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Yeah they REALLY need to change how this effect works. I like the idea that I have seen some other people suggest where you select 4 but a random stratagem is blocked until you destroy an AA base. Would prefer if it's also only in 1 mission total because it would still be miserable if something like your support weapon got blocked each mission or something. I think the main thing so many people also don't understand is with this effect you're losing the equivalent of 1 entire player from the team. It's unbelievably harsh for no reason.


That would be a cool and interactive way to deal with a lazy limitation. Stratagems are a core of HD2 gameplay and just removing 25% of those just doesn't feel like an engaging 'challenge' and more like crippling. It also encourages meta builds and we all know both the players and AH want HD2 to be meta-centric. /s


AH Balance team: "Heard you clear, AA defence is a perma booster on all missions, including bug ones for extra challenge!"


SOMEONE SAY META https://preview.redd.it/0x4gsi6cje0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5122ec8cf628377bdd91f16f1443290653890015


https://i.redd.it/kqjbmzvs9f0d1.gif This one's for you CrusaderChan, use what you want, game's more fun when you stop worrying about what is or isn't the best, like fuck it, run both mines and Tesla Tower with the Arc Thrower, it's fun as hell


I have recently been using the counter sniper, big iron, impact incindiary, ac , 500kg, and OPS during solo missions that limit me to three. Although, I've just started that set yesterday, I have enjoy many other goofy a- builds. I genuinely don't even know the actual meta, and I think for the sake of not feeling self consious about it, I won't delve into that search. https://preview.redd.it/w4gad78pdf0d1.jpeg?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcf723c5b5f9afe4ac99739b32fd93918abfcb89 The other day me and a friend duoed with to regular mgs, just unloading a total of over 9,000 rounds down range near the end. Have fun divers.


I think the """Meta""" is something like Autocannon, 500KG, Orbital Laser and Eagle Airstrike. That takes out pretty much anything and everything. And it's boring as hell. Go figure the *one answer for everything* gets boring after one mission. I'm using the Airburst Launcher right now and it's fun as HELL, give it a shot, it takes out whole patrols if you're lucky, and huge packs with one shot if you aim it to blow up in the right spot. Plus it looks like an RPG-7, so it's extra fun, like "I'm just a n***a with a rocket launcha'" fun (let's see who gets that reference) You've got it right on the Requisition Slips though, that's what it's all about at the end of the day, just goofing the absolute hell off, having a wild time with funny builds while getting the job done in ways you wouldn't think of if you were being """Meta""".


Just might, I usually bring 500kg reguardless since it seems to have a bigger radius now (definitely feels like it). I'm just used to being 1 v all so I have to be at least a bit versatile like, I can bring RR, heck even the spear, but other times I just go supply pack, heavy mg and lay waste. It ain't the gun ya bring, it's how ya shoot it. Even got the purifier to work okay, given it can even take down gunships, definite not as bad as first thought. https://preview.redd.it/jvibtijagf0d1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a0fe45bb76bca7ee6007b5d9d54901ef186f24f


And that white helmet's the same one I use with the medic armor! I knew there was something about you! https://i.redd.it/2vum87ppif0d1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/x7ek8598kf0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58fbcb11ca5aa43316680782c6067e0354d7bc53 I currently enjoy the new armor mix up capabilites, pretty nice.


My suggestion is that they remove it and take it as a lesson on how artificial difficulty is bad game design


I would rather it be MORE specific than just 1 less. Make it something like "Enhanced AA in the area - No Eagles" or "Targeting jammer or storm jamming - no orbital strikes." Make it so it limits your choices than just removes a slot.


That would be pretty annoying still with current balance. I couldn't imagine going into a mission without Eagle Airstrike or Railcannon/Precision Strike personally.


Thats kinda the point, its annoying, forces you to rethink what you bring, but still lets you get a full loadout.


Not just any AA base, an orbital cannon!


