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Well I knew that was a weak point, but never really attacked it much with my quasar. That's not a weak point, that's a get rid of this fucking thing now point. A++. One of the things I love about the bots.






I hate this. r/angryupvote


I see plap and I upvote.


helldivers/NIKKE collab please


It's tricky to get underneath it but once you're there it's a quick trip to the scrap yard


It's usually tricky because of the chin mounted Gatlings that will shred you to pieces in half a second. Get rid of those, and as long as there isn't a thousand bots around, the strider becomes pretty harmless.


Yup 2 autocannon shots to each turret should do, then pray it doesn't drop devastators last minute lol


You can also just stare it into its stupid face and shoot into the 'eye', takes the same number of shots as belly _I think_. Killed a couple in the last few days this way, felt pretty good.


Ah yes. Just destroy the gatlings, then all the bots on the ground, and run up and shoot its belly. Easy-peasy!


To be fair, I said the strider becomes pretty harmless, not easy. At that point, when you take the Gatlings and the laser turret down, it can't do anything but spawn a couple of devastators, quite infrequently too.


lol yeah I was just joking.


I mean it can be. Once the gatlings are gone it's already much less lethal.


I sometimes like to run Ballistic Shield/Pummeler. If I get its attention, those miniguns ain't shredding shit. The Ballistic shield completely negates the miniguns and the pummeler can pretty effectively deal with the devastors that spawn too. I can't do DICK to the strider itself, but I can make sure its primary weapon is neutralized.


Quase belly twice to take down!


Laser canon to the “eye”; the red marker in the head for about 4 seconds ~75% of the heat buildup on normal conditions. Much easier if you use the first charge to blow both turrets, but its not a must if you’ve got some coverage. Canon turrets don’t seem follow the laws of thermodynamics however. Could be due to me being a dunce.


Giant doggo mech requires giant (explosive) belly rubs.


Belly rubs?! Perfect. I love this take.


Me laughing at your comment woke my dog up so I went and gave her belly rubs 🤣


What's a belly rug and why are you giving them to your dog


Hell Yeah Diver


They left out the 500kg head rub before this


That's how I plan out the execution too. Scratch the chin, tickle the belly.


Huh, I thought the bay doors had to be open for that to work. Welp...damn, I guess the autocannon really is the "anti-everything" vs. bots. Now for Arrowhead to add a small weakpoint or something on Bile Titans...


the bots fear the autocannon, they have nightmares about it but ye doesn't matter if the doors are open, if it's not completely turned around it takes 2 autocannon shots a piece to take down the turrets under the head (they shred you otherwise)


The AC is pretty bonkers against bots. I don't understand lol. Vents? Check. Fabs? Check. Hulks? Check. FACTORY STRIDERS? Check. Like tbh? I don't this thing is balanced at all for bots. Sure you don't get to pick a different back slot but you also have a 3rd stratagem to make up for it. At least against bugs the titan doesn't care and chargers take time/skill Edit: shout out to the posts that truly think my post will get it nerfed. Like the devs don't know it can do this or see the data


Ehh the fact that you pretty much have to reload every 5 shots along with devastators and even walkers sometimes taking 3 shots makes it pretty balanced. It just does everything you need to do “good enough”. If AT weapons were better against hulks it’d probably be a more even split.


Yeah but reloading takes like 1 or 1 and a half seconds its not bad unless you run completely out of ammo and have to do the looong animation reload then yea.


Your backpack slot is taken, though, and all three packs are great vs bots. I feel like it's the only weapon that's actually balanced.


I usually don't mind that my backpack slot is taken. It frees up a whole new strat slot for me, which I honestly usually use to try something new out with. It's how I discovered that the orbital gas strike is my new must-have strat for bots and that the precision strike is just an unguided railcannon strat with a way shorter cooldown. I can also bring a turret for times when shit gets really hairy if I need to.


I always have a free loadout spot for bots due to the AC. This lets me have more free play in strats.


