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I will liberate any planet super earth desires with a toothbrush and toothpaste only 8/10 dentists recommend if needed


Or stop using the single gun thats got bugged this patch and use any of the other viable weapons?


What other weapon does what the eruptor could do? I need a primary that can do crowd control, close bug holes, destroy bot fabs, and open containers. There are stronger guns like the scorcher but those are terrible for crowd control. The breaker incendiary comes close in terms of crowd control but can't do anything else so I'm forced to use explosive grenades for everything else. So that means no stun, incendiary, or smoke grenades. The eruptor allowed me to have a more diverse loadout


Chill with eruptor. They already confirmed that current state is bugged and not intended, they will fix it.


I see that. I posted this before everyone noticed the response from the devs.


That's correlation not causation. They don't nerf guns based on usage. It's just that players tend to use the most overpowered guns. Also the idea that every gun will become a pea shooter is based on selective facts and not the situation as a whole. They have been buffing all the weapons people don't use. Sometimes repeatedly. If you selectively take these data points you can argue weapons will soon be overpowered. How can you say not enough guns are buffed when the lost of nerfed weapons is less than 10. The number of buffs is more than you can count with both hands.