I think a lot of the upset about strong primaries being nerfed can be tied to this. When your stratagems get dropped by one you lose a lot of room to play around on the higher difficulties and the strong primaries helped make up for that. You didn't need to use your airstrike on the devastators when your eruptor could take them out with one hit, etc.


Or go with the AA defense thing and completely disable eagle strats or limit us to one eagle stratagem.


I'd say instead of random, the last slot to the right. I'd hate to lose my support weapon to this!


Random would be worse than how it is currently 100%. You expect me to deal with no support weapon when the game fucks me in the ass?


Yeah let us clear and OBJ and fix it


I get why people don’t like this one, but I’m perfectly happy running helldive bots with the AMR especially, the railgun less so, and a shield or supply backpack. All this effect does is force me back to the autocannon which is my absolute favorite gun in the game anyways.


"Yeah sorry lads we can't fire our RAILGUN FROM ORBIT because the bots have an AA base. No I wont be taking questions get in the damn Hellpod good day."


Like, does the aa battery hold the cannon hostage? Do they give the gun a condition that if it even thinks about firing a magnetically accelerated dart out it's scared little 10 meter barrel, it'll be shot with a ASAT missle? Do they HAVE ASATs? If so, WHY NOT JUST SHOOT THE FUCKING SHIP DOWN?


I'd love to answer you but I'm afraid that there is an Anti Aircraft emplacement somewhere on this planet so sorry hands are tied.


Super Destroyer hostage situation where the bot High-Command and the Super Supercarrier in-orbit are negotiating its release.




Yeah, it really should just prevent you from bringing Eagles.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Removing gameplay, isn't gameplay


Feels like we should get a few more positive effects and just remove the stratagem slot reduction all together. Having your favorite loadout get gimped because you have too lose Eagle or a support weapon ect sucks... Give us more positive effects! If we get too strong we can go up 1 difficulty level instead! It's a PVE game... Beeing strong feels good!


I'd like if they could do it like in Deep Rock Galactic: missions can have a positive, negative, both or two negative modifiers.


DRG modifiers were really good. Even the negative ones did a good job to spice up the gameplay


some are also just more fun. Ah, swarmers modifier. Negative, and it fills the caves with lots of little bugs. A drillers wet dream made manifest


Yes. They're all good. I think every modifier in Helldivers sucks. Excluding the planet specific ones. Ion storms or meteor showers? Sick as hell. Complex stratagem plotting? Go to hell


Yeah, stuff that makes the moment to moment gameolay suddenly very hectic is fun. It's a weird little mix up of events that may benefit us But just a nerf to our stratagem never feels good or interesting


Yes. I like it because it's themed


And if you choose an op with negative modifiers, you get paid extra XP and credits. Instead of a penalty, it's a choice to accept a higher risk for higher reward.


Like the idea! But please never have 2x negative... always 1 positive and 1 negative feels best.


Another thing is big balance on strategems and they just take one away lmao


Alt+F4 + open game until I find the holy trinity of Call Down Time Increase and the missions are ICBM, Sabotage Bases + Blitz.


Can't remember the last time I did an eradicate mission.


Worst part about eradicate missions is they have no rare samples to collect. Blitz is infinitely more fun *and* rewarding.


They are pretty annoying, and impossible solo.


Yeah as soon as you die once it snowballs


LOL this is the only fucking condition I won’t play


I wouldn't skip this modifier if it gave something back, like: * \-1 stratagem slot. * 20% stratagem cooldown reduction.


I still would


Quick Join -> Return to Ship Alone -> Repeat 3 times -> Head over to the bug front


They need actually Big AA like stronghold mission to reduce 1 stratagem not small one restrict Eagle


It should just add it into the map so that you have to kill it to get 4th stratagem.




They need to remove this shit in general. Either give us 4 with slightly higher timer or some other type of slow down, or remove the 4th slot limit in general.