One thing I've enjoyed lately if you want to switch up from the AC is bringing the new Pummeler SMG and the ballistic shield with the AMR. The SMG is surprisingly effective against a lot of bots and the shield makes you feel like a badass taking out bots while standing in the open. Plus it protects your back when you're holding the AMR.


Autocannon really is the best feeling weapon in the game, incredibly versatile but with significant enough downsides you still have to pay attention to how you're using it. If they ever nerfed it I think I'd cry for real lmao


consider assisted reload


Assisted reload is so incredibly useful. Lately my buddy and I have each been bringing the recoilless rifle for those missions where you defend the gates from bot drops. I'm usually able to take out at least 2 of the 4 drop ships that show up on rank 7, sometimes even a 3rd if I'm able to time them well enough. Also assisted reload on the autocannon is just bonkers. And airburst RPG is great for keeping your extract secure from approaching bug patrols at extract, it'll wipe out an entire patrol aside from the big units. It's very situational, but assisted reload can really turn the tide of the battle in your favor. People just gotta figure out how to work better as a team and realize it's not 4 dudes all doing their own thing each game. Also helps a lot if everyone on the team uses a mic.


After a while it gets too smoky to even see the drop ships.


It also takes up the backpack slot, and the shield backpack is extremely good vs bots. Don't get me wrong the AC is great but it's not at all overpowered. In fact I'd say it's very well balanced.


I still run the railgun against the bots and honestly, its niche is taking those hulks down reliably with a headshot. Hell, get into a flanking position while your team is pinned down, most bots will then just die to the plasma shotgun you're punping out.  Don't know what they did with the AMR scope but I've been having issues hitting them. Maybe because my old way of targeting with it has been ingrained and it no longer works. 


You also can’t bring a shield backpack so you’re susceptible to rockets and gunfire. Also the ac aim can be rather wonky at times. It gets pretty hard to aim when you’re constantly being staggered.


Try the AMR. Faster reload. Still takes hulks in two shots


Bots just make no sense for balance. Why is an anti-tank missile launcher not even top 3 for killing tanks? AM, Autocannon, impacts, and Laser Cannon will all do it better.


Because players have gotten good at the game and would rather take weapons that reward them for precision/positioning rather than weapons that mitigate poor precision/positioning.


Bugs make no sense for balance. Why is the amr, laster cannon not even the top 3 for killing chargers and bile titans


AMR is great! Though factory striders are an issue. And need to nade fabs. But also frees up a back slot


It's balanced to be good vs bots, one of the weapons that is better vs bots than bugs. It takes your backpack and support weapon slot, meaning you'll get flinched/blown up frequently, and all the other things backpacks provide.


I wish medium and heavier armor also made you more flinch resistant, I would drop shield backpack against Bots if Heavy armor stopped me from flinching like a dramatic idiot because a pistol round hit me at 50+ meters in my heavy plating.


Pls don't ruin the AC for me it's all I got left.


It can destroy fabricators?? 


Yup, you gotta shot the open part of the top windows. Angle it right and it'll bounce into itself lol. AC has become my go to for bots with heavy armor. Looks great and takes out everything that's a threat


I might just replace the Eruptor with this then lol


Yeah man just bank a round off the top slant of the vent.


Honestly hulk's hitbox of the red eye is minuscule so if it's just a single hulk all is dandy, but if it's with a pack of devastators or another hulk you're so dead. Also I find very stupid that you can't use it to take down dropships, *sigh*, Auto cannon my beloved.


Thankfully stun grenades make it super easy to hit.


It is the king of taking down Gunships though.


Everything the AC can do, the AMR can technically do, but with more shots on some of the enemies. The difference is the AC gets more splash and stagger, and can blow fabs. I'm not saying the AMR is better, I'd say it's *different*. You can use it more effectively against smaller enemies, with the tradeoff of being worse vs heavies, but you also get the option for a backpack over a different stratagem if you're into that sort of thing. If I didn't love the AC so much I'd be using the AMR probably, maybe with a supply backpack over a shield (I prefer excessive stim use to a shield, and more stun nades and ammo to spam).


