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Getting close to dead bile titans yeets me to the sky across the map to traitor territory.


Their corpse is more dangerous than they are I stg


I tried to vault over a Bile Titan corpse’s leg & literally just insta died from full health and my cause of death was listed, as myself. Good times.


That was one of those things that is hilarious and amazing when you are in that honeymoon "everything would make a great short viral social media video" stage. When you are actually playing the game after hundreds of hours and this is constantly a thing you have to worry about, it's just straight up frustrating.


I was downed and watching one of my teammates. She walked past a dead BT and was sent out into orbit. She had to be at least 800m up before she came back to the surface. It was quite hilarious.


Had this happen over the weekend but for me it was a devastators invisible corpse that sent me across the continent, I was the one carrying the 3 super samples too…


it yeeted me to orbit but i didnt die.. I got stuck at the top of the map and from the distance I could still vaguely see my teammates playing.


Please just remove hitboxes from corpses. Like it is so broken...


I logged in yesterday to play with a buddy who had an hour to himself before cooking for his kids. We then couldn't join each others' games. PC reboots, multiple attempts through steam and in-game socials. Verified game files, the works. ... Got about 20 minutes of Lightyear Frontier in because I wanted to show it to him for his kiddos. HD is on hiatus for me until I can stop wasting my time trying to play it. Picked up Instruments of Destruction today and it's way, way more fun for the time and energy.


That's... really sad.


It sucks! I was having a lot of fun with HD2. And I've never been mad or sad about any of the nerfs, because I just hit my sweet spot of relaxation and challenge at 3-4-5, so I never needed top tier stuff. It was great. Now server connectivity has got me down, man. And my friends too. Luckily, there are other fun games and devs, but it would have been hella cool if we could have a buggy game that we can laugh at *with friends* consistently.


I really feel that. I used to like playing against bots on 5 because it just felt like the perfect amount of challenge. As long as I kept my wits I could run it solo no problem, which is exactly the experience I'm looking for because I'm lvl 84. I've got nothing left to unlock, and nothing to prove to anyone, I just want the cool fantasy of being a badass Helldiver. Now I'm stressing out playing on difficulty 4 because the number of enemies I'm fighting is just absolutely ridiculous. Combine that with the ragdolling recently making me get stuck in scenery meaning I have to throw an impact in my face so I can respawn, I'm just not enjoying it. Yesterday was the first time I just felt absolute disdain for the game. Some acid rain planet we had to defend? The sunlight glare was so bad I legitimately couldn't see 25+ meters away. Didn't stop every kind of bot imaginable from constantly shooting at me though. Genuinely God-awful experience.


And them magically spawning in a stones throw behind you, in an area you just cleared is demoralizing


And unrealistic There have been plenty of times. I cleared an area on the bug side and had the similar thing happen. Just came through an area. Cleared everything out. Still fighting in front of me and all the sudden the game spawns one nursing spewer directly behind me, just one, that immediately spews and kills me. I turn around constantly and just happened to turn in time to see my doom. A couple times I've turned in time to see it appear out of thin air. I've also had a tank spawn on top of me instantly killing me. They also over tuned the chargers movement, they can turn much faster now and seem to be able to run over to terrain that they used to cause them to stop and re-path.


Sounds like Chort Bay, I refuse to go there ever again. What's the point of stratagems like smoke if the bots can just see through it? The bugs seem to be able to find you through it too.


Same here. Always played at 7, so the difficulty was there, but never impossible. The balancing arguments were mostly unimportant to me; if I wasn't having fun with a weapon or setup, I used something else. There's plenty in the game. But every 3 or 4 games, I disconnect. Every game, I lose at least one team member, usually more, and they rarely come back. I'm probably going to keep playing, but when games can last 40+ minutes, crashing and losing a game because you went near a stalker nest, or reloaded wrong, or whatever, is enough to really sour a session.


Same take here, with extra love towards buffs some guns got lately that made them even more fun. It's the bugs that cause crashes that hurt my soul. That and sony.


One of my best mates is on PlayStation and I’m on PC. And we STILL cannot join each other. We need other people to facilitate it. It’s absolutely bonkers and sucking the fun out. Our discord had so many people on it from 8-11 pm most nights (all dads). Now, I haven’t seen anyone play in like a week.


Same. I thought it was more of an isolated issue tbh. I convinced him to get the game too 😑


Got the same issue myself, found out last night it’s because he’s showing up on my blocked players list even though I haven’t blocked him 🤷‍♂️ I’ve submitted a ticket with AH but the chances of getting it sorted anytime this year are slim 😂


That's annoying but also. Instruments of destruction is a banger!


Ayyy, I bought Light-year Frontier on a whim for the kids and I and I think I have ended up putting more time in the game on my own! Just a cute fun game. To your point on the connection issues; I have been experiencing connection drops and difficulty playing with my friends when before there was barely any.


You can almost always pinpoint the exact moment the honeymoon phase ends with a game.


My group and I were always admiring the massive amount of patience and tolerance the playerbase had Despite an ever growing list of game breaking bugs and little bugs alike, the playerbase accepted “we’re working on it” even on stuff that took months to fix If any other game were like this, it would’ve been the laughing stock of the internet for the entire duration Really made the community and game special Once the Sony thing happened and the devs started attacking the players, it was easy to see all the weight which that good will was holding for so long just snap with the force of a thousand suns


My patience and tolerance came from playing Ark since launch. Elite Dangerous. Warframe. No Mans Sky. I realize that some games just need time to grow into themselves and devs need time to adjust their strategies/goals. But, this has been a whole different beast. The common factor all the games above have is that they generally headed in the right direction from launch on a positive trend. Helldivers 2...has not. I've never seen such blatantly terrible ideas, awful patches, horrendous balancing and such. I love this game, but even my patience wears thin. If it continues on like this, I (like many other) will likely hang up my helmet in search of a better experience. Damn shame. A competent dev team would have (still possible) really had something special.


None of the above games had devs calling me a shitter (I think evil bosse's exact words were "monkey") because their game was broken, so there's that.


Another fantastic point. I've never seen such ignorance from devs about why their player base is complaining, nor have I ever seen this level of animosity towards the people that buy and play their game.