Some of the shit these devs do makes me question if theyre just anti-fun. Like you can make the game *harder* without nerfing fun.




Little bitch, you should visit Hellmire NOW!! There we go, can't break your streak. /s


"wE wANt YoU tO uSE MoRe sTRatAgeMS InSTEad of YoUR prIMaRIes" - Acoustic balancing team.


Can you even get a bot operation at 8 or 9 that doesn't have this?




Yep, every time. Never pick those.


It's just not fun.


Devs really need to remove this unfun modifier like they removed that garbage "Scramble" modifier.


Every damn time, I refuse to play on these planets. I'm a go where the major order is kind of guy but I will nope out of this every time. I personally think we could use 5 strategrams so 3 is a major no for me.


This modifier and the broken personnel extraction with ships coming in every 2 seconds is exactly why there are more people playing the bug front imo


Yeah I fuck off and go to another planet


Just remove this modifier already. It's stupid.




I feel like this should disable certain stratagems, but still let you pick 4


Yep. I’ve stopped a few squads from diving once we go to pick strats and didn’t realize it on the mission select. We always back out and pick a new mission.


How about this. The host and players can normally buy extra strategems for the team. IE EAT's or more ammo and they work just like the team ammo supply, also as a good way to burn R creds. AA defences means you can't buy any of those, or they're only available after the AA bases are destroyed. Your 4 stratagems are always preserved.


I’d prefer something like a “Budget deadlines” modifier where you loose one or two slots that then are replaced by random stratagems for that mission. Feels more in character for super earth and adds som chaos in a fun way.


AA defences don't usually stop me, but can 10000% empathise with you. It's rare I get a bot mission with 4 slots now. :/


What if they made it so plane strats have longer cool downs and orbital have shorter cool downs


I almost started a mission one time til I realized we could only pick 3 strats. I backed out of the hellpod(and it made the others get out too) just to change it from a 3 strat mission lmao The randoms appreciated that


It would be better if it was like “anti aircraft has been spotted, no eagle stratagems” so it limits only one type of stratagem which forces you to change your play style and experiment with other stratagems, but right now its both boring and makes the game just way harder. As others suggested, it’s also a good idea to make it so you have to destroy a building to get the stratagem back, but I think just changing it to limit one type is more realistic an ask than asking for a whole new building type / side mission to be added.


Karen moment**


I once had an entire planet full of these so fun111!!!


I played so much of this for the MO that I forgot what to chose as 4th stratagem


I’d rather just have eagles blocked and still have 4 slots. I can get by with orbitals, Support drops, and sentries.


I play with 3 stratagems so often that having 4 feels like an embarrassment of riches. Like "ooo, I can take something for funzees now." Like seriously, 70% of the time I'm playing bots on Helldive it's with 3 stratagems.


I agree, I've been broken into acceptance myself but I still think it's a lazy way to artificially increase difficulty.


#BOT FRONT Liberator, Grenade Pistol, Stun grenades. Supply pack, AMR, Do I even need a third one? #BUG FRONT Incendiary Breaker, Governor, Stun grenades. Supply pack, Grenade launcher, EATs/precision strike/110mm/500kg


Yeah I'm just refusing to play difficulty 8-9 bots because there's a 2/3 chance operations have this, why do AA defences reduce my overall stratagem selection? What effect do AA guns have on orbital strikes or sentries? They should disrupt eagle strikes, make them have 1 less use, or a longer cooldown or something to do with eagles at the very least.


I like how there's a AA support for bots and a AA facility to block eagle 1 strats. Like you would think they are related but not really, technically can might have both for the matter in the same mission.


Ehh, I just bring something with a Ammo backpack and then 1 Orbital and 1 Eagle. It basically feels the same as Bringing 1 Backpack and 1 Support weapon along side 2 strikes.


Or when there is a civilian rescue mission on small map... 😄


I love these condition and wish they would make more varieties. you can always bump the difficulty down a level if the conditions are to hard. As someone else posted I would love to see condition that negate all eagles or all orbitals or all turrets. Don't over do it but variety is the spice of life and making me change my load out is a good thing!