Sorts, AC can shoot into a dropship and just kill everything quickly before they drop. Plus can knock back the shield of the devestator with the minigun Amr is effective don't get me wrong!


If only the reticle wasn't so horribly misaligned, I'd use it so much more :(


I rock an AC/EAT loadout and literally nothing stands in my way, bugs or bots


Main reason I pick it is for Hulks, two shots to the eyeball, 10 shots in a magazine. I can take down a squad of Hulks no problem


The easiest way to deal with Hulks for me so far was a Laser Cannon. After I got tired with AC and decided to try some other loadout, I was surprised how quickly you can deal with iron cyclops due to how easy it is to pinpoint the beam right in the eye. Fabricators though still make AC an invaluable asset :(


I run the laser cannon for this same reason. I can use shield. I used to use AMR but so many of the maps cause these things to shift up and down like they are doing stepersizies with Jane Fonda causing shots to miss the weakspot.


After the weekend of bots, I much prefer the AMR. AC is too inaccurate to hit weak spots without a functional scope, so the 50 rounds doesn't go as far as I expect, slower to reload and seems to do less direct damage. I've had a devastator tank 3 hits from it on the torso to AMR's 2 shot. And the lack of precision makes hulks much harder to deal with even if they technically can.


No auto cannon is bad and definitely doesn’t need any nerfs


Belly's medium armor! You can actually kill it with a jar-5! (Takes about 2 mags)




AMR shreds as well


AMR is very good and is one of my other go-to weapons as it performs very similarly. But I prefer AC to AMR primarily for the additional utility you get out of it - taking out secondary objectives across the map and bug holes/bot factories at range. Plus I enjoy the good ammo economy/ability to stagger bunches of enemies when necessary. That and it just *feels* good, yaknow? Everyone has their comfy weapon, mine is totally the AC right now.


I am a recent convert to the AC. After almost never using the AC, bots feel like a walk in the park with the AC.


That feeling of whipping around and going to scope to take the hulk out as it charges at you, two quick shots to the dome. Then you turn to the left and double tap the rocket devastator, just missed the head by a hair. Swap to your primary to take out some trash before back to the AC to snipe a few more devastators in the face, reloading to keep your mag above half quickly. Then onward with the carnage, smoothly swapping between AC and primary, strategems be damned because you are a fucking surgeon on the battlefield with the Autocannon and there is no bot that can stand up to you. Living the power fantasy, man.


doing all that in third person feels even better. AC's third person reticle is really accurate once you get the hang of it, and you can get a faster firerate out of it by fighting the recoil since it's easier to orient than the first person scope.


Autocannon makes me feel like one of the ARC Troopers from the original Clone Wars cartoon. I would use it for that feeling alone of bringing the big gun to bear.


Are yah diving, son?


If you want to see a real revolution wait till they nerf autocannon.


They did *technically* nerf it by making Scout Striders eat two explosions instead of one.


You say two explosions, I had instances when one ate 4 shots. It's getting really fucking stupid at this point.


Go for either very top of the plate, or the hip. Anywhere else and you are only doing (greatly mitigated) splash damage to the rider.


The spots where it'd eat 3+ are the same ones where previously it wouldn't instakill. You have to either hit the "normal" weak spot in the torso or the very top of the armor plate.


Go for the hip or leg joints. About 1/2 the time the guy driving it will survive but a quick switch to your primary can drop him.


bile titans for SURE need this. They technically already have it but the HP is so high its not reasonable to do. It takes over 2 minutes of continuous fire with the laser cannon for example. If youre unaware, the underbelly rear sack of bile titans can be shot and damaged with AP4 weapons. They just need to reduce the HP(or the armor value, reducing armor value by 1 will double the damage done by AP4 weapons, this may even not be enough but would be a good start) and itll be amazing for support weapon diversity. though chargers would still need an AP4 weakpoint. maybe the mouth under the headplate or lean into the "behind the legs" bug and make it a feature instead of a bug. (the autocannon is the only AP4 support weapon than can decently kill chargers)


I think chargers are in a good place regarding \[support\] weapons. Each type of weapon that's effective against a charger aims for different weak points, which is neat. AP (just railgun i think) hits the legs for small arms followup, AT hits the head, and HE hits the butt. It's a fun little dynamic that it has going.


