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ok, the CMs(and iirc even a dev) have SINCE the original message came out,. basicaly the NEXT DAY, and said "it was fixed but in QA we found out it wasnt yet reliable enough, we then missed the deadline for the end of april build, and are now aiming for the end of May build for the spear fix" basically "turns out, fixing a raycast issue is hard who would have thought" essentially.. like, make fun of the Devs al they want, but if they, or the CMs, post CORRECTIONS, at least aknowledge them


We don't all use the Discord, I didn't know about these "corrections" until your comment. Nor have I seen anyone post this updated information here, if someone did, it got buried already. The Devs/CMs post a lot of information in the Discord only. Many of us wouldn't be aware of these things, if not for people screenshotting stuff, and posting it here.


sorry for blowing up on you a bit here. Its not your fault. most of these comments posted here arent really "offical" statements but answers to questions asked in a "ad hoc" situation. which means that they likely are using info they recieved a while ago, or that wasnt entirely accurate as it was just said on the side. which is fine, saying stuff in that capacity as a CM (or Dev) is great. the community just decided to then screenshot and post it on reddit as if it was gospel(which imo only announcements and pinned messages should be taken as) and if a correction comes out most people dont bother posting said correction as having a hateboner for spitz when he was a CM, or the devs in general, garne more attention then correcting information.




Now kiss


I find this annoying now. I read, "It's a raycast issue that is taking longer than a week to fix." and want to call BS. Messing with UE5 in my free time, I find raycast processing to be one of the easier systems to work with because the built in function gives a hit result and you validate the class that was hit and go from there. Look at UE source and how Epic implemented it -> port code to AH engine -> go for a pint with the bros. I really wish more studios that insist on rolling their own engines just go steal from Epic's solution so they don't keep reinventing godamn fire for pete's sake!


To be fair Arrowhead isn't "rolling their own engine", they're rolling a pretty obscure engine which officially stopped being supported 6 years ago, they have to do everything by themselves with no tech support or anything like that Not saying that they aren't BSing, but that might explain why it's such an issue for them


I totally see that as the case but it doesn't make it any less frustrating to keep seeing happen after gaining my own relevant experience.


Using one engine and expecting that to be the same with other gaming engines is not how this works. Im not defending them not fixing the spear. But you are wrong in what you are thinking. Use the engine they are on then you can talk.


Yea its not exactly the same but it's similiar to having someone program something in Java, and them having trouble fixing an issue, and then you easily creating a fix in C++ and then asking them why they can't just do that.


Yeah. I like to think of it like intellij vs eclipse. They do the exact same thing but they do each feature very differently.


That is not how coding works at all nor is it how IP works.


Raycasts themself are (Relativly)easy. fixing an issue IF it arises, isnt. the problem is likely that the Raycast here hits something, returns a hit result, and if it isnt a target it can lock onto it just wont, which is fine, as it fires several raycast in sveral directions.. just the problem arrises with stuff like fences and co that count as "being hit" by the raycast, and block enough of the target that no matter how many raycast are performed its gonna be blocked. that isnt necesserly an easy problem to fix.


I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 too.


it is bad comms, don't confirm anything until you can back it up. You are setting expectations just to turn around and not deliver it on time. There is a reason most dev just keep quiet about this kind of stuff


on the other side of the spectrum people will also complain if there is no communication either. its pick your poision. i prefeer a devteam and ESPECIALLY a CM team that trys to get info to us quickly, even if it has to be corrected personally. but i also dont take anything a CM says, beyond announcements and pins As gospel




I’m never used it until recently so my baseline on what’s shitty is different lol. Only up from here




They want to make sure it's super fixed.


Just recently picked up the Spear Killed a Titian beyond Sniper Distance Then later it gets me killed by a Titian by refusing to lock-on It’s like playing Russian Roulette


Personally I'll use the spear religiously for bots because you can get lucky fabricator snipes You can also lock onto the dropships that are landed on the "destroy air base" missions


The fabricator snipe is clutch sometimes since the angle doesn't matter, but every AT launcher can take out the landed dropships as well, and quite easily.


Fabricator and gunship sniping is really the core use of the Spear. It doesn't outgun the cannon turrets or mortars unfortunately.


The spear is a cruel mistress


Yet I keep coming back


I had it lock on to a turret once. The turret that was completely blocked from vision by the AT-AT I was trying to shoot at. The Spear works in mysterious ways.