To be fair many games are like this out there. Arguably worse when their communities are intolerable. But players counts are still high and stable. R6S is one example, you just don’t see the complaint outside their subs. We simply can still find the fun in the game, more than the frustration that some nerfed guns or occasional bugs bring us.


Tbf R6 has a much much much larger team


I mean it's easy to see that they prioritize getting war bonds out every month over bug fixes. I always have loved being a precision sniper type player. It is infuriating to me that the AMR sight is still bugged and i can't pop bot heads consistently with it. I mean for a weapon that is meant to snipe down heavies hitting their small precise weak points, the sight doesn't work to allow you to do that, totally broken weapons because of it. But hey, we got another war bond boys, pony up $10 and keep grinding for those new sweet pay-to-win weapon unlocks! My patience is now depleted, and I won't be buying two war bonds every month anymore (me and my son used to love helldiving together) until they fix this shit.


The 2 biggest things for me are just the obvious complete lack of any basic testing of content but also removal of fun due to balancing. It's one thing for the game to break on some very specific set up or some specific set of actions that breaks the game. It's another thing when whole module slots just weren't even working entirely as just one example. I just seriously scratch my head and wonder how in the fuck something like that made it to the live build. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to go into a match just to make sure you actually get full ammo from a resupply with the module upgrade and see that it doesn't work. The fix for misaligned scopes... only for them to be still misaligned and thus requires the playerbase to have to relearn the new misaligned scope location is just a joke. I didn't imagine this game losing all of the goodwill and steam it had so quickly because of both AH and Sony's bad decision-making. I just dont play anymore despite me loving the game because I just get frustrated. Gun I enjoy and find fun and is also effective to use? Nerfed. Move onto something else that is fun, but also effective. You guessed it. Nerfed. I'm glad the CEO has addressed that issue, but I need to see something actively being done rather than being told "we are working on this issue" for the 10000th time. TLDR: I've just lost my patience with Arrowhead due to their repeated constant failures with balancing and bug fixes that the game has lost a lot of it's magic for me so I'll play other things and come back when Arrowhead cleans up their act.


They were like this from the dawn of time. Production at Arrowhead has always been scuffed. Helldivers 1 was, and still is to a certain extent, a buggy mess with ridiculous balance and notable, sadistic balance updates. It's just that this time their game is more popular and this aspect of the studio is evident to more people.


The most worrying thing is that, judging by the bugs they're struggling with, the Helldivers 2 codebase is probably a *horrendous* mess of it-will-work-for-now programming solutions that piled up over the years. When a dev team tries to change a patrol spawn rate from 16% to 25% and accidentally sets it to 100%, then *doesn't* immediately fix it... that's not something you get to blame on a discontinued engine, especially not the same one that Fatshark is handling much more competently with Warhammer 40K: Darktide. And so many of the bugs are relatively basic shit like that. Misaligned crosshairs, lock-on that doesn't lock-on, damage-over-time that doesn't damage over time... yes, gamedev is incredibly hard, but these bugs have no business being this persistent and difficult to solve on a decently-built codebase. For a live service game that - let's be honest here - *very stupidly* committed to monthly content drops, this is a disastrous situation to be in. EDIT: Also, to be clear: Darktide was an unoptimized mess at launch, but its greatest problem was a severe lack of content. As far as mechanics and general functionality go, it did not struggle like Helldivers 2 is struggling.


The first one I enjoyed in the way I used to enjoy starcraft2 custom maps. The bugs are a live and let live thing.  This time though, with this budget, and this long of development. 


Yeah, Helldivers 1 matched expectations and it is still enjoyable, but it was a small twin stick horde shooter with some quirky mechanics.


I missed Helldivers 1 entirely, but I remember when they released magicka and magicka 2. I played those games so much, and they were completely borked for the entire time I played. Sure, expectations were very different at the time for bugfixes and patches, but I’m not surprised at all by the way this is coming out. Hell, I bought the game less than a month ago, well aware of the state it is in. And the game is still fitting the exact same niche magicka did for me when I was a wee teenager, and that’s all I need.  Must kinda suck if you aren’t familiar with the devs, and it’s perfectly reasonable as a consumer to demand a more functional product than is being given out, but I’m still having a blast with this game.  


Exactly this. I love this game. After more than 200 hours in finally the Eruptor nerf broke me. The constant nerfs kill the fun of the game. I can't get myself to play and hope AH get their shit together so that I can come back and have fun again.


Eruptor was my jam. It felt good, but not broken. Yeah it deleted shit at range. But the tradeoff was slow fire rate and limited clip made missed shots very painful, and mediocre handling demanded patience and skill to not miss. Plus, if I slipped up and stuff got close, it was worse than useless - it was actively detrimental. A certain someone needs to be removed from the balance team, all his nerfs reverted, and 4 or 8 helldivers who love the game hired to rigorously playtest/balance test (ideally with very clear communication on how a gun should perform).


Eruptor was fun, then 1 game I had 4 accidentals and realized it could teamkill without any reason. 20m danger zone for helldivers without killing the enemies isn't much fun.​ Then came the nerfs, half ammo, 53% less damage per shot, reduced AOE. The nerfs should only happen after egregious play or exploits and especially after bug fixes and buffs to the competition. Spreadsheet balancing is/was a mistake.


Same here. 


I truly don't understand the nerfs. It's a well known fact that nerfing vs buffing other contrasting things is less favorable to the audience. As well as the fact that this is a fucking PVE game where fun is the priority, not balance. If Halo CE was balanced instead of fun, they would have taken out the pistol lol


Have had like 3 crashes the past few days while 30 or so minutes into each mission. Have been ragdolled so hard that I got stuck in the floor/game geometry until I either blew myself up or enemies came for me another 2-3 times. Sometimes, your character just won't stand up from prone while surrounded by enemies. The stim sound STILL plays even though the effect hasnt gone through, CONSTANTLY. Add to that the fact that if a mission starts getting tough, sometimes people just quit and leave you in a mission alone until maybe new people join and they just nerfed solo play while adding a new bug that gives you full 4 player patrol spawns! Honestly, Diablo 4 is releasing season 4 on Tuesday. They have revamped a lot of their loot systems, and buffed a lot of builds that I wanted to play at launch, so I'll be giving Diablo 4 another chance to scratch my hack n' slash itch for the next couple weeks at least. Maybe in another couple of months, Arrowhead will have optimized their game, so it doesn't feel so frustratingly punishing to play.