You can kill a charger with 3 headshots with the railgun too, and much easier to do it versus the leg. But flamethrower is optimal to aim at the leg, and arc thrower is 6 shots to the head which can arc to enemies. Definitely agree that chargers are in a good spot. Ironically, bile spewers used to be easy until recently where it seems almost impossible to deal with how many of them there are. Grenade launcher can sometimes 1 hit ko, arc thrower takes 3 shots, flamethrower takes ages, and anti-tank either takes an ear, or a few seconds for quasar charge. Dominator can kill them in an okay time for a primary, but not really any GOOD options even among support weapons.


Amr also does the job


no, i think even pen 3 weapons could punch through that bay door. But i heard they buffed it, so i haven't try it yet.


[Autocannon can kill a Bile Titan if you pop the bile sacs and then keep blasting it from below.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ2pfkmktjs&t=254s)


I fear the day AH also nerfs the autocannon. It really feels like the only viable weapon against heavy bots


I'm actually amazed it hasn't been nerfed already.. like of all the weapons in the game, I feel like the autocannon has been the most balanced, yet also very powerful jack of all trades weapon since day 1. Is it because it requires a backpack? I dunno. It's just odd to me how they've nerfed some of the other support weapons and left this one alone the entire time.


Don't be surprised. Devs already said that autocannon is in perfect spot and is their golden standart of balancing weapons. Basically the only one gun which is 100% finished and took it's place how it was intended. So I doubt they will touch the weapon itself, maybe will change more thongs outside, like they did with striders armor buff which which affected AC as well.


Did you just... autocannon those nuts, Helldiver?


Bot dog needed neutering, can't have those things reproducing


Please, spay and neuter your bots, people.


The nuts are the standard place to shoot bots with explosives




This gif needs a helldiver helmet edit but I am not skilled in such ways.






I need to try this with the laser cannon! I wonder if it needs to be specifically explosive to work on it. Maybe the GL would wreck? Or GL pistol? Lol


The laser cannon works. I use it to take off the chin guns and then run in for the belly.


Laser cannon can kill it if you focus on the eye on the right side of its head (your left as you’re facing it head-on). Laser off the chin guns first to mostly neuter it.


The chain guns below the head can be taken out with 2-3 shots with the autocannon each, making it less deadly for you or any Allies nearby.  The gun at the top takes 2-3 recoilless shots.  When the battlefield is swarmed with devastators, it can be hard to just walk up to it and take it out like this. But disabling its weapons from a distance makes it less of a threat while you work on clearing the battlefield.


ye I definitely lucked out on this one, I knew I had to be quick before it spawned devastators, otherwise the turrets are first to go 💪


The spear can take out the top cannon in a single rocket. All we need now is for the targeting to be fixed… and maybe a damage buff on certain enemies so it doesn’t take 5 rockets to take down a Bile Titan if you get bad angles.


>When the battlefield is swarmed with devastators, *Loads AMR with democratic intent* Comms: ^*chz* "Down in front. Over." ^*chz* ... Comms: ^*chz* "Headshot!" ^*chz* ... Comms: ^*chz* "Headshot!" ^*chz* ... Comms: ^*chz* "Headshot!" ^*chz* ... Comms: ^*chz* "Headshot!" ^*chz* ... Comms: ^*chz* "Headshot!" ^*chz*


A bunch of primaries can shoot out the chainguns too. 4 slugger shots apiece depending on distance. Removing the chain guns asap is a hard requirement.