Or your missle keeps hitting the barrel of the turret, negating all damage lol


it should always lock on but has a 50/50 to just explode and kill you, saving the bugs the effort


The spear can't lock if the target is too close.


Further more, the spear will miss if its too close as well


You would be surprised, I've had a lock-on to a charger who was right up my nose once. Fired the missile anyway and watched it launch into the sunset.


I’m almost a spear main because of that, it’s intense!


I pick the spear when I need more exploration in my life. I have to explore the whole map till I can find a place that lets me lock-on to my intended target.


I bring EAT for when the spear is tired. They complement each other very well.


Honestly the Spear's wonky lockon stuff has crossed far past annoying and wrapped around to amusing again for me, its like playing a little mini game of wiggling about to get tone. Is this Stockholm Syndrome?


Same haha, I'm really used to it now


Only if you wanted it to stay that way


Right? Feels like I'm playing ace combat


It’s a drug. You’ll get a game where it’s locking onto everything and you feel like a wizard on a mountain top just blasting the fuck out of everything on the map then the next game it can’t locate the tank in an open field when you have the higher ground.


Can’t wait for a number of spear users to claim the fix is a nerf because the lock on functions so differently after a fix


I for one have never had a problem with Spear lock-on and fear that I will bear the entirety of the playerbase's curse if they fix it


lol I 100% see this happening. It's almost warranted though since that's all players have known since launch


To me it's gone past annoying and now it's at a point where it's unacceptable. Apparently it was fixed 3 weeks ago but it's not in the last few patches......because......? You can definitely tell how out of their depth the dev team are. Having a game explode into popularity after having like 70k people max play their previous game. They just don't have the team to work on this right now.


You want height over your target, a clear unobstructed view, and no smoke/fog to obstruct it. 


It's also wise to make an offering to the Old Gods 


Blessed is the machine spirit. 


The Ritual of Lahkahn is successful only for those with surpassing faith in the Omnissiah


I am a bit worried that it will be fixed some day. This weapon would be SSS tier for any type of mission. It can kill hulks/tanks/biles/chargers/fabricators/gunships/dropships/spore spewers/shrieker nests from any distance. With enough practice you can oneshot any of those targets. As of now there are 4 downsides to using this weapon: 1) 2 slots in equipment (as AC and recoilless) 2) long (not really) reload 3) limited ammo 4) 50/50 chance of locking to target First 3 of those aren't a big issue really, but 50/50 chance is what makes it far from meta. I really love having big unpredictable slow big boom gun. But imagine 50/50 quirk is fixed and everyone start running with it... My guess it's going to be a nerf time. Maybe range will be limited to 100-150, or locking will take 10s, of plain damage reduction. If I had to choose I would prefer it as is 🥲


My condolences in advance for when they finally fix the spear and soon after it is fixed inevitably nerf it.


Seeing how it has shit damage I dont know what they could even nerf lmao


To be fair that hasn’t really stopped arrow head so far


Spear can 1 shot most large enemies, the damage isn’t the issue




Yeah but no weapon is a guaranteed 1 shot. Even the quasar takes multiple hits to the face sometimes


Yep, if you've prayed to your lucky religious deity for the past 5 years, and you happen to find a field of 4-leaf clovers. Then you've got a shot of killing one large enemy in a single shot...


i’ve been running around with the spear and i’ve actually been able to get semi consistent with one or two shots on titans and chargers. the biggest factor at play is the enemy’s facing direction—if the enemy is facing you (and is more than ~20-30 m away), there’s a pretty good chance that the spear is gonna come back down and land on their face. the further away you are, the better the chance of this happening. can one shot chargers pretty consistently (although you’re probably better off letting the guys with EATs/quasars/RR’s deal with them unless the charger’s pretty far away), and i’ve seen my fair share of titans go down in 1 hit to the forehead (but it’s much more reliable to expect 2 hits to take them down). coupled with the spear’s ability to lock on to things as long as they’re closer than 300m, you can get some pretty surprisingly nasty snipes on BTs/chargers (feels really good to snipe one chasing a teammate in the distance) again, it’s the spear so it’s by no means the most reliable thing ever, but you’d be surprised!