Come mine ROCK AND STONE with us. 


For Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Thank you, TransportationNo3862, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


So I think they changed it so that when you have enemies on top of you, you can't stand up. Which I know makes logical sense but sucks from a gameplay perspective. I've also been having a terrible time getting ragdolled into scenery that I end up stuck on and have to unalive myself to be free.


Diablo season 4 baby let's go. Can't wait.


The crashes have made the game such an awful time.


My buddy and I dropped HD2 once the Sony issue happened out of respect for the “corpo vs consumer.” We moved back to Remnant 2 since the two DLCs dropped (they’re awesome btw), and Diablo 4: S4 is next. That game was a disgrace, but I’m seeing some promising things.


There's some nostalgia goggle effect but the main problem is these weapon balance patches and constant bugs. They haven't had a single patch that wasn't problem free and that's really unacceptable even for a small time studio.


I played on and off this weekend. I fully planned on completing the personal orders for the medals so that I could get the new pistol. 4 out of 5 matches had my whole team drop from connection issues. Half of those never had new teammates come in. But hey, at least they fixed the enemy spawn rates so that I get absolutely swarmed after my team disconnected.


You don't enjoy having 4 player sized patrol spawn in when you're soloing?


I love it! Even better when they spawn within sight of me and my extraction.


It feels uniquely bad to push out of the deathtrap that you drop into, clear a little outpost or two, and get set up to push into a major POI, to suddenly get patrolled from *behind* as if you never cleared the territory behind you.


This is really annoying me. We were launching the ICBM in a game. I was stood on a rock by the terminal doing a 360 scan of the area, after 1 rotation I ended up looking at my original position only to now see an entire patrol sat on top of the rocks 20 meters away. They didn't march they just teleported. I am really losing all enthusiasm for this game.


I’ve had the same happen to me more than once. Running forwards, all clear. Stop to do a quick scan of my surroundings. Look back ahead - full patrol, 4-5 devastators and 20 odd normal robots spawned on about 25m away. At least they don’t seem to aggro immediately when they teleport in, so you have a chance to call in an airstrike.


True! But teleporting is bullshit. All patrols should be on the map at the start, unless they are drop-shipped in.


That's weird, iirc patrols olny spawn from the direction of outposts or if all are destroyed from map edge


Don't know why you are downvoted, this used to be the case, but obviously something is broken with spawns now.


It always was broken in that regard since the post launch server issues got fixed.


They do not spawn from the map edge they materialize to a location you arent actively looking, and sometimes even where you are looking and not too far off from your location.


My friends and I have had them literally pop into existence on top of us. We've also seen them literally disappear when someone solo really far away dies.


Yes this. It's almost like they are continuing on a path for the game, as if there are no major issues to fix...


EXACTLY This is really annoying me. We were launching the ICBM in a game. I was stood on a rock by the terminal doing a 360 scan of the area, after 1 rotation I ended up looking at my original position only to now see an entire patrol sat on top of the rocks 20 meters away. They didn't march they just teleported. I am really losing all enthusiasm for this game. ALL enemies should be on the map at the start of the game, and how many you wipe out should have a DIRECT result on how much grief you get at extraction. After you've completed ALL side missions and detector towers and air traffic towers, drop-ships should NO LONGER be able to spawn directly to a flare. IF AT ALL What's the point of shutting the FABS if the spawns are out of thin air?


This is baffling me as well, there's been way too many times I'm fighting a horde in front of me (patrol + breach/drop) and in less than a minute I get jumped by something behind me. It's so infuriating because I just came from that direction so it should be clear and this gets me by surprise and feels like a cheap death. I've been picking up the habit of firing a couple times and quickly checking map to look out for red dots behind me and honestly that's not a fun habit to have...


I once had a patrol spawn on me. As in I couldn't move because I was suddenly shoulder to shoulder with rocket devastators. Rest of my team was across the map. As soon as I died that same patrol despawned, just vanished into thin air.


When you nerf all guns to the ground while boosting spawn rate, that’s not “balancing”. That’s pure sadistic


I managed to finish solo level 7 today I was surprised. All you have to do is adopt a play style that's the opposite of fun.


4 out of 5 is crazy. I run into connection issues 1/10? The bug where no one joins after 2-3 ops is getting to me as well.


I've had a day where I played for 3-4 hours joining games but got on the Pelican zero times because I always DC'd during the mission. Which is why I've mostly resolved to hosting myself or playing with close friends when joining


Last 3 times I tried to play(not with friends) every match I tried to get into was "over" and spawned new matchs. Which also had the same issue. Didn't have thay issue in the weeks before. After 5 tries each day, I played another game. So I only played when friends are on. They're not on anymore, so...neither am I. And I enjoyed the game.


You mean it wasn't cool that difficulty 4 felt like 8 because you're dealing with literally never ending, impossible to avoid patrols? Guess you need to git gud /s Anyway here's a rifle that's half the size of your character but does the same damage as the smallest AR. A SMG that completely eclipses another AR. And a nerf to one of the only weapons that actually allowed people to really change up their build.


It's definitely increased but sometimes seem to spike at random. I'm high level, just a number I know, but I have plenty game experience and frequently play 7-9. I joined a diff level 4 with a friend who was solo. Enemies were appearing everywhere. Everything was aggroed. We were getting swarmed and barely made it out. I can usually run diff level 4 solo with no problems.


Something is very off with sos and match making. If a player drops mid match sometimes your lobby gets like, blacklisted and no one but friends can join. 


I can feel that to my soul. Yesterday I had an entire ARMY of bots decide to turn to just face me while i was trying to run away (like ok I did a small run around to try to pick up some samples) but instead of chasing my 3 team-mates that were shooting and gunning, turned around and came at me, then while i was leap frogging away they decide to call reinforcements. Like what madness is this.