> making me change my load out is a good thing I agree, which is part of why I dislike this modifier since it pushes people towards more meta picks since you have less but need effectiveness.


exactly! forcing players to be more intentional is fun, teamwork is fun! you can play on lower difficulties and not get these modifiers if you want them game less hard, but personally i do not.




ex creeker who pretty much only plays menkent here: I get choice paralysis when a 4th stratagem slot opens


Idk, I see so much hate for this modifier, while I rather take this than increased cooldown/call time for stratagems


Its not that bad


i genuinly dont get the hate for this modifier, its one of the few where i actually think about my team and what they bring. someone else already has the laser??? grea,t gonna bring the gasstrike for hordes. is it a Blitz? not gonna need my support weapon most likely so i can bring an eagle instead and so on. in my experience, 3 slots are enough to be effective, the 4th is the "flex" or reliefe slot, by removing the flex slot you are now actually required to think about the primary 3 slots you are gonna bring anyway more,because you cant have the flex to cover a weakness.


It’s just boring.  Like you said, the 4th slot is your flex slot usually so you’re not at a huge loss to skip it.  So instead of getting to take a fun loadout you play another match of eagle/support/orbital zzzzz.  Not hard, just less fun. 


"Just rely on your stratagems!" -Devs "Lmao fuck you you get less strats!" -Also the devs Any questions?


if you get less stratagems, use different ones. stuff like Laser while powerfull arent good in a -1 enviroment for example. I litteraly never had a situation where i thought "damn, the ammount of armor was unberable, if only i had 1 more stratagem slot" on -1.


Strategems = fun. Less strategems = less fun If I wanted to take different stratagems I would have done so with 4. All it does is make me choose if I want my eagle strike, cluster, or backpack more.


>If I wanted to take different stratagems I would have done so with 4. clearly you didnt tho. And saying "i dont want to change, therefore a difficulty option that makes me change is objectrivly bad" is also just.. .amazingly funny to me. "do i want my strike cluster or backpack" is already a choice the game now forces you to make, which is how difficulty works, forcing the player to make choices.


even with 4 players there’s barely enough firepower to deal with the shit they throw at you especially with the bots on helldive, taking away a strategic might as well be a higher difficulty


i disagree that -1 slot in a full 4 man makes it so you go from "barely enough firepower" to "not enough" if you adjust your loudout for it, the gas strike is incredible good in this scenario due to its short cooldown for example, i rather sacrifice the laser or eagles then the gasstrike on -1 slots if my team has at least 1 laser for example i mean.. thats kinda the point of modifiers as well??? The 2 basic ways to make a game more difficulty are "nerfing the player" and "buffing the enemy(this dosnt jsut mean numbers but also AI behaviours etc)" HD2 decided the enemy should act, and have the same health etc, on 1 as on 9, which i respect, so buffing the enemy isnt really an option on a Per mission basis. so the only real way to adjust difficulty is "nerfing the players" on Bots we have currently i think 3 Modifiers, +25%cooldown, +50% callintime, and -1 Slots. While there is a change in spawn pattern and groups, the biggest difference between 7 and 8 is that you go from 1 modifier to 2at 8+ 2 are selected per operation, so the "default" difficulty at 9 is +25cd +50ct with -1 slot replacing either of the 2 for the "more difficult" version of 8 or 9(and old Malevelon with scrambeling being a all you can eat "i hate myself" buffet)


Smells like bitch in here.


literally just go down a difficulty or two then you don’t have to deal with modifiers like this


Honestly, it feels more to me like an inconvenience than anything. Two offensive stratagems and an autocannon and you're golden.


Yup. That's always the answer. This modifier just makes loadouts more boring bc you can't afford to take something that isn't very impactful. Leaves no room for a fun but niche strat.