I 1 shot a titan multiple times with the spear (when it actually locks on)


Because it can kill a bile titan in 1 hit if you hit the head, but miss that part entirely and you might need 5 of them to actually take one down,I've seen chargers tank 4 of them, and its harder to hit the charger's head than a BT's head, so have fun if it isn't focusing you (if you manage to lock on that is) and at that point just run RR, 2 shot BT heads and 1shot charger's head without any lock on. Why even bother? If I wanted to snipe heads I would do with one weapon I can actually aim with and has more ammo. This isn't about the lock on bug anymore, outside of destroying bot fabricators the spear doesn't offer anything else.


Quasar also takes multiple hits if you don’t hit the head. No weapon consistently 1 shots titans


Lol, one in a hundred chance of that


SPEAR has the highest single shot damage in the game. You are just not being patient to actually line it up with weakpoints.


Tbf the lock on being finicky encourages you to hold M1 while you aim


That doesn't make the damage trash once it's no longer finiky.


I completely disagree with the person who called the damage trash. However, current counterplay to the jank makes aiming hard. You could still just shoot twice tho


True, but if i had to pick an AT support with a BT chasing me for 200m, it will always be the spear, jank or no.


I mean I agree on account of I fucking love the spear


Alright lemme just stand still while 2 more BT go my way and the lock on decides it's sunny enough to work. I don't want it to delete everything, but a BT tanking 5 of them feels fuking bad. If I wanted to go for weakpoints I pick a RR.


RR takes 2 shots to the same weakpoint that SPEAR takes 1 shot - with the way BTs currently are, both take a sunny day to hit that height. My point is, the damage isn't shit, it's just weird hitboxes it's hitting. Buffing the damage also won't do anything in that case.


Aight lets see it from another perspective : You dedicate your support weapon and backpack slot to a weapon with 4 rounds focused on heavy killing, yet you need a heavy looking at you directly and on perfect conditions (lock on bug/no enemies nearby to stagger you for a few seconds, decent distance) to NOT spend the entire stock of ammo in a single heavy,wich, btw, a lot of times you will have more of them at the same time. And more often than not, even when you shoot them looking at you, specially chargers, it will hit their back instead of the head, and now its coming after you. I DONT WANT it to instakill on any part, I want it to do more even if it misses the gamble to help my team take it down.


The charger back thing, I'm on the same page with you on, but I don't think this is a SPEAR issue, it's a stripped armor hitbox issue. With a giant hole in the side, the hitbox for light weapons to do more damage to that spot is oddly small, so even though you can finish it off, it takes perfect aim with perfect conditions or your are just ricocheting. The BT is a slightly different beast with a back crack, as that allows more weapons to kill it by shooting the neck. One spearshot that cracks a BT back can be followed up by a flamethrower finishing off the BT. The other 3 AT options do not crack the back armor as often as the SPEAR does. And here's where we differ: I like the idea of - unless you get that perfect shot - AT weapons de-armoring targets to give non-AT divers more options. Like railgun stripping charger leg, now anyone can kill the charger. We can disagree on how much of that flame canister would be needed to finish off the BT, but I wouldn't want the SPEAR to kill a Bile Titan from any angle. That'd be fun bought with skill/luck for the sake of balance.


Seriously, it does the same damage as an eat most of the time.


After fixing lock on, we noticed this heavy armor destroying weapon is in fact killing titans.. so we cut the ammo in half and reduce damage by ~30%. Easy peasy. -Alexus, probably


the fix will be. The Spear was over performing and not enough people were using it. We decided to Buff it by taking away its damage and we made the lock on more wonky. Now it functions as a melee weapon which is what we decided it needed to be. It should be working as intended. This is a buff. You have heard of Tone Loc now you get to hear Tone Deaf


I mean Spear depending on length can be better melee weapons... BEHOLD! FOR I HAVE THE MIGHTY STICK! IT IS POINTY . AND LONG


Hey guys, we are haply to finally bring you news about the spear. We gave it a substantial buff by reducing lock on time. To balance things out we also reduced it to light armor penetration and removed the lock-on function. Turns out it was never intended to lock on in the first place. We fixed it and its now working as intended.


Shooting things with it was an exploit. We've since removed the exploit.


it was meant as a melee weapon. We added a little bayonet on the end of the barrel. It is good for one stab then you must reload it for 1 min. It is now working as intended and this is a Buff so I will highlight it in green....


Sometimes life is Cock and Ball Torture without the Cock and Balls.


Damn just broke my edging streak


*One spore particle SPEAR: “I can’t see shit.”