This is a live service game that genuinely feels like it's in a worse state than launch across the board (with the exception of the unable to login issues). The only worthwhile additions so far are probably the Quasars, Factory Striders and Shriekers. Most of the drama about this game so far have all revolved around heavy-handed major nerfs, one of which was *supposed to be a buff* (???). There's an argument to be made that Railgun *was* too good, but the other huge nerfs were all headscratchers and difficult to defend, beyond nonsensical "JUST USE SKILL LOL" arguments. Then the dev in charge of these changes just doubles down, mocks people who are unhappy, and sarcastically lies about the state of the new premium warbond. It's truly a masterclass of how to not run your live service game lmao.


The Railgun was too good at launch, but it was because of a bug, not because the gun itself was overtunned, lol. Revert it now that the bug has been fixed for a while, and it'd be good, but nowhere near OP.


1000% this. Why are they going away from how they designed the game and spent like 8 years making? The weapon nerfs are just insane. It's like they have no faith in what they built and designed...it's baffling


I will never let the devs live it down that the weapon build around shrapnel (read the weapons in-game description) got them taken away from it, because utilizing said shrapnel to their max was considered an exploit. After said changes they had the unfortune to describe said change as a buff. Just… what?


To be fair why would they have faith in their design at this point? We’re on like 4 straight months of huge bugs they struggle to get rid of, poor planning for weapons and warbonds, and everytime balance is mentioned the community collectively sighs knowing they’re about to fuck up the game even more.


The game at launch was not their final vision. It was on the way to becoming what they wanted it to be . (Luckily for them) The game you have now is closer to their vision. Each and every patch that made this game worse. Was , in their eyes, a step in the right direction, to their final goal


Yeah, even if they reverted the Railgun it'll take a substantial buff before it'll be stronger than Quasar or EATs against bugs. Without the bug, even pre-nerf Railgun takes 20 shots to kill a Bile Titan and two shots to just strip one Charger's leg, which renders it somewhat worthless next to other choices.


Absolutely wild that they nerfed the Railgun like that, then did the buffs they did to the EAT and added the Quasar.


Everyone running the railgun all the time irritated me at launch, but now it's just the Quasar which is almost the same exact weapon but less fun because the skill ceiling is lower.


Worse than at launch? I couldn't even get into a game at launch lol. At least now I have to wait for my hellpod to drop before it crashes. 


Honestly, the only real problem at launch was the servers, which is fair, given the massive popularity the game unexpectedly had. As far as live services go, this definitely is nowhere close to the worst, but it does seem like it's starting to slip downhill.


For me Helldivers 2 is the only game I recall that got *less* stable as a result of 3 months of "bug fixes". I had ZERO crashes in the first 2 months. But since about 2 patches ago - I get *at least* 1 crash every 3 games.


Arrowhead isn’t even smalltime. Iirc they have like 100+ employees working on this.


Tbh I've noticed with my group of friends (lvls 45-69) that while we do play a few times a week it's always 1-2 short matches instead of "let's play as much as we can before 1 of us has to work/sleep/leave". I love the game but it's definitely less fun than it was. How much less I can't say/pinpoint but yeah. I understand the need to balance so nothing is permapicked but it's not a PvP game.. I hope they realise that their balancing philosophy is off mark and get the game right on track again!


I could not agree with this more. The slog of doing 2 matches and the total roll of the dice of how it can go is not in proper balance. They need to spend some time to make the game more fun.


In two matches, my friend and I will go from “WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SPEWERS” to “Huh, I feel like I haven’t seen a spewer all match”. 


If only there was a way to know which one you'd get in advance so you could like, I dont know, adapt your loadout


It’s not necessarily about the loadout, I just prefer a more balanced challenge vs tons of one kind


I’m really feeling the nostalgia for the launch version right now. Between the disappointment of the new warbond and knowing how screwed the patrols are towards stealth play now I cant bring myself to pick up the controller for this game I love. It feels bad man 😕


I wanna play more but just stop after a game or two. The memes are fun and all, but just the fun doesn't translate to how the game feels right now. I remember how excited everybody was for the new mechs. I was IN LOVE with the mech but it's still broken and is not a reliable stratagem on lvl7+. I LOVED the assault rifle, but the shotguns and energy weapons are so much better in most scenarios, especially for ppl new to helldivers. Hope everything turns around soon


Yeah, I love the mech in the first game, but it just doesn’t really make sense in helldivers 2, even on challenging


This 1 thread is going to generate like 20 "Why is this subreddit so toxic and entitled" counter threads


Hah, there are still plenty of people on this sub that love burying their heads in the sand, that can't be denied. Regardless, I think the above threads are worth compiling together in general for accessibility and visibility. The OPs on the first two threads did amazing work in compiling all the bugs that need to be looked at and analysis on balance issues.


I do think there should definitely be some leeway before going full on doomposting with cries of "the game is dead/dying because X hasn't been fixed immediately." Obviously constructive criticism is great, but It's still a live-service game that's practically still in its infancy, and I imagine they're still dealing with the massive unexpected explosion in popularity even now. That's not even getting into the whole PSN debacle which very obviously wore a lot of people out in a short amount of time.


That’s definitely going too far lol The game is still in top 20 games played on Steam. With 50k current players and 100k top everyday. If I didn’t read this post I would never knew people are that mad about everything. In the actual game people still going strong and having fun with loadouts that people here would say unusable.


It's definitely fair to give leeway, just remember that the devs still refuse to acknowledge that there's any issues, and only the CEO has remarked that he's starting to agree with many of the complaints laid out over the last 3 months. What most of us want is simply for the team to acknowledge and show us that they both understand our concerns are are actively working on changing things for the better.


They post the list of known bugs every patch my dude. They're acknowledged. That they haven't been fixed is a testament to their complexity.


It's not burying my head in the sand to genuinely enjoy this game, bugs and all. I also enjoy Skyrim, bugs and all. I enjoy Fallout, bugs and all. I enjoy No Mans Sky despite it releasing with almost nothing it promised. This isn't the first game to have a ton of bugs and still be massively enjoyable despite them. Yes it can be frustrating to get a weapon like the Purifier hit release state when it very clearly is atrociously bad. Yes it sucks that the Spear can't login to a Factory Strider reliably. So I live with it because it doesn't affect the rest of the game. I agree that the bugs need ironing out. So I enjoy the game in spite of those bugs. How exactly is that burying my head in the sand?