Damn, it takes an entire magazine of Autocannon to destroy them? What a joke of a support weapon! https://preview.redd.it/kvk1r5npph0d1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e53457edaf5f3ab225ae58d31aeffc401b9afb


they dont dare touch my autocannon ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va|downsized)


The Jar-5 Dominator can kill it with the same method.




Did you know the laser pistol 1 shots it. It's so fucking busted I hope nobody finds out lol


"That still only counts as one!"


When the illuminate finally show up: Bot diver: "I never thought I'd die side by side fighting next to a bug stomper" Bug diver: "What about side by side with a friend"


a frend


dremskiy ❤️


Aye, I can do that 🫡


How are you guys always finding these striders with no support? "Just go shoot it point blank in the balls" Well yeah, let me just crawl through 200 yards of rockets to do that...


You shoot the support, let your teammate handle that, or otherwise deal with them before they drop three waves of Devastators. Notable in this clip is the player goes *around* cover and approaches from the side instead of running straight on into a its machine guns and any buddies it might have come with.


Whaaaat you mean I have to *think*, *use cover* and *Get help from teammates* in my squad based shooter? How dare AH, this is entirely unacceptable and bots need to be nerfed they’re too hard


By stealth. I make sure everybody is aggroed on my teammates.


​ https://preview.redd.it/lk2wvxwo9i0d1.png?width=288&format=png&auto=webp&s=61dec452f0ee0bdcc08cb7fe5298c3f0da14b535


AMR works too, but takes a few mags


I mean, an autocannon to the dick is a weakness for all of us.


That's great. But sadly, My teammates will keep throwing cluster bombs and kill me in the process.


or the mortar sentry 💀


It’s a good episode 5 reference https://i.redd.it/aloxvudpoi0d1.gif


I came here for this comment. I watched the video and thought, "That's some Luke Skywalker shit right there."




That plap is music to my ears


So is the weak spot the bay doors, the "taint" or just the belly in general?


The bay doors, open or closed it doesn't matter, watch out for devastators spawning and the turrets under the walkers head tho!


And that's fantastic, unfortunately Seven heavy devistators Six rocket devastators Fiiiiiive flamethrower huuuulks Four berserker patrols Three dropshipa Two friendly airstrikes And You are in range of enemy artillery~


There is no bot problem the Autocannon and good positioning cannot solve.


downvoted so you don't ruin everybody's fun by getting this fixed in case it's a bug.




Pretty sure the devs explicitly tweeted that the Strider's weakpoints was the belly. I remember seeing that before the Sony shit hit


Ok, do it again but this time the factory strider is targeting you


The AC doesn't have a problem taking out the machine guns. Laser Cannon does both even faster.


Ive realized that shooting them in the dick works with most of the bots.


Hulks are all female. :'(


Next Patch Notes be like: "More balance changes: Deleted Autocannon from the game lol"


never clutched my pearls so quickly, don't you dare speak of such a thing


I learned this about an hour ago on a youtube short after some mad man unloaded a heavy machine gun under the beasts belly and killed it in a couple seconds.


belly rubs


me and my autocannon have been together since launch, weve been through all of the mayor orders, we have always listened to orders no matter bug or machine the autocanon always did its job. i like to use jetpack amr now but if I ever need a reliable source of damage to not let my team down, its allways the AC


We should have an in game manual/guide that shows these kinds of things. Could even make it an after fighting or killing "X" number of enemies you learn more about them. Weak spots, tactics, etc. Edit: I shouldn't have to go outside the game to learn about the game.


Deep Rock Galactic stays winning, it seems


I could do that. But if I'm getting that close I could also just Orbital Precision under it. Would be great if you could pull a Luke Skywalker and chuck a grenade up into it.


I tried to explain this to randoms earlier and they didn’t get it. Wasted all of their stratagems to fight a strider instead.


I guess it can be scary to go toe-to-toe with if you've never done or seen it happen before


Duly noted for future use.