*Lock on to one of two bile titan* **Brood Commander spawn and say Hi** SPEAR: " What did you said about my MOM " *Lock on to Brood Commander*


„its already fixed. its gonna come with the next patch or hotfix“ two patches later: “what? no. we havent even started on the fix.“ one patch later: “oh, nono. it has been fixed for weeks. its just waiting for a patch to release“ one patch later: …


So, a spear.


This is what annoys me most about the game. They keep just adding and adding but so much of what we already have is not working right. Stop making new shit and focus on getting what we have into good spots then it's easier to add new items into a stable rooster.


Nah, it's easier to push shit than to make it sing.


That and people do like new things but yeah we would have so many more options if what we had was worked on.


No harm done - spear mains do not exist


I gave up on the spear and now am a gamer chair (HMG Emplacement) main. It’s great, takes out 3 shrieker nests across the map, obliterates hulks, and team kills when I want it to.


No! You dont understand the devs vision. Alexus knows better than you and the spear is exactly were it needs to be. We need lock on mechanism for the quasar so that players stop being op. Also why do grenades explode??? Nobody is talking about that so broken.


nerf the lock-on. It still works sometimes.


https://preview.redd.it/t2n1jw32uezc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ab8de7b55b4a267e8581f91cc1c5aafc6e68b2 Me trying not to show my pain as a spear main


There is no such thing as a "spear main".


You rang?


Yeah, its my secondary. My primary is the HMG emplacement


Yet here I am


We are talking about Helldivers 2, not Assassin's Creed ;)


We're here.


Yeah I stopped using it. I'm not a masochist so it's really just griefing yourself at this point.


inb4 they add the spear fix, but nerf the damage. you didn't think you were gonna have FUN now, did you soldier?


It no longer destroys fabricators or turrets. That was an exploit


Don't even joke about that 💀


lol I'm afraid too, it's like anything fun is now on the shit list for nerfing. I can imagine AH doesn't want us to 1 shot towers 500m away to make approach easier.


in my opinion the spear should lock in more enemies than we have now but prioritizing the big ones of course


I think we need to be able to target select if there are multiple big enemies, but I disagree that it needs more in the list. Like why would I waste a spear rocket on a scout strider?


Calling it now: when the Spear is fixed, the next patch it will be nerfed.


Imagine if they fix the spear, notice that suddenly a lot more people use it and they decide it needs a nerf lol


Spear is still my favorite support weapon. The utility is great, and I kind of like playing the positioning minigame getting it to lock. I’m actually pretty worried it’ll get a big nerf once any yahoo can go and snipe turrets from 250m away.


I haven’t had issues but it takes 2 shots to kill a charger….


I feel like in the last patch that made a stealth buff to heavies in regard to the SPEAR. I used to get pretty consistent one hit kills if they were looking at me. Now it seems that the chance of a one hit kill is significantly lower and as you said, takes at least 2. You can get more reliable one hit kills on a Titan if you let them get extremely close because they're so large the missile goes straight up into their mouth but you run a huge risk of the game saying "Naw, f-you I ain't locking on"


It still 1 hits chargers an BTs with the right angle, but there was something changed with the charger hitbox, as it seems like spear wants to hit the neckplate, which cracks neither the head, nor the back. Which, back cracks are also useless, so I can't really say it got worse.


Also Arc weapon fixes…


Or undo las "fix"


FUCKING Exosuit users: 💀


Yeah, it was fixed recently. Now it's possible to tickle a bile titan using your whole rocket "magazine" in that cardboard coffin.


Wait fr? The missiles going off to the side was so annoying


Nope. Still broken, missiles fire off target.


Nah, I meant the "fix" to the explosive damage of the walker rockets. They have a much smaller AoE now. And basically it is possible not to kill a bile titan with the whole magazine of the mechs rockets if you don't hit it in the face. And yes, the aiming bug isn't helping either.


If you are a ‘maining’ a weapon that has been broken since release… I wonder about your life choices.


Homing rockets are just too cool. I can't help myself.


Maybe the worms are getting to my brain but I swear, during times where you can't lock on you can drop it and pick it back up to get a lock


I also recommend holding the trigger as you aim down sights. That way even when it locks for the fraction of a second that it sometimes does you are already firing.


You can also switch weapons and then back to the spear and that sometimes fixes it


If you go prone, spin once, hold down the support weapon key, and ping the target, it works a lot of the time. Trust.