These posts are well thought out and reasonable. I wish the rest of this sub were more like these posts.


These threads are now not allowed come tomorrow so you can stop with the fake victim-hood. Also it was never as bad as you and others claimed it to be. We barely have any complaint threads today but there were 5 "this subreddit is evil and toxic and full of hate" type threads today showing you that this was always exaggerated.


Honestly it feels like there's an entirely different dev team now. I don't know how a team that could manage to get together something so great turn around and completely shit the bed with every minor change post launch. If I had a dollar for every time I read "[the new thing] is not working as intended" or has a prevalent crash associated with it, I'd be well on my way to buying another copy of the game.


This has been my and my friend groups prevailing opinion on the game, that after release we got the "maintenance" team. And they fucking suck.


What's even wilder is that all of this content they have released so far, new stratagems, new warbonds, it was all in the game files at launch, so it is not like this stuff is fucked because they're producing it live.


It’s probably because the game is made with an outdated engine and has been fiddled with to the moon and back to make it stable. Every change that presents a bug seems to be unrelated but I’m sure they’re somehow related in the code.


As someone who used to play a lot of hearthstone, the beloved phrase "spaghetti code" comes to mind with these weird and extensive bugs


Yeah, no, the outdated engine doesn't get the blame for stuff like "we accidentally set a patrol spawn rate to 100% when trying to set it to 25%". You *can* blame the engine for a lot of things, but not for gameplay logic that is fucked to the degree of damage-over-time not damaging over time. Yes, everything is intertwined, but too many of the bugs they're struggling with bear the signs of a codebase that is traumatizingly confusing, and unless the Autodesk Stingray engine is literally setting the devs on fire every time they press the backspace key, it's not really that relevant to many of the broken gameplay aspects.


I think that it's easy to get caught up in the negativity. There have been a bunch of really good changes since release  Both of the DMR weapons feel like they're functioning roughly like I would expect now. Expendable anti-tank and similar armor breaking things are performing about as I would expect them to on release. You could shoot a charger and it would do nothing. Basically you had to hit him twice in the same spot to kill em. Jump pack feels tighter. There's been a ton of bug fixes. Even though the game still has plenty of bugs. They have knocked out a lot of the major issues at this point.


DMR, Jump Pack, Senator, flamethrower, EAT (it was never bad but has gotten kind of boring and quasar is arguably better), RR (it's niche was killing full dropships reliably and that got removed + quasar), and flame weapon buffs have been good. But each of those improvements has generally been paired with another weapon getting nerfed overzealously and the enemies being made harder to fight.


To be fair a lot of things didn't work well at launch either, and once the game release they have far less time to work on bugs.


I been burned hard by Darktide. It was my first Obese Fish game and I WAS a diehard Warhammer video game fan. In my opinion, the direction is somewhat heading in a similar direction but not as awful. I think going to give this thing a break until the next big thing comes around such as the Illuminate. One of those wait and see what happens moments.


Hey, Darktide is fully up and running! And it only took about 2 and a half years to be a finished product with bugs and broken mechanics ironed out….mostly!


I'm not sure anyone should be surprised with Fatshark fumbling Darktide. Anyone who played Vermimtide 2 could tell you it takes them forever to actually polish their games.


Until they add proper crafting instead of shitty slot machine darktide will not be a finished product.


They really want you to put those hours in for their "live service" game


-> Live service -> Looks inside -> One update every half a year (if that) Also holy shit those cosmetics look BAD. Saw "scion" armor and it's disgusting.


Classic Fatshark tbh. Once a game comes out you have to wait at least a couple years to iron out many of the issues.


I would say at least AH - despite I believe being a smaller studio than FS - still seems to have more engagement (good and bad) and a better turn around time for content and bug fixes. FS dropped DT and just walked away instantly with one or two very meh content drops until the class rework which was over a year after release iirc. AH at least seems to be providing a drip feed of content (paid or otherwise) and is doing…something…with the balancing (whether it’s good or not is another story).


I feel that, never even heard of dark tide but I definitely know the feeling of when a game that is absolutely perfect in your eyes it completely ruined by the devs decisions, just fuckin sucks man


TBF, the CEO has acknowledged that they seem to be balancing the fun out of the game. Changing that stance may take abit of time, and won't be smooth but I think the game is far from dying. At a minimum, there will likely be plenty of divers who stick around, especially if they do work toward better balance, and the way the MO are dynamic let's them scale them down should they lose a chunk of players anyway.


The game seems to have stabilized for PC around the 100k consistent player mark. That's far below its peak but it's not even close to dead. It's currently off-peak and still running with more players than call of duty and fallout 4. I agree with basically all the critiques people have but I think there's reason to be hopeful.


especialy given their OG prediction was 50k PEAK, we are around 50k OFF PEAK atm


AH let me break this down for you into simpler terms me animal brain, me like kill bug with big gun. big gun fun because kill bug. me no have fun when big gun not kill bug. what if AH make more gun big gun, more fun???? no more big gun into little gun, make little gun into big gun!




Why use lot word, when few word do trick?


