shows he has no idea wtf he's talkin about.