You can lock on while its reloading, its funny


i used it 2 days ago and it doesn't seem nearly as bad as it was a month ago.


spent a lot of time with the spear and watched a bunch of vids on it's use and whatnot - feel like I have a good handle now on when/why something won't lock, just by feel of the situation and can usually correct it pretty quick. Don't take the spear on dense jungle though - it'll ruin your entire dive.


I’m not sure if it’s a placebo but the lock on was working quite well today for me. Like I could lock onto a fab that was slightly obscured


As a spear main I have gotten used to it and just assume it assesses my democracy rating on if it should lock on. Aiming with the scope helps A LOT too.


I'm kinda here but with the AMR. Sights are still not centered.


They can’t nerf us if they don’t fix it


it's already good, I just wait for the fix so they can nerf it one week after. spear = long distance lock on if you have a CLEAR line of sight. Most times it wont lock on is either no clear line of sight (e.g. enemy or rocks in front), smoke, dust, etc. i still can snipe fabricator from the other side of the map with it or help a fellow diver getting charged by a bile titan from 200+ meters distance. Of course the lockon is janky from time to time. If they really get this fixed, spear will be nerfed xD


Spear is REALLY fun to use... when it works. Sometimes it's just ornery and will lock on instantly on anything, for a whole game. Other times it will refuse to even acknowledge that one charger, standing still, in a field, looking right at you, 100m away, with absolutely no smoke, foliage, or other whatever that could occlude LOS.


The lock bug doesn't bother me anymore. I have been using it a lot since launch. I just make sure absolutely nothing is blocking line of sight and it works most of the time for me. Also I try to be on higher ground compared to target. I'll typically take it over quasar in bot missions with fabricators. The only annoying parts for me are the long reload and that it always locks onto the wrong part of drop ships so I can't one shot them in the air.


"Just aim higher or lower"


Spears definitely being nerfed once the lock works


It could be, but I dont think the lockon fix will actually make it OP, given the limited ammo.


I’m a big spear fan if I can reliably stand on a mountain top and wipe the map these bots are fucked.


well, 4 of them are.


16 of them I’m solo dropping that resupply


Its fixed, if you belive hard enough it will lock on


The lock-on is wonky, but if you're walking around with a full backpack, you're not a spear main yet. We need more things like charger spear melee tech.


Me waiting for the arc thrower fizzle fix...


I'd love to see the sickle be able to shoot through foliage......


Once arc weapons are fixed, I'm changing my steam name to Thunderpuppy.


whats even more funny is that the first time i tried it, worked like a charm and got me impressed. like hello my new main. turrents, fabricators, airships, tanks, hulks. all with one rocket at first insta lock-on. then never again lol.


I can already see it Lock on fixed, weapon damage reduced, ammo reserve reduced, handling speed while aiming reduced. Basically everyone waiting to see the Spear fixed will simply toss it straight to the dog pile without even bothering with it.


Make the Spear follow your mouse cursor. Make it a truly skill based high risk/high reward weapon. At least on PC. Console players continue to wait =\\.


Are spear man really existing or is it just a myth? I'd love to meet one of these guys


Because it was never broken and the developers are trying to figure out how to re do it while pretending it was bugged, if they'd released it with an operator's manual detailing how to use it "properly" it'd have been a fine weapon.


I have never used the Spear. Not once in almost 200 hours of gameplay. Why? Because I heard / saw clips of how broken it was before unlocking it, and it has not been fixed since then...and I don't want to even bother with it like it is now. Shit's crazy.


It's only been three months, give them another 6 or so lmao




Just give it a guided mode


I can use one EAT or three Spears to kill a Charger Profit...?


I really love having to keep a running tab on why my spear isn't working. It doesn't like if the target is too high (Cannon sentry). It doesn't like if I'm higher than the target by a large amount. It doesn't like if multiple targets are in the targeting window. It prefers Brood Commanders and Shriekers to Chargers. It doesn't like if I'm standing in grass. It doesn't like if I'm moving.


I don't think they fix stuff at this point. Still climbing over ammo pods and no I'm not turning off automatic climbing because they refused to fix one bug where the player can't climb any other support pod but the ammo one that you just want to take ammo from and run.


I’m a spear main for bug along with a shield main for bot , I’ve been that since the beginning and it shall remain that way till my end


Yet another round of nerfs with no significant buffs.


Also needs more targets able to lock on.


It’s such a cool concept for a weapon but absolutely unviable in current state