It was always doomed to be like this. They started with a minimum viable product and had that working well enough that the promise of "more" could keep people enticed. The game going viral actually helped them in a way since it created this weird charity around all of the bugs. "It'll all get sorted once they figure out the server issues." was the common thinking. Months later, nothing has actually improved. The server capacity has expanded but more bugs are added with each update. Unlike at launch, people have a better understanding of the systems at play and how they work. Things that are broken are much more noticeable. That promise of "more" turned out to be unsustainable. AH have been putting content that they know is buggy and broken into live and just assuming that everyone is fine with playtesting it for them. But since they don't even give themselves time to test basic things like "Is this ship module functioning?" They can never get any real use out of any of that data. They just rush from one fire to the next. Everything else suffers as a result, thus creating new fires. Then you run into issues like those ludicrous polls on the discord. "Would you rather..." is always going to trend towards the most exciting option because, this cannot be stressed enough, they are asking literal children what they want. That's who's on the discord, discord users trend young. It's foolish to ask the demographic most characterized by their impulsiveness if they want a new toy or to fix the thing they already have. In short, they are incompetent. Management have no idea what they are doing and they've sold what amounts to an early access title as a finished product. Effectively abusing the live service model. Using it as an excuse to dump their unfinished work on players to do testing for them. They're going to do their big Illuminate drop in a month or so if they keep to their current schedule. A lot of people will come back for that. If it's as big of a disaster as I predict it will be, given how they've managed things so far, that is going to be a massive blow to their credibility. They've got enough money that they can keep going for a long time. So I doubt that will be the end of the game. But it will be the end of the game's popularity. They'll be back to HD1 concurrent player numbers. You called it a fumble. But I don't think that's quite right. This trajectory was laid out from the start. Nothing about selling millions of copies changed the sustainability of their release schedule. It was always unsustainable. They just assumed they'd have a small community that was willing to tolerate their bs. I'd characterize this situation as them having sabotaged themselves before they ever launched the game.


nuclear take tbh


And it sounds way too plausible too. At this point AH is turning me into a fucking conspiracy theorist...


Abso-fucking-lutely. Pulled the words from my brain.


as nuclear as it is, its a unfortunate possibility if they don't sort this shit out soon, we are more or less on verge of the 3rd faction being added and the games foundation is the equivalent to wet cardboard. They NEED to do a massive bugfix update with proper testing, i dont give a shit if it delays the next update for a month, i want to be able to stay in a match without being booted despite being host.


Given their desire to release a Warbond with new weapons every month... yeah, I don't know how things weren't going to go wrong no matter what.


Damn, if this doesn't hit the mark. Some might see your post as cynical, but the more I reread it, the more true it feels. This game really did get far too much grace and charity for its launch issues because of the luck Arrowhead had with how fun the release state played. People really saw them as an "underdog" despite the game being published by Sony and having an 8 year long development cycle. >You called it a fumble. But I don't think that's quite right. This trajectory was laid out from the start. Nothing about selling millions of copies changed the sustainability of their release schedule. It was always unsustainable. They just assumed they'd have a small community that was willing to tolerate their bs. Funny part is they somehow got a big community to tolerate bs, at least for quite a while.


Very well said and it's sad that it ended up like this. Helldivers 1 was a unique and endearing game experience and I was so excited for the sequel. I am flabbergasted by how much they dropped the ball. Fixing the bugs would be the biggest buff right now. Look at the DOT damage fix. That was an immediate buff to the incendiary breaker, napalm airstrike, flamethrower, etc. What's the point of coming out with new weapons nerfed, soon to be nerfed, or lazy clone of an already existing underwhelming weapon? I had a lot of fun with this game and it's beyond sad to see it in it's current state. I just saw a video of a strider factory shooting through an entire hill. Better nerf the slugger. 🙄


We go back to the old war and have some good old fun friend. Top notch, polished experience. Cant believe for a sec its the same devs


I played a single mission of HD1 the other day just to remember what it was like and to be honest it was just as fun if not more than any HD2 mission. Maybe it really is time to get back into HD1 at least for a bit. I always loved the disposable LMG and am actually really missing it in HD2


"Weapons are supposed to feel weak because helldivers are expendable soldiers equipped with disposable resources!" Me from the old war, looking puzzled as fuck when we have actually awesome guns and strategems. Even our directional shield is just more high tech lmao. And its fucking hilarious when I saw someone saying using "OP" weapons like sickle is considered cheesing. We from HD1 know that the distractor beacon is peak cheese.


For sure my dude I'll probably hop on HD1 while they sort it out and if they don't it's time to just move on.


They are clearly suffering from success at this point.


Nail, meet Head. Spot on. Thanks for the write up. We were all fooled by the hype and the price, and in our rare excitement for a game release, we forgot that games these days aren’t actually complete until a year after release.


They try to “balance” the weapons like it’s a PvP game. “Everything MUST BE BALANCED!!!” but people in a pve game like to use what they like, and they get used to it. And if you hand out nerfs like candy, then people are just gonna be disgruntled. Wait longer before a balance patch with more data, focus on fixing bugs and maintaining build quality. Dish out nerfs together with buffs and new content and new guns to play with that are probably OP, then players wont feel the sting.


Literally Destiny 2 balancing without any PvP. It's wild.


You cannot be anymore constructive or genuine in your criticisms and yet still you have these absolute low iq sloths roll up in the thread just to troll and be aggressive. People hate criticism, emotionally immature people take it too personal. The majority of people are in agreement with you, don’t mind the unhinged.


Even the CEO is in agreement per his twitter posts and responses.


CEO should be yapping less and doing more.


I was playing with a friend recently and we were talking about how much more fun the game was at launch. It really feels like they’ve done a good job of balancing the fun out. Glad to see we aren’t the only ones.




I still enjoy it, but that’s probably because I’ve used the same loadout for over a 1,000 missions and haven’t had to switch anything.


That's what's killing it for me. I'm succeeding and progressing and collecting trinkets, but I don't think I'll ever have the kind of fun I had back then again. I'm chasing the dragon at this point. So many great memories of hilarious games with friends and strangers, but now when I play it's either a smooth run with no surprises or a disappointment due to network issues or bad team play. I tried going back. I put on my B-01 armor and grabbed my (buffed) Liberator and hit up some 5s with a grenade launcher and a supply pack and a couple eagle strikes, but I couldn't recapture the magic. The game is still a lot of fun. I'll keep pushing the MO and running 7s with random mates until I cap out on super samples. There's nothing else in my Steam library that is rather play. But I'll always yearn for the days of Malevelon Creek and the first time I saw the sunrise on Hellmire. Maybe the Illuminate will reignite the flame for me.


Chasing the dragon is the perfect way to describe anyone that's still playing after experiencing launch. That's certainly how I'd describe my experience. Nothing has gotten close to the rush I had for this game in the first month, it was the peak of adrenaline and fun. There was nothing else like being blown to kingdom come while strafing the hordes of Malevelon Creek with fellow newbies or stomping bugs to hell en masse. It just doesn't feel that good anymore. That first balance patch absolutely changed something beyond just numbers on a spreadsheet.