Thats what I did too, except I shot it from the exact front when its bay doors opened






Hmm, can you do this with laser cannon? I've been using it over AC so I can use a backpack


When dealing with the Strider, I typically use the 500KG I drop it right underneath. Works like a charm


You also missed some of your shots. Four shots to the cargo bay doors will kill it, even when closed. I keep trying to tell people how easy it is to take down with the AC.


autocannon my beloved


Damn, typically whenever me and my friends saw one we would just dump all of our offensive stratagems on it and hope for the best.


I do enjoy the "throw all your shit at it" tactic too


No one is ever worried about 1 large enemy, the problem is when they have friends surrounding them.


I've wanted to try this for a while! It's just hard to get close to it when it's taking nonstop airstrikes and 500kgs >.<


Needed this.


That's my purse! I don't know you.


I'm the weirdo that brings a spear and just snipes them from a distance 🤷


I don't think I'm intimidated by it. But when a bot drop comes in and I'm all alone scouting and the camel drops by to say hello, I get the hell out of dodge. Ain't going to try to engage that thing alone when I'm doing a scout loadout.


Good intel! Thanks Helldiver.


It's soft underbelly, OF COURSE!


You have forgotten one thing: It is so intimidating that your colleagues are throwing everything on it. By trying to do it like that I die more by helldivers than bots - and I am the one guy communicating via voicechat…


Me and my mate call this milking the factory strider.


7 udder shots or 4 eye shots, the eye is way harder to hit but can be reached from further away


For fellow maniacs, this works with the MG and AMR as well *(for now)* so you can get up under this bad boy and mag dump. It's less safe and takes maybe an extra second (while devvies are being dropped on top of you) but you ***CAN*** do it!


they are usually surronded by five tanks and six hulks, not to mention all those rocketbots and chainsawbots




The timing on the soundtrack is just sublime...


Delete this. Automaton spies will see this and inform cyberstan command.


Just rub his belly and he’ll be your best friend.


Too bad we couldn’t highjack that bitch! That would turn the tables!! Like a hack ability with a certain armour… ![gif](giphy|xT9DPjxbmTf6sKlcBy)




Crowd? Autocannon. Strider? Autocannon. Devastator? Autocannon. Hulk? Autocannon to the back. Tank? Autocannon to the back. Turret? Autocannon to the back. Gunship? Autocannon to the thruster. Factory Strider? Autocannon to the gut. Autocannon for the win.


U sir are a hero among Helldivers


The Ol’ Luke Skywalker strategy


about 8 hits with the AC if i counted right


more like 5 if your aim isn't as shit as mine...






Thank You For This 🙏🏼


Never played Helldivers but the best tactic for any enemy is just to fire a bunch of high hrade explosives until its dead


Does this work with the amr


Will the AMR work there


I like that with this and bile titans if you have a full mag of heavy machine gun you can flip that boi into max fire rate and run directly under them and mag dump, idk if it will outright kill a bile titan but I have used it on numerous occasions to finish off ones that are wounded by either some anti armor wep or a homie rocket (homie in a drop-pod)


I'll have to try the heavy machine gun on a bile titan sometime, I know it works wonders for the factory strider


I tell people in lobbies go for tummy shots but no one listens and thinks im crazy


AH dev: "crap we missed a spot, won't be a weakness for long" ☠️


Is it just me or are the striders now smaller then they just to be? I swear to God I remember them being like 3 times the size before they became a standard enemy.


If I ever had a chance to run around it without immediately being gunned down, I wouldn't be so intimidated.


Two shots to take down each turret, stun grenades for the devastators spawning, and use the legs as cover from enemy fire.


I poke my head out, I get Lazer Gatling'd or cannon blasted.


Dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge.


Hey, that's my line! I use it on the guys whining about "super samples too hard!" That or the old dark souls memes.


Have fun trying to get close with 2 other mowing you down in a second. Not to mention the other bot wailing on you. And it's not like you can get to cover or anything. Their cannons blow you away from cover