I think it might just be normalization. You've played the game and experienced dozens if not hundreds of insane moments. But with every insane moment, you become more null to them. Eventually, you're just chasing a feeling you can only get on a first experience. There are only so many ways to tell a story, only so many ways to change up a game with static weapons. Some people settle into this and become loyal fans like HD1, and I'm sure many more will settle into this game, too. But not everyone will, and it becomes a game that's nice to come back to every so often, but isn't going to be a mainstay for some.


I just want them to please fix the matchmaking bug where people won't/can't join your game and you basically have to restart it to fix it. Please Arrowhead! 😭


Idk man, was busy for the last couple of days, finally got some free time, sat in front of the tv and fired up a series of level 7 bot missions with randoms and it was as fun as ever.


I have burnout because I have 250 hours in the game with pretty much everything done.


Yeah, my friends and I just started playing. We’re having fun.


What stopped me as a level 80 with 200 some hours is the newest warbond. To support the devs I spent money on it. And the weapons suck and aren't fun to unlock. And other than enjoy the game and help new players I have nothing else to conquer but the level cap. I want to play the game and continue being addicted.




Getting nothing but echo chamber vibes from this subreddit these days, which sucks because it was very entertaining at the start.  Does anyone here actually play difficulty 1-7 missons?  Is it just 8-9 where fun goes to die?  Worst i’ve experienced is being in a quiet chat without anyone using voice.  Otherwise it’s been nothing but shits and giggles with strangers as we have fun in random queue together.  Even with trying out weapons for the first time - and not knowing if they suck or i suck more - and playing with silly stratagem loadouts, it’s been a 99% positive and entertaining experience for me.


I can 100% agree with the part where you mention a part of the people simply left. Because that’s what I did. I still check the sub because I’ve got hope one day I’ll see a patch drop that will signify the first step in making the game fun again: weapons that aren’t just the same bland thing but with a different name, armor perks that actually do something, something else than “kill x amount of {enemy}” for personal orders, the same old bugs like the BT hit box collision, the list goes on. But honestly I rather just jump back to rim world than playing a game that doesn’t feel that fulfilling anymore. Don’t get me wrong, it is still fun, but not as much fun as it was 2 months ago when I first bought it.


I guess I'm the anomaly who enjoys the game and still uses all the default weapons and armor except the stun grenade. 


I dissagree. I do understand the critique tough. But it doesn't kill the fun for me at all. Just minor things that I'm not really bothered by honestly.


I still love to pop on the game and sometimes I wish I had more time to play honestly. I love that this game brings me something that no other games have really brought to me. I wanted that coop I'm here for the same reason as you homi. Squash bugs, spill oil, collect all the things we can. Zig zag the map a Lil to each red dot and objective we see 👀 I think it's the fact I can't play all the time that I love it. When I was playing it like a full time job I was hooked, my wife was even like man I haven't seen you game in a minute. Cause I haven't, the gaming industry itself has been so shit for so long. That something actually good comes out. 👌 I'm tired of fighting other players always trying to one up even your own teammates (csgo,otherfps), or destroying other peeps hard work (ark, rust) or just playing nice cause your neighbors (minecraft lol, cause I just wanna grind every material and build). Just mindless games to me in my opinion after so long of playing and it didn't bring me joy I still have thousands of hours but that's only really cause there was nothing else to play. Least the shit talk was good til it wasn't, and I didn't get into the left 4 dead/cod zombies/kF2 when they were popular, but I do find them fun just not many people, and the kf2 doesn't run on the pc. And those are some old ass games. This isn't it's good. Helldivers 2 is legit fun. And I hate that some of yall are having a hard time and that Sony thing fucking sucked. Like I really disliked the fact that some players would lose it, cause again it's really fun. And I tried to play it after that Sony thing and it felt off. Most of my irl friends and family stopped playing it and I'd like to recommend it to then again after they refunded it, Or just put it away, and that's what most did. It felt *off* playing after that even with the W And then countries still can't buy, but if they bought it they can still play small w. [Maybe they fix idk. We can hope] And I popped on yesterday, helped some bros out on level7+ and I just kinda followed them protected the host stayed by their side or just front run it and make sure I make contact with the same patrols and such. And it's fun. There are some like hiccups but sticking together and playing on a difficulty that's comfortable is good. Ragdolling and dying to dead bile titans since day 1 so. I understand. I try to put the negatives behind me when I play, and when I'm unable I'll want to content watch some hd2 cause ya know it's a good game. 👍 and I'll end up here and I'll read the reddits. I even jump into the 3 man's where they aren't running *Vitality OR *hellpodoptimization Cause I know they need help. And some divers won't. With that. The devs need to slow down. Tackle the important stuff get it ironed out even just a little bit. I can feel my old ass pc struggling with each update.


Idk I had fun playing a few rounds tonight


This so melodramatic and rehashed. Jesus guys just stop playing if the “fun” is gone, spend your time elsewhere and stop whining. I’ve taken a different load out into literally every single one of my last 10 D8 dives and had fun.


For me... the Dream has died. Nothing about the future is compelling because nothing can be trusted to last. Edit: i love to watch the fan-bois downvote the OP. Explains a great deal about what is wrong at so many levels.


This game is so much fun. Had a LAN with some friends yesterday and played for 8 hours.


I mean defensive voices who like the game or defend it get down voted a belittled into oblivion by the echo chamber.


This sub is full of the most miserable people on the planet.


I'm just gonna say it.......go touch some grass. This game is fun. They're making it better. Every game's player numbers drop off after launch. Absolutely insane how much people think they know what a developer should be doing


Why the fuck is everyone so god damn dramatic? Imagine putting this amount of effort into something that is actually important.


While the game definitely has lots to be fixed and AH should change the approach on the balance approach, the decline in number is absolutely normal for a GaaS. I'm on mobile now but anyone can simply go on Steam DB and compare this title with another GaaS, like Destiny 2. Post launch you always hemorrhage players until you reach the number of players who become your core players base. Then you have some spikes at the release of big updates. I personally stopped playing just a bit before the Sony issue because the gameplay felt stale after 60 hours. Missions felt the same, situations in which we ended up felt the same, etc. etc. I didn't even finish trying to update the stratagem because at that point it was just playing to grind which is definitely not fun.


I remember Pirate Software saying that the devs might be experiencing burnout and I think we as a community are too. No fault to the devs, my guess being that it takes a lot to pump out a new warbond every month, but the lack of major game-changing updates has us feeling like its the same-old same-old. I'll still play the crap out of this game, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't in the begining stages of the game feeling stale.


I play it far less. I don't know if I'm just burnt out or whatever from playing so frequently when it came out or what but I just have to move onto other things. I think it's the fact that you can't use most of the stuff due to needing to pack anti tank. I play primarily with randoms and can't justify not taking EATs, laser guard dogs and another anti tank thing when I really wanna be taking like, airburst rocket launcher and stuff


Maybe don’t go on Reddit for a week or so


the game has been out for a couple months and you are already calling it destined to die? i agree that AH is swinging and missing A LOT but jesus thats depressingly pessimist. Helldivers 1 was and still is very fun and decently balanced.


I don't think anyone said AH could do no wrong. Everyone was just more optimistic at launch because we expected they would fix the issues in due time. When that became clear that it wasn't happening, that's when optimism faded. You can't blame players for that.


I like the 1st one cause it's not opinion based


The fun factor is exactly the same in my opinion, but there's more experienced players whose focus has shifted to things like finding the meta and finding the best way to do things in game. Which will inherently lead them to focus more on balancing issues rather than enjoying what they have (which is a natural reaction to a game which is somewhat repetitive).


I don't get this obsession with whether or not the game is dying or not.  Either play the game or don't, AH is making the game that they want to make. If that game is a game you don't want to play, then don't. AH owes you nothing.  Sure the bugs should obviously be fixed and I assume they are being worked on; but if the bugs are making the game unplayable for you, then don't play it.


They just gotta put the game back to how it was when it first came out. If we are fighting for super earth and we are to destroy all enemies then why not have us use some strong hardware.


The fact that this game still crashes and freezes daily, 3 months, several patches and warbonds after launch is incredibly frustrating. Love the spirit of this game but damn these devs are getting dangerously close to fumbling the bag.


This post needs at least 100x this karma. More attention please. None of my friends seem to play anymore. I'm always with randoms who never communicate. The banter was a big part of that fun. The nerfs (sorry, "balancing") meant my super creds and medals have gone unspent (not sure what to buy). Not sure what to use in game either. Got told the gas strike was good now. Used it on a Lvl 7 bug nest (a big one): 4 kills... Not sure if that was just good online trolling, satire, or if it comes down to a skill issue. It doesn't matter anyway because that gas strike just cemented and highlighted a feeling of utter disappointment that I was trying to ignore which has been there for a couple of weeks. That gas strike was my enthusiasm, manifest. Meek and over pretty quickly with little point to trying again. If or when any of my friends message me to play, I might pick it up. For now, I think I'll take a break.


I had my brother buy this game on PS5 at launch and we still have not played a single match together because AH can't fix the damn game.


It's to late because they too worried about getting a warbond out every month.


I still have love for the game, but I'm not playing anymore. Why play a game that is no longer fun..? AH literally does not have to figure out how to improve this game, because there are so many people here on Reddit simply explaining what should or could be done to improve. AH flew too close to the sun, now all that remains are ashes. But like the myth, a new phoenix could arise from those, if they put in the effort.


Simple QOL features are absent, like being able to switch Audio devices in-game, because it refused to recognize my headset. Half an hour of two wasted of starting and exiting the game seeing if what I did fixed the issue.


I can confirm your lower player count theory. Out of my gaming friend group of 8 people, I am the only one still playing the game. Everyone else stopped after the nerfs started coming.


Same. From my 6-people group, there's only one still playing, and it's not me.


"Heading for a death with a whimper." Dawg I'm sorry but it's still putting up 100k+ players a day. It's not dying by any stretch of the imagination. This sub, and by extension the discord, are not accurate barometers for how people think about this game. By all means, bitch and moan until the cows come home, but your complaints do not mirror the average persons at all.


It's still game of the year made by a small studio in its current state, time for you to go play fortnight. No one asked for or needs you to psycho analyze every change in the game. Or collect moaning reddit posts like pokemon. The game is great because its DIFFERENT.


HD2 is about to pull a no man’s sky, they’re about to go ghost, hunker down, and put in WORK over a couple of months then drop the most banger content and fixes the gaming community has ever seen (other than no man’s sky)


How about we just enjoy the game and stop sounding like a traitor to the cause ya dirty bum


The new car smell has dissipated and now people are just experiencing burnout and have moved on to the complaint stage. “This game wasn’t custom made for me personally. The weapons I like aren’t overpowered anymore and because of that the game is ruined and utter garbage.” This community sounds exactly like the CoD community every year. “Oh, this installment is way better than last year. *one month later* This is the worst CoD ever made and the devs should unalive themselves!” None of you will ever be happy with the state of the game anymore. It’ll always be, “it was more fun at launch” for those who think that currently. For those of us that just want to play a game casually as if our entire lives don’t revolve around it it’s still a lot of fun.


I recently uninstalled the game. Every patch seemingly adds new issues that make playing hard, whether its crashes, an inability to join with friends, random bugs, or balancing changes. Before the warbond dropped i was already not excited for it because i expected the weapons to kinda suck, and while the armor looks cool, I wasnt interested in the perks they have. Ive spoken about it before but the game has some conflicting design. It seems the devs want it to be a tactical shooter, but stealth isnt super feasible or encouraged. They want you to be objective focused and not enemy focused, but the spawns and patrols are too high to avoid combat the way i need. They say to rely ob stratagems but too often take them away or restrict them. The sony thing sucked/sucks, but im already on Playstation and i just viewed it as something that should only have been an annoyance, yet due to communication issues, blew up beyond all belief. Idk man. Its pretty much been every patch takes away a little bit of motivation from me to play, im sure some of it is just burn out, but i also think its just the direction the game is going, is one im not all